Non-financial information as a driver of transformation - Evidence from Italy | 2018 - Nedcommunity
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Non-financial information as a driver of transformation Evidence from Italy | 2018 In collaboration with Nedcommunity
2 Non-financial information as a driver of transformation: evidence from italy Lo studio è stato curato da: Nadia Linciano e Angela Ciavarella (Consob) Livia Piermattei (Methodos-the Change Management Company e Nedcommunity) in collaborazione con Simona Cosma e Paola Schwizer (Nedcommunity) Lo studio è disponibile sul sito Consob: Le opinioni espresse nel lavoro sono personali degli autori e non impegnano in alcun modo la Consob. Nel citare i contenuti del rapporto, non è pertanto corretto attribuirli alla Consob o ai suoi Vertici. Non-financial information as a driver of transformation In collaboration with Evidence from Italy Nedcommunity
3 Motivazione e contesto di riferimento Non-financial information as a driver of transformation In collaboration with Evidence from Italy Nedcommunity
4 Motivazione dello studio Piano strategico della CONSOB 2019-2021 • Obiettivo 2: Accompagnare le imprese nel processo di applicazione della nuova normativa sull’informazione non finanziaria favorendo l’introduzione delle tematiche Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) • Istituzione di uno Steering Committee sulla sostenibilità • Monitoraggio studi e ricerche • Elaborazione (…) di principi comuni di rendicontazione anche ai fini delle dichiarazioni non finanziarie • Approccio data-driven, basato sull’integrazione tra studi e vigilanza, tra i principi cardine del PS • Fondamentale raccogliere dati ed evidenze Non-financial information as a driver of transformation In collaboration with Evidence from Italy Nedcommunity
5 Il contesto normativo • Direttiva 2014/95/EU (principle based; armonizzazione minima) • Ambito di applicazione • Reporting (temi, informazione, integrazione con informazione finanziaria, standard) • Comply or explain, safe harbor, controlli esterni • Rendicontazione in materia di diversity • Orientamenti della CE sulla comunicazione di informazioni di carattere non finanziario (2017) • Piano d’azione il finanziamento dell’UE per il finanziamento della crescita sostenibile (2018) • Consultazione revisione Orientamenti per maggiore allineamento alle raccomandazioni della FSB's TF on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (febbraio 2019) • I commenti ESMA • Materialità: applicazione a tutti i temi ESG • Struttura del reporting (Type I e Type II information): incentivo a un esercizio tick-the-box? • Comparabilità e qualità delle informazioni: maggiore standardizzazione del disclosure framework • Riduzione delle ‘clausole di opzionalità’ a favore degli Stati membri Non-financial information as a driver of transformation In collaboration with Evidence from Italy Nedcommunity
6 Lo stato dell’arte in Europa • Recepimento della Direttiva eterogeneo • Ambito di applicazione • Reporting (temi, informazione, integrazione con informazione finanziaria, standard) • Obblighi (comply or explain, safe harbor, revisori) e sanzioni • Rendicontazione in materia di diversity CSR Europe and GRI (2017), Member State Implementation of Directive 2014/95/EU Frank Bold (2017), Comparing the implementation of the EU NFR Directive in the UK, Germany, France and Italy. Non-financial information as a driver of transformation In collaboration with Evidence from Italy Nedcommunity
7 Lo stato dell’arte in Europa • Aumenta il numero di società che pubblicano non-financial information Hervé Stolowy & Luc Paugam (2018) The expansion of non-financial reporting: an exploratory study, Accounting and Business Research, 48:5, 525-548, DOI: 10.1080/00014788.2018.1470141 • L’applicazione della normativa mostra diverse aree di miglioramento Per la Germania vedi: E. Hoffmann, C. Dietsche and C. Hobelsberger (2018), Between mandatory and voluntary: non- financial reporting by German companies, DOI: 10.1007/s00550-018-0479-6 Per l’Olanda vedi: AFM (2018), Thematic review of non-financial information in management reports 2017 • Reporting eterogeneo a seconda delle aree tematiche Per Austria, Germania e Svezia vedi: Non-financial information as a driver of transformation In collaboration with Evidence from Italy Nedcommunity In collaboration with Nedcommunity
8 Il valore del non-financial reporting Le (prime) evidenze empiriche • Evidenza di una associazione positiva tra NFR e indicatori di performance finanziaria I. Ioannis and G. Serafeim (2017), The Consequences of Mandatory Corporate Sustainability Reporting, Harvard Business School Research Working Paper 11- 100, Poroy Arsoy et al. (2018) The effect of non-financial information on financial performance. Evidence from Turkey, • Evidenza del valore aggiunto dell’Integrated Reporting come elemento di innesco della doppia funzione della corporate disclosure (information and transformation) • R. G. Eccles e G. Serafeim (2014), Corporate and Integrated Reporting: A Functional Perspective, Non-financial information as a driver of transformation In collaboration with Evidence from Italy Nedcommunity
9 Le evidenze per il caso italiano Non-financial information as a driver of transformation In collaboration with Evidence from Italy Nedcommunity In collaboration with Nedcommunity
10 L’impatto della Direttiva nel caso italiano Lo Studio analizza l’impatto della Direttiva sotto due distinti profili • Modalità attraverso cui le società quotate sull’MTA hanno dato attuazione alle nuove regole attraverso un’analisi documentale • Dichiarazioni non finanziarie • Documenti ulteriori rispetto alle DNF • Analisi di materialità • Gli organi di amministrazione e le tematiche ESG • Analisi documentale • Survey rivolta agli amministratori indipendenti di NedCommunity • Consapevolezza, engagement e coinvolgimento del board? • Quale impatto su modelli di business, governance e strategie? Non-financial information as a driver of transformation In collaboration with Evidence from Italy Nedcommunity
11 Non-financial reporting Non-financial information as a driver of transformation In collaboration with Evidence from Italy Nedcommunity
12 Il reporting nel 2018 (1/2) Fonte: Consob Nel corso del 2018, 151 società italiane con azioni ordinarie quotate hanno pubblicato la DNF. Tra queste, due avrebbero potuto avvalersi dell’esenzione prevista per le società controllate da una società madre Non-financial information as a driver of transformation In collaboration with Evidence from Italy Nedcommunity
13 Il reporting nel 2018 (2/2) Fonte: Consob • sei società hanno pubblicato le informazioni richieste dalla direttiva nell’ambito di un Report Integrato, presentando congiuntamente informazioni finanziarie e non finanziarie • in alcuni casi, oltre alla DNF, è stato pubblicato un altro documento su temi non finanziari (Report di sostenibilità o Integrato) Non-financial information as a driver of transformation In collaboration with Evidence from Italy Nedcommunity
14 L’analisi di materialità (1/2) • L’analisi di materialità è stata realizzata da quasi tutte le società • gli stakeholders interni sono stati coinvolti nel processo di identificazione dei temi materiali in 129 casi (i top managers in 47 casi) • gli stakeholders esterni sono stati coinvolti da 44 società Fonte: Consob Non-financial information as a driver of transformation In collaboration with Evidence from Italy Nedcommunity
15 L’analisi di materialità (2/2) Fonte: Consob • 29 imprese (19% totale), in prevalenza grandi società operanti nel settore dei servizi, hanno realizzato l’analisi coinvolgendo gli stakeholders interni ed esterni e descrivendo gli strumenti utilizzati • Nessuna impresa ha menzionato l’analisi di materialità nel piano strategico, laddove pubblicato. Tuttavia, nel campione del Ftse Mib, 12 imprese hanno integrato nei piani strategici tematiche di lungo periodo e il relativo impatto sulla creazione di valore, mentre 5 hanno integrato i propri impatti sugli Obiettivi di Sviluppo Sostenibile dell’ONU rilevanti Non-financial information as a driver of transformation In collaboration with Evidence from Italy Nedcommunity
16 Non-financial at the board Non-financial information as a driver of transformation In collaboration with Evidence from Italy Nedcommunity
17 Temi non finanziari ricorrenti Le tematiche non finanziarie sono richiamate in: • 13 casi su 151 nell’ambito della board evaluation • 11 linee guida rilasciate dal cda uscente su 52 • 32 programmi di induction • il tema dell’innovazione è il più citato (27 casi) • la tematica della sostenibilità in generale riceve 24 citazioni • molte inductions hanno per oggetto la nuova disciplina in materia di informazioni non finanziarie Fonte: Consob Non-financial information as a driver of transformation In collaboration with Evidence from Italy Nedcommunity
18 Comitato per la sostenibilità Fonte: Consob • 45 imprese hanno istituito il comitato per la sostenibilità • nella maggior parte dei casi le funzioni del comitato sono state assegnate ad altro comitato (38 società) • la presenza del comitato è più frequente tra le società di maggiori dimensioni Non-financial information as a driver of transformation In collaboration with Evidence from Italy Nedcommunity
19 CDA e integrazione della sostenibilità nelle strategie: terza edizione 21 domande nelle seguenti aree: • Consapevolezza del cambiamento • Coinvolgimento del Board • Attitudini personali del Board verso temi ESG • Interessi dei componenti del Board su ESG • Composizione e organizzazione del Board su ESG Non-financial information as a driver of transformation In collaboration with Evidence from Italy Nedcommunity
20 Quale ruolo del Board per la governance degli ESG? Il ruolo del Board dovrebbe essere modificato e potenziato per la governance degli ESG Il CDA dovrebbe avere un ruolo attivo nella governance dell’implementazione del Decreto 254/16 sulle informazioni non finanziarie Il business model dovrebbe essere modificato per seguire il Decreto Source: Nedcommunity -Methodos, Survey on the role of the board of directors with regard to non-financial disclosure, 2018 Non-financial information as a driver of transformation In collaboration with Evidence from Italy Nedcommunity
21 Il gap da colmare per diventare un CDA che pensa in modo «integrato» SHOULD vs DO Il 52% dei rispondenti, segnala che gli amministratori indipendenti non stanno effettivamente agendo un ruolo attivo nell’integrazione dei fattori ESG nelle strategie di lungo periodo, nonostante ritengano che dovrebbero farlo più di altri attori in CDA (84%). Source: Nedcommunity -Methodos, Survey on the role of the board of directors with regard to non-financial disclosure, 2018 Non-financial information as a driver of transformation In collaboration with Evidence from Italy Nedcommunity
22 Gli Amministratori Indipendenti si sentono meno coinvolti degli altri nel CDA Gli Amministratori indipendenti, nonostante siano i più consapevoli delle implicazioni della Decreto DNF, segnalano un livello minore di coinvolgimento rispetto agli altri componenti del Board e al Presidente. Source: Nedcommunity -Methodos, Survey on the role of the board of directors with regard to non-financial disclosure, 2018 Non-financial information as a driver of transformation In collaboration with Evidence from Italy Nedcommunity
23 Gli Amministratori Indipendenti si sentono meno coinvolti rispetto al 2016 Gli amministratori indipendenti che dovrebbero guidare il cambiamento si sentono meno coinvolti oggi rispetto al 2016 Source: Nedcommunity -Methodos, Survey on the role of the board of directors with regard to non-financial disclosure, 2018 Non-financial information as a driver of transformation In collaboration with Evidence from Italy Nedcommunity
24 ESG creano valore e performance finanziaria ESG positively impacts on financial performance Un concreto impegno del CDA verso le strategie di lungo periodo è fortemente legato a credere che gli ESG generano valore. Più del 64% dei rispondenti condivide che le strategie integrate con ESG hanno un impatto positivo sulla performance finanziaria (questa opinione è più frequente in aziende finanziarie e quotate) Source: Nedcommunity -Methodos, Survey on the role of the board of directors with regard to non-financial disclosure, 2018 Non-financial information as a driver of transformation In collaboration with Evidence from Italy Nedcommunity
25 La leadership del CDA nell’orientare la creazione di valore nel lungo periodo sta evolvendo Sebbene il ruolo «di guida» del CDA nell’orientare strategie per la creazione di valore nel lungo periodo sia aumentato negli anni, il contributo degli esecutivi rimane centrale. Source: Nedcommunity -Methodos, Survey on the role of the board of directors with regard to non-financial disclosure, 2018 Non-financial information as a driver of transformation In collaboration with Evidence from Italy Nedcommunity
26 Common vs strategic sustainability La trasformazione ESG/multicapital è un’opportunità e viene richiesta Le aziende dovrebbero cominciare a considerare che l’integrazione di elementi finanziari e non finanziari è un’opportunità per generare extra-valore mentre gli stakeholder (investitori, regolatori, client, comunità..) li ritengono responsabili per l’impatto dell’azienda sul presente e futuro delle persone. Non-financial information as a driver of transformation In collaboration with Evidence from Italy Nedcommunity
27 Consob/Methodos 2019: The three steps of esg/multicapital integration into governance AWARENESS CAPABILITIES ENGAGEMENT • Compliance with rules (Decree 154) and • Developing a data collection infrastructure for report and • Mindset, capabilities and skills connected to the Levels of Cultural Change training for teams involved integration of ESG/Multicapital into governance reporting guidelines • Trainings and gradual activation to develop the become natural and are reflected in thinking, • Information and goals of report spread behavior, processes, business model and strategy necessary skills and approach to thinking to throughout the organization • High level of engagement integrate ESG in governance and company • ESG/Multicapital are incorporated in job goals and • Dedicated KPI’s projects connected to remuneration • Communicating aspirations and goals in terms of integrated thinking and governance, without concrete actions of integration Compliance Transformation Adapted from: the ACE Transformation Curve – Methodos-the Change Management Company-2018 Non-financial information as a driver of transformation In collaboration with Evidence from Italy Nedcommunity
28 Consob/Methodos 2019: The three steps of esg/multicapital integration into governance AWARENESS CAPABILITIES ENGAGEMENT • Compliance with rules (Decree 154) and reporting • Developing a data collection infrastructure for • Mindset, capabilities and skills connected to the Levels of Cultural Change guidelines integration of ESG/Multicapital into governance • Information and goals of report spread throughout the report and training for teams involved become natural and are reflected in thinking, organization • Trainings and gradual activation to develop the behavior, processes, business model and strategy • Dedicated KPI’s necessary skills and approach to thinking to • High level of engagement • Communicating aspirations and goals in terms of • ESG/Multicapital are incorporated in job goals and integrate ESG in governance and company integrated thinking and governance, without concrete connected to remuneration actions of integration projects Compliance Transformation Adapted from: the ACE Transformation Curve – Methodos-the Change Management Company-2018 Non-financial information as a driver of transformation In collaboration with Evidence from Italy Nedcommunity
29 Consob/Methodos 2019: The three steps of esg/multicapital integration into governance ENGAGEMENT • Mindset, capabilities and skills AWARENESS CAPABILITIES connected to the integration of • Compliance with rules (Decree 154) and reporting • Developing a data collection infrastructure for report and ESG/Multicapital into governance Levels of Cultural Change guidelines training for teams involved • Information and goals of report spread throughout the • Trainings and gradual activation to develop the become natural and are reflected in organization necessary skills and approach to thinking to thinking, behavior, processes, business • Dedicated KPI’s integrate ESG in governance and company model and strategy • Communicating aspirations and goals in terms of integrated thinking and governance, without concrete projects • High level of engagement actions of integration • ESG/Multicapital are incorporated in job goals and connected to remuneration Compliance Transformation Adapted from: the ACE Transformation Curve – Methodos-the Change Management Company-2018 Non-financial information as a driver of transformation In collaboration with Evidence from Italy Nedcommunity
30 Consob/Methodos 2019: The three steps of esg/multicapital integration into governance AWARENESS CAPABILITIES ENGAGEMENT • Compliance with rules (Decree 154) and reporting • Developing a data collection infrastructure for report and • Mindset, capabilities and skills connected to the Levels of Cultural Change guidelines training for teams involved integration of ESG/Multicapital into governance • Information and goals of report spread throughout the • Trainings and gradual activation to develop the become natural and are reflected in thinking, organization necessary skills and approach to thinking to integrate behavior, processes, business model and strategy • Dedicated KPI’s ESG in governance and company projects • High level of engagement • Communicating aspirations and goals in terms of • ESG/Multicapital are incorporated in job goals and integrated thinking and governance, without concrete connected to remuneration actions of integration Compliance Transformation Adapted from: the ACE Transformation Curve – Methodos-the Change Management Company-2018 Non-financial information as a driver of transformation In collaboration with Evidence from Italy Nedcommunity
31 Consob/Methodos 2019: The three steps of esg/multicapital integration into governance AWARENESS CAPABILITIES ENGAGEMENT • Compliance with rules (Decree 154) and reporting • Developing a data collection infrastructure for report and • Mindset, capabilities and skills connected to the guidelines training for teams involved integration of ESG/Multicapital into governance • Information and goals of report spread throughout the • Trainings and gradual activation to develop the become natural and are reflected in thinking, Levels of Cultural Change organization behavior, processes, business model and strategy • Dedicated KPI’s necessary skills and approach to thinking to • High level of engagement • Communicating aspirations and goals in terms of integrate ESG in governance and company • ESG/Multicapital are incorporated in job goals and MOST COMPANIES WERE HERE integrated thinking and governance, without concrete projects connected to remuneration IN 2018 actions of integration Companies that published their NFS at 44/149 Companies that mentioned the different levels of depth and detail (of 151/228 Companies that set-up a materiality analysis involving external stakeholders 0/151 Materiality Analysis in the which 2 voluntarily) Companies that set-up a materiality analysis involving managers of the Industrial or Strategic Plan* company 47/149 Companies that set-up a Materiality Analysis Companies that integrated their financial, sustainability, NFS reporting tools in 149/151 different ways 12/151 * Among FITSEMIB firms, 12 integrated long term Companies’ BoD that integrated ESG into guidelines business considerations, 5 Companies’ BoD that held inductions on (52 Board renewal) 11/52 the Sustainable ESG (no description of length and depth) 32/151 Companies’ BoD that integrated ESG into Board evaluation Development Goals 13/151 Compliance Transformation Adapted from: the ACE Transformation Curve – Methodos-the Change Management Company-2018 Non-financial information as a driver of transformation In collaboration with Evidence from Italy Nedcommunity
32 Consob/Methodos 2019: The three steps of esg/multicapital integration into governance AWARENESS CAPABILITIES ENGAGEMENT • Compliance with rules (Decree 154) and reporting • Developing a data collection infrastructure for report and • Mindset, capabilities and skills connected to the guidelines training for teams involved integration of ESG/Multicapital into governance • Information and goals of report spread throughout the • Trainings and gradual activation to develop the become natural and are reflected in thinking, Levels of Cultural Change organization necessary skills and approach to thinking to integrate behavior, processes, business model and strategy • Dedicated KPI’s • High level of engagement ESG in governance and company projects • Communicating aspirations and goals in terms of • ESG/Multicapital are incorporated in job goals and integrated thinking and governance, without concrete actions of integration COMPANIES CAN GET HERE BY 2019 connected to remuneration Companies that published their NFS at 44/149 Companies that mentioned the different levels of depth and detail (of 151/228 Companies that set-up a materiality analysis involving external stakeholders 0/151 Materiality Analysis in the which 2 voluntarily) Companies that set-up a materiality analysis involving managers of the Industrial or Strategic Plan* company 47/149 Companies that set-up a Materiality Analysis Companies that integrated their financial, sustainability, NFS reporting tools in 149/151 different ways 12/151 * Among FITSEMIB firms, 12 integrated long term Companies’ BoD that integrated ESG into guidelines business considerations, 5 Companies’ BoD that held inductions on (52 Board renewal) 11/52 the Sustainable ESG (no description of length and depth) 32/151 Companies’ BoD that integrated ESG into Board evaluation Development Goals 13/151 Compliance Transformation Adapted from: the ACE Transformation Curve – Methodos-the Change Management Company-2018 Non-financial information as a driver of transformation In collaboration with Evidence from Italy Nedcommunity
33 In breve COSA CAMBIA OGGI DOMANI Semantica ESG MULTICAPITAL-INTEGRATION Sostanza Informazione (non finanziaria) Decisione (multicapital) Trasformazione (Comportamenti) Report di Sostenibilità/Integrati Piano Strategico Integrato Governance CDA «segue» CDA «che sponsorizza e ispira» la trasformazione CEO guidato dalla compliance CEO «leader della trasformazione» Non-financial information as a driver of transformation In collaboration with Evidence from Italy Nedcommunity
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