Traditional Italian Christmas Bazaar 2011 - All proceeds will go to support Il Circolo's Scholarship Programme and Charitable Donations ...
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Traditional Italian Christmas Bazaar 2011 All proceeds will go to support Il Circolo’s Scholarship Programme and Charitable Donations Registered Charity No. 1108894
ITALIA GIOVANE, GIOVANE ITALIA! “Fate un po’ di propaganda tra donne e uomini pel mio bazaar italiano di Londra. Ogni oggetto, ricami, fiori artificiali, modisteria, fino ad autografi di uomini noti d’ogni colore, collezioni di carte da visita idem, fino a vini, commestibili di carattere locale è buono. Pensate se avete artisti, distinti amici: schizzi, statuine, album, paesaggi...” Giuseppe Mazzini da Le Lettere. Giuseppe Mazzini, il nostro più celebrato patriota, insieme a Giuseppe Garibaldi, ha trascorso a Londra 34 anni della sua vita. In questo periodo, esule e con enormi problemi economici da affrontare, ha comunque avuto la forza di creare la prima scuola italiana della capitale britannica, e, per raccogliere fondi a favore della causa italiana, ha ideato il Gran Bazaar. Nel Centocinquantenario dell’Unità d’Italia, la Scuola Italiana e il Bazaar sono ancora presenti. Naturalmente non sono più quelli ottocenteschi, ma è bello pensare che queste “idee mazziniane” siano ancora vive, e si incontrino il 14 e il 15 novembre per celebrare l’Italia, sulle note d’opera del “Và pensiero”. Il 14 novembre, il tradizionale bazaar creato e portato avanti dalle socie volontarie de Il Circolo da ben 12 anni, apre le sue porte alla più cornucopica esperienza natalizia di made in Italy londinese. Una vera immersione dei sensi nel bello e nel buono, con cibi particolari e genuini provenienti da aziende agricole selezionate, insieme a mille oggetti inusuali e di moda. Non ci sono le collezioni di carte da visita, o gli alabastri e i cesti impagliati che Mazzini chiedeva a metà Ottocento, ma ci saranno i fiori artificiali agli occhielli dei mariti per la serata di gala, e schizzi di artisti famosi, così come “modisteria” e “ricami”. E ci sarà soprattutto un’Italia Giovane, che è quella che Il Circolo sostiene con le sue borse di studio. Due cantanti d’opera, che hanno ricevuto quest’anno una nostra borsa di studio, allieteranno la serata, e saranno presenti giovani scrittori di talento, fotografi, pittori e maestri celebrati della penna a brindare con spumante Ferrari all’Italia e al suo genio inesauribile. Il 15 pomeriggio, dedicato a tutti i bambini, tra i quali i piccoli allievi bilingui della Scuola Italiana, ci sarà una merenda con face-painting, che si concluderà con la celeberrima lotteria. Una silent auction ricca di premi sarà il modo più discreto per fare beneficienza, e naturalmente l’albero delle meraviglie con i suoi premi e l’angolo delle occasioni daranno modo a tutti di tornare soddisfatti a casa e mettere alla prova la propria fortuna. Dunque non mancate al tradizionale taglio del nastro, alla presenza di S.E. l’Ambasciatore d’Italia, Alain Giorgio Maria Economides, quest’anno accompagnato anche da deliziosi assaggi di cioccolato, caffè, olio e altre specialità italiane, e a due giornate di shopping e divertimento, con un gala dove si potranno salutare gli amici vecchi e nuovi prima di Natale. Un momento di riflessione lo donerà il presepe sul palco, gioia da sempre dei bambini, che ogni anno ritorna a ricordare la costante meraviglia e bellezza della nascita e di ogni nascita che può cambiare il mondo in meglio. The Bazaar Committee
Piera Costantini Scala Photography Studio D11, 2 Michael Road, London, SW6 2AD Busto in marmo di Giuseppe Garibaldi, opera di Ercole Rosa, ritratto dal vero nel 1875 e recentemente restaurato presso l’Istituto Italiano di Cultura, per volontà dell’Ingegner Carlo Presenti, Direttore dell’Istituto, e di sua moglie Petra Presenti. Il Circolo li ringrazia sentitamente per la gentile concessione e per il costante supporto alla cultura italiana nel Regno Unito. Piera Costantini Scala sarà disponibile, a fotografare gli ospiti del Bazaar con sullo sfondo l’immagine di Giuseppe Garibaldi da lei scattata, elaborata e firmata per celebrare questo mito italiano. L’opera è stata gentilmente donata dalla fotografa per la Silent Auction e quindi può essere anche acquistata. Marble bust of Giuseppe Garibaldi, by Ercole Rosa, sculpted in 1875 in the presence of the hero and recently restored by Ing. Carlo Presenti, Director of Italian Cultural Institute in London, and by his wife Petra Presenti. Il Circolo thanks them for their kind permission to publish this picture and for their continuous support to the Italian culture in the UK. Piera Costantini Scala will be available to take signed portrait pictures of the Bazaar’s guests next to the hero . This limited edition photograph will be donated for the Silent Auction.
ITALIAN CHRISTMAS BAZAAR 2011 PER I CENTOCINQUANT’ANNI DELL’ITALIA 150th Anniversary of the Unification of Italy 14 - 15 November 2011 Chelsea Old Town Hall, King’s Road, London SW3 5EE VENITE A CELEBRARE L’ITALIA E LA SUA BELLEZZA COME TO CELEBRATE ITALY AND ITS BEAUTY 14 November from 12 noon to 6.00 pm • 12.30 pm Taglio del nastro da parte di S.E. l’Ambasciatore d’Italia Assaggi di alcune prelibatezze italiane in mostra Opening of the event with the H. E. the Italian Ambassador Tasting a selection of Italian delicacies Gala Reception (minimum donation £25) from 6.30 pm to 9.30 pm Brindate all’Italia con artisti e scrittori, assaporando squisiti canapés italiani e una speciale torta tricolore creata per l’occasione Drink to Italy with artists and writers, tasting delicious Italian canapés and a special three-storey cake made for the event • 7.30 pm Celebri arie d’opera di Verdi e Donizetti Famous arias from operas by Verdi and Donizetti 15 November from 10 am to 6.00 pm • from 3.30 to 5.00 pm Il Bazar dei bambini, face-painting e merenda Children’s bazaar with face-painting and cupcakes • 5.00 pm Gran finale della lotteria Raffle draw Entrance donation £3
You can give a smile this Christmas. Please join Sustain for Life in our mission to help some of the poorest people on the planet to help themselves. We aim to make a better world one community at a time by giving others the tools and skills to create sustainable livelihoods and better futures for them and their families. Sustain for Life was established in 2006 by Massimo Gini in response to seeing first-hand the lack of opportunities for children and other vulnerable people in the poorest and least developed parts of the world. He also made a life-long pledge to fund the running costs of the charity, so that 100% of our income goes directly to the people and projects that need it the most. We hope this holiday season and beyond many others will join us in supporting worthy projects through Sustain for Life. The Eurochange Charity, 1112859 (England and Wales); Eurochange Charity ONLUS, 95104910245 (Italy)
The The Kensington Knightsbridge Kindergarten Kindergarten 1A Iverna Gardens St. Peter’s Church Kensington 119 Eaton Square London W8 6TN London SW1W 9AL 020 7371 4848 020 7235 5305 Our two established nursery schools offer a high standard of early years education for children aged 2 years to 5 years In addition to our stimulating curriculum we offer our children: French-Music-Little Kickers-Drama-Dance-Spanish-Tennis-Yoga Learning is fun! Il CIRCOLO, ITALIAN CULTURAL ASSOCIATION Il Circolo was created in January 1995 with the principal objective of promoting Italian culture in the UK. Il Circolo is a registered charity and a non-profit- making organisation. Membership is open to anyone with an interest in Italian culture and traditions. Il Circolo works closely with the Italian Cultural Institute and the Italian Embassy in London. Members’ shared interest in Italy is expressed through social networking and cultural activities including visits to museums, exhibitions and historic buildings; conversation classes in Italian and other languages; lectures; coffee mornings, music event; Italian literature workshops; cookery demonstrations and the famous Italian Christmas Bazaar, a genuine fair with typical Italian products. SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS AND ACADEMIC SUPPORT The funds raised by Il Circolo are primarily devoted to annual scholarships awarded to undergraduate and postgraduate students whose studies or professional training relate to Italian culture, art or science. Over the years Il Circolo had supported musicians and singers, designers, latinists, art historians, archaeologists, ceramists, physicists and mathematicians. Il Circolo also awards an annual piano prize to students from Trinity College of Music. Oxford, Somerville College - For eight years Il Circolo has supported the teaching of Italian at Somerville College, Oxford. CHARITABLE ACTIVITIES Il Circolo continues to make donations to charities connected with Italy and Italians living in UK. CULTURAL LINKS Il Circolo maintains strong links with: Accademia Apulia UK - Club di Londra - Estorick Collection - Foscolo Appeal Fund - Museum of London - Italian Medical Society - Somerville College, Oxford - The British Library - The British-Italian Society, London - Visitatori Volontari Italiani- The Italian Chamber of Commerce - The Italian Cultural Institute, London, FIWAL .
Il CIRCOLO, ITALIAN CULTURAL ASSOCIATION PATRONS Mrs Franca Economides, wife of the Italian Ambassador in London, The Duchess of Somerset, Roberta Vanni d’Archirafi, Lady de Hoghton, The Hon. Olga Polizzi Shawcross, Lady Russell of Liverpool BOARD OF TRUSTEES Chairman: Lady de Hoghton John Cullis , Ennio Falabella, Marina Fazzari, Elisa Provini Walker, Luisella Strona EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE President: Marina Fazzari Treasurer: Ennio Falabella Secretary: Colin Angwin Advisors: Benedetta Bartolini Baldelli, Alberto Braghò, Francesca Centurione Scotto, Cristina Malagò, Marcella Marcello, Laura Stock, Duilia Thejll-Moller EXTERNAL LEADERS Scholarships: Daniela McBride ITALIAN CHRISTMAS BAZAAR COMMITTEE 2011 Co-chairs: Benedetta Bartolini Baldelli, Francesca Centurione Scotto Evening Reception: Cristina Bisotto D’Orsa, Marcella Marcello, Alessandra Selvaggi, Laura Stock Doris Albano, Colin Angwin, Concetta Aprea, Fiamma Arata, Anna Rita Bellisari, Annamaria Biagini, Paola Braghò, Femy Cabache, Ebe Campi, Loredana Carcascio, Etta Carnelli, Giovanna Carobbi, Patrizia Capanna, Marina Chaning-Pearce, Giovanna Celi Zullo, Elisa D’Anna, Sabrina De Caro, Lidia Donath, Ennio Falabella, Alessandra Foglia, Michela Gisotti, Francesca Griffith, Bruna Johnson, Monica Khodari, Marika Maffei, Silvia Mazzola, Daniela McBride, Rosella Middleton, Tina Nocco, Pepi Ferrari Osborne, Franca Penaherrera, Lucille Perricone, Laura Pireddu, Lorena Porcari, Elisa Provini Walker, Francesca Ricciardi, Sidney Ross, Carolina Sciplino de Burgh, Gisella Suppo, Duilia Thejll-Moller, Eugenia Tricarico, Gisele Zambelli. We are a team of Italian professionals with over twenty years experience in London. We can provide the whole range of property services to Italians who wish to buy a property in London as an investment or come to London for the purpose of work or study.
MANY HEARTFELT THANKS for their donations and support to the following benefactors and sponsors of: THE EVENING RECEPTION Cantine Ferrari, for the Spumante - I Guzzini - Cantine De Caro, for the red and white wine - I Dolci di Giotto - La Piccola Dely, for the catering - Ferrero UK Ltd., for the chocolates - Kimbo Espresso Italiano, for the coffee Cakeslovers, Laura Pireddu Occhionero, for her three-storey cake - Three-storey cake’s description, kindly donated by Cakeslover Three-storey sponge cake, square shape with white icing with white, red and green decorations on top.The first floor will be traditional homemade Italian sponge with strawberry jam and butter cream filling. The second floor will be homemade chocolate sponge with Chantilly cream and choco chips fillings.The third floor will be Homemade lemon sponge with Chantilly cream fillings. We welcome and thank our scholars and opera singers of The Royal Academy of Music ANGHARAD ELISABETH LYDDON, mezzo-contralto, who will sing Brindisi by Verdi, KERRI-LYNNE DIETZ mezzo-soprano, who will sing La Conocchia by Donizetti, and to Maestro IAIN LEDINGHAM who accompanies them at the piano. For this special evening they will invite us to join them in singing Va` Pensiero, from Nabucco, by Verdi. A special thank-you also to EMANUELA FERRARI OSBORNE for the selection and preparation of the arias.
THE RAFFLE PRIZES Masseria San Domenico, Savelletri, Brindisi - The Baglioni Hotel, London - Lavazza Coffee UK - Bertolutti Dora Howard - The Ritz Hotel in London - Valentino Hair Beauty and Health in Kensington 1 Thackeray Street, Kensington Square, London W8 5ET, tel. 020 79376911 Antonio de Gaetani - Gustar Divino - - Luigi’s Delicatessen- Withers LLP Solicitors, 16 Old Bailey, London EC4M 7EG Tel: 020 7597 6491 THE SILENT AUCTION Hotel Quirinale, Roma - Maserati - Gattarella Resort – Artheca LLC- Beatrice Raggio, fotografa - Accademia Apulia - Piera Costantini Scala, fotografa - B&B Le Tagliate, Migliarino - Giuseppe Palumbo, pittore - Lavazza Coffee UK - Ufficio Cooperazione GAL Meridaunia e Antonio Tomassini - Charlie Masson, pittore -
THE TREE OF WONDERS Professor Ken Howard OBE, RA - Puro, Lifestyle Salon& Spa, AVEDA, 19 Great Cumberland Place, York House, London tel. +44 (0)20 7723 5028 Excelent, Dott.Tobias Kuntze 22 Seymour Street, London tel. +44 (0)20 7724 3742 Desiré Barroso, Shoes designer - La Masseria Apulain Delicatessen 69 Upper Berkeley Street, London tel. +44 (0)20 7535 8575 London Soap Factory, Le Zoom - Roma Duca d’Aosta,Roma Gioielleria Le Rughe, Roma La Libreria dell’Olgiata, Roma La Crique, Roma Palizzi, jewellery - www.palizzi. Airoldi, Brescia - Princi, 135-137 Wardour St, London - Atelier Nico di Donna - Partridges, London - Joseph, Duke of York square, London - Franchetti-Bond, Duke of York square, London - Roberto Cavalli, London - The Peak, Health Club, Sloane street, London - Eccleston Square Hotel, London - Cath Kidston - Cesare Paciotti, London - Marie-Chantal, London - Manicomio, Italian restaurant, Duke of York square, London - Ottolenghi - Rococo Chocolates - Allegra Hicks - Neville, Hair and Beauty - Francesca Marcenaro, - Nashbag, Cristina Malagò, Margherita Ferri - Ceramiche Girasole, Concetta Harrington - Silvana Morini -
The Italian platform for property search, architecture, construction, tax/legal advice and property management in London. | THE FAMILY OFFICER GROUP NETWORK
SPECIALIST SERVICES Benedetta Bartolini Baldelli, - for the graphic design and computer assistance. Mike Dormer, One stop Event Services LTd., 31 Rushlake Road, Coldean, Brighton BN1 9AE - tel. 01273 602545- for his security service Christo Print & Design Ltd. , 61 Grafton Road, Kentish Town, London NW5 3EN - tel. 0207 482 3888 for their typographic/printing service Salvatore Mancuso – Photographer - C.Rassell Ltd - Nursery, Florist and Gardeners, 80 Earl’s Court Road, London W8 6EQ - for lending all plants for the events --------------- A special thank you to all the supporters and the volunteers, both members and non-members, in particular to Marzia Carissimo, Elisa Canossa, Flaminia Manca, Martina Picotti, Piera Costantini Scala, Gaia Moncada di Paternò, Margherita Manca, Olivia Marzotto, Virginia Voli, who helped to make this event a great success. We also thank la Scuola Italiana a Londra for attending the event with its young students - We are grateful to Mgr. James Curry (Parish priest) for lending us the Nativity of Our Lady of Victories, Catholic Church in Kensington.
Letter from the President of the Scholarship Fund The main purpose of Il Circolo – Italian Cultural Association - is to provide grants to undergraduate and postgraduate students who research areas of interest relating to Italy and Italian culture. Il Circolo supports students pursuing a variety of different disciplines, from literature to science, from music to design, from history of art to opera. The members of the selection committee are: Daniela McBride, Doris Albano, Giovanna Carobbi, Sabrina Giorgiani, Cristina Malagò and Tilde Motta. Applications open at the beginning of the academic year, the details of which can be found on the Il Circolo website, as well as being circulated to universities and Higher Education Institutions throughout the UK. After the first selection in February, applicants will be invited to an interview with the committee, and those who have been successful will receive their grant by cheque from the Ambassador of Italy. These will be presented during a ceremony in the month of June at the Ambassador’s residence in London. To date over £280,000 has been granted in every field of study and research. Certain scholars deserve particular mention: Lucy Goddard, soprano at international level; Gerwin Owen, who published his work on the ‘Representation of the Jews and the Italian silent movies’ for the British Academy of Jewish Studies; Danilo Faccenda, who is researching the relationship between mitochondrial bioenergetic disfunctions and cancer under the supervision of Prof Campanella; Carly Collier, art historian who has published many articles in the Burlington Magazine; Giorgia Totonelli researcher in the tissue engineering of the intestine at Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children; Samuel Pegg expert of Nino Rota’s music and composer under the supervision of Prof. Joseph Horowitz, and many others. Every small donation to Il Circolo is important for the promotion of Italian culture in the UK through the support of talented and brilliant individuals who represent our future. Daniela McBride Chairman of the Scholarships Committe
Scholarship Award Ceremony 2011 at the Italian Embassy in London H.E. the Italian Ambassador Alain Giorgio Maria Economides, personally awarded our scholarships to 18 selected candidates: SERENA ACQUATI - Postdoc Researcher in Neurosciences - at Queen Mary University of London STEPHEN AVISS - Tenor. Masters student at The Royal Academy of Music. DORIANA CELLURA - PhD Student specialising in tumors of the colon and rectum - Department of Cancer Sciences at the University of Southampton FRANCESCA CONGIU - PhD student specialising in Carlo Levi – Department of Italian at the University of Leeds CAROLINA DE SIMONE - PhD student at The London School of Economics. Researching Catholic NGOs KERRI-LYNNE DIETZ- Mezzo-soprano. Royal Academy of Music. Attended an “Opera singing” course in Montaretto, Liguria DAISY FLORENCE DUNN - PhD Student at UCL, Warburg Institute. Classical Pastoral Poetry in the art of Northern Italy in the Cinquecento. ELISA FIORENTINI - PhD Student in Medical Biotechnology at the University of Bologna, Italy Researching under the supervision of Dr.Lucy Di Silvio at the King¹s College London Guy’s Hospital. FEDERICA FORMATO - PhD Students in Sociology and Linguistics at Manchester University. Researching “Gender and identities in the Italian Parliament” EMILY GRAY - PhD Student at the Courtauld Institute. Researching Florentine prints in the 15th century ROMMANY JENKINS - PhD Student at Birmingham University-Italian Department. Studying Guido Cavalcanti DOMENICO LOMBARDI - PhD Student at Bristol University – Department of Civil Engineering. Specialising in seismic behaviuor of pile foundations. ANGHARAD ELISABETH LYDDON - Mezzo-contralto at The Royal Academy of Music. Attended an “Opera singing” course in Montaretto, Liguria LILIANE MPABANZI - PhD Student at UCL in transplants, Researching under the supervision of Dr. Massimo Malagò ANDREA PROFETA - PhD Student in Dentistry al Kings¹ College London MATTHEW REZA - PhD Student at Oxford University – Department of Italian Studies, Specialising in Fantastic Literature. SIMONA SPAMPINATO- PhD Student at the Department of Pharmacology of the University of Catania. Researching under the supervision of Dr.MariaGrazia Spillantini, Researching Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases ELISABETTA TOLLARDO- PhD Student of Modern History at Oxford University, Studying Italy’s relations with The League of Nations from 1930 to 1933
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RAFFLE PRIZES A week-end stay for two at a luxury Italian Contry Estate by the sea, Masseria San Domenico, Savelletri, Brindisi Two-nights’ stay at The Baglioni Hotel, Kensington, London A Lavazza Espresso Coffee Machine Point EL3200 and 100 Coffee Capsules. Lavazza Coffee UK - Pair of framed photos of Venetian Masks by Bertolutti Dora Howard A “Tea for two” voucher in the splendid Tea-Room of the The Ritz Hotel in London - A hair re-style, cut and finish, and manicure at Valentino Hair Beauty and Health in Kensington 1 Thackeray Street, Kensington Square, London W8 5ET, tel. 020 79376911 A silver brooch, handcrafted by Antonio de Gaetani A Christmas hamper by Gustar Divino A Christmas hamper by Luigi’s Delicatessen A Magnum of Champagne donated by Withers LLP Solicitors, 16 Old Bailey, London EC4M 7EG Tel: 020 7597 6491
THE SILENT AUCTION LOT 1 - A two-nights stay for two at the four stars Hotel Quirinale in Rome built in 1865 near the Via Veneto. It is well known as a much-loved meeting place of Puccini, Toscanini, Wagner, Callas and Nureyev. LOT 2 - A chauffeur driven Maserati Quattroporte Sport GTS will be available to take you shopping anywhere in London and within the M25 for an entire day, including weekends. LOT 3 - A one-week stay for two at the four star Gattarella Resort in the heart of the National Park of Gargano, Vieste, Puglia, Italy. LOT 4 -A lithograph, Venezia New York, (50x70) by Aldo Damioli, offered by Artheca LLC. Established in Tucson AZ (branch in Milan, Italy), Artheca is a specialized dealer of prints and multiples by leading contemporary artists. LOT 5 - A lithograph, Primavera, (70x90), by Salvo Primavera, offered by Artheca LLC. LOT 6 - A special photographic session for children by the well-known photographer Beatrice Raggio. LOT 7 - The photograph by Matteo Sandrini’s that won the 2010 Accademia Apulia Photographic Award. LOT 8 - A photograph, Busto di Garibaldi Rivisitato (120x150), by Piera Costantini Scala. LOT 9- A long week-end stay for two in the Summer at the Bed&Breakfast Le Tagliate, Duchi Salviati Estate, and private property tour by Marchesa Centurione Scotto. LOT 10 - Two sanguine drawings by the painter Giuseppe Palumbo. LOT 11 - A Lavazza coffee machine A Modo Mio. LOT 12 - A food hamper with food specialties from Puglia donated by Ufficio Cooperazione GAL Meridaunia and Antonio Tomassini LOT 13 - A screen-print, Moka Express (40 x 54, limited edition of 12) by Charlie Masson, artist and tutor at the Prince’s Drawing Clubs. LOT 14 - Hypnotized by Curves,oil on canvas (102 x 73) by Charlie Masson
EXHIBITORS LAVAZZA is a traditional sponsor of Il Circolo. Luigi Lavazza first created the concept of blending cof- fees in 1895. Over 110 years later Lavazza is recognised throughout the world as the symbol of Italian espresso and has mastered the choice of coffee for any occasion. This year Lavazza is giving a free tasting of her new ‘A modo mio’ Coffee. The Lavazza A Modo Mio coffee system combines capsule technol- ogy, the finest Lavazza coffee and an integrated steam arm into a state- of-the-art, innovative system allowing you to create your favourite coffee; from espresso and cappuccinos, to lattes and mochas. There are 8 differ- ent Lavazza A Modo Mio blends to discover, with the unmistakeable aroma and attention to quality that you’ve come to expect from Lavazza. ARTISTS ACCADEMIA APULIA Launched in October 2008, Accademia Apulia is a non-profit organisation based in London, which has been set to foster a cultural and professional exchange and innovation between communities across Europe. The Accademia Apulia comprises established professionals, from all walks of life, whose membership provides the Accademia community with a comprehensive network of support. Our commitment to nourishing an international artistic dialogue is reflected in the Accademia Apulia Photographic Award – an art prize designed specifically to encourage and celebrate emerging artists. The strength of Accademia Apulia lies in its close-knit network of members, all with different professional, cultural and national backgrounds. This eclecticism makes the organization a vibrant and exciting arena for those looking to develop their careers or pass on their experience onto the next generation. Membership is free. +44 (0)20 7221 0900 +44 (0)7833 344 419
PIERA COSTANTINI SCALA For the Italian Christmas Bazaar Piera Costantini Scala will show a very particular photo of Giuseppe Garibaldi, and take a picture of you with the “eroe dei due mondi”. Piera Costantini Scala, born in Udine, Italy in 1971. She has a MA in Contemporary Art. She was a guest of the Saharawi in Algeria, whom she photographed and consequently exhibited the results at GLA center-Mayor of London and at the Thomas Williams Fine Art gallery and at the Richmix foundation in London, one of her Saharawi portraits was also exhibited and sold at Christie’s in Paris. Her work has been shown at the David Gilles galleries, at Fendi, at the Black and White gallery and at the Serpentine gallery with the work of Jiles Round. Piera Costantini Scala Photography, Studio D11, 2 Michael Road, London, SW6 2AD CHARLIE MASSON For the silent auction of the Italian Christmas Bazaar Charlie Masson will donate two of his works: Moka Express, screenprint (40 x 54 cm, limited edition of 12) and Hypnotized by Curves, oil on Canvas (102 x 73). Charlie Masson, born and raised in New York City. Studied painting and drawing for four years at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago before moving to Europe in 2009. After living and traveling in Italy for one year, was admitted to the postgraduate program at the Prince’s Drawing School in London. Currently studying printmaking at Camberwell College of Arts and tutoring young artists with the Prince’s Drawing Clubs. ALESSANDRA TORTONE For our Italian Christmas Bazaar, Alessandra Tortone will be available for face painting the 15 November from 3.30 to 5.30. It’s a lot of fun and for free, so come and enjoy with your kids! Alessandra Tortone is an artist with over 10 years experience specializing in painting decorative murals in both residential and commercial premises. She worked extensively in Italy & London and has undertaken projects in Egypt, Tunisia, Turkey,Greece and Zanzibar. The paints used are waterproof and non-toxic and are therefore ideal to be used around children and babies. Alessandra is also a face painter for adults and children with 4 years experience, and very popular in children’s party and corporate events, fully CBR and insured. BEAUTY AMILUXE Candle, diffuser, soap, perfume, l’Eau de Cassis Collection Annalisa Nicoletti, 34C Westleigh Avenue, London SW15 6RD
CYRINE AROMATHERAPIE A natural skincare range to help people take care of their bodies in a natural and healthy way, personalised with a blend of essential oils. tel. +44 (0)7702 778500 www. FEEL GOOD TRADING Feelgood candles are all hand made using the finest quality raw materials and the highest amount of scent possible 84 a Harrow view, Harrow Tel. +44 (0)7939 418840 LONDON SOAP FACTORY Hand made soaps with plant oils, natural clays and silk. Nourishing, gentle and beautifully scented, these soaps combine modern innovation with traditional manufacturing techniques. SOY CANDLE COLLECTION A luxurious collection of 100% eco soy wax candles. Lovingly hand poured, the beautiful ranges are blended with aromatic essential oils, delicate fragrance oils and luscious soy colours. Including a bespoke range of gorgeous candles designed and hand poured especially for festive season. London CHILDREN ANNAFIE -Hand smocked dresses Elisabeth v. Kospoth The company Annafie sells hand smocked dresses for girls from 3 months to 12 years, nightwear and cashmere cardigans are available as well. 37 Avonmore Rd, London W14 8 RT Tel. +44 (0)20 76023850 JULIET AND THE BAND Anne Laure Ferrand Trendy children clothes and accessories from 2 to 12 years old for urban kids with an active lifestyle.
MARIA GIOVANNA Maria Giovanna Maragotto Original hand-knitted blankets and more for babies Flat 5, 31 Thickey Rd, London SE20 8DB tel. +44 (0)7951 944865 QUADRIFOGLIO Gloria Antonelli Abbigliamento artigianale made in Italy per bambini, maglieria e accessory Via delle colonnelle 10, 00186 Roma Tel. +39 06 67881766 fax +39 06 6784917 FASHION CREAZIONI ELEN CASHMERE Elena Dati Finest Cashmere design form Italy. Via Forlì 3, 55049 Viareggio, Italy tel. +39 0584 56395 DESIRÉE BARROSO Desiré Barroso offers bespoke and customized shoes which she designs and manufacures herself. 22 Seymour Street, London tel. +44 (0) 20 7724 3961 fax +44 (0) 20 7724 3743 EMMAJANE KNIGHT Women’s finest cashmere designs, elegant, innovative and finished using unique crystal and buttons details. e j k Atelier Showroom 33 Kensington park road, London W11 2EU tel +44 (0)7967 974 920 fax +44 (0)20 7221 1588 EVERCHIC DBA MICHELA SANTUCCIO Wraps, slippers, blankets, throws, leather goods 808 Brichell Key drive, apt. 1207, 33131 Miami Florida tel. 001 305 3734932
Corte Fiorelli, 22 50019 Sesto Fiorentino (FI) Italy
FASHIONISTA OUTLET Ltd Myriam Duran is a boutique outlet for designer brands that caters for both men and women.Designer clothes at outlet prices, with one to one customer care.Shop for dresses,shoes and all your fashion needs for menswear and womenswear. Burlington house, 1st floor, 184 New Kings Road, London SW6 4NF tel.+44 (0)20 7610 9466 LE SOULIER DE SATIN Made in Italy women’s shoes and accessories via Appiani 2, 20121 Milano tel 0039 331 869 3948 MILAN SHOPPING Nicoletta Ronzini Exquisitely detailed leather gloves, stunning handmade woven handbags, bespoke cashmere. 2 Lansdowne Row, London W1J 6HL Tel. +44 (0)7930 318 351 fax +44 (0)20 7493 4935 MOVING SHOP MALANDRA Valeria Ferlini Abbigliamento collezione Valeria Ferlini per Moving shop Malandra, tessuti pregiati per una collezione di alto livello che si avvale per la produzione di laboratory che hanno contribuito a rendere grande il made in Italy nel mondo. Corso di Porta Romana 122, 20122 Milano, Italy tel. +39 02 58305744 +39 02 5843 3366 rosariaranalli@movingshop NASCHBAG Cristina Malagò Exclusive leather handbags and accessories Mauerstrasse 54, 40476 Dusseldorf (Germany) tel. +49 211 93 48 720 PIMARIPI bijoux Maria Pina Pintus Jewel belts, original and unusual leather belts with handmade buckles 106A Fortune Gren Road NW6 1DS London tel. +44 (0)7861 490 332 SHAJAR Laura Conti Shajar is a contemporary collection of elegant kaftans for the beach lifestyle, hand made in natural fibres with extravagant embroidered patterns. 22-23 Embankment Gardens, London SW3 4LW tel. +44 (0)7766 220 044
SUSYTEAFELTRO Susanna Piras Porcu Fashion accessories as scarves, shawls, wraps hats, flower collars, vests, hand made by silk puckered and gathered when merged with merino wool Via Ottaviana 11, Montenegrotto Terme, 35036 Padova Tel. +39 347 2433423 +39 049 891 2419 LINEN AND CHINA CERAMICHE GIRASOLE LTD Concetta Harrington Italian handmade plus handpainted ceramics from De Ruta in Umbria region. 2 Dell Grove Frimley GU168PZ tel. +44 (0)1276 64581 +44 (0)7725 349 718 VILLE ET CAMPAGNE - Home Collection An exclusive collection of French embroidered home linen. 9 Drayton Gardens, London SW10 9RY Tel. +44 (0)20 7370 0474 MANDY BARBER’S BAZAAR Amanda Edwards Italian Cashmere scarves and shawls, hand embroidered bed and table linen (made to order embroidery on request). 59 Dorothy Rd Battersea, London SW11 2JJ tel. +44(0) 20 7228 6055 FEBRONIE Febronie Desage Bonnet Adult and children timeless and chic kaftans, great bathroom foutas, honeycomb fouta bathrobes, handmade beach foutas, perfect holiday hats. 46 Cambridge Road , London SW11 4RR tel. +44 (0) 7765 865 382 JEWELLERY CARDAMONE BARBARA Hand-crafted necklaces, unique one-of- a-find objects created from stones, resins and silver alloys. Cameos, pendants and vintage jewellery carefully selected from various countries worldwide. Via Aldo Moro 16, 20846 Macherio (MB) Italy tel. +39 347 3012689
FRANCESCA MARCENARO Costume jewellery and jewellery made with different techniques and materials 64 Buckingham gate, London SW1E 6 AR tel. +44 (0)7807 417 588 LAVIANDBELLE Simona Brunozzi Moro Designer handmade jewellery that is timelessly elegant yet individual in style. Range available for both children and adults. 6, Porchester Terrace, Flat 36, London W2 3TL tel. +44 (0)7941 071523 PALIZZI Panizzi jewellery is handmade in Italy by two talented designers. Semi precious stones, crystal and pearls are fixed into each stitch producing head turning results. The palettes are remarkable, showing a striking sense of colour, unmistakebly inspired by the wide-ranging Mediterranean landscapes. 98, Frithville Gardens, London W12 7JW tel. +44 (0)7890 404 253 PITROSE Chantal Merighi Luxury Italian jewellery and high quality leather goods TUTTO TUSCANY Angela Arrighi Tutto Tuscany that was launched a couple of years ago in Florence via a small number of shops (including Palazzo Strozzi) is delighted to present its very fashionable hand made jewellery from Tuscany, a wide range of necklaces, bracelets, earings and rings. 19 Marmion Rd, Battersea, London SW11 5PP tel. +44 (0)20 7738 0073 MARINA FONTANA GIOIELLI Marina Fontana High quality bespoke jewellery, necklaces, earings. braceletes, in silver, gold and precious stones. all made in Italy. Viale del Vignola 68, 00196 Roma tel./fax +39 06 323 4680 MARGHERITA FERRI Unique jewellery, meaningful little pieces of art Via del Pasco 98/E, 33030 Campoformido, Udine, Italy tel.+39 (0)392 9475367
I GIOIELLI DI CAROLA Carola Sarzi-Amadè Carola is an artist and expresses her creativity through photography and jewel making. She creates unique pieces in silver and diamonds, precious and semiprecious stones collected during her travel in India and China. 45, Evelyn Gardens, London SW73BH tel. +44 (0)7768 080 206 ROSIE WATSON JEWELLERY Rosie Watson Bespoke collection of unique designer jewellery widely collected by a discerning international clientele. 26 Sunderland Terrace, London W2 5PA tel.+44(0) 20 7727 1288 RAFFAELLA & CHANTAL Raffaella De Bustis Colourful and fun, a wonderful capsule collection of jewellery; all lovingly hand-made and sourced exclusively from Italian artisans. All jewellery is made in solid silver and/or gold-plated; set with semi-precious stones such as amethyst, quartz, tourmaline, sapphire and topaz. The selected pieces have been chosen for their inherent easy to wear quality, as well as their unique stylish looks. Elleby House, 2 Elleby Street, London SW6 6EY tel. 0044(0) 7590 069 904 SELECTED GIFTS BLEU MANDARINE Hellier du Verneuil Personalised gifts (photo album, bags, boxes…) 30 Wandsworth Bridge Rd, London SW6 2TH tel. +44 (0)7818 451 676 CAMPO MARZIO Michelle Italian stationary, leather goods, gifts, calligraphy sets, pens, photo albums,journals, diaries, organizer, ink, wallets, desk pads, pc bags, briefcases, seals&wax. 166 Piccadilly, London W1J 9EF tel. +44 (0)20 7907 2600 COLLECTORS CORNER Paola Marchesi Antique silver and Venician cuff links 4, Dalmeny House, 9 Thurloe Place, London SW7 2RY tel. +44 (0)7774 600 993
The Family Officer Legal Personal Law Property Law Corporate & Commercial Law Banking & Lending Sport & Equine Law The Family Officer Group Assistenza in lingua italiana The Family Officer Legal, The Family Officer Group and The Family Officer Group - Network are trading names of The Family Officer Llc and its associated companies all over the world. In the United Kingdom T.F.O. Legal services are provided by Gordons Solicitors LLP, a limited liability partnership registered in England n. OC326572. Its registered office is Winter Hill House, Station Approach, Marlow, Buckinghamshire, SL7 1NT. It is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority n. 463233. A list of members of the LLP is displayed at our registered office. WWW.ARTEACCESSIBILE .COM THE FAMILY OFFICER GROUP NETWORK
Truffle Man Fresh Truffle from Italy and France, truffle derivates, acacia and melata honey, extravirgin olive oil from Tuscany, Umbria and Liguria, balsamic vinegar from Consorzio di Modena and Reggio Emilia, various sottoli from Liguria and Umbria, special tuna in glassvase only and anchovy. Truffle Man ltd. Serves Michelin stared chefs around the world. 28, Pembr idge SQ . London W 2 4D S tel. +44 (0)7752 127 550 mar ylinduckwor th@
DUPPOINI Kate Llamas Luxury hand crafted silk scarves presented in beautiful packaging 34 Narburough street, London SW6 3AR tel. +44 (0)7966 449 984 FARO&FOX Sally English &Martin Harris Faro&Fox present a collection of beautiful and unusual accessories and accessories from Europe, Usa and the Far Est at exceptional price Swanbourne Cottage, Warningcamp, Arundel BN8 9QQ tel.+44 (0)1903 884604 GRAZIELLA PIERI & GRAZIELLA MOLIN PRADEL Oil painting and china ink drawings of Venice views 19 Matthias Court, 119 Church Road, Richmond TW10 6LL KENSINGTON DESIGN Gifts and accessories for the home, as well as interior design and project management 12 Stratford Road, London W8 6QD tel. 020 79382000 fax 020 79382882 MARIA PACINI FAZZI Publishing company in Lucca Maria Pacini Fazzi establishes her publishing house in Lucca in 1966. The actual catalogue includes more than three hundred titles, which have a common denominator: quality. Pacini Fazzi books are out of the common and from the pleasure of making books as artisans would do. Via dell’Angelo Custode 33, 55100 Lucca Italy MERCI MAMAN Mercimaman offers a wide range of personalised gifts, for all the family. It creates and hand- engraves charme bracelets and necklaces and personalises embroidered towels,bathrobes, children’s chairs. Matrix Complex 91 Peterborough Road, London SW6 3BU Tel +44 (0)7540 157 630 NOM LIVING Bich Tyler Lacquer Acessories, trays, bowls, boxes,handwoven textiles, lotus silk scarves, handsewn Xmas decoration in silk and cotton, cocowood kitchenware 9, Newell street, London E14 7HP tel-fax +44 (0)20 7515 4422
VINTAGE LONDON Emma Caderni Quality you can afford, style you can’t do without. Quirky antique and vintage ephemera including handbags, linens, costume,jewellery, accessories, bric a brac and lots more. Christmas presents with a difference. London. tel. +44 (0)7961 471 810 ITALIAN FOOD AND WINE AZIENDA AGRICOLA PETRUCCO Colli Orientali del Friuli, Via Morpurgo 12, 33042 Buttrio (Udine) tel. +39 0432 674387 AZIENDA AGRICOLA POGGIO ALLE FRASCHE Cesare Amadei A really special extravergin olive oil prepared with cold-pressing method taylor-made with a numbered packaging prepared once the order is placed, to assure only the best quality. Corte Fiorelli, 22, 50019 Sesto Fiorentino (FI) Italy AZIENDA AGRICOLA RISECCOLI Greve in Chianti, Firenze Benoit for Romanelli, Tenuta Riseccoli, 23 Palace Court London W2 4LP BARUZZO Fine Italian Chocolates Baruzzo was founded by Raffaella Baruzzo to bring in UK an exclusive selection of fine Italian chocolates. The company mission statement is simply, fatto a mano, echoing the world of couture dressmaking. The same tradition of handmade Italian precision and a bespoke service for every individual client is reflected in what Baruzzo offers. PROSECCO SERRE Marco Pederiva, UK contact:Anthony Pireddu Serre 21 hectares Vineyard lies at the heart of Conegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco DOCG region. The vineyards have been in the Pederiva family for over 50 years. Prosecco Serre still remains an independent family run business. Serre got so far some excellent recognition and feedback including IWC (International Wine Challenge) Silver and Bronze medals. Via Casale Vacca, 8 31030 Combai di Miane, Treviso tel: +44 (0)7824 597 166
CARNEVALE Importers and distributors of wines and provisions,specialists in Italian cheeses, meat products and fresh pasta. FRANCHI SEEDS OF ITALY 1783 Paolo Arrigo Italian vegetable seeds supplied by the oldest seed company in Italy, truly ingredients you grow yourself. Beautiful soaps from Milan and Tuscany plus seeds of Italy cookbook. Unit A1, Phoenix Ind. Estate, Rosslyn Crescent, Harrow HA1 25P tel. +44 (0)20 8427 5020 fax +44 (0)20 5427 5051 GUSTAR DIVINO Loredana First promoter of high quality food products and wine from Piedmont, in UK. It also creates exquisite Christmas hampers. It is always available for advice and suggestions to create a special Pietmontese atmosphere on your table. 2 Lower Belgrave, London SW1 info@ I DOLCI DI GIOTTO The Pâtisserie of the Padua prison Panettoni, cakes, bakery products, gastronomy, wines, etc. “Some just call us bakers. Some can’t distingh us from the prisoners. Others give us awards. We, however, along with the inmates of Padua prison, have just one objective: for everybody to know how good our products are.” Via Forcellini 172 35128 Padova Italy LA MARESCANDOLA Olive oil Rosita Pesenti Extra Virgin Olive Oil from Lucca 9, Chelsea Park Gardens London SW3 6AK tel. +44 (0)20 7351 1513 fax +44 (0)20 7351 5595 LUIGI’S Delicatessen- Mail Order Simon Fine Italian foods, gift boxes and hampers - gorgeous gifts for Christmas and other special occasions. Next day delivery to any UK address Unit 29, 23 A Bagleys Lane Fulham London SW6 28W tel. +44 (0)20 7352 7739 +44 (0)20 7371 5468
OLIO DI CASTELLUCCIO. DOP Extra vergin olive oil from Monti Iblei Borgo del Castelluccio Sicilia, Noto, Siracusa Mob.+39 336 255 031 tel +39 093 1810 227 lucio bonaccorsi@ OLIO DIVINO Dr.Orietta Bartalini Divine italian Organic extravirgin Olive Oil, carefully selected artisanal products local to our farm, homemade delicacies and authentic gift packs and hampers. 70, the Green, Morden SM4 4HL tel. +44 (0)7875 230 367 PAPALINO Francesco Paolo Santoro Import of delicatessen, food from Calabria, south of Italy. Including: Fennel pollen, chilli pepper, wild oregano, diamante citron and jams. All authentic and organic products made in Italy. 206 Ladbroke Grove, London W10 5LU tel. +44 (0)7505 215 130 PESTO and CO. Typical Italian food from Ligurian Corso Europa 842 G/10 16148 Genova tel.+39 349 8119080 fax +39 010 3728044 TENUTA FUJANERA GIRODOLIO Giusy Albano Red, white and rosé wines, plus extra-virgin olive oils and preserves Via Bari C.da Quadrone delle Vigne Km 2+500, Foggia, Italy tel. +39 328 0565 165 fax +39 0881 652 619 TRUFFLE MAN LTD Fresh Truffle from Italy and France, truffle derivates, acacia and melata honey, extravirgin olive oil from Tuscany, Umbria and Liguria, balsamic vinegar from Consorzio di Modena and Reggio Emilia, one particular over 160 years old, various sottoli from Liguria and Umbria, special tuna in glassvase only and anchovy. Truffle Man ltd. Serves Michelin stared chefs around the world. 28, Pembridge SQ. London W2 4DS tel. +44 (0)7752 127 550
MIMOSA DI TOLENTINO Panettoni and pâtisserie from le Marche VADO A CENA a brand of Pensiero Diverso Ltd Vado a Cena offers a selection of Italy’s finest foods and wines including charcuterie, cheese, pasta, olive oils, balsamic vinegar and wines, all sourced from small local producers across Italy with special emphasis on quality and authenticity. Products include, prosciutto crudo Slow Food certified from Garfagnana, aged balsamic vinegar from Modena, formaggio di fossa DOP, truffle cheese, bibanesi breadsticks and extra virgin olive oil from Sicily. 3 Chichester House, Chichester Road, NW6 5QP +44 (0)7552 741 394 VAL DI TORO Anna Maria Crociata Very fine red and white wine from Tuscany: red wine Val di Toro Maremma Rosso 2008 (San Giovese 70% Monetpulciano 30%); Reviresco Maremma Toscana Rosso 2009 (San Giovese 100%) red wine; Auramaris Maremma Toscana Bianco 2010 (vermentino 85%, Grechetto 15%) white wine. Strada delle Campore 18, Poggio alla Mozza 58100 Grosseto tel. +39 0564 409600 fax +39 0564 409600 VALLEBONA LTD Naoko Vallebona Italian gourmet foods, Panettone, Cantucci biscuits Unit 14, 59 Weir Road, Wimbledon, London SW19 8UG tel. +44 (0)20 8944 5665 fax. +44 (0)20 89712054 SERVICES EXCELDENT Exceldent offers a comprehensive treatment range of advanced treatment and is dedicated to excellent dentistry. 22 Seymour Street, London W1H 7HY tel. +44 (0)20 7724 3742 fax +44(0)20 7724 3743
ALPHABETIC ORDER AND LOCATION Food Hall: FH Main Hall: MH Anteroom: AR Corridor: C Entrance : E Bar: B A F N Accademia Apulia - E Faro&Fox - MH NOM Living - MH Alessandra Tortone - B Fashionista Outlet - MH Naschbag - MH Amiluxe - AR Francesca Marcenaro - MH Annafie - MH Febronie - MH O Annamaria Biagini - C Feel Good Trading - MH Olio di Castelluccio - FH Ape Malandra - MH Ferrero - FH Olio Divino - FH Azienda Agricola Petrucco - FH Azienda Agricola Poggio alle G P Frasche - FH Graziella Pieri & Graziella Palizzi - MH Azienda Agricola Riseccoli - FH Molin Pradel - AR Papalino - FH Gustar Divino- FH Pesto and Co. - FH B Piera Costantini Scala - E Baruzzo Fine Italian Chocolates I Pimaripi Bijoux - C - FH I Gioielli di Carola- MH Pitrose - MH Bleu Mandarine - MH I Dolci di Giotto - FH Prosecco Serre - FH C J Q Campo Marzio - MH Juliet and the Band - MH Quadrifoglio - MH Cardamone Barbara - MH Carnevale - FH K R Ceramiche Girasole - AR Kensington Design - MH Raffaella&Chantal - MH Charles Masson - C Rosie Watson Jewellery - MH Collectors Corner - MH L Costantini Scala Piera- C La Marescandola - FH S Creazioni Elen Cashmere - MH Laviandbelle - MH Shajar - MH Cyrine Aromatherapy - MH Le Soulier de Satin - C Seeds of Italy - FH London Soap Factory - C Soy Candle Collection - MH D Luigi’s - FH Susyteafeltro - AR Desirée Barroso - C Duppoini - MH M T Mandy Barber’s Bazaar - MH Tenuta Fujanera/Girodolio -FH E Margherita Ferri - MH Truffle Man - FH Emma Jane Knight - MH Maria Giovanna - AR TuttoTuscany- AR Everchic DBA Michela Maria Pacini Fazzi - B Santuccio- MH Marina Fontana Gioielli - MH V Exceldent - C Moving Shop Malandra-MH Vado a Cena - FH Merci Maman - MH Vallebona Ltd - FH Milan Shopping - MH Valditoro - FH Ville et Campagne - MH Vintage London - AR
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