Foodm italian buyer's guide -

Pagina creata da Irene Grasso
Foodm italian buyer's guide -
In partnership with



SPECIAL EDITION                                                 SPECIAL EDITION

                  buyer’s • guide
                         YEAR 5 - N° 6 • JUNE 2017
Foodm italian buyer's guide -
                                                     by Angelo Frigerio, managing director

  “The Food Standards Agency has de-            port this simplistic “mechanism”: Coca         who said: “One thing are detailed and
veloped a traffic light label that gives        Cola, Mars, Mondelez, Nestle, PepsiCo          transparent information for consumers; a
you independent expert scientific dieta-        and Unilever that, on 9th March, decla-        completely different thing is to create a
ry advice to help make healthier choices        red their support for the traffic light la-    system that beyond informing, suggests
quickly and easily. Look for products with      belling during a meeting of the EU plat-       what to buy or not buy, what is good for
green, amber or red colour and labels           form for action on diet, physical activity     health and what is not. Even more if ap-
on the front of the pack. These show you        and health. A support that arises out of       proximatively, without taking into consi-
at a glance if the food you are thinking        fear of a ‘soda tax’ or ‘sugar tax’ in Euro-   deration consumers’ lifestyle, age, meta-
about buying has low, medium or high            pean terms that is already implemented         bolism and portions consumed. Actually,
amounts of fat, saturated fat, sugars and       in other countries, like Mexico. This en-      we are talking about a mechanism that
salt, helping the consumers get a better        dorsement by multinationals has trigged        seems to ridiculously penalize products
balance”. This is written in the presen-        (and rightly so) a series of reactions in      such as Parma ham, Grana Padano, Par-
tation of the Traffic light label made by       Italy.                                         miggiano Reggiano and extra virgin oli-
the Uk Food Standards Agency, whose             “It causes economic and image dama-            ve oil.”
motto is: “Using traffic light to make he-      ge to our products; it does not bring any      But not only. More than one doubt about
althier choices”. It’s not true. With this      benefit to consumers and it does neither       the realistic effect of the traffic light la-
labelling system, the green light goes to       promote balanced nor a healthy diet and        belling has been clearly reised by the
Coca Cola and carbonated beverages              classifies food with questionable and          British, who have already dealt with the
rich in sweeteners. Red light, instead,         approximate parameters", said Maurizio         notorious mechanism: to the point to not
for deli-meats, cheeses and other made          Martina, Italian Minister of Agricultural      understanding it so well. At least, this is
in Italy delicacies. An illogical system,       Policies. "It is not acceptable that quali-    what results from a survey conducted
that could be soon extended to all Eu-          ty Pdo and Pgi products and other pro-         by YouGov for the Chartered institute of
rope.                                           ducts belonging to the Mediterranean           marketing. Over 76% say they actual-
A system already contested by Brus-             diet such as fish and olive oil are bran-      ly understood it. But 67% is convinced
sels in the past. Why? It highlights the        ded with the red traffic light while sugar     that the products with three red stickers
amount of calories, fats, sugars and salt       free sodas obtain the green traffic light.”    should be totally avoided. 37% belie-
present in 100 gr or 100 ml of product. If      A position shared also by Federalimen-         ve that only one product branded with
these ingredients exceed the allowed le-        tare (The Italian Food & Drink Industry        a red sticker should be consumed per
vels, a “halt” is applied with one or more      Federation) and important industry pla-        day. It does not end up here: more that
red stickers on the box. Nothing is men-        yers, such as Nicola Levoni, president         50% said that a good diet consists of ea-
tioned about the other nutritional proper-      of Assica (the Italian confederation of        ting products with green sticker. Blissful
ties. Currently, six multinationals sup-        Meat and Meat Industry Associations),          ignorance…

“La Food Standards Agency          Il semaforo, però, è già stato       delle Politiche agricole Mau-      tener conto dello stile di vita,
ha sviluppato un sistema di        contestato in passato da Bru-        rizio Martina: “Provoca dan-       dell’età, del metabolismo e
etichettatura a semaforo che       xelles. Il motivo? Sicuramente       ni economici e d’immagine          delle quantità effettivamente
vi fornisce consigli scientifici   mette in evidenza le quantità        ai nostri prodotti, non porta      consumate. Di fatto si tratta
indipendenti capaci di aiutar-     di calorie, grassi, zuccheri e       alcun beneficio per i consu-       di un ‘meccanismo’ che pena-
vi a compiere scelte alimenta-     sale presenti per 100 gram-          matori e non promuove uno          lizzerebbe in maniera assurda
ri più sane in modo rapido e       mi o 100 millilitri di prodotto.     stile alimentare equilibrato o     prodotti come prosciutto cru-
semplice. Cercate quei pro-        Se questi ingredienti supera-        una dieta sana, classificando      do di Parma, grana padano,
dotti che riportano in etichet-    no il livello di guardia scatta      i cibi con parametri discutibili   parmigiano reggiano e olio
ta i colori verde, arancio e       l’altolà, segnalato appunto          e approssimativi. Non è ac-        extravergine di oliva”.
rosso. Questi vi mostreranno       con uno o più bollini rossi sul-     cettabile che prodotti di qua-     Ma non solo. Più di un dub-
a colpo d’occhio se l’alimen-      la confezione. Ma delle altre        lità Dop e Igp possano essere      bio sull’efficacia reale dell’e-
to che state considerando          proprietà nutrizionali non si        marchiati con semaforo rosso,      tichetta ‘a semaforo’ l’hanno
di acquistare ha un contenu-       dice nulla. A sostenere que-         così come succede con altri        chiaramente manifestata gli
to basso, medio o elevato di       sto ‘meccanismo’ a dir poco          alimenti che fanno parte del-      inglesi, che hanno già a che
grassi, grassi saturi, zuccheri    semplicistico ci sono sei mul-       la dieta mediterranea, come il     fare con il meccanismo: al
e sale, in modo da aiutare i       tinazionali: Coca Cola, Mars,        pesce e l’olio d’oliva, mentre     punto che non l’hanno anco-
consumatori a fare scelte più      Mondelez, Nestlé, PepsiCo e          bibite gassate senza zucchero      ra capito realmente. Almeno,
equilibrate”. Così si legge        Unilever. Che il 9 marzo han-        ottengono il semaforo verde”.      così risulta da un sondaggio
nella presentazione del siste-     no dichiarato il loro appoggio       Logicamente d’accordo an-          realizzato da YouGov per il
ma Traffic Light a cura della      all’etichetta ‘a semaforo’ in        che Federalimentare ed espo-       Chartered institute of marke-
Uk Food Standards Agency,          un incontro della Piattaforma        nenti di rilievo del mondo         ting. Oltremanica il 76% dice
che ha come slogan: “Usare le      Ue per la dieta, l’attività fisi-    produttivo. Tra questi Nicola      di averlo compreso. Peccato
etichette a semaforo per com-      ca e la salute. Un appoggio          Levoni, presidente di Assica,      che il 67% sia convinto che i
piere scelte più salutari”. Non    che nascerebbe dal timore di         che ha dichiarato: “Un conto       prodotti con tre bollini ros-
è vero. Con questo sistema il      una ‘soda tax’ o ‘sugar tax’ in      sono le informazioni traspa-       si vadano evitati totalmente.
semaforo è verde per Coca          salsa europea, già in vigore         renti e dettagliate per il con-    Il 37%, invece, sostiene che
Cola e bibite gassate ricche di    in diversi paesi su scala inter-     sumatore. Differente è assu-       possa essere consumato un
edulcoranti. Semaforo rosso,       nazionale, tra cui il Messico.       mere un ‘sistema’ che, oltre       solo prodotto al giorno con
invece, per salumi, formaggi       Questo endorsement delle             a informare, suggerisce an-        un bollino rosso. E non finisce
e altre prelibatezze made in       multinazionali, in Italia ha sca-    che cosa comprare e cosa no,       qui: più del 50% afferma che
Italy. Un sistema assurdo che      tenato (e giustamente) una           cosa fa bene e cosa no. An-        mangiando prodotti con bolli-
potrebbe essere esteso a tut-      serie di reazioni.                   cor più se questo avviene in       ni verdi si ha una buona dieta.
ta l’Unione europea.               Così ha tuonato il ministro          modo approssimativo, senza         Beata ignoranza…

2 / The Italian Food Magazine - Buyer's Guide
Foodm italian buyer's guide -
Foodm italian buyer's guide -
INSIDE                                                                   NEWS

                                                                               LUXEMBOURG: ‘VIVERE ALL’ITALIANA’, THE NEW PROMOTIONAL
      ICE NEW YORK                                                             FESTIVAL DEDICATED TO MADE IN ITALY
      American dream
                                                                                 The first edition of ‘Vivere all’italiana’,     at the Residence of the Italian Ambassa-

                                                                               promotional festival organized by the Ita-        dor. More than 20 brands, including pri-
      THE PARTNERSHIP                                                          lian Embassy and the ITA Agency in col-           vate partners and sponsors, are going to
      30 million dollars                                                       laboration with the Italian-Luxembourg            take part to the initiative. For six months, a
      for ‘authentic Made in Italy’                                            Chamber of Commerce, will be held in              long series of tastings and thematic nights

                                                                               Luxembourg from June until November               will be organized, also in collaboration
      VALLEDORO                                                                2017. A rich calendar of events dedica-           with selected Italian restaurants.
       “We produce for our customers,                                          ted to some of the most renowned Italian
      just like we do for our children”                                        excellences has been planned - from de-

                                                                               sign to fashion, including, of course, food
      THE EVENT                                                                & beverage - together with some impor-
      Tuttofood?                                                               tant Italian brands. The festival was inau-
      Tuttogood                                                                gurated on the night of the 1st of June, on
                                                                               the occasion of the Italian National Fest,
 Managing director: ANGELO FRIGERIO
 Editorial director: RICCARDO COLLETTI
                                                                               Nasce a Lussemburgo ‘Vivere all’italiana’: festival dedicato alle eccellenze made in Italy
 Edited by: Edizioni Turbo Srl - Palazzo di Vetro
                                                                               Si apre a Lussemburgo la prima edizione di ‘Vivere all’italiana’, una rassegna promozionale
 Corso della Resistenza, 23 - 20821 - Meda (MB)
                                                                               organizzata dall’Ambasciata d’Italia e da Ice Agenzia in stretta collaborazione con la Camera di
 Tel. +39 0362 600463/4/5/9
                                                                               commercio italo-lussemburghese. Un festival che, da giugno a novembre 2017, offrirà un ricco
 Fax. +39 0362 600616 - e-mail:
                                                                               programma di eventi per la presentazione di eccellenze del made in Italy nei campi del design,
 Periodico bimestrale - Registrazione al Tribunale di Milano n. 38             della moda e dell’enogastronomia, in partenariato con numerosi operatori italiani di succes-
 del 25 febbraio 2015 - Stampa: Ingraph - Seregno (MB) -                       so. L’inaugurazione della rassegna è avvenuta in coincidenza con la celebrazione della Festa
 Anno 5 - numero 6 - giugno 2017.                                              Nazionale, nella serata del 1° giugno, presso la residenza dell’Ambasciatore d’Italia. Oltre 20
 Una copia 1,00 euro - L’editore garantisce la massima riservatezza            marchi, tra partners e sponsor privati, sono già impegnati nella manifestazione, che nell’arco
 dei dati personali in suo possesso.Tali dati saranno utilizzati per la ge-    di sei mesi vedrà il susseguirsi di degustazioni di prodotti eno-gastronomici, con serate a tema
 stione degli abbonamenti e per l’invio di informazioni commerciali. In        presso selezionati ristoranti italiani.
 base all’Art. 13 della Legge n° 196/2003, i dati potranno essere retti-
 ficati o cancellati in qualsiasi momento scrivendo a: Edizioni Turbo S.r.l.

                                                                               LAVAZZA ACQUIRES THE 80%
     MASTER GNOCCHI                                                            OF CANADIAN KICKING HORSE COFFEE
     ARE NOW KOSHER CERTIFIED                                                    The Lavazza Group purchased a si-               mented Antonio Baravalle, Ceo of the
       Master opens to the Kosher world. The                                   gnificant equity stake in Kicking Horse           Lavazza Group and future Kicking Horse
     company from Veneto decided to obtain                                     Coffee, leading Canadian organic and              Coffee Chairman.
     the certification after the increasing de-                                fair-trade coffee player. With this tran-
     mand from international market ope-                                       saction, Lavazza secures an 80% interest
     rators. “All production activities will be                                in the company, which was valued 215
     controlled by a qualified rabbi, who will                                 million Canadian dollars (142 million
     establish and approve the authorization                                   euro). Elana Rosenfeld, who founded
     to produce with the Kosher seal. Now we                                   Kicking Horse Coffee in 1996, will retain
     will be even more qualified to meet the                                   a 20% equity stake and will continue as
     needs of international consumers”, said                                   Chief Executive Officer. “Kicking Hor-
     Adriano Bianco, Ceo of Master. Kosher                                     se Coffee represents one of the 'local
     certified Master gnocchi are also suitable                                jewels' the Lavazza Group continues
     for lactose intolerants and vegetarians.                                  to seek as part of its globalization and
                                                                               premium positioning strategy," com-

                                                                               Lavazza fa shopping in Canada: acquisito l’80% di Kicking Horse Coffee
                                                                               Nuova acquisizione nel mondo del caffè per il Gruppo Lavazza. Che ha rilevato per 215 milioni
                                                                               di dollari canadesi (142 milioni di euro) l’80% del capitale di Kicking Horse Coffee, leader cana-
                                                                               dese nel segmento del caffè organico e fair trade. Elana Rosenfeld, che ha fondato l’azienda
                                                                               nel 1996, resta azionista con il 20% e continuerà a guidare l’azienda come Ceo. “Kicking Horse
                                                                               rappresenta uno di quei ‘local jewels’ che il gruppo Lavazza continua a ricercare nell’ambito
                                                                               della propria strategia di globalizzazione e di posizionamento premium”, commenta Antonio
                                                                               Baravalle, amministratore delegato del Gruppo Lavazza.

                                                                               PARMALAT ACQUIRES TWO
     Gli gnocchi Master                                                        COMPANIES IN THE UNITED STATES
     ora sono anche Kosher                                                       Italian company Parmalat announced
     Master si apre al mondo Kosher. L’azienda ve-                                                                               Parmalat: due nuove acquisizioni
     neta ha ottenuto la relativa certificazione, a                            on the past weeks that its LAG Holding            negli Stati Uniti
     seguito delle numerose le sollecitazioni rice-                            Inc. subsidiary has acquired two dairy            Parmalat ha comunicato nelle scorse se-
     vute dai mercati internazionali e in particolare                          companies operating in the U.S. dairy             ettimane che la controllata LAG Holding
     statunitense. “Tutte le attività di produzione                            sector, including a production facility           ha acquistato due società che operano
     saranno controllate da un rabbino qualificato,                            in Turlock (California) and the ‘Karoun’,         nel settore caseario negli Stati Uniti, tra
     che constaterà e approverà l’autorizzazione                                                                                 cui un sito produttivo a Turlock (Califor-
                                                                               ‘Gopi’ and ‘Blue Isle’ brands. The en-            nia) e i brand Karoun, Gopi e Blue Isle.
     a produrre con il sigillo Kosher. Ora saremo                              terprise value of the acquired business
     ancora più forti per affrontare le esigenze dei                                                                             L’enterprise value dell’attività acquisita è
                                                                               was set at about 130 million dollars,             stato fissato in circa 130 milioni di dollari.
     consumatori internazionali”, spiega Adriano
     Bianco, Ceo di Master. Gli gnocchi Master così                            and the acquisition has been entirely fi-         L’acquisizione è stata totalmente finan-
     certificati si caratterizzeranno anche per il fatto                       nanced with internal resources. In 2016           ziata con mezzi propri. Nel 2016 il fattura-
     che saranno in grado d’incontrare le necessità                            the two companies had net revenue of              to netto delle società è stato pari a circa
     degli intolleranti al lattosio e dei vegetariani.                         about 55 million dollars.                         55 milioni di dollari.

 4 / The Italian Food Magazine - Buyer's Guide
Foodm italian buyer's guide -
FERRERO: KINDER JOY                                                                             GEOVITA’S PRODUCTS LAND
WILL ARRIVE IN AMERICA IN 2018                                                                  IN THE UNITED STATES
  Confectionery maker Ferrero                   cause of a 1938 regulation that                   Geovita, leader company in the production and export
International said that at the be-              made it illegal to sell any candy               of naturally steam pre-cooked cereals, pulses and rice, offi-
ginning of 2018, it will debut a                with a non-nutritive object inside              cially entered the U.S. market with a wide and varied range
version of the iconic, decades-                 of it. The launch also coincides                of ancient grains, ready-to-eat salads and different risotto
old Kinder Egg to the US mar-                   with the debut of a gum version                 recipes ready in just seven minutes. Now, with the creation
ket for the first time. The most                of the popular Tic Tac snack. Fer-              of the web page, further informa-
commonly known version of the                   rero's chocolate confectionery                  tion about the company’s history and products - including
product is the Kinder Surprise,                 market share is just 2.3% in the                the new Tritordeum - will be available to consumers. As
which is a hollow chocolate egg                 U.S. market, according to rese-                 well as a section dedicated to tasty recipes - including vi-
that holds a plastic capsule which              arch firm Euromonitor.                          deo recipes - created by the young and creative Italian chef
itself contains a toy. But the ver-                                                             Diego Bongiovanni. “We will help American consumers in
sion that will debut in grocery and                                                             getting to know better the natural and authentic flavors of
drugstores across the United Sta-                                                               Italian cuisine,” said Rossano Cabrino, Ceo of Geovita Usa.
tes is the Kinder Joy, used by Fer-                                                             “Where the nutritional properties of our products meet the
rero to sell the chocolate treats                                                               best taste experiences.”
in warm-weather markets, that
separates the toy from the can-                                                                 I prodotti Geovita sbarcano negli Stati Uniti
dy. Hence, Kinder Surprise wasn't                                                               Geovita, leader nella produzione ed esportazione di cereali, le-
allowed to be sold stateside be-                                                                gumi e risi naturalmente precotti a vapore, ha fatto il suo ingres-
                                                                                                so sul mercato statunitense con una ricca gamma di cereali an-
Ferrero: a gennaio 2018 il Kinder Merendero fa il suo ingresso negli Usa                        tichi, insalate pronte da gustare e risotti con soli sette minuti di
A 50 anni di distanza dalla nascita del brand Kinder, i famosi ovetti della Ferrero appro-      cottura. Oggi, con la nascita del portale www.geovitanutrition.
deranno finalmente negli Stati Uniti. L’azienda ha infatti reso noto che, a partire da gen-     us, si avranno a disposizione informazioni sulla storia e i prodotti,
naio 2018, il Kinder Joy - conosciuto in Italia come Kinder Merendero - sarà distribuito        sulle novità - come il nuovo cereale Tritordeum - ma soprattutto
in suolo americano. Il prodotto, uno snack cremoso pensato per il consumo nei mesi              una sezione interamente dedicata alle gustose e sfiziose ricet-
estivi, riesce infatti ad ‘aggirare’ una legge Usa risalente al 1938 che proibisce la vendita   te da realizzare con i prodotti Geovita, anche in versione video,
nel Paese di prodotti alimentari contenenti oggetti a uso non alimentare, come avviene          ideate da Diego Bongiovanni, giovane e creativo cuoco made
infatti per il più noto Kinder Sorpresa. Assieme al Kinder Joy un altro prodotto Ferrero        in Italy. “In questo modo, anche il consumatore americano potrà
farà il suo ingresso nel mercato Usa: la versione chewingum di Tic Tac. Due operazioni          avvicinarsi al gusto naturale e autentico della cucina italiana”,
importanti, volte a incrementare la quota di mercato di Ferrero negli Stati Uniti, che si       sottolinea Rossano Cabrino, Ceo di Geovita Usa. “Che unisce il
attesta oggi a solo il 2,3% (fonte Euromonitor).                                                gusto alle benefiche proprietà nutrizionali dei nostri prodotti”.
Foodm italian buyer's guide -


  Italian food and beverage exports             of authentic ‘Made in Italy’ products: a        sident Donald Trump, threatening to
keep growing in the United States, the          profound appreciation for the Italian li-       introduce heavy custom duties on
first extra-European destination count-         festyle, the ambition of our companies          a long series of imported food pro-
ry for our delicacies. The success is also      that, with great effort and awareness,          ducts?
connected to the large investments              face the difficulties presented by the            The attention remains high, of course.
made by the Italian government through          US market by offering the right balance         Our Embassy in Washington is closely
the Ministry for Economic Development           between innovation and tradition, the           monitoring the situation. However, asi-
in partnership with the Italian Trade           continuous development of local Italian         de from media statements, there were
Agency (ITA). 12 promotional campaigns          restaurants. Let’s not forget, of course,       no concrete details. Therefore, it would
were launched between 2015 and 2017,            the significant investment made by the          be hard to make a prediction. As far as
in collaboration with some of America's         Italian government with the launch of a         we're concerned, we continue our hard
most important retail chains, that invol-       extensive promotional campaign aimed            work, also because results are every day
ve 1,549 Italian companies and 368 new          at spreading the knowledge of authen-           more encouraging.
Italian suppliers. A significant result,        tic Italian products in the US, in collabo-       The ‘Italian Sounding’ phenomenon
considering the size and complexity of          ration with the Italian Trade Agency. The       has fast developed in the US. Some
this market. “Everyone dreams to come           successful activities and the positive re-      people believe that it represents a
to America, but only those who get re-          sults increased and developed the spe-          strong promotional tool, others are
ady for it seriously and diligently have        cial relationship with Confindustria, with      convinced that it constitutes a huge
a real chance to be successful,” said           the trade associations and, in particular,      damage for the Made in Italy. Two in-
Maurizio Forte, ITA Trade Commissioner          with the Italian producers who are now,         compatible positions?
and Executive Director for the USA. The         all part of the team.                             According to not so recent but qui-
agency will be supporting Italian com-             Big US retail chains – such as H-E-          te reliable estimates, Italian Sounding
panies at the forthcoming edition of the        B, Schnucks and, of course, Walmart             in the US food and beverage is worth
Summer Fancy Food Show (New York,               – decided to focus on authentic Italian         about 25 billion dollars, against the 4
25-27 June). About 300 companies will           products with the launch of dedicated           billion dollars of Italian exports in this
be exhibiting in the Italian Pavilion, whe-     promotional campaigns. What impact              specific sector. There is not much we can
re the Lounge Italia will feature, for the      will they have on the market?                   do at the moment to tackle this pheno-
first time this year, a show-cooking area         A huge impact. So far, results are extre-     menon, with two important exceptions:
dedicated to PDO and PGI (protected             mely encouraging: 12 promotions have            educating and helping American consu-
denomination) products.                         been implemented between 2015 and               mers become aware of the quality and
                                                2017, involving 1,549 Italian companies         characteristics of authentic Italian pro-
  In 2016, the United States were the           and 368 new suppliers. Purchases made           ducts and increasing the presence of
first extra-European destination mar-           by US retailers were 9 times higher than        authentic Italian products in the stores.
ket for Italian f&b products showing,           the initial investment made by the Italian      With regard to communication, instead,
year after year, significant growth ra-         government. But three main aspects are          in 2015-2016 we implemented the “Buy
tes. Which are, in your opinion, the            even more important than the economic           Authentic Italian. Get More” campaign,
reasons for this success?                       results: first, the fact that big US retail     that earned one billion impressions. We
  According to the data issued by the US        players decided to focus on the promo-          will continue this campaign in order to
Department of Commerce, in 2016 our             tion of authentic Italian products, a de-       keep informing American consumers.
exports in the food & beverage sector           cision almost ‘historic’; second, the edu-      There is still much to do, of course, but
experienced a 4% growth rate. Some of           cational effect for US consumers, more          we are on the right track.
the most performing product categori-           and more aware of the existing differen-           How many Italian companies are
es were ice cream (+34.5%), preserved           ce between the authentic products and           going to attend the forthcoming edi-
vegetables (+9.2%), rice (+8.8%), oli-          the imitations; third, the increase in sa-      tion of the Summer Fancy Food Show
ve oil (+6.6%) and wine (+6%). We are           les of Italian products, as well as the arri-   in New York and how is the Italian Pa-
the Number One US supplier of olive             val of new suppliers, will have significant     vilion organized?
oil, wine, cheese, pasta, vinegar and           consequences in the future by streng-             The Italian Pavilion, the largest in the
mineral water and, in many cases, we            thening our presence on the shelves.            international area, will host about 300
have increased our export value but we            Are local trade members and Ita-              Italian companies, including Regional
have also increased our market share.           lian companies concerned about the              delegations (Calabria, Apulia, Tuscany
Among the main reasons for the success          recent statements made by US Pre-               and Lombardy) and many Consortia.

6 / The Italian Food Magazine - Buyer's Guide
Foodm italian buyer's guide -
This year, the Italian area - easy to reco-   most important campaign that we will        Sogno americano
gnize thanks to the ‘Extraordinary Italian    develop in 2017 will be the Wine Project    Non si arresta la crescita delle esporta-
Taste’ logo – will feature a new graphic      in the USA, established last year by the    zioni agroalimentari italiane negli Stati
image that you will discover during the       Ministry of Economic Development. Al-       Uniti, che si confermano saldamente
                                                                                          come il primo mercato di sbocco extra
show. The ITA Agency will assist and          though we are already the leading wine      europeo per le nostre specialità. A con-
support exhibiting companies also by          supplier to the US and our market share     tribuire a questo successo, il forte in-
inviting American trade to visit the Ita-     accounts for one third of total US impor-   vestimento voluto dal governo italiano
lian Pavilion and taste the products di-      ted wine, we want to further improve the    con il Piano Speciale Usa, realizzato in
splayed. In the Italian Lounge there will     image of Italian wines and contribute to    collaborazione con l’ICE- Agenzia per
be room for meetings, as well as a cof-       increasing their average prices. We're      la promozione all'estero e l'interna-
fee area and a wine bar. The most im-         also looking to reinforce our presence      zionalizzazione delle imprese italiane.
portant new element of the 2017 edition       in the Mid-America. Over the next three     12 le promozioni avviate tra il 2015 e il
                                                                                          2017 con importanti retailer locali, per
will be the Show Cooking area dedica-         years, these actions will be supported      un totale di 1.549 aziende italiane coin-
ted to PDO and PGI (denomination pro-         by a 20 million euro investment from the    volte e 368 nuovi fornitori inseriti nella
ducts), a project financed by the Ministry    Italian government.                         Gdo americana. Un risultato significati-
for Agriculture. As usual, our activity is       What would you suggest to Italian        vo, considerata la vastità e complessità
carried on in collaboration with Federa-      companies willing to enter the US           di questo mercato. “Tutti sognano gli
limentare, Cibus, Tuttofood and Vinitaly.     market?                                     Usa, ma solo chi si prepara bene ha re-
  Have you already planned any new              I would give them the same sugge-         ali possibilità di successo, anche a pre-
initiatives for the months ahead?             stion that we give to ourselves everyday:   scindere dalle dimensioni aziendali”,
                                                                                          spiega Maurizio Forte, direttore Ice di
  As I mentioned before, we will carry on     do your homework well. The US market        New York e coordinatore uffici Ice Rete
the communication campaign in support         offers incredible opportunities, as the     Usa. L’Agenzia ICE sara’ accanto alle
of authentic Italian products, we will con-   numbers show, but it is also extremely      aziende italiane nel corso della prossi-
tinue strengthening our partnership with      competitive, it has different laws and a    ma edizione del Summer Fancy Food
grocery retailers and start new collabo-      complex distribution system. Everyone       Show di New York (25-27 giugno), il più
rations with smaller US specialty store       dreams to come to America but only          grande appuntamento del Paese dedi-
chains, a channel that perfectly suits the    those who get seriously ready for it        cato al food & beverage. Saranno circa
small-medium size of our companies            have a real chance to be successful, re-    300 le aziende espositrici nel Padiglio-
                                                                                          ne Italia, che quest’anno presenterà
and their niche products. Furthermore,        gardless of the size of the company. The    un’interessante novità: l'area ‘show co-
we will build up our activity of bringing     ITA-Agency, both in Italy and the US, is    oking’, dedicata ai prodotti Dop e Igp
US buyers and journalists to Italy on         ready to support our companies in this      nell'ambito del progetto finanziato dal
business trips and to trade shows. The        venture.                                    Ministero dell'Agricoltura.
Foodm italian buyer's guide -

  On the occasion of the fifth edition of the                                                          vant customer base.
Tuttofood trade exhibition (Milan, 8-11 May                                                              How important is, for your chain, the
2017), the Italian Trade Agency and Wal-                                                               value of authenticity, also considering the
Mart Stores, Inc. formalized the signing of a                                                          many episodes of 'Italian sounding' found
collaborative agreement, signed by the ITA’s                                                           on the North American market?
president Michele Scannavini and Silvia Ka-                                                              I think that our job is to make sure that we
was, Walmart’s Vice President of Dry Groce-                                                            provide our consumers access to as much
ry. The key mission of this collaboration is to                                                        products, brands - even our own in-house
increase the knowledge, consumption and                                                                brand - able to meet their needs. This is the
of course sales opportunities for Italian com-                                                         reason why I think there is place for every
panies by driving awareness among Wal-                                                                 single item in their life, and I think there is
mart shoppers of the quality of ‘Authentic                                                             place for authenticity in their life. I think it’s
Italian’ products. Under the terms of this col-     Michele Scannavini and Silvia Kawas                also a value equation of ‘what kind of quality
laboration, the promotion of selected Italian                                                          am I getting for the price that I am paying?’,
products will be throughout Walmart’s retail       agreement will guarantee our consumers              ‘does it provide me with the experience that
network of more than 3,600 stores across the       access to exceptional quality products at an        I am looking for?’ I think that every brand,
United States, thanks to a 30 million dollar       affordable price. By allowing Americans to          every niche, every delivery that we have can
investment. The length of the agreement            save money while ensuring a better lifestyle        play upon that for all our consumers. So,
is of 12 months (from May 8, 2017, to May          for their families,” she said. "In particular, we   obviously, there is a huge role for you in all of
7, 2018), with an opportunity of subsequent        are looking for authentic Italian products of       this, and I think you should continue working
renewals. ITA will organize and support the        good quality, made by amazing companies             on the things that make you stronger and
participation of Walmart’s buyers in the ma-       built by great people, with an incredible hi-       differentiate you. There is always going to be
jor trade mission to Italy for their products      story. We are really excited about this great       a place for consumers to react and interact
sourcing. All the related marketing and pro-       opportunity.”                                       with the offerings that you have.
motional materials (signs, labels, brochures,                                                            The fact that many Italian companies are
online advertising, etc) connected to the au-        Which are, today, the leading food tren-          medium or small sized can be a problem
thentic Italian products in Walmart’s stores       ds in the US and how can Italian compa-             to become a supplier for a retail giant like
will be featured by the ‘Extraordinary Italian     nies compete with local brands?                     Walmart?
Taste’ logo. Spearheaded by the ITA’s Chi-           The US customer, obviously, is changing, as         You know, it took us many years to grow,
cago office, the agreement is part of the          well as customers all over the world. We are        and with us have grown also many of our
continuing efforts, supported by the Italian       facing a rising group of younger consumers,         suppliers. So, I think there is always room for
Ministry of Economic Development, to in-           the so-called Millennials, that are becoming        us to help suppliers come on board and it’s
crease the presence in the United States of        more and more dominant in purchasing de-            our job to try to make it an easy process. At
‘Authentic Italian’ food and wine products,        cisions. But we are also facing lifestyle chan-     the end of the day, we want to provide our
as well as Walmart’s interest in the deve-         ges, in terms of people thinking more and           consumers with the access that they need
lopment of a curated range of ‘Best in Class’      more about how to provide themselves and            and we have to work on whatever barriers
products imported directly from Italy. While       their families with cleaner ingredients, good       there are and remove them. We are wel-
Italian exports have the number one market         quality products, and be able to life a he-         coming small suppliers, medium and large
share in the US for wine, olive oil, cheese,       althier lifestyle. The third thing is that there    suppliers: we have room for all. And again,
pasta, bottled water, and non-alcoholic be-        is a higher level of exploration, of flavors,       we have made many small suppliers big, and
verages, ‘Authentic Italian’ products have         cuisines… and I think that the Italian cuisine      we have grown as well.
only just begun to scratch the surface of          and its authenticity – although it’s a pretty         Are there any special product categori-
their potential given that the value of ‘Italian   common place – still plays a very big role in       es that you are going to focus on?
sounding’ products sold in Northern and            how to provide that kind of food to US con-           We are open to many categories, this is the
Central America amounts to 24 billion dol-         sumers and play upon the need of access to          starting point. You’ll find us obviously inte-
lars. In an interview held at the end of the       flavors around the world. These are, in my          rested in the bases: pasta, pasta sauce, pe-
press conference, Silvia Kawas better explai-      opinion, the three biggest trends that I think      sto… there is a lot of options out there and I
ned details and goals of the project: "This        could impact you and help you build a rele-         think that the more items we find, we can ac-

8 / The Italian Food Magazine - Buyer's Guide
Foodm italian buyer's guide -
tually tailor the assortment accordingly. So, I   cate our consumers and provide them with
think the biggest mindset you’ll see us come      the easiest form of in-home cooking for the
with is openness to explore the mainstream        best experiences they can get.
type of offering and just provide great qua-        What do you think about President Do-
lity. And then new ideas that help us attract     nald Trump's recent statements, which th-
new customers. We are very open.                  reatens to impose limits on food imports?
   Do you think Italian food can become a           You know, I am not in the position to com-
staple in US consumers eating habits?             ment on this, obviously. But I appreciate he          Accordo Ice-Walmart:
   They are staple today (she smiles, e.d.). We   question (smiling, e.d.).                             30 milioni di euro
already love all of your products. Again, our       Finally, a question for ICE president, Mr.          per il ‘vero made in Italy’
consumers are looking for the exploration,        Michele Scannavini: which is the strategic            È stato presentato nel corso di Tuttofood a
the variety and the quality. I think there is a   value of this agreement, especially for Ita-          Milano (8-11 maggio) il nuovo accordo stipu-
                                                                                                        lato tra l’Ice Agenzia, in collaborazione con il
role here to play and make this even more         lian small and medium companies?                      ministero dello Sviluppo economico, e la più
an established cuisine in our consumers’ day.       It is very important actually. Through this         grande catena retail al mondo: la statuniten-
   The problem of Italian food in the world       agreement, we give to small and medium                se Walmart. L’intesa, siglata dal presidente
is its culture. For example, how to cook          companies the unique opportunity to get ac-           dell’Ice, Michele Scannavini, e da Silvia Ka-
pasta. What’s your opinion about this is-         cess to a complex market such as the US and           was, vice presidente di Walmart per il com-
sue?                                              to a big retail like Walmart. When we start di-       parto dry grocery, avrà una durata di 12 mesi
   I think people cook their pastas and are       scussions, with Walmart in this case, or with         (dall’8 maggio 2017 al 7 maggio 2018) e pun-
very happy with them today. But I also think      any other retailer, it is very important for us       ta a incrementare la conoscenza e diffusione
                                                                                                        di prodotti agroalimentari italiani nel Paese.
there is always a role for us to differentiate    to build a promotional program that involves          Walmart si è infatti impegnata ad acquista-
the experience. I mean, when you cook pa-         small and medium enterprises. Because this            re, entro maggio 2018, 30 milioni di dollari
sta a different way, maybe authentically, how     is the base of our industry, and this is where        in prodotti italiani che saranno distribuiti
Italians cook it, then you will get a different   we are sure we can get products that you can          all’interno dei 3.600 store Walmart negli Stati
experience. So there is always a role and an      find nowhere else in the world. Because au-           Uniti. L’Ice, dal canto suo, fornirà alle aziende
opportunity for us to educate consumers on        thenticity is there, culture is there, tradition is   supporto promozionale e alle vendite per il
how to have a better experience with all the      there. So, it’s an essential part of the agree-       valore di due milioni di dollari, oltre a piani-
products that they have. I don’t see these        ment. And in Walmart we found an enthusia-            ficare la partecipazione dei buyer di Walmart
                                                                                                        ad alcune importanti missioni di product
things as problems, I see them as opportuni-      stic partner in support of that. The impact for       sourcing in Italia. A raccontare meglio detta-
ties for fantastic experiences across a variety   our companies can be extremely important.             gli e obiettivi del progetto è la stessa Silvia
of levels and ranges. And I think that we, as a   This is one of the areas in which I believe that      Kawas, in un’intervista rilasciata al termine
team, have an obligation to continue to edu-      public support finds its best execution.              della conferenza stampa di presentazione.
Foodm italian buyer's guide -
THE COMPANY                                                                                                         

JUST LIKE WE DO                                                                                                    ‘RUSTICI’
                                                                                                                   Raised breadstick of home-

                                                                                                                   made aspect and with the
                                                                                                                   typical flavour of bread.

  It all started in 1954, when
Rina Consoli and Ferruccio
Zubani converted their fa-
mily bakery into a workshop
for the production of BibìBi-
bò: sweet toasted snacks
formulated to nourish their
children in a natural and he-
althy way.
  The Valledoro brand (lite-                                                                                       ‘ZULÙ
rally ‘Golden Land’) was the-                                                                                      MILK & DARK CHOCOLATE’
refore created, reminiscent                                                                                        Crunchy breadsticks covered
of the colour of the raw ma-                                                                                       with extra dark or milk cho-
terial – the wheat – and of                                                                                        colate. An innovative snack
the company’s core values                                                                                          which releases all the unmista-
of simplicity, authenticity                                                                                        kable aroma of the chocolate
                                                                       From left: Giorgio and Giulio Zubani        combined with the crispness
and, of course, family. The
                                                                                                                   of breadsticks.
passage from a small wor-           family. “Despite increasing        the crispness of breadsticks
kshop to an industrial pro-         in size, Valledoro still follows   with the goodness of cho-
duction plant was close: in         a traditional production me-       colate,” underlines Giorgio
the early 60’s the company          thod and all the ingredients       Zubani.
started the production of           used are guaranteed by               On foreign markets the
breadsticks, that soon beca-        a rigorous traceability sy-        company is also committed
me highly demanded on the           stem,” said Giorgio Zuba-          to organize a long series of
market. Nevertheless, Valle-        ni. “In the last three years,      promotional activities in or-
doro managed to stay true           the company has experien-          der to spread the knowled-
to its roots and preserve its       ced a tremendous growth,           ge of its products among
most authentic features.            also due to the opening of         professional operators and
  Today, with 5 production li-      new important international        consumers, including in-sto-
nes and a wide range of pro-        markets,” said. “Exports ac-       re promotions with local im-
ducts, including breadsticks,       count today for 30% of the         porters. Valledoro also takes
crunchy biscuits and snacks,        company’s total revenue,           part to some of the most im-
Valledoro       is   constantly     and are mainly directed to         portant international trade
inproving its domestic and          European countries and the         shows dedicated to the food
international business. In          Far East. Ina addition, since      sector, such as the forthco-
order to meet the specific          2010 we also started expor-        ming Anuga in Cologne (7-
needs of each distribution          ting to Australia.”                11 October 2017).
channel, over the years the           A range of products solely
company has developed dif-          dedicated to foreign mar-          “Produrre per i nostri clienti,
ferent packaging solutions:         kets has been created, in          come per i nostri figli”
from retail to supermarkets         collaboration with a US cu-        Valledoro nasce nel 1954, quando Rina Consoli e Ferruccio Zubani tra-
and department stores, from         stomer. The range, which is        sformano la forneria di famiglia in un laboratorio artigianale per la produ-
food service to vending and         dedicated to food service, is      zione dei Bibì Bibò, panetti bitostati dal sapore dolce pensati per nutrire
bakeries.                           made of two boxes of ‘Rusti-       in modo sano e naturale i propri figli. Il salto dalla forneria allo stabilimen-
                                                                       to è breve: verso la fine degli anni ‘60 l’azienda affianca alla produzione
  The company is currently          ci’ breadsticks’ and two bo-
                                                                       degli ormai noti Bibì Bibò quella dei grissini. Oggi, con cinque linee pro-
run by Giorgio Zubani and           xes of ‘Zulù’, breadsticks co-     duttive e un’ampia gamma di prodotti pensata per tutti i canali distributi-
his son Giulio - the first born     vered with fine milk or dark       vi, Valledoro è un’impresa in forte espansione, sia in Italia che estero. Alla
of five sons - who represents       chocolate. “A one-of-a-kind        guida dell’azienda ci sono Giorgio Zubani e il figlio Giulio, primo di cin-
the third generation of the         product, which combines            que fratelli, che rappresenta la terza generazione della famiglia Valledoro.

10 / The Italian Food Magazine - Buyer's Guide
                                                                                                                                        PLACE AT
THE EVENT                                                                                                                               FROM 6


  A bright sun lighted up the 2017 edition of Tuttofood, on stage           Tuttofood? Tuttogood
at Fiera Milano from 8th to 11th May. In spite of the many con-             I tuoni e fulmini che avevano preceduto l’inizio della manifesta-
cerns aroused by the difficulties encountered by the trade show             zione facevano prevedere il peggio. Invece no. Un sole splen-
organizers on the previous weeks: the extraordinary admini-                 dente ha illuminato l’edizione 2017 di Tuttofood, svoltasi a Rho
                                                                            Fiera Milano da lunedì 8 a giovedì 11 maggio. Il problema non
stration proceeding for the subsidiary company Nolostand; the               era meteorologico ma riguardava le problematiche vissute, negli
change in the company management; and the fears of a 'weak'                 scorsi mesi, dall’ente. Il commissariamento della partecipata No-
edition with respect to that of 2015, held in conjunction with the          lostand, il cambio al vertice, i timori di uno ‘sgonfiamento’ rispetto
Universal Exhibition. But nothing bad happened, on the contra-              all’edizione 2015 collegata ad Expo: tutte condizioni al contorno
ry. The figures say it all: 80,146 certified professionals (+2,5%)          che avrebbero potuto ridurre drasticamente espositori e visitatori.
attended the trade show, 23% of which came from abroad, over                Non è andata così. E i numeri lo testimoniano: 2.850 espositori,
30,000 meetups were arranged among the 2,850 exhibitors - 500               3.150 buyer, una superficie espositiva di 180mila metri quadrati,
from foreign countries - and 3,150 profiled buyers, thanks to               80.146 visitatori (+2,5%), di cui il 23% esteri, oltre 30mila incontri
                                                                            organizzati grazie alla nuova piattaforma MyMatching, 500 mo-
the new MyMatching platform. More than 500 moments of re-                   menti di approfondimento fra Academy, Retail plaza, Spazio nutri-
flection between Academy, Retail Plaza, Spazio Nutrizione, and              zione e Seeds&Chips. Numeri positivi anche per gli eventi “fuori
Seeds&Chips were organized. Another success was the debut of                salone” della Week&Food a Milano: oltre 48mila presenze su circa
Week&Food, that with over 48,000 participants in its city events,           178mila partecipanti complessivi alla settimana dedicata al cibo.
has contributed for about one fourth to the 178,000 overall par-            Cifre pesanti che confermano quanto Tuttofood sia e rimanga un
ticipants in the week dedicated to food, Milano Food City.                  evento strategico per l’alimentare italiano.

TERRE DUCALI                                     IBIS                                               CONSORZIO DEL PROSCIUTTO
Igor Furlotti                                    Graziana Giannone                                  TOSCANO DOP
“In the first months of the year we have         “During Tuttofood we displayed our new pro-        Emore Magni
been consolidating the growth expe-              ducts and established new important contacts       “Our products are increasingly demanded
rienced in 2016. The most performing             with foreign buyers. In particular, we presented   in Canada and the US, that remain extre-
products is definitely our ‘Strolghino di        the ‘Cuor di Natura’ cooked hams range, made       mely dynamic markets. Despite the price
Culatello’, appreciated both in Italy and        with Italian top quality meat, antioxidants and    of the raw material, production and sa-
abroad. Salamini Felino Igp, Fiocco di           preservatives of vegetal origin and a reduced      les are showing positive figures. The pre-
prosciutto - in the whole or sliced version      sodium content. In the pre-sliced segment we       sliced segment, in particular, has shown
- as well as the range of roasted meats          launched a Premium range made of five pro-         double-digit growth rates (+12%). In the
are also highly demanded. The most im-           ducts branded ‘Cuor di Ibis’: cooked ham with      months ahead we are aimed at strengthe-
portant product innovation presented at          preservatives of vegetal origin, bresaola made     ning our presence in Italy and invest in the
Tuttofood is the pre-sliced range of deli-       with Italian meat, culatta from Busseto, the sa-   international promotion of Prosciutto To-
meats ‘Strade Golose’, in single-serving         lami made with Italian meat and the ‘Cuor di       scano Dop. In order to meet this goal, we
50-grams trays, positioned by hand by            Paese’ mortadella. In addition, our gluten-free    will establish new partnerships with impor-
qualified professionals.”                        sandwiches were highly appreciated. They are       tant Tuscan Consortia, such as Pecorino
                                                 available in four different flavors: cooked ham    Toscano Dop, Olio Chianti Classico Dop
From the left: Fabio Agnesucci                   and mushrooms; lactose-free mozzarella and         and Olio Toscano Igp, but also in the field
and Igor Furlotti                                tomato; tuna, tomato and olives; shrimps and       of wine like Chianti Classico and La Ver-
                                                 vegetables in pink sauce.”                         naccia di San Giminiano.”

12 / The Italian Food Magazine - Buyer's Guide
 TO 9 MAY 2019                                                                                                                       

                                                                                                              POGGIO DEL FARRO
                                                                                                              Vito Mona
                                                                                                              “Our love for Emmer wheat, an old cereal to be
                                                                                                              rediscovered, has inspired us to create many ta-
                                                                                                              sty products, all to be enjoyed. Emmer (Triticum
                                                                                                              dicoccum, also know in the U.S. as ‘Spelt’ and
                                                                                                              not to be confused with the different specie Tri-
                                                                                                              ticum spelta) supplies fibre, protein, and mineral
                                                                                                              salts. Extremely versatile, it is excellent to pre-
                                                                                                              pare soups in winter and salads and cold dishes
                                                                                                              in summer. The flour is good for bread, sweets,
                                                                                                              pizza or focaccia; semolina makes excellent pa-
                                                                                                              sta. Traditionally it is also consumed both pearled
                                                                                                              (no need to soak) and dehusked (that is whole,
                                                                                                              always with no soaking, just cooking it a bit lon-
                                                                                                              ger). Moreover it has quite interesting nutritional
                                                                                                              characteristics: it is very filling, rich in nourishing
                                                                                                              elements and poor in fat. Non GMO Project veri-
                                                                                                              fied and OU Kosher certified”.

     Alessandro Giorgetti
     “We met many foreign buyers interested in our
     offering. Especially to our ‘Golfetta’, already
     highly appreciated, and the new ‘Salamagro’
     and ‘Nobili Sapori’. Our range of lean organic
     deli-meats ‘Nel solco della Natura’ was also very                                                        MOTTOLINI
     demanded, as well as the vegetal cold-cuts ‘Pe-      FELSINEO
                                                                                                              Emilio Mottolini
     tali’ and the vegetable burgers. All of them are     Gianluca Cardelli
                                                                                                              “During Tuttofood we met many foreign buyers
     organic certified and produced directly by our       “Between January and April we posted a dou-
                                                                                                              and we are confident that we will be able to fur-
     company, available in different sizes and flavors.   ble-digit growth rate in sell-in, and the market
                                                                                                              ther strengthen our export market share, now
     Our organic delicacies are characterized by a        share of our branded products also improved
                                                                                                              accounting for 15% of the company’s total reve-
     green packaging, made with 70% less plastic          significantly. Among the most interesting news
                                                                                                              nue. Here we present our new motto: ‘La Valtel-
     with respect to traditional trays. In the months     it is worth mentioning ‘Sincera’, the first au-
                                                                                                              lina che piace’ (the Valtel-
     ahead we will continue promoting our products        thentic mortadella made with 100% natural in-
                                                                                                              lina you like), a land rich
     both on the domestic and international markets,      gredients only. A process that begins with high-
                                                                                                              in top quality agri-food
     with the aim of increasing our export share, now     quality raw materials, safe and controlled, and
                                                                                                              products of excellence.
     accounting for more than 30% of the company’s        continues with an all-natural processing.”
                                                                                                              Among the innovations
     total revenue. For this very reason we will be                                                           launched in 2017 there is
     exhibiting at Sana (Bologna, 8-11 September)         From the left: Cristian Franceschelli,
                                                                                                              the graphic restyle of our
     and Anuga (Cologne, 7-11 October).”                  Gianluca Cardelli and Ivan Fedozzi
                                                                                                              entire product range and
                                                                                                              the organic Bresaola.
                                                                                                              Great success was also
                                                                                                              achieved by ‘Bresaola La
                                                                                                              Fassona’ - made with Ita-
                                                                                                              lian meat of Piemontese race - and by ‘Bresaola
                                                                                                              L’Originaria’ - made with the meat of animals
                                                                                                              born, raised and slaughtered in Valtellina only.
                                                                                                              You have the chance to taste this product only
                                                                                                              in the province of Sondrio, or in the ‘Sciatt a
                                                                                                              Porter’ restaurant in Milan. The interest for glu-
                                                                                                              ten-free and halal products is also increasing.”

                                                                                                             The Italian Food Magazine - Buyer's Guide / 13
Giulio Zubani
“The first quarter of the year was very positive
for Valledoro, sales are on a rising trend and
                                                       THE EVENT
exports account now for 30% of the company’s
total revenue, also thanks to the opening of the
                                                       DULCIOLIVA                                      PAOLO LAZZARONI E FIGLI
Chinese market. In regard to product innova-
                                                       Filippo Benvenuto                               Luca Lazzaroni
tions, the latest product we launched on the
                                                       “The most important innovation presen-          “An extremely favorable Eastern season con-
market, the ‘Sungri bio gluten-free’, is highly
                                                       ted at Tuttofood is the restyle of our spre-    tributed to the positive results achieved in first
appreciated by consumers. Furthermore, we
                                                       adable creams’ range, now featuring new         quarter of 2017 by our company, whose export
have completely renewed our packaging, with
                                                       palm oil-free recipes: ‘Cremosette’ gian-       market share now accounts for about 87% of
the addition of important claims: made with
                                                       duia and extra-dark, as well as the Bio         total revenue. We also launched new impor-
‘100% Italian wheat’ and ‘extra virgin olive oil’.
                                                       Vegan cream. We also launched the new           tant products: the new ‘Brutti ma buoni’ biscu-
Finally, we have been working at two new and
                                                       400-grams pack for the Dolcenero prali-         its, single-serving pastries made of nuts and
alternative product ranges, but it’s too early to
                                                       nes made with dehydrate fruit and Noc-          almonds; the single-serving soft amaretti with
unveil more details”.
                                                       cioghiotti. In addition, we also presented      chocolate, gluten-free, and packed in a metal
                                                       two new acetate gift boxes of assorted          tin; but also the new Panettone with tiramisu or
                                                       pralines and a gift bag.”                       prosecco; as well as the new tins featuring a vin-
                                                                                                       tage graphic for the Promenade range.”

Emma Martino
“We have come to Milan after a positive first
quarter of the year: sales of organic and who-                                                         VALBONA
                                                       Adriano Bianco
le wheat products experienced a double-digit                                                           Federico Masella
                                                       “The great success achieved by the Mam-
growth rate. In addiction, we managed to en-                                                           “We have been progressively strengthening
                                                       ma Emma gnocchi range, especially on
ter new strategic foreign markets - such as Au-                                                        the presence of our Veganette in the grocery
                                                       an international scale, has further streng-
stralia, Canada and Japan - and our products                                                           retail channel. After the great results achieved in
                                                       thened. A trend that has continued also
branded ‘Martino’ were included in the Italian                                                         the Panorama and Megamark retail chains, we
                                                       during the first quarter of the year, with
grocery retail channel. Some more innovations                                                          decided to further increase their distribution.
                                                       double-digit growth rates in sales. The
will be presented by the end of the year: so                                                           Hence, we have been working at new strate-
                                                       most striking performances were registe-
far, we have been focusing on the Happy Cou-                                                           gic partnerships and we are confident that im-
                                                       red in the US, Australia and Israel. Not by
scous room-temperature product range, made                                                             portant deals will be signed very soon. Among
                                                       chance, after organic and vegan, we also
of natural convenience products. Furthermore,                                                          the new products presented at Tuttofood, the
                                                       gained the kosher certification in order
in the months ahead Martino products will be                                                           new fresh, vegetable-based spreadable creams
                                                       to meet the strong demand of US mar-
protagonist during the TV cooking show Cuo-                                                            ‘Magie della Natura’: vegan certified, they are
                                                       ket operators. Now, also due to the con-
chi e Fiamme and also on the web, thanks to a                                                          the Italian version of the famous ‘hummus’. The
                                                       struction of a new dedicated production
close collaboration with the recipe blog Giallo-                                                       range is made of four pulses-based products
                                                       line, we are ready to meet the demands
Zafferano.”                                                                                            with more exotic flavors: green lentils and co-
                                                       of consumers from all over the world.”
                                                                                                       riander, yellow peas with curcuma, red lentils
From the left: Valentina Menga, Emma Martino                                                           with tomato and cumin-spiced chickpeas.”
and Romeo Fagnano

                                                                                                       THE BRIDGE
MANGIARSANO GERMINAL                                   BIOLAB                                          Eva Pfeffer
Paolo Pisano                                           Tanja Klancic                                   “The Bridge is specialized in the production
“During Tuttofood we presented many inno-              “With our product range we have become          of organic drinks and desserts. all of our pro-
vations, especially in the Germinal Bio product        a real point of reference for market ope-       ducts are vegan, free from lactose, preservati-
range. First of all, the widening of the Gluten-free   rators, both in the specialized and groce-      ves or additives. Most of them are also gluten
range, with the creation of the first organic, vegan   ry retail channels. Today, our efforts are      free. At Tuttofood we present our new coconut
and gluten-free crackers and mini-crackers. Se-        directed to the company’s international         and Brazilian nut drinks, that will be distributed
cond, the new puffed cereals in different flavors:     development. During Tuttofood we show-          starting from July. The first quarter of the year
amaranth, quinoa and millet; with the addition of      cased some important innovations: vegan         was very positive, especially for our internatio-
oat and porridge; and four spreadable creams           cold cuts, our ‘Panariselle’ in the piazzaio-   nal business, accounting now for about 60% of
with sunflower seeds, cocoa-nuts, hemps seeds          la and pesto flavors, the vegan Falafel and     the company’s total turnover, up by 20%. Our
and almonds. Finally, pasta: gluten-free in six dif-   the completion of the ‘Medallion’ range,        core destination markets, at the moment, are
ferent flavors and protein-based, in two versions:     with quinoa and tempeh.”                        France, Hungary and Spain.”
fusilli with chickpeas or lentils, both vegan.”

14 / The Italian Food Magazine - Buyer's Guide
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