Pagina creata da Mario Giordano
Agra, 688/SC
                                                                                              design — Enrico Franzolini

Agra, 688/SC                    Agra è una collezione di sedute, loun-            Agra is a collection of seats, lounge
sgabello basso \ counterstool   ge e lettini che riflette la maestria             chairs and sun lounger that reflects the
                                dell’azienda nella lavorazione dei di-            company’s skill in processing different
                                versi materiali. Una proposta capace              materials. A product that, thanks to
                                di creare ambienti dal gusto sempre               its wide choice of materials and fin-
                                nuovo grazie all’ampia scelta di mate-            ishes develops original settings: from
                                riali e finiture: dagli intrecci realizzati       a rope or PVC hand weaving, suitable
                                a mano in cordino o pvc, adatti ad una            for both indoor and outdoor use, to
                                doppia collocazione indoor/outdoor,               leather upholstery, ideal for interiors
                                ai caldi rivestimenti in cuoio, ideali            with a pleasantly convivial feature.
                                per ambienti interni dal carattere pia-
                                cevolmente conviviale.                      Potocco reserves the right to introduce any changes to its own models without prior notice.
                                Color tones may vary from one dye lot to another.
                                © 2018 by Potocco Spa — All rights reserved
Agra, 688/SC
             Informazioni tecniche \ Technical information

Descrizione tecnica \             Sgabello basso con struttura in tubo              Countertool with metal tube.
Technical description             di metallo.                                       Backrest and seat covered in hide
                                  Versione con schienale e seduta rive-             leather.
                                  stite in cuoietto.                                Finishes and covers as per collection.
                                  Finiture e rivestimenti di collezione.

Dimensioni \


                                                     1 × crt = m3 0.38
                                                gross weight − Kg 12                        Potocco reserves the right to introduce any changes to its own models without prior notice.
                                  Color tones may vary from one dye lot to another.
                                  © 2018 by Potocco Spa — All rights reserved
Agra, 688/SC
             Finiture \ Finishes

Finiture struttura \               Metallo \ Metal
Frame finishes

                                   Cromato \                        Cromo Satinato \                  Verniciato Antracite Goffrato \
                                   Chrome                           Satin Chrome                      Anthracite Embossed Lacquered

                                   Verniciato Bianco Goffrato \
                                   White Embossed Lacquered                         Potocco reserves the right to introduce any changes to its own models without prior notice.
                                   Color tones may vary from one dye lot to another.
                                   © 2018 by Potocco Spa — All rights reserved
Agra, 688/SC
             Finiture \ Finishes

Rivestimento \                     Cuoietto \ Hide leather

                                   K1F \ Sabbia                     K1B \ Fango                       1S \ Grigio

                                   K1C \ Terracotta                 BL \ Burgan                       K1D \ Marrone Scuro

                                   BM \ Nero                         Potocco reserves the right to introduce any changes to its own models without prior notice.
                                   Color tones may vary from one dye lot to another.
                                   © 2018 by Potocco Spa — All rights reserved
Agra, 688/SC
Collezione Agra \                               Collezione di sedute, lounge e lettino             Collection of seats, lounge armchair
Agra collection                                 nelle versioni indoor e outdoor.                   and sun lounger for indoor and out-
                                                Sedia e poltroncina impilabile e sga-              door.
                                                bello con struttura in tubo di metallo             Stackable chair and armchair, and
                                                o in acciaio inox.                                 stool with metal tube or stainless steel
                                                Disponibile con intrecci in cordino                frame.
                                                sintetico, grezzo, in pvc o nella versio-          Available in synthetic, raw or PVC
                                                ne con schienale e seduta rivestite in             rope weaving or with backrest and
                                                cuoietto. Poltrona lounge impilabile e             seat covered in hide leather. Stacka-
                                                poggiapiedi con struttura in tubo di               ble lounge armchair and footrest with
                                                metallo o in acciaio inox. Disponibile             metal tube or stainless steel frame.
                                                con intrecci in cordino sintetico, grez-           Available in synthetic, raw or PVC
                                                zo o in pvc.                                       rope weaving.
                                                Lettino reclinabile con struttura in               Reclining sun lounger with stainless
                                                acciaio inox. Disponibile con intrecci             steel frame. Available in PVC rope
                                                in cordino pvc.                                    weaving.
                                                Finiture e rivestimenti di collezione.             Finishes and covers as per collection.

688/XXL                    ×6   688/XXLC                      ×6         688/PXXL                    ×4        688/PXXLC                   ×4
sedia \ chair                   sedia \ chair                            poltrona \ armchair                   poltrona \ armchair

688/LP                          688/PP                                   688/S                                 688/SC
lounge \ lounge armchair        pouf \ pouf                              sgabello basso \ counterstool         sgabello basso \ counterstool

688/A                           688/AC                                   688/D-RECL
sgabello alto \ barstool        sgabello alto \ barstool                 lettino \ sun lounger                                      Potocco reserves the right to introduce any changes to its own models without prior notice.
                                                Color tones may vary from one dye lot to another.
                                                © 2018 by Potocco Spa — All rights reserved
Agra, 688/AC
                                                                                         design — Enrico Franzolini

Agra, 688/AC               Agra è una collezione di sedute, loun-            Agra is a collection of seats, lounge
sgabello alto \ barstool   ge e lettini che riflette la maestria             chairs and sun lounger that reflects the
                           dell’azienda nella lavorazione dei di-            company’s skill in processing different
                           versi materiali. Una proposta capace              materials. A product that, thanks to
                           di creare ambienti dal gusto sempre               its wide choice of materials and fin-
                           nuovo grazie all’ampia scelta di mate-            ishes develops original settings: from
                           riali e finiture: dagli intrecci realizzati       a rope or PVC hand weaving, suitable
                           a mano in cordino o pvc, adatti ad una            for both indoor and outdoor use, to
                           doppia collocazione indoor/outdoor,               leather upholstery, ideal for interiors
                           ai caldi rivestimenti in cuoio, ideali            with a pleasantly convivial feature.
                           per ambienti interni dal carattere pia-
                           cevolmente conviviale.                 Potocco reserves the right to introduce any changes to its own models without prior notice.
                           Color tones may vary from one dye lot to another.
                           © 2018 by Potocco Spa — All rights reserved
Agra, 688/AC
             Informazioni tecniche \ Technical information

Descrizione tecnica \             Sgabello alto con struttura in tubo               Bartool with metal tube.
Technical description             di metallo.                                       Backrest and seat covered in hide
                                  Versione con schienale e seduta rive-             leather.
                                  stite in cuoietto.                                Finishes and covers as per collection.
                                  Finiture e rivestimenti di collezione.

Dimensioni \                                 45                51, 5
Dimensions                                 17 3/4"            20 1/2"



                                                     1 × crt = m3 0.38
                                             gross weight − Kg 12.5                        Potocco reserves the right to introduce any changes to its own models without prior notice.
                                  Color tones may vary from one dye lot to another.
                                  © 2018 by Potocco Spa — All rights reserved
Agra, 688/AC
             Finiture \ Finishes

Finiture struttura \               Metallo \ Metal
Frame finishes

                                   Cromato \                        Cromo Satinato \                  Verniciato Antracite Goffrato \
                                   Chrome                           Satin Chrome                      Anthracite Embossed Lacquered

                                   Verniciato Bianco Goffrato \
                                   White Embossed Lacquered                         Potocco reserves the right to introduce any changes to its own models without prior notice.
                                   Color tones may vary from one dye lot to another.
                                   © 2018 by Potocco Spa — All rights reserved
Agra, 688/AC
             Finiture \ Finishes

Rivestimento \                     Cuoietto \ Hide leather

                                   K1F \ Sabbia                     K1B \ Fango                       1S \ Grigio

                                   K1C \ Terracotta                 BL \ Burgan                       K1D \ Marrone Scuro

                                   BM \ Nero                         Potocco reserves the right to introduce any changes to its own models without prior notice.
                                   Color tones may vary from one dye lot to another.
                                   © 2018 by Potocco Spa — All rights reserved
Agra, 688/AC
Collezione Agra \                               Collezione di sedute, lounge e lettino             Collection of seats, lounge armchair
Agra collection                                 nelle versioni indoor e outdoor.                   and sun lounger for indoor and out-
                                                Sedia e poltroncina impilabile e sga-              door.
                                                bello con struttura in tubo di metallo             Stackable chair and armchair, and
                                                o in acciaio inox.                                 stool with metal tube or stainless steel
                                                Disponibile con intrecci in cordino                frame.
                                                sintetico, grezzo, in pvc o nella versio-          Available in synthetic, raw or PVC
                                                ne con schienale e seduta rivestite in             rope weaving or with backrest and
                                                cuoietto. Poltrona lounge impilabile e             seat covered in hide leather. Stacka-
                                                poggiapiedi con struttura in tubo di               ble lounge armchair and footrest with
                                                metallo o in acciaio inox. Disponibile             metal tube or stainless steel frame.
                                                con intrecci in cordino sintetico, grez-           Available in synthetic, raw or PVC
                                                zo o in pvc.                                       rope weaving.
                                                Lettino reclinabile con struttura in               Reclining sun lounger with stainless
                                                acciaio inox. Disponibile con intrecci             steel frame. Available in PVC rope
                                                in cordino pvc.                                    weaving.
                                                Finiture e rivestimenti di collezione.             Finishes and covers as per collection.

688/XXL                    ×6   688/XXLC                      ×6         688/PXXL                    ×4        688/PXXLC                   ×4
sedia \ chair                   sedia \ chair                            poltrona \ armchair                   poltrona \ armchair

688/LP                          688/PP                                   688/S                                 688/SC
lounge \ lounge armchair        pouf \ pouf                              sgabello basso \ counterstool         sgabello basso \ counterstool

688/A                           688/AC                                   688/D-RECL
sgabello alto \ barstool        sgabello alto \ barstool                 lettino \ sun lounger                                      Potocco reserves the right to introduce any changes to its own models without prior notice.
                                                Color tones may vary from one dye lot to another.
                                                © 2018 by Potocco Spa — All rights reserved
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