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AZIENDA OSPEDALIERO UNIVERSITARIA MEYER Delibera del Direttore Generale n. 492 del 30-10-2020 Proposta n. 997 del 2020 Oggetto: ACCORDO DI LICENZA NON ESCLUSIVA CON LABSYSTEMS DIAGNOSTICS OY. – APPROVAZIONE SCHEMA DI ACCORDO Dirigente: LUCANIA MARIA CONCETTA Struttura Dirigente: AFFARI GENERALI E SVILUPPO Delibera del Direttore Generale n. 492 firmata digitalmente il 30-10-2020
AZIENDA OSPEDALIERO-UNIVERSITARIA MEYER (Art. 33 L.R.T. 24 febbraio 2005 n. 40) Viale Pieraccini, 24 - 50139 FIRENZE C.F. P.Iva 02175680483 DELIBERAZIONE DEL DIRETTORE GENERALE Oggetto Accordo di licenza Contenuto ACCORDO DI LICENZA NON ESCLUSIVA CON LABSYSTEMS DIAGNOSTICS OY. – APPROVAZIONE SCHEMA DI ACCORDO Area Tecnico AREA TECNICO AMMINISTRATIVA Coord. Area Tecnico BINI CARLA Struttura AFFARI GENERALI E SVILUPPO Direttore della Struttura LUCANIA MARIA CONCETTA Responsabile del ALESSIO FABBIANO procedimento Immediatamente Esecutiva NO Spesa prevista Conto Economico Codice Conto Anno Bilancio Estremi relativi ai principali documenti contenuti nel fascicolo Allegato N° di pag. Oggetto 1 30 Non-Exclusive License Agreement (Accordo di licenza non esclusiva)
IL DIRETTORE GENERALE Dr. Alberto Zanobini (D.P.G.R.T. n. 99 del 30 luglio 2020) Visto il D. Lgs.vo 30/12/1992 n. 502 e sue successive modifiche ed integrazioni e la L. R. Toscana n. 40 del 24/02/2005 e s.m.i. di disciplina del Servizio Sanitario Regionale; Dato atto: - che con deliberazione del Direttore Generale n. 133 del 29.12.2015 è stato approvato il nuovo Atto Aziendale dell’AOU Meyer, ai sensi dell’art. 6 del Protocollo d’intesa del 22.04.2002 fra Regione Toscana e Università degli Studi di Firenze, Siena e Pisa, con decorrenza dal 1.1.2016; - che con deliberazione del Direttore Generale n. 134 del 30.12.2015 si è provveduto a definire l’organigramma complessivo dell’AOU Meyer e sono stati assunti i primi provvedimenti attuativi relativi al conferimento degli incarichi di direzione delle strutture Dipartimentali e/o a valenza dipartimentale, delle Aree Funzionali Omogenee, dell’Area Servizi dell’Ospedale, dell’Area delle Professioni Sanitarie e dell’Area Tecnico Amministrativa; - che con deliberazione del Direttore Generale n. 140 del 30.12.2015 sono state assunte determinazioni attuative del nuovo Atto aziendale in merito alla conferma/riassetto delle strutture organizzative complesse e semplici; - che con deliberazione del Direttore Generale n. 492 del 2.12.2016 si è provveduto ad approvare la sistematizzazione della organizzazione aziendale, dopo un primo percorso attuativo dello Statuto Aziendale; - che con deliberazione del Direttore Generale n. 543 del 29.12.2016 sono state assunte determinazioni volte al conferimento degli incarichi delle Strutture Complesse dell’Area Tecnico Amministrativa, così come rimodulate a seguito delle azioni di attualizzazione dell’organizzazione aziendale; - che con successiva deliberazione del Direttore Generale n. 173 del 05.04.2018 si è altresì provveduto ad ulteriori azioni di sistematizzazione dell’organizzazione aziendale ed all’integrazione dell’art. 63 dell’Atto Aziendale “Promozione della salute nella comunità”; - che con successiva deliberazione del Direttore Generale n. 739 del 31.12.2019 si è provveduto ad approvare ulteriori azioni di sistemazione dell'organizzazione aziendale in ambito amministrativo; Su proposta del Responsabile della S.O.C. Affari Generali e Sviluppo, Dr.ssa Maria Concetta Lucania la quale, con riferimento alla presente procedura, ne attesta la regolarità amministrativa e la legittimità dell’atto; Visto il D.Lgs. n. 30 del 10.02.2005 “Codice della proprietà industriale” che all’art. 65 prevede la speciale disciplina delle invenzioni dei ricercatori universitari o dipendenti da pubbliche amministrazioni aventi la ricerca tra gli scopi istituzionali; Richiamata la Delibera n. 341 del 25.11.2011 del Direttore Generale con cui è stato approvato il Regolamento dell’Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Meyer sulla proprietà intellettuale; Premesso che questa Azienda è titolare di un brevetto nell’ambito del proprio know-how sviluppato in attività di ricerca in campo pediatrico e che ha l’interesse ad attivarsi per una valorizzazione economica del brevetto medesimo, attraverso la cessione a titolo oneroso dei relativi diritti di sfruttamento; Atteso che Labsystems Diagnostics Oy., una società con sede in Finlandia, ha manifestato l’intenzione di ottenere una licenza non esclusiva per l’Europa per lo sfruttamento del suddetto brevetto e che è altresì interesse di questa Azienda concedere tale licenza in modo da valorizzarne i diritti di brevetto ad essa correlati, stipulando un apposito Accordo di licenza non esclusiva per regolamentarne la concessione;
Dato atto che la suddetta società necessita, per motivi inerenti alla protezione dei dati personali e alla tutela dei propri interessi economici e commerciali, ivi compresi la proprietà intellettuale ed i segreti commerciali, di omettere, ai fini della pubblicazione del presente atto, alcune parti sostanziali del su citato Accordo; Visto l’art. 5-bis del D. Lgs. n. 33 del 14/03/2013, come modificato dal D. Lgs. n. 97 del 25/05/2016, che disciplina l’esclusione e i limiti all’accesso civico; Ritenuto pertanto, al fine di evitare pregiudizio alla tutela dei dati personali e degli interessi privati economici e commerciali della società interessata allo sfruttamento dei diritti di brevetto, di pubblicare l’Accordo di licenza in duplice versione (inglese e italiano) con le opportune cancellazioni individuate come omissis; Vista la bozza di Accordo di licenza che, corredata dei necessari omissis, è unita quale allegato N. 1 al presente provvedimento a formarne parte integrante e sostanziale; Rilevato che è interesse di questa Azienda allargare lo sfruttamento dei diritti di brevetto relativi alla proprietà intellettuale sviluppata nel proprio ambito di attività e di ricerca; Ritenuto pertanto di stipulare l’Accordo di licenza non esclusiva con Labsystems Diagnostics Oy., nella sua versione integrale in lingua inglese, agli atti di questa Azienda, per la disciplina delle condizioni normative, economiche ed operative per la concessione della licenza di cui trattasi; Considerato che il Responsabile del Procedimento, individuato ai sensi della Legge n. 241/1990 nella persona del Dott. Alessio Fabbiano sottoscrivendo l’atto attesta che lo stesso, a seguito dell’istruttoria effettuata, nella forma e nella sostanza è legittimo; Acquisito il parere del Coordinatore dell’Area Tecnico Amministrativa, Dr.ssa Carla Bini, espresso mediante sottoscrizione del presente atto; Con la sottoscrizione del Direttore Amministrativo e del Direttore Sanitario, ciascuno per quanto di competenza, ai sensi dell’art. 3 del Decreto legislativo n. 229/99; DELIBERA Per quanto esposto in narrativa che espressamente si richiama, 1. Di approvare lo schema di Accordo di licenza non esclusiva da stipulare con Labsystems Diagnostics Oy. che, allegato N. 1 al presente atto, ne forma parte integrante e sostanziale, nella duplice versione inglese e italiana. 2. Di stipulare l’Accordo di licenza con la su richiamata società nella sua versione integrale in lingua inglese. 3. Di dare atto che lo schema di Accordo, in duplice versione (inglese e italiano) di cui all’allegato N. 1 è pubblicato con omissis, ai sensi della normativa vigente e per le motivazioni espresse in premessa, e che l’Accordo nella sua versione integrale è conservato agli atti.
4. Di trasmettere il presente atto al Collegio Sindacale ai sensi dell’art. 42, comma 2, L. R.T. n. 40/2005 contemporaneamente all’inoltro all’albo di pubblicità degli atti di questa AOU Meyer. IL DIRETTORE GENERALE (Dr. Alberto Zanobini) IL DIRETTORE SANITARIO IL DIRETTORE AMMINISTRATIVO (Dr.ssa Francesca Bellini) (Dr. Tito Berti)
NON-EXCLUSIVE LICENSE AGREEMENT THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT hereinafter (“Agreement”) is entered into as of the date of the signature of the last party to sign herein(hereinafter the “Effective Date”) by and between: AziendaOspedaliero-Universitaria Meyer having its registered office at Viale Pieraccini 24, Florence, Italy, represented by Managing Director dr. Alberto Zanobini (hereinafter “AOUM” or “LICENSOR”), domiciled for the purposes of this agreement at the same Hospital offices And Labsystems Diagnostics Oy., having an office and its principal place of business at Tiilitie 3, 01720 Vantaa, Finland(hereinafter “COMPANY” or “LICENSEE”), represented by Sameer D.Saral, Chief Operating Officer RECITALS WHEREAS, LICENSOR is the owner of certain PATENT RIGHTS (omissis); WHEREAS, LICENSOR, acting on its own behalf, has the authority to enter into this Agreement for the licensing and commercialization of said PATENT RIGHTS; WHEREAS, LICENSOR is willing to grant a non-exclusive license for Europe, (EU License) in the defined FIELD OF USE to LICENSEE subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and restrictions set forth below; WHEREAS, COMPANY desires to acquire the non-exclusive license and commercialization rights from LICENSOR in and to said intellectual property rights and technology on the terms and conditions set forth below; and WHEREAS, COMPANY has represented to LICENSOR that it shall commit itself to thorough and diligent efforts to develop, produce, manufacture, market and sell products under said PATENT RIGHTS. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises contained herein, the sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, LICENSOR and COMPANY, intending to be legally bound, hereto agree as follows: Page 1 of 15
ARTICLE 1 DEFINITIONS 1.1 “LICENSEE” shall mean Labsystems Diagnostics Oy. and shall include a related company of LICENSEE, the voting stock of which is directly or indirectly at least Fifty Percent (50%) owned or controlled by Labsystems Diagnostics Oy. 1.2 “PATENT RIGHTS” shall mean (omissis). 1.3 A “LICENSED PRODUCT” shall mean any product or part thereof which: a. is covered in whole or in part by an issued, unexpired claim or a pending claim contained in the PATENT RIGHTS in the country in which any such product or part thereof is made, used or sold; or b. is manufactured by using a process or is employed to practice a process which is covered in whole or in part by an issued, unexpired claim or a pending claim contained in the PATENT RIGHTS in the country in which any LICENSED PROCESS is used or in which such product or part thereof is used or sold. If a claim has been abandoned or judged invalid or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, or an administrative agency, from which no appeal can be or is taken in any country, then any product or process falling only under that claim shall not be considered to be a LICENSED PRODUCT or LICENSED PROCESS in that country for the purposes of this Agreement. 1.4 A “LICENSED PROCESS” shall mean any process which is covered in whole or in part by an issued, unexpired claim or a pending claim contained in the PATENT RIGHTS. 1.5 “FIELD” or “FIELD OF USE” shall mean (omissis). 1.6 “SALE” or “SOLD” shall mean the transfer or disposition of a LICENSED PRODUCT to an entity other than COMPANY or an AFFILIATE for value, whether in the form of cash payments, royalties, fees, stock, or any other form of compensation. 1.7 “NET SALES” shall mean the gross amounts billed and/or invoiced by COMPANY, its AFFILIATES customers for SALES of the LICENSED PRODUCT less the following reasonable and customary deductions: (a) trade discounts and rebates, (b) credits or allowances actually credited to third parties for returned, recalled, damaged or destroyed LICENSED PRODUCTS, (c) sales and excise taxes and other taxes paid by COMPANY, its AFFILIATES, which taxes are based or levied on the SALES price of a LICENSED PRODUCT, and (d) transportation, packaging, shipping and handling fees. 1.8 “AFFILIATE” shall mean any entity which controls, is controlled by or is under common control with COMPANY. An entity shall be regarded as in control of another Page 2 of 15
entity for purposes of this definition if it owns or controls more than fifty percent (50%) of the shares of the subject entity entitled to vote in the election of directors (or, in the case of an entity that is not a corporation, more than fifty percent (50%) control in the election or appointment of the corresponding managing authority). 1.9 “PARTY” shall mean either COMPANY or LICENSOR, and "the PARTIES" shall mean COMPANY and LICENSOR. 1.10 “THIRD PARTY” shall mean a person or entity who or which is neither a PARTY nor an AFFILIATE of a PARTY. 1.11 “VALID PATENT CLAIM” shall mean a claim of an issued and unexpired patent or a pending claim in a pending patent application within the PATENT RIGHTS which has not been (i) revoked or held unenforceable or invalid by a decision of a court or other governmental agency of competent jurisdiction, which is unappealable, or is unappealed within the time allowed for appeal, or (ii) disclaimed. ARTICLE 2 REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES 2.1 Each PARTY represents and warrants to the other that: (a) It validly exists under the laws of its jurisdiction of incorporation, with full power and authority to conduct its business as currently owned or licensed and conducted; (b) It has the corporate power and authority to execute and deliver this Agreement, and to carry out all the terms and provisions hereof to be carried out by it; (c) The execution and delivery of this Agreement has been duly authorized by all necessary corporate action; and (d) This Agreement has been duly executed and delivered and is a legal, valid and binding obligation enforceable in accordance with its terms. 2.2 LICENSOR represents and warrants to COMPANY that: (a) LICENSOR has not previously granted and will not grant any rightsunder the PATENT RIGHTS that are inconsistent with the rights and licenses granted to COMPANY herein. Notwithstanding the afore-stated, LICENSOR may, at its discretion, grant non-exclusive licenses to the PATENT RIGHTS to THIRD PARTIES; (b) to the best of its knowledge as of the Effective Date, without prior research, there are no claims of any third parties that would call into question the rights of LICENSOR to grant to COMPANY the rights and licenses contemplated hereunder; and (c) LICENSOR has received and currently holds valid and effective assignments of Inventor’s rights to the PATENT RIGHTS. 2.3 EXCEPT AS PROVIDED IN THIS ARTICLE 2, NEITHER PARTY MAKES ANY WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS (EXPRESS, IMPLIED, Page 3 of 15
STATUTORY, OR OTHERWISE) WITH RESPECT TO THE SUBJECT MATTER HEREOF. 2.4 EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE EXPRESSLY SET FORTH, LICENSORAND ITS RESPECTIVE INVENTORS AND AFFERENTS MAKE NO REPRESENTATIONS AND EXTEND NO WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, VALIDITY OF PATENT RIGHTS, EITHER ISSUED OR PENDING, AND THE ABSENCE OF LATENT OR OTHER DEFECTS, WHETHER OR NOT DISCOVERABLE. IN NO EVENT SHALL LICENSOROR ITS INVENTORS AND AFFERENTS BE LIABLE FOR INCIDENTIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING ECONOMIC DAMAGE OR INJURY TO PROPERTY OR LOST PROFITS, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER LICENSOR SHALL BE ADVISED, SHALL HAVE OTHER REASON TO KNOW, OR IN FACT SHALL KNOW OF THE POSSIBILITY. ARTICLE 3 GRANT OF LICENSE RIGHTS 3.1 LICENSOR hereby grants to COMPANY, subject to all the terms and conditions of this Agreement, anon-exclusive royalty-bearing license to the EU PATENT RIGHTS in the FIELD(hereinafter “EU License”), including the right to develop, use, market, distribute, make, have made, sell, have sold, offer to sell, import and export LICENSED PRODUCTS. 3.2 COMPANY shall have the right to extend this License to any AFFILIATE provided that such AFFILIATE consents to be bound by this Agreement to the same extent as COMPANY and provided that COMPANY provides a copy of such prior written consent to LICENSOR within thirty (30) days of such prior written consent, provided that Company retains control of its AFFILIATES as set forth in Section 1.8. In the event Company loses control of said AFFILIATES, LICENSOR shall have a right to re-negotiate this Agreement with the assignee. 3.3 LICENSOR reserves the right to use, make and/or practice the PATENT RIGHTS solely for its own educational and academic research purposes and to grant non- exclusive rights to other parties, academic institutions or to the Inventors to use, make and/or practice PATENT RIGHTS solely for educational and academic research purposes. 3.4 AOUM, and any non-profit health care institutions affiliated with AOUM, shall have the right to use, free of charge, any product or process, developed by LICENSEE which contains or is based on any of the PATENT RIGHTS and/or LICENSED PRODUCTS, for research, patient care, educational, academic, or administrative purposes. Page 4 of 15
ARTICLE 4 ROYALTIES In consideration of the license rights granted by LICENSOR to COMPANY under this Agreement, COMPANY will make to LICENSOR the following payments: 4.1 (omissis) 4.2 LICENSEE shall pay LICENSOR running royalties on NET SALES of LICENSED PRODUCT as follows: (a) In countries where the EU PATENT RIGHTS exist, and the patents are granted and in force: a royalty of (omissis) received by COMPANY and AFFILIATES for each LICENSED PRODUCT for the remaining life of each patent; (b) In the event a LICENSED PRODUCT is sold for other than cash, the royalty to be paid will be based on the NET SALES price of a comparable LICENSED PRODUCT. (c) COMPANY agrees that the royalty rates paid by its AFFILIATES shall in no event be less than the royalty rate paid herein to LICENSOR by COMPANY for NET SALES of LICENSED PRODUCTS. ARTICLE 5 PAYMENT, RECORDS AND REPORTS 5.1 Beginning in 2021, COMPANY shall deliver to LICENSOR a true and accurate report, giving such particulars of the business conducted by COMPANY and its AFFILIATES, on a country-by-country basis, during each six (6) calendar months preceding June 30 and December 31, as are pertinent to an account for payments hereunder. Such reports shall be due to LICENSOR on July 31 and January 31 of each year and shall include at least: (a) a detailed description and accounting of all COMPANY’s preclinical development, clinical development, marketing and business development efforts to commercially develop LICENSED PRODUCTS containing all particulars that may be necessary for the purpose of showing the amounts payable to LICENSOR hereunder. The relating books of account shall be kept at COMPANY’s principal place of business; (b) the quantities of LICENSED PRODUCT produced; (c) the total SALES and NET SALES of such LICENSED PRODUCT; (d) a detailed listing of all permitted deductions from the total amount of NET SALES of such LICENSED PRODUCTS; (e) the calculation of royalties thereon; (f) the total royalties so computed and due to LICENSOR. Page 5 of 15
Simultaneously with the delivery of each report, COMPANY shall pay to LICENSOR the amount, if any, due for the period of such report. If no payments are due, it shall be so reported. Payment due under this Section 5.1 of the Agreement is due within Forty- five (45) days after the conclusion of the period in which the SALE of a LICENSED PRODUCT is completed, and is subject to receipt of payment by COMPANY. 5.2 Amounts payable under this Agreement shall be paid in Euros by bank wire transfer. All payments due under this Agreement shall be sent by bank transfer to the following address and bank codes: Address: Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Meyer S.O.S. Risorse Economiche e Finanziarie Attn.: Simona Paoli ( Bank Routing Codes: Bank: Intesa Sanpaolo IBAN: IT94X0306902887100000046031 SWIFT/BIC: BCITITMM Such payments shall be subject to applicable law and regulations. NET SALES of LICENSED PRODUCTS not denominated in Euro and the royalties payable thereon shall first be determined in the currency in which such LICENSED PRODUCTS were sold and shall then be converted into the equivalent number of Euros at the exchange rate published by The Wall Street Journal Eastern Edition as of each respective June 30 and December 31 5.3 In the event that any payment due hereunder to LICENSOR is not received when due, that payment shall accrue interest beginning on the tenth calendar day following the due date thereof, calculated at the annual rate of the sum of the prime interest rate quoted by The Wall Street Journal Eastern Edition on the date said payment is due plus two percent (2%) interest, the interest being compounded on the last day of each calendar quarter, provided, however, that in no event shall said annual interest rate exceed the maximum legal interest rate for corporations. Each such royalty payment when made shall be accompanied by all interest so accrued. Said interest and the payment and acceptance thereof shall not negate or waive the right of LICENSOR to seek any other remedy, legal or equitable, to which it may be entitled because of the delinquency of any payment. Nothing in this Article 5.3 shall be construed as a waiver by LICENSOR of timely payment to LICENSOR from COMPANY. 5.4 During the term of this Agreement and for five(5) years thereafter, COMPANY shall keep complete, true and correct records of its and its AFFILIATES' SALES and NET SALES of LICENSED PRODUCTS in sufficient detail to enable the royalties payable hereunder to be determined. COMPANY shall permit LICENSOR or Page 6 of 15
its representatives to periodically examine, upon ten (10) days prior written notice, but no more than once per year, its books, ledgers, and records for the purpose of conducting an inspection and audit and to the extent necessary to verify any report required under this Agreement. Such books, ledgers, and records shall be available for inspection, audit, and copying by LICENSOR or LICENSOR’S representative or agent at COMPANY’S principal place of business, during reasonable business hours. LICENSOR or LICENSOR’S representative or agent will be obliged to execute a reasonable confidentiality agreement prior to commencing any such inspection. COMPANY will cooperate with LICENSOR or LICENSOR’S representatives in the performance of their inspection and audit, and COMPANY agrees to cause its accountants and bookkeepers to cooperate fully in the inspection and audit. Such inspection and audit shall be at the sole expense of LICENSOR. 5.5 All amounts due and payable by COMPANY under this Agreement shall be made without deductions for taxes, assessments, fees or other charges of any kind which may be imposed on LICENSOR by any government outside of the United States or any political subdivision of such government with respect to any amounts payable to LICENSOR pursuant to this Agreement. LICENSOR will cooperate with COMPANY in assisting COMPANY to obtain any credit to which COMPANY may be entitled with respect to such payments. ARTICLE 6 DUE DILIGENCE REQUIREMENTS 6.1 COMPANY shall proceed diligently with the development of LICENSED PRODUCTS and shall use its reasonable commercial efforts to bring LICENSED PRODUCTS to market through a thorough, vigorous and diligent commercialization program, which shall include but not be limited to the development, marketing, promotion, distribution and sale of LICENSED PRODUCTS. 6.2 If COMPANY fails to achieve any of the development events set forth in this Article 6, and LICENSOR so notifies COMPANY in writing, COMPANY and LICENSOR will negotiate in good faith to determine how COMPANY can either remedy such failure or achieve alternate development events. If COMPANY fails to make any required efforts, after they are so determined, and does not remedy that failure within sixty (60) days of written notice by LICENSOR, then LICENSOR may, by written notice to COMPANY, terminate this License, at LICENSOR’S sole discretion. 6.3 It is acknowledged by the PARTIES that development can be delayed by unforeseen and unusual consequences neither caused by nor under the control of COMPANY. Should such delays cause COMPANY to fail to complete any development event within the allotted time, the periods allotted may be extended by mutual agreement, following sufficient documentation of such delays by COMPANY. ARTICLE 7 Page 7 of 15
PATENT PROSECUTION 7.1 The LICENSOR agrees to take responsibility, at its discretion, for the preparation, filing, prosecution, and maintenance and enforcement of any and all the PATENT RIGHTS included in the LICENSED PRODUCTS. ARTICLE 8 INDEMNIFICATION, PRODUCT LIABILITY& INSURANCE 8.1 COMPANY will protect, defend, hold harmless and indemnify LICENSOR, and their respective administrators, directors, trustees, officers, managers, employees, agents, and the insurers, successors and assigns of any of the foregoing (collectively, the "Indemnitees") at the expense of COMPANY for and from any and all third party claims, causes of action, court or administrative orders, and liability (including but not limited to product liability and strict liability) for any loss, expense (including reasonable attorney’s fees, court costs, any costs of settlement and other legal expenses), injury, damage, or act solely in conjunction with or arising out of(1) use by COMPANY, its AFFILIATES, their directors, trustees, officers, employees, contractors, subcontractors and agents, of the PATENT RIGHTS in breach of this Agreementor (2) the design, manufacture, distribution or use of LICENSED PRODUCTS in breach of this Agreement. 8.2 COMPANY agrees that the Indemnitees shall have no liability to COMPANY or to any purchasers or users of LICENSED PRODUCTS for any claims, demands, losses, costs, or damages suffered by COMPANY or purchasers or users of LICENSED PRODUCTS, or any other party, which may result from personal injury, death, or property damage related to the manufacture, use or sale of such LICENSED PRODUCTS ("Claims").COMPANY agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Indemnitees from any such Claims, provided that (i) COMPANY is promptly notified of any Claims, (ii) COMPANY has the sole right to control and defend or settle any litigation within the scope of this indemnity, and (iii) all Indemnitees cooperate to the extent necessary in the defense of any Claims. 8.3 COMPANY shall provide LICENSOR with written evidence of such insurance, including the policies and declarations pages, within thirty (30) days of obtaining such insurance. COMPANY shall provide LICENSOR with notice at least fifteen (15) days prior to any cancellation, non-renewal or material change in such insurance, to the extent COMPANY receives advance notice of such matters from its insurer. If COMPANY does not obtain replacement insurance providing comparable coverage within sixty (60) days following the date of such cancellation, non-renewal or materials change, LICENSOR shall have the right to require that COMPANY cease further clinical testing or commercial sales of LICENSED PRODUCTS until such insurance is obtained for such LICENSED PRODUCTS. 8.4 LICENSOR shall be solely responsible for all infringements and resulting claims, demands, expenses, losses, costs, damages or other liabilities suffered by Page 8 of 15
COMPANY on account of the use by COMPANY of the PATENT RIGHTS, and LICENSOR shall defend, indemnify and hold COMPANY harmless from and against all claims, expenses, damages, penalties and other liabilities arising on account of or in association with COMPANY’s use of the PATENT RIGHTS. It is understood that COMPANY is responsible for providing evidence that possible claims involving the LICENSED PRODUCTS are relevant to the PATENT RIGHTS. 8.5 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, the liability of the COMPANY shall be limited to the royalty paid by COMPANY to the LICENSOR in the twelve (12) months preceding the Claims. ARTICLE 9 USE OF NAMES AND CONFIDENTIALITY 9.1 Except as required by law or in the normal course of business identification and description, neither COMPANY nor LICENSOR shall issue any press release or other public statements in connection with this Agreement intended for use in the public media without the express written approval of the other PARTY, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. 9.2. "Confidential Information" shall mean any confidential or proprietary information furnished by one PARTY to this Agreement (the "Disclosing Party") to the other PARTY to this Agreement (the "Receiving Party") in connection with the performance of any obligation under this Agreement, provided that such information is specifically designated as confidential. Such Confidential Information includes, without limitation, tangible materials (such as prototype products), patent applications and materials related to the preparation, prosecution, and maintenance of any Patent Rights, trade secrets, know-how, PATENT RIGHTSs, PATENT RIGHTS disclosures or descriptions, technical data or specifications, testing methods, descriptions of research and development activities, research and development data and results, processes, and procedures. 9.3. Confidential Information that is disclosed in writing shall be marked with a legend indicating its confidential status (such as "Confidential" or "Proprietary"). Confidential Information that is disclosed orally or visually shall be documented in a written notice prepared by the Disclosing Party and delivered to the Receiving Party within thirty (30) days of the date of disclosure; such notice shall summarize the Confidential Information disclosed to the Receiving Party and reference the time and place of disclosure. 9.4. Except as provided below in Sections 9.5, during the Term and thereafter for a period of five (5) years, the Receiving Party shall (i) maintain all Confidential Information in strict confidence, using at least the same degree of care that the Receiving Party uses to protect its own confidential information, except that the Receiving Party may disclose or permit the disclosure of any Confidential Information to its directors, officers, employees, faculty, students, consultants, and advisors who are obligated to Page 9 of 15
maintain the confidential nature of such Confidential Information and who reasonably need to know such Confidential Information for the performance of the Receiving Party's obligations under this Agreement; (ii) use all Confidential Information solely for the performance of the Receiving Party's obligations under this Agreement; and (iii) allow its directors, officers, employees, faculty, students, consultants, and advisors to reproduce the Confidential Information only to the extent reasonably necessary for the performance of the Receiving Party's obligations under this Agreement. All reproductions of Confidential Information made pursuant to this Section 9.4shall be considered as being Confidential Information. 9.5. The obligations of the Receiving Party under Section 9.4 above shall not apply to the extent that the Receiving Party can demonstrate that certain Confidential Information (i) was in the public domain prior to the time of its disclosure under this Agreement; (ii) entered the public domain after the time of its disclosure under this Agreement through means other than an unauthorized disclosure resulting from an act or omission by the Receiving Party; (iii) was independently developed or discovered by the Receiving Party without use of the Confidential Information; (iv) is or was disclosed to the Receiving Party at any time, whether prior to or after the time of its disclosure under this Agreement, by a third party having no fiduciary relationship with the Disclosing Party and having no obligation of confidentiality with respect to such Confidential Information; and/or (v) is required to be disclosed to comply with applicable laws or regulations or with a court or administrative order, provided that the Disclosing Party receives reasonable prior written notice of such disclosure. 9.6. Receiving Party acknowledges that the Disclosing Party (or any third party entrusting its own information to the Disclosing Party) claims ownership of its Confidential Information in the possession of the Receiving Party. Upon the expiration or termination of this Agreement and at the written request of the Disclosing Party, the Receiving Party shall return to the Disclosing Party all originals, copies, and summaries of documents, materials, and other tangible manifestations of Confidential Information in the possession or control of the Receiving Party, except that the Receiving Party may retain one copy of the Confidential Information solely for record purposes. 9.7 COMPANY shall not disclose any Confidential Information to any third party except: (i) in accordance with the exceptions recited in Section 9.4 of this Agreement; and/or (ii) with the prior written consent of LICENSOR shall not disclose any Confidential Information to any third party except: (i) in accordance with the exceptions recited in Section 9.4 of this Agreement or (ii) with the written consent ofCOMPANY. 9.8 Notwithstanding the foregoing, COMPANYacknowledges that pursuant to Italy’s Legislative Decree n. 33 of 14 March 2013 as subsequently amended, AOUMhas the obligation to publish on its website, in a specifically dedicated section and for fifteen (15) consecutive days, the internal measure authorising this Agreement together with a copy of this Agreement. AOUM’s compliance with the above shall not be of prejudice, pursuant to article 5-bis of Italy’s Legislative Decree n. 33 of 14 March 2013, to Page 10 of 15
COMPANY’s legitimate rights to protect its economic and commercial interests. The PARTIES agree to abide by regulations set forth by the above mentioned Legislative Decree as regards the right to civic access and relating obligations concerning transparency and information disclosure. ARTICLE 10 TERM AND TERMINATION 10.1 Unless earlier terminated as hereinafter provided, the “Term” of this Agreement shall mean a period of time commencing on the Effective Date and ending, on a country by country basis, on the date of expiration of the last to expire of PATENT RIGHTS in countries where PATENT RIGHTS exist. Thereafter, the Agreement shall expire automatically and COMPANY shall have a fully paid up, perpetual, royalty-free license without further obligation to LICENSOR. 10.2 Except as otherwise provided by law, this Agreement may be terminated with immediate effect (a) by either PARTY in the event of a material breach of this Agreement by the other PARTY which is not remedied within ninety (90) days from notice of such breach; or (b) by either PARTY, in any of the following events: bankruptcy, insolvency of the other PARTY, or, should any PARTY make an assignment for the benefit of creditors or commit an act of bankruptcy or file or have filed against it a petition in bankruptcy or reorganization proceedings. 10.3 Termination of this Agreement for any reason shall not release either PARTY hereto from any liability, which at the time of such termination has already accrued to the other PARTY. 10.4 Article 2 (representations & warranties), Article 5.4 (maintenance of records), Article 8(Indemnification, Product Liability & Insurance), Article 9(Use of Names & Confidentiality), Article 13(Dispute Resolution) and Article 14.1 (governing law) shall survive the expiration and any termination of this Agreement, in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth thereof. 10.5 Except as otherwise provided in this Article 10, all rights and obligations of the PARTIES under this Agreement shall terminate upon the expiration or termination of this Agreement. ARTICLE 11 GOVERNMENTAL COMPLIANCE 11.1 COMPANY shall at all times during the term of this Agreement and for so long as it shall use the PATENT RIGHTS or sell LICENSED PRODUCTS and/or Licensed Services comply and use commercially reasonable effort to cause its AFFILIATES to comply with all laws that may control the import, export, manufacture, use, sale, marketing, distribution and other commercial exploitation of the PATENT Page 11 of 15
RIGHTS, LICENSED PRODUCTS, Licensed Services or any other activity undertaken pursuant to this Agreement. ARTICLE 12 RIGHTS TO DATA 12.1 Should this Agreement be terminated or cancelled, COMPANY will turn over to LICENSOR any and all data relating to the PATENT RIGHTS, including but not limited to COMPANY’s processes for manufacturing LICENSED PRODUCT and other data. Such transfer of said data from COMPANY to LICENSOR shall occur within thirty (30) days of termination or cancellation of this Agreement. LICENSOR shall have the full ownership rights to this data and shall be able to use it in any way to further develop the PATENT RIGHTS. ARTICLE 13 DISPUTE RESOLUTION 13.1 LICENSOR and COMPANY shall attempt to settle between them amicably any controversy arising out of or related to this Agreement or the breach thereof. A senior executive from each PARTY shall consult and negotiate to reach a solution. The PARTIES agree that the period of amicable resolution shall toll any otherwise applicable statute of limitations. However, nothing in this clause shall preclude any PARTY from commencing mediation if said negotiations do not result in a signed written settlement agreement within thirty (30) days after written notice that these amicable resolution negotiations have commenced. In the event the applicable statute of limitations shall expire prior to the expiration of the thirty (30) day period set forth in this section, either PARTY may commence an action as set forth in Section 13.3 of this Agreement. 13.2. If said controversy cannot be settled according to Section 13.1 above, the PARTIES agree to good faith efforts to settle the controversy by mediation, in accordance with applicable law in Italy. 13.3 If the PARTIES cannot reach agreement pursuant to Section 13.1 or Section 13.2 above then any dispute, controversy, or claim arising out of or relating to this Agreement, or the breach, termination or invalidity thereof, shall be finally settled judicially according to the Italian jurisdiction by the court of Florence, Italy, with total exclusion of any other court, whether general or facultative. ARTICLE 14 GENERAL PROVISIONS 14.1 This Agreement shall be governed by, and construed and interpreted in accordance with, the laws of Italy, without regard to conflicts of laws principles. Page 12 of 15
14.2 The relationship of COMPANY and LICENSOR established by this Agreement is that of independent contractors. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to create any other relationship between COMPANY and LICENSOR. Neither PARTY shall have any right, power or authority to assume, create or incur any expense, liability or obligation, expressed or implied, on behalf of the other. 14.3 This Agreement is binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of LICENSOR, its successors and assigns, and shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of COMPANY and the successor to all or substantially all of its assets or business to which this Agreement relates, but shall not otherwise be assignable or assigned by COMPANY without prior written approval by LICENSOR being first obtained, provided, however, that LICENSOR will not unreasonably withhold its approval if the intended assignee from COMPANY is a COMPANY which is at least as capable of commercializing and exploiting the PATENT RIGHTS as was COMPANY when this Agreement was entered into. 14.4 In the event either PARTY hereto is prevented from or delayed in the performance of any of its obligations hereunder by reason of natural disasters or exceptionally serious events the PARTIES have no reasonable control of, the PARTY so prevented or delayed shall be excused from the performance of any such obligation to the extent and during the period of such prevention or delay. 14.5 Any notice or other communication required by this Agreement shall be made in writing and shall be deemed to have been properly given if delivered in person, or by first class certified mail, or via overnight courier, or by certified e-mail. Any such notice shall be deemed to have been served on the date received by the addressee. If to LICENSOR: If to COMPANY: Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Meyer (omissis) S.O.C. Affari Generali e Sviluppo Via G. Pieraccini, 24 50139 Florence -Italy Attn. Dr Katalin Majer Certified e-mail: 14.6 This Agreement may not be altered, amended or modified in any way except by a written document signed by both PARTIES. The failure of a PARTY to enforce any provision of this Agreement shall not be construed to be a waiver of the right of such PARTY thereafter to enforce that provision or any other provision or right. 14.7 Headings included herein are for convenience only, do not form a part of this Agreement and shall not be used in any way to construe or interpret this Agreement. Page 13 of 15
14.8 If any provision of this Agreement shall be found by a court to be void, invalid or unenforceable, the same shall be reformed to comply with applicable law or stricken if not so conformable. Such holding shall have no effect on the remaining provisions of this Agreement and they shall continue in full force and effect. 14.9 Neither LICENSOR, nor any scientists, researchers, employees, officers, or agents assume any responsibility for the manufacture, product specifications, sale or use of the PATENT RIGHTS or the LICENSED PRODUCTS or Licensed Services which are manufactured by or sold by COMPANY. 14.10 The PARTIES hereto acknowledge that this Agreement sets forth the entire agreement and understanding of the PARTIES hereto as to the subject matter hereof, and supersedes all prior discussions, agreements and writings in respect hereto. 14.11 This Agreement may be executed in two counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but both of which shall constitute one and the same instrument. 14.12 The PARTIES pledge to refrain from engaging in unlawful and corruptive conduct, undertaking not to behave or pursue aims which infringe applicable anti- corruption regulations, specifically Italy’s Law n. 190 of November 6, 2012 and Law n. 69 of May 27, 2015. 14.13 This deed will be registered only in case of use, according to Italy’s applicable law, the applicant being responsible for the necessary arrangements and expenses. Company shall bear the costs of stamp duties for this Agreement, to be included in the first invoice AOUM will send to Company following the execution of this Agreement according to the Effective Date. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the PARTIES hereto have caused their duly authorized representatives to execute this Agreement. AOUM COMPANY By: ________________________ By: ________________________ Name: Dr. Alberto Zanobini Name:Sameer D. Saral Title: ManagingDirector Title:Chief Operating Officer Date: ______________________ Date: ______________________ Page 14 of 15
Exhibit A (omissis) Page 15 of 15
ACCORDO DI LICENZA NON ESCLUSIVA Il presente ACCORDO DI LICENZA (“Accordo”) è stipulato dall’ultima data di sottoscrizione (“Data di Efficacia”) da e tra: Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Meyer con sede legale in Viale Pieraccini 24 Firenze, Italia, rappresentata dal Direttore Generale dr. Alberto Zanobini (di seguito “AOUM” o “LICENZIANTE”), domiciliato per la carica presso la sede dell'Azienda stessa E Labsystems Diagnostics Oy., con sede legale in Tiilitie 3, 01720 Vantaa, Finlandia (di seguito “SOCIETA’” o “LICENZIATARIO”), rappresentata da Sameer D. Saral, Direttore Esecutivo PREMESSO CHE il LICENZIANTE è il proprietario di alcuni DIRITTI DI BREVETTO (omissis); CHE il LICENZIANTE, che agisce in nome proprio, ha la facoltà di stipulare il presente Accordo per la concessione in licenza e la commercializzazione dei predetti DIRITTI DI BREVETTO; e CHE il LICENZIANTE è disposto a concedere una licenza non esclusiva per l’Europa (Licenza UE) nel CAMPO D’USO al LICENZIATARIO secondo i termini, le condizioni, le limitazioni e le restrizioni stabiliti di seguito CHE la SOCIETA’ intende acquisire la licenza non esclusiva e i diritti di commercializzazione dal LICENZIANTE per i suddetti diritti di proprietà intellettuale e per la tecnologia in base ai termini e alle condizioni stabilite di seguito; e CHE la SOCIETA’ ha dichiarato al LICENZIANTE l’impegno di sforzarsi con diligenza ed accuratezza per sviluppare, produrre, fabbricare, commercializzare e vendere i prodotti coperti dai DIRITTI DI BREVETTO. ORA, PERTANTO, in considerazione dei reciproci impegni e delle pattuizioni qui contenuti, della cui adeguatezza si dà qui atto, il LICENZIANTE e la SOCIETA’, avendo l’intenzione di essere legalmente vincolati, qui concordano quanto segue: ARTICOLO 1 DEFINIZIONI 1.1 “LICENZIATARIO” deve indicare Labsystems Diagnostics Oy. e deve includere una società del LICENZIATARIO il cui diritto di voto è direttamente o indirettamente posseduto o controllato per almeno il cinquanta per cento (50%) da Labsystems Diagnostics Oy. 1.2 “DIRITTI DI BREVETTO” devono indicare (omissis); 1/15
1.3 Un “PRODOTTO CONCESSO IN LICENZA” deve indicare qualsiasi prodotto o sua parte che: a. è coperto in tutto o in parte da una rivendicazione di brevetto rilasciata non scaduta o una rivendicazione pendente contenuta nei DIRITTI DI BREVETTO nello Stato in cui tale prodotto o sua parte è realizzato, utilizzato o venduto; oppure b. è fabbricato utilizzando un procedimento o è usato per compiere un procedimento che è coperto in tutto o in parte da una rivendicazione di brevetto rilasciata o non scaduta o una rivendicazione pendente contenuta nei DIRITTI DI BREVETTO nello Stato in cui il PROCEDIMENTO CONCESSO IN LICENZA sia utilizzato o in cui tale prodotto o sua parte siano utilizzati o venduti. Se una rivendicazione di brevetto è oggetto di cessazione oppure è giudicata invalida o inapplicabile da un tribunale di giurisdizione competente, ovvero da un’autorità amministrativa, verso cui nessun appello può essere fatto o viene fatto in uno Stato, allora qualsiasi prodotto o procedimento che ricada esclusivamente sotto tale rivendicazione non deve essere considerato PRODOTTO CONCESSO IN LICENZA o PROCEDIMENTO CONCESSO IN LICENZA in quello Stato ai fini di questo Accordo. 1.4 Un “PROCEDIMENTO CONCESSO IN LICENZA” deve indicare un procedimento che sia coperto in tutto o in parte da una rivendicazione di brevetto rilasciata o non scaduta o una rivendicazione pendente contenuta nei DIRITTI DI BREVETTO. 1.5 “CAMPO” o “CAMPO D’USO” deve indicare (omissis). 1.6 “VENDITA” o “VENDUTO” deve indicare il trasferimento o la cessione di un PRODOTTO CONCESSO IN LICENZA a un soggetto diverso dalla SOCIETA’ o da un AFFILIATO avente un valore sia in forma di pagamenti cash, royalty, commissioni, azioni ovvero ogni altra forma di compensazione. 1.7 “VENDITE NETTE” devono indicare l’ammontare lordo addebitato e/o fatturato dalla SOCIETA’, i suoi clienti AFFILIATI per le VENDITE del PRODOTTO CONCESSO IN LICENZA, al netto delle seguenti deduzioni ragionevoli e di prassi: (a) sconti e riduzioni commerciali, (b) crediti o agevolazioni effettivamente attribuiti a terzi per i PRODOTTI CONCESSI IN LICENZA che siano stati mandati indietro, richiamati, danneggiati o distrutti, (c) vendite e accise e altre tasse pagate dalla SOCIETA’, i propri AFFILIATI, e basate o imposte sul prezzo delle VENDITE del PRODOTTO CONCESSO IN LICENZA e (d) spese di trasporto, confezionamento, spedizione e gestione. 1.8 “AFFILIATO” deve indicare qualsiasi soggetto che controlla, è controllato da o è sotto il controllo comune della SOCIETA’. Ai fini della presente definizione, un soggetto deve essere considerato come soggetto che ha il controllo di un altro soggetto se esso possiede o controlla più del cinquanta per cento (50%) della quota del soggetto avente il diritto di voto per l’elezione dei direttori (o, nel caso di un soggetto che non sia una società, più del cinquanta per cento (50%) del controllo nell’elezione o nella nomina della corrispondente autorità di gestione). 2/15
1.9 “PARTE” deve indicare o la SOCIETA’ o il LICENZIANTE e “le PARTI” indicano la SOCIETA’ e il LICENZIANTE. 1.10 “TERZA PARTE” deve indicare una persona o un soggetto che non è né una PARTE né un AFFILIATO di una PARTE 1.11 “RIVENDICAZIONE DI BREVETTO VALIDA” deve indicare una rivendicazione di un brevetto rilasciato o non scaduto oppure una rivendicazione pendente in una domanda di brevetto pendente nell’ambito dei DIRITTI DI BREVETTO che (i) non sia stata revocata o giudicata inapplicabile da una decisione di un tribunale o altra autorità governativa di giurisdizione competente che è inappellabile o è inappellata nei termini consentiti per l’appello e (ii) non sia stata negata. ARTICOLO 2 DICHIARAZIONI E GARANZIE 2.1 Ciascuna parte dichiara e garantisce all’altra che: (a) essa è legalmente istituita secondo la normativa della propria giurisdizione di costituzione, con pieni poteri e autorità per svolgere le proprie attività così come al momento possedute o concesse in licenza e condotte; (b) essa ha i poteri e l’autorità societaria per stipulare e rendere applicabile questo Accordo e per eseguire tutti i termini e le previsioni qui contenuti e ad essa riferibili; (c) la stipulazione e l’applicazione di questo Accordo sono state debitamente autorizzate dai necessari adempimenti societari; e (d) questo Accordo è stato debitamente stipulato e recapitato e costituisce un obbligo legale, valido e vincolante, applicabile secondo i termini qui contenuti. 2.2 Il LICENZIANTE dichiara e garantisce alla SOCIETA’ che: (a) il LICENZIANTE non ha precedentemente concesso e non concederà alcun diritto sulla base dei DIRITTI DI BREVETTO che siano in contrasto con i diritti e le licenze qui attribuiti alla SOCIETA’. Fermo restando quanto sopra, il LICENZIANTE può, a propria discrezione, concedere licenze non esclusive relative ai DIRITTI DI BREVETTO a TERZE PARTI; (b) per quanto di sua conoscenza, a partire dalla Data di Efficacia, senza previa ricerca, non ci sono rivendicazioni di TERZE PARTI che metterebbero in discussione i diritti del LICENZIANTE a concedere alla SOCIETA’ i diritti e le licenze qui contemplati; e (c) il LICENZIANTE ha ricevuto e attualmente detiene cessioni valide ed efficaci dei diritti dell’Inventore riguardo ai DIRITTI DI BREVETTO. 2.3 SALVO QUANTO PREVISTO NEL PRESENTE ARTICOLO 2, NESSUNA PARTE DA’ GARANZIE O PONE CONDIZIONI (ESPRESSE, IMPLICITE, DI LEGGE, O ALTRO) CON RIGUARDO ALL’OGGETTO DI CUI AL PRESENTE ACCORDO. 2.4 SALVO QUANTO DIVERSAMENTE STABILITO IN MODO ESPLICITO, IL LICENZIANTE E I RISPETTIVI INVENTORI E AFFERENTI NON FANNO ALCUNA DICHIARAZIONE E NON OFFRONO ALCUNA GARANZIA DI ALCUN TIPO, SIA EPRESSA 3/15
SIA IMPLICITA, INCLUSE, MA NON LIMITATE A, GARANZIE DI COMMERCIABILITA’, ADEGUATEZZA PER UNO SCOPO SPECIFICO, VALIDITA’ DEI DIRITTI DI BREVETTO, SIA RILASCIATI SIA PENDENTI, E L’ASSENZA DI DIFETTI LATENTI O ALTRI DIFETTI, INDIPENDENTEMENTE DAL FATTO CHE SIANO INDIVIDUABILI. IN NESSUN CASO IL LICENZIANTE E I SUOI INVENTORI E AFFERENTI SONO RESPONSABILI PER DANNI INCIDENTALI O CONSEQUENZIALI DI QUALSIASI TIPO, INCLUSI DANNI ECONOMICI O DANNI ALLA PROPRIETA’ O MANCATI PROFITTI, INDIPENDENTEMENTE DAL FATTO CHE IL LICENZIANTE DEBBA ESSERNE INFORMATO, DEBBA AVERE ALTRE RAGIONI PER ESSERNE A CONOSCENZA, O DI FATTO DEBBA ESSERNE A CONOSCENZA QUANTO ALL’EVENTUALITA’. ARTICOLO 3 CONCESSIONE DEI DIRITTI DI LICENZA 3.1 Nel rispetto dei termini e delle condizioni di questo Accordo, il LICENZIANTE qui concede alla SOCIETA’ una licenza non esclusiva, con royalty relativa ai DIRITTI DI BREVETTO UE nel CAMPO (di seguito “Licenza UE”), incluso il diritto di sviluppare, utilizzare, commercializzare, distribuire, produrre, aver prodotto, vendere, aver venduto, offrire di vendere, importare ed esportare i PRODOTTI CONCESSI IN LICENZA. 3.2 La SOCIETA’ deve avere il diritto di estendere questa Licenza a qualsiasi AFFILIATO a condizione che l’AFFILIATO acconsenta ad essere vincolato al presente Accordo nella stessa misura della SOCIETA’ e che la SOCIETA’ fornisca al LICENZIANTE una copia di tale previo consenso scritto entro trenta (30) giorni dal suddetto previo consenso scritto, fermo restando che la Società mantenga il controllo dei propri AFFILIATI, come stabilito nell’art. 1.8. Qualora la Società perda il controllo di detti AFFILIATI, il LICENZIANTE deve avere il diritto di rinegoziare il presente Accordo con l’assegnatario. 3.3 Il LICENZIANTE si riserva il diritto di utilizzare, sfruttare ed esercitare i DIRITTI DI BREVETTO per scopi esclusivamente formativi e di ricerca accademica e di concedere diritti non esclusivi ad altre parti, istituzioni accademiche o agli Inventori per utilizzare, sfruttare e/o esercitare i DIRITTI DI BREVETTO per finalità esclusivamente formative e di ricerca accademica. 3.4 AOUM, e le istituzioni sanitarie non-profit affiliate all’AOUM, devono avere il diritto di utilizzare gratuitamente qualsiasi prodotto o procedimento sviluppato dal LICENZIATARIO che contenga, o sia basato su, i DIRITTI DI BREVETTO e/o i PRODOTTI CONCESSI IN LICENZA, per scopi di ricerca, di cura dei pazienti, formativi, accademici o amministrativi. ARTICOLO 4 ROYALTIES In considerazione dei diritti di licenza concessi dal LICENZIANTE alla SOCIETA’ ai sensi del presente Accordo, la SOCIETA’ effettuerà i seguenti pagamenti a favore del LICENZIANTE: 4.1 (omissis) 4/15
4.2 Il LICENZIATARIO deve pagare al LICENZIANTE le royalties per unità prodotta sulle VENDITE NETTE del PRODOTTO CONCESSO IN LICENZA nei termini che seguono: (a) negli Stati dove i DIRITTI DI BREVETTO UE sono in essere, e i brevetti sono concessi e in vigore: una royalty pari a (omissis) fatte dalla SOCIETA’ e dagli AFFILIATI per ciascun PRODOTTO CONCESSO IN LICENZA per la parte restante della vita di ciascun brevetto; (b) nel caso un PRODOTTO CONCESSO IN LICENZA sia venduto con pagamento diverso dal contante, la royalty che deve essere pagata sarà basata sul prezzo delle VENDITE NETTE di un PRODOTTO CONCESSO IN LICENZA comparabile. (c) la SOCIETA’ accetta che i tassi di royalty pagati dai propri AFFILIATI non devono essere in nessun caso inferiori alla percentuale del tasso della royalty pagata ai sensi del presente Accordo dalla SOCIETA’ al LICENZIANTE sulle VENDITE NETTE dei PRODOTTI CONCESSI IN LICENZA. ARTICOLO 5 PAGAMENTI, ARCHIVIAZIONE E RESOCONTI 5.1 A partire dal 2021, la SOCIETA’ deve consegnare al LICENZIANTE un resoconto veritiero ed accurato, fornendo i dettagli delle attività commerciali condotte dalla SOCIETA’ e dai suoi AFFILIATI, su base nazionale, nel periodo dei sei (6) mesi precedenti il 30 giugno e il 31 dicembre, coerentemente con un conto dei pagamenti di cui sotto. Tali resoconti devono essere dovuti al LICENZIANTE il 31 luglio e il 31 gennaio di ciascun anno e devono includere almeno: (a) una descrizione e una relazione contabile dettagliate di tutti gli sforzi di sviluppo preclinico, di sviluppo clinico, di commercializzazione e di sviluppo commerciale fatti dalla SOCIETA’ per sviluppare commercialmente i PRODOTTI CONCESSI IN LICENZA che contengano tutti i dettagli che possano essere necessari per dimostrare le somme pagabili al LICENZIANTE. Detti registri contabili devono essere conservati presso la sede principale della SOCIETA’; (b) le quantità prodotte del PRODOTTO CONCESSO IN LICENZA; (c) le VENDITE totali e le VENDITE NETTE del PRODOTTO CONCESSO IN LICENZA; (d) un elenco dettagliato di tutte le deduzioni consentite dalla somma totale delle VENDITE NETTE dei PRODOTTI CONCESSI IN LICENZA; (f) la relativa quantificazione delle royalty; (g) le royalty totali conseguentemente calcolate e dovute al LICENZIANTE. Contemporaneamente alla consegna di ciascun resoconto, la SOCIETA’ deve pagare al LICENZIANTE la somma, se dovuta, relativa al periodo di tale resoconto. Se non è dovuto alcun pagamento, deve così essere riportato. I pagamenti dovuti ai sensi di questo articolo 5.1 dell’Accordo devono essere effettuati entro quarantacinque (45) giorni dalla fine del periodo in cui la VENDITA di un PRODOTTO CONCESSO IN LICENZA è completata, ed è soggetta ad incasso da parte della SOCIETA’. 5/15
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