Energie rinnovabili Renewable energy - Soluzioni di tenuta

Pagina creata da Christian D'Angelo
Energie rinnovabili Renewable energy - Soluzioni di tenuta
Soluzioni di tenuta
                                                      Seals solutions

           Energie rinnovabili
                Renewable energy
Anelli di tenuta per alberi rotanti - V-Rings - Profili in gomma
           Rotary shaft seals - V-Rings - Rubber parts
Energie rinnovabili Renewable energy - Soluzioni di tenuta
Energie rinnovabili Renewable energy - Soluzioni di tenuta
Energie rinnovabili								2
Renewable energy					 			3
Impianti eolici - wind power plants						4
Impianti idroelettrici - hydropower plants				               6
Guarnizioni per movimenti rotanti - Rotary shaft seals 		    8
Anelli V-rings per tenuta frontale - Axial Seals 			         9
Profili in gomma - Rubber profiles 						10
Guarnizioni per tenute stelo - Rod seals 				                11
Guarnizioni per tenute pistone - Piston seals
Altri profili - Other profiles
Anelli di tenuta per alberi rotanti - Rotary shaft seals 		  12
Anelli V-rings per tenuta frontale - Axial seals		        		 13
Tenute stelo - Rod seals 			                   				          14
Tenute pistone - Piston seals 						                         15
Profili di tenuta per il settore idroelettrico 				          16
Sealing profiles for hydropower plants
Profili di tenuta per paratoie							17
Sealing profiles for sluice gates
Materiali - Materials 								18
Rivestimento speciale - Special coating 				                 19

Energie rinnovabili Renewable energy - Soluzioni di tenuta
Energie rinnovabili

         La sempre maggiore richiesta di consumo di energia             •    Il sole
         elettrica è un tema ormai divenuto problematico a              •    L’acqua (che comprende le maree, il moto
         livello mondiale sia nei paesi industrializzati, per i quali        ondoso e Le correnti marine)
         la domanda ha superato la capacità di produzione di            •    Il vento
         energia, sia nel resto del mondo, per scarsità di risorse.     •    Le biomasse, i biogas, i biodiesel
                                                                        •    La geotermia
         Negli ultimi anni, la ricerca di maggiori risorse quali
         petrolio, carbone, gas, ecc.. è cresciuta di pari passo        Le energie rinnovabili assumono sempre maggiore
         con lo studio di nuove fonti energetiche di minore             importanza all’interno delle economie moderne, al
         impatto ambientale come ad esempio vento, sole ed              punto che i governi mondiali si stanno adoperando
         acqua.                                                         per sfruttare al meglio queste preziose risorse, nel
                                                                        rispetto dell’ambiente.
         Conseguenze come l’effetto serra, i cambiamenti
         climatici, l’inquinamento di suolo e acqua, causati            La ricerca e lo sviluppo di impianti ottimizzati per la
         dalla produzione indiscriminata di energia e fino a            produzione di energia da fonti rinnovabili e a basso
         qualche anno fa sottovalutati, mostrano ogni giorno            costo di esercizio sono di fondamentale importanza
         i loro nefasti effetti riferiti a gravi disastri ambientali    per contrastare la produzione derivata da fonti
         ed incalcolabili danni all’essere umano. Ecco perché           tradizionali.
         appare sempre più auspicabile ricorrere a fonti di
         energia rinnovabile.                                           L’efficienza e la durata degli impianti dipendono
                                                                        principalmente dalla progettazione e dai
         Attraverso le fonti rinnovabili ed un uso razionale            comportamenti delle parti meccaniche nel corso
         dell’energia, è possibile ridare equilibrio all’ambiente       del tempo. Per ottenere migliori performance è
         e promuovere uno sviluppo economico all’insegna                essenziale che anche i dispositivi di tenuta lavorino in
         dell’ecosostenibilità.                                         modo adeguato.

         Si definiscono rinnovabili quelle fonti energetiche che,       La Manifattura Guarnizioni Colombo è a fianco dei
         a differenza dei combustibili fossili, si rigenerano           progettisti e dei manutentori proprio per garantire
         almeno alla stessa velocità con cui si utilizzano e            la fornitura di guarnizioni di qualità, sia in termini di
         quindi non sono destinate ad esaurirsi.                        materiali che di prestazione.

         Esse sono quelle energie che permettono un minore              Nell’ambito delle Energie Rinnovabili i settori
         impatto sull’ambiente ed uno sviluppo sostenibile              industriali dove la Manifattura Guarnizioni Colombo
         della vita sul pianeta.                                        è presente con una propria gamma di articoli sono:

         Le principali Fonti Energetiche Rinnovabili oggi               •    Impianti Eolici
         identificate sono:                                             •    Centrali idro-elettriche

Energie rinnovabili Renewable energy - Soluzioni di tenuta
Renewable energy

    Today the attention of most countries all over the world     The main Renewable Sources identified and studied today are :
    is being turned to the issue of the increasing electric
    power production and consumption : in developed              •    Solar energy
    countries, due to the fact that the actual demand has        •    Sea water, tides, wave motion, marine current motion
    overcome the real production capability and supply, and      •    Wind energy
    in developing countries for the limited resources.           •    Biomasses, Biogas, Biofuel;
                                                                 •    Geothermal science
    Over the last years the research in new resources, such as
    petrol, coal, gas, etc. has been carried out together with   Renewable energies are more and more important in
    the study of new low impact energy sources, such as          all modern economies all over the world. In fact, the
    wind energy, solar energy and water power for example.       international governments are trying to obtain and take
                                                                 advantage of the access to these valuable resources by
    Severe problems such as greenhouse gases, climate            respecting the surrounding environment.
    changes, ground and water pollution, posed by an
    indiscriminate energy production were considered             The research and development of optimised plants
    remote possibilities in the past, but now these              granting a low operating and maintenance cost are
    phenomena show day by day their tragic effects through       very important for bearing comparison with traditional
    environmental disasters and incalculable damages for         energy sources.
    humans. This is the reason why the use of renewable
    energy is considered so useful and important.                The efficiency and the durability of the plants depend
                                                                 mainly on the project and the performance of all
    Renewable sources, together with a more conscious            mechanical parts over the years. All the sealing devices
    energy consumption concept, are the key factors which        should operate adequately in order to obtain better
    will allow to restore a natural balance to the surrounding   services from the plants.
    environment and to find the right direction towards a
    sustainable development.                                     The company Manifattura Guarnizioni Colombo
                                                                 supports step by step engineers and maintenance
    Renewable sources, differently from fossil and petrol        men by supplying high quality seals, both in terms of
    derived fuels, are considered unlimited because they         materials and performance.
    naturally regenerate and replenish after use, so they are
    not deemed to deplete.                                       The company Manifattura Guarnizioni Colombo supplies
                                                                 gaskets for the Renewable Energy field, especially for :
    They promote a human sustainable development with a
    low impact for the natural environment.                      •    Wind power plants
                                                                 •    Hydro power plants

Energie rinnovabili Renewable energy - Soluzioni di tenuta
Impianti eolici - Wind power plants

         ll vento rappresenta una fonte di energia pulita               Wind power is a clean and renewable energy source
         e rinnovabile che può rivelarsi, a breve termine,              which could turn out to be competitive on a short term,
         concorrenziale rispetto alle fonti tradizionali.               if compared with traditional sources.

         Essa è facilmente trasformabile in energia elettrica,          In fact, it can be easily converted into electric power, by
         sfruttando lo stesso principio di funzionamento dei            following the same macchanisms guiding operations of
         vecchi mulini a vento.                                         old windmills.

         La realizzazione di impianti eolici è in continua              The construction of wind power plants is constantly
         crescita in tutto il mondo e lo sviluppo tecnologico           increasing all over the world and the technological
         del settore è legato principalmente all’aumento della          development in the field is linked with a longer operating
         durata e dell’ affidabilità delle turbine eoliche.             life and to the reliability of the turbines.

         La ricerca e l’introduzione di nuovi materiali                 The research and the introduction of new high
         performanti permette alle parti meccaniche soggette            performance materials allow all the mechanical
         ad usura di resistere a condizioni climatiche estreme          parts subject to wear effects to bear extreme weather
         sia sulla terraferma che in mare.                              conditions both inshore and offshore.

         Nell’ottica dell’analisi e della ricerca di nuove soluzioni,   In view of the analysis and research in new sealing solutions, a
         un’azienda del settore deve percepire le tendenze e            company operating in the field should be aware of the latest
         collaborare con i progettisti.                                 tendencies and cooperate with the engineers.

         La Manifattura Guarnizioni Colombo produce da                  The company Manifattura Guarnizioni Colombo
         anni articoli destinati ad applicazioni nel settore            has produced for years items aimed at the application
         eolico. La criticità dei materiali e la peculiarità            in the wind power field. The peculiarity of the
         delle lavorazioni impongono rigorose selezioni di              materials and of the processing operations leads to
         guarnizioni destinate alle applicazioni più gravose.           a meticulous selection of the gaskets to be used for
                                                                        heavy duty applications.
         L’ azienda dispone di un ufficio tecnico di lunga
         esperienza, in grado di analizzare soluzioni che               Our technical department, thanks to a long experience
         soddisfino le esigenze degli uffici di progettazione e         gathered over the years, is in the position to analyse solutions
         dei reparti di montaggio e manutenzione.                       for projecting, assembly and maintenance problems.

         Si realizzano guarnizioni di tenuta a protezione dei           The seals produced for this field are used for protecting
         seguenti dispositivi:                                          the following devices :

         •    cuscinetto dell’albero principale                         •     main shaft bearings
         •    cuscinetti dei rotori delle pale                          •     rotor bearings
         •    riduttore principale                                      •     main gearboxes
         •    ralle di rotazione                                        •     slewing rings
         •    cilindri oleodinamici di asservimento                     •     pitch cylinders

         La produzione comprende:                                       our range includes :

         •    anelli di tenuta per alberi rotanti                       •     rotary shaft seals
         •    v-rings                                                   •     v-rings
         •    soluzioni composte in ptfe                                •     composite seals in PTFE
         •    o-rings e back-up rings                                   •     o-rings and back-up rings
         •    guarnizioni per cilindri oleodinamici                     •     hydraulic seals
         •    guarnizioni radiali per ralle di rotazione                •     radial seals for slewing rings

Energie rinnovabili Renewable energy - Soluzioni di tenuta
Impianti eolici - Wind power plants

Schema rotore eolico
Wind turbine cutaway

                                                              Cuscinetto albero principale                Ralle di rotazione
                                                              Main shaft bearings                         Slewing rings

                                                                                     Ralle di rotazione
                                                                                     Slewing rings

                  Riduttore principale
                  Main gearbox

                                         Ralle di rotazione
                                         Slewing rings

Energie rinnovabili Renewable energy - Soluzioni di tenuta
Impianti idroelettrici - hydropower plants

         L’energia idroelettrica è, tra le fonti rinnovabili, quella   Among the renewable sources, hydropower is the most used
         da più anni prodotta in tutto il mondo attraverso             all over the world through the construction of huge plants.
         impianti anche di grandissime dimensioni.
                                                                       The modern hydropower systems can generate power
         I moderni sistemi idroelettrici hanno la capacità             through different flow capacity plants.
         di generare energia attraverso impianti di diverse
         portate.                                                      In great hydropower plants the most state-of-the-art
                                                                       production and pumping systems able to grant water
         Nelle grandi centrali idroelettriche si applicano             accumulation into huge downstream tanks are applied
         avanzati sistemi di produzione e di pompaggio in              ; in these tanks this resource is re-used by the system for
         grado di garantire l’accumulo di acqua in vasche              granting new power generation.
         di notevoli dimensioni, poste a valle; qui la fonte
         energetica viene riutilizzata dal sistema per garantire       This method allows to keep an energy stock, by
         nuova produzione di energia. Questa tecnica                   maintaining a high-rate of “renewable source”.
         permette lo stoccaggio di energia, così da garantire
         un elevato grado di “fonte rinnovabile”.                      The company Manifattura Guarnizioni Colombo has
                                                                       accrued a long experience in the supply of gaskets for
         La Manifattura Guarnizioni Colombo vanta una                  hydro power plants.
         lunga esperienza in forniture di guarnizioni per il
         settore idroelettrico. La collaborazione con i gruppi di      The cooperation with managing and maintenance
         gestione e manutenzione degli impianti ha favorito la         groups for the plants has allowed to enlarge the range of
         creazione di una sempre più ampia gamma di articoli.          items produced for the field.

         L’ufficio tecnico è in grado di valutare ogni esigenza        Our technical department is able to analyse every
         dei clienti con competenza e professionalità.                 requirement with competence and expertise; the
         Particolarmente rilievante è la capacità della                production capability for special items which can be
         Manifattura Guarnizioni Colombo di fornire pezzi              supplied in low amount batches is worthy of mention.
         speciali anche in pochi lotti.
                                                                       The quality and the reliability of our products are
         La qualità e l’affidabilità dei prodotti sono                 appreciated by the maintenance men who trust our
         caratteristiche apprezzate dai gestori degli impianti,        competence for improving efficiency and operating
         che si affidano alla competenza dell’azienda per              performance of the seals.
         migliorare l’efficacia delle tenute e delle prestazioni
         operative.                                                    For the hydropower field we can produce gaskets and seals for :

         Si produce una gamma completa di sistemi di tenuta            •    intercepting valves
         e guarnizioni per:                                            •    butterfly and ball valves
                                                                       •    pumping stations
         •    valvole di intercettazione                               •    pressure water pipes
         •    valvole a farfalla e valvole a sfera                     •    gate valves
         •    stazioni di pompaggio                                    •    hydraulic and oil dynamic interlocking devices
         •    condotte forzate
         •    saracinesche                                             Our range includes:
         •    tutti i dispositivi idraulici e oleodinamici di
              asservimento                                             •    rotary shaft seals
                                                                       •    vee-packing sets in cotton fabric NBR
         La produzione comprende:                                      •    sealing systems for hydraulic cylinders
                                                                       •    flat gaskets in many materials
         •    anelli di tenuta per alberi rotanti                      •    o-rings
         •    guarnizioni a pacco in gommatela                         •    packings and braided packings in natural and
         •    sistemi di tenuta per cilindri idraulici                      synthetic fibres
         •    guarnizioni piane in ogni tipo di materiale              •    custom parts in rubber and plastic materials
         •    o-rings
         •    trecce e baderne in fibre naturali e sintetiche
         •    particolari a disegno in gomma e plastica

Energie rinnovabili Renewable energy - Soluzioni di tenuta
Impianti idroelettrici - hydro power plants

Schema impianto idroelettrico
Hydropower plant cutaway

       Gate Valve

                                          Valvola di condotta Forzata
                                          Penstock valve

                                                                   Giunto d’espansione
                                                                   Expansion joint

                                                                                         Gate Valve

                                Valvola principale
                                Main valve

Energie rinnovabili Renewable energy - Soluzioni di tenuta
Guarnizioni per movimenti rotanti - Rotary shaft seals

Rotary shaft seals

                      G-35                  G-36               G-37

                     G-35 R                G-35 HP           G-35 HPAE

                     G-35 M                 RGR                G-17

Anelli V-rings per tenuta frontale - Axial Seals

Axial seals

              VA                  VL                  AX   VS

              RME                 VE                  RM   TF

Profili in gomma - Rubber profiles

Rubber profile

                 PR025                  PR505   PR962

                 PR241                  PR654   PR983

Guarnizioni per tenute stelo - Rod seals

Rod seals

                 IGR/A               IGR/B          IGR/A/P    IGR/B/P

                 IGR/AW             IGR/BW          TEOL 1     TEOL 1B

   Guarnizioni per tenute pistone - Piston seals

Pistons seals

                 EGR/A               EGR/B         EGR/A/P     EGR/B/P

                 EGR/AW             EGR/BW          TEOL 2       JWT

   Altri profili - Other profiles

Other profiles

                  JWG                XEH           D SEAL DE   D SEAL DI

                 D SEAL             UM SEAL        EGR/AM      TEOL 1/R

Anelli di tenuta per alberi rotanti - Rotary shaft seals

   Item                                 Dim. range                                                 P        S             T
                    Profiles                                          Materials                                                               Applications
   code                                   [mm]                                                   [bar]    [m/s]         [°C]

                                                          NBR + fabric                                              Max 120
                                                          FKM + fabric                                              Max 220
                                        10 ÷ 2500                                                0,5      20
                                                          HNBR + fabric                                             Max 150
                                                          VMQ + fabric                                              Max 180

                                                          NBR + fabric                                              Max 120
                                                          FKM + fabric                                              Max 220
                                        10 ÷ 2500                                                0,5      20
                                                          HNBR + fabric                                             Max 150
                                                          VMQ + fabric                                              Max 180

                                                          NBR + fabric                                              Max 120
                                                          FKM + fabric                                              Max 220
                                        10 ÷ 2500                                                0,5      20
                                                          HNBR + fabric                                             Max 150
                                                          VMQ + fabric                                              Max 180
                                                                                                                                    • iron and steel plants
                                                          NBR + fabric                                              Max 120         • shipbuilding industry
                                                          FKM + fabric                                              Max 220         • wind power applications
                                        10 ÷ 2500                                                0,5      20
                                                          HNBR + fabric                                             Max 150         • paper industry
                                                          VMQ + fabric                                              Max 180         • hydropower industry
                     G35/R                                                                                                          • mining industry
                                                                                                                                    • cement mills

                                                          NBR + fabric                                              Max 120
                                                          FKM + fabric                                              Max 220
                                        10 ÷ 2500                                                0,5      20
                                                          HNBR + fabric                                             Max 150
                                                          VMQ + fabric                                              Max 180

                                                          NBR + fabric                                              Max 120
                                                          FKM + fabric                                              Max 220
                                        10 ÷ 2500                                                4        20
                                                          HNBR + fabric                                             Max 150
                                                          VMQ + fabric                                              Max 180

                                                          NBR + fabric                                              Max 120
                                                          FKM + fabric                                              Max 220
                                                          HNBR + fabric                                             Max 150
                                        10 ÷ 2500         VMQ + fabric                           4        20        Max 180


                                                          Seal ring   NBR                                            Max 120
                                                                                                                                    • Hydraulic systems
   G17                                  10 ÷ 300
                                                          Suppor-     NBR + fabric
                                                                                                 200      0,1
                                                                                                                                    • Machine tools
                                                          ting ring

                                                                      PTFE + glass + MoS2
                                                                      PTFE + carbon
                                                                                                                                    • Hydraulic cylinders
                                                          Oil seal    PTFE + bronze
                                                                                                                                    • Presses
   RGR                                  10 ÷ 800                                                 0,5      20
                                                                                                                                    • Mobile hydraulics
                                                          O-ring      NBR                                           Max 120
                                                                                                                                    • Machine tools
                                                                      FKM                                           Max 220

The pressure and temperature values shown in this table depend on several factors and are not valid simultaneously.
For this reason the data stated in this table are only to be taken as indicative. Please contact our technical office for further information.

Anelli V-rings per tenuta frontale - Axial seals

     Item                                       Dim. range                                       P        S               T
                          Profile                                           Materials                                                          Applications
     code                                         [mm]                                         [bar]    [m/s]           [°C]



                                                                     NBR                                            -30 ÷ 120        General, prevents dirt, dust, water
                                                                                                                                     from penetrating, it can be used for
                                                                     FKM                                            -30 ÷ 220        sealing grease
                                              Max Ø ext 2500                                                                         Used in :
                                              (moulded)              HNBR                                           -30 ÷ 150        - Iron and steel plants
     RME                                                                                                18                           - Shipbuilding industry
                                                                     NEO                                            -30 ÷ 80         - Wind power applications
                                                                                                                                     - Paper industry
                                                                     SIL (VMQ)                                      -50 ÷ 180        - Hydropower industry
      AX                                                                                                                             - Mining industry
                                                                     EPDM                                           -30 ÷150         - Cement mills


      VS                                      Max 210

                                                                     NBR         + steel                           -30 ÷ 120
      TF                                                             SIL (VMQ)   + steel
                                                                                                                   -50 ÷ 180
                                                                                                                                     Hydraulic systems

    Profili in gomma - Rubber profiles
     Item                                                                                        P         S            T
                         Profiles            Dim. range [mm]                Materials                                                        Applications
     code                                                                                      [bar]     [m/s]        [°C]



                                                                                                                                 General, prevents dirt, dust, water from
                                                                                                                                 penetrating, it can be used for sealing
   PR962                                    200÷2500                    NBR                                         -30÷120
                                                                                                                                 Used in :
                                                                        FKM                                         -30÷220
                                                                                                                                 - Iron and steel plants
                                                                        HNBR                                        -30÷150
                                                                                           -            18                       - Shipbuilding industry
                                            Available as :              NEO                                         -30÷80
                                                                                                                                 - Wind power applications
                                            - rubber profile            EPDM                                        -30÷150
                                                                                                                                 - Paper industry
   PR241                                    - endless moulded part      VMQ                                         -50÷180
                                                                                                                                 - Hydropower industry
                                                                                                                                 - Mining industry
                                                                                                                                 - Cement mills



The pressure and temperature values shown in this table depend on several factors and are not valid simultaneously.
For this reason the data stated in this table are only to be taken as indicative. Please contact our technical office for further information.

Tenute stelo - Rod seals

     Item                                Dimensional                                                        P        S            T
                        Profile                                               Materials                                                            Applications
     code                                range [mm]                                                       [bar]    [m/s]        [°C]

                                                                                                                                          • steel mills
                                                                               PTFE + bronze              400
                                                                                                                                          • injection moulding
                                                                               PTFE + carbon              400
    IGR/A                                10 ÷ 1800          Seal ring
                                                                               PTFE + graphite            250
                                                                                                                                          • forging presses
                                                                               PTFE + glass               250
                                                                                                                                          • extruding presses
                                                                               PTFE+ glass MoS2           400      5
                                                                                                                                          • hydraulic cylinders
                                                                                                                                          • machine tools
                                                            O-ring                                                                        • moving machines
     IGR/B                               10 ÷ 1800                             NBR 70 Shore A                                -30 ÷ 120
                                                                                                                                          • valves for hydraulic and
                                                                               FKM 70 Shore A                                -10 ÷ 200
                                                                                                                                            pneumatic circuits

                                                            Seal ring
   IGR/A/P                               100÷ 1200                             PTFE + bronze
                                                                               PTFE+ glass MoS2
                                                                                                                                          • Hydraulic cylinders for
                                                                               NBR 70 Shore A                                -30 ÷ 120
                                                            O-ring                                        600      5                        special applications
                                                                               FKM 70 Shore A                                -10 ÷ 200
                                                                                                                                          • heavy industry

                                                                               High performance Ther-
   IGR/B/P                               100÷ 1200                             moplastic Material
                                                            Back-up ring

                                                                               PTFE + glass MoS2          300
   IGR/AW                                300 ÷ 1800         Seal ring          PTFE+ carbon               400

                                                                                                                                          • Hydraulic cylinders for
                                                                                                                   5                        special applications
                                                                                                                                          • heavy industry

   IGR/BW                                300 ÷ 1800                            NBR 80 Shore A                                -30 ÷ 120
                                                            Energizing ring

                                                                               NBR + fabric
                                                                               FKM+ fabric
                                                            Seal ring
                                                                                                                                          • Hydraulic cylinders
                                                                               NBR 70 Shore A                                -30 ÷ 120    • Presses
   TEOL/1                                20 ÷ 600           Thrust ring
                                                                               FKM 70 Shore A
                                                                                                          200      0,5
                                                                                                                             -10 ÷ 200    • Mobile hydraulics
                                                                                                                                          • Machine tools
                                                            Back-up ring
                                                                               PA6 Nylon

                                                                               NBR + fabric
                                                                                                                                          • Hydraulic cylinders
                                                            Seal ring          FKM+ fabric
                                                                                                                                          • Presses
   TEOL/2                                5 ÷ 1700                                                         200      0,5
                                                                                                                                          • Mobile hydraulics
                                                            Energizing ring    NBR 70 Shore A                                -30 ÷ 120
                                                                                                                                          • Machine tools
                                                                               FKM 70 Shore A                                -10 ÷ 200

The pressure and temperature values shown in this table depend on several factors and are not valid simultaneously.
For this reason the data stated in this table are only to be taken as indicative. Please contact our technical office for further information.

Tenute pistone - Piston seals

    Item                               Dimensional                                                P          S           T
                     Profile                                           Materials                                                             Applications
    code                               range [mm]                                               [bar]      [m/s]       [°C]

                                                                         PTFE+bronze           400
   EGR/A                               10 ÷ 1800          Seal ring                                                              • steel mills plants
                                                                         PTFE+carbon           400
                                                                                                                                 • injection moulding presses
                                                                         PTFE+graphite         250
                                                                                                                                 • forging presses
                                                                         PTFE+glass            250
                                                                                                                                 • extruding presses
                                                                         PTFE+glass MoS2       400         5
                                                                                                                                 • hydraulic cylinders
                                                                                                                                 • machine tools
                                                                                                                                 • moving machines
                                                                         NBR 70 ShoreA                               -30 ÷ 120
   EGR/B                               10 ÷ 1800          O-ring
                                                                         FKM 70 ShoreA                               -10 ÷ 200
                                                                                                                                 • valves for hydraulic and pneumatic circuits

    EGR/                                                                 PTFE+bronze
                                       100 ÷ 1200         Seal ring
     A/P                                                                 PTFE+glass MoS2

                                                                         NBR 70 Shore A                                          • Hydraulic cylinders for
                                                          O-ring                                                     -30 ÷ 120
                                                                         FKM 70 Shore A        600         5                       special applications
                                                                                                                     -10 ÷ 200
                                                                                                                                 • heavy industry
                                                                         High performance
 EGR/B/P                               100 ÷ 1200         ring

                                                                         PTFE+glass MoS2       300
                                                          Seal ring
                                                                         PTFE+carbon           400
 EGR/AW                                300 ÷ 1800

                                                                                                                                 • Hydraulic cylinders for
                                                                                                           5                       special applications
                                                                                                                                 • heavy industry

 EGR/BW                                300 ÷ 1800         Energizing                                                 -30 ÷ 120
                                                                         NBR 80 Shore A

                                                                                                                                 • Hydraulic cylinders
                                                          Seal ring      NBR + fabric
                                                                                                                                 • injection moulding presses
  TEOL/2                               200 ÷ 300                                               250         0,5                   • forging presses
                                                                                                                                 • extruding presses
                                                          Energizing     NBR                                         -30 ÷ 120
                                                                                                                                 • hydraulic cylinders

                                                                                                                                 • Hydraulic cylinders
                                                          U-ring         NBR+fabric                                              • injection moulding presses
    JWT                                20 ÷ 600                                                340                   -30 ÷ 120   • forging presses
                                                          Head ring      NBR                                                     • extruding presses
                                                                                                                                 • Hydraulic valves

The pressure and temperature values shown in this table depend on several factors and are not valid simultaneously.
For this reason the data stated in this table are only to be taken as indicative. Please contact our technical office for further information.

Profili di tenuta per il settore idroelettrico - Sealing profiles for hydro power plants

                                                Dim. range                                       P          S              T
   Item code                Profiles                                      Materials                                                              Applications
                                                  [mm]                                         [bar]      [m/s]          [°C]

                                                                   NBR + FABRIC                                     Max 120
                                                                   FKM + FABRIC                                     Max 220
      JWG                                       200 ÷ 2500
                                                                   HNBR + FABRIC
                                                                                              300         0.25
                                                                                                                    Max 150
                                                                   VMQ + FABRIC                                     Max 180

                                                                   NBR                                              Max 120
      XEH                                       200 ÷ 2500         FKM                        150         0.1       Max 220
                                                                   HNBR                                             Max 150

                                                                   NBR + FABRIC                                     Max 120
  D SEAL DE                                     200 ÷ 2500
                                                                   FKM + FABRIC
                                                                                              150         0.5
                                                                                                                    Max 220

                                                                   NBR + FABRIC                                     Max 120
   D SEAL DI                                    200 ÷ 2500                                    150         0.5                        Valves for hydropower applications
                                                                   FKM + FABRIC                                     Max 220

                                                                   NBR                                              Max 120
    D SEAL                                      200 ÷ 2500         FKM                        100         0.5       Max 220
                                                                   NEO                                              Max 80

                                                                   NBR                                              Max 120
      UNH                                       200 ÷ 2500         FKM                        100         0.1       Max 220
                                                                   HNBR                                             Max 150

                                                                   SEAL RING
                                                                   PTFE + GLASS + MOS2
                                                                   PTFE + CARBON              300
    EGR/AM                                      300 ÷ 1800

                                                                   ENERGISING RING
                                                                   NBR 80SH                                         Max 120

                                                                   VULCANISED HEAD RING
                                                                   NBR 70 SHORE A                                   Max 120
                                                                   FKM 70 SHORE A                                   Max 220
                                                                                                                                     • Hydraulic cylinders
   TEOL 1/R                                     20 ÷ 600           SUPPORTING RING            300         0.5                        • Presses
                                                                   NBR + FABRIC                                                       • Machine tools
                                                                   FKM + FABRIC

The pressure and temperature values shown in this table depend on several factors and are not valid simultaneously.
For this reason the data stated in this table are only to be taken as indicative. Please contact our technical office for further information.

Profili di tenuta per paratoie - Sealing profiles for sluice gates

Other profiles

        PRNM         PRNMP             PROM            PROMP           PRDB    PRDBP

       APRNM         APRNMP           APROM           APROMP           APRDB   APRDBP

Materiali - Materials

 Materiali - Material                                    Proprietà - Properties                                  Applicazione - Applications
 NBR - OLEOLITE®                                         - Optimal mechanical resistance
                                                                                                                 - Resistant to temp. -30 +120°C
                                                         - Resistance to wear
 Elastomer butadyene acrylo-nitrile                      - Bad performance with heat
                                                                                                                 - Hydraulic oils, grease, emulsions, water
 Also available in autolub version                                                                               - Mineral base fluids: HH,HL, HM,HV
                                                         - Low resistance to fuels
 (compound containing a 3% ptfe part)                                                                            - Fire-resistant fluids HFA,HFB,HFC
                                                         - Low resistance to ageing
 FKM                                                                                                             - Resistant to temp. -20 + 220 C°
                                                         - Optimal resistance to high and low temperatures
 Fluorinate elastomer                                    - Good chemical resistance
                                                                                                                 - Hydraulic oils, grease, emulsions, water
 Also available in autolub version                                                                               - Mineral base fluids: HH,HL, HM,HV
                                                         - Bad performance with steam
 (compound containing a 3% ptfe part)                                                                            - Fire-resistant fluids HFA,HFB,HFC, HFD
                                                         - Good mechanical resistance
 HNBR                                                    - Good resistance to low and high temperatures          - Resistant to temp. -30 +150°C
 Hydrogenated nitrile butadiene rubber                   - Good sealing performance with gas                     - Mineral oils
 Also available in autolub version                       - Optimal performance with synthetic hydraulic oils     - Fire-resistant fluids HFA,HFB,HFC
 (compound containing a 3% ptfe part)                    - Suitable for aliphatic hydrocarbons                   - Water and detergents
                                                         - Not recommended for aromatic hydrocarbons
                                                         - good resistance to low and high temperatures
                                                                                                                 - Resistant to temp. -50+180°C
 VMQ                                                     - Suitable for applications with food and
                                                                                                                 -Bad performance with mineral oils.
                                                            pharmaceutical products
 Silicone rubber                                                                                                 -For other applications it is recommended to contact
                                                         - Optimal dielectric properties
                                                                                                                   our technical staff.
                                                         - limited mechanical properties

 Materiali - Material                                    Proprietà - Properties                                  Compatibilità - Compatibility
                                                         - Low friction coefficient
                                                         - Optimal resistance to chemical agents and solvents
                                                                                                                 - Resistance to temp. -30 +120°C
 Virgin PTFE                                             - Optimal dielectric properties
                                                                                                                 - Hydraulic oil, emulsions, water.
                                                         - Optimal resistance to temperature
 polytetrafluoroethylene                                                                                         - Mineral base fluids: HH,HL, HM,HV
                                                         - FDA approval
                                                                                                                 - Fire-resistant fluids HFA,HFB,HFC, HFD.
                                                         - Low wear resistance
                                                         - Low recovery

 Special PTFE Materials
                                                         - Optimal resistance to wear and optimal anti           - Hydraulic oil, grease, emulsions, water.
 PTFE filled with glass                                  - Extrusion properties                                  - Mineral base fluids: HH,HL, HM,HV
                                                         - FDA approval                                          - Fire-resistant fluids HFA,HFB,HFC, HFD.
                                                                                                                 - Hydraulic oil, grease, emulsions, water.
                                                         - Optimal resistance to wear and distorsion
 PTFE filled with carbon                                 - Bad dielectric properties
                                                                                                                 - Mineral base fluids: HH,HL, HM,HV
                                                                                                                 - Fire-resistant fluids HFA,HFB,HFC, HFD.
                                                         - Low friction coefficient                              - Hydraulic oil, grease, emulsions, water.
 PTFE filled with graphite                               - Optimal heat dispersion properties                    - Mineral base fluids: HH,HL, HM,HV
                                                         - Good performances in applications with steam          - Fire-resistant fluids HFA,HFB,HFC, HFD.
                                                         - Optimal resistance to wear and distorsion
                                                                                                                 - Hydraulic oil, grease, emulsions, water.
                                                         - Good thermal conductivity
 PTFE filled with bronze                                 - Bad dielectric properties
                                                                                                                 - Mineral base fluids: HH,HL, HM,HV
                                                                                                                 - Fire-resistant fluids HFA,HFB,HFC, HFD.
                                                         - Good resistance to chemical agents
                                                         - Optimal resistance to wear and optimal                - Hydraulic oil, grease, emulsions, water.
 PTFE filled with bronze/MoS2                              anti-extrusion properties                             - Mineral base fluids: HH,HL, HM,HV
                                                         - Resistance to high pressure                           - Fire-resistant fluids HFA,HFB,HFC, HFD.

     Rubber fabric
                                                         Composizione - Base Composition                         Applicazione - Applications
                                                         Cotton fabric / NBR sh 75                               Max temperature 120 ° C
    TENAX                                                Colour black                                            For hydraulic oils, water emulsions and HFA, HFB, HFC fluids
                                                         Cotton fabric / NBR sh 75
                                                                                                                 Max temperature 120 ° C
    TENAX PTFE                                           colour: white
                                                                                                                 For hydraulic oils, water emulsions and fluids
                                                         Elastomer base compound containing PTFE
                                                         Cotton fabric / NBR sh 90
                                                         Colour: red – brown ord blue                            Max temperature 120 ° C
    TENAX/ H.D.                                          - FDA approval available on demand                      For hydraulic oils, water emulsions and HFA, HFB, HFC fluids
                                                         - Special version for heavy duty applications
                                                                                                                 Max temperature 180 ° C
                                                         Cotton fabric / FKM sh 75
    TENAX FKM                                            Colour black
                                                                                                                 Hot oils – low pressure steam – acids – alkali – solvents –
                                                                                                                 phosphoric esthers - HFA,HFB, HFC,HFD fluids
                                                         Cotton fabric / FKM sh 75 + aramidic fibre              Max temperature 200 ° C
    TENAX FKM/kev                                        Colour black                                            For special applications
                                                         Cotton fabric / NBR sh 75 + aramidic fibre              Max temperature 120 ° C
    TENAX/NBR/kev                                        Colour black                                            For special applications
                                                         Cotton fabric / HNBR sh 75                              Max temperature 150 °C
    TENAX/HBR                                            Colour black                                            For hydraulic oils, water emulsions and HFA, HFB, HFC fluids
                                                         Cotton fabric / VMQ sh 75                               Max temperature 180 °C
    TENAX/VMQ                                            Colour red                                              For special applications

The pressure and temperature values shown in this table depend on several factors and are not valid simultaneously.
For this reason the data stated in this table are only to be taken as indicative. Please contact our technical office for further information.

Rivestimento speciale - Special coating

Trattamento protettivo FRILON® sul labbro di tenuta

         Il trattamento protettivo Frilon® si effettua sulla superficie di tenuta. Il trattamento prevede la termosaldatura di uno strato di polimero
         a base di PTFE sulla superficie in gomma.

         Vantaggi :

         •     Riduzione significativa del coefficiente di attrito

         •     Straordinario potere di antiaderenza con effetto no-stick

         •     Ottima scorrevolezza sulla superficie di tenuta

         •     Maggiore durata nel tempo della guarnizione

         •     Maggiore resistenza agli agenti chimici

         •     Maggiore resistenza agli agenti atmosferici

         Di norma i prodotti in gomma hanno un coefficiente di attrito dinamico di 0.5 µ, con il trattamento Frilon si ottiene una riduzione fino a 0.07 µ.
         Il trattamento Frilon® può essere realizzato su tutti i materiali (NBR – FKM – HNBR) compresi i materiali con caratteristiche FDA.

   G35 with Frilon coating                 V-ring with Frilon coating                D-seal with Frilon coating                 JWG with Frilon coating

Protective FRILON® coating on the sealing lip

        The protective Frilon® coating is made on the sealing surface ; with this treatment a PTFE base polimer layer is thermo-welded on the rubber surface.

         Advantages :

         •    Significantly reduced friction coefficient

         •    an extraordinary no-stick effect

         •    optimal smooth running effect on the sealing surface

         •    longer seal life

         •    better resistance to chemical agents

         •    better resistance to atmospheric agents

         Rubber items normally have a dynamic friction coefficient of 0.5 µ; with the Frilon® treatment this coefficient is reduced till 0.07 µ.
         This treatment can be made on all materials (NBR – FKM – HNBR) including the ones with FDA approval.

Gaskets & seals solutions                     Gaskets & seals solutions
       ANELLI DI TENUTA DIN 3760                                   Piping service
                                                CAF compressed asbestos fibers, Graphite
              OIL SEALS DIN 3760                  Rubber, Metal seals and Braid Packings

                    Gaskets & seals solutions                   Gaskets & seals solutions
     Marine engines and power stations                             Heavy industry
                                                Hydraulic cylinders and rotary movements

Gaskets & seals solutions              Gaskets & seals solutions
  Oil & Gas Industry                             Sealing sets
      Spare parts for valves

  Gaskets & seals solutions               Gaskets & seals solutions
               TENAX®                High pressure pumps
Vee-Packings - Chevron sets    Water jet, plunger and triplex pumps

Head office:
Manifattura guarnizioni colombo & c. s.p.a.
24067 Sarnico (BG) via Vittorio Veneto, 48
Tel. +39035910052 Fax +39035910957
P.iva: 02385600164
E-mail: info@colombospa.com
Web site: www.colombospa.com

Factory in Paratico:
25030 Paratico (BS) Via Vanzago, 30

Factory in Novate Milanese:
20026 Novate Milanese (MI) Via Curiel, 12
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