BUYERS GUIDE - Pugliapromozione

Pagina creata da Jacopo Cocco
BUYERS GUIDE - Pugliapromozione

BUYERS GUIDE - Pugliapromozione
23-27 OCTOBER 2017

                                   BUYERS GUIDE


                                   2    PUGLIA ALLA RIBALTA
                                        SUI MERCATI INTERNAZIONALI
                                   8    HOSTED BUYERS

                                   60   ELENCO DEI BUYERS

                                   62   ELENCO DEI BUYERS PER NAZIONE

    Martina Franca
    ph. credit Franco Cappellari

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BUYERS GUIDE - Pugliapromozione
PUGLIA ALLA RIBALTA                                                                                                              IL TURISMO INTERNAZIONALE IN PUGLIA:
    SUI MERCATI INTERNAZIONALI                                                                                                       +5% gli arrivi e +9% i pernottamenti nei primi sette mesi del 2017

                                                                                                                                     La Puglia turistica si presenta alla quinta edizione del più                            QUOTA % PER MERCATO ESTERO IN PUGLIA
                                                                                                                                     importante evento nel Sud Italia di business del settore con                            PERNOTTAMENTI DA GENNAIO A LUGLIO 2017 – TOP 10
                                                                                                                                     un’ennesima crescita del turismo internazionale: nei primi
    Benvenuti alla quinta edizione di           La Puglia è diventata in questi             andando avanti in sinergia, pubblico     sette mesi del 2017 gli arrivi registrano il +5% rispetto allo stesso
    Buy Puglia. Si rinnova il racconto          anni una delle mete europee più             e privati, anche sul piano della         periodo dell’anno precedente e i pernottamenti il +9%. Nel
    del nostro territorio, in tutte             ambite dai turisti di tutto il mondo:       formazione. La valenza di questa         complesso, i dati segnano un ulteriore incremento degli arrivi
    le sue sfumature e bellezze del             Germania, Francia, Regno Unito,             Borsa del turismo in Puglia e' quindi    del +2% (italiani più stranieri) e del +5% dei pernottamenti.
    paesaggio - natura, arte e cultura,         Svizzera, Belgio, Paesi Bassi e Stati       molteplice: far conoscere attraverso
    enogastronomia, mice&wedding - a            Uniti sono i 7 mercati stranieri più        la Travel experience la destinazione     L’offerta ricettiva è aumentata del +7% rispetto ai sette mesi del
    Buyers internazionali provenienti da        consistenti in termini di arrivi.           ai buyer internazionali, scelti sulla    2016, con circa 450 nuovi esercizi ricettivi su tutto il territorio
    diverse aree-mercato, strategiche                                                       base sia dei mercati consolidati         regionale. I dati, ancora parziali e provvisori, fanno riferimento
    per la promozione della destinazione        La crescita internazionale della Puglia     che di quelli emergenti; creare          alle trasmissioni realizzate attraverso Spot (Sistema Puglia
    Puglia.                                     come destinazione turistica presenta        un'occasione di scambio B2B, dalla       per l’Osservatorio Turistico) dal 75% delle strutture ricettive
                                                ancora grandi margini di sviluppo.          quale discendono affari concreti         regolarmente registrate nel database regionale.
    Il Buy Puglia rappresenta un                La sfida riguarda la possibilità di         per gli operatori pugliesi e, infine,    Fonte: elaborazione Osservatorio Pugliapromozione su dati provvisori SPOT
    appuntamento annuale che                    conquistare quote sempre più                proporre un appuntamento formativo       (Sistema Puglia per l’Osservatorio Turistico).

    ha dimostrato la sua efficacia,             rilevanti della mole di viaggiatori         e di confronto con gli operatori,
    confermando nelle precedenti                che cresce di anno in anno, sia             che consenta di fare passi avanti
    edizioni un cospicuo numero di              in termini di arrivi che di introiti.       in quel percorso di miglioramento
    contratti e l’inserimento della Puglia      Puntiamo su una Puglia aperta               dell'accoglienza e di costruzione del    La Germania resta ai vertici della classifica per numerosità di arrivi e pernottamenti in Puglia con una quota del 22,5% sul totale
    nei cataloghi dei T.O. di nuovi Paesi.      tutto l’anno. Sono proprio i turisti        prodotto turistico pugliese, che è'      estero nel 2017. Negli anni, altri mercati del Nord Europa hanno acquisito un crescente rilievo, soprattutto Francia, Paesi Bassi,
    D’altronde i dati sui flussi turistici ci   stranieri che apprezzano la Puglia          fra gli obiettivi prioritari del Piano   Regno Unito, Belgio Austria e Polonia. I dati provvisori relativi ai primi sette mesi del 2017 consentono già d’individuare trend
    dicono che l’internazionalizzazione         anche fuori stagione; per questo            strategico Puglia 365.                   favorevoli per Germania, Paesi Bassi, Svizzera, Stati Uniti d’America, Belgio, Lituania, Giappone, Polonia, Australia, Russia, Canada
    del turismo pugliese ha un trend di         concentriamo il massimo sforzo nel                                                   e Danimarca. Si affermano alcuni Paesi del Sud America con crescite a doppia cifra dal Brasile (+55% arrivi e +73% pernottamenti)
    crescita deciso e costante (+60%            proporre la destinazione sui mercati        Buon lavoro!                             e dall’Argentina (+17 e +22%).
    dell’incoming dal 2007); le prime           internazionali consolidati, ma                                                                                                                                                VARIAZIONE % (DA GENNAIO A LUGLIO 2017/2016)
    stime dell’Osservatorio regionale sul       anche su quelli a grande potenziale
    Turismo confermano un’ulteriore             di sviluppo, per costruire nuove
    crescita del turismo straniero in           opportunità per il territorio e le nostre
    Puglia: + 5% per gli arrivi e + 9% per i    imprese.                                    Loredana Capone
    pernottamenti nei primi mesi del 2017
    rispetto agli stessi mesi del 2016 e un     La novità di Buy Puglia Investment          Assessore all’Industria Turistica
    + 7% di strutture ricettive.                & Education dimostra che stiamo             e Culturale della Regione Puglia

                                                                                                                                                                                      Fonte: elaborazione Osservatorio Pugliapromozione su dati provvisori SPOT (Sistema Puglia per l’Osservatorio Turistico).

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BUYERS GUIDE - Pugliapromozione
Il settore turistico continua a evolversi con ritmo incessante e la Puglia è diventata in questi anni una delle mete europee più ambite               A livello territoriale, la provincia che lascia più soddisfatti i suoi ospiti è Brindisi con un Sentiment positivo pari all’87,2%, seguita da
    dai turisti di tutto il mondo anche per via dell’intensificarsi delle relazioni commerciali tra gli operatori pugliesi e i buyer internazionali       Lecce (86,8% Sentiment), Barletta-Andria-Trani (85,7%), Bari (85,1%), Taranto (84,3%) e Foggia (83,1%). Gli ospiti più soddisfatti, sono chi
    favorite dagli eventi b2b, dagli educational tour e dalle altre novità attuate da Pugliapromozione e dalla Regione Puglia nell’ambito                 viaggia in coppia con un Sentiment positivo pari all’87,4%, seguiti dagli ospiti che hanno viaggiato da soli (86,4% Sentiment), in famiglia
    del FESR 2014-2020. Il turismo è oggi uno dei fenomeni economici e sociali più rilevanti a livello globale, indubbio driver strategico per            (85,3% Sentiment), con amici o in gruppo (85,1% Sentiment) e per affari (83,1% Sentiment). Nella Top10 dei mercati che contribuiscono
    differenti sistemi produttivi. Gli studi di settore sullo scenario mondiale del turismo descrivono il 2017 come un anno molto favorevole per          in maniera rilevante alla definizione della reputazione, della Puglia per quantità di recensioni, troviamo l’Italia, la Francia, la Germania,
    l’Europa e per l’Italia che hanno registrato, secondo le prime stime dell’Eurostat da gennaio a luglio, una variazione dei pernottamenti              l’Inghilterra, la Svizzera, l’Olanda, il Belgio, la Polonia, la Spagna e gli Stati Uniti. Tra questi, gli ospiti più soddisfatti sono i francesi (87,7%
    rispettivamente del +5% e del +9%.                                                                                                                    Sentiment) cui seguono per grado di soddisfazione i turisti belgi (86,9%), gli americani (86,8%), gli olandesi (86,5%) e gli svizzeri (86%).

                                                                                                                                                          Secondo la ricerca, gli argomenti più discussi dagli ospiti all’interno delle recensioni pubblicate online riguardano le camere (26%),
    STRANIERI IN PUGLIA PER AREA TERRITORIALE                                                                                                             l’accoglienza (21%), la ristorazione (19%), la posizione (15%) e i servizi (9%), tutti elementi con maggior incidenza sulla percezione
    (TOP 5 2017) Il Buy Puglia, ideato per creare un canale di                                                                                            dell’esperienza di soggiorno vissuta. Il Sentiment positivo di questi cinque macro-cluster è rispettivamente del 66,9% per le camere; del
    comunicazione diretto e stringere partnership strategiche tra                                                                                         91,8% per l’accoglienza, del 79,5% per la ristorazione; dell’89,8% per la posizione e del 71% per i servizi. L’accoglienza risulta eccellente e al
    i seller pugliesi e i grandi operatori internazionali, ospita per                                                                                     primo posto in termini di soddisfazione degli ospiti per la provincia di Lecce, di Barletta-Andria-Trani, di Bari e di Taranto.
    questa quinta edizione buyer provenienti da più di venticinque
    Paesi del globo. Ampia presenza dal Nord America con venti
    operatori dal Canada e dagli Stati Uniti; alta la partecipazione da
                                                                                                                                                          SODDISFAZIONE DEGLI OSPITI PER PROVINCIA,
    parte dei grandi Tour operator del Nord Europa, in particolare da
    Germania, Regno Unito, Austria, Repubblica Ceca e Francia. Dai
    mercati long-haul l’evento ospiterà buyer provenienti dall’India,
    dalla Cina, dalla Corea del Sud, dal Brasile, dall’Argentina, dalla
    Russia e da altri mercati potenzialmente strategici per la Puglia:
    Sud Africa, Israele e Thailandia. La crescita internazionale della
    Puglia come destinazione turistica presenta ancora grandi
    margini di sviluppo. La sfida riguarda la possibilità di erodere ad
    altre mete quote sempre più rilevanti della mole di viaggiatori
    che cresce di anno in anno sia in termini di arrivi che di introiti.

    In quindici anni, dal 2000 al 2015, il turismo è profondamente              LA REPUTAZIONE DELLE STRUTTURE RICETTIVE
    cambiato: sono sostanzialmente raddoppiati gli arrivi                       DELLA PUGLIA: I DATI DI TRAVEL APPEAL
    internazionali (da 674 milioni a circa 1,2 miliardi) e quasi triplicati i   Analizzare la reputazione e l’ecosistema digitale di tutte le
    ricavi (476 miliardi di $ a 1.260), con una profonda riforma anche dei      strutture pugliesi attraverso il Travel Appeal Index (TAI) Score, un
    principali mercati per spesa turistica all’estero. Cina, top spender        punteggio ottenuto analizzando i contenuti, l’ottimizzazione,
    per il turismo outgoing nel 2016 con 292 miliardi di dollari, USA e         la gestione e le performance di tutti i canali web sui quali le
    Germania si confermano i Paesi che hanno speso di più negli ultimi          strutture del territorio sono presenti. Questi gli obiettivi dello
    due anni. La competizione globale tra le destinazioni turistiche,           studio condotto da Travel Appeal per conto di Pugliapromozione.
    più rapida e agguerrita che mai, si gioca oggi sulla capacità di            Dal primo monitoraggio sulla soddisfazione generale degli
    suscitare desiderio ed emozione e si basa su poche parole chiave:           ospiti, che nel periodo dal primo settembre 2016 al 31 agosto
    reputazione, organizzazione, differenziazione, promozione.                  2017 hanno recensito le strutture ricettive pugliesi, si registra un
    In questa direzione, la Puglia ha avviato un percorso efficace e            Sentiment positivo dell’85,5% (83,3% nel 2016 rispetto all’82,4%
    convincente con una progressiva affermazione del brand Puglia               dell’Italia). Il dato proviene dall’analisi realizzata da Travel Appeal
                                                                                su un campione di 5.358 strutture con flusso turistico incidente,         Fonte: Travel Appeal.
    nell’immaginario collettivo italiano e straniero attraverso l’utilizzo
                                                                                                                                                          *Sentiment al 31 agosto 2017.
    di molteplici canali: il cinema, la musica, gli eventi, gli spettacoli, i   ovvero che impattano maggiormente sull’immagine della                     **Basato sulle strutture ricettive
    roadshow e soprattutto la presenza sui canali social.                       destinazione per quantità di contenuti online.                            con flusso turistico incidente.

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BUYERS GUIDE - Pugliapromozione
L’ACCOGLIENZA NEGLI INFOPOINT                                                          CUSTOMER SATISFACTION, INFOPOINT 2017                                   L’INCIDENZA DEL PIL TURISTICO SECONDO L’IPRES
    DELLA REGIONE                                                                                                                                                  (Istituto pugliese di ricerche economiche e sociali)

    Analizzare la reputazione e l’ecosistema digitale di tutte                                                                                                     Per il 2016 l’Ipres stima, su dati Istat, nell’8,6-9,1% l’incidenza del
    le strutture pugliesi attraverso il Travel Appeal Index (TAI)                                                                                                  Pil turistico rispetto al Pil regionale. Un dato in costante crescita
    Score, un punteggio ottenuto analizzando i contenuti,                                                                                                          a partire dal 2005. Per la stima si è tenuto conto del PIL ai prezzi di
    l’ottimizzazione, la gestione e le performance di tutti                                                                                                        mercato - valori concatenati (milioni di euro).
    i canali web sui quali le strutture del territorio sono
    presenti. Questi gli obiettivi dello studio condotto da                                                                                                        IL MONITORAGGIO DEL PORTAFOGLIO PRODOTTI
    Travel Appeal per conto di Pugliapromozione. Dal primo                                                                                                         TURISTICI DELLA PUGLIA SECONDO IL CISET
    monitoraggio sulla soddisfazione generale degli ospiti,                                                                                                        (Centro internazionale di studi sull’economia
    che nel periodo dal primo settembre 2016 al 31 agosto                                                                                                          turistica dell’Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia)
    2017 hanno recensito le strutture ricettive pugliesi,
    si registra un Sentiment positivo dell’85,5% (83,3%                                                                                                            Il segmento balneare rappresenta il principale prodotto
    nel 2016 rispetto all’82,4% dell’Italia). Il dato proviene                                                                                                     turistico della Puglia, con il 54% degli arrivi regionali, seguito dal
    dall’analisi realizzata da Travel Appeal su un campione                                                                                                        business (18%), dall’arte e la cultura (13%), dal turismo religioso
    di 5.358 strutture con flusso turistico incidente, ovvero                                                                                                      (5%), dalla natura e dal benessere (2% ciascuno). L’identikit del
    che impattano maggiormente sull’immagine della                                                                                                                 turista balneare in Puglia si profila attraverso tratti ben definiti:
                                                                                    Fonte: elaborazione Osservatorio Pugliapromozione su dati provvisori SPOT
    destinazione per quantità di contenuti online.                                                                (Sistema Puglia per l’Osservatorio Turistico).   soggiorna prevalentemente sulla costa salentina e garganica
                                                                                                                                                                   (70%), è italiano, residente soprattutto al Nord. Se straniero arriva
                                                                                                                                                                   da Francia, Germania e UK, concentra il soggiorno nei mesi estivi
    ALTRI DATI SULL’ECONOMIA IN PUGLIA                                                                                                                             e sosta in media sei notti; viaggia in coppia oppure in famiglia con
                                                                                                                                                                   bambini piccoli e spende tra 52 (italiani) e 70 € (stranieri) al giorno.
    BANCA D’ITALIA I dati della Banca d’Italia sulla spesa turistica dall’estero in Puglia, 298milioni di euro da gennaio a luglio 2017, certificano               Il turista business risponde, invece, alle seguenti caratteristiche:
    un buon incremento del +4,5% rispetto allo stesso periodo dell’anno precedente, in linea con il valore nazionale (21miliardi di euro nei sette                 soggiorna soprattutto in provincia di Bari (30%), Taranto (21%)
    mesi del 2017). A livello provinciale Brindisi riscuote un lusinghiero +34%, seguita da Lecce con il +25% di spesa dall’estero e, infine, la BAT               e Lecce (19%); è soprattutto italiano, residente al Nord o al Sud,
    (+8%). L’ultimo rapporto della Banca d’Italia sull’economia in Puglia evidenzia come, nel 2016, il numero d’imprese attive in regione sia                      se straniero proviene da Germania, Francia, USA e UK; viaggia
    rimasto sostanzialmente stabile (+0,3% rispetto al 2015). Nel terziario spicca la dinamica positiva dei servizi connessi al turismo, con il                    da solo, in autunno e inverno, si ferma al massimo due notti,
    segmento “alloggi e ristorazione” aumentato del +3%.                                                                                                           spende tra 68 (italiani) e 95€ (stranieri). I turisti dei segmenti arte
    AEROPORTI DI PUGLIA A riprova del buon andamento del turismo dall’estero giungono anche i dati di Aeroporti di Puglia che per il                               e spiritualità o natura e benessere tendono a viaggiare in coppia o
    periodo da gennaio ad agosto 2017 segnano un incremento dei passeggeri internazionali del +15% circa, valore trainato dalla performance                        piccoli gruppi, prediligono l’hub tra Alberobello, Lecce e Matera e
    dello scalo di Bari (+18%). Nel complesso, nei primi otto mesi del 2017, gli aeroporti pugliesi hanno registrato il +5% di traffico.                           i borghi di Puglia; negli itinerari uniscono visite culturali e naturali
    L’anno precedente, gli scali di Bari e Brindisi hanno superato la quota complessiva di 6,5 milioni di passeggeri (+6,9% rispetto al 2015) con il               ad aspetti enogastronomici. La spesa media giornaliera oscilla tra         Isole Tremiti
    record del Wojtyła di Bari che per la prima volta ha oltrepassato i quattro milioni di passeggeri. Buoni risultati anche per Brindisi con oltre                65€ (italiani) e 95€ (stranieri).                                          ph. credit Vanda Biffani
    2,3 milioni di passeggeri (+3,2%).

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BUYERS GUIDE - Pugliapromozione

    1    ARGENTINA
    2    AUSTRALIA        8
    3    AUSTRIA
    4    AZERBAIJAN                         25
    5    BELGIUM                                 5 13       10
                              27                        3
    6    BELARUS                                 11
                                                        16                  12
    7    BRAZIL                            22                                    4        17
    8    CANADA                                                                                                   21
    9    CHINA                                                         15                                9
    11   FRANCE                                                                                14
    12   GEORGIA
    13   GERMANY
    14   INDIA
    15   ISRAEL                                                                                     26

    16   ITALY                         7
    18   PAKISTAN
    19   RUSSIA
    20   SOUTH AFRICA              1
    21   SOUTH KOREA
    22   SPAIN
    23   THAILAND
    24   UKRAINE
    26   SINGAPORE
    27   USA

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BUYERS GUIDE - Pugliapromozione
01                                                                                                                                               03

               ACT TRAVEL                                                                                                                                       CIT HOLIDAYS
                                             TOUR OPERATOR                                                                                                                                TOUR OPERATOR

     Info                                    ACT Travel, based in Buenos Aires-Argentina is a "boutique Tour Operator" specialized in tailor-made     Info                                Cit Holidays is an independent tour operator based in Sydney. We are an Italian Specialist and have
     ARGENTINA                               trips in Europe & Middle East. We guarantee personalized treatment and preferred attention, ma-          AUSTRALIA                           been operating for over 45 years. Each year we print a brochure that goes out to over 6000 Travel
     Buenos Aires San Martin 575             king clients unique experiences in travelling in Europe. Diego Ayala Viggiano is our travel consul-      Sydney level 3 309 George Street    Agencies all over Australia. We cover almost every region in Italy. Providing hotels, villa and apart-
     piso 4 C1004AAK                         tant specilized in Italy and a true ambassador of Puglia in Argentina, servicing the leisure and upper   NSW 2000                            ment rentals, tours, transfers, car hire, train tickets and special cultural & enogastronomic experien-             up-scale segments, with emphasis on mainstream bespoke travel, trendy destinations, and luxury                       ces. No other operator offers the knowledge and experience for our clients traveling to Italy. Our
     005411 43220915                         travel.                                                                                                  +61 (02) 9267 1255                  complete offer means that clients can make their own unique Itinerary in Italy. We pride ourselves                                                                                                                                         on providing our clients with hand picked hotels and services. Our partners in Italy work with us to                    Luxury, Small Groups and Individuals                                                                                                     continuously improve and provide the best that Italian tourism has to offer. We now also offer other
                                                                                                                                                                                          experiences in France and Switzerland.
                                             ABOUT PUGLIA
                                                                                                                                                                                              Luxury, Medium Level, Small Groups and Individuals
                                             ACCOMMODATION TARGET
     Contact                                 Hotels 5 stars, Hotels 4-3 stars, Historic Hotels, Masserie & Trulli (Traditional rural accommodation)   Contact                             ABOUT PUGLIA
     DIEGO MARIANO AYALA VIGGIANO                                                                                                                     Sarah Newman Italy Hotel Contract
     Product Manager Europe & Middle East                                                                                                             Manager                             ACCOMMODATION TARGET
                                             PRODUCTS                                                                                                                           Hotels 4-3 stars, Historic Hotels, Masserie & Trulli (Traditional rural accommodation), Spa and
                                             Art & Culture, Food & Wine, Rural Tourism
                                                                                                                                                                                          Wellness hotels
                                             SPECIFIC INTERESTS
                                             Honeymoons LGBT-friendly tourism, Rural Tourism
                                                                                                                                                                                          Art & Culture, Food & Wine, Seaside Tourism

                                                                                                                                                                                          SPECIFIC INTERESTS
                                                                                                                                                                                          Family, Honeymoons, Senior Travellers
       02                                                                                                                                               04

               VIAJES MEMORABLES                                                                                                                                E.K.REISEBÜRO
                                             TRAVEL AGENCY / WEDDING PLANNER                                                                                                              TRAVEL AGENCY

     Info                                    Tourism is our business and service excellence is our weapon of choice for gaining market share.         Info                                travel agency for special interest groups,art and culture tours,city breaks,wellness,wine and dines
     ARGENTINA                               We are a leading Bespoke Luxury travel company of Argentina and provider of travel services in           AUSTRIA                             tours
     Buenos Aires Bvd del mirador 430        the entire world, helping our customers to explore its history and cultural diversities. Our mission     Wien Margaretenstrasse, 8
     Piso 3 oficina 312 1670                 is to contribute positively to the world community – striving to preserve traditions, cultures, and      1040 e.k.   protecting fragile natural habitats and work with local communities in order to build a better future
     5491150378640                           together.                                                                                                4315854610                                                                                                               
                                                                                                                                                                                               Medium Level, Small Groups and Individuals
                                                 Luxury, Small Groups and Individuals
                                                                                                                                                                                          ABOUT PUGLIA
                                             ABOUT PUGLIA
                                                                                                                                                                                          ACCOMMODATION TARGET
     Contact                                 ACCOMMODATION TARGET                                                                                     Contact                             Hotels 4-3 stars, Masserie & Trulli (Traditional rural accommodation), Resort Spa and Wellness hotels
     Gustavo Garcia Schwindt                 Hotels 5 stars, Resort Spa and Wellness hotels, Wedding & PCO Companies                                  Radka Fartunova sales manager
     Viajes Memorables                                                                                                                                  PRODUCTS
     Director                                PRODUCTS                                                                                                                                     Art & Culture, Food & Wine, Seaside Tourism   Food & Wine, Active & Wellness Tourism, Seaside Tourism
                                                                                                                                                                                          SPECIFIC INTERESTS
                                             SPECIFIC INTERESTS                                                                                                                           Family, Rural Tourism, Senior Travellers
                                             Bike tourism, Golf, Honeymoons

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BUYERS GUIDE - Pugliapromozione
05                                                                                                                                                   07

               FORTE EUROPE                                                                                                                                        FM TRAVEL
                                             MICE OPERATOR                                                                                                                                TRAVEL AGENCY

     Info                                    Forte Europe’s team combines years long experience and a fresh creative approach in managing                 Info                            FM TRAVEL - the one of the leader Travel Agency within the Azerbaijan market in corporate events,
     AUSTRIA                                 meetings, incentives, conferences and exhibitions of all scales and formats. Our core business               AZERBAIJAN                      leisure group tours (incentives) and Luxury Segment. Professionalism of our staff is certified
     Vienna Schottenfeldgasse 60/25          comprises planning and managing meetings, incentive trips, business events, congresses,                      Baku 75a bulbul avenue az1014   by certificates as well as through passing appropriate training courses of various airlines (IATA
     1070                                    exhibitions, delegations, government visits, sporting group visits. We manage groups from 10 up to                 certificate, GDS systems and etc). We try to expand our capabilities and every time we offer more                  500 participants throughout Europe, with Italy as best-selling destination.                                  994125972784                    and more new directions to our clients.
     4369910549335                                                                                                                                                      Luxury, Medium Level, Large Groups (more than 40)                                                                                            Luxury, Medium Level, Small Groups and Individuals

                                             ABOUT PUGLIA                                                                                                                                 ABOUT PUGLIA
                                             ACCOMMODATION TARGET                                                                                                                         ACCOMMODATION TARGET
                                             Hotels 5 stars, Meeting and Event hotels, Masserie & Trulli (Traditional rural accommodation)                                                Hotels 5 stars, Historic Hotels, Resort Spa and Wellness hotels
     Contact                                                                                                                                              Contact
     Vessela Kristianova Managing Director                                                                                                                Fakhriyya Huseynova
                                             PRODUCTS                                                                                                                                     PRODUCTS                                                                                                                  travel manager
                                             Art & Culture, Food & Wine, Events & Entertainment                                                                                           Art & Culture, Business, Seaside Tourism
                                             SPECIFIC INTERESTS                                                                                                                           SPECIFIC INTERESTS
                                             M.I.C.E.                                                                                                                                     Family, Honeymoons, Shopping

       06                                                                                                                                                   08       09

               ITALIEN ERLEBEN - SELECTIVE REISEN                                                                                                                               THE CHEF'S CUT SPRL
                                             TOUR OPERATOR                                                                                                                                TOUR OPERATOR

     Info                                    Tour Operator specializzato per l ITALIA ! lavorando con clienti individuali e piccoli gruppi dall Austria   Info                            The concept behind The Chef ’s Cut is to allow our clients to discover the secrets and magic of the culinary
     AUSTRIA                                 - organizziamo Viaggi in Puglia - culturali, enogastronomici, vacanze al Mare e Viaggi per Golfisti.         BELGIUM                         world while immersing themselves in diverse cultures. We, at The Chef ’s Cut believe that the best way to
     Leoben Lessmayergasse 1 8700            Noi siamo interessati ad Hotel **** e *****, ogni anno presentiamo 3 cataloghi per Tour con piccoli          Antwerp Arenbergstraat 16       learn is through one’s own personal experience. The Chef ’s Cut, offer a wide variety of culinary experience                 gruppi, Golfisti e Vacanze - per tutto l´anno.                                                               2000                            and services including: Tailor made culinary tours and seminars for both the professionals and amateurs;
     +43 3842 23105                                                                                                                                         a variety of professional culinary tools; an array of authentic spices & herbs; a wide range of fine wines                                                                                                                               3232341176                      and Arak; we are a member of the SCA and offer professional Barista courses.
                                                 Luxury, Medium Level, Small Groups and Individuals                                                                                           Luxury, Medium Level, Small Groups and Individuals

                                             ABOUT PUGLIA                                                                                                                                 ABOUT PUGLIA
                                             ACCOMMODATION TARGET                                                                                                                         ACCOMMODATION TARGET
     Contact                                 Hotels 5 stars, Hotels 4-3 stars, Masserie & Trulli (Traditional rural accommodation), Spa and                                               Hotels 5 stars, Hotels 4-3 stars, Farmhouses/Agritourism, Historic Hotels
     Elfi Baumann - Pucher Titolare          Wellness hotels
                                                                                                                                                          Luis Almeida                 PRODUCTS                                                                                                     Project Manager                 PRODUCTS
                                             Art & Culture, Food & Wine, Seaside Tourism                                                                Food & Wine

                                             SPECIFIC INTERESTS                                                                                                                           SPECIFIC INTERESTS
                                             Accessible tourism, Golf                                                                                                                     Senior Travellers, Young & Students

12                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       13
BUYERS GUIDE - Pugliapromozione
10                                                                                                                                                     12

              SUNNY TRAVEL                                                                                                                                            EUROPEAN TRAVEL
                                        TOUR OPERATOR                                                                                                                                          TOUR OPERATOR

     Info                               The company “Sunny Travel” has been working on Belarusian tourism market for more than 25 years                     Info                               25 years old company specialized in European and most of all Italian destinations. We sell to final
     BELARUS                            already and now it is one of the leading tour operators in Belarus. The agency has got the license                  BRAZIL                             clients as well as to other travel agencies.
     Minsk Nezavisimosty 36-36          for operating as a tour operator and tour agent. All the personnel of the company are highly skilled,               Rio de Janeiro Rua Mexico 45/204
     220034                             have got a high education and a great experience, speak English and constantly raise their qualifica-               20031144                 tion. “Sunny Travel” have the great experience in cooperation with individuals and corporate clients,     
     375296123100                       among them representatives of the foreign companies, sport organizations, embassies and banks.                      552124921212                     Luxury, Medium Level, Small Groups and Individual                                                                        Luxury, Medium Level, Small Groups and Individual

                                        ABOUT PUGLIA                                                                                                                                           ABOUT PUGLIA
                                        ACCOMMODATION TARGET                                                                                                                                   ACCOMMODATION TARGET
                                        Hotels 5 stars, Meeting and Event hotels, Historic Hotels, Resort                                                                                      Hotels 5 stars, Hotels 4-3 stars, Historic Hotels, Spa and Wellness hotels
     Contact                                                                                                                                                Contact
     NATALLIA PLATON                                                                                                                                        Gilberto Bocchino
                                        PRODUCTS                                                                                                                                               PRODUCTS
     Head of VIP department                                                                                                                                 Executive Director
                                        Art & Culture, Food & Wine, Seaside Tourism                                                                                                            Art & Culture, Food & Wine, Active Tourism                                                                                                                            
                                        SPECIFIC INTERESTS                                                                                                                                     SPECIFIC INTERESTS
                                        Family, M.I.C.E., Shopping                                                                                                                             Family Golf Honeymoons

       11                                                                                                                                                     13

              BIZNESS VIAGENS E TURISMO EIRELI                                                                                                                        GLOBE TRAVEL
                                        TOUR OPERATOR / TRAVEL AGENCY                                                                                                                          TOUR OPERATOR / TRAVEL AGENCY

     Info                               We are a small Travel Agency and Tour Operator specialized in trips to Italy. Most of our requests are for Tailor   Info                               We are a bespoke travel company specialized in tailor made program for FIT, small groups and special
     BRAZIL                             Made itineraries and a small percentage for small groups (max 10 people) interested in the italian culture and      BRAZIL                             propose groups from middle to hight end clients !.
     Sao Paulo, Rua Pedroso Alvarenga   enogastronomy.We also want to offer options of Wedding in Italy (max 40 people). Most of our clients have a high    São Paulo Rua Tocandira 136
     186/53 04531-000                   budget but we also have a few with a medium budget.                                                                 3345050 J                                                                                                                           
     551141918708                                                                                                                                           551136247261                      Luxury, Medium Level, Small Groups and Individual                                                     
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Luxury, Medium Level, Small Groups and Individual
                                        ABOUT PUGLIA
                                                                                                                                                                                               ABOUT PUGLIA
                                        ACCOMMODATION TARGET
                                                                                                                                                                                               ACCOMMODATION TARGET
                                        Hotels 5 stars, Hotels 4-3 stars, Farmhouses/Agritourism, Masserie & Trulli (Traditional rural
     Contact                                                                                                                                                                                   Hotels 5 stars, Hotels 4-3 stars, Historic Hotels, Spa and Wellness hotels
                                        accommodation)                                                                                                      Contact
     Ana Gardano Owner                                                                                                                                      Juliana Prado                 PRODUCTS                                                                                                                                               PRODUCTS
                                        Art & Culture, Food & Wine, Rural Tourism                                                                                                              Art & Culture, Food & Wine, Active & Wellness Tourism
                                        SPECIFIC INTERESTS                                                                                                                                     SPECIFIC INTERESTS
                                        Family, Honeymoons, Rural Tourism                                                                                                                      Family, Honeymoons, Women Travel

14                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    15
BUYERS GUIDE - Pugliapromozione
14                                                                                                                                     16

               SAVOUR ITALY TRAVEL                                                                                                                    ESPRIT D'AVENTURE
                                     TOUR OPERATOR / TRAVEL AGENCY                                                                                                              TOUR OPERATOR / TRAVEL AGENCY

     Info                            Savour Italy Travel is a Canadian tour operator specializing in custom itineraries and services for    Info                                We offer access to the Canadian Market through our extensive customer base and our Canadian based
     CANADA                          independent travellers and small groups.                                                               CANADA                              website. We also have very strong connections with one of Europe's biggest vacation Internet Platforms.
     460 West Hunt Club, Unit 105A                                                                                                          Montreal 5491 6th Avenue H1Y2P7     Ariane, President of Esprit d’Aventure, founded in 2013, is author of the Quebecer best seller Le voyage
     Ottawa K2E 0B8 Canada                                                                                                                   pour les filles qui ont peur de tout, she also co-wrote voyages gourmands - 50 itinéraires de rêve autour du
     +1 613 2747474                                                                                                                         1 514 564 8288                      mond. She is a public speaker and a travel columnist (TC-Média, PAX, Espaces, Huffington Post Qc., Lole).                                                                                                            She has a weekly radio spot advising on travel and many other projects and books to be published in 2018.
                                         Luxury, Medium Level, Small Groups and Individual                                                                                          Luxury, Medium Level, Small Groups and Individuals

                                     ABOUT PUGLIA                                                                                                                               ABOUT PUGLIA
                                     ACCOMMODATION TARGET                                                                                                                       ACCOMMODATION TARGET
                                     Hotel 5 stars, Hotel 4-3 stars                                                                                                             Hotels 5 stars, Hotels 4-3 stars, Guest houses and apartments, Farmhouses/Agritourism
     Contact                                                                                                                                Contact
     Antonio Mauriello                                                                                                                      Ariane Arpin Delorme President
                                     PRODUCTS                                                                                                                                   PRODUCTS
                                     Historic Hotels, Spa and Wellness hotels, Food & Wine                                                                                      Food & Wine, Seaside Tourism, Tradition & Spirituality
                                     SPECIFIC INTERESTS                                                                                                                         SPECIFIC INTERESTS
                                     Family, Senior Travellers, Women Travel                                                                                                    Bike tourism, Family, Women Travel

       15                                                                                                                                     17

               CIT TOURS                                                                                                                              PREFERENCE VACATIONS
                                     TOUR OPERATOR                                                                                                                              TOUR OPERATOR

     Info                            CIT Tours has been in the Canadian market for over 40 years and is recognised by the travel agent as   Info                                Preference Vacations is a Canadian B2B Tour Operator specialized in selling Italy and Europe.
     CANADA                          an expert in custom design vacation packages to Italy. Our brochure, which is issued annually, is      CANADA                              Preference is able to package virtually any length of holiday, combining a cruise and a land portion
     Woodbridge 7007                 distributed to all travel agents across Canada.                                                        Montreal 6796                       for FIT or groups. Our groups department is experienced and well-qualified to provide all services for
     Islington Avenue, L4L 4T5                                                                                                              BOUL. ST-LAURENT, #2 H2S 3C7        any interest group. Our 112 page brochure is printed in both English and French and distributed to                                                                                                                  travel agencies across Canada.
     19052640158                                                                                                                            15142777666                                                                                                              
                                          Medium Level, Small Groups and Individuals                                                                                                Luxury, Medium Level, Small Groups and Individuals

                                     ABOUT PUGLIA                                                                                                                               ABOUT PUGLIA
                                     ACCOMMODATION TARGET                                                                                                                       ACCOMMODATION TARGET
     Contact                         Hotels 4-3 stars, Guest houses and apartments, Historic Hotels Masserie & Trulli (Traditional rural                                        Hotels 5 stars, Hotels 4-3 stars, Farmhouses/Agritourism, Masserie & Trulli (Traditional rural
     Diane Pothan President          accommodation)                                                                                                                             accommodation)
                                                                                                                                            Ennio Faustini Vice-President             PRODUCTS                                                                                     
                                     Art & Culture, Food & Wine, Active & Wellness Tourism                                                                                      PRODUCTS
                                                                                                                                                                                Art & Culture, Food & Wine, Seaside Tourism
                                     SPECIFIC INTERESTS
                                     Family, Honeymoons, Senior Travellers                                                                                                      SPECIFIC INTERESTS
                                                                                                                                                                                Family, Honeymoons, Senior Travellers

16                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             17
18                                                                                                                                                20

                TERRATOURS                                                                                                                                       TOURS CURE-VAC
                                          TOUR OPERATOR / TRAVEL AGENCY                                                                                                                       TOUR OPERATOR

     Info                                 We are a Tours Operator more than 15 years... We serve travel agents mainly, and have our own                 Info                                  tour operator, wholesaler, from 1987 in montreal, canada. with bilingual web site and brochure.
     CANADA                               retail travel agencies (10) in Quebec province we do offer different ent product: Circuit, a la carte,        CANADA                                started with the spa vacations, then added europe- mediterranean- middle east- africa, noth
     Montreal 1118 Ste Catherine Ouest    short and long stay , Fly and Drive and Hotels, Gourmet packages...... Mostly our clients are 50 years        Montreal 5686 B,                      america, mexico, costa rica, motivation and incentive programs, leasure programs. a la carte and
     suite 505 H3B 1H5                    and up,,, Youth , Families (Frensh speaking) Immersion pr We program Italy Please see our web for             MONKLAND H4A 2E4                      groups bookings .              more informations Groups and individuals .                                                          
     514-826-8210                                                                                                                                       1-514-885 2504                        Luxury, Medium Level, Small Groups and Individuals                                              

                                                                                                                                                                                                  Luxury, Medium Level, Small Groups and Individuals
                                          ABOUT PUGLIA
                                          ACCOMMODATION TARGET                                                                                                                                ABOUT PUGLIA
                                          Hotels 5 stars, Hotels 4-3 stars, Resort Spa and Wellness hotels                                                                                    ACCOMMODATION TARGET
     Contact                                                                                                                                            Contact
     driss regragui                                                                                                                                     EMAD EL TURABY                        Hotels 5 stars, Meeting and Event hotels, Resort Spa and Wellness hotels
     president                                                                                                                                          VICE PRESIDENT- DIRECTOR
                                          Art & Culture, Food & Wine, Seaside Tourism                                                                                                         PRODUCTS                                                                                                                  
                                                                                                                                                                                              Food & Wine, Active & Wellness Tourism, Seaside Tourism
                                          SPECIFIC INTERESTS
                                          Family, Senior Travellers, Young & Students                                                                                                         SPECIFIC INTERESTS
                                                                                                                                                                                              Family, Honeymoons, Shopping

       19                                                                                                                                                21

                TOURS CHANTECLERC INC.                                                                                                                            VACANCES SUMMA
                                          TOUR OPERATOR                                                                                                                                       TOUR OPERATOR / TRAVEL AGENCY

     Info                                 Tours Chanteclerc Inc. is a Canadian Tour Operator - Wholesaler, founded 47 years ago with 64 employes        Info                                  Tour operator for the region of Quebec - main destination Italy doing FIT,, groups incentives and
     CANADA                               and operating in the French speaking Province of Québec in Canada and serving the French speaking             CANADA                                packages air + land
     Montreal 152 Notre Dame, East,       clientele. We are only acting as a wholesaler and are not selling directly to the public. We operate within   Montreal 8 45th Ave Suite 1 H8T 2L7
     8th floor H2Y 3P6                    an agency network of about 1200 registered and accredited Retail Travel Agencies in the Province of             Québec of which about 450 agencies are our regular clientele.                                                 514-331-6111
     +1 514 398 9535                                                                                                                          
                                               Medium Level, Large Groups (more than 40), Small Groups and Individuals                                                                            Luxury, Medium Level, Large Groups (more than 40), Small Groups and Individuals

                                          ABOUT PUGLIA                                                                                                                                        ABOUT PUGLIA

                                          ACCOMMODATION TARGET                                                                                                                                ACCOMMODATION TARGET
     Contact                              Hotels 4-3 stars, Farmhouses/Agritourism, Resort Spa and Wellness hotels                                                                            Hotels 5 stars, Hotels 4-3 stars, Guest houses and apartments, Farmhouses/Agritourism
     Harry A. Gotschi                                                                                                                                   Anthony Fragapane
                                          PRODUCTS                                                                                                                                            PRODUCTS
     Vice President - Assistant General                                                                                                                 Sales Manager
                                          Food & Wine, Active & Wellness Tourism, Seaside Tourism                                                                                             Art & Culture, Events & Entertainment, Seaside Tourism
                                          SPECIFIC INTERESTS                                                                                                                                  SPECIFIC INTERESTS
                                          Accessible tourism, Rural Tourism, Senior Travellers                                                                                                Accessible tourism, Family, Rural Tourism

18                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                19
22                                                                                                                                           24

                VISION TRAVEL                                                                                                                              BEIJING ROYAL INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL
                                        TRAVEL AGENCY                                                                                                                               TOUR OPERATOR

     Info                               Vision Travel Solutions, a Direct Travel company, is a leading North American corporate travel            Info                              Beijing Royal International Travel Co., Ltd was founded on 17 December 2009 with official registration in Industry
     CHINA                              management agency, providing a comprehensive range of corporate travel, cruises, leisure vacations        CHINA                             and Commerce Administration of Beijing Chaoyang Branch (Business permit number: 110105012498012). Our
     Montreal 400 ST CROIX H4N3L4       as well as meetings & incentives services. Vision Travel possesses over 60 years of experience. We        Room1007,Timeson Tower,No.Yi12,   main business covers three parts:Individual Travel, Business Travel and wedding trip,with regions to mainly            are a proud member of the Radius Global Management Network and recognized as the largest                  Chaoyangmenbei Str., Beijing      to Europe countries,especially Italy and Croatia,Our products,such as Italy,Slovenia and Croatia 16-day tour
     15143429554                        Canadian member of the prestigious Virtuoso Luxury Network. Virtuoso is the most prestigious and          +86-18611900105                   and South Italy,Sicily,Malta and Cyprus 17-day tour are popularized among our clients. Our travel agency will        established travel network in the world.                                                                        expanding in Italy wedding tour.
                                            Luxury, Medium Level, Small Groups and Individuals                                                                                           Small Groups and Individuals

                                        ABOUT PUGLIA                                                                                                                                ABOUT PUGLIA
                                        ACCOMMODATION TARGET
                                        Hotels 5 stars, Hotels 4-3 stars, Farmhouses/Agritourism, Masserie & Trulli (Traditional rural
     Contact                                                                                                                                      Contact
     TANIA MURRO                                                                                                                        
     Luxury Leisure Travel Specialist                                                                                                   
                                        PRODUCTS                                                                                                                                    SPECIFIC INTERESTS
                                        Art & Culture, Food & Wine, Seaside Tourism                                                                                                 M.I.C.E.

                                        SPECIFIC INTERESTS
                                        Family, Honeymoons, Rural Tourism

       23                                                                                                                                           25
                                                                                                                                                           CHINA COMFORT TRAVEL GROUP
                                        TRAVEL AGENCY / TOUR OPERATOR                                                                                                               TOUR OPERATOR

     Info                               Was founded on 17 December 2009 with official registration in Industry and Commerce Administration        Info                              CHINA COMFORT TRAVEL GROUP CO.,Ltd founded in 1984, is a franchise Chinese outbound tourism,
     CHINA                              of Beijing Chaoyang Branch Beijing Royal International Travel Co., Ltd was founded on 17 December 2009    CHINA                             mainland residents to travel to Taiwan tour, including the operation of inbound tourism, outbound
                                        with official registration in Industry and Commerce Administration of Beijing Chaoyang Branch (Business   5 Nongzhanguan S Rd,              tourism, domestic tourism, mainland residents to travel to Taiwan and will award, business travel
                                        permit number: 110105012498012). Our main business covers three parts:Individual Travel, Business         Chaoyang Qu, Beijing Shi          management, ticket agents, such as a full range of travel service channels integrated operators.
                                        Travel and wedding trip,with regions to mainly to Europe countries,especially Italy and Croatia,Our       +86 10 6587 7676                  COMFORT TRAVEL GROUP CO.,Ltd has more than 300 capital - linked subsidiaries and nearly 5000
                                        products,such as Italy,Slovenia and Croatia 16-day tour and South Italy,Sicily,Malta and Cyprus 17-day                                      stores throughout the country. In 2017, COMFORT TRAVEL sent 20 thousand guests to Europe.
                                        tour are popularized among our clients. Our travel agency will expanding in Italy wedding tour.

                                            Luxury, Medium Level
                                                                                                                                                                                    ABOUT PUGLIA
                                        ABOUT PUGLIA
     Contact                                                                                                                                      Contact
     Ma Huifen                                                                                                                                    Guang Ting                                                                                                                             SPECIFIC INTERESTS                                                                                                      SPECIFIC INTERESTS
                                        M.I.C.E.                                                                                                                                    M.I.C.E.

20                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       21
26                                                                                                                                      28

               SHANKAI SPORTS TRAVEL                                                                                                                    AZZURRA TOURS
                                      TRAVEL AGENCY                                                                                                                          TRAVEL AGENCY

     Info                             Since 2010, Shankai sports has been appointed the official, and often exclusive, sales agent in China   Info                           Azzurra Tours is a travel agency born in 1993. Thanks to our many years ….in travel business, we
     CHINA                            of hospitality and ticketing products to major international sports events, sports travel is a niche    CZECH REPUBLIC                 have gradually gained our reputation as providers of an excellent client oriented services, with a
     Beijing A3 YANSHA 50# ,Beijing   market of tourism with great protential and our company is a pioneer in the domestic sports travel      Prague Za Poříčskou branou 4   special emphasis upon quality and flexibility, for extraordinarily reasonable prices. We are prepared
     100125                           market.                                                                                                 18600                          to provide custom-tailored services, seminars, conferences as well as special programs to satisfy our                                                                                                                clients' needs.
     8613581879243                                                                                                                            420224816194        Luxury, Medium Level, Large Groups (more than 40), Small Groups and Individuals           
                                                                                                                                                                                 Luxury, Medium Level, Small Groups and Individuals

                                      ABOUT PUGLIA                                                                                                                           ABOUT PUGLIA
                                      ACCOMMODATION TARGET                                                                                                                   ACCOMMODATION TARGET
                                      Hotels 5 stars, Historic Hotels                                                                                                        Hotels 5 stars, Hotels 4-3 stars, Guest houses and apartments, Spa and Wellness hotels
     Contact                                                                                                                                  Contact
     SI CHEN                                                                                                                                  Marta Dražanová
                                      PRODUCTS                                                                                                                               PRODUCTS                                                                                                                sales manager
                                      Art & Culture, Business, Active & Wellness Tourism                                                                                     Art & Culture, Active & Wellness Tourism, Tradition & Spirituality
                                      SPECIFIC INTERESTS                                                                                                                     SPECIFIC INTERESTS
                                      Accessible tourism, Bike tourism, M.I.C.E.                                                                                             Accessible tourism, Family, Senior Travellers

       27                                                                                                                                      29

               TUNIU.COM                                                                                                                                CESTOVNÍ KANCELÁŘ ANTLOVÁ s.r.o.
                                      TRAVEL AGENCY / OTA                                                                                                                    TOUR OPERATOR / TRAVEL AGENCY

     Info                    was founded in October 2006, positioning 'mass tourism’, putting ‘make travel easier' as      Info                           We are a tour operator focusing on Mediterranian islands (Corsica, Sardinia, Elba and the others) and
     CHINA                            mission. listed on NASDAQ successfully at May 9th 2014, which stock symbol is ‘TOUR’          CZECH REPUBLIC                 tourist areas in Italy.
     No.699-32,                                                                                                                               Brno Radnická 11
     Xuanwudadao,                                                                                                                             60200
     Xuanwu District, Nanjing,                                                                                                      
     Jiangsu Province                                                                                                                         420777333401
                                          Large groups                                                                                                                            Medium Level, Small Groups and Individuals

                                      ABOUT PUGLIA                                                                                                                           ABOUT PUGLIA
                                                                                                                                                                             ACCOMMODATION TARGET
     Contact                                                                                                                                  Contact                        Hotels 4-3 stars, Guest houses and apartments, Campings, Resort
     Yu Jia                                                                                                                  Jan Mikolášek                                                                                                                            PRODUCTS
                                                                                                                                                                             Active & Wellness, Tourism, Rural Tourism, Seaside Tourism

                                                                                                                                                                             SPECIFIC INTERESTS
                                                                                                                                                                             Family, Rural Tourism, Senior Travellers

22                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   23
30                                                                                                                                             32

                CK BELUGA                                                                                                                                     EUROTIME
                                        TOUR OPERATOR                                                                                                                                   TOUR OPERATOR

     Info                               We are tour operators and we are interested in Italy, it is our favorite destination. Most of our clients   Info                                Tour Operator specialized in stays in Italy. Seaside in the whole Italy, northern lakes, cities of art,
     CZECH REPUBLIC                     go there on their vacation. We also organize group vacation for example with women, who are into            CZECH REPUBLIC                      mountains (Alps, Dolomiti). Individuals and groups by bus (adults, students). Incoming to the Czech
     Pilsen Doudlevecka 23 30100        in dancing. We often organize many kinds of sports group vacation, but of course we offer vacation          Praha 6 Za Zahradou 1053/1 162 00   Republic and central Europe. In Puglia we are interested in hotels, residences, appartments and       for individual customers.                                                                                             holiday villages by seaside.
     420732719881                                                                                                                                   420224320896                                                                                                                      
                                             Medium Level, Low Budget, Large Groups (more than 40), Small Groups and Individuals                                                             Medium Level, Low Budget, Large Groups (more than 40), Small Groups and Individuals

                                        ABOUT PUGLIA                                                                                                                                    ABOUT PUGLIA
                                        ACCOMMODATION TARGET                                                                                                                            ACCOMMODATION TARGET
                                        Hotels 4-3 stars, Guest houses and apartments, Bed & Breakfast, Resort                                                                          Hotels 4-3 stars, Guest houses and apartments, Campings, Resort
     Contact                                                                                                                                        Contact
     Barbora Jakešová                                                                                                                               Karel Vyrut
                                        PRODUCTS                                                                                                                                        PRODUCTS
     Assistant of the general manager                                                                                                               director
                                        Food & Wine, Active & Wellness Tourism                                                                                                          Art & Culture, Seaside Tourism
                                        SPECIFIC INTERESTS                                                                                                                              SPECIFIC INTERESTS
                                        Accessible tourism, Family, Women Travel                                                                                                        Family

       31                                                                                                                                             33

                DELPHIN TRAVEL                                                                                                                                TEMPO TOURS
                                        TOUR OPERATOR                                                                                                                                   TOUR OPERATOR

     Info                               Delfin travel is a Czech Tour Operator specializing in Senior Tourism. Our portfolio includes holiday       Info                                Operatore specializzato in soggiorni in montagna e soggiorni benessere
     CZECH REPUBLIC                     stays and sightseeing tours mainly in Southern Europe: Spain, Italy                                         CZECH REPUBLIC
     Biskupská 3/1754 Praha                                                                                                                         Elišky Peškové 13                                                                                                                        150 00 Praha 5
     420734300372                                                                                                                                   Czech Republic

                                            Medium Level, Low Budget, Large Groups (more than 40)

                                        ABOUT PUGLIA                                                                                                                                    ABOUT PUGLIA
                                        ACCOMMODATION TARGET
     Contact                            Hotels 4-3 stars, Resort                                                                                    Contact
     Lenka Kubiznakova                                                                                                                              Stana Mimrova
     Product Manager                                                                                                                                Product Manager
                                        Art & Culture, Active & Wellness Tourism, Seaside Tourism                                                                                                              
                                        SPECIFIC INTERESTS
                                        Senior Travellers

24                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                25
34                                                                                                                                            36

              DMCTOUCH                                                                                                                                       INTERMEDES
                                          TOUR OPERATOR / MICE OPERATOR                                                                                                           TOUR OPERATOR

     Info                                 DmcTouch è un Consorzio di Promozione Turistica che raggruppa i maggiori operatori dell’offerta          Info                           Siamo un Tour Operator che organizza viaggi culturali. I nostri clienti in genere sono senior
     FRANCE                               turistica italiana. DmcTouch rappresenta la principale realtà del turismo ricettivo in Italia.           FRANCE
     Marseille 9, rue de Toulouse 13005   DmcTouch è impegnato ovunque, in Italia ed all’estero, e detiene un ruolo di assoluta leadership nei     Paris 60 RUE LA BOETIE 75008                    flussi turistici organizzati dall’estero. DmcTouch seleziona rigorosamente I propri partner al fine di
     33674697586                          poter fornire ai professionisti del settore presenti sul mercato francese e BENELUX, servizi mirati,     0033 0145619793                     alta qualità e reattività, per i seguenti segmenti di attività: MICE, gruppi, leisure, fit     
                                              Luxury, Medium Level, Large Groups (more than 40), Small Groups and Individuals                                                         Luxury, Medium Level, Small Groups and Individuals

                                          ABOUT PUGLIA                                                                                                                            ABOUT PUGLIA
                                          ACCOMMODATION TARGET                                                                                                                    ACCOMMODATION TARGET
                                          Hotels 5 stars, Hotels 4-3 stars, Meeting and Event hotels, Resort                                                                      Hotels 5 stars, Hotels 4-3 stars, Historic Hotels, Masserie & Trulli (Traditional rural accommodation)
     Contact                                                                                                                                       Contact
     Mulliez Loic sales                                                                                                                            DEBORAH PIGA INTERMEDES
                                          PRODUCTS                                                                                                                                PRODUCTS
                                          Business, Food & Wine, Events & Entertainment                                                                                           Art & Culture, Food & Wine, Tradition & Spirituality
                                          SPECIFIC INTERESTS                                                                                                                      SPECIFIC INTERESTS
                                          Accessible tourism, Golf, M.I.C.E.                                                                                                      Family, Rural Tourism, Senior Travellers

       35                                                                                                                                            37

              INMANO                                                                                                                                         VIA ITALIA PROMOTION
                                          MICE OPERATOR                                                                                                                           TOUR OPERATOR / TRAVEL AGENCY

     Info                                 MICE organisation and some team building for group 15 to 50 people.                                      Info                           Travel agency specialized on Italy, producer on Italy, for groups, works councils, Mice, and individuals,
     FRANCE                                                                                                                                        FRANCE                         tailor made production on all the regions of Italy
     Paris 19 rue LAHIRE 75013                                                                                                                     Chateauneuf Les Martigues 6                                                                                                              Impasse Du Bosquet
     +33(0)145838637                                                                                                                               13220                                                                                                                                33442763378
                                               Medium Level, Large Groups (more than 40)                                                                                              Luxury, Medium Level, Large Groups (more than 40), Small Groups and Individuals

                                          ABOUT PUGLIA                                                                                                                            ABOUT PUGLIA
                                          ACCOMMODATION TARGET                                                                                                                    ACCOMMODATION TARGET
     Contact                              Hotels 4-3 stars                                                                                                                        Hotels 4-3 stars, Farmhouses/Agritourism, Masserie & Trulli (Traditional rural accommodation),
     Jean-Philippe LAURAND                                                                                                                                                        Resort
                                          PRODUCTS                                                                                                 BRIGITTE VIRZI GONZALEZ
     Acheteur                             Business, Events & Entertainment                                                                         TITOLARE                                                                                                                                             PRODUCTS
                                                                                                                                                                                  Art & Culture, Food & Wine, Seaside Tourism
                                          SPECIFIC INTERESTS
                                          M.I.C.E., Senior Travellers
                                                                                                                                                                                  SPECIFIC INTERESTS
                                                                                                                                                                                  Family, Honeymoons, Senior Travellers

26                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            27
38                                                                                                                                                                   40

                MEGA TRAVEL                                                                                                                                                         BERGE & MEER TOURISTIK GMBH
                                            TRAVEL AGENCY / MICE OPERATOR                                                                                                                                     TOUR OPERATOR

     Info                                   This is young, successfully developing company, operating in the tourism industry and specialized in foreign market from      Info                                Germany's largest Direct Tour Operator, belongs 100% to TUI. Specialized on Cruises, Roundtrips,
     GEORGIA                                2007. We provide the following services: organizing the leisure outgoing all over the world. As well as skiing, sanatorial,   GERMANY                             Sun & Beach, City Trips, Hiking and Cycling Tours. Distribution Partners besides the own Clients: e.g.
     Tbilisi I.Abashidze 17 179             wine, cultural, pilgrimage, extreme, culinary and various other tours, excursions and cruises. As for companies, we           Rengsdorf Andréestraße 27           Aldi, Tchibo, Thalia, IG Metall, Metro, ADAC and Foxtours. Very strong in selling the shoulder seasons             offer them corporate tours, organizing business meetings and conferences abroad. Our managers are improving their             56578                               and in extending the season with optional hiking and excursions packages.
     99596474848                            professional level continously by taking part in various info-tours, seminars, presentations and conferences. We deliver                      the following services:Domestic and International air tickets,Hotel reservation abroad,organizing tours all over the world.   4926349602251
                                                 Luxury, Medium Level, Large Groups (more than 40), Small Groups and Individuals                                                                                   Medium Level, Low Budget, Small Groups and Individuals

                                            ABOUT PUGLIA                                                                                                                                                      ABOUT PUGLIA
                                            ACCOMMODATION TARGET                                                                                                                                              ACCOMMODATION TARGET
     Contact                                Hotels 5 stars, Hotel 4-3 stars, Historic Hotels, Spa and Wellness hotels                                                     Contact                             Hotels 4-3 stars, Guest houses and apartments, Masserie & Trulli (Traditional rural accommodation)
     sopi kozmanashvilil                                                                                                                                                  Marion Boss                         Resort
     Founder Director                       PRODUCTS                                                                                                                      Director Strategic Destinations            Food & Wine, Seaside Tourism                                                                                                   PRODUCTS
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Art & Culture, Rural Tourism, Seaside Tourism
                                            SPECIFIC INTERESTS
                                            Family, Honeymoons, Shopping                                                                                                                                      SPECIFIC INTERESTS
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Family, Senior Travellers

       39                                                                                                                                                                   41

                SMART SYSTEM HOLIDAYS GEORGIA                                                                                                                                       DOMUS DOMPE'
                                            TRAVEL AGENCY                                                                                                                                                     TRAVEL AGENCY / OTA

     Info                                   This is young, successfully developing company, operating in the tourism industry and specialized in                          Info                                DOMUS DOMPE' is an intermediation service for holiday homes and apartments. The booking site DOMUS-
     GEORGIA                                foreign market from 2009. We deliver the following services: Domestic and International air tickets,                          GERMANY                             DOMPE.COM offers lovers of Italy holiday villas and homes chosen in sunny Puglia: our range of homes
     I. abashidzis 20 Tbilisi 197 Georgia   Hotel reservation abroad, Organizing tours all over the world, Mice, Travel Insurance, Corporate                              Forstinning Siegstaett 4 85661      on offer includes exclusive beach villas, sunlit seaside properties and charming rustic villas in green oases.           travel services                                                                                                                     The offer is completed by tastefully furnished apartments in historical town centres and characteristic                                                                                                                                                     49812452222                         structures such as trulli and pajare. We are specialized for Puglia and offer exclusively the Region Puglia.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Luxury, Medium Level, Small Groups and Individuals
                                                 Luxury, Medium Level, Large Groups (more than 40), Small Groups and Individuals
                                                                                                                                                                                                              ABOUT PUGLIA
                                            ABOUT PUGLIA                                                                                                                                                      ACCOMMODATION TARGET
     Contact                                ACCOMMODATION TARGET                                                                                                                                              Hotels 5 stars, Guest houses and apartments, Masserie & Trulli (Traditional rural accommodation)
     Tamar Gugulashvili                     Hotels 5 stars, Spa and Wellness hotels                                                                                                                           Spa and Wellness hotels
                                                                                                                                                                          Irene Dompé-Legrottaglie Managing
     Director                                                                                                                                                             Director / Holder
                                            PRODUCTS                                                                                                                                                          PRODUCTS                                                                                                                               
                                            Art & Culture, Food & Wine, Active & Wellness Tourism                                                                                                             Art & Culture, Food & Wine, Seaside Tourism

                                            SPECIFIC INTERESTS                                                                                                                                                SPECIFIC INTERESTS
                                            Family, Honeymoons, Shopping                                                                                                                                      Family, Honeymoons, Shopping

28                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             29
42                                                                                                                                      44
               EUROVILLA - ALEXANDER FERIENHAUSVERMITTLUNG                                                                                             A TRAVEL DUET - HANDCRAFTED HONEYMOONS
                                     TOUR OPERATOR / OTA                                                                                                                      TRAVEL AGENCY

     Info                            Tour operator and online reservation platform specialized in self catering accommodations (holiday      Info                             A Travel Duet is India's premier travel brand focusing on couples only holidays. We have offices across
     GERMANY                         homes, villas, apartments, residences) and all the connected servicies for individual customers         INDIA                            India and are looking at sourcing unique experiences for couples.
     Berlino Großbeerenstrasse 56C   and small groups. We organize for our guests tailor experiences as wine and food tours, cooking         Kolkata 35/17a paddupukur road
     10965                           classes, sport activities and excursions. b2b services for other companies. We are both wholesaler      700020              and retailer. Free sale cooperation requested.                                                
     393401477084                                                                                                                            919830165270                    Medium Level, Small Groups and Individuals                                                                 Luxury, Medium Level, Small Groups and Individuals

                                     ABOUT PUGLIA                                                                                                                             ABOUT PUGLIA
                                     ACCOMMODATION TARGET                                                                                                                     ACCOMMODATION TARGET
                                     Guest houses and apartments, Farmhouses/Agritourism, Masserie & Trulli (Traditional rural                                                Hotels 5 stars, Bed & Breakfast, Masserie & Trulli (Traditional rural accommodation) Resort
     Contact                                                                                                                                 Contact
     Andrea Da Re                                                                                                                            Pritish Shah                     PRODUCTS
     General manager                                                                                                                         CEO
                                     PRODUCTS                                                                                                                                 Food & Wine, Rural Tourism, Seaside Tourism                                                                                                            
                                     Food & Wine, Rural Tourism, Seaside Tourism
                                                                                                                                                                              SPECIFIC INTERESTS
                                     SPECIFIC INTERESTS                                                                                                                       Honeymoons
                                     Family, Rural Tourism

       43                                                                                                                                      45

               SCHÖN TOURISTIK                                                                                                                         GOITALY
                                     TOUR OPERATOR                                                                                                                            TOUR OPERATOR

     Info                            Whether round trips, special interest or activity groups, religious or sporting tours, cultural or      Info                             Goitaly e’ una Societa’ che da piu di 20 anni lavora nel settore dei pachetti turistici famigliari ,
     GERMANY                         folklore events, club or incentive travel. We are your specialists for B2B group travel arrangements.   ISRAEL                           individuali, vende ad altre agenzie ma particolarmente lavora in modo diretto con migliaia di
     Obertstrasse 1 64297 Darmstad   In order to secure this position we are constantly updating and improving our tour programmes in        Haifa Hapalyam 2 31331           strutture in Italia attraverso contratti FIT e Gruppi organizzati come Bridge,Terza eta’ esclusivi,    order to satisfy diverse client wishes and changing customer interests.                                    Incentivi e Gruppi Organizzati. Abbiamo un altro dipartimento nella Societa’ che e’ responsabile                                                                                                                 00972-4-8682518                  solamente del Turismo Deluxe. Prendiamo Allotment sui voli per Bari e Catania. La Puglia e’ uno dei
                                                                                                                                                   nostril obiettivi per l’anno prossimo.
                                         Luxury, Medium Level Large Groups (more than 40)                                                                                         Luxury, Medium Level, Large Groups (more than 40), Small Groups and Individuals

                                     ABOUT PUGLIA                                                                                                                             ABOUT PUGLIA
                                     ACCOMMODATION TARGET                                                                                                                     ACCOMMODATION TARGET
     Contact                         Hotel 5 stars, Hotel 4-3 stars, Farmhouses/Agritourism   Masserie & Trulli (Traditional rural                                            Hotels 5 stars, Farmhouses/Agritourism, Resort Spa and Wellness hotels
     Johannes Schon                  accommodation)
                                                                                                                                             Arie Shimron
     Founder & CEO                                                                                                                                                            PRODUCTS
                                     PRODUCTS                                                                                                Group Manager                                                                                                                                             Art & Culture, Food & Wine, Seaside Tourism
                                     Food & Wine, Event & Entertainment, Active & Wellness Tourism, Bike Tourism                   
                                                                                                                                                                              SPECIFIC INTERESTS
                                     SPECIFIC INTERESTS
                                                                                                                                                                              Accessible tourism, Family, Senior Travellers
                                     Senior Travellers, Women Travel

30                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      31
46                                                                                                                                       48

               AMANDATOUR SPA                                                                                                                           BRAMAFAM
                                        TOUR OPERATOR                                                                                                                                 TOUR OPERATOR

     Info                               AMANDATOUR”, is a leading Luxury Italian Incoming Operator supplying upscale services throughout      Info                                    BRAMAFAM it's a boutique Incoming Tour Operator located in Italy. Bramafam specializes in
     ITALY                              Italy. The Company has its headquarters in Florence, branches in Rome and Venice, its MICE Office     ITALY                                   holidays in charming and luxury hotels and with authentic Experiences: a world of exclusive
     Rome, Via Sicilia 154 187          ‘’Amanda Events’’ in Milan and the sister Company Amandatour Inc. in Los Angeles Amandatour           Saluzzo, Corso Roma, 14                 gateways celebrating the very best of Italy's region and Italian special taste for culture, style and           has two decades of experience in satisfying the most demanding clients from all over the world,       12037                 good living. All hotels are personally selected, most of them are away from the crowds and close to
     0039 06 8892011                    providing tailor-made itineraries with high quality services                                          + 39 335 6607254                        most breathtaking and undiscovered towns.                                                                                                             
                                            Luxury, Small Groups and Individuals                                                                                                          Luxury, Medium Level, Small Groups and Individuals

                                        ABOUT PUGLIA                                                                                                                                  ABOUT PUGLIA

                                        ACCOMMODATION TARGET                                                                                                                          ACCOMMODATION TARGET
     Contact                            Hotels 5 stars, Masserie & Trulli (Traditional rural accommodation), Resort Spa and Wellness hotels                                           Hotels 5 stars, Hotels 4-3 stars, Historic Hotels Resort
     Raffaella Assenza                                                                                                                        Annalisa Dastru'
     Director of Middle East Market     PRODUCTS                                                                                                                                      PRODUCTS
                                                                                                                                              Owner           Art & Culture, Food & Wine, Seaside Tourism                                                                                                   Art & Culture, Food & Wine, Active & Wellness Tourism
                                        SPECIFIC INTERESTS                                                                                                                            SPECIFIC INTERESTS
                                        Family, Honeymoons, Shopping                                                                                                                  Honeymoons, Senior Travellers, Women Travel

       47                                                                                                                                       49

               BAY WATCH TRAVEL                                                                                                                         CHARME&ADVENTURE, divisione di Cinehollywood Srl
                                        TRAVEL AGENCY                                                                                                                                 TOUR OPERATOR

     Info                               Incomming for: Campania, Calabria, Puglia and Sicilia                                                 Info                                    Charme&Adventure is a luxury travel designer based in Milan Italy, specialized in exclusive
     ITALY                                                                                                                                    ITALY                                   bespoke travels for HNWI and UHNWI. Our mission is to lead the guests to discover the exclusive
     Ischia, Via Castiglione,36 80074                                                                                                         Milan, via Padre Reginaldo Giuliani 8   Italian human heritage through unique experiences related to history, art, food&wine, culture,                                                                                                                   20125                                   fashion&design, outdoor, sport events, VIP and Celebrities events. We customize also all the private
     813331096                                                                                                                                      services (air/ground services, VIP assistance and M&G) and less known accommodations and special                                                                                                                    264415361                               venues based on client's need and budget.
                                             Medium Level, Low Budget Large Groups (more than 40) Small Groups and Individuals
                                                                                                                                                                                          Luxury, Small Groups and Individuals
                                        ABOUT PUGLIA
                                        ACCOMMODATION TARGET                                                                                                                          ABOUT PUGLIA

     Contact                            Hotels 4-3 stars, Masserie & Trulli (Traditional rural accommodation), Resort Spa and Wellness                                                ACCOMMODATION TARGET
     GIOVANNI RUSSO                     hotels                                                                                                                                        Hotels 5 stars, Historic Hotels Masserie & Trulli (Traditional rural accommodation) Resort
                                                                                                                                              Stefania Pellucchi
     CEO                                PRODUCTS                                                                                              Travel & Planning Specialist             Art & Culture, Active & Wellness Tourism, Seaside Tourism                                             PRODUCTS
                                                                                                                                                                                      Art & Culture, Food & Wine, Tradition & Spirituality
                                        SPECIFIC INTERESTS
                                        Accessible tourism, Senior Travellers                                                                                                         SPECIFIC INTERESTS
                                                                                                                                                                                      Golf, Honeymoons, Senior Travellers

32                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            33
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