Venezia 31 agosto 1 settembre 2020 - Prada Group
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the soft power club Dialogo e cooperazione internazionale DURANTE LA CONFERENZA DI Nell’ultimo decennio si sono progressivamen- Il dibattito pubblico nel web e nei social attraversano una fase molto critica, ma oggi sono te rotti i rapporti di fiducia tra Nazioni, tra network sarà inevitabilmente dominato da più che mai importanti. Un rinnovato Soft Power VENEZIA - SIA CON INTERVENTI Istituzioni e cittadini, Tra Istituzioni e aziende. approcci immediati, emotivi, da post-verità può sostenere la reciproca comprensione tra le IN PRESENZA CHE DA REMOTO - Come ricostruire questa fiducia, strumento e manipolazioni? In che modi l’era Digitale e Nazioni, e tra i cittadini, giovare alla diversità e al IL SOFT POWER CLUB CHIEDERÀ utile ad un multilateralismo pragmatico, e i suoi strumenti (guidati da aziende globali pluralismo delle culture, alle attività d’impresa e al AI PROPRI MEMBRI E AI come promuovere partnerships pubblico-pri- molto più potenti della grande maggioranza commercio mondiale, contribuendo a contrastare vate efficaci? degli Stati) possono invece contribuire a un e ridurre le disuguaglianze. PARTECIPANTI DI ESPRIMERE LE nuovo Soft Power dei Cittadini? PROPRIE OPINIONI E PROPOSTE Quando Joseph S. Nye, Jr ha introdotto il SUI SEGUENTI TEMI: concetto del Soft Power - 30 anni fa - il mondo era entrato in una stagione ‘unipolare’. Gli Stati Uniti È ancora possibile un approccio umanistico Francesco Rutelli cided to step down from any po- Chairman of the Centre for a Sustain- President, Soft Power Club litical-institutional position, and to able Future (a nonpartisan think tank avevano vinto la Guerra Fredda, ma avvertivano alla globalizzazione? Se non lo è, quali saran- manage both professional and not- on climate change and environmen- anche la necessità di un ordine internazionale no le alternative? Francesco Rutelli (Rome, 1954) is for-profit activities. ANICA, the lead- tal issues). basato sulla condivisione di valori. Con le parole di currently the President of ANICA (Ital- ing national association, elected him He created Videocittà, the inno- Henry Kissinger, “il potere a livello internazionale Gli interessi geopolitici nazionali porteranno ian Association of Cinema, Audiovis- unanimously to represent the Italian vative Moving Images festival (2018- non dipende solo dagli equilibri dell’hard power, irreversibilmente, nel prossimo decennio, a ual and Multimedia Companies). Cinema and Audiovisual industry, in 2019). Married to the journalist Barbara this very transformational time. Degree in Landscape and Environ- ma dalle percezioni della sua legittimità”. sopraffare dialogo e collaborazione interna- Palombelli; they have four children He leads many international initia- mental Planning and Design (La Sa- zionali? and two grandsons. tives in the fields of culture, creative pienza University, Tuscia University). Nel secondo decennio del XXI secolo lo Deputy Prime Minister and Minister industries, cultural diplomacy and Diploma in International Organiza- scenario è in drastico cambiamento; le istituzioni L’Europa sarà capace di mantenere l’impegno of Culture of Italy (2006 - 2008). international dialogue. Among them: tions (Italian Society for International internazionali sono percepite come più deboli. di costruire una nuova strategia di sviluppo Mayor of Rome (1993 - 2001), elected Honorary President, Institute for Cul- Organization, SIOI). Doctor Honoris with the highest popular support ever. tural Diplomacy, Berlin, 2013-2015; Causa (John Cabot University; Tem- Ma l’interdipendenza globale è in realtà più sostenibile basata sull’EU Green Deal? Il Gre- Under his leadership, many crucial President, Institute of European Dem- ple University; American University, forte, come pandemie e Cambiamenti climatici en Deal sarà un’eccezione internazionale o un infrastructures, cultural venues and ocrats, Bruxelles, 2020; Co-chairman Rome). Honorary Academician, Ac- dimostrano all’intera umanità. modello globale? institutions were created. of the Italian-Chinese Cultural Forum, cademia delle Arti del Disegno (the Member of the Italian Parliament established by the Governments of It- world’s oldest Academy), Florence. Sappiamo che l’interesse nazionale è - e rimarrà In che modi le industrie creative e culturali from 1983 to 2013; five times elected aly and China, 2017-2020; Coordina- He is a journalist, since 1983. In in the Lower House, once in the Sen- tor for the Ancient Cultural and Reli- 2014, he created a small company - cruciale nell’arena del mondo. Per contrastare possono contribuire a un clima cooperativo ate. Member of the European Parlia- gious Roads Group in the Pontifical (“Italian Experience”), giving advice la crescita di radicali polarizzazioni e l’insorgere ed a risanare, piuttosto che esasperare, le ment (1999-2004). Council for Culture. to international (USA, GCC, UK) and di nuovi conflitti, noi vogliamo sostenere una fratture tra le Nazioni e le diverse comunità? Over the time, he has chaired the He curated, with “Meeting of Civ- national companies on issues related collaborazione multilaterale basata sul dialogo; Human Rights Committee (Camera ilizations” Association, the Exhibition to culture, tourism, and economic de- creatività e innovazione; il ruolo della società Un nuovo Soft Power, basato su strategie di dei Deputati); COPASIR (House and “Rising from Destruction. Ebla, Nim- velopment. Senate Intelligence Overview Com- rud, Palmyra” inside the Colosse- He has recently activated a brand civile; un trasparente, vitale e responsabile utilizzo inclusione e corretta reputazione, sarà in gra- mittee); Special Government Com- um (October-December 2016). He is new ‘Civic Service School’, aimed at di Internet e dei social media. do di orientare le scelte delle imprese a livello missioner for the Jubilee 2000. founder of Cultural Heritage Rescue training young citizens in the Italian internazionale? Since 2013, Francesco Rutelli de- Prize. He is also the founder (1989) and Capital City.
aGENDA 31 agosto Climate Change and sea-level rise: potential disruption and possible solutions. The role of Europe h 16.00 - 17.30 Videomessaggio Fondazione Giorgio Cini Isola di San Giorgio Maggiore PAOLO GENTILONI Benvenuto Commissario UE per l’Economia PASQUALE GAGLIARDI Segretario Generale Fondazione Giorgio Cini Interventi ALESSANDRO LANZA Introduzione Membro CdA Enea; Università LUISS Roma e coordinamento ROHIT JIGYASU FRANCESCO RUTELLI Project Manager Urban Heritage, Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management, ICCROM (videomessaggio) Interventi ANTONIO NAVARRA PIERPAOLO CAMPOSTRINI Presidente CMCC Direttore CORILA, Consorzio per il (Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change) coordinamento delle ricerche inerenti al sistema lagunare di Venezia YANN WEHRLING Ambasciatore francese incaricato dell’Ambiente, ALESSANDRO CODELLO Ministero dell’Europa e degli Affari Esteri Fisico teorico, Long Data perspective on Acqua Alta, Ca’ Foscari ECLT, Universidad de la Republica, Montevideo, Uruguay ERASMO D’ANGELIS Segretario Generale Autorità di bacino distrettuale dell’ Appennino Centrale Con il sostegno finanziario del Parlamento Europeo
1 settembre 1 settembre Shaping a sustainable multilateralism. Towards an effective and pragmatic Come le industrie della moda possono multilateralism in a post-Covid scenario: how to build trust contribuire ad uno sviluppo sostenibile among Nations and what is the role of global organizations, business and citizens in shaping a new Soft Power approach? h 11.00 - 12.30 Interventi h 15.30 - 18.00 Interventi Fondazione Prada STEFANO PATUANELLI Fondazione Giorgio Cini DARIO FRANCESCHINI Ca’ Corner della Regina Ministro per lo Sviluppo Economico Isola di San Giorgio Maggiore Ministro per i Beni e le Attività Culturali e per il Turismo CARLO MARIA FERRO Saluto iniziale Presidente ICE Benvenuto ROBERTO CICUTTO Presidente La Biennale di Venezia CARLO MAZZI MARIAROSA CUTILLO GIOVANNI BAZOLI Presidente Prada Chief of Strategic Partnerships, UNFPA Presidente Fondazione Giorgio Cini DAVID SASSOLI Presidente del Parlamento Europeo Introduzione MATTEO LUNELLI Presidente Fondazione Altagamma Saluto ai partecipanti (in diretta da Bruxelles) FRANCESCO RUTELLI Presidente ANICA LUIGI BRUGNARO Videomessaggio ANA LUIZA Sindaco di Venezia e Soft Power Club M. THOMPSON-FLORES Modera Direttore Ufficio Regionale UNESCO per la Scienza e la Cultura in Europa, Venezia Introduzione JOSEPH S. NYE, JR CLARA TOSI PAMPHILI FRANCESCO RUTELLI Storica delle Arti Applicate MARZIO GALEOTTI Professore Emerito Professore di Economia Politica Dipartimento Presidente Soft Power Club Harvard Kennedy School Intervento di Scienze e politiche Ambientali - Università Autore di “Soft Power” degli Studi di Milano Modera SIMONE VENTURINI Assessore allo Sviluppo Economico YANN WEHRLING STEFANO STEFANINI LUCA BERGAMO e alla Coesione Sociale, Comune di Ambasciatore francese incaricato Direttore Project Associates, Vice Sindaco di Roma Venezia dell’Ambiente, Ministero dell’Europa Bruxelles Vice Presidente Commissione Cultura UCLG e degli Affari Esteri (United Cities and Local Governments) Partecipano i membri del Club, i componenti dello Steering Committee ed un numero selezionato di ospiti.
i membri del the Pontifical Council for Inter-religious Dialogue at the Vatican. Prince Hassan is co-founder and Irina Bokova Former Director-General of UNESCO Lord Browne is presently Chairman of the Crick Institute, Chairman of the Trustees of the QEPrize soft power club Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Founda- for Engineering, Chairman of the International tion for Interreligious and Intercultural Research Irina Bokova was born on 12 July 1952 in Sofia Advisory Board of the Blavatnik School of Gov- and Dialogue (FIIRD). Now President Emeritus, (Bulgaria). She has been two terms the Director - ernment at Oxford University, and Chairman of Prince Hassan was Moderator of the World Con- General of UNESCO from 2009 to 2917. She grad- the Courtauld Institute of Art. Lord Browne is the ference of Religions for Peace (WCRP) from 1999- uated from Moscow State Institute of Internation- author of five books, most recently Make, Think, H.H. Prince El Hassan Bin al Talal 2006. al Relations and was a Ford Foundation Fellow Imagine: Engineering the Future of Civilisation. Crown Prince of Jordan Prince Hassan has long had an active en- at the University of Maryland (Washington), and gagement with environmentally focused organ- attended an executive program on leadership Yuan Ding His Royal Highness Prince El Hassan bin Talal isations, in particular the Trans-Mediterranean the John F. Kennedy School of Government (Har- Vice President and Dean CHINA EUROPE was born in Amman in 1947. HRH is the youngest Renewable Energy Cooperation (TREC) Network, vard University). As Director General of UNESCO, INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS SCHOOL – CEIBS son of Their late Majesties King Talal and Queen and the Jordan based Badia Research and De- Irina Bokova was actively engaged in the efforts Zein El Sharaf, the brother of His late Majesty King velopment Program (in co-operation with the to adopt UN Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Devel- Prior to joining CEIBS, he was a tenured facul- Hussein, and the uncle of HM King Abdullah II. British Royal Geographical Society). Prince Has- opment. She was particularly active in defence ty member of HEC School of Management, Par- HRH served as Jordan’s Crown Prince from san recently served as the Chairman of the UN of cultural heritage in conflict in Mali, Syria and is, France. He is member of European Account- April 1965 until January 1999. HRHs early school- Secretary- General’s Advisory Board on Water Iraq and in denouncing extremists’ destruction ing Association, French Accounting Association ing was in Amman. He later went to Summerfields, and Sanitation, UNSGAB and continues to work of heritage as a tool of war, which lead to the and American Accounting Association. Dr. Ding followed by Harrow and then Christ Church, Ox- on water related issues as the Chairman of the adoption by the UN Security Council of several has acted as editor and editorial board member ford University from where he graduated with a High Level Forum for the Blue Peace Middle East land mark resolutions on the link between main- for many international academic journals in ac- B.A. (Hons.) in Oriental Studies. Prince Hassan plan. taining peace, security and the protection of cul- counting and auditing. In 2014, he was ranked chaired the committees overseeing Jordan’s first HRH Prince Hassan is the author of several tural heritage. Irina Bokova has received state 13th among the list of the world’s 27 most cited development plan (1973-1975) and the three sub- books, articles and papers, which have been in- distinctions from countries across the world and researchers based in mainland China in the cat- sequent development plans (1976–1980, 1981–1985 cluding A Study on Jerusalem, Search for Peace, is Doctor honoris causa of leading universities. In egory of Business Management and Accounting, and 1986–1990). HRH had a critical role in the Jor- Palestinian Self-Determination and in 2004 in May 2020 she was elected as International Hon- according to Elsevier. Dr. Ding has been giving dan-Israel Peace negotiations that culminated in collaboration with Alain Elkann, To be a Mus- orary Member of the American Academy of Arts lectures in financial accounting, financial state- the Peace Treaty between the Hashemite King- lim: Islam, Peace and Democracy. Fluent in Ara- and Sciences for 2020. Currently, she is a Member ment analysis, international accounting and dom of Jordan and the State of Israel in 1994. bic, English and French, HRH also has a working of the Board of “Ban Ki Moon Centrefor Global corporate governance at the level of Master’s of A pluralist and staunch campaigner for the knowledge of German, Spanish and Turkish. He Citizens”, Memb er of the Concordia Leadership- Science in Management, MBA, EMBA and PhD in rights of all to live in peace and dignity, HRH es- studied Biblical Hebrew as an undergraduate. Council, New York, Lecturer on “Cultural Diplo- Europe and in China. At CEIBS, he co-founded tablished the Arab Thought Forum, the Royal In- Prince Hassan is the recipient of numerous hon- macy” at the Paris School of International Affairs the first CFO open programme in China in 2005 stitute for Interfaith Studies, the Higher Council orary degrees from across the world. /PSIA/, SciencePo, Visiting Lecturer at the Univer- and has been involved in many top executive for Science and Technology, The Royal Scientif- As President of the Federations for Martial Arts, sity of Gene va, among other activities. programs co-organised with Harvard, Wharton, ic Society, the West Asia North Africa Institute Polo and Squash, Prince Hassan has overseen INSEAD, New York University, London School of (WANA) and the Regional Security Centre in the development of these three sports in Jordan Lord John Browne Economics, IESE and HEC Paris. He received the Jordan. Prince Hassan’s international commit- to competitive international levels. HRH is him- CEIBS Teaching Excellence Award in 2005, 2007, ments have included co-chairing the Independ- self an 8th Dan Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do and Lord Browne of Madingley, FRS, FREng holds and 2013. Prof. Ding frequently provides consult- ent Commission on International Humanitarian captain of the Royal Jordanian Polo Team. He is degrees from Cambridge and Stanford Universi- ing services for many multinationals and Chi- Issues, serving as Commissioner on Legal Em- a qualified helicopter pilot, parachutistand qual- ties, and numerous honorary degrees and fellow- nese companies in the areas of financial com- powerment of the Poor and launching the West ified scuba diver. He skis and plays squash. His ships. munication, corporate governance, cost control Asia-North Africa Forum (WANA). A pioneer of Royal Highness married Her Royal Highness Prin- He joined BP in 1966, was appointed to the system designing, investment and M&A. In May interfaith dialogue and understanding, Prince cess Sarvath, in 1968. They are blessed with four board in 1992 and was Group Chief Executive 2011, Prof. Ding launched the “Ding Yuan Index Hassan initiated and hosted on-going consulta- children, Princesses Rahma, Sumaya, Badiya and from 1995 - 2007. He has served on the boards Neutral Fund” in A share market, becoming the tions with the Orthodox Centre of the Ecumeni- Prince Rashid, and nine grandchildren. of Intel, DaimlerChrysler, Goldman Sachs and first accounting and finance professor in main- cal Patriarchate at Chambesy, Switzerland and SmithKline Beecham. land China to run a hedge fund. In 2013, his fund
was named the Best Hedge Fund in China in the cipient of Economic Time Policy Change Agent Cecilia Malmström holds a Ph.D. in Political Webber Ndoro category of stable investment return. He has also of the Year Award, the Bloomberg TV Personali- Science from the Department of Political Science ICCROM’s Director-General served and continues to serve on the Boards of ty of the year Award, the NDTV Administrator of of Göteborg University. Since January 2020 she is Directors of several listed firms and financial in- the year Award and the Distinguished Fellowship the holder of the Assar Gabrielsson professorship Webber Ndoro joined the National Museums stitutions in mainland China, Hong Kong, Europe of the Institute of Directors. He is the recipient of at the School of Business, Economics and Law at and Monuments of Zimbabwe in 1985. He served and North America. One Globe Award-2016 for leadership in Trans- the university of Gothenburg in Sweden. as Co-coordinator of its Monuments Programme forming Governance for the 21st Century. He is from 1992 to 1994, and then moved to the Uni- Philippe Donnet a Member of the Steering Board of “Shaping the Carlo Mazzi versity of Zimbabwe as lecturer on heritage Managing Director and Group CEO, Future of Production Systems” of World Econom- Chairman & Executive Director management. He has also lectured on heritage Generali ic Forum. He is also the recipient of Sir Edmund of Prada Spa management at the University of Bergen in Nor- Hillary Fellowship award by the Prime Minister of way, as well as at the University of Cape Town, He graduated from the Ecole Polytechnique New Zealand. He is also the recipient of Golden Carlo Mazzi serves as Chairman & Executive South Africa, where he is Honorary Professor. Dr in Paris and the Institut des Actuaires. Between Peacock Award for leadership in Economic Trans- Director of Prada Spa since February 2014. He Ndoro’s first involvement with ICCROM came in 1985 and 2007 he held various positions within formation - 2017.Mr. Amitabh Kant has worked as was appointed to the Board first in 2004 and was 1998, when he was tasked with implementing one the AXA Group, most recently serving as Region- CMD – ITDC, Joint Secretary – Ministry of Tour- re-elected as Executive Director on April 27, 2018. of the first three site projects for the AFRICA 2009 al CEO Asia Pacific. In 2007 he became the Man- ism, Government of India, Secretary – Tourism, He holds directorships in subsidiaries of the Com- programme. From 2002, Dr Ndoro worked as a aging Director for Asia Pacific at Wendel Inves- Government of Kerala, Managing Director, Ker- pany. He holds directorships in Prada Holding full-time ICCROM staff member on AFRICA 2009, tissements, Singapore. In 2010 he was appointed ala State Industrial Development Corporation, S.p.A., Bellatrix S.p.A. and Ludo S.r.l., which are providing a very useful African perspective at Managing Partner of the investment manage- District Collector, Kozikhode and Managing substantial shareholders of the Company. ICCROM to the planning and implementation of ment company HLD in Paris. On 7 October 2013 Director, Matsyafed. He did his schooling from Mr Mazzi is an Indipendent Member of Banca the programme. He left ICCROM in 2007 to ac- he joined Generali as Country Manager Italy and Modern School, Delhi, graduation in Economics Profilo S.p.A. – Milan, a Company listed on the cept the position of Executive Director of the Af- CEO of Generali Italia, position he held until May (Hons) from St. Stephens, Delhi University and M.A Milan Stock Exchange. He is a currently Board rican World Heritage Fund (AWHF), a post which 2016. In this role, he led the programme to merge from Jawaharlal Nehru University. Member of Chora S.r.l. – Milan (a service com- he has held until the present. During his mandate the five Generali brands operating in Italy, one of pany). Mr. Mazzi obtained a degree “cum laude” at AWHF, Ndoro guided the fund to become one Europe’s most complex integration and simplifi- Cecilia Malmström (with praise) in Mechanical Engineering from the of the leading conservation organizations in the cation projects.From 2008 to 2016 he was mem- Former EU Commissioner in charge of Trade UniversitàdegliStudi di Bologna in 1971 and ob- region, and has also raised a significant endow- ber of the Supervisory Board of Vivendi, from 2013 tained a Master’s degree in Business Administra- ment. Under Dr Ndoro’s leadership, AWHF has to 2016 he was member of the Board of Directors Cecilia Malmström has served as European tion from Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi planned and implemented programmes and ac- of Banca Generali S.p.A. and from 2016 to 2017 Commissioner for Trade between 2014 And 2019, of Milan in 1976. tivities for heritage conservation aimed at im- he was Vice-Chair of ANIA. Chevalier de l’Ordre having previously served as European Commis- Mr. Mazzi worked as a Manager of the Large proving World Heritage nominations, strength- National du Mérite. Chevalier dans l’Ordre de la sioner for Home Affairs from 2010 to 2014. In her Corporate department of IMI and San Paolo ening disaster risk management and traditional Légion d’honneur. previous position, she represented the EU in the IMI Bank from 1994 to 2000 and he was a Board management systems, and promoting entrepre- World Trade Organization (WTO) and other inter- member of Banca IBI spa. He was a board mem- neurship related to heritage in the region. Amitabh Kant national trade fora. She was responsible for nego- ber of IBI International Business Advisors Invest- CEO of National Institution tiating bilateral trade agreements with key coun- ment N.V.- Amsterdam; Vice Chairman and Exec- Charles Rivkin for Transforming India (NITI) tries, including recently concluded agreements utive Committee Member of IBI Bank AG - Zurich; Chairman and CEO of the with Canada, Japan, Mexico and the four Merco- Board Member of IBI Corporate Finance B.V. - Motion Picture Association (MPA) He is a member of the Indian Administrative sur countries, and for ongoing negotiations with, Amsterdam; Managing Director of IBI S.p.A. - Mi- Service, IAS (Kerala Cadre: 1980 batch). He is the for example, Chile, Australia and New Zeeland. lan (financial intermediation ex art. 106 TUB) from He leads the MPA’s global mission to advance author of “Branding India - An Incredible Story”. Prior to her appointment as Commissioner, she 2000 to 2004. and support the film, television, and streaming Mr. Kant has been a key driver of the “Make in In- served as Member of the European Parliament content industry. The MPA’s members currently dia”, Startup India, “Incredible India” and “God’s from 1999 to 2006, and as Swedish Minister for Eu- include; Disney, Netflix, Paramount, Sony, Twen- Own Country” initiatives that positioned India ropean Union Affairs 2006–2010. She is a member tieth Century Fox, Universal, and Warner Bros. and Kerala State as leading manufacturing and of the Liberal People’s Party, which is represented Drawing on almost 30 years of experience as a tourism destinations. Mr. Kant has been the re- by the ALDE group in the European Parliament. media executive and a leading U.S. diplomat,
Rivkin advocates for policies that drive invest- a Certificate of Management, as one of the first director and chief officer for global strategies, ment in film and television production, protect participants in the FAO/WFP join-programme, Vidarte is a member of the foundation’s senior creative content, and open markets. In 2018, from John Cabot University, Rome/Italy, in 1995. management team reporting to Richard Arm- Rivkin was appointed to the U.S. Trade Represent- Ms. Thompson-Flores has 30 years of progres- strong, and is responsible for initiating and imple- ative’s (USTR) Advisory Committee for Trade Poli- sively responsible professional experience within menting new ventures outside existing founda- cy and Negotiations (ACTPN). Prior to joining the the United Nations Common System. In 1987,she tion activities. He is currently working to ensure MPA, Rivkin served for more than seven years at began her career in the Human Resources De- the successful development of the Guggenheim the highest levels of the U.S. government’s diplo- partment of the Food and Agricultural Organiza- Abu Dhabi. Born in Bilbao, Vidarte graduated matic corps. He was the U.S. Assistant Secretary tion (FAO), and joined the United Nations World with a degree in economics and business stud- of State for Economic and Business Affairs from Food Programme (WFP) in 1995 where she served ies from the University of Deusto in Bilbao in 1978, February 2014 to January 2017. He led the State in different managerial/policy development ca- and took postgraduate studies at the Massachu- Department Bureau responsible for managing in- pacities. In 2004, she joined the United Nations setts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge, ternational trade negotiations, intellectual prop- Development Programme (UNDP) in New York, as Massachusetts. erty rights protection, and global internet policy, Chief of the Human Resources Policy Unit, return- among other major policy issues. From 2009 to ing to the WFP at the end of 2005. 2013, Rivkin was the United States Ambassador In 2008, she joined the United Nations Educa- to France and Monaco. During his posting, Rivkin tional, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UN- was personally awarded the Légion d’honneur ESCO) headquarters in Paris/France, as Deputy with the rank of Commander by the President of Director of the Bureau of Human ResourcesMan- France. He also received the city of Paris’ highest agement and in 2011was promoted to the post of honor, la Grande Médaille de Vermeil de la Ville Director of the Bureau. She held the post of As- de Paris, and was presented with the U.S. Navy’s sistant Director-General for Strategic Planning Distinguished Public Service Award. Rivkin is a in 2015 prior to joining the UNESCO Regional Bu- member of the Board of Trustees of the American reau for Science and Culture in Europe. Film Institute (AFI) and the American Academy of Diplomacy (AAD). He is also a member of the Juan Ignacio Vidarte Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, Director general of the Guggenheim and the Council on Foreign Relations. Museum Bilbao Ana Luiza Massot Thompson-Flores Juan Ignacio Vidarte joined the New York staff Director of the UNESCO of the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation as Regional Bureau for Science and Culture deputy director and chief officer for global strat- in Europe, Venice egies in November 2008. He is also the director general of the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao and Ana Luiza Massot Thompson-Flores, born in Rio divides his time between Bilbao and New York. He de Janeiro (Brazil),is presently the Director of the was appointed director general of the museum in UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science and Cul- 1996 having led the development of the Guggen- ture in Europe based in Venice (Italy). heim Bilbao Museum project from its inception in Ms. Massot Thompson-Flores studied at the 1992 through its opening. Under Vidarte’s leader- Kogod School of Business where she completed ship, the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao has been her university studies at the American University awarded numerous prizes, including the Gold (Wash.DC) obtaining her Bachelor’s of Science in Medal in Fine Arts in 1999, the European Museum Business Administration (International business, Forum Museum of the Year Award in 2000, the Personnel & Industrial Relations with a minor in Tourist Appeal Award in 2005, and the EFQM Sil- Psycology) in December 1985. She also obtained ver Q Award for Management Quality. As deputy
messaggio di saluto del presidente del senato Rivolgo il mio saluto all’On. Francesco Rutelli, al Sindaco di Venezia Dott. Luigi Brugnaro, ai compenenti di Soft Power Club e agli autorevoli relatori che interverrano ai lavori della Conferenza. Guardo con particolare attenzione a questo forum internazionale che si pone quale luogo privilegiato di confronto e dibattito, e quale ambito per l’elaborazione di strategie e soluzioni ai gravi problemi che travalicano i confini nazionali. È esperienza ormai acquisita che i fenomeni con i quali istituzioni e società si devono confrontare superano le concrete possibilità di controllo dei singoli governi. Penso ad esempio ai cambiamenti climatici, alla gestione dei flussi finanziari e, drammaticamente attuali, alle pandemie. Luigi Brugnaro Mayor of Venice Per la loro gestione risultano essenziali cooperazione e collaborazione tra Stati. Occorrono nuove abilità Honorary President di organizzazione dei sistemi istituzionali e sociali orientati alla creazione di “beni pubblici comuni”. Soft Power Club In questo si sostanzia la nuova concezione e la nuova narrativa del potere del XXI secolo. Mayor Luigi Brugnaro was born on 13th September 1961 in Nell’apprestare e attuare questi strumenti di cooperazione multilaterale, risiede uno dei più rilevanti Mirano (Metropolitan City of aspetti della “mission” di Soft Power Club. Venice). He graduated in ar- chitecture at Venice IUAV. Una cooperazione in grado di valorizzare al meglio il patrimonio di principi e valori che costituiscono He has been President of l’identità culturale di ogni paese. Umana, a holding company operating in services, manu- Dialogo, pluralismo e concretezza le parole chiave di questa nuova realtà che - ne sono certa - saprà dare facturing, construction, sports un contributo originale e innovativo alla società e alle istituzioni italiane. and agriculture. Since 2006 he has been President of the In tale contesto mi colpisce il ruolo decisivo riconosciuto alla cultura quale elemento in grado di coniugare Venice historical Basketball identità e inclusione, di sostenere il confronto e le relazioni, di aprire davvero prospettive di sviluppo economico company, Reyer, founded in sostenibile. 1872. From 2009 to 2013 he was Per questo assai significativa risulta la scelta di Venezia quale sede del Club, per l’universalità del suo President of the Venice As- patrimonio artistico e culturale e per il suo carattere di luogo emblematicamente aperto all’incontro di sociation of Entrepreneurs. culture diverse. He has been President of As- solavoro, the National Asso- Desidero pertanto rivolgere i miei più sinceri auguri per il pieno successo di questa conferenza, certa che ciation of Employment Agen- anche dal dibattito di questi giorni potranno emergere importanti indicazioni per il futuro che ci attende. cies, Member of the National Association of Entrepreneurs, Veneto Region delegate for Buon lavoro a tutti. Expo 2015 and President of the Veneto Expo Committee.
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