Il Mosaico - Schlossberg Legal

Pagina creata da Enrico Papa
Il Mosaico - Schlossberg Legal
Il Mosaico
                                           Società Dante Alighieri del Michigan - Detroit Metropolitan Area

 Dear DAS members,                                              83° Congresso Internazionale della Società Dante
     Let us know what you think, make suggestions, and          Alighieri.
 be involved. Our emails are on the contact page                     “Italia, Argentina, Mondo” – L’italiano ci unisce con
 of                                      un congresso che si terrà a Buenos Aires, Argentina, tra il
     Our wonderful group of volunteers is committed to          18 e il 20 luglio 2019.
 dedicating their free time to create new classes and                Sarà il primo congresso mondiale della rete Dante ad
 events to better suit your needs.                              essere organizzato fuori dal continente europeo: per la
     Please check our website for updates:                      Società, il legame fraterno tra i paesi, alimentato per                                         generazioni, è vitale.
     Sign up for our mailing list to receive DAS updates
 on classes and events.
     I look forward to seeing you soon.

 ~~Lia Adelfi, DAS of Michigan President

IL SALUTO DEL PRESIDENTE                                        e della lingua italiane. Occorre creare sempre più una rete
     La Dante compie 130 anni e accoglie le sfide della         di simpatia attorno all’Italia e al mondo italiano. Lo
globalizzazione, perché siamo convinti che la lingua            scenario da realizzare è l’Italsimpatia: connettere “pezzi
italiana abbia un posto importante nel mondo di oggi.           d’Italia” facendo sistema. Il prossimo Congresso si
     Molto ambizioso era l’animo del Manifesto fondativo        intitola Italia, Argentina, mondo: l’italiano ci unisce. Si
del 1889: “Dovunque suona accento della lingua                  colloca in quest’ottica e vedrà la partecipazione di
nostra, dovunque la nostra civiltà lasciò tradizioni,           numerosi interlocutori istituzionali. A Buenos Aires,
dovunque sono fratelli nostri che vogliono e debbono            sotto l’Alto patronato del Presidente della Repubblica
rimanere tali, ivi è un pezzo della patria che non              Italiana, il Sistema Italia sarà rappresentato anche
possiamo dimenticare”. Scriveremo oggi in altro modo            attraverso il programma governativo Vivere all’Italiana,
queste parole, ma la nostra intuizione resta la stessa in       con il Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione
condizioni tanto cambiate. La nostra prospettiva deve           Internazionale, e il Forum Italia-Argentina Cult&Tech,
essere non solo quella di difendere la lingua italiana, bensì   con ICE-Agenzia e il Ministero del lo Sviluppo
di internazionalizzare l’Italia partendo dalla nostra           Economico.
identità. Oggi la Società si presenta come uno strumento             Sono certo che – in questo e nei futuri percorsi – non
rinnovato per promuovere il mondo in italiano e l’Italia        mancherà l’apporto rilevante dei tanti amici del mondo in
nel mondo.                                                      italiano, dei soci, degli studenti e dei docenti di lingua,
     Guardiamo a questo congresso internazionale,               delle scuole e dei comitati della Dante, delle imprese e
l’ottantatreesimo della nostra storia, con grande               degli “italsimpatici”, con un profondo spirito di
entusiasmo, dopo aver superato un delicato passaggio            appartenenza per rispondere alle impegnative sfide che ci
della storia della nostra Società, e abbiamo il desiderio di    attendono.
ascoltarci e dialogare per proseguire insieme il nostro
impegno nella promozione e nella diffusione della cultura        ~~Andrea Riccardi, Presidente della Società Dante Alighieri

Mission Statement
Il Mosaico is the official publication of the Dante Alighieri Society, Michigan Chapter.
Its purpose is to promote and preserve the Italian language and culture in the Italian-American Community, as well as in the
community at large.
                                                                                                                June 2019
Il Mosaico - Schlossberg Legal
New regulation relating to the acquisition of
                                                                   Italian citizenship based on marriage to an
                                                                   Italian citizen.

                                          Maeci Law n. 132 (December 1, 2018) introduced some news concerning
                                     citizenship, particularly regarding the language requirement. The new law is in
                                     force since 4 December 2018.
                                          This provision provides, as a condition for the recognition of citizenship
                                     pursuant to arts. 5 ("Citizenship through Marriage or Same-Sex Union") and 9 of
                                     the aforementioned law, possession of an adequate knowledge of Italian, not less
                                     than level B1. The assessment of this requirement must be carried out through the
Dante Alighieri Society              acquisition of the CEFRL.
Michigan Chapter
4050 West Maple Road, Ste #250       - qualification awarded by an Italian public or equivalent Italian educational
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48301           institution; or
Phone: 248.250.8928                  - certification issued by a certifying body.
DAS Officers & Board of              Certifying bodies, belonging to the CLIQ unified certification system
Directors:                           (Certificazione Lingua Italiana di Qualità), are:
Lia Adelfi (President)               - Università per stranieri di Siena
Betina Schlossberg (Vice-            - Università per stranieri di Perugia
Giulia Pittau (Treasurer)            - Università Roma Tre
Shanna Kaminski (Secretary)          - Società Dante Alighieri
Sandra Marinelli (Education)              Certifications of a level not inferior to B1 issued by the aforesaid entities
Daniela D’Amico Henderson
(Culture)                            (eventually in collaboration with the local Italian Cultural Institutes) may be
Charesse Manganiello                 considered valid.
Anna Castaldi Roselli (Director)
Silvia Giorgini-Althoen (Director)

DAS Special Committees:                                Anagrafe Italiani All’estero - A.I.R.E.
Lia Adelfi: Website, Mosaico                              6 buoni Motivi per Iscriverti
Betina Schlossberg: By Laws
Shanna Kaminski: Development
Silvia Giorgini-Althoen:              1.   L’ufficio Consolare sa che ci sei e ti può aiutare
                                      2.   È più semplice avere il passaporto, la carta d’identità e altri documenti
Contributors to this issue:
                                      3.   Puoi votare per posta nelle elezioni politiche e nei referendum
Daniela Henderson,                    4.   Puoi celebrare il tuo matrimonio o unione civile
Silvia Giorgini-Althoen
Alberica Pellerey,
                                      5.   Puoi richiedere la trascrizione di atti di stato civile
Betina Schlossberg                    6.   Sei in regola con gli obblighi di legge ed eviti imposizioni non dovute.

                                      Per iscriverti puoi utilizzare il servizio Fast It che ti permette l'iscrizione
The Dante Alighieri Society –         all'AIRE e la comunicazione del cambio d’indirizzo. Il portale dei servizi
Michigan Chapter is a 501(c)(3)       consolari è realizzato per fornire al connazionale all'estero servizi e
nonprofit organization.
All member dues are tax-              informazioni tramite internet.
deductible to the extent
permitted by law.
                                      Per maggiori informazioni rivolgersi al Consolato d’Italia a Detroit
                                      Buhl Building - 535 Griswold, Suite 1840 Detroit, Michigan -48226
                                      Telefono: (313) 963-8560

Il Mosaico                                                                                                             2
Il Mosaico - Schlossberg Legal
Cosa sarebbe successo in Italia?
     My son and I were watching a car show on TV. In a segment, the presenters were running a super-car race inside
a frescoed French Renaissance style building, formerly a theater -now a parking structure: the Michigan Theater in
Detroit. While watching, the question came up: “cosa sarebbe successo in Italia?
     According to Historic Detroit “[t]he 4,038-seat Michigan Theatre was designed in the French Renaissance style
in 1925 and was simply unrivaled in Detroit in elegance at the time. The Michigan was built at Bagley and Cass
avenues at a cost of more than $3.5 million ($42.4 million today, when adjusted for inflation).” The Michigan Theater
closed as a theater in 1976. “In 1977, the building’s owners paid $525,000 to gut the theater and build a three-level,
160-space parking deck inside it. The mezzanine and balcony were brought down, as was the grand staircase and one
wall of the grand lobby.” Historic Detroit explains.
     Both Italy and the U.S. have laws regarding historic preservation aiming at protecting historic property and
cultural heritage. In both countries building permitting occurs mostly at the local levels and conditions may be
imposed on use of the property in the case public funds were received for its restoration or maintenance. In spite of
these similarities, differences are considerable.

                                                            The first difference lies with the Constitutions.
                                                                   The United States Constitution limits the powers of
                                                            the State in several ways which affect the force with which
                                                            the State could protect historic properties. In the first
                                                            place, the Takings Clause does not allow the State to
                                                            interfere with private ownership; secondly, the First
                                                            Amendment limits the possibility of historic preservation
                                                            ordinances being enforced against religious owners, as it
                                                            could be argued the State would be limiting the Free-
                                                            Exercise Clause. On the other hand, the Constitution of
Italy grants the State the authority over the promotion and the protection of its heritage.
     Based on this authority, the State has exclusive powers to promote and enhance historic patrimony and to
guarantee its conservation. It must protect, and demand protection of, historic property within its territory, be that
public, private, or belonging to religious organizations.
     As regards legislation, the U.S. National Historic Properties Act (NHPA) does not determine duties for
preservation and protection. The goal of the Act is to identify historic properties and have interested parties
integrate through a strict consultation process. The Federal government’s only responsibility is to “accelerate historic
preservation programs” and to cooperate with state and local governments to achieve this goal, nothing else. Clearly,
these duties are in sharp contrast with those the Italian Code imposes, which are to ensure, support, and guarantee
the enhancement and maintenance of historic property. The Code represents the main legislative reference for the
protection, conservation and enhancement of the Italian historic property.
     The Italian Code gives the State the power to police the condition of historic property, to authorize restoration
or maintenance work, to issue permits, and even to determine which professions are authorized to work on the
properties. It imposes the duty of conservation on public institutions, but also on private organizations or
individuals, and even on religious organizations. Inspectors visit sites before, during, and after the works are carried
out, their thumbs up or down can make an immense difference in terms of the timing and cost of a project.
What about the Michigan Theater, then?
     The cost of restoring or even maintaining a historic propriety can be huge. Given the lack of teeth the NHPA
has, one way the U.S. incentivizes protection for historic property is to provide tax relief for work done to buildings
and sites listed on the National Register of Historic Properties. Today, those incentives correspond to a reduction in
income tax of up to 20% of the costs incurred on improvements for the property. Still, not enough considering there
is no duty to preserve the property. It is far cheaper to demolish the deteriorated building or assign it to another
purpose – such as a parking structure.
     If the Michigan Theater were situated in Italy, the owners would have had the duty to restore and maintain it,
and to pay for such work. The Italian Code imposes the costs of interventions on historic property on the owners or
possessors. In the case the Ministry (Ministero dei Beni e delle Attività Culturali e del Turismo) decides to do the
restoration itself, all expenses are passed on to the owner or possessor in a percentage decided by the Ministero.
     Some of the cost incurred by private owners could be somehow offset with governmental refunds. However,
these are not commonly requested as the procedure takes too long and is complicated.

Il Mosaico                                                                                                               3
In short, turning back to the original question of what would have happened if the privately owned Michigan
Theater had been situated in Italy; for sure it would not have been turned into a public parking structure, let alone
appear on an Amazon show, if it had been -otherwise owners could have faced not only civil but criminal charges. In
addition, the owners would have had to pay for the restoration and maintenance, and probably open the property to
the public – at least partially. Are those too heavy a burden for historic property owners or just right to keep our
cultural heritage in good shape for the future generations?
~~ Betina Schlossberg
                                                                                                             2 © Huffington Post

     Wayne State University “Pucci Award”

      Il 23 aprile, come ogni anno alla Wayne State
University durante la cerimonia dedicata al Prof.
Domenico Pucci, abbiamo premiato i migliori studenti
dei nostri corsi di italiano di lingua, cultura e letteratura.
      È sempre un evento di partecipazione e condivisione
con la comunità per celebrare la nostra bella lingua e
cultura tutti insieme.
      Ogni anno si possono vedere gli splendidi lavori fatti
dai ragazzi durante l’anno accademico. Quest’anno
abbiamo avuto l’onore di assistere a una splendida e
simpatica esibizione musicale della famiglia della
studentessa Jane Thornton, che con i suoi due fratelli,
Alex e John hanno interpretato una canzone dei Modà,
Come un pittore.                                                         C. Manganiello, L. Adelfi , Prof. De Benedictis, Nicola DePalma,
      Un’altra importante novità -che sottolinea la stretta              Tullio Di Michele, Prof. E.Past
collaborazione tra Wayne State e la Società Dante
Alighieri del Michigan- è stata l’assegnazione di due
tessere di iscrizione alla Società ai due migliori studenti
vincitori dei premi Seros (Tullio Di Michele) e del
prestigioso premio Pucci (Nicola DePalma).
      On April 23, 2019 at Wayne State University “Pucci
Award” ceremony, we recognized our best Italian students from
all level and classes: language, culture and literature.
This is the most awaited event and ceremony when Wayne State
celebrates the Italian language and culture with the community.
      Every year there is a showcase of the incredible projects our
students created during the year, and this year we were very
fortunate to have a fun and exciting musical performance by one
Italian student, Jane Thornton, who sang a song by the Italian
pop group Modà (Come un pittore), along with her two brothers:
John, and 10-year-old Alex.
      For the first time this year, underlying the solid collaboration
between Wayne State and the Dante Alighieri Society of
Michigan, the DAS offered two free membership cards to our best
students: Tullio Di Michele (recipient of the Seros Award) and
Nicola DePalma (recipient of our prestigious Pucci Award).

~~ Silvia Giorgini-Althoen

Il Mosaico                                                                                                                                4
                                       Arquata del Tronto (Ascoli Piceno)
                                     Proprietà della Curia di Ascoli Piceno
    Un doveroso aggiornamento a seguito della cena del 12 ottobre 2016 che la Dante Alighieri, in
collaborazione con Silvio Medoro (Silvioʼs Organic Pizza, Ann Arbor, MI), ha organizzato per raccogliere
fondi da destinare a Capodacqua, frazione di Arquata del Tronto, Ascoli Piceno, Marche, Italia.
    I fondi raccolti durante e dopo lʼevento sono stati trasferiti allʼAssociazione Capodacqua Viva per
progetti di recupero architettonico, culturale e aggregativo. La somma erogata è stata pari a $6,286.00.
Altri fondi sono stati destinati al FAI Fondo Ambiente Italiano che si è mobilitato per Capodacqua con il
restauro della Cappella della Madonna del Sole. La somma erogata è stata pari a $1,500.00.

Cari generosi Amici,
sono passati quasi tre anni dalla drammatica notte del
24 agosto 2016 quando una terribile scossa di
terremoto ha colpito il comune di Arquata del Tronto.
Grazie al vostro generoso gesto il FAI si è potuto
attivare subito per mettere in sicurezza l’Oratorio
della Madonna del Sole nella frazione di Capodacqua.
Il 29 settembre 2016, infatti, vengono effettuati i
primi sopralluoghi finalizzati alla definizione di un
piano di recupero del bene e su spinta del FAI,
                                                             Prospetti esterni – situazione dopo la seconda scossa (30 ottobre
l’Oratorio viene messo in sicurezza. Grazie a questo         2016)
intervento la fortissima scossa del 30 ottobre 2016,
salva l’architettura dell’Oratorio.
Oggi vi scrivo per aggiornarvi su quanto fatto fino ad
ora e ringraziarvi per il vostro generoso gesto, di
fondamentale importanza per continuare a svolgere la
nostra missione di cura di luoghi speciali in Italia.
In allegato troverete un aggiornamento sul progetto,
oltre ad una cronistoria fotografica di tutte le fasi
Rimango a vostra disposizione per ulteriori
chiarimenti e, con la speranza di avervi sempre
generosamente vicini al nostro lavoro, vi invio grato
                                                             Oratorio della Madonna del Sole - stato di fatto attuale
~~Alberica Pellerey. FAI Fondo Ambiente Italiano

Get Involved!
   Become a member. Register for a language class. Volunteer. As an all-volunteer organization (except
teachers) Dante activities are made possible only by the time, energy, passion and love of our volunteers and
members. Our events and gatherings create opportunities to learn more about Italy, its language and culture and to
meet other people. You are encouraged to become actively engaged in Dante's programs!
    Volunteer opportunities: Serve on the Education, Membership, and Cultural Committees. To volunteer for any
position or activity or if you have questions before committing, send an email to:

Il Mosaico                                                                                                              6
     Con la presente si trasmette la lista finale dei volontari che parteciperanno al nostro programma VoluntarItaly,
per l’estate 2019, organizzato in collaborazione con gli Oratori Lombardi.
Abigail Grinberg - Brandeis University, Boston, Massachusetts    Karina Cavazos - University of Houston, TX
Ariana Irene Antonelli - University of Illinois at Chicago, IL   Katsiarina Trushchankova - Santa Clara University, California
Ashley L Smith - Tufts University, MA                            Laken Guza - Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan
Bianca M Carrazco - University of Illinois at Chicago, IL        Lauren Hegelson - Brigham Young University
Brenda Armenta - University of Illinois at Chicago, IL           Lenni Joya Amaya - Marist College, New York
Brooke Cara Cohen - Muhlenberg College, Pennsylvania             Lilian Macancela - University at Buffalo - State University of New
Caitlin Claire Rietta - UCLA California                          York
Caroline Feibert - Marist College, NY                            Lucas John DiCerbo - Lexington High School, Massachusetts
Christopher James Picchiello - University of Pennsylvania        Margaret O’Brien Peters - University of Arizona, Arizona
Courtney Brunet - Hamilton College, NY                           Maryjo Ramona Riscinti - Wagner College-Staten Island, New York
Dani R Pezzuto - Case Western Reserve University                 Matteo C Romano - Sarah Lawrence College, New York
Daniel R Carter - St.John Fisher College, New York               Melissa Meric - Silberman School of Social Work at Hunter College,
Edith Paty Espinoza - University of Illinois at Chicago, IL      New York
Elizabeth Avshalomov - Binghamton University, New York           Mia A Hackett - York Community High School
Elliot Vaughn - Portland State University, Oregon                Nancy Y Moreno - Depaul University/Illinois
Emma Marie Fontana - Santa Clara University, California          Nicholas Michael Phillips - Florida State University
Estefania Zarate Espinoza - University of Illinois at Chicago,   Nick Molodow - University of Virginia
Gaetana Priya D’Auria - Hofstra University, NY                   Omar Mariadaga - University of Illinois at Chicago, IL
                                                                 Pamela Christina Granda - University of Illinois at Chicago Rachel
Genesis Murillo - University of Illinois at Chicago
                                                                 Eva Zarky - University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
Genevieve A Rao - SUNY University at Buffalo
                                                                 Sidney Lee Wach - University of Colorado-Boulder
Grace Nicole Livingston - University of Colorado-Boulder
                                                                 Stevent A Cleto - Wheaton College Massachusetts
Hanna Fernandez - University of Virginia
                                                                 Taylor N Reddeman - University of California, Riverside, CA
Jhoselyn E Garnica - University at Buffalo, NY
                                                                 Vivian Perez - University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
Joellyn Sabrina Speredelozzi - University of Rhode Island
                                                                 Xochiti Mondragon - University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
Joseph Nicholas VanGostein - Fordham University, NY
Kaitlyn Alexandra Foster - Indiana University, Indiana

La Dante Alighieri del Michigan, si complimenta con Sofia Tonin per la scelta del progetto
    Quando si vive all’estero è sempre molto difficile mantenere i legami affettivi, culturali e di conoscenza
del nostro Paese. Specialmente per i figli degli espatriati. Insegnare agli altri quanto di bello il nostro Paese
offre è una opera intrinseca alla nostra missione.
    Per questo motivo, i Comitati Educazione e Cultura hanno assegnato a Sofia una scholarship di
Complementi Sofia!

    Sofia Tonin, è una studentessa presso l'International Academy
di Bloomfield Hills in Michigan e socia della DAS Michigan. Una
parte del suo "Sophomore Personal Project" prevedeva la
creazione di un progetto di valore sociale.
    Sofia ha così deciso di realizzare un libro illustrato per
bambini dai 6 agli 8 anni di età. Il libro racconta la storia di due
marmotte, un nipotino e un nonno. Prendendo spunto dalle
fotografie di un vecchio album il nonno racconta al nipotino dei
suoi viaggi e avventure in Italia. Un racconto sui monumenti e
luoghi famosi: la Torre di Pisa, la Fontana di Trevi, Il Colosseo, il
Ponte di Rialto, i Trulli e Pompei. Il libro contiene anche delle
schede tecniche con informazioni sui monumenti analizzati.
    Un libro bilingue (italiano ed inglese) con l‘intento di
insegnare ai bambini la cultura italiana divertendosi.

Il Mosaico                                                                                                                            6
Update on DAS Education
     As usual, the “Dante” continues to offer L1 and L2 Italian courses for adults and children at all levels in
Bloomfield Hills, Ann Arbor, and Northville.
     Additions for the summer include Italian refresher courses, Italian for Tourists and Italian through
Food (Parla come Mangi) for adults. For children, regular courses start at age 3 with MagiFiaba all the way
to preparation for the AP in Italian exam.
     Starting in September, we are offering exciting new courses to suit a variety of interests like Italian
through Music and Italian through Gestures, and Art and Culture mini-courses for advanced speakers of
Italian and native speakers; coming up is Power of Fashion that will end up with a visit to the Toledo
exhibition here at the DIA. We are also offering Italian language classes for individuals with special needs.
     As we already told you, DAS Michigan has been registered as a PLIDA certification center. PLIDA
certificates are validated by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs as a marker of Italian language skills,
and satisfy, among others, the requirement of proof of Italian skills to be admitted to an Italian university
or to obtain Italian citizenship though marriage.

   If you are interested in taking one of these classes please contact our Education committee at: or register online at:

   Verdi Opera Theatre of Michigan's annual Italian Songs and Arias Vocal Competition for
               Michigan High School Students celebrated its 25th anniversary

  Natalie Corrigan, Rachel Miltimore, and Jarrett Hazelton are the three top winners of the recently held
Concert of the Finalists of the prestigious Verdi Opera Theatre of Michigan's annual Italian Songs and
Arias Vocal Competition for Michigan High School Students, which celebrated its 25th anniversary this
year. The Verdi Opera's mission is to encourage and support young vocal music students to develop an
appreciation for Italian music and the Italian language for everyone's enjoyment and cultural enrichment.
  Through the years this competition has earned a reputation as one of the very best in the state.

   TheVerdi Opera Theatre of Michigan organized this event in cooperation with the Italian American
Club of Livonia Charitable Foundation, the Italian American Cultural Society, the Dante Alighieri Society
of Michigan and the Michigan Opera Theatre.

                     2019 First Prize Winner Natalie Corrigan, of Northville High School.

Il Mosaico                                                                                                 8
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             2019 Membership Application/Renewal                                               Membership Message
                                                                                  Dear Friend:
                                                                                         Your Membership is valid from January to
                                                                                  December of each year.
                                                                                        In order to vote at the General Assembly,
                                                                                  members must be in good standing, which
City/State                                               ZIP
                                                                                  means that membership dues must be paid in
                                                                                  full by June 30th of each year.
Phone Number
                                                                                        Thereafter, you are still welcome to renew
                                                                                  your membership, but without the benefit of
Email                                                                             voting at the Annual Membership Meeting.
                                                                                        For new Members and renewals that are
                                                                                  made from October 1st of the current year, the
              Check if you want to be listed in the DAS e-mail directory
                                                                                  membership will be applied for the following
                                                                                  year only. This mean that if you pay on October
                                                                                  1, 2019. You are a member starting from January
                                                                                  1, 2020.
Life                            $500            Individual                 $30    You can become a member or renew online on
                                                                                  our website:
                                                                         or by filling out a copy
                                                Senior Citizen                    of this form and mailing it with a check to our
Corporate                       $300                                       $20
                                                 (65 and over)                    office.
                                                                                    If there are any questions, please let us know.
Patron                          $60             Part time Student w/ID     $15    Sincerely,

         Il Mosaico                             Full Time Student w/ID     Free   Charesse Manganiello               10
Family                          $50                                               DAS Membership Chair
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