Il Forum dei Giovani Ricercatori: edizione 2018 - Giornale SIGENP

Pagina creata da Mirko Costantini
Il Forum dei Giovani Ricercatori: edizione 2018 - Giornale SIGENP
A CURA DI Mariella Baldassarre, Laura Stronati, Salvatore Cucchiara

Il Forum dei Giovani Ricercatori:
edizione 2018
Ancora una volta ci siamo ritrovati a Roma, nella                     I lavori a piccoli gruppi, suddivisi per aree tematiche
bellissima cornice della residenza “La Borghesiana”                   (gastroenterologia, epatologia, gastroenterologia
nei giorni 16-18 marzo, per il “Forum dei Giovani                     neonatale) sono stati coordinati dai tutors (Mariella
Ricercatori”, insieme a 20 giovani tra specializzandi e               Baldassarre, Antonio Di Mauro, Antonella Diamanti,
studenti all’ultimo anno del corso di studi in medicina,              Giusi Ranucci, Francesco Cirillo, Salvatore Oliva e
provenienti da tutt’Italia. Il Forum è un’iniziativa unica            Marina Aloi), ed hanno rappresentato momenti di
in Italia ed è organizzata dalla Società di                           esercitazione pratica interattiva, volta alla
Gastroenterologia, Epatologia e Nutrizione Pediatrica                 simulazione di una ricerca bibliografica, della
(SIGENP), con l’obiettivo formativo di approccio in                   richiesta di un grant, o della realizzazione di un
modo completo alla metodologia della ricerca, a                       protocollo di studio. Tutti i giovani hanno presentato
partire dalla capacità di analisi critica della                       il proprio abstract nell’ambito di ciascun gruppo
letteratura, sino ad arrivare a scrivere un lavoro                    tematico: è stato poi selezionato in ogni gruppo un
scientifico vero e proprio, passando per la                            abstract per la sessione plenaria dell’ultimo giorno
conoscenza dei metodi statistici. Il programma è                      (questi contributi sono pubblicati su questo numero
stato densissimo ed ha offerto quest’anno delle                       del Giornale). Tra questi il migliore in assoluto è stato
novità importanti, quali il confronto con biologi                     considerato quello di Danila Volpe (Roma). Tale
molecolari e gastroenterologi dell’adulto.                            iniziativa    da     diversi    anni     è   supportata
Le lezioni frontali sono state tenute da Salvatore                    finanziariamente dalla DICOFARM, azienda da sempre
Cucchiara (Roma, Le qualità di un giovane                             molto vicina alla SIGENP, che continua ad investire
ricercatore), Domenico Alvaro (Roma, Come                             nella formazione dei giovani, alla quale va un enorme
impostare un progetto di ricerca), Claudia Carissimi                  “GRAZIE”. L’atmosfera creatasi nei due giorni vissuti
(Roma, Come integrare le tecniche “omiche” nella                      insieme ha regalato ad ognuno la sensazione di far
ricerca biomedica), V. Fulci (Roma, Bioinformatica:                   parte di una “squadra”. Ai momenti di studio ed
applicazioni nella ricerca medica), A. Spagnoli (Roma,                ascolto si sono alternati momenti di autentico
Studi osservazionali e studi sperimentali), Cesare                    divertimento, che hanno contribuito a realizzare un
Hassan (Roma, Effettuare e interpretare una meta-                     clima di festa.
analisi), Marina Aloi (Roma, Organizzare e pianificare                 Ulteriore novità di quest’anno è stata la
un trial clinico), Costantino De Giacomo (Milano,                     videoregistrazione delle lezioni frontali (grazie alla
Scrivere un abstract e presentare una comunicazione                   collaborazione di Domenico Posa), che saranno a
orale), Salvatore Oliva (Roma, Come scrivere un                       breve a disposizione sul sito della SIGENP
articolo scientifico), Carlo Agostoni (Milano, Applicare               (, nell’ottica di condividere la
per un grant), Mariella Baldassarre ed Antonio Di                     conoscenza e la cultura con tutti coloro che non
Mauro (Bari, Effettuare una ricerca bibliografica sui                  hanno potuto prendere parte ad una iniziativa così
più comuni motori di ricerca), Laura Stronati (Roma,                  bella.
Ricerca traslazionale), Giuseppe Maggiore (Pisa,
                                                                      Mariella Baldassarre, Laura Stronati, Salvatore
Ricerca clinica), Vincenzo Cesi (Roma, Come
brevettare un’idea).

                                                                                  GIORN GASTR EPATOL NUTR PED 2018;X:2      91

LONG-TERM MAINTENANCE THERAPY WITH THE                   the dose every 24 weeks up to a minimum of 0.25
LOWEST   EFFECTIVE DOSE   OF   VISCOUS                   mg/day and 0.125mg/day (single evening
BUDESONIDE IN PEDIATRIC EOSINOPHILIC                     administration). Endoscopy was performed at
ESOPHAGITIS                                              0,12,36,60 and 84 weeks. In case of symptomatic
                                                         and/or histological flare-up, patients received a
D. Volpe, S. Oliva, S. Cucchiara
                                                         step-up therapy with the previous effective dose.
UOC di gastroenterologia, epatologia e endoscopia        Clinical symptom score (CSS) (Gupta SK, Clin
digestiva     pediatrica,   Azienda     Ospedaliero      Gastroenterol Hepatol 2015;13:66-76), endoscopy
Universitaria Policlinico Umberto I, Roma                (EoE Endoscopic Reference Score, EREFS, modified;
                                                         Gut 2013;62:489-95) and histology (count of
Background and aims: Oral viscous budesonide             eosinophils/hpf at all esophageal levels) were
(OVB) is efficacious in inducing and maintaining          evaluated. Serum cortisol was evaluated at baseline,
clinical/histological    remission     in    pediatric   12,36,60 and 84 weeks.
Eosinophilic Esophagitis (EoE). However, it has not      Results: We enrolled 26 children (16 male, 10 female;
been established whether lowest effective dose           median age 11 years, range 5-17). After 12 weeks of
might be identified, and whether treatment can be         induction therapy with OVB, 23 patients (88%) were
interrupted once patients have achieved remission        in clinical, endoscopic and histological remission.
after a history of frequent relapses. This study aims    During the progressive halving therapy, remission
to identify the lowest effective dose of OVB by          was still observed in 21 (81%), 17 (65%) at 36 and 60
progressive halving dosage and to evaluate its           weeks, respectively. At the final 84-week
efficacy on clinical, endoscopic and histological         assessment, 14 patients (54%) maintained remission
remission.                                               by the lowest evening dose (0.25 and 0.125 mg/day).
Methods: We prospectively enrolled active pediatric      No significant difference in cortisol levels was
EoE patients (diagnosed according to the ESPGHAN         observed during the study period. Only one oral
criteria, J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 2014;58:107-      candidiasis was recorded.
18) with an history of early relapse following topical   Conclusions: This first pediatric study on long-term
steroids withdrawal (
                                                                          Il Forum dei Giovani Ricercatori: edizione 2018

NUTRITIONAL STATUS IN NEWLY DIAGNOSED                      circumpherences (63.5 cm vs 67.5 cm, p=0.05) when
INFLAMMATORY BOWEL DISEASE CHILDREN: A                     compared to healthy patients. The mean daily caloric
PROSPECTIVE, COMPARISON, SINGLE CENTRE                     intake was not significantly different between IBD
STUDY                                                      and healthy patients (1696.7 vs 1692.6 Kcal; p=0.9),
                                                           although IBD children showed a significant
M. Martinelli, E. Scarpato, C. Strisciuglio, M.R. Serra,
                                                           decreased fibers intake respect to the controls (16.2
E. Miele, A. Staiano
                                                           vs 24.3 g, p=0.03). When compared to the controls,
Department of Translational Medical Sciences,              IBD children had significantly lower calcium (9.2 vs
Section of Paediatrics, University “Federico II” of        9.6 g/dl, p=0.001), clorum (103 vs 106 ug/dl,
Naples                                                     p=0.001) and iron blood levels (34.8 vs 89.9 mg/dl,
                                                           p=0.0001). In addition, children with IBD showed a
Objectives and Study: The aims of this study were to       higher incidence of vitamin A [20/46 (43.4%) vs 6/43
characterize the incidence of malnutrition and             (13.9%), p=0.002] and folate [14/46 (30.4%) vs 4/43
micronutrients´ deficiencies in newly diagnosed IBD         (9.3%), p=0.01] deficiencies. Vitamin D mean values
children and to compare with a group of healthy            were decreased in both IBD and healthy patients and
controls.                                                  were not significantly different (20.2 vs 24.2 ng/ml,
Method: We prospectively enrolled newly diagnosed          p=0.1). In details, 7 out of 46 (15.2%) IBD children
IBD children coming to our referral center between         showed a vitamin D deficiency (< 10 ng/ml)
September 2015 and October 2017. A group of                compared with 4 out of 43 controls (93%) (p=0.5),
healthy children referred to our primary care center       while 29/46 (63%) IBD children had vitamin D
for routine well-child visits was also recruited.          insufficiency (30 ng/ml) (p=0.8).
circumpherences were evaluated at the enrollment.          Conclusion: Our results suggest that IBD children at
In addition, a qualitative and quantitative                diagnosis are at higher risk of malnutrition and may
assessment of nutritional intake was performed             present micronutrients deficiencies. We identified a
through the administration of a validated food             high percentage of vitamin D insufficiency and
frequency questionnaire. Finally, the enrolled             deficiency in both IBD and healthy controls,
patients underwent the following blood panel: full         suggesting that a revision of the current cut-offs
blood count, ferritin, inflammatory indexes [C-            should be envisaged.
reactive protein, erythrocyte sedimentation rate],
albumin and other organ function markers, vitamins
(A, B12, D, E and folate) and minerals (calcium,
                                                           HEPATITIS E IN ITALY: A SILENT PRESENCE
copper, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, iron, sodium,
potassium, clorum). For the IBD group data                 M.G. Clemente1, P. Castiglia2, R. Antonucci1, K.B.
regarding demographic characteristics, disease             Schwarz3
localization according to Paris classification, disease     1
                                                             Pediatric Clinic, Department of Surgical,
activity indexes and ongoing therapy were also             Microsurgical and Medical Sciences, University of
collected.                                                 Sassari Medical School, Sassari, Italy
Results: Forty-six children affected by IBD [(CD:24        2
                                                             Department of Biomedical Sciences – Hygiene and
(52.1%), UC:22 (47.9%); median age: 12.8 yrs; range        Preventive Medicine Unit, University-AOU of Sassari,
2-17.6; M/F: 26/20)] and 43 healthy controls [median       Sassari, Italy
age: 11.1 yrs; range 4.7-17; M/F: 21/22)] were             3
                                                             Pediatric Liver Center, Johns Hopkins University
consecutively enrolled. IBD children showed                School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA
significantly decreased mean values of BMI [17.5
versus (vs) 19.6 kg/m2, p=0.008], biceps (5.9 vs 7.3       Background: Hepatitis E virus (HEV) was discovered
mm, p=0.02), subscapular (8.4 vs 11.5 mm, p=0.001)         in the 1980s and has been considered as being
and iliac crest skinfolds (6.6 vs 8.2 mm, p=0.03),         confined to developing countries. To date, HEV
wrist (14.8 cm vs 15.7 cm, p=0.01) and waist               represents the leading cause of enteric viral hepatitis

                                                                      GIORN GASTR EPATOL NUTR PED 2018;X:2           93

infection worldwide. Previously defined as an             Results: 176 publications were initially identified by
imported asymptomatic and self-limiting disease in       title and abstract and 27 articles were included in the
high-income countries, hepatitis E has been              final data analysis. A total of 21.882 individuals have
associated with a broad spectrum of subclinical and      been tested for anti-HEV immunoglobulin (Ig) G
clinical manifestations with hepatic and extra-          and/or anti-HEV IgM, representing only 0,036% of the
hepatic sequelae; ranging from mildly acute liver        current Italian population. All sera samples were
impairment to chronic liver disease in                   collected from 1978 to 2015 and provided
immunosuppressed individuals. Moreover, HEV              information regarding 13 different regional areas:
infection has been peculiarly associated with a high     Abruzzi, Apulia, Calabria, Latium, Lombard, Marche,
mortality and morbidity rate during pregnancy, due       Molise, Piedmont, Sardinia, Sicily, Republic of San
to acute liver failure and obstetric complications.      Marino, Tuscany and Veneto. Food-borne zoonosis
Globally, the reported prevalence rate among             appears to be the major source of infection and it is
developed countries varied from 4% in New Zealand        linked to genotype 3. Over three decades, the HEV
to 52.5% in the Midi-Pyrenees, southwest France,         seroprevalence varied from 0.12% to 49% among
with an average of 18,12%. Despite that                  blood donors, with the highest rates being reported
autochthonous infections have been increasingly          from the central region of Italy. However, a great
reported in industrialized countries (Europe), HEV       geographical variability was observed among the
remains an underestimated emerging pathogen in           Italian regions with an average prevalence of 10,25%
Italy. The purpose of this critical review was to        in this cohort. The seroprevalence rates found in the
collect country specific data on the HEV                  paediatric and the pregnant women cohort was 0.4%
epidemiology in order to: (I) determine the reported     and 3.4% respectively. The Bayesian analysis of the
HEV seroprevalence rates in Italy, (II) describe the     reported seroprevalence rates, among Italian
epidemiological trend and regional variability; (III)    regions, has shown that the screening methodology
identify emerging predisposing factors and potential     was adequate in term of sensitivity and specificity
sources of infection (IV) determine high-risk groups;    only in two studies. Thus, the estimated HEV
(V) describe concordance among serological               prevalence in Abruzzi, Calabria and Lombardy
immunoassay and (VI) outline feasible preventive         reflects the real spreading of infection.
strategies.                                              Conclusion: To the best of our knowledge, the
Methods The critical review was made through a           current article represents the first critical review of
literature research from PubMed, Scopus, Embase          HEV IgG seroprevalence in Italy. Although a
and Cochrane database, using the keywords                phylogenetic and evolutionary analysis has stated
“hepatitis E in Italy” and “hepatitis E seroprevalence   that HEV might have been present in the Italian
in Italy”. Original studies published from January       territory since the early 90s, nowadays it is still a
1994 to date, which included at least 50 samples in      silent and understudied entity. At present, HEV is
the cohort, have been included. No age restriction       undoubtedly endemic in Italy. However, areas of
was observed and all studies were written in the         uncertainty remain due to the lack of genotype-
English or Italian language. Moreover, data were         specific immunosorbent assays and their variability
stratified by study period, geographical region;          in terms of sensibility and specificity. Currently,
enzyme immunoassays (EIA) and cohort type                major gaps remain both in paediatrics/adolescents
(general population, blood donors, pregnant women,       and pregnant women cohort. These limitations
paediatric/adolescent population, at-risk population     empathize the necessity of a comparably standard
and immigrants. The statistical analyses of the          seroprevalence study at a national level, in order to
reported regional seroprevalence have been done.         improve estimation of the real prevalence of
The screening method was used to adjust the              Hepatitis E, to monitor HEV strains circulating in the
prevalence value according to the sensitivity and        territory and to create an interventional plan directed
specificity of the essay. Only estimated                  at a regional level.
seroprevalence rates with a lower positive value for
confidence intervals (C.I.) at 95% have been
considerate statistically significant.

                                                                      Il Forum dei Giovani Ricercatori: edizione 2018

STUDY OF INTESTINAL PERMEABILITY IN EX-                 history of IUGR, persistent height and weight growth
PREMATURE CHILDREN WITH HISTORY OF                      delay, no history of congenital, metabolic,
INTRAUTERINE GROWTH RESTRICTION AND                     gastrointestinal, neurologic, cardiac or surgical
PERSISTENT HEIGHT AND WEIGHT GROWTH DELAY               diseases. All children performed Lactulose/Mannitol
                                                        (L/M) ratio test to assess IP.
G. Margiotta, C. Russo, S. Filoni, S. Persichilli, J.
                                                        Results: We enrolled 12 patients (6 males, age range
Gervasoni, F. Scaldaferri, A. Gasbarrini, V. Giorgio
                                                        4-8 years), and 10 healthy patients
UOC Pediatria, Fondazione Policlinico Universitario     (6 males, age range 8-10 years) for comparison
A. Gemelli, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore,       purposes. IP was significantly increased in cases
Roma                                                    compared       to    controls   (0.0945±0.063     vs
                                                        0.0158±0.006, p 0,003) in 100% of patients compared to 5% of
an important marker for intestinal barrier integrity.   healthy subjects.
Some recent studies showed that prematurity, even       Conclusions: IP is increased in ex-premature
more when associated with inrtrauterine growth          children with a history of IUGR, suggesting a role in
restriction (IUGR), can lead to alterations of IP. No   the persistent growth delay. Further studies on
study exists in humans. We aimed to perform a pilot     larger series are needed to clarify IP role in the
study to assess IP in a pediatric population with       pathogenesis of persistent growth restriction.
persistent growth retardation and a history of
preterm birth and IUGR.
Material and methods: We reviewed 1360 clinical
charts of neonates born prematurely between
January 2009 and March 2012. We selected children
small for gestational age (SGA), with a documented

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