D6.4 - 1 article published on EU specialized magazine and 1 appearance on national newspaper in each region for the 2nd project year - Empowering
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Ref. Ares(2018)2723989 - 25/05/2018 D6.4 - 1 article published on EU specialized magazine and 1 appearance on national newspaper in nd each region for the 2 project year Version 1.2
PROGRAMME HORIZON 2020 Research and Innovation Programme PROJECT ACRONYM EMPOWERING GRANT AGREEMENT NUMBER 695944 TITLE 1 article published on EU specialized magazine + 1 appearance on national newspaper in each region for the 2nd project year NUMBER OF THE DELIVERABLE 6.4 WP/TASK RELATED WP6/Task 6.2 DISSEMINATION LEVEL (1) PU DATE OF DELIVERY 16/05/2018 VERSION 1.2 STATUS Final AUTHOR(S) PP9 REVIEWERS PP1 Note 1. PU (Public); PP (Restricted to other program participants); CO (Confidential, only for members of the consortium)
Revision history Version Date Author/Reviewer Notes 1.0 30/04/2018 PP9 - Author Orsolya Tisza 1.1 10/05/2018 PP1 - Reviewer Barbara di Pietro 1.2 16/05/2018 PP9 – Author Orsolya Tisza
Disclaimer The information, documentation and figures in this deliverable are written by the EMPOWERING project Consortium under EC Grant Agreement number 695944 and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission. The European Commission is not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained herein.
EMPOWERING WP5 IMPLEMENTATION PLAN CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................... 2 1.1. JOURNALS ON NATIONAL- AND ON EU-LEVEL..................................................................................... 3 1.2. PUBLISHED ARTICLES ON THE NATIONAL-LEVEL ................................................................................. 3 PP1 – Italy............................................................................................................................................ 3 1.2.1 Original article in national language ................................................................................................. 4 1.2.2 Alternate forms of article and availability ........................................................................................ 7 PP2 – Spain .......................................................................................................................................... 9 1.2.3 Original article in national language ................................................................................................. 9 1.2.4 Alternate forms of article and availability ...................................................................................... 11 PP5 – Croatia ..................................................................................................................................... 13 1.2.5 Original article in national language ............................................................................................... 14 1.2.6 Alternate forms of article and availability ...................................................................................... 15 PP9 – Hungary ................................................................................................................................... 16 1.2.7 Original article in national language ............................................................................................... 17 1.2.8 Alternate forms of article and availability ...................................................................................... 18 1.3. PUBLISHED ARTICLES ON EU-LEVEL ............................................................................................................ 20 1.2.9 Original article ................................................................................................................................ 21 1.2.10 Alternate forms of article and availability ................................................................................. 22 1.4. CONCLUSION ..................................................................................................................................... 24 1
INTRODUCTION During the implementation phase of the EMPOWERING project it is important to share the experiences, findings and results with those who can potentially benefit from the utilization. The Use and Dissemination Plan (D6.1) defines in great detail the target groups and dissemination activities that are planned and carried out in the frame of the project. At the end of each project year -as part of the dissemination activities- each partner publish an article on national-level and one article on the EU-level in a specialized magazine. The current report (D6.4) collects and summarizes all released and published national- and EU-level articles from February 2017 (M13) till April 2018 (M27). (All the publications and news that were created following a press release are part of a different deliverable – D2.12.)
1.1. JOURNALS ON NATIONAL- AND ON EU-LEVEL According to the Dissemination Plan (D6.1) all partner had to find the most appropriate newspaper or magazine on the national level for the publication. During the selection of the different journals several aspects were investigated: thematic focus, impact (number of readers, type of readers), accessibility and availability of the article. For the collection of the options a media database was elaborated in each country. 1.2. PUBLISHED ARTICLES ON THE NATIONAL-LEVEL PP1 – ITALY Title of the article Date of publication COMUNI IN EUROPA NELLE MARCHE SI STA SPERIMENTANDO IL 07/02/2018 RUOLO DEI COMUNI NELL’UNIONE DELL’ENERGIA February/March 2018 Edition Name of the Thematic Publication Number journal/ Availability Type of readers focus frequency of readers newspaper public, private and institutional decision-makers in energy, printed the field of energy industry and version for management, research bimonthly subscribers journalists, QUALENERGIA surveys, 5 issue/year electronic researchers, 30.000 energy version academy teachers online for and students, saving, subscribers consumers and sustainability citizens engaged in environmental protection.
The article was published in QualEnergia magazine in the first Edition of 2018 which reports national news, events and statistics on the world of energies, articles, documents, data and ideas for a new energy policy. The first edition of the magazine was published in 1980, widely recognised and respected for the quality of its editorial exposure. QualEnergia contains many interesting industry and research surveys, in depth reports on technical and economic trends in the field of energy economy, energy saving and sustainability. The magazine provides readers with information they cannot easily get from other source. Its readers are public, private and institutional decision-makers in the field of energy management, as well as journalists, researchers, academy teachers and students, consumers and citizens engaged in environmental protection. According to the demographic statistics, QualEnergia average reader is male (54.8%), lives in North-Center Italy (76%), is more than 36 years aged (55.4%) and has an high degree of education (55.9%). QualEnergia is paid subscription service but it’s on sale in some selected Feltrinelli Bookstore (one of the biggest in Italy). The total readership of every issue is about 30.000. QualEnergia has 5 issues per year, in March, May, July, October and December, with a foliation of 116 p.i. Many leading energy equipment and products suppliers as well as environmental associations, service providers and conference and expo organisers, have QualEnergia one of the first choice for advertising and communication. QualEnergia is published by Editoriale La Nuova Ecologia, the media group of Legambiente, Italy’s most influential environmental association. 1.2.1 Original article in national language COMUNI IN EUROPA NELLE MARCHE SI STA SPERIMENTANDO IL RUOLO DEI COMUNI NELL’UNIONE DELL’ENERGIA Il Parlamento europeo, adottando a stragrande maggioranza lo scorso 17 gennaio, un obiettivo vincolante del 35% sul risparmio energetico e sulle fonti rinnovabili per l’anno 2030, nell’ambito dei negoziati sul Clean Energy Package presentato dalla Commissione, rafforza il sostegno degli obiettivi di efficienza energetica. L’Europa infatti nel quadro per il clima e l’energia 2030 per uno sviluppo sostenibile (Direttiva 2009/28/EC, COP21 2015, COP23 2017), fissava già tre obiettivi principali da conseguire entro l'anno indicato: una riduzione almeno del 40% delle emissioni di gas a effetto serra (rispetto ai livelli del 1990),
una quota almeno del 27% di energia rinnovabili, un miglioramento almeno del 27% dell'efficienza energetica. In questo quadro, basato sul pacchetto per il clima e l'energia 2020 ed adottato dai leader dell’UE nell'ottobre 2014, energia e clima sono strettamente correlati. Circa 2/3 delle emissioni di gas a effetto serra infatti, provengono da fonti energetiche e quindi per mantenere l’aumento delle temperature ben al di sotto dei 2º C, si richiede che tutti compiano progressi nella transizione energetica mondiale. Ribadendo la necessità di mantenere la leadership Europea nell’attuazione dell’accordo di Parigi e nella transizione verso economie a basse emissioni di gas a effetto serra e resilienti ai cambiamenti climatici, il Parlamento invita inoltre “gli Stati membri dell'UE a fissare le necessarie misure nazionali, per raggiungere tali obiettivi, che saranno poi monitorati secondo le nuove regole sulla governance dell'Unione dell’energia”. Sarà l’efficienza energetica il nuovo collante dell’Europa Unita? Perché no! Ma è necessario che anche e soprattutto le autorità pubbliche locali diventino protagoniste nella definizione di piani e strategie multi-target e multi-settoriali, considerando la riduzione energetica e la lotta ai cambiamenti climatici a livello locale, parte di una politica complessiva di sviluppo integrato per un futuro sostenibile. Si inserisce infatti in questa direzione verso la “decentralizzazione” delle politiche energetiche, l’iniziativa decennale del Patto dei Sindaci, che festeggerà a Brussels il suo compleanno con i comuni aderenti il 22 febbraio 2018. Essa riunisce enti locali impegnati su base volontaria a raggiungere e superare gli obiettivi comunitari in materia di clima ed energia che attraverso l’implementazione di PAES-Piani d’Azione per l’energia sostenibile e PAESC-Piani d’Azione per l’energia sostenibile ed il clima, si impegnano alla riduzione del consumo energetico e dell'aumento della capacità di energia rinnovabile, con azioni a livello di politica comunale e di coinvolgimento della comunità. Questo processo tecnico-politico però richiede competenze multidisciplinari; la mancanza delle stesse diventa una barriera importante per i decisori politici locali, all'accesso alla discussione con gli esperti, per la definizione di soluzioni innovative nella gestione della transizione energetica e l'applicazione di politiche comunitarie a livello locale. Rafforzare le capacità dei decisori politici e funzionari comunali a valutare ad esempio le diverse opzioni energetiche intersettoriali sostenibili, in base a criteri tecnici, ambientali, economici e sociali, cosi come a coinvolgere gli stakeholder e la cittadinanza nella definizione e implementazione di soluzioni, diventa di strategica priorità. Contribuire alla riduzione del divario di competenze di più di 300 decisori e tecnici in sei regioni europee (Croazia, Grecia, Italia, Romania, Spagna, Ungheria), di cui 31 comuni nella Regione Marche, attraverso specifiche attività di capacity building e scambio di esperienze e buone
pratiche a livello Europeo (nei settori di integrated energy, urban mobility, land use planning), è l’obiettivo del progetto EMPOWERING (www.empowering-project.eu), finanziato dal programma quadro europeo Horizon 2020 per la ricerca e l'innovazione, coordinato da SVIM- Sviluppo Marche s.r.l Insieme alle attività di capacity building di EMPOWERING, in programma fino a giugno 2018, SVIM srl intende promuovere e aggiornare anche il modello della “Comunità per l’Energia Sostenibile" (SEC), rendendo le comunità locali i driver per lo sviluppo regionale sostenibile, attraverso il coordinamento e il sostegno delle autorità regionali e delle agenzie di sviluppo. Grazie infatti al progetto LIFE SEC ADAPT (http://www.lifesecadapt.eu/it/), si propone di aumentare la capacità di resilienza, di 12 comuni nella Regione Marche, al cambiamento climatico, facilitando così il passaggio verso un’economia a bassa emissione di carbonio. Conoscenze per la governance Il Programma Horizon 2020, insieme al Programma il programma Life 2014 – 2020 e gli strumenti finanziari (Elena, EEEF), sono difatti strumenti finanziari a gestione diretta della EU, per la promozione di un uso più razionale, efficiente e intelligente dell’energia, mirati a raggiungere gli obiettivi strategici di Europa 2020 e dello Spazio Europeo della Ricerca (SER), alla costruzione di una società e di un’economia basate sulla conoscenza e sull’innovazione. D’altro lato, l’impegno della Regione Marche a sostegno delle politiche locali di sviluppo dell'energia sostenibile, che oggi contano più di 50 comuni aderenti al Patto dei Sindaci, inizia nel 2010, attraverso anche il supporto di SVIM - Sviluppo Marche Srl, come Coordinatore Territoriale Regionale, rinnovato nel 2017, per promuovere l'adesione al nuovo Patto dei Sindaci e fornire assistenza tecnica e strategica ai comuni firmatari per lo sviluppo, l'attuazione e il monitoraggio dei loro piani di azione per l'energia e il clima sostenibili (legge regionale del governo 347/2017). A tal proposito, in questo contesto, il contributo del progetto EMPOWERING alle politiche locali in materia energetica e di governance, consiste nel fornire conoscenze e competenze agli enti locali, poi messe in pratica nel processo di design ed adozione di nuovi Piani d’Azione per l’Energia Sostenibile e il Clima (PAESC) e nell’aggiornamento di quelli già esistenti (PAES). Le autorità regionali saranno accompagnate invece nella definizione di una visione energetica regionale al 2050, mettendo in evidenza le principali sfide per l’energia e identificando possibili azioni finanziarie strategiche per l'energia sostenibile al 2050. La metodologia utilizzata verrà poi trasferita ad altri stati Europei, cosi da garantirne il massimo utilizzo nell’Unione dell’Energia. In conclusione, i Comuni hanno un ruolo determinante nell’Unione dell’energia, ma solo includendo l’aspetto formativo, sociale e la partecipazione dei cittadini si garantisce una
pianificazione energetica efficace. Questi fattori concorrendo allo stesso obiettivo, migliorano gli strumenti di politica partecipativa e di governance, in grado di affrontare le sfide energetiche al 2030, trasformandoli in strumenti efficaci per una visione partecipativa al 2050. In questo modo si contribuisce anche a concettualizzare il territorio come un sistema socio-energetico, composto da un governo locale e di persone che fanno scelte nel settore energetico. SVIM – Sviluppo Marche s.r.l Coordinatore del progetto EMPOWERING - Horizon 2020 Coordinatore del progetto LIFE SEC ADAPT - LIFE Amministratore unico Gianluca Carrabs 1.2.2 Alternate forms of article and availability Printed Version:
Electronic version: (from 28/03/2018- a password is needed for the subscribers to access it) https://www.lanuovaecologia.it/categoria/qualenergia-bimestrale/
PP2 – SPAIN Title of the article Date of publication Alcaldes contra el cambio climático April 2018. Name of the Thematic Publication Type of Number of journal/ Availability focus frequency readers readers newspaper printed: 4.241 sold news and printed copies/day El Correo de general events of daily Andalucia digital public digital: Andalusia 20.000 subscriptors The article was published on El Correo de Andalucia on its digital edition of 14th April and the printed one of 15th of April. It reports regional news, events and statistics of Andalusia. The first edition of the newspaper was published in 1899, and it is widely recognised as an important media for the news of the region. 1.2.3 Original article in national language Alcaldes contra el cambio climático Las ciudades son clave en la lucha contra el cambio climático. 11 municipios andaluces participan en el innovador proyecto europeo ‘Empowering’ para que técnicos y responsables políticos aprendan habilidades en la batalla local contra el cambio climático desarrollando su propio plan de acción Dos terceras partes de las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero provienen del uso de fuentes de energía convencionales (combustibles fósiles), por lo que la aplicación de políticas de eficiencia energética resulta clave para lograr el objetivo final de evitar que la temperatura del planeta aumente por encima de 2ºC a finales de este siglo. Por eso las políticas europeas en materia de energía y clima están estrechamente ligadas, en especial en el marco de las medidas encaminadas a la mitigación del cambio climático.
El pasado 17 de enero de 2018 el Parlamento Europeo aprobó, por abrumadora mayoría, el objetivo vinculante de ahorro energético y aumento de la cuota de energías renovables al 35 por ciento para el año 2030. Este objetivo se alinea con los recientes acuerdos en materia de eficiencia energética adoptados en la Convención Marco de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático, concretamente en las reuniones celebradas en París (COP21, 2015) y Bonn (COP23, 2017). El acuerdo adoptado por el Parlamento Europeo se alinea con la necesidad de avanzar en una transición energética global que permita cimentar una economía de bajo uso de carbono, más sostenible a medio y largo plazo. También pretende reafirmar el liderazgo europeo en la aplicación del Acuerdo de París, por medio de la reducción de las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero, un aspecto clave en la transición hacia sociedades y modelos económicos más resilientes al cambio climático. De esta forma, el Parlamento insta a los Estados miembros de la UE a establecer las condiciones necesarias, por medio del desarrollo de medidas nacionales encaminadas a alcanzar los objetivos fijados, las cuales serán posteriormente revisadas de acuerdo a las nuevas normas sobre la gobernanza de la Unión de la Energía. Si bien se ha producido un avance significativo de los compromisos en materia de mitigación del cambio climático y de reducción de emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero a escala nacional y transnacional desde el Acuerdo de París, es preciso incidir en que estos objetivos y compromisos sean también trasladados al ámbito de las autoridades públicas locales, en particular al ámbito de las ciudades. Las Administraciones regionales, comarcales y municipales deben también asumir un papel protagonista en la lucha contra el cambio climático y en la aplicación de medidas de eficiencia energética, para lo cual deben desarrollar planes, programas y estrategias que integren diferentes ámbitos sectoriales. En esa dirección se orienta el Pacto de los Gobiernos Locales ante el Cambio Climático (Pacto de los Alcaldes) que constituye la mayor iniciativa urbana europea en materia de clima y energía. Impulsada por la Comisión Europea y apoyada por la Junta de Andalucía, el Pacto de los Alcaldes agrupa a miles de autoridades locales, regionales y sus ciudadanos con el compromiso voluntario de aplicar en sus territorios los objetivos climáticos y energéticos de la Unión Europea en la lucha contra el calentamiento global. Tiene como principal protagonista a las corporaciones locales, que son las que aprueban los Planes de Acción por el Clima y la Energía Sostenible (PACES) y las que se comprometen a desarrollarlos en un determinado horizonte temporal. Estos planes de acción incluyen medidas y objetivos específicos relacionados con la reducción del consumo de energía y con el aumento de la proporción de energías renovables. La experiencia de la iniciativa del Pacto de los Alcaldes ha puesto de manifiesto, en términos generales, que la efectividad de los compromisos y medidas adoptadas requieren de un proceso técnico-político complejo, en el que deben participar una gran variedad de ámbitos sectoriales y actores implicados. La elaboración e implementación de los primeros planes de
acción precisó, en algunos casos, de la activación de auténticos modelos de gestión integral e, incluso, del desarrollo de mecanismos de gobernanza específicos. En determinados contextos, la ausencia de medios que facilitaran una gestión integral de las diferentes áreas vinculadas al clima y la energía, supusieron importantes condicionantes. Sin embargo, en otros, la puesta en marcha de instrumentos y mecanismos que garantizaban la coordinación intersectorial, permitió la aplicación de interesantes soluciones innovadoras en materia de transición energética a escala local y de adaptación frente a los riesgos derivados del cambio climático. Una de las grades lecciones aprendidas en el marco del Pacto de los Alcaldes, es que resulta estratégico dotar a los responsables políticos, funcionarios y técnicos de las corporaciones locales de capacidades, instrumentos y criterios técnicos multidisciplinares (ambientales, económicos, sociales) que permitan la aplicación de enfoques transversales en la definición de compromisos y en la aplicación de las medidas encaminadas al cumplimiento de los objetivos establecidos. 1.2.4 Alternate forms of article and availability Printed version:
Electronic version: http://elcorreoweb.es/internacional/alcaldes-contra-el-cambio-climatico-JE4060586
PP5 – CROATIA Title of the article Date of publication Novigrad i Vodnjan, članice najveće svjetske February 2018. inicijative za klimu i energiju Name of the journal/ Thematic Publication Type of Number of Availability newspaper/ focus frequency readers readers portal general public, energy and academic efficiency community, electronic (national government, https://www.enu.hr NR (open 20.000 energy representatives access) efficiency and non- portal) government organisations The article was published on the National Energy Efficiency Web Portal, a Portal launched by the National Coordination Body for Energy Efficiency in order to inform and provide information on basic energy efficiency issues. The web portal became one of the main sources of information in the field of energy efficiency in Croatia related to activities, advice, events, projects, tenders and laws. The National Energy Efficiency Portal is the central information hub on actualities in the field of energy savings in Croatia. The contents of the portal are grouped around three basic stakeholders: the citizens, the public sector and the commercial sector with the section EE located in Croatia, which contains all important documents, strategic guidelines and information on institutions operating within the energy efficiency field. The Portal publishes all information on activities, advice, events, projects, competitions, news and obligations related to energy efficiency in Croatia. The National Coordinating Body (NCB) of the website of the National Energy Efficiency Portal www.enu.hr, publishes educational material for target groups, and reports on the implementation. Energy Efficiency editors welcome new and original work that contributes to the wealth of knowledge related to energy efficiency and energy savings and that offers broad implications for energy efficiency within the transition to a more sustainable energy system.
1.2.5 Original article in national language Novigrad i Vodnjan, članice najveće svjetske inicijative za klimu i energiju U prosincu 2017. godine gradovi Novigrad i Vodnjan potpisali su Sporazum gradonačelnika za klimu i energiju i time se pridružili svjetskoj inicijativi za urbanu klimu i energiju koja ujedinjuje tisuće lokalnih i regionalnih vlasti, dobrovoljno posvećenih provedbi klimatskih i energetskih ciljeva EU-a na svom teritoriju. Potpisnici Sporazuma, gradonačelnici gradova: Novigrada i Vodnjana obvezali su se smanjiti emisije CO2 (i, prema mogućnosti, drugih stakleničkih plinova) na našem području za najmanje 40% do 2030. godine učinkovitijom upotrebom energije i većom upotrebom obnovljivih izvora energije te usvojiti integrirani pristup ublažavanju i prilagodbi na klimatske promjene. Gradovi Novigrad i Vodnjan, jedni su od prvih hrvatskih gradova koji su se priključili ovoj inicijativi i imaju zajedničku viziju održive budućnosti, bez obzira na veličinu svojih gradova ili općina ili njihov geografski položaj. Ta zajednička vizija pokreće njihova nastojanja za rješavanje međusobno povezanih izazova: ublažavanja klimatskih promjena, prilagodbe i dobivanja energije iz obnovljivih izvora. Zajedno su spremni donijeti konkretne, dugoročne mjere kojima će se osigurati ekološki, društveno i gospodarski stabilno okruženje za sadašnje i buduće naraštaje. Imaju zajedničku odgovornost stvarati održivija, privlačnija, otpornija i energetski učinkovitija područja prikladnija za život. Potpisivanje Sporazuma gradonačelnika za klimu i energiju jedan je od ciljeva projekta „Empowering local public authorities to build integrated sustainable energy strategies)“ (EMPOWERING) koji uključenim istarskim gradovima omogućuje napredak u području poznavanja i pripreme prelaska na obnovljive izvore energije te smanjenje upotrebe konvencionalnih izvora energije kao i uključivanja u međunarodnu mrežu potpisnika "Sporazuma gradonačelnika" (Covenant of Mayors - CoM) kao odgovora naprednih europskih gradova na izazove globalne promjene klime, a ujedno prva i najambicioznija inicijativa Europske komisije usmjerena izravno na aktivno uključenje i kontinuirano sudjelovanje gradskih uprava i samih građana u borbi protiv globalnog zatopljenja. U projektu Empowering sudjeluje sedam članica Europske unije: Italija, Španjolska, Švedska, Rumunjska, Hrvatska, Mađarska i Grčka. Nositelj projekta je Sviluppo Marche Spa, a predviđeno trajanje projekta je 36 mjeseci, od 1. veljače 2016. do 31. siječnja 2019. godine. Hrvatski partner u projektu je Istarska razvojna agencija (IDA) d.o.o. kao koordinator projekta uz podršku Istarske županije i sedam istarskih gradova: Labin, Novigrad, Pazin, Poreč, Pula, Rovinj i Vodnjan kao suradnika. Vrijednost projekta iznosi HRK 12.000.000,00, dok je budžet Istarske razvojne agencije HRK 1.000.000,00.
1.2.6 Alternate forms of article and availability Electronic version: https://www.enu.hr/novigrad-vodnjan-clanice-najvece-svjetske-inicijative-klimu-energiju/
PP9 – HUNGARY Title of the article Date of publication „Energiatudatosság és stratégiai tervezés az January 2018. önkormányzatoknál” Name of the Thematic Publication Type of Number of journal/ Availability focus frequency readers readers newspaper Scientific community printed version for (higher subscribers education, science, monthly electronic research); innovation, 15.000 Innotéka version chambers; green 11 issue/year readers/month online (open economy access) managers of distributed in enterprises; conferences policy makers (ministries) This article was published in Innotéka magazine that provides comprehensive information to readers interested in science, innovation and green economy. It is also helpful for those who work in the above mentioned fields. It gives ample and coverage about Hungarian science and innovation. The magazine is a great source for successful scientific, economic and environmental achievements. It does also an excellent job at disseminating the results of the latest innovations. It is available online and there are printed editions. The printed magazine is available in Hungary and reaches its audience primarily through direct distribution and subscription. The targeted readers are directors of companies operating in the areas of Hungarian science, innovation, and green environment; leaders and researchers working at academic and university research centres; heads of higher education institutions, faculties and departments; national, university, and county libraries; ministries, state secretariats, public agencies; chambers, associations, and unions. As a media partner Innotéka is present on various scientific
conferences and professional events organized in Hungary. That means the event participants receive the actual issue of the Innotéka magazine as part of the conference package. 1.2.7 Original article in national language A fenntartható energiagazdálkodás és a stratégia tervezés szerepe az önkormányzatoknál Napjainkban egyre több önkormányzat fordít figyelmet a fenntartható települési energiagazdálkodásra, és ismeri fel a stratégiai tervezés jelentőségét. Az energiatudatosság és fenntarthatóság nemcsak költségmegtakarítást eredményez, de hozzájárul egy élhetőbb környezet kialakításához is. Az energiatakarékosságot, a megújuló energiaforrások használatát és az üvegházhatást okozó gázok csökkentését az Európai Unió is prioritásként kezeli. Az Európai Bizottság 2008-ban indította útjára a Polgármesterek Szövetsége kezdeményezést, mely 2015-ben új célkitűzéseket vállalt, és Polgármesterek Klíma- és Energiaügyi Szövetségeként működik tovább. A Szövetséghez a legelkötelezettebb helyi önkormányzatok önkéntesen csatlakozhatnak. A csatlakozó települések vállalják, hogy teljesítik az EU klímával és energiával kapcsolatos célkitűzéseit, a területükön gyorsítják a szén-dioxid-kibocsátás csökkentését, és a klímaváltozás hatásainak mérséklése érdekében alkalmazkodási intézkedéseket foganatosítanak. (A Szövetségnek jelenleg 40 aláírója van Magyarországról, amelyek vállalták, hogy elkészítik Fenntartható Energia Akciótervüket.) Minden ország érdeke, hogy a területén minél több önkormányzat kezdjen tudatos tervezésbe, és olyan tevékenységeket és fejlesztéseket valósítson meg, amellyel az éghajlatváltozás hatásai mérsékelhetőek. A BORA 94 Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén Megyei Fejlesztési Ügynökség 2016-tól részt vesz egy hat országból érkező, összesen nyolc résztvevő partner által életre hívott EMPOWERING című projekt megvalósításában. (A projekt az EU HORIZON2020 Programja keretében finanszírozott.) Az együttműködés kapcsán a BORA 94 Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén Megyei Fejlesztési Ügynökség által 11 Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén megyei település kap szakmai segítséget a tudatos tervezéshez, és a Fenntartható Energia Akciótervük kidolgozásában. A résztvevő önkormányzatok különböző kapacitásépítést célzó tevékenységekben és tanulmányutakon vesznek részt, és közösen alakítanak ki egy regionális energia-jövőképet 2050-ig.
A települések akciótervének elkészítése helyzetértékeléssel kezdődik. Az önkormányzatok felmérik a település energiafelhasználását egy adott ún. bázisévre vonatkozóan. Ebből összeállítható egy kiindulási szén-dioxid kibocsátási jegyzék, ami rámutat azokra a szektorokra, amikre az önkormányzatnak különös figyelmet kell fordítania. Ezt követően kell meghatározni a szükséges energiahatékonysági intézkedéseket és a különböző megújuló energiaforrások alkalmazására vonatkozó elképzeléseket, és az ezek megvalósításához szükséges finanszírozást is. A 2014-20 közötti időszakban Magyarországon az energetikai fejlesztéseket alábbi operatív programok támogatják: KEHOP - Környezeti és Energiahatékonysági Operatív Program, TOP - Terület- és Településfejlesztési Operatív Program, illetve a VP - Vidékfejlesztési Program. Az akciótervek készítését 2018. februárjától induló workshop-ok és bárki számára elérhető webináriumok is támogatják. A rendezvények az alábbi tématerületen kerülnek megtartásra: integrált energia, szemléletformálás, innovatív finanszírozási megoldások, klímaváltozáshoz való alkalmazkodás, Fenntartható Energia- és Klíma Akcióterv készítése lépésről-lépésre. (Bővebb információ az EMPOWERING projekt honlapján: http://www.empowering- project.eu/en/news/ és a BORA 94 honlapján: https://bora94.hu) 1.2.8 Alternate forms of article and availability Printed version:
Electronic version: http://www.innoteka.hu/cikk/energiatudatossag_es_strategiai_tervezes_az_onkormanyzatokn al.1649.html
1.3. PUBLISHED ARTICLES ON EU-LEVEL Title of the article Date of publication Supporting cities in energy planning – capacity building of local authorities in six European March 2018. regions Name of the journal/ Thematic Publication Number of Availability Type of readers newspaper/ focus frequency readers portal European Energy and printed Transport Trade version Associations; European energy Research Energy climate quarterly electronic Institutions and 20.000 (open access) Academia; Innovation environment online e- Leading magazine European energy companies; The article was published on European Energy Innovation magazine. European Energy Innovation (EEI) blends information from the Energy Industry, Research Organisations and the European Institutions to highlight the significant energy challenges facing Europe today and the innovative technologies being deployed to meet them. The magazine provides a stream of high quality, well-written informative articles that will keep readers up to date with the latest thinking on energy and transport in Europe.1 It is distributed to over 10,000 subscribers in Industry, the European Parliament, the European Commission and to Research Institutes and Universities throughout Europe. The magazine is also available online at www.europeanenergyinnovation.eu. The number of readers is estimated at 20,000 (print, digital, online and social media.) 1 http://www.europeanenergyinnovation.eu/About-Us
1.2.9 Original article Supporting cities in energy planning – capacity building of local authorities in six European regions Cities play a key role in fighting against climate change. Local authorities have the power to influence climate issues, however often lack the capacity to recognise challenges, opportunities and deliver solution. This is particularly true for small- and medium sized local authorities which face several challenges when it comes to energy planning and implementation. In their case the coordination and support is definitely needed. Three years ago different authorities –regional development agencies, regions, research institutes– from 6 EU regions (from Italy, Spain, Romania, Croatia, Hungary and Greece) decided to empower local and regional authorities (policy makers and public officers) of each region involved to shape sustainable energy plans coherent with the European climate and energy policies. The initiative received funding from the HORIZON 2020 Programme, which is the most important financial instrument to support research and innovation in the European Union. The concept The main idea was to involve local municipalities and regional authorities in a sound transnational exchange and learning activities. The capacity building measures supposed to target organisational development and human resources as well. The transnational exchange programme is designed to enable policy makers and public officers involved to learn from each other’s experiences and adapt effective responses to the major energy challenges with the thematic focus on integrated energy, sustainable urban mobility, land use planning and innovative financial solution. Based on the transnational exchange a capacity building programme is elaborated. As the result of a successfully implemented capacity building program, the improved knowledge and competences of local authorities are put into practice during the adaption of new Sustainable Energy Action Plans and upgrading of the existing ones, while regional authorities are supported in shaping regional energy vision to 2050. Capacity building needs analysis To find the right pathway for the most suitable capacity building program, a survey was conducted in all the six participating regions. The involved local authorities were smaller and therefore have potentially limited capacity, although have motivation to plan and influence energy consumption. The data was collected from 61 local authorities using a structured questionnaire. It was also followed by personal meetings where targeted questions were asked from the participants. Although the results were analysed in all regions separately, similarities within the participating regions could be discovered. Conclusions:
Available funding influences the implemented measures. Most local authorities realize exemplary practices in areas related to land use planning where internal structures and institutional settings (procedures) coherently exist. This could be a consequence of the fact that these structures are related to urban planning as an overall concept, however in most cases these structures do not have a focus on sustainable energy. Still, among the topics to be the subject of capacity building activities, “land use planning” scored the lowest preference (46%). Regarding innovative financing solutions, most respondents scored the lowest level of structural approach – there are gaps on most aspects envisaged (projects, structure, settings, training, resources) and this is confirmed by their preference (of 81%) to be trained on the topic of financial innovative solutions. More information and related materials are available on the website: http://www.empowering- project.eu/en/ 1.2.10 Alternate forms of article and availability Printed version:
Electronic version: http://www.europeanenergyinnovation.eu/Latest-Research/Spring-2018/EMPOWERING- Supporting-cities-in-energy-planning
1.4. CONCLUSION Altogether 5 articles were published and more than 109.240 audience (scientific community, policy makers, industry, general public) is reached. The selected newspapers and magazines represent high-quality journals on the national-level. 120000 EU level 100000 Hungary 80000 Croatia 60000 Spain 40000 Italy 20000 0 Number of audience 1. figure: Number of audience reached For the last year of the project 16 additional articles will be created and published in order to communicate the final results and conclusions and maximize the impact of the project.
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