Nefer, Inciucio, Agò, Titti, Zen, Moon, Tol, Chaplin, Rugiada, Dolce, Dot, Valencia, Viva, Split, Lola, Victoria - Collection 2021 - Gibas

Pagina creata da Cristina Oliva
Nefer, Inciucio, Agò, Titti, Zen, Moon, Tol, Chaplin, Rugiada, Dolce, Dot, Valencia, Viva, Split, Lola, Victoria - Collection 2021 - Gibas
Nefer, Inciucio, Agò, Titti,
Zen, Moon, Tol, Chaplin,
Rugiada, Dolce, Dot, Valencia,
Viva, Split, Lola, Victoria

Collection 2021
Nefer, Inciucio, Agò, Titti, Zen, Moon, Tol, Chaplin, Rugiada, Dolce, Dot, Valencia, Viva, Split, Lola, Victoria - Collection 2021 - Gibas
«As we work to create light
            for others, we naturally light
            our own way.»

                                           Mentre lavoriamo per creare
                                           luce per gli altri, illuminiamo
                                           naturalmente la nostra via.
                                           ↳ Mary Anne Radmacher (Consultant Author, Artist
                                           and professional speaker.)

2   Gibas                Collection 2021                                                      1
Nefer, Inciucio, Agò, Titti, Zen, Moon, Tol, Chaplin, Rugiada, Dolce, Dot, Valencia, Viva, Split, Lola, Victoria - Collection 2021 - Gibas
Gibas ha cuore e radici nel parco dei Monti Sibillini: la fondò lì Basilio
Giacomozzi, giovane artigiano del ferro, insieme alla sua Giuseppina,
venditrice talentuosa, alla soglia degli anni Sessanta. E sempre lì, dove
non esistevano distretti operativi, ne crearono uno loro. In 55 anni, la
bottega si farà grande impresa; la piccola ma operosa comunità diventerà
una rete globale. Il progetto di rendere famose quelle brillanti creazioni,
di dare una materia e una forma alla luce, si è spinta sempre più lontano
dalle convenzioni per avvicinarsi alla filosofia creativa di designer con gli
occhi sul futuro.

ARTISANS OF THE LIGHT                                                     LICHTHANDWERKER
Gibas has its heart and roots in the park of the Sibillini Mountains:     Gibas hat sein Herz und seine Wurzeln im Park der Monti Sibillini:
there it was founded by Basilio Giacomozzi, a young iron craftsman,       dort hat Basilio Giacomozzi sie gegründet zu Beginn der sechziger
together with his Giuseppina, a talented seller, on the beginning of      Jahre, ein junger Metallbauer zusammen mit seiner Giuseppina,
Sixties. And always there, where there were no industrial zones, they     einer talentierten Verkäuferin. Und genau dort, wo es kein Industrie-
created one. In 55 years, the small shop will become a big company,       gebiet gab, schufen sie eins. In 55 Jahre wird aus dem kleinen Laden
the small but diligent community will become a global network. The        ein großes Werk; die kleine, aber fleißige Gemeinschaft wird zu
project to make those brilliant creations beautiful, to give a material   einem globalen Netzwerk. Das Projekt, diese brillanten Kreationen
and a form to the light, got always pushed further away from con-         bekannt zu machen, dem Licht ein Material und eine Form zu geben
ventions to approach the creative philosophy of designers with eyes       hat sich immer weiter von Konventionen entfernt um sich der krea-
on the future.                                                            tiven Philosophie von Designern mit Blick auf die Zukunft zu nähern.

2                                                                    Gibas                                                                        Collection 2021   3
Nefer, Inciucio, Agò, Titti, Zen, Moon, Tol, Chaplin, Rugiada, Dolce, Dot, Valencia, Viva, Split, Lola, Victoria - Collection 2021 - Gibas
4   Gibas   Collection 2021   5
Nefer, Inciucio, Agò, Titti, Zen, Moon, Tol, Chaplin, Rugiada, Dolce, Dot, Valencia, Viva, Split, Lola, Victoria - Collection 2021 - Gibas
6   Gibas   Collection 2021   7
Nefer, Inciucio, Agò, Titti, Zen, Moon, Tol, Chaplin, Rugiada, Dolce, Dot, Valencia, Viva, Split, Lola, Victoria - Collection 2021 - Gibas
Studiamo e modelliamo sistemi d’illuminazione leggeri e scenici per
strutture prestigiose, seguendo idee di imprenditori, light designer e
architetti nel mondo. A partner e clienti forniamo campioni rapidi così
come consulenze complete per prodotti su misura—oggetti d’arredo
preziosi che rispettino, per colore e struttura, il gusto e i parametri di
chi colloca Gibas in ambienti destinati all’accoglienza turistica o in spazi
business fluidi e innovativi.

PROJECTS                                                                 PROJEKTE
We study and model light and scenic lighting systems for prestig-        Wir entwickeln und modellieren leichte und beachtliche Lichtsys-
ious structures, following the ideas of entrepreneurs, light designers   teme für prestigeträchtige Strukturen und folgen dabei den Ideen
and architects around the world. To partners and customers we            von Unternehmern, Lichtdesignern und Architekten auf der ganzen
provide quick samples as well as comprehensive advice for bespoke        Welt. Unseren Partner und Kunden liefern wir schnell Muster sowie
products — objects of precious furnishings that respect, in terms of     umfassende Beratung für maßgeschneiderte Produkte , wertvolle
color and structure, the tastes and parameters of those who place        Einrichtungsgegenstände , die in Bezug auf Farbe und Struktur
Gibas in environments intended for tourist accommodation or in           den Geschmack und die Parameter derer berücksichtigen, die sich
fluid and innovative business spaces.                                    für Gibas entscheiden um Touristenunterkünfte oder moderne und
                                                                         innovative Geschäftsräume zu beleuchten.

8                                                                   Gibas                                                                    Collection 2021   9
Nefer, Inciucio, Agò, Titti, Zen, Moon, Tol, Chaplin, Rugiada, Dolce, Dot, Valencia, Viva, Split, Lola, Victoria - Collection 2021 - Gibas
10   Gibas   Collection 2021   11
Nefer, Inciucio, Agò, Titti, Zen, Moon, Tol, Chaplin, Rugiada, Dolce, Dot, Valencia, Viva, Split, Lola, Victoria - Collection 2021 - Gibas
12   Gibas   Collection 2021   13
Nefer, Inciucio, Agò, Titti, Zen, Moon, Tol, Chaplin, Rugiada, Dolce, Dot, Valencia, Viva, Split, Lola, Victoria - Collection 2021 - Gibas
Ogni prodotto luminoso nasce e si compone qui, in Gibas, ognuno
sotto gli occhi di un tecnico che segue piegatura, saldatura, tornitura,
verniciatura del metallo e montaggio—tutto, fino all’imballaggio in
cartone, creato sempre in azienda e adattato alle sagome degli articoli.
La verniciatura si esegue a polvere per ottenere uno strato verniciante di
tenuta incomparabile: è un passaggio chiave per determinare la qualità
del prodotto in termini di finitura e resistenza.

WORKSHOP                                                                 PRODUKTION
Each luminous product is born and composed here, in Gibas, each          Jedes leuchtende Produkt wird hier in Gibas entwickelt und her-
one under the eyes of one technician who follows bending, welding,       gestellt, jedes einzelne unter den Augen eines Technikers der dem
turning, painting of the metal and assembly — everything, up to          Biegen, Schweißen, Drehen und Lackieren des Metalls bis hin zur
packaging in cardboard, always created ↳Inside of the company            Endmontage und Verpackung folgt. Die Verpackung aus Karton wird
and adapted to the silhouettes of the articles. The coating is carried   im Werk erstellt und der Silhouetten des Artikel angepasst. Die Be-
out with powder to obtain a varnish layer of incomparable seal: it is    schichtung erfolgt mit Pulver, um eine unvergleichliche Lackschicht
a key step to determine the quality of the product in terms of finish    zu erhalten: dies ist ein wichtiger Schritt, um die Qualität des Pro-
and resistance.                                                          dukts in Bezug auf Finish und Widerstandsfähigkeit zu bestimmen.

14                                                                  Gibas                                                                        Collection 2021   15
Nefer, Inciucio, Agò, Titti, Zen, Moon, Tol, Chaplin, Rugiada, Dolce, Dot, Valencia, Viva, Split, Lola, Victoria - Collection 2021 - Gibas
16   Gibas   Collection 2021   17
18   Gibas   Collection 2021   19
Indice, Index           24 Nefer, 30 Inciucio, 34 Agò,
                        38 Titti, 44 Zen, 48 Moon, 52 Tol,

                        58 Chaplin, 62 Rugiada, 66 Dolce,

                        70 Dot, 74 Valencia, 80 Viva,

                        84 Split, 90 Lola, 96 Victoria

20              Gibas                  Collection 2021   21
Parete, Soffitto                                                       Sospensione
Wall, Ceiling                                                          Pendant

                   Agò          Zen       Nefer   Split     Moon                     Agò     Zen               Rugiada    Moon     Tol

                   Victoria     Dot       Tol     Viva      Valencia                 Titti   Chaplin           Inciucio   Nefer


                   Lola                                                              Titti


                   Nefer       Moon      Dot    Chaplin

                    ­ Outdoor

22                                     Gibas                                                           Collection 2021                   23
Petali filiformi disegnano cupole aeree,
poi si lasciano attraversare dalla luce
che emanano.
Filiform petals draw aerial domes,
then let themselves be crossed
from the light they emanate.

Design: Roberto Capati

IT Famiglia di lampade a sospensione,             EN Series of pendant, ceiling and floor     DE Serie von Pendel-, Decken- und Steh-
soffitto e terra per indoor e outdoor. Finiture   lamps for indoor and outdoor. Finishes in   lampen für drinnen und draußen. Oberfläche
in bianco sabbia o corten.                        sand white or corten.                       in Sandweiß oder corten.

24                                                                   Gibas                                                                 Collection 2021   25
26   Gibas   Collection 2021   27
28   Gibas   Collection 2021   29
Si rincorrono curve strette, energiche.
Come chiacchiere tra comari,
si muovono impazienti.
Tight, energetic curves chase each other.
Like chattering folks they move impatiently.

Design: Roberto Giacomucci Design

IT Famiglia di lampade a sospensione. Tubi        EN Series of Suspension lamps. Steel tu-      DE Hängeleuchtenserie. Stahlrohre mit
in acciaio verniciato a polveri epossidiche.      bes coated with epoxy powders. Gold finish.   Epoxidpulvern beschichtet. Goldfinish.
Finitura oro. Diffusore in vetro soffiato sati-   White satin blown glass diffuser.             Diffusor aus weiß satiniertem mundgeblase-
nato bianco.                                                                                    nem Glas.

30                                                                   Gibas                                                                   Collection 2021   31
32   Gibas   Collection 2021   33
Spilloni dalle crune accese, sporgenti,
ricamano tessuti di luce in cui
avvolgono gli spazi.
Pins with bright, protruding eyes embroider fabrics of light
in which they envelop space.

Design: Format Design Studio

IT Famiglia di lampade da soffitto e parete.    EN Series of ceiling and wall lamps. Epoxy     DE Serie von Decken- und Wandleuchten
Tubi in metallo verniciato a polveri epossi-    powder coated metal tubes. Finishing in gilt   aus epoxidpulverbeschichteten Metal-
diche. Finitura in bronzo dorato. Dettagli in   bronze. Brushed brass details. Handmade        lrohren. Finish aus vergoldeter Bronze.
ottone spazzolato. Decorazioni a mano.          decorations.                                   Details aus gebürstetem Messing mit hand-
                                                                                               gefertigten Dekorationen.

34                                                                 Gibas
36   Gibas   Collection 2021   37
Gabbie stondate, dalle linee morbide,
pendono come stelle o spuntano
come bulbi.
Rounded cages with soft lines,
hang like stars or sprout like bulbs.

Design: Studio Gibas

IT Famiglia di lampade da tavolo, soffitto e   EN Series of table, ceiling and suspension   DE Serie von Tisch-, Decken- und Hänge-
sospensione. Struttura in tondino d’acciaio    lamps. Welded steel rod structure coated     lampen. Geschweißte Metallstruktur welche
saldato elettricamente, verniciato a polveri   with epoxy powder. White textured fabric     epoxidpulverbeschichtet ist. Weißer Lam-
epossidiche. Accessorio paralume di tessuto    lampshade as accessory.                      penschirm als Zubehör aus strukturiertem
bianco testurizzato.                                                                        Stoff.

38                                                               Gibas
40   Gibas   Collection 2021   41
42   Gibas   Collection 2021   43
Come un gioco di Shanghai dalle
estremità lucenti, lasciato in sospeso,
arreda con leggerezza.
Like a Shanghai game with luminous ends,
left in suspended, it lightly furnishes.

Design: Format Design Studio

IT Famiglia di lampade a sospensione e          EN Series of pendant and wall lamps.     DE Serie von Pendel- und Wandleuchten
parete. Tubi in acciaio verniciato a polveri    Epoxy powder coated steel tubes. White   aus epoxidpulverbeschichtete Stahlrohren.
epossidiche. Diffusori bianchi in borosilica-   borosilicate diffusers.                  Weiße Borosilikatdiffusore.

44                                                                Gibas
46   Gibas   Collection 2021   47
A volte satellite etereo, altre lampione
urbano, sa risvegliare ogni spazio
dal sonno.
Sometimes ethereal satellite, then urban street lamp
it knows how to awaken every space from sleep.

Design: Studio Gibas

IT Famiglia di lampade da parete, soffitto         EN Series of wall, ceiling and suspension     DE Serie von Wand-, Decken- und Hänge-
e sospensione. Diffusore bianco o effetto          lamps. White or marble effect diffuser. LED   lampen. Weißer Diffusor oder mit Marmoref-
marmo. Emissione luminosa a LED, struttura         light emission in steel plate, coated with    fekt. LED-Lichtemission in einer Metallplat-
in lastra di acciaio, verniciata a polveri epos-   epoxy powders. Corten and bronze finish.      te, beschichtet mit Epoxidpulvern. Finish in
sidiche. Finitura corten e bronzo.                                                               Corten und Bronze.

48                                                                    Gibas
50   Gibas   Collection 2021   51
Come foglie sui rami, come yo-yo
luminosi, dischi compatti di luce
si allungano nell’aria.
Like leaves on branches, like luminous yo-yos,
compact discs of light stretch in the air.

Design: CaberlonCaroppi

IT Famiglia di lampade a parete e soffit-         EN Series of wall and ceiling lamps. Inte-     DE Serie von Wand- und Deckenleuchten.
to. Specchio integrato disponibile. Finitura      grated mirror available. Satin brass finish.   Integrierter Spiegel erhältlich. Satin Messing
ottone satinato. Struttura variabile su richie-   Variable structure on request, according to    Finish. Variable Struktur auf Anfrage, je
sta, secondo le esigenze di design.               design needs.                                  nach Designanforderung.

52                                                                    Gibas
54   Gibas   Collection 2021   55
56   Gibas   Collection 2021   57
Gabbie romantiche, leggere come
lanterne, attraversate da luce,
aria e suggestioni retrò.
Romantic cages, light as lanterns, crossed by light,
air and retro suggestions.

Design: Studio Gibas

IT Famiglia di lampade da terra e so-           EN Series of floor and suspension lamps     DE Serie von Steh- und Hängeleuchten
spensione in tondino d’acciaio sagomato e       in shaped steel rod and coated with epoxy   aus geformten Epoxidpulver beschichteten
verniciato a polveri epossidiche. Due fasce     powders. Two bands in natural wood close    Metallstäben . Zwei Ringe aus Naturholz
in legno naturale chiudono il corpo tondeg-     the rounded body. Coffee finish.            schließen den abgerundeten Körper. Kaffee
giante. Finitura caffè.                                                                     Finish.

58                                                                 Gibas
60   Gibas   Collection 2021   61
Cupola da manuale, di taglio
industriale. Riversa la sua luce su piani
e spazi generosi.
Textbook dome, industrial cut. It’s light shines
on generous floors and spaces.

Design: Studio Gibas

IT Famiglia di lampade a sospensione               EN Series of two-tone pendant lamps            DE Serie von zweifarbigen Pendelleuchten
bicolore in lastra di acciaio verniciata a         in epoxy powder coated steel plate with        aus epoxidpulverbeschichtetem Stahlblech
polveri epossidiche con interno verniciato         interior painted or hand decorated in gold     im Inneren lackiert oder in Blattgold hand-
o decorato a mano in foglia oro. Finitura          foil. Corten, black, pewter external finish.   verziert. Außen in Corten, schwarz oder
esterna corten, nero, peltro. Finitura interna     Internal white finish or gold foil.            Zinn, Innen weiß oder Blattgold.
bianco, foglia oro.

62                                                                     Gibas
64   Gibas   Collection 2021   65
Carezza radiosa, sfumata. Tocca piano
ogni parete su cui culla bagliori
e riflessi ovattati.
Radiant, nuanced caress. Gently touches every wall it cradles
with glare and muffled reflections.

Design: Studio Gibas

IT Famiglia di lampade da parete. Lastra         EN Series of wall lamps. Curved steel sheet      DE Serie von Wandleuchten. Gebogenes
d’acciaio curvata e verniciata a polveri epos-   coated with epoxy powders. Opal meth-            Stahlblech mit Epoxidpulvern beschichtet.
sidiche. Diffusore in metacrilato opalino.       acrylate diffuser. Integrated LED module for     Opaler Methacrylat Diffusor. Integriertes
Modulo LED integrato per un’illuminazione        uniform indirect lighting. Finish in corten or   LED-Modul für gleichmäßige indirekte Be-
indiretta uniforme. Finitura corten o bianco     sand white.                                      leuchtung. Finishin Corten oder Sand weiß.

66                                                                   Gibas
68   Gibas   Collection 2021   69
Stelle in punta di filo o stelo splendono
su tavole decorate, terrazze notturne,
giardini segreti.
Stars at the tip of the cable or stem shine on decorated tables,
nocturnal terraces, secret gardens.

Design: Studio Gibas

IT Famiglia di lampade a sospensione,           EN Series of pendant, ceiling, wall and         DE Serie von Pendel-, Decken-, Wand- und
soffitto, parete e terra. Ideale per esterni.   floor lamps. Ideal for outdoors. Structure in   Stehleuchten. Ideal für draußen. Struktur
Struttura in ottone ossidato o verniciato.      oxidized or painted brass.                      aus oxidiertem Messing oder lackiertem

70                                                                  Gibas
72   Gibas   Collection 2021   73
Luce incorniciata da quattro lati
e quattro angoli. Da appendere
come un dipinto contemporaneo.
Light framed by four sides and four corners.
To hang like a contemporary painting.

Design: Studio Gibas

IT Famiglia di lampade da parete e soffitto.    EN Series of wall and ceiling lamps. Struc-   DE Serie von Wand- und Deckenleuchten.
Struttura in lastra di acciaio verniciato       ture in two-tone epoxy powder coated steel    Struktur aus zweifarbiger epoxidpulver-
bicolore a polveri epossidiche. Illuminazione   plate. Homogeneous illumination. Corten       beschichteter Metallplatte. Homogene Be-
omogenea. Finitura corten.                      finish.                                       leuchtung. Finish in Corten.

74                                                                 Gibas
76   Gibas   Collection 2021   77
78   Gibas   Collection 2021   79
Un cofanetto a doppia apertura
luminosa sa come ammorbidire
le pareti e l’atmosfera.
A casket with double light opening knows
how to soften walls and the atmosphere.

Design: Studio Gibas

IT Lampada da parete. Lastra in acciaio          EN Wall lamp. Steel sheet folded and           DE Wandlampe. Stahlblech gefaltet und
piegata e verniciata a polveri epossidiche.      coated with epoxy powders. Integrated LED      mit Epoxidpulvern beschichtet. Integriertes
Modulo LED integrato con diffusori in meta-      module with opal methacrylate diffusers on     Led Modul mit Opalmethacrylat-Diffuso-
crilato opalino sul lato superiore e inferiore   the upper and lower side of the body. Issues   ren an der Ober- und Unterseite. Direktes
del corpo. Emissione luminosa diretta e          direct and indirect light. Finish Corten or    und indirektes Licht. Finish in Corten oder
indiretta. Finitura corten o bianco sabbia.      sand white.                                    Sandweiß.

80                                                                  Gibas
82   Gibas   Collection 2021   83
Lumi fini come candele, snodabili
come riflettori, nati per decorare
a coppia o in sequenza.
Lights as fine as candles, articulated as spotlights,
born to decorate as a pair or in sequence.

Design: Studio Gibas

IT Famiglia di lampade a parete e soffitto.      EN Series of wall and ceiling lamps. Satin     DE Serie von Wand- und Deckenleuchten.
Finitura ottone satinato. Struttura variabile    brass finish. Variable structure on request,   Satin Messing Finish. Variable Struktur auf
su richiesta, secondo le esigenze di design.     according to design needs.                     Anfrage, je nach Designanforderung.

84                                                                   Gibas
86   Gibas   Collection 2021   87
88   Gibas   Collection 2021   89
Finissimi getti di luce, in salita
o discesa. Fatti per accendere
di intimità angoli e superfici.
Very fine jets of light, upward or downward.
Made to enlighten corners and surfaces with intimacy.

Design: Studio Gibas

IT Famiglia di lampade da parete, soffitto,      EN Series of wall, ceiling, suspension and      DE Serie von Wand-, Decken-, Hänge- und
sospensione e terra in ottone ossidato con       floor lamps in oxidized brass with details in   Stehleuchten aus oxidiertem Messing mit
dettagli in acciaio verniciato a polveri epos-   epoxy powder coated steel.                      Details aus epoxidpulverbeschichtetem
sidiche. Varianti da interno ed esterno.                                                         Metall.

90                                                                   Gibas
92   Gibas   Collection 2021   93
94   Gibas   Collection 2021   95
Specchi di luce ampi, smaglianti.
Ogni ambiente s’inonda di riverberi
Wide, dazzling mirrors of light. Each environment is flooded
with enchanting reverberations.

Design: Studio Gibas

IT Famiglia di lampade da parete, soffitto     EN Series of wall, ceiling and suspension   DE Serie von Wand-, Decken- und Hänge-
e sospensione. Struttura in acciaio tagliato   lamps. Structure in laser-cut steel and     leuchten. Struktur aus lasergeschnittenem
a laser e verniciato a polveri epossidiche.    coated with epoxy powders. Direct and       Stahl und mit Epoxidpulvern beschichtet.
Illuminazione diretta e omogenea. Finitura     homogeneous lighting. Finishes Matt white   Direkte und homogene Beleuchtung. Finish
bianco e corten.                               and Corten.                                 Mattweiss oder Corten.

96                                                               Gibas
98   Gibas   Collection 2021   99
Colori, Colors

                                                                                                                                                        C1   Bianco Opaco, White Opaque   C2   Nero Opaco, Matte Black           C7   Avorio, Ivory

                                                                                                                                                        C13 Rame, Copper                  C27 Bronzo, Bronze                     C28 Marrone dorato, Golden Brown

                                                                                                                                                        C36 Corten, Corten                C41 Ottone spazzolato, Brushed Brass   C43 Ottone ossidato, Brass Oxidized

                                                                                                                                                        C50 Peltro, Pewter                C57 Caffè, Coffee                      C60 Foglia oro, Goldfoil

IT Il codice colore sotto ogni immagine è relativo al colore                 EN The colour-code under each image is related to the colour of            C74 Nero sabbia, Sand Black       C80 Bianco sabbia, Sand White          C92 Oro moltoluce, Light Gold
dell'articolo fotografato. I colori standard disponibili sono mostrati       the photographed article. The available standard colours are shown
sull'ultima pagina di ogni serie. I colori degli articoli illustrati sono    on the last page of each series. The colours of the illustrated articles
riprodotti nel modo più fedele possibile, in linea con i limiti tecnici di   are reproduced the most faithfully possible, in line with the techni-
stampa e piccole variazioni di tono sono possibili, grazie alla fabbri-      cal limits of printing and small variations of tone are possible, due to
cazione artigianale.                                                         the handicraft making.

100                                                                     Gibas                                                                                                                          Collection 2021                                                 101
Schede tecniche,
Technical Sheets

102          Gibas   Collection
                     Collection 2021
                                2021   103

                     Sospensione                     Sospensione                  Sistema a batteria            Tavolo                       Parete                           Sistema                      Terra
                     Pendant                         Pendant                      Battery System                Table                        Wall                             System                       Floor

Dimensioni           Ø 29 × h 35 cm                  Ø 43 × h 45 cm               Ø 43 × h 48 cm                Ø 43 × h 51 cm               Ø 29 × h 41 cm                   Ø 29 × h 36 cm               Ø 170 × h 220 cm

Sorgente luminosa    LED inclusi / LED included      LED inclusi / LED included   LED inclusi / LED included    LED inclusi / LED included   LED inclusi / LED included       LED inclusi / LED included
Light source         1 × 16W 2700K IP44              1 × 16W 2700K IP44           1 × 5W (Battery) 2700K IP44   1 × 16W 2700K IP44           1 × 16W 2700K IP44               5 × 16W 2700K IP44

Lunghezza del cavo   150 cm                          150 cm                                                     600 cm                                                        600/150/150/150/150 cm
Cable lenght

Codice               107.23                          107.24                       107.34                        107.64                       107.44                           107.93                       107.67

Colori               Corten, Sand White              Corten, Sand White           Corten, Sand White            Corten, Sand White           Corten, Sand White               Corten, Sand White           Corten, Sand White

104                                               Gibas                                                                                                               Collection 2021                                           105

                     Sospensione            Sospensione         Sospensione
                     Pendant                Pendant             Pendant

Dimensioni           Ø 60 × h 60 cm         Ø 90 × h 60 cm      Ø 90 × h 60 cm

Sorgente luminosa    E27 halo/led           E27 halo/led        E27 halo/led
Light source         1 × max 53W            3 × max 53W         6 × max 53W

Lunghezza del cavo   150 cm                 150 cm              300 cm
Cable lenght

Codice               201.21                 201.23              201.26

Colori               Sand Black, Sand       Sand Black, Sand    Sand Black, Sand
Colors               White, Light Gold      White, Light Gold   White, Light Gold

106                                      Gibas                                      Collection 2021   107

                     Lampadario                     Lampadario                    Parete                    Soffitto                   Soffitto                            Soffitto
                     Chandelier                     Chandelier                    Wall                      Ceiling                    Ceiling                             Ceiling

Dimensioni           l 110 × p 85 cm × h 85 cm      l 154 × p 175 cm × h 113 cm   l 44 x p 8 cm × h 32 cm   l 180 × p 8 cm x h 36 cm   l 175 × p 8 cm x h 100 cm           l 32 × p 8 cm × h 42 cm

Sorgente luminosa    E27 halo/led                   E27 halo/led                  E27 halo/led              E27 halo/led               E27 halo/led                        E27 halo/led
Light source         6 × max 53W                    9 × max 53W                   2 × max 53W               2 × max 53W                5 × max 53W                         2 × max 53W

Lunghezza del cavo
Cable lenght

Codice               103.16                         103.19                        103.42                    103.73                     103.75                              103.76

Colori               Golden Brown/                  Golden Brown/                 Golden Brown/             Golden Brown/              Golden Brown/                       Golden Brown/
Colors               Brushed Brass                  Brushed Brass                 Brushed Brass             Brushed Brass              Brushed Brass                       Brushed Brass

108                                              Gibas                                                                                                             Collection 2021                   109

                     Sospensione                                     Sospensione                                  Sospensione                                  Sospensione                                  Sospensione                                     Tavolo                                       Soffitto
                     Pendant                                         Pendant                                      Pendant                                      Pendant                                      Pendant                                         Table                                        Ceiling

Dimensioni           Ø 120 × h 73 cm                                 Ø 50 × h 45 cm                               Ø 45 × h 53 cm                               Ø 60 × h 35 cm                               Ø 90 × h 53 cm                                  Ø 48 × h 35 cm                               Ø 48 × h 35 cm

Sorgente luminosa    E27 fluo/halo/led                               E27 fluo/halo/led                            E27 fluo/halo/led                            E27 fluo/halo/led                            E27 fluo/halo/led                               E27 fluo/halo/led                            E27 fluo/halo/led
Light source         1 × max 60W                                     1 × max 60W                                  1 × max 60W                                  1 × max 60W                                  1 × max 60W                                     1 × max 60W                                  1 × max 60W
                     Paralume disponibile / Lampshade available      Paralume disponibile / Lampshade available   Paralume disponibile / Lampshade available   Paralume disponibile / Lampshade available   Paralume disponibile / Lampshade available      Paralume disponibile / Lampshade available   Paralume disponibile / Lampshade available

Lunghezza del cavo   110 cm                                          110 cm                                       110 cm                                       110 cm                                       110 cm                                          150 cm
Cable lenght

Codice               170.12                                          170.21                                       170.22                                       170.23                                       170.29                                          170.34                                       170.74

Colori               Matte Black, Ivory                              Matte Black, Ivory                           Matte Black, Ivory                           Matte Black, Ivory                           Matte Black, Ivory                              Matte Black, Ivory                           Matte Black, Ivory

110                                                               Gibas                                                                                                                                                                             Collection 2021                                                                                   111

                     Lampadario            Lampadario         Lampadario         Sospensione               Sospensione                 Parete             Parete
                     Chandelier            Chandelier         Chandelier         Pendant                   Pendant                     Wall               Wall

Dimensioni           Ø 140 × h 10 cm       Ø 95 × h 10 cm     Ø 50 × h 60 cm     Ø 2,5 × l 70 × h 100 cm   Ø 2,5 × h 60 cm             l 9 × h 90 cm      l 45 × h 85 cm

Sorgente luminosa    G9 fluo/halo/led      G9 fluo/halo/led   G9 fluo/halo/led   G9 fluo/halo/led          E27 fluo/halo/led           G9 fluo/halo/led   G9 fluo/halo/led
Light source         8 × max 10W           8 × max 10W        9 × max 10W        2 × max 10W               1 × max 10W                 2 × max 10W        3 × max 10W

Lunghezza del cavo   110 cm                110 cm             150 cm                                       150 cm
Cable lenght

Codice               105.18                105.28             105.29             105.22                    105.21                      105.42             105.43

Colori               Light Gold            Light Gold         Light Gold         Light Gold                Light Gold                  Light Gold         Light Gold

112                                     Gibas                                                                                  Collection 2021                               113

                     Sospesione                      Sospesione                   Parete                       Terra                        Parete, Soffitto                 Parete, Soffitto             Parete, Soffitto
                     Pendant                         Pendant                      Wall                         Floor                        Wall, Ceiling                    Wall, Ceiling                Wall, Ceiling

Dimensioni           Ø 33 × h 22 cm                  Ø 45 × h 22 cm               l 165 × p 45 × h 22 cm       l 48 × p 32 × h 160 cm       Ø 33 cm                          Ø 45 cm                      Ø 33 cm × h 28 cm

Sorgente luminosa    LED inclusi / LED included      LED inclusi / LED included   LED inclusi / LED included   LED inclusi / LED included   LED inclusi / LED included       LED inclusi / LED included   LED inclusi / LED included
Light source         1 × 28W 2700K                   1 × 38W 2700K                1 × 38W 2700K                1 × 38W 2700K                1 × 28W 2700K                    1 × 38W 2700K                1 × 28W 2700K

Lunghezza del cavo   100 cm                          100 cm                       125 cm                       300 cm
Cable lenght

Codice               144.23                          144.25                       144.45                       144.63                       144.73                           144.74                       144.77

Colori               Bronze                          Bronze                       Bronze                       Bronze                       Bronze                           Bronze                       Bronze
Colors               Diffuser: White/Marble          Diffuser: White/Marble       Diffuser: White/Marble       Diffuser: White/Marble       Diffuser: White/Marble           Diffuser: White/Marble       Diffuser: White/Marble

114                                               Gibas                                                                                                              Collection 2021                                                   115
Parete, Soffitto                Lampadario
                     Wall, Ceiling                   Chandelier

Dimensioni           Ø 45 × h 28 cm                  l 193 × p 284 × h 60 cm

Sorgente luminosa    LED inclusi / LED included      LED inclusi / LED included
Light source         1 × 38W 2700K                   2 × 28W + 2 × 38W 2700K

Lunghezza del cavo
Cable lenght

Codice               144.78                          144.14

Colori               Bronze                          Bronze
Colors               Diffuser: White/Marble          Diffuser: White/Marble

116                                               Gibas                           Collection 2021   117

                     Sospensione                     Parete                           Parete, Soffitto             Parete                       Parete                           Parete, Soffitto             Parete, Soffitto
                     Pendant                         Wall                             Wall, Ceiling                Wall                         Wall                             Wall, Ceiling                Wall, Ceiling

Dimensioni           Ø 11 × h 15 cm                  Ø 12 × p 24cm                    l 38 × p 36 × h 181 cm       l 50 × p 14 × h max 155 cm   Ø 30 × h 66 cm                   Ø 11 × h 7 cm                Ø 11 × h 7 cm

Sorgente luminosa    LED inclusi / LED included      LED LED inclusi / LED included   LED inclusi / LED included   LED inclusi / LED included   LED inclusi / LED included       LED inclusi / LED included   LED inclusi / LED included
Light source         1 × 8W 2700K                    1 × 8W 2700K                     4 × 8W 2700K                 2 × 8W 2700K                 1 × 8W 2700K                     1 × 8W 2700K                 1 × 8W 2700K

Lunghezza del cavo   150 cm                                                                                                                     150 cm
Cable lenght

Codice               169.21                          169.42                           169.44                       169.46                       169.48                           169.73                       169.74

Colori               Matte Black,                    Matte Black,                     Matte Black,                 Matte Black,                 Matte Black,                     Matte Black,                 Matte Black,
Colors               Brushed Brass                   Brushed Brass                    Brushed Brass                Brushed Brass                Brushed Brass                    Brushed Brass                Brushed Brass

118                                               Gibas                                                                                                                  Collection 2021                                                   119

                     Sospensione                                     Sospensione         Sospensione         Terra,                                  Terra,
                     Pendant                                         Pendant             Pendant             Floor                                   Floor

Dimensioni           Ø 35 × h 70 cm                                  Ø 48 × h 40 cm      Ø 58 × h 48 cm      Ø 37 × h 80 cm                          Ø 48 × h 52 cm

Sorgente luminosa    E27 fluo/halo/led                               E27 fluo/halo/led   E27 fluo/halo/led   E27 fluo/halo/led                       E27 fluo/halo/led
Light source         1 × max 60W                                     1 × max 60W         1 × max 60W         1 × max 60W                             1 × max 60W
                     Paralume disponibile / Lampshade available                                              Paralume incluso / Lampshade included

Lunghezza del cavo   110 cm                                          110 cm              110 cm              300 cm                                  300 cm
Cable lenght

Codice               195.24                                          195.25              195.26              195.64                                  195.65

Colori               Coffee                                          Coffee              Coffee              Coffee                                  Coffee
Colors               Finish: Wood                                    Finish: Wood        Finish: Wood        Finish: Wood                            Finish: Wood

120                                                               Gibas                                                                                                  Collection 2021   121

                     Sospensione              Sospensione           Sospensione           Sospensione
                     Pendant                  Pendant               Pendant               Pendant

Dimensioni           Ø 40 × h 20 cm           Ø 50 × h 25 cm        Ø 60 × h 30 cm        Ø 80 × h 40 cm

Sorgente luminosa    E27 fluo/halo/led        E27 fluo/halo/led     E27 fluo/halo/led     E27 fluo/halo/led
Light source         1 × max 60W              1 × max 60W           1 × max 60W           1 × max 60W

Lunghezza del cavo   110 cm                   110 cm                110 cm                110 cm
Cable lenght

Codice               122.24                   122.25                122.26                122.28

Colori               Pewter, Corten,          Pewter, Corten,       Pewter, Corten,       Pewter, Corten,
Colors               Matte Black              Matte Black           Matte Black           Matte Black
                     ↳Inside: Gold Foil,      ↳Inside: Gold Foil,   ↳Inside: Gold Foil,   ↳Inside: Gold Foil,
                     White Opaque             White Opaque          White Opaque          White Opaque

122                                        Gibas                                                                Collection 2021   123

                     Parete                          Parete                       Parete
                     Wall                            Wall                         Wall

Dimensioni           l 13 × p 10 × h 3,5 cm          l 30 × p 10 × h 3,5 cm       l 50 × p 10 × h 3,5 cm

Sorgente luminosa    LED inclusi / LED included      LED inclusi / LED included   LED inclusi / LED included
Light source         1 × 8W 600lm 2700K              1 × 13W 1450lm 2700K         2 × 13W 2900lm 2700K

Lunghezza del cavo
Cable lenght

Codice               192.41                          192.43                       192.45

Colori               Corten, Sand White              Corten, Sand White           Corten, Sand White

124                                               Gibas                                                        Collection 2021   125

                     Parete                          Parete                       Parete, Soffitto             Sistema                      Terra                            Terra
                     Wall                            Wall                         Wall, Ceiling                System                       Floor                            Floor

Dimensioni           l 11 × p 21 × h 7 cm            Ø 11 × h 22 cm               Ø 11 × h 6 cm                Ø 11 × h 14                  Ø 43 × h 60 cm                   Ø 133 × h 216 cm

Sorgente luminosa    LED inclusi / LED included      LED inclusi / LED included   LED inclusi / LED included   LED inclusi / LED included   LED inclusi / LED included       LED inclusi / LED included
Light source         1 × 8W 2700K IP44               1 × 8W 2700K IP44            1 × 8W 2700K IP44            4 × 8W 2700K IP44            1 × 8W 2700K IP44                1 × 8W 2700K IP44

Lunghezza del cavo                                                                                             600/150/150/150 cm                                            300 cm
Cable lenght

Codice               168.41                          168.72                       168.71                       168.73                       168.61                           168.62

Colori               Brass Oxidized                  Brass Oxidized               Brass Oxidized               Brass Oxidized               Brass Oxidized                   Brass Oxidized

126                                               Gibas                                                                                                              Collection 2021                      127

                     Parete, Soffitto                Parete, Soffitto             Parete, Soffitto             Parete, Soffitto
                     Wall, Ceiling                   Wall, Ceiling                Wall, Ceiling                Wall, Ceiling

Dimensioni           l 30 × h 30 cm                  l 30 × h 60 cm               l 30 × h 120 cm              l 60 × h 60 cm

Sorgente luminosa    LED inclusi / LED included      LED inclusi / LED included   LED inclusi / LED included   LED inclusi / LED included
Light source         18W 1420lm 3000K                36W 3450lm 3000K             36W 3850lm 3000K             36W 3400lm 3000K

Lunghezza del cavo
Cable lenght

Codice               205.72                          205.75                       205.77                       205.78

Colori               White Opaque, Coffee            White Opaque, Coffee         White Opaque, Coffee         White Opaque, Coffee
Colors               ↳Inside: Light Gold,            ↳Inside: Light Gold,         ↳Inside: Light Gold,         ↳Inside: Light Gold,
                     Copper                          Copper                       Copper                       Copper

128                                               Gibas                                                                                     Collection 2021   129

                     Parete                          Parete                       Parete
                     Wall                            Wall                         Wall

Dimensioni           l 13 × p 10 × h 3,5 cm          l 30 × p 10 × h 3,5 cm       l 50 × p 10 × h 3,5 cm

Sorgente luminosa    LED inclusi / LED included      LED inclusi / LED included   LED inclusi / LED included
Light source         1 × max 8W 600lm                1 × max 13W 1450lm           2 × max 13W 2900lm

Lunghezza del cavo
Cable lenght

Codice               199.41                          199.43                       199.45

Colori               Corten, Sand White              Corten, Sand White           Corten, Sand White

130                                               Gibas                                                        Collection 2021   131

                     Parete                          Parete                       Parete                       Soffitto                     Soffitto                         Soffitto
                     Wall                            Wall                         Wall                         Ceiling                      Ceiling                          Ceiling

Dimensioni           l 6 × p 9 × h 6 cm              l 10 × p 10 × h 10 cm        l 5 × p 9 × h 15 cm          Ø 7 × h 17 cm                Ø 7 × h 22 cm                    Ø 7 × h 27 cm

Sorgente luminosa    LED inclusi / LED included      LED inclusi / LED included   LED inclusi / LED included   LED inclusi / LED included   LED inclusi / LED included       LED inclusi / LED included
Light source         3W 350mA 200lm 3000K            3W 350mA 3000K               3W 350mA 3000K               3W 350mA 3000K               3W 350mA 3000K                   3W 350mA 3000K

Lunghezza del cavo
Cable lenght

Codice               119.41                          119.42                       119.43                       119.71                       119.72                           119.73

Colori               Matte Black,                    Matte Black,                 Matte Black,                 Matte Black,                 Matte Black,                     Matte Black,
Colors               Brushed Brass                   Brushed Brass                Brushed Brass                Brushed Brass                Brushed Brass                    Brushed Brass

132                                               Gibas                                                                                                              Collection 2021                      133

                     Parete                  Parete                Parete                       Parete                       Parete                         Parete                Parete
                     Wall                    Wall                  Wall                         Wall                         Wall                           Wall                  Wall

Dimensioni           l 9 × p 9 × h 9 cm      l 33 × p 8 × h 8 cm   l 9,5 × p 9,5 × h 11 cm      l 19 × p 9,5 × h 8 cm        l 10 × p 12 × h 9 cm           l 47 × p 9 × h 9 cm

Sorgente luminosa    G9                      E27                   LED inclusi / LED included   LED inclusi / LED included   G9                             E27
Light source         1 × max 18W             1 × max 53W           1 × 12W                      1 × 12W                      1 × max 18W                    1 × max 53W

Lunghezza del cavo
Cable lenght

Codice               929.41                  929.42                929.43                       929.44                       929.45                         929.46

Colori               Brass Oxidized,         Brass Oxidized,       Brass Oxidized,              Brass Oxidized,              Brass Oxidized,                Brass Oxidized,
Colors               Coffee                  Coffee                Coffee                       Coffee                       Coffee                         Coffee

134                                       Gibas                                                                                                     Collection 2021                        135
Sospensione          Sospensione       Sospensione       Soffitto          Parete                         Parete biemissione
                     Pendant              Pendant           Pendant           Ceiling           Wall                           Wall double-light

Dimensioni           Ø 5,5 × h 15 cm      Ø 5,5 × h 30 cm   Ø 5,5 × h 45 cm   Ø 5,5 × h 15 cm   l 7 × p 11 × h 15 cm           l 7 × p 7 × h 15 cm

Sorgente luminosa    GU10                 GU10              GU10              GU10              GU10                           GU10
Light source         1 × max 10W          1 × max 10W       1 × max 10W       1 × max 10W       1 × max 10W                    2 × max 10W

Lunghezza del cavo   150 cm               150 cm            150 cm
Cable lenght

Codice               929.25               929.26            929.27            929.75            929.95                         929.96

Colori               Brass Oxidized       Brass Oxidized    Brass Oxidized    Brass Oxidized    Brass Oxidized                 Brass Oxidized

136                                    Gibas                                                                           Collection 2021               137

                     Parete, Soffitto                Parete, Soffitto             Parete, Soffitto             Parete, Soffitto
                     Wall, Ceiling                   Wall, Ceiling                Wall, Ceiling                Wall, Ceiling

Dimensioni           l 36 × h 36 cm                  l 36 × h 66 cm               l 36 × h 126 cm              l 66 × h 66 cm

Sorgente luminosa    LED inclusi / LED included      LED inclusi / LED included   LED inclusi / LED included   LED inclusi / LED included
Light source         18W 1420lm 3000K                36W 3450lm 3000K             36W 3850lm 3000K             36W 3400lm 3000K

Lunghezza del cavo
Cable lenght

Codice               148.72                          148.75                       148.77                       148.78

Colori               Corten, Sand White              Corten, Sand White           Corten, Sand White           Corten, Sand White

138                                               Gibas                                                                                     Collection 2021   139

140    Gibas   Collection 2021   141
142   Gibas   Collection 2021   143
Gibas S.r.l.           Art Direction and 3D Images:
Via A. Volta 7/9       notooSTUDIO
63857 Amandola (FM)
Tel: +39 0736 847017   Graphic Design:          Stefano Luchetti

                       Krup Studio

                       Chiara Ferrari

                       Grafica Bieffe

                                                      Collection 2021   145
146        Gibas
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