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. PICCOLI PIACERI QUOTIDIANI . Quando si consuma un dessert, un gelato, una fetta di torta, una bevanda calda o una bevanda ghiacciata non si pensa mai quanto ciascuna di queste specialità, racchiuda un mondo in sé… I PICCOLI PIACERI QUOTIDIANI fanno parte da sempre della storia di BABBI e abbracciano oggi tutti i settori che parlano di cibo e bevande. Questo strumento professionale è un nuovo regalo che BABBI desidera offrire ai propri clienti e al mercato così da stimolare nuove opportunità di business attraverso la produzione di specialità facili e veloci da realizzare. Coltivare lo stupore della novità è l’unico stato d’animo che ci rende sempre vivi e capaci di innovare ed innovarci! APRI LA MENTE e vai alla scoperta di qualcosa di nuovo… . DAILY LITTLE PLEASURES . When eating a dessert, a gelato, a piece of cake, or drinking a warm or cold beverage, one never thinks about how much each of these specialties encloses a world in itself... Daily Little Pleasures have always been part of BABBI’s histor y and currently cover all the sectors that talk about food & beverage. This professional tool is a new gift that BABBI wishes to offer its customers and the market so as to stimulate new business opportunities by producing quick and easy-to-make specialties. Fostering the wonder of novelty is the only state of mind that always makes us feel alive and able to innovate and be innovative! OPEN YOUR MIND and explore something new... www.babbi.it #ilovebabbi
.7. Indice/Index BEVANDE GOURMET FREDDE / COLD GOURMET DRINKS················ 5 Bevande Gourmet Fredde BEVANDE GOURMET CALDE / HOT GOURMET DRINKS ················ 25 Bevande Gourmet Fredde Cold Gourmet Drinks .5. . 25 .
.9. Fresh Coffee Shake PROCEDIMENTO PROCEDURE GHIACCIO ICE CUBES liquore 01 ALL’ANICE ANISE LIQUEUR Dosare Bevande Gourmet Fredde Dose 02 Mixare nel frullatore a campana o ad immersione fino a totale frantumazione del ghiaccio. In alternativa usare lo shaker manuale agitando vigorosamente per 10 secondi. Mix in the blender or with the hand blender until the ice is totally crushed. Alternatively shake vigorously for 10 seconds with the cocktail shaker. 03 Preparare il bicchiere decorando il fondo con il Topping Cioccolato Babbi e versare sopra la bevanda preparata. Decorare con una spolverata di Cacao Special 10%/12% Babbi, chicchi di caffè e anice stellato. Prepare the glass decorating the bottom with Topping Cioccolato Babbi. Pour the INGREDIENTI / INGREDIENTS drink and then decorate with Cacao Special 10%/12% Babbi, a grain of coffee and the star anise. Latte / Milk ··································································100 g LatteLatte Cappuccino Babbi cod.14309 ····························25 g Cubetti di ghiaccio / Ice cubes ···········································n.3 Liquore secco all’anice / Dry anise liqueur ·························20 g CONSERVAZIONE PROVALO ANCHE CON STORAGE TRY IT ALSO WITH DECORAZIONI / DECORATIONS Cacao Special 10%/12% Babbi cod. 20684 ·······················q.b Conservare in frigorifero Topping Caffè Babbi 13203 Topping Cioccolato Babbi cod.13204 ··································q.b per massimo 3 giorni. Topping Gianduia Babbi 13243 Keep in fridge for maximum 3 days.
. 11 . Coffee Shake Hazelnut PROCEDIMENTO PROCEDURE GHIACCIO ICE CUBES 01 Dosare Bevande Gourmet Fredde Dose 02 Mixare nel frullatore a campana o ad immersione fino a totale frantumazione del ghiaccio. In alternativa usare lo shaker manuale agitando vigorosamente per 10 secondi. Mix in the blender or with the hand blender until the ice is totally crushed. Alternatively shake vigorously for 10 seconds with the cocktail shaker. 03 Preparare il bicchiere decorando il bordo con la Copertura Gigante al Latte Babbi e la Granella Fine di Nocciola IGP Babbi, quindi versare la bevanda. Prepare the glass decorating the top of the glass with Copertura INGREDIENTI / INGREDIENTS Gigante al Latte Babbi and Granella Fine di Nocciola IGP Babbi and pour the drink. Latte / Milk ·································································· -100g LatteLatte Cappuccino Babbi cod. 14309 ····························25g Cubetti di ghiaccio / Ice cubes ··········································n. 3 CONSERVAZIONE PROVALO ANCHE CON DECORAZIONI / DECORATIONS STORAGE TRY IT ALSO WITH Copertura Gigante al Latte Babbi cod. 12425 ······················q.b. Granella Fine di Nocciola IGP Babbi cod. 13002 ·················q.b. Conservare in frigorifero Granella Fine di Pistacchio Babbi cod. 13015 per massimo 3 giorni. Granella di Biscotto Croccante Babbi cod. 13018 Keep in fridge Cocco Rapè Puro Babbi cod. 13010 for maximum 3 days.
. 13 . Fresh Chocolate Shake PROCEDIMENTO PROCEDURE GHIACCIO ICE CUBES 01 Dosare Cointreau Bevande Gourmet Fredde Dose 02 Mixare nel frullatore a campana o ad immersione fino a totale frantumazione del ghiaccio. In alternativa usare lo shaker manuale agitando vigorosamente per 10 secondi. Mix in the blender or with the hand blender until the ice is totally crushed. Alternatively shake vigorously for 10 seconds with the cocktail shaker. 03 Preparare il bicchiere decorando il fondo con il Variegato Arancia con Scorzette Babbi e Pralinato Mix di Macadamia Babbi, quindi versare la bevanda e decorare con una fetta d’arancia. Prepare the glass decorating the bottom with Variegato Arancia con INGREDIENTI / INGREDIENTS Scorzette Babbi and Pralinato Mix di Macadamia Babbi, pour the drink and then decorate with the orange slice. Latte / Milk ···································································100g LatteLatte Cioccolato Babbi cod. 11487 ······························25g Cubetti di ghiaccio / Ice cubes ··········································n. 3 Cointreau ········································································20g CONSERVAZIONE PROVALO ANCHE CON STORAGE TRY IT ALSO WITH DECORAZIONI / DECORATIONS Pralinato Mix di Macadamia Babbi cod. 13007 ···················q.b. Conservare in frigorifero Variegato Pesca Arancio Babbi cod. 12625 Variegato Arancia con Scorzette Babbi cod. 12371 ··············q.b. per massimo 3 giorni. Topping Mango Babbi cod. 13248 Fetta d’arancia / Orange slice ···········································n. 1 Keep in fridge for maximum 3 days.
. 15 . "Spicy Chocolate PROCEDIMENTO PROCEDURE GHIACCIO ICE CUBES 01 Dosare Bevande Gourmet Fredde Dose peperoncino in polvere CHILI POWDER 02 Mixare nel frullatore a campana o ad immersione fino a totale frantumazione del ghiaccio. In alternativa usare lo shaker manuale agitando vigorosamente per 10 secondi. Mix in the blender or with the hand blender until the ice is totally crushed. Alternatively shake vigorously for 10 seconds with the cocktail shaker. 03 Preparare il bicchiere decorandolo con il Topping Cioccolato Babbi, quindi versare la bevanda e decorare con il peperoncino rosso intero. Prepare the glass decorating it with Topping Cioccolato Babbi, INGREDIENTI / INGREDIENTS pour the drink and then decorate with the red chilli pepper. Latte / Milk ···································································100g LatteLatte Cioccolato Babbi cod. 11487 ······························25g Cubetti di ghiaccio / Ice cubes ··········································n. 3 Peperoncino in polvere / Chili powder ································q.b. CONSERVAZIONE PROVALO ANCHE CON STORAGE TRY IT ALSO WITH DECORAZIONI / DECORATIONS Peperoncino rosso intero / Red chili pepper ·························n. 1 Conservare in frigorifero Topping Gianduia Babbi cod. 13243 Topping Cioccolato Babbi cod. 13204 ································q.b. per massimo 3 giorni. Keep in fridge for maximum 3 days.
. 17 . Caribbean Vanilla PROCEDIMENTO PROCEDURE GHIACCIO ICE CUBES 01 Dosare rhum Bevande Gourmet Fredde Dose 02 Frullare nel frullatore a campana o ad immersione fino a totale frantumazione del ghiaccio. In alternativa usare lo shaker manuale agitando vigorosamente per 10 secondi. Mix in the blender or with the hand blender until the ice is totally crushed. Alternatively shake vigorously for 10 seconds with the cocktail shaker. 03 Preparare il bicchiere decorando il fondo con il Topping Mango Babbi, quindi versare la bevanda e decorare con il baccello di vaniglia e una fetta di mango. Prepare the glass decorating the bottom with Topping Mango INGREDIENTI / INGREDIENTS Babbi, pour the drink and then decorate with the vanilla stick and a mango slice. Latte / Milk ···································································100g LatteLatte Vaniglia Babbi cod. 11485 ··································25g Cubetti di ghiaccio / Ice cubes ··········································n. 3 Rhum ··············································································20g CONSERVAZIONE PROVALO ANCHE CON STORAGE TRY IT ALSO WITH DECORAZIONI / DECORATIONS Topping Mango Babbi cod. 13248 ·····································q.b. Conservare in frigorifero Variegato Mango Babbi cod. 12635 Baccello di vaniglia / Vanilla stick ······································n. 1 per massimo 3 giorni. Variegato Maracuja Babbi cod. 12664 Keep in fridge for maximum 3 days.
. 19 . "Spicy Vanilla PROCEDIMENTO PROCEDURE GHIACCIO ICE CUBES pepe 01 PEPPER Dosare Bevande Gourmet Fredde Dose 02 Mixare nel frullatore a campana o ad immersione fino a totale frantumazione del ghiaccio. In alternativa usare lo shaker manuale agitando vigorosamente per 10 secondi. Mix in the blender or with the hand blender until the ice is totally crushed. Alternatively shake vigorously for 10 seconds with the cocktail shaker. 03 Versare la bevanda e decorare con la scorza di limone e pepe in grani. Pour the drink and then decorate it with lemon peel and pepper grains. INGREDIENTI / INGREDIENTS Latte / Milk ···································································100g LatteLatte Vaniglia Babbi cod. 11485 ··································25g Cubetti di ghiaccio / Ice cubes ··········································n. 3 Pepe / Pepper ·································································q.b. CONSERVAZIONE PROVALO ANCHE CON STORAGE TRY IT ALSO WITH DECORAZIONI / DECORATIONS Scorza di limone / Lemon rind ···········································n. 1 Conservare in frigorifero Variegato Pesca Arancio cod. 12625 per massimo 3 giorni. Topping Mango cod. 13248 Keep in fridge for maximum 3 days.
. 21 . Irish Caramel PROCEDIMENTO PROCEDURE GHIACCIO ICE CUBES 01 Whisky Torbato Dosare SMOKY WHISKY Bevande Gourmet Fredde Dose 02 Mixare nel frullatore a campana o ad immersione fino a totale frantumazione del ghiaccio. In alternativa usare lo shaker manuale agitando vigorosamente per 10 secondi. Mix in the blender or with the hand blender until the ice is totally crushed. Alternatively shake vigorously for 10 seconds with the cocktail shaker. 03 Preparare il bicchiere decorando il fondo con il Topping Mou Babbi e il Pralinato di Arachidi Babbi, quindi versare la bevanda e decorare con scaglie di cioccolato. Prepare the glass decorating the bottom with Topping Mou Babbi and INGREDIENTI / INGREDIENTS Pralinato di Arachidi Babbi, then pour the drink and decorate with chopped chocolate. Latte / Milk ···································································100g LatteLatte Salted Caramel Babbi cod. 14821 ························25g Cubetti di ghiaccio / Ice cubes ··········································n. 3 Whisky torbato / Smoky whisky ·········································20g CONSERVAZIONE PROVALO ANCHE CON STORAGE TRY IT ALSO WITH DECORAZIONI / DECORATIONS Topping Mou Babbi cod. 13228 ········································q.b. Conservare in frigorifero Topping Cioccolato Babbi cod. 13204 Pralinato di Arachidi Babbi cod. 13008 ······························q.b. per massimo 3 giorni. Topping Gianduia Babbi cod. 13243 Copertura Fondente 38%/40% Babbi cod. 21678 ···············q.b. Keep in fridge Golosa Toffee Mou Babbi cod. 1280101 for maximum 3 days.
. 23 . Salted Caramel PROCEDIMENTO PROCEDURE GHIACCIO ICE CUBES 01 Dosare Bevande Gourmet Fredde Dose 02 Mixare nel frullatore a campana o ad immersione fino a totale frantumazione del ghiaccio. In alternativa usare lo shaker manuale agitando vigorosamente per 10 secondi. Mix in the blender or with the hand blender until the ice is totally crushed. Alternatively shake vigorously for 10 seconds with the cocktail shaker. 03 Preparare il bicchiere decorando il fondo con il Topping Cioccolato Babbi e il Pralinato di Arachidi Babbi, quindi versare la bevanda e decorare qualche scaglia di sale affumicato. Prepare the glass decorating the bottom with Topping Cioccolato Babbi INGREDIENTI / INGREDIENTS and Pralinato di Arachidi Babbi, pour the drink and then decorate with smoked salt flakes. Latte / Milk ···································································100g LatteLatte Salted Caramel Babbi cod. 14821 ························25g Cubetti di ghiaccio / Ice cubes ··········································n. 3 CONSERVAZIONE PROVALO ANCHE CON DECORAZIONI / DECORATIONS STORAGE TRY IT ALSO WITH Topping Cioccolato Babbi cod. 13204 ································q.b. Pralinato di Arachidi Babbi cod. 13008 ······························q.b. Conservare in frigorifero Topping Caramello Babbi cod. 13249 Sale affumicato / Smoked salt ···········································q.b. per massimo 3 giorni. Topping Mou Babbi cod. 13228 Keep in fridge for maximum 3 days.
. 25 . Ice Coffee Shake with Babbi Mousse PROCEDIMENTO PROCEDURE 01 MOUSSE: dosare il latte, la panna, la Pasta Nocciola 100% De Luxe Babbi e la Base per Gelato Caldo Babbi. Montare in planetaria a velocità media per circa 4 minuti. Trasferire Bevande Gourmet Fredde nella sac a poche. MOUSSE: pour the milk, the cream, Pasta Nocciola 100% De Luxe Babbi and Base per Gelato Caldo Babbi. Whip in the food mixer at medium speed. Put the mousse in the pastry bag. 4’ 02 Dosare il Caffè Espresso, Ghiaccio e Sciroppo di Zucchero. Mixare nel frullatore a campana o ad immersione fino a totale frantumazione del ghiaccio. In alternativa usare lo shaker manuale agitando vigorosamente per 10 secondi. Dose Coffee, ice cubes and sugar syrup, then mix them in the blender or in the hand blender until the ice is totally crushed. Alternatively shake vigorously for 10 seconds with the cocktail shaker. 03 Dosare il caffè shakerato. Dosare nel bicchiere la mousse precedentemente INGREDIENTI MOUSSE / MOUSSE INGREDIENTS preparata iniziando dai bordi. Decorare infine con la Granella di Nocciola Fine Base per Gelato Caldo Babbi cod. 14303 ·························100g IGP Babbi e Topping Gianduia Babbi. Latte / Milk ···································································120g Pour the coffee shake. Dose the mousse previously preparated, starting from the borders. Panna fresca / Fresh cream ·············································120g Then decorate with Granella di Nocciola Fine IGP Babbi and Topping Gianduia Babbi. Pasta Nocciola 100% De Luxe Babbi cod. 12412 ················40g INGREDIENTI / INGREDIENTS CONSERVAZIONE PROVALO ANCHE CON STORAGE TRY IT ALSO WITH Caffè espresso / Espresso coffee ······························ n.2 (50g) Cubetti di ghiaccio / Ice cubes ········································n. 3 Sciroppo di zucchero / Sugar syrup ···································10g La mousse può essere conservata Pasta Pistacchio 100% De Luxe cod. 12419 in frigo per 3 giorni. Topping Cioccolato Babbi cod. 13204 DECORAZIONI / DECORATIONS Granella Fine di Pistacchio Babbi cod. 13015 The mousse can be kept in fridge Granella Fine di Nocciola IGP Babbi cod. 13002 ·················q.b. for 3 days. Pasta Gianduia Amara Babbi cod. 12415 Topping Gianduia Babbi cod. 13243 ································ q.b. Granella di Nocciola Pralinata Babbi cod. 20603
Appunti/Notes Bevande Gourmet Calde Hot Gourmet Drinks Bevande Gourmet Calde
. 29 . Caffè Goloso Hazelnut PROCEDIMENTO PROCEDURE 01 MOUSSE: dosare latte, la panna, la Pasta Nocciola 100% De Luxe Babbi e la Base per Gelato Caldo Babbi. Montare in planetaria a velocità media per circa 4 minuti. Trasferire nella sac a poche. MOUSSE: pour the milk, the cream, Pasta Nocciola 100% De Luxe Babbi and Base per Gelato Caldo Babbi. Whip in the food mixer at medium speed for 4 minutes. Put the mousse in the pastry bag. 4’ 02 Decorare il fondo della tazzina con il Topping Gianduia Babbi. Versare il caffè espresso. Riempire la tazzina con la mousse precedentemente preparata. Decorate the bottom of the cup with Topping Gianduia Babbi. Pour the coffee and then fill the cup with the previously prepared mousse. 03 Decorare infine con la Granella Fine di Nocciola IGP Babbi e Topping Gianduia Babbi. INGREDIENTI MOUSSE / MOUSSE INGREDIENTS Decorate with Granella Fine di Nocciola IGP Babbi and Topping Gianduia Babbi. Base per Gelato Caldo Babbi cod. 14303 ·························100g Latte / Milk ···································································120g Bevande Gourmet Calde Panna fresca / Fresh cream ·············································120g Pasta Nocciola 100% De Luxe Babbi cod. 12412 ················40g CONSERVAZIONE PROVALO ANCHE CON INGREDIENTI / INGREDIENTS STORAGE TRY IT ALSO WITH Caffè espresso / Espresso coffee·············································1 La mousse può essere Pasta Arachide Suprema Babbi cod. 12327 DECORAZIONI / DECORATIONS conservata in frigo per 3 giorni. Pralinato di Arachidi Babbi cod. 13008 Granella Fine di Nocciola IGP Babbi cod. 13002 ·················q.b. The mousse can be kept Topping Gianduia Babbi cod. 13243 ································ q.b. in fridge for 3 days.
. 31 . Caffè Goloso Pistachio PROCEDIMENTO PROCEDURE 01 MOUSSE: dosare latte, la panna, la Pasta Pistacchio 100% De Luxe Babbi e la Base per Gelato Caldo Babbi. Montare in planetaria a velocità media per circa 4 minuti. Trasferire nella sac a poche. MOUSSE: pour the milk, the cream, the Pasta Pistacchio 100% De Luxe Babbi and Base per Gelato Caldo Babbi. Whip in the food mixer at medium speed for 4 minutes. Put the mousse in the pastry bag. 4’ 02 Decorare il fondo della tazzina con la Golosa Pistacchio Babbi. Versare il caffè espresso. Riempire la tazzina con la mousse precedentemente preparata. Decorate the bottom of the cup with Golosa Pistacchio Babbi. Pour the coffee and then fill the cup with the previously prepared mousse. 03 Decorare infine con la Granella Fine di Pistacchio Babbi e scaglie INGREDIENTI MOUSSE / MOUSSE INGREDIENTS di cioccolato bianco. Base per Gelato Caldo Babbi cod. 14303 ·························100g Decorate with Granella Fine di Pistacchio Babbi and chopped white chocolate. Latte / Milk ···································································120g Bevande Gourmet Calde Panna fresca / Fresh cream ·············································120g Pasta Pistacchio 100% De Luxe Babbi cod. 12419 ···············40g CONSERVAZIONE PROVALO ANCHE CON INGREDIENTI / INGREDIENTS STORAGE TRY IT ALSO WITH Caffè espresso / Espresso coffee·············································1 La mousse può essere Golosa Cioccolato Bianco Babbi cod. 12834 DECORAZIONI / DECORATIONS conservata in frigo per 3 giorni. Pistacchio Tostato Babbi cod. 13020 Golosa Pistacchio Babbi cod. 12832 ··································q.b. The mousse can be kept Granella Grossa di Pistacchio Babbi cod. 1300102 Granella Fine di Pistacchio Babbi cod. 13015 ······················q.b. in fridge for 3 days.
. 33 . Caffè Goloso Zabaione PROCEDIMENTO PROCEDURE 01 MOUSSE: dosare latte, la panna, la Pasta Zabaione Special Babbi e la Base per Gelato Caldo Babbi. Montare in planetaria a velocità media per circa 4 minuti. Trasferire nella sac a poche. MOUSSE: pour the milk, the cream, Pasta Zabaione Special Babbi and Base per Gelato Caldo Babbi. Whip in the food mixer at medium speed for 4 minutes. Put the mousse in the pastry bag. 4’ 02 Versare il caffè espresso. Riempire la tazzina con la mousse precedentemente preparata. Pour the coffee and then fill the cup with the mousse previously prepared. 03 Decorare infine con la Granella di Nocciola Pralinata Babbi e Topping Zabaione Babbi. INGREDIENTI MOUSSE / MOUSSE INGREDIENTS Decorate with Granella di Nocciola Pralinata Babbi and Topping Zabaione Babbi. Base per Gelato Caldo Babbi cod. 14303 ·························100g Latte / Milk ···································································120g Bevande Gourmet Calde Panna fresca / Fresh cream ·············································120g Pasta Zabaione Special Babbi cod. 12404 ··························40g CONSERVAZIONE PROVALO ANCHE CON INGREDIENTI / INGREDIENTS STORAGE TRY IT ALSO WITH Caffè espresso / Espresso coffee··········································n.1 La mousse può essere Pralinato Mix di Macadamia Babbi cod. 13007 DECORAZIONI / DECORATIONS conservata in frigo per 3 giorni. Topping Cioccolato Babbi cod. 13204 Granella di Nocciola Pralinata Babbi cod. 20603 ················q.b. The mousse can be kept Topping Zabaione Babbi cod. 13210 ································ q.b. in fridge for 3 days.
. 35 . Cioccodelizia Classica PROCEDIMENTO PROCEDURE 01 Miscelare la Cioccodelizia Classica Babbi con il latte. Portare ad ebollizione o sotto pressione di vapore e versare in una tazza. Per una bevanda più densa prolungare l’ebollizione. Pour the Cioccodeliza Classica Babbi with milk. Bring to a boil or put under steam pressure and pour into a cup. In order to obtain a thicker chocolate, you should boil it longer. 02 MOUSSE: dosare latte, la panna, la Base per Gelato Caldo Babbi. Montare in planetaria a velocità media per circa 4 minuti. Trasferire nella sac a poche. MOUSSE: pour the milk, the cream, the Base per Gelato Caldo Babbi. Whip in the 4’ food mixer at medium speed for 4 minutes. Put the mousse in the pastry bag. 03 INGREDIENTI CIOCCOLATA Dosare la mousse sulla cioccolata calda e decorare con le Amarene Frutto Extra Babbi. HOT CHOCOLATE INGREDIENTS Pour the mousse on the hot chocolate and then decorate with Amarene Frutto Extra Babbi. Latte / Milk ···································································100g Cioccodelizia Classica Babbi cod. 11396 ···························25g Bevande Gourmet Calde INGREDIENTI MOUSSE / MOUSSE INGREDIENTS Base per Gelato Caldo Babbi cod. 14303 ·························100g CONSERVAZIONE PROVALO ANCHE CON Panna fresca / Fresh cream ············································ 120g STORAGE TRY IT ALSO WITH Latte / Milk ·································································· 120g La mousse può essere Panna montata, gelato o frutta fresca DECORAZIONI / DECORATIONS conservata in frigorifero per 3 giorni. Whipped cream, gelato or fresh fruit Amarena Frutto Extra Babbi cod. 13202 ······························q.b The mousse can be kept in fridge for 3 days.
. 37 . Cioccodelizia Fondente PROCEDIMENTO PROCEDURE 01 Miscelare la Cioccodelizia Fondente Babbi con il latte. Portare ad ebollizione o sotto pressione di vapore e versare in una tazza. Per una bevanda più densa prolungare l’ebollizione. Pour the Cioccodeliza Fondente Babbi with milk. Bring to a boil or put under steam pressure and pour into a cup. In order to obtain a thicker chocolate, you should boil it longer. 02 MOUSSE: dosare la panna, la Base per Gelato Caldo Babbi e la Pasta Menta Babbi. Montare in planetaria a velocità media per circa 4 minuti. Trasferire nella sac a poche. MOUSSE: pour the cream, the Base per 4’ Gelato Caldo Babbi and Pasta Menta Babbi. Whip in the food mixer at medium speed for 4 minutes. Put the mousse in the pastry bag. 03 INGREDIENTI CIOCCOLATA Dosare la mousse sulla cioccolata calda e decorare con Topping Menta HOT CHOCOLATE INGREDIENTS Babbi e Topping Cioccolato Babbi. Latte / Milk ···································································100g Pour the mousse on the hot chocolate and then decorate with Topping Menta Cioccodelizia Fondente Babbi cod. 14645 ··························25g Babbi and Topping Cioccolato Babbi. Bevande Gourmet Calde INGREDIENTI MOUSSE / MOUSSE INGREDIENTS Base per Gelato Caldo Babbi cod. 14303 ·························100g CONSERVAZIONE PROVALO ANCHE CON Latte / Milk ···································································120g STORAGE TRY IT ALSO WITH Panna fresca / Fresh cream ·············································120g Pasta Menta Verde Babbi cod. 12402 ···································5g La mousse può essere Panna montata, gelato o frutta fresca. conservata in frigorifero per 3 giorni. Cointreau e arancia. DECORAZIONI / DECORATIONS The mousse can be kept Whipped cream and fresh fruit. Topping Cioccolato Babbi cod. 13204 ································q.b. in fridge for 3 days. Cointreau and orange.
. 39 . Cioccodelizia Bianca PROCEDIMENTO PROCEDURE 01/A 01/B Preparazione a vapore: mixare la Preparazione su fiamma: miscelare la Cioccodelizia Bianca Babbi con il latte Cioccodelizia Bianca Babbi con il latte caldo e mescolare fino a completa (freddo o caldo). Riscaldare la miscela idratazione della polvere. Lasciare riposare fino al raggiungimento della densità la miscela per due minuti. Riscaldare il desiderata. prodotto con vapore. Stove: pour the Cioccodelizia Bianca Babbi Steam: mix the Cioccodelizia Bianca Babbi with with cold or warm milk. Stir and heat the warm milk, stirring it until the powder is completely mixture until it reaches the desired thickness. absorbed. Let the mixture stand for a couple of minutes. Warm the product up with steam. 02 INGREDIENTI / INGREDIENTS Mettere del Variegato Maracuja Babbi sul fondo del bicchiere, versare sopra la Cioccodelizia Bianca Babbi preparata e decorare. Latte / Milk ···································································100g Put the Variegato Maracuja Babbi in a glass, pour the Cioccodelizia Babbi Bevande Gourmet Calde Cioccodelizia Bianca Babbi cod. 14646 ·····························28g Bianca and decorate. CONSERVAZIONE PROVALO ANCHE CON DECORAZIONI / DECORATIONS STORAGE TRY IT ALSO WITH Variegato Maracuja Babbi cod. 12664 ·······························q.b. Il prodotto va preparato e Aromatizzata con vaniglia consumato subito. oppure Amaretto di Saronno. The product should be prepared With vanilla seeds or Amaretto and served immediately. di Saronno liquor.
. 41 . Cioccodelizia Fondente Vegan PROCEDIMENTO PROCEDURE 01 Miscelare la Cioccodelizia Fondente Babbi con la bevanda di riso. Portare ad ebollizione o sotto pressione di vapore e versare in una tazza. Per una bevanda più densa prolungare l’ebollizione. Pour the Cioccodeliza Fondente Babbi with rice drink. Bring to a boil or put under steam pressure and pour into a cup. In order to obtain a thicker chocolate, you should boil it longer. 02 MOUSSE: dosare l’acqua, la Copertura Fondente in Bottoni Babbi precedentente fusa e Riso Natura Base Dessert Babbi. Montare in planetaria a velocità media per circa 4 minuti. Trasferire nella sac a poche. MOUSSE: pour the water, the Copertura Fondente in Bottoni Babbi and the Riso Natura Base Dessert Babbi in to the mixer. Whip in the 4’ food mixer at medium speed for 4 minutes. Put the mousse in the pastry bag. 03 INGREDIENTI / INGREDIENTS Bevanda di riso / Rice drink ············································100g Dosare la mousse sulla cioccolata calda e decorare con Variegato Lampone Babbi. Cioccodelizia Fondente Babbi cod. 14645 ··························25g Bevande Gourmet Calde Pour the mousse on the hot chocolate and then decorate with Variegato Lampone Babbi. INGREDIENTI MOUSSE / MOUSSE INGREDIENTS Riso Natura Base Dessert Babbi cod. 11724 ······················400g CONSERVAZIONE PROVALO ANCHE CON Acqua / Water ······························································500g STORAGE TRY IT ALSO WITH Copertura Fondente in Bottoni Babbi cod. 21678 ···············200g La mousse può essere Variegato Amarena Babbi cod. 12603 DECORAZIONI / DECORATIONS conservata in frigorifero per 3 giorni. Variegato Lampone Babbi cod. 12630 ································q.b. The mousse can be kept in fridge for 3 days.
. 43 . Cioccolata Classica PROCEDIMENTO PROCEDURE 01 Miscelare Cioccodelizia Classica Babbi con il latte e aggiungere 1 cucchiaino di Pasta Nocciola 100% De Luxe Babbi. Pour the Cioccodelizia Classica Babbi with milk then add 1teaspoon of Pasta Nocciola 100% De Luxe Babbi. 02 Portare ad ebollizione o sotto pressione di vapore e versare in una tazza. Per una bevanda più densa prolungare l’ebollizione. Bring to a boil or put under steam pressure and pour into a cup. In order to obtain a thicker chocolate, you should boil it longer. INGREDIENTI / INGREDIENTS Latte / Milk ···································································100g Bevande Gourmet Calde Cioccodelizia Classica Babbi cod. 11395 ···························25g Pasta Nocciola 100% De Luxe Babbi cod. 12412 ··················5g CONSERVAZIONE PROVALO ANCHE CON STORAGE TRY IT ALSO WITH Il prodotto va preparato e Pasta Pistacchio 100% De Luxe Babbi 12419 consumato subito. Pasta Gianduia Babbi 12415 The product should be prepared Cannella Pura in polvere Babbi 1300104 and served immediately.
Appunti/Notes Appunti/Notes
BABBI SRL Via Caduti di Via Fani, 80 47032 - Bertinoro (FC) - Italy Tel. +39 0543 448598 - Fax +39 0543 449010 www.babbi.it - info@babbi.it Reg. Imprese di FC, C.F. e P.IVA 04149040406 - R.E.A. 331799 Capitale Sociale € 10.000.000,00 i.v. Azienda con Sistema di Gestione per la Qualità UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 - CERTIFICATO CSQA N. 6.000 Seguici su:
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