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CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Uno degli argomenti sviluppati nel corso dell’anno scolastico 2016-17 dalla classe V B afm è stato “l’economia responsabile”, idea strettamente collegata a quella di sviluppo sostenibile, già definito dall’Unione Europea (Brundtland Commission, 1987) come “uno sviluppo che soddisfa i bisogni del presente senza compromettere la possibilità delle generazioni future di soddisfare i loro propri bisogni”. All’interno di questo argomento la classe si è occupata di temi riguardanti: L’Energia rinnovabile, il Commercio Equo e Solidale, la Banca Etica e il Microcredito. Nel percorso, una parte piuttosto breve era dedicata alla Responsabilità Sociale di Impresa, e insieme agli studenti abbiamo deciso di approfondire questo aspetto con delle ricerche su Internet, allo scopo di conoscere in quale modo le imprese mettano in pratica questo concetto, definito dalla Commissione Europea (Comunicazione del 25.10.2011 - n. 681) «La responsabilità delle imprese per il loro impatto sulla società.» Tale lavoro di approfondimento è un tassello per il raggiungimento - dei risultati di apprendimento relativi al - Individuare ed utilizzare le moderne forme di comunicazione visiva e multimediale, anche con riferimento alle strategie espressive e agli strumenti tecnici della comunicazione in rete; - dei risultati di apprendimento cognitivo-formativi disciplinari - Utilizzare gli strumenti culturali e metodologici per porsi con atteggiamento razionale, critico e responsabile di fronte alla realtà, ai suoi fenomeni, ai suoi problemi, anche ai fini dell’apprendimento permanente; Utilizzare le reti e gli strumenti informatici nelle attività di studio, ricerca e approfondimento disciplinare. La metodologia adottata è il Cooperative Learning. Gli studenti hanno scelto le aziende di cui occuparsi (Ferrero, Avon, Melinda), hanno ricercato su internet la documentazione fornita dalle aziende sul loro impegno rispetto alla Responsabilità Sociale di Impresa, hanno selezionato i contenuti e preparato una relazione che hanno poi presentato agli altri gruppi utilizzando un PowerPoint. Presentiamo qui una sintesi del lavoro realizzato, unendo le immagini al testo.
Corporate Social Responsibility - Ferrero S.p.A. The Financial times ( defines Corporate Social Responsibility as a “Movement aimed at encouraging companies to be more aware of the impact of their business on the rest of society, including their own stakeholders and the environment.” Corporate Social Responsibility also means the will of companies to deal with the ethical and social issues that the world is facing today. Ferrero S.p.A is an Italian multinational specializing in confectionery products, founded in 1946 by Pietro Ferrero. Their slogan “Good ideas conquer the world” is an important symbol of social commitment. Ferrero S.p.A. activities are respectful of the environment: -In the management of their plants, through an efficient use of energy, materials and natural sources, pursuing the reduction of environmental impact, waste, and, where possible, using renewable sources. - In water preservation and in the commitment to responsible management of water resources.
To ensure that the business runs smoothly, workers need to have facilities that will enable them to carry out their job serenely. Therefore, Ferrero makes available to its workers a nursery for neo-moms, gyms, infirmaries… Ferrero fosters a considerable inclusion of women in the world of work, especially in the least developed countries, where there is no work; in 2015 women working at Ferrero were 42.4%. To increase employment, the company has moved part of its production plants in Cameroon, South Africa and India, with the purpose of carrying out projects and social and humanitarian initiatives aimed to protect the health and growth of children and young people in these undeveloped countries.
Yet, the primary goal of Ferrero is consumers’ satisfaction. For this purpose, transparency and excellence in quality are the bases of the company policy. In their products, they use only natural and healthy foods, and take care of environmental impact, monitoring and improving the impact of its activities throughout the entire supply chain. To avoid and prevent the increasing problem of obesity, Ferrero is committed to the promotion of active lifestyles since an early age, and of a healthy lifestyle, with its program “Kinder + sport- joy of moving” in order to increase the time that children dedicate to physical activity and to involve more and more children. Its brand do not just wants to represent the human dignity of families and children, but also wants to give voice to all values of everyday life, such as the family one. For seventy years, Ferrero has been committed not only to the realization of business objectives, but also to improve, as much as possible, the conditions of the world. It has always been aware of the importance of transparency and careful to its image - for this reason, and for the tasty of its products, more and more people choose it.
Corporate Social Responsibility - Avon Products, Inc Avon is an important American international manufacturer and direct selling company. It produces beauty (cosmetics, perfumes and jewellery), household and personal care products. The company was founded in 1886, and his founder, David H. McConnell, committed his company "to meet fully the obligations of corporate citizenship by contributing to the well- being of society and the environment in which it functions." Since then, social commitment has been a very important value to Avon. In fact, Avon has been engaged in various Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives since 1995, supporting women’s health and well-being and nature preservation. One project is “Avon breast cancer crusade”. Avon supports women around the world through prevention and research against breast cancer; since 1992, Avon has donated over 815 million dollars through the global campaign “Avon breast cancer crusade”, to fund research and enable top-quality cares. People can also make a contribution ordering an Avon bracelet. This program has enabled more than 17 million women in the world to make free mammograms and screening. Today, in Italy, Avon cosmetics carries out this project in collaboration with the European Institute of Oncology.
With the program “Avon hello green tomorrow”, Avon is committed in the fight for the environment. The project aims to replant 10 million trees to help restore the critically endangered rain forest in South America and Indonesia - forests which serve as the "lungs of the earth", to ensure a better future to the people all over the world. Avon raised funds were given to The Nature Conservancy (TNC) and World Wildlife Fund (WWF). In 1989, Avon was the first multinational cosmetics manufacturer to end experiments on animals to test the safety of their products. With the program “Avon cruelty free”, Avon is working globally to introduce safer methods of testing cosmetics that do not require animals. These methods include in vitro testing, computer simulation, and testing cosmetics on human volunteers. In fact, although Avon do not practice animal testing of its cosmetics that are sold in the United States, a few countries still require additional safety testing, which may include animal testing. To avoid it, Avon works to help advance government acceptance of alternative non-animal testing methods.
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