Morandi Collection Catalogo Tecnico

Pagina creata da Lorenzo Bartoli
Morandi Collection Catalogo Tecnico
Morandi      Catalogo
Collection   Tecnico
Morandi Collection Catalogo Tecnico
Collezione Morandi

Paolo Castelli firma per Istituzione Bologna     Paolo Castelli designs the Objets d’Auteur:
Musei la capsule Oggetti d’autore: Omaggio       tribute to Morandi capsule for Istituzione
a Morandi, oggetti e complementi si vestono      Bologna Musei, objects and accessories
d’arte, di colore e di creatività. Per dare      in an artistic, colourful and creative guise.
nuove energie all’interior decoration, con un    Bringing new energy to interior decoration,
forte accento lirico e poetico.                  with a strong lyrical and poetic accent.

Un sodalizio creativo, quello tra il designer    A creative partnership between the designer
e imprenditore emiliano, Paolo Castelli,         and entrepreneur from Emilia, Paolo Castelli,
e l’Istituzione Bologna Musei, iniziato          and Istituzione Bologna Musei, which began
“silenziosamente” nel 2009, durante i lavori     “silently” in 2009, during the refurbishment
di riallestimento di Casa Morandi, la dimora     of Casa Morandi, the artist’s home in Via
dell’artista in via Fondazza 36 dove Morandi     Fondazza 36, where Morandi lived with
visse con la madre e le sorelle dal 1910         his mother and sisters from 1910 to 1964.
al 1964. Esattamente 45 anni dalla morte         Exactly 45 years after the artist’s death, a
dell’artista, un incontro fortuito, quello tra   fortuitous meeting between Paolo Castelli
Paolo Castelli e Istituzione Bologna Musei,      and Istituzione Bologna Musei, which
da cui ha preso forma una collaborazione di      led to the development of a successful
successo.                                        collaboration.
Morandi Collection Catalogo Tecnico
Morandi Collection Catalogo Tecnico
Morandi Collection

                                                                                                                  01                             02                              03                                04


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   [49 11/16 "]
                                                                                                                                                                                                   [52 1/8 "]
                                                                                                                                  [48 1/4 "]

                                                                                                                                                                                          132 cm

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          126 cm
                                                                                                                         123 cm

                                                                                                                                                         94 cm
                                                                                                                                                                 [37 "]
                                                                                                                 24 cm                           24 cm                            24 cm                           24 cm
                                                                                                               [9 7/16 "]                      [9 7/16 "]                       [9 7/16 "]                      [9 7/16 "]

                                                                                                             LAMP 01 | ILL.MORA.001
                                                                                                             Structure made in metal - matt gold finish
                                                                                                             Handmade Muranese glass. Colour: Petrolio (Petrol Green), Ametista (Amethyst),
                                                                                                             Fumè (Brown Fumè), Ambra Medio (Medium Amber)

                                                                                                             LAMP 02 | ILL.MORA.002
                                                                                                             Structure made in metal - matt gold finish
                                                                                                             Handmade Muranese glass. Colour: Petrolio (Petrol Green), Ametista (Amethyst),
                                                                                                             Fumè (Brown Fumè), Ambra Medio (Medium Amber)

                                                                                                             LAMP 03 | ILL.MORA.003
                                                                                                             Structure made in metal - matt gold finish
                                                                                                             Handmade Muranese glass. Colour: Ametista (Amethyst), Fumè (Brown Fumè),
                                                                                                             Ambra Medio (Medium Amber)

                                                                                                             LAMP 04 | ILL.MORA.004
Finishes of the above picture                                                                                Structure made in metal - matt gold finish
                                                                                                             Handmade Muranese glass. Colour: Ametista (Amethyst), Fumè (Brown Fumè),
           Metal                Amethyst         Blue          Petrol           Medium           Brown       Ambra Medio (Medium Amber), Grigio Blu (Blue-grey)
           Finish                                Grey          Green            Amber            Fumè
           Matt Gold                                                                                         Lamp 01 and 04                                               Lamp 02 and 03

                                                                                                             Light Source: 3x250mA 2,5W                                   Light Source: 4x250mA 2,5W
                                                                                                             Total Power: 6,5 W                                           Total Power: 8 W
                                                                                                             Colour temperature: 3000 K                                   Colour temperature: 3000 K
Lampade da terra con struttura in metallo finitura oro   Floor lamps made of metal structure in matt gold    Power supply: 230 V 50/60 Hz                                 Power supply: 230 V 50/60 Hz
opaco satinato, composta da vasi in vetro soffiato di    finish. It is composed of vases in Muranese blown   Luminous flux: 1000 Lm                                       Luminous flux: 1000 Lm
                                                                                                             Dimmer function: N                                           Dimmer function: No
Murano.                                                  glass.                                              Apparatus in CL1                                             Apparatus in CL1

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Morandi Collection Catalogo Tecnico
Morandi Collection                                                                                                           MOD 01                                                 MOD 02


                                                                                                                               25 13/16"
                                                                                                                                 66 cm

                                                                                                                                                                                     20 7/8"
                                                                                                                                                                                      53 cm
Luminose Table Lamp
                                                                                                                   35 cm                    13 cm                         35 cm                13 cm
                                                                                                                 13 13/16"                 4 15/16"                     13 13/16"                5"

                                                                                                              LAMP AMBER | ILL.MORA.410
                                                                                                              Table lamp made in blown Muranese glass in Amber colour

                                                                                                              LAMP FUMÈ | ILL.MORA.420
                                                                                                              Table lamp made in blown Muranese glass in Fumè colour

                                                                                                              TECHNICAL SHEET
                                                                                                              ICONE LUMINOSE TABLE LAMP
                                                                                                              Light source: E27 light bulb
                                                                                                              Lamp socket: E27
                                                                                                              Total power: 8 W
                                                                                                              Voltage: 230 V
                                                                                                              Rated luminous flux: 1055 lm
                                                                                                              Colour temperature: 2700°K
                                                                                                              Colour rendering index: Ra>80
                                                                                                              Dimmer function: No
                                                                                                              Weight: Kg 8
                                                                                                              Package size: 55 x 55 x 45 cm (lampshade)
Finishes of the above picture                                                                                 Package size: 40 x 40 x 60 cm (base)
                                                                                                              Package weight: Kg 3 (lampshade)
                                                                                                              Package weight: Kg 10 (base)
          Fabric                Medium            Brown
          Percale               Amber             Fumè

La serie di lampade della collezione Morandi si           The series of lamps of the Morandi collection is
arricchisce di una nuova lampada versione da              enriched with a new table version lamp. The body
tavolo. Il corpo è composto da un vaso in vetro           is composed of a blown Murano glass vase in the
soffiato di Murano nelle forme e colori Ambra e           shapes and Amber and Fumè colors which offer
Fumè che offrono un tocco sofisticato a qualsiasi         a sophisticated touch to any type of setting. The
tipo di ambientazione. Il paralume è in tela naturale     lampshade is in natural canvas handcrafted.
realizzato artigianalmente.

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Morandi Collection Catalogo Tecnico
Morandi Collection

                                                                                                 01                                                    02                                                         03

                                                                                                                [18 3/4 "]

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  [18 3/4 "]
                                                                                                        48 cm

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          48 cm
                                                                                                                                                                     [14 1/2 "]
                                                                                                                                                             37 cm
                                                                                                13 cm                                                13 cm                                                        12 cm
                                                                                              [5 1/16 "]                                      [5 1/16 "]                                                        [4 11/16 "]

                                                                                                                              04                                                  05

                                                                                                                                              [16 1/16 "]
                                                                                                                                      41 cm

                                                                                                                                                                                                  [6 15/16 "]
                                                                                                                                                                                          18 cm
                                                                                                                              13 cm                                               11 cm
                                                                                                                             [5 1/16 "]                                       [4 7/16 "]

                                                                                             B01 | COM.MORA.B01
                                                                                             Handmade Muranese glass. Colour: Grigio Blu (Blue-grey)

                                                                                             B02 | COM.MORA.B02
                                                                                             Handmade Muranese glass. Colour: Fumè (Brown Fumè)

                                                                                             B03 | COM.MORA.B03
                                                                                             Handmade Muranese glass. Colour: Petrolio (Petrol Green)

                                                                                             B04 | COM.MORA.B04
                                                                                             Handmade Muranese glass. Colour: Ambra Medio (Medium Amber)

                                                                                             B05 | COM.MORA.B05
                                                                                             Handmade Muranese glass. Colour: Fumè (Brown Fumè)
Finishes of the above picture

          Blue                          Petrol    Medium                       Brown
          Grey                          Green     Amber                        Fumè

Vasi decorativi in vetro soffiato di Murano.     Decorative vases in blown Muranese glass.

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Morandi Collection Catalogo Tecnico
Morandi Collection

Coat rack

                                                                                                                                                    [64 15/16 "]
                                                                                                                                                      165 cm
                                                                                                                                         54 cm                      61 cm
                                                                                                                                       [21 3/8 "]                  [23 15/16 "]

                                                                                                              COAT RACK | COM.MORA.HAN
                                                                                                              Wooden structure walnut stained finish
                                                                                                              Metal details matt bronzed brass finish

Finishes of the above picture

           Wood                         Metal Finish
           Walnut Stained               Matt Bronzed
           Ashwood                      Brass

Appendiabito in legno finitura tinto noce con dettagli   Coat rack in wood walnut-stained finish with metal
in metallo in finitura bronzo ottone opaco. Portata      details in matt bronzed brass.
massima 8 kg.                                            Maximum load 8 kg.

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Morandi Collection


                                                                                                                                    [29 7/8 "]
                                                                                                                            76 cm
Side table

                                                                                                                                                                       [21 3/4 "]
                                                                                                                                                               55 cm
                                                                                                                                    [18 1/4 "]
                                                                                                                            46 cm
                                                                                                                                                   29 cm
                                                                                                                                                 [11 7/16 "]

                                                                                                                STRAPUNTINO | SED.MORA.001
                                                                                                                Wooden structure walnut stained finish
                                                                                                                Metal details matt bronzed brass finish
                                                                                                                Fabric top covering col. white

Finishes of the above picture

           Wood                         Metal Finish                Fabric
           Walnut Stained               Matt Bronzed
           Ashwood                      Brass

Tavolinetto pieghevole con manico in legno tinto         Small wooden folding table with handle in walnut-
noce con dettagli in metallo in finitura bronzo ottone   stained finish. Metal details in matt bronzed brass.
opaco. Seduta in tessuto.                                Seat in fabric.

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Morandi Collection


                                                                                                                      12 cm
                                                                                                                              [4 3/4 "]

                                                                                                                                                               [17 9/16 "]
                                                                                                                                                       45 cm
Cot                                                                                                                                         56 cm                                   198 cm
                                                                                                                                          [21 7/8 "]                                [78 1/8 "]

                                                                                                                         TUGURIUM | NOT.MORA.001
                                                                                                                         Wooden base walnut stained finish, bottom varnished matt col. Sand - Ral 1019
                                                                                                                         Metal details matt bronzed brass finish
                                                                                                                         Seat made in leather col. Sand

Finishes of the above picture

           Wood                      Metal Finish            Leather              Varnish
           Walnut Stained            Matt Bronzed            Sand                 Matt         Outdoor model
           Ashwood                   Brass                                        Col. Sand    available on request

Branda pieghevole con struttura in legno finitura tinto   Folding cot with frame made in wood -walnut-
noce, inferiormente verniciata opaca col. Sabbia          stained finish- bottom varnished matt col. Sand- Ral
(Ral 1019). Dettagli in metallo finitura bronzo ottone    1019. Metal details in matt bronzed brass finish.
opaco. Rivestimento superiore in cuoio col. Sabbia e      Seating in leather color Sand with matching
cuciture in tinta.                                        stitches.

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Morandi Collection


                                                                                                                                      [17 9/16 "]
                                                                                                                              45 cm

                                                                                                                                      [18 11/16 "]
                                                                                                                              47 cm
                                                                                                                                                       56 cm
                                                                                                                                                     [21 7/8 "]

                                                                                                                     SCRANNO | SED.MORA.002
                                                                                                                     Wooden base walnut stained finish, bottom varnished matt col. Sand - Ral 1019
                                                                                                                     Metal details matt bronzed brass finish
                                                                                                                     Seat made in leather col. Sand

Finishes of the above picture

           Wood                      Metal Finish           Leather              Varnish
           Walnut Stained            Matt Bronzed           Sand                 Matt         Outdoor model
           Ashwood                   Brass                                       Col. Sand    available on request

Sgabello pieghevole con struttura in legno finitura      Folding stool in wood -walnut-stained finish- bottom
tinto noce, inferiormente verniciata opaca col. Sabbia   varnished matt col. Sand- Ral 1019. Seat in leather
(Ral 1019). Dettagli in metallo finitura bronzo ottone   col.Sand with elegant matching stitches.
opaco. Seduta in cuoio col. Sabbia. Cuciture in tinta.

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Morandi Collection

                                                                                                                       COFFEE TABLE


                                                                                                                                         [17 9/16 "]

                                                                                                                                                                                           [1 9/16 "]
                                                                                                                                 45 cm

                                                                                                                                                                            4 cm
                                                                                                                                         [29 1/2 "]
                                                                                                                                 75 cm
                                                                                                                       COFFEE TABLE | COM.MORA.TRA.001
                                                                                                                       Wooden base walnut stained finish, bottom varnished matt col. Sand - Ral 1019
                                                                                                                       Metal details matt bronzed brass finish
                                                                                                                       Rounded tray covered in leather col. Sand

                                                                                                                       LUGGAGE RACK

                                                                                                                                                                            [17 9/16 "]
                                                                                                                                                                    45 cm
                                                                                                                                                        56 cm
                                                                                                                                                       [21 7/8 "]

Finishes of the above picture

                                                                                                                                                                            [18 11/16 "]
                                                                                                                                                                    47 cm
           Wood                       Metal Finish            Leather              Varnish
           Walnut Stained             Matt Bronzed            Sand                 Matt         Outdoor model
           Ashwood                    Brass                                        Col. Sand    available on request

Tavolino composto da vassoio in legno rivestito in         Coffee table composed by a wooden tray covered              LUGGAGE RACK | COM.MORA.TRA.002
cuoio color Sabbia e porta-vassoio in legno massello in    in leather color Sand and tray holder in solid wood         Wooden base walnut stained finish, bottom varnished matt col. Sand - Ral 1019
                                                                                                                       Metal details matt bronzed brass finish
finitura tinto noce, inferiormente verniciata opaca col.   in walnut-stained finish, bottom varnished matt col.
Sabbia (Ral 1019). Dettagli in metallo finitura bronzo     Sand- Ral 1019. Metal details in matt bronzed brass
ottone opaco. La struttura di legno è adatta anche come    finish. The wooden structure is suitable as luggage
portavaligia. Lacci di supporto in cuoio color Sabbia.     rack. Leather support laces in col. Sand.

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                                                                                                                                           [11 3/8 "]
                                                                                                                                   29 cm
Head bookend

                                                                                                                                           [6 11/16 "]
                                                                                                                                                         16 cm

                                                                                                                                   17 cm
                                                                                                                                                         [6 1/8 "]

                                                                                                               BOOKEND (SINGLE ELEMENT) | COM.MORA.BOO
                                                                                                               Wooden structure walnut stained finish
                                                                                                               Metal plate matt bronzed brass finish

Finishes of the above picture

           Wood                          Metal Finish
           Walnut Stained                Matt Bronzed
           Ashwood                       Brass

Fermalibri in legno massello spazzolato in finitura        Bookend in solid wood with walnut-stained finish.
tinto noce arricchito sulla faccia piatta da una lamiera   Flat side is decorated with metal sheet in matt
metallica sagomata in finitura bronzo ottone opaco.        bronzed brass finish.

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Morandi Collection


                                                                                                                                  35 cm
                                                                                                               STATUETTE | COM.MORA.PUP.001
                                                                                                               Wooden structure walnut stained finish
                                                                                                               Support and details in metal matt bronzed brass finish

Finishes of the above picture

           Wood                         Metal Finish
           Walnut Stained               Matt Bronzed
           Ashwood                      Brass

Statuetta in legno tinto noce e dettagli e supporto in   Statuette in walnut-stained wood, metal details and
metallo con finitura in bronzo ottone opaco.             base in matt bronzed brass finish.

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Morandi Collection

                                                                                                                   GRAFFITI 1 - BOTTLES PATTERN

Wall covering


                                                                                                                  GRAFFITI 1 | COM.MORA.WAL.001
                                                                                                                  Bottles pattern
                                                                                                                  Roll dim. 45 x 1200 cm
                                                                                                                  Pattern dim. composition 180 x H 300 cm

                                                                                                                  GRAFFITI 2 - BRUSH TRACES PATTERN

Finishes of the above picture

           Bottles              Paintings
           pattern              pattern

Graffiti 1 - Carta da parati modulare che riproduce      Graffiti 1 - Modular wallpaper that depicts the
le silhouette, i volumi e i colori dell’opera “Natura    silhouettes, volumes and colors of the “Natura
Morta”, dipinta da Morandi nel 1953. Le iconiche         morta”, painted by Morandi in 1953. The iconic
bottiglie, che emergono dal fondale chiaro, sono         bottles, which emerge from the clear background,         45cm
tuttora conservate presso il Museo Casa Morandi di       are still exposed at the Morandi House Museum in
Bologna.                                                 Bologna.
Graffiti 2 - Carta da parati modulare che richiama la    Graffiti 2 - Modular wallpaper that recalls the
delicatezza cromatica della palette morandiana. Nello    chromatic delicacy of the Morandian palette. It
specifico riproduce le tracce lasciate dai pennelli      reproduces the traces left by the artist’s brushes on    GRAFFITI 2 | COM.MORA.WAL.003
dell’artista sui fogli di carta che usava appendere al   the paper sheets that he used to hang on the wall as     Brush traces pattern
                                                                                                                  Roll dim. 45 x 1200 cm
muro come quinte per i set delle sue nature morte.       a background for the sets of his still life paintings.   Pattern dim. composition 180 x H 300 cm

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                                                                                                                       01                               02
                                                                                                                                                        02                                  03

                                                                                                                                                                             [12 7/16 "]
                                                                                                                                                                     32 cm
                                                                                                                                           [7 7/8 "]
                                                                                                                                   20 cm

                                                                                                                                                                                                                [3 35/64 "]
                                                                                                                                                                                                         9 cm
                                                                                                                         9 cm                             9 cm                               10 cm
                                                                                                                     [3 35/64 "]                       [3 35/64 "]                         [3 15/16 "]

                                                                                                             C01 | COM.MORA.CAN.001
                                                                                                             Handmade Candle col. Terracotta

                                                                                                             C02 | COM.MORA.CAN.002
                                                                                                             Handmade Candle col. Ochre

                                                                                                             SET 3 CANDLES | COM.MORA.CAN.003
                                                                                                             Set of 3 handmade candles: C01 col. Terracotta, C02 col. Ochre, C03 col. Ivory

Finishes of the above picture

           Handmade Wax               Handmade Wax                Handmade Wax
           col. Terracotta            col. Ochre                  col. Ivory

Candele in cera realizzate artigianalmente secondo le   Wax candles handcrafted according to the shapes of
forme delle tipiche bottiglie Morandiane.               the typical Morandi’s bottles.

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Morandi Collection

Sacca del pittore
Painter bag

                                                                                                                                                                                  [15 7/8 "]
                                                                                                                                                                          40 cm
                                                                                                                                                              25 cm
                                                                                                                                                            [9 15/16 "]

                                                                                                                       LEATHER BAG | COM.MORA.BAG
                                                                                                                       Bag made in leather col. Natural or Black
                                                                                                                       Metal buckle in matt bronzed brass finish
                                                                                                                       Fabric lining

Finishes of the above picture

           Leather                  Leather                           Metal Finish
           Col. Black               Col. Natural                      Matt Bronzed

Sacca in pelle porta-tablet con manico, tasche esterne     Leather tablet bag with handle, external holder for
portapenne, pennelli e agendina. Cinturino tracolla con    pens, brushes and agenda. Crossbody strap with
fibbia in finitura bronzo ottone opaco. Disponibile in     buckle in matt bronzed brass finish. Available in
pelle colore naturale o nera, fodera interna in tessuto.   natural brown or black leather, with inner fabric lining.

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                                                                                                                                       [21 5/8 "]
                                                                                                                               55 cm
                                                                                                                                                      55 cm
                                                                                                                                                     [21 5/8 "]

                                                                                                               SQUARE 55*55 | COM.MORA.CUS.001
                                                                                                               Fabric blended linen col. Gog Ivory
                                                                                                               Details in leather- various colours

Finishes of the above picture

           Fabric Superior              Natural leather
           Blended linen                col. Sand
           col. Gog Ivory

Cuscini in piuma d’oca, rivestiti in tessuto misto lino   Goose down cushions upholstered in natural blended
color Gog Avorio, impreziositi da sagome delle tipiche    linen color Gog Ivory, embellished with shapes
bottiglie del Maestro in pelle, fascia perimetrale        of the typical bottles of the Maestro in leather.
rivestita in pelle color Sabbia.                          Perimeter band made of leather in color Sand.

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Morandi Collection

                                                                                                                                           WATER GLASS                WINE GLASS

Set bicchieri                                                                                                                                          8 cm

Glass set
                                                                                                                                                                                         8 cm
                                                                                                                                                       [3 1/8 "]
                                                                                                                                                                                      [3 1/16 "]

                                                                                                                                           [4 1/8 "]

                                                                                                                                                                          [3 3/8 "]
                                                                                                                                   11 cm

                                                                                                                                                                   9 cm
                                                                                                                    WATER GLASSES SET | COM.MORA.GLA.001
                                                                                                                    Set of glasses in borosilicate glass. Each set is composed of:
                                                                                                                    2 glasses with Orange stripe - 2 glasses with Green stripes - 2 glasses with Multicoloured motif

                                                                                                                    WINE GLASSES SET | COM.MORA.GLA.002
                                                                                                                    Set of glasses in borosilicate glass. Each set is composed of:
                                                                                                                    2 glasses with Orange stripe - 2 glasses with Green stripes - 2 glasses with Multicoloured motif

Finishes of the above picture
                  Borosilicate                            Borosilicate                    Borosilicate
                  glass                                   glass                           glass
                  Green                                   Orange                          Multicoloured

Set di bicchieri da acqua o vino in vetro borosilicato,       Set of water/wine glasses in borosilicate glass,
decorati in 3 differenti motivi, interamente realizzati       decorated with 3 different motifs entirely handmade
a mano e soffiati a bocca. Lavabili in lavastoviglie,         and mouth blown. Dishwasher safe, can be used in
utilizzabili anche in microonde. Ogni set è composto          the microwave oven.
da 2 bicchieri per ciascun motivo (6 bicchieri in             Each set is composed of 2 glasses per each motif (6
totale).                                                      glasses in total).

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Morandi Collection

                                                                                                                         DINNER PLATE Ø25

Set piatti piani
Dinner plate
                                                                                                                                     Ø25 cm
                                                                                                                                    [Ø 9 13/16 "]

                                                                                                                                      Ø18 cm
                                                                                                                                     [Ø 7 1/16 "]

                                                                                                                                       Ø14 cm
                                                                                                                                     [Ø 5 1/2 "]

                                                                                                                         DINNER PLATES SET Ø25 | COM.MORA.PLA.003
                                                                                                                         Set of 6 plates in hand-decorated ceramic from Vietri - glazed finish
                                                                                                                         6 different motifs

Finishes of the above picture

            Glazed hand-decorated
            ceramic from Vietri

Serie di piatti d’autore da portata, in ceramica               Series of artistic serving plates in Vietri glazed
smaltata rigorosamente dipinte a mano con                      ceramic hand-decorated with brushstrokes from
pennellate della palette di Morandi. Disponibili i             the Morandi palette. Available dinner plates, soup
piatti piani, i piatti fondi e il set antipasti. Ogni piatto   plates, starter bowls. Each plate is unique and recalls
è unico e simula la tavolozza del maestro. Idonei al           Maestro’s color range. Dishwasher safe.
lavaggio in lavastoviglie.

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Morandi Collection

                                                                                                                         SOUP PLATE Ø25

Set piatti fondi                                                                                                                 Ø25 cm
                                                                                                                                [Ø 9 13/16 "]

Soup plates set
                                                                                                                                  Ø18 cm
                                                                                                                                [Ø 7 1/16 "]

                                                                                                                                   Ø14 cm
                                                                                                                                 [Ø 5 1/2 "]

                                                                                                                         SOUP PLATES Ø18 | COM.MORA.PLA.004
                                                                                                                         Set of 6 soup plates handmade in ceramic from Vietri - glazed finish
                                                                                                                         Each set consists of 2 plates for each motif

Finishes of the above picture

            Glazed hand-decorated
            ceramic from Vietri

Serie di piatti d’autore da portata, in ceramica               Series of artistic serving plates in Vietri glazed
smaltata rigorosamente dipinte a mano con                      ceramic hand-decorated with brushstrokes from
pennellate della palette di Morandi. Disponibili i             the Morandi palette. Available dinner plates, soup
piatti piani, i piatti fondi e il set antipasti. Ogni piatto   plates, starter bowls. Each plate is unique and recalls
è unico e simula la tavolozza del maestro. Idonei al           Maestro’s color range. Dishwasher safe.
lavaggio in lavastoviglie.

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Ø25 cm
                                                                                                                                   [Ø 9 13/16 "]
Morandi Collection

                                                                                                                         STARTER BOWL Ø14

Set antipasti                                                                                                                         Ø18 cm
                                                                                                                                    [Ø 7 1/16 "]

Starter set
                                                                                                                                       Ø14 cm
                                                                                                                                     [Ø 5 1/2 "]

                                                                                                                         STARTER BOWLS SET Ø14 | COM.MORA.PLA.006
                                                                                                                         Set of 6 starter bowls handmade in ceramic from Vietri - glazed finish
                                                                                                                         6 different motifs

Finishes of the above picture

            Glazed hand-decorated
            ceramic from Vietri

Serie di piatti d’autore da portata, in ceramica               Series of artistic serving plates in Vietri glazed
smaltata rigorosamente dipinte a mano con                      ceramic hand-decorated with brushstrokes from
pennellate della palette di Morandi. Disponibili i             the Morandi palette. Available dinner plates, soup
piatti piani, i piatti fondi e il set antipasti. Ogni piatto   plates, starter bowls. Each plate is unique and recalls
è unico e simula la tavolozza del maestro. Idonei al           Maestro’s color range. Dishwasher safe.
lavaggio in lavastoviglie.

                                                                                                   / 40
/ 41   Morandi Collection
Morandi Collection


Piatti decorativi
Decorative plates

                                                                                                                                                                   [9 27/32 "]
                                                                                                                                                           25 cm
                                                                                                                                                                                 4 cm
                                                                                                                                                                           [1 37/64 "]

                                                                                                              Ø25 | COM.MORA.PLA.001
                                                                                                              Materic hand-decorated ceramic from Vietri


                                                                                                                                                                   61 cm
                                                                                                                                                                   [24 "]
Finishes of the above picture

           Materic hand-decorated
           ceramic from Vietri                                                                                                                                                       8 cm
                                                                                                                                                                                  [2 15/16 "]

Serie di piatti d’autore decorativi in ceramica di   Series of artistic decorative plates in Vietri ceramic   Ø60 | COM.MORA.PLA.002
Vietri materica rigorosamente dipinti a mano con     in materic finish hand-decorated with brushstrokes       Materic hand-decorated ceramic from Vietri
pennellate della palette di Morandi. Ogni piatto è   from the Morandi palette. Each plate is unique and
unico e simula la tavolozza del maestro.             recalls Maestro’s color range.

                                                                                          / 42
/ 43   Morandi Collection
Morandi Collection

                                                                                                                DECORATIVE BOWL Ø14

Ciotolina decorativa
Decorative bowl

                                                                                                                                                        [1 5/8 "]
                                                                                                                                                 4 cm
                                                                                                                                             Ø13 cm
                                                                                                                                            [Ø5 1/8 "]

                                                                                                                DECORATIVE BOWLS SET Ø13 | COM.MORA.PLA.005
                                                                                                                Materic hand-decorated ceramic from Vietri
                                                                                                                Set of 6 bowls- 6 different motifs

Finishes of the above picture

           Materic hand-decorated
           ceramic from Vietri

Serie di ciotoline d’autore decorative in ceramica di   Set of artistic decorative bowls in Vietri ceramic in
Vietri materica rigorosamente dipinti a mano con        materic finish hand-decorated with brushstrokes
pennellate della palette di Morandi. Ogni piatto è      from the Morandi palette. Each plate is unique and
unico e simula la tavolozza del maestro. Il set è       recalls Maestro’s color range. The set is composed
composto da 6 ciotoline assortite.                      by 6 bowls.

                                                                                            / 44
/ 45   Morandi Collection
Morandi Collection


                                                                                                                               [14 15/16 "]
                                                                                                                       38 cm
                                                                                                                                                  56 cm
                                                                                                                                                [21 15/16 "]

                                                                                                          PLACEMAT | COM.MORA.CLO
                                                                                                          Placemat made in linen col. Natural

Finishes of the above picture

           100% linen

Tovaglietta in puro lino col. naturale 100% Made in   Placemat in 100% natural linen Made in Italy with
Italy con orlo in contrasto.                          fringed edges that remind frayed canvas.

                                                                                        / 46
/ 47   Morandi Collection
Loving Giorgio

      / 49
La collezione si ispira a Giorgio Morandi e alla sua poetica: a
partire dagli oggetti presenti nello studio, per Morandi centro
di un’osservazione minuziosa, contemplativa e reiterata nel
tempo, per soffermarsi sugli elementi formali e cromatici di
questi protagonisti assoluti della ricerca artistica morandiana.
Nasce così una collezione di oggetti permeati di sofisticata
eleganza, che raccontano mondi simbolici con decori e
palette mai eccessivi. Da Casa Morandi alle nostre case,
questa collezione ci propone accessori e complementi
d’arredo con un forte valore identitario.
I vasi di Morandi, le sue bottiglie, le sue ciotole, ma anche
i suoi arredi come il letto e il cavalletto assurgono, così, a
muse che ispirano le più originali e creative rielaborazioni
in chiave contemporanea, dando vita a creazioni dal sapore
fortemente artigianale e che esaltano forme e colori,
coniugando estetica ed etica.

The collection is inspired by the artist and his poetics:
starting with the objects in the studio, the hub of Morandi’s
meticulous observation, contemplative and repeated over
time, to look at the formal and chromatic elements of these
absolute protagonists of Morandi’s artistic research.
The result is a collection of objects permeated with
sophisticated elegance, telling the stories of symbolic
worlds with understated decorations and colour palettes.
From Casa Morandi to our own homes, this collection
offers us accessories and furnishing elements with a strong
Morandi’s vases, bottles and bowls, but also his furniture,
like the bed and easel, are elevated to the status of muses
that inspire the most original and creative contemporary
reinterpretations, generating creations with a strongly
artisan flavour that enhance shapes and colours, combining
aesthetics and ethics.

Giorgio Morandi nacque il 20 luglio 1890 a Bologna.               Giorgio Morandi was born in Bologna on 20th July
Trascorse praticamente tutta la sua vita dedicandosi              1890. He spent almost his whole life working as a
all’attività di pittore e incisore in un modesto studio-          painter and etcher in a small studio-flat in Via Fondazza
appartamento in Via Fondazza che condivideva con le               that he shared with his three sisters. He never had a
tre sorelle. Non ebbe mai un vero e proprio atelier, ma           proper atelier, but he lived and worked in a medium-
viveva e lavorava in una stanza di media grandezza con            size room with a window looking onto a small yard,
una finestra che dava su un piccolo cortile, soggetto di          subject of several of his paintings. In this room there
numerosi suoi quadri.                                             were also his bed, an old writing table, a drawing
Qui si trovavano anche il letto, un vecchio scrittoio, un         table, the easel, and all around, on narrow shelves,
tavolo da disegno, il cavalletto e poi tutt’intorno, su stretti   the arsenal of the simple things we see in his still
scaffali, l’arsenale delle semplici cose che conosciamo           lives: bottles, containers, vases, jugs, kitchen utensils,
attraverso le sue nature morte: bottiglie, recipienti, vasi,      boxes. In this studio-sleeping room the artist spent
brocche, utensili da cucina, scatole.                             his time to reflect, work, and rest in an uninterrupted
In questa camera-studio l’artista trascorreva le sue ore di       dialogue with his own reality. Except for trips to Venice,
riflessione, lavoro e riposo, in un dialogo ininterrotto con      Florence, or Rome for exhibitions of his paintings, or
la propria realtà. All’infuori di viaggi a Venezia, Firenze o     for summer excursions to Grizzana on the hills of the
Roma, in occasione delle mostre dei suoi dipinti, e delle         Tuscan-Emilian Apennines, Morandi scarcely ever left
escursioni estive a Grizzana, sulle colline dell’Appennino        Bologna. Notwithstanding his extreme reserve, his
tosco-emiliano, Morandi raramente lasciò Bologna.                 paintings came to be known and in demand throughout
Nonostante la sua estrema riservatezza, i suoi dipinti            Europe and America. In 1930 he obtained “due to his
acquistarono fama e vennero richiesti in tutta Europa e in        fame” the professorship of Etching Techniques at the
America. Nel 1930 ottenne “per chiara fama” la cattedra di        Accademia di Belle Arti of Bologna, where he taught for
Tecniche dell’incisione presso l’Accademia di Belle Arti di       26 years.
Bologna, dove insegnò per 26 anni.                                As early as 1934, in a public address by Roberto
All’inizio del 1934, durante una presentazione pubblica           Longhi, at that time Professor of Renaissance Art at the
ad opera di Roberto Longhi, allora professore di Arte             University of Bologna, Morandi was recognized as the
Rinascimentale presso l’Università di Bologna, Morandi            greatest living painter in Italy. In 1949 he was featured
venne riconosciuto come il maggior pittore vivente in             in the seminal exhibition of Twentieth Century Italian
Italia. Nel 1949 venne presentato nell’importante mostra          Art at the Museum of Modern Art in New York, and in
Twentieth Century Italian Art al Museo di Arte Moderna di         1957 he was awarded the Grand Prize for Painting at
New York e nel 1957 gli attribuirono il Gran Premio per la        the São Paulo Biennale in Brazil.
Pittura alla Biennale di São Paulo in Brasile.                    Morandi died in his house in Bologna in June 1964.
Morandi si spense nella casa di Bologna il 18 giugno 1964.
Fine furniture and lighting
/ 53
       Eco-responsible furniture
Fine furniture and lighting
/ 55
       Eco-responsible furniture
General Provisions
a) The Standard Sales Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as the “Standard Terms and Conditions”) form an integral part of the agreements entered into between Paolo Castelli S.p.a.(herei- nafter referred to as
“Paolo Castelli”) and the Purchaser for the supply of products supplied and/or distributed by the above mentioned company (hereinafter the “Products”).
(b) The Standard Terms and Conditions apply to all transactions entered into between Paolo Castelli and the Purchaser whether or not expressly referenced therein.Any terms or conditions different from those provided
herein shall only take effect if confirmed in writing by Paolo Castelli. Paolo Castelli reserves the right to modify, supplement or amend the Standard Terms and Conditions, by attaching such changes to quotations or any
written correspondence.

Quotations and orders
Customer’s acceptance of the quotations submitted by Paolo Castelli- upon receipt of 50% deposit- is binding on the Customer and irrevocable. Upon receipt of such acceptance, Paolo Castelli will send the Customer an
order confirmation expressly stating delivery method and the technical information necessary to deliver the goods (e.g. delivery addresses, delivery to the floor, time, contact persons and telephone number). Any quo-
tations submitted by agents shall only be deemed to be valid and effective after they are confirmed in writing by Paolo Castelli. Any changes to or requests and integrations to quotations by agents or Customers shall be
made in writing, and shall require a written confirmation by Paolo Castelli. Paolo Castelli disclaims any and all liabilities for possible errors or misunderstandings arising in connection with changes to orders placed verbally
or over the telephone.

Prices and Payment Terms
Product Prices do not include VAT, which must be paid according to specific indications provided in the invoice.
Taxes, duties, shipping, insurance, installation and after-sales service are not included in the prices, unless quoted separately.
In addition to the other remedies allowed by applicable law or these General Terms and Conditions, Paolo Castelli reserves the right to charge late payment interests at the official interest rate set by the European Central
Bank plus seven (7) points as of the day payment was due. Payments shall be made as follows: 50% down payment when quotation is signed; 50% balance shall be paid before Products are shipped.Any other conditions
agreed upon shall require the written form. In the event of default or late payment after the term indicated by Paolo Castelli, even in part or limited to one price instalment, Paolo Castelli shall be entitled to terminate the
agreement without further notice. All amounts paid up to that time shall be withheld by way of damage compensation.

Changes to orders
Any requests of changes deviating from the content of order confirmation may only be accepted if compatible with the production process and/or the process under way.If accepted, they may give rise to extra charges
incurred in making such changes.
Orders – Customer’s default
It is hereby expressly agreed that the Customer may not unilaterally terminate the order and/or the agreement.In the event after confirming an order Paolo Castelli becomes aware of detrimental events affecting the Pur-
chaser such as protests, seizures, attachment, or it becomes known that the Purchaser is in financial difficulties, Paolo Castelli may, at its discretion, suspend order fulfilment and demand special guarantees, or terminate
the agreement on grounds of Purchaser default under art. 1456 of the Italian Civil Code by written notice via registered mail with advice of receipt, fax or CEM.

Delivery and Delivery Terms
Unless otherwise agreed, delivery is ex works at Customer’s risk.Notwithstanding the above, Paolo Castelli may charge an additional shipping fee to Customer on invoice.Partial deliveries are only allowed when agreed
upon between the parties and any extra costs shall be borne by Customer.The delivery times indicated by Paolo Castelli are not binding and are computed in working days starting from receipt of the first down payment. In
the event delivery is postponed through fault of the Customer and the Product needs to be kept in stock for more than 5 days after the agreed delivery date, any relating costs shall be charged to Customer and Paolo Cas-
telli shall not be liable for any damage to and/or deterioration of the Product. Unless otherwise agreed, downloading and delivery to floor are at the Customer’s expense. For any events outside the control of Paolo Castelli,
such as orders of authorities, shortage of raw materials, riots of any kind and other force majeure events, Paolo Castelli shall deem itself to not be bound to any terms or commitments for the duration of the adverse event.

At Customer’s request, installation may be performed by personnel appointed by Paolo Castelli, and any costs incurred for installers and the assistance of skilled personnel shall be at Customer’s char- ge.Installation does
not include any masonry work, plant installation, or any other work not expressly specified on order or anyway outside the scope of the supply.
Customer shall make available a suitable storage room for products and equipment. Paolo Castelli shall not be liable for faults or breakdown occurring during installation.

Paolo Castelli does not respond to any damage to person or property caused by the incorrect installation of its lighting fixtures and furniture.

It is the Customer’s responsibility to check product compliance at the time of receipt and anyway before commissioning. Unless Customer claims a defect and informs the seller within eight days from discovering such de-
fect, Customer’s rights under applicable law shall become null and void. Failure to comply with payment terms and conditions on the part of the Purchaser shall make the warranty null and void.

Retention of title
Pursuant to articles 1523 and 1524 of the Italian Civil Code, the parties agree that the sales transaction is subject to retention of title in favour of the seller.The parties agree that the ownership of the Product is transferred
to the Customer at the time the full price is settled, whereas possession and the associated risk to the Purchaser is transferred at the time the product is shipped to Customer. Court of jurisdiction
The agreement is governed by Italian law. Any dispute concerning the construction or performance of agreements between the parties shall be submitted to the Court of Bologna, that shall have sole jurisdiction.
I prodotti Paolo Castelli privilegiano materiali biologici e sono frutto di una particolare ricerca nel campo dell’ecosostenibilità.

A giugno 2019 Paolo Castelli S.p.A. ha ottenuto la certificazione FSC® Forest Stewardship council®. La scelta di certificarsi è stata un impulso dato dal mercato, certo, ma anche
 la naturale prosecuzione di un percorso già avviato dall’Azienda, che concepisce la filiera del legno come un circolo virtuoso. L’azienda definisce così il proprio percorso: l’idea di
  confermarsi autrice di prodotti di assoluta qualità si unisce ad un impegno, rigoroso e responsabile, nei confronti dell’ambiente, che i legni utilizzati provengono da tagli legali e
   filiere certificate, per dimostrare il proprio impegno per il raggiungimento dell’obiettivo globale di guidare il mercato verso una gestione responsabile del patrimonio forestale.

            For our products we prefer organic materials and they are the result of particular research in the environmental sustainability field.

 In June 2019 Paolo Castelli S.p.A. has obtained the FSC® Forest Stewardship council® certification. The decision to certify itself was an impulse given by the market, certainly,
 but also the natural continuation of a path already started by the Company, which conceives the wood supply chain as a virtuous circle. The company thus defines its own route:
the idea of confirming
            ​​          itself as the author of products of absolute quality is combined with a commitment, rigorous and responsible, towards the environment, guaranteeing that
the woods used come from legal cuts and certified supply chains , to demonstrate its commitment to achieving the global objective of guiding the market towards a responsible
                                                                            management of forest heritage.

                                                                    CERTIFICATIONS: ISO 9001, ISO 14001, FSC
La descrizione e le immagini dei prodotti del presente catalogo sono puramente indicative e non possono essere considerate vincolanti ai fini del loro utilizzo. Paolo Castelli S.p.A.
   si riserva di apportare ai prodotti le modifiche che ritiene più opportune, in qualsiasi momento e senza preavviso. I prodotti, di natura artigianale, possono presentare artefatti
 materici o irregolarità di lavorazione. Tali irregolarità sono da considerarsi parte integrante della struttura del prodotto stesso e garanzia della lavorazione interamente artigianale.
     Per ulteriori informazioni sulle caratteristiche tecniche dei prodotti, invitiamo a consultare il sito dove troverete l’elenco dei contatti a cui rivolgervi.

Descriptions and pictures of the products included in the present catalogue are purely indicative and cannot be considered binding for their final use. Paolo Castelli S.p.A. reserves
 itself the right to modify its own products without any prior notification. The handmade artisan production can present irregularities due to the manufacturing. These irregularities
   must be considered essential part of the product itself and guarantee of entirely handcrafted manufacturing. For any further technical information on the products, please visit
                                          where you can find all the contacts you can address to.

                                                                           PRINTED: OCTOBER 2022
BOLOGNA                         MILAN                          PARIS                       CARRARA
                       Headquarter                    Showroom                      Showroom                     Marine Division

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