Lista n. 2 Assemblea Ordinaria e Straordinaria Milano, 12 aprile 2018 - Pubblicazione di documenti relativi alla lista - UniCredit Group

Pagina creata da Laura Giannini
Lista n. 2 Assemblea Ordinaria e Straordinaria Milano, 12 aprile 2018 - Pubblicazione di documenti relativi alla lista - UniCredit Group
Lista n. 2
Pubblicazione di documenti relativi alla lista

Assemblea Ordinaria e Straordinaria

Milano, 12 aprile 2018
Lista n. 2 Assemblea Ordinaria e Straordinaria Milano, 12 aprile 2018 - Pubblicazione di documenti relativi alla lista - UniCredit Group
                                  STUDIO LEGALE
                           Viale Majno 45 – 20122 Milano
                    Tel. + - Fax +

                                                        UniCredit S.p.A.
                                                        Via Alessandro Specchi n.16
                                                        00186 – Roma

a mezzo posta certificata:

                                                          Milano, 16 marzo 2018

Oggetto:    Deposito lista Consiglio di Amministrazione di UniCredit S.p.A. ai
            sensi dell’art. 20 dello Statuto Sociale

            Spettabile UniCredit S.p.A.,

            Con la presente, per conto degli azionisti: Aberdeen Asset Managers
Limited gestore dei fondi: HBOS European Fund, European (ex UK) Equity
Fund, Aberdeen European Equity Enhanced Index Fund e Aberdeen Capital Trust;
Aletti Gestielle SGR S.p.A. gestore dei fondi: Gestielle Obiettivo Italia, Gestielle
Profilo Cedola 2, Gestielle Profilo Cedola 3, Gestielle Cedola Italy Opportunity,
Gestielle Obiettivo Europa, Gestielle Obiettivo Internazionale, Gestielle Absolute
Return, Gestielle Profilo Cedola, Gestielle Cedola Multiasset 3, Gestielle Cedola
Multi Target V, Gestielle Cedola Multiasset, Gestielle Cedola Multiasset 2,
Gestielle Cedola Dual Brand, Gestielle Cedola Dual Brand Equity 30, Gestielle
Pro Italia, Gestielle Cedola Multi Target II, Gestielle Cedola Multi Target IV,
Gestielle Absolute Return Defensive e Volterra Absolute Return; Amundi Asset
Management SGR.p.A. gestore dei fondi: Amundi Dividendo Italia, Amundi
Obiettivo Risparmio 2022, Amundi Obiettivo Crescita 2022, Amundi Obiettivo
Risparmio 2022 Due, Amundi Obiettivo Crescita 2022 Due, Amundi Obiettivo
Risparmio 2022 Tre e Amundi Obiettivo Crescita 2022 Tre; Arca Fondi S.G.R.
S.p.A. gestore del fondo Arca Azioni Italia; Anima SGR SpA gestore dei fondi:
Anima Star Italia Alto Potenziale, Anima Italia, Anima Geo Italia, Anima
Sforzesco e Anima Visconteo; Planetarium Fund Anthilia Silver; Ersel Asset
Management SGR S.p.A. - Fondersel PMI; Eurizon Capital SGR SPA gestore dei
fondi: Eurizon Rendita, Eurizon Azioni Internazionali, Eurizon Azioni Area
Euro, Eurizon Azioni Europa, Eurizon Azioni Finanza, Eurizon Progetto Italia 70,
Eurizon Top Selection Dicembre 2022, Eurizon Top Selection Dicembre 2023,
Eurizon Azioni Italia, Eurizon Top Selection Marzo 2023, Eurizon Pir Italia
Azioni e Eurizon Progetto Italia 40; Eurizon Capital S.a. gestore dei fondi:
Eurizon Fund - Top European Research, Eurizon Investment SICAV - PB Equty
EUR, Eurizon Fund - Equity Italy, Eurizon Fund - Equity Europe LTE, Eurizon
Fund - Equity Euro LTE, Eurizon Fund - Equity Italy Smart Volatility e Eurizon
Lista n. 2 Assemblea Ordinaria e Straordinaria Milano, 12 aprile 2018 - Pubblicazione di documenti relativi alla lista - UniCredit Group
Fund - Equity Absolute Return; Fideuram Asset Management (Ireland) -
Fideuram Fund Equity Italy e Fonditalia Equity Italy; Fideuram Investimenti SGR
S.p.A. gestore dei fondi: Fideuram Italia, Piano Bilanciato Italia 30, Piano Azioni
Italia e Piano Bilanciato Italia 50; Interfund Sicav Interfund Equity Italy, Generali
Investments Luxemburg SA gestore dei fondi: GIS AR Multi Strategies, G.
MPSS Opportunities Prof, G. MPSS Equity Profile, GIS Special Situation;
Generali Investments Europe S.p.A. gestore dei fondi: G. Smart Fund Pir
Evoluzione Italia, G. Smart Fund Pir Valore Italia e Alleanza Obbligazionario;
Legal & General Assurance (Pensions Management) Limited; Kairos Partners
SGR S.p.A. in qualità di management Company di Kairos International SICAV –
Comparti: Italia, Risorgimento Italia Pir e Target Italy Alpha; Mediolanum
Gestione Fondi SGR S.p.A. gestore del fondo Mediolanum Flessibile Sviluppo
Italia, Mediolanum International Funds - challenge funds - Challenge Italian
Equity; UBI Sicav comparto: Italia Equity, Euro Equity, European Equity e
Multiasset Europe; UbiPramerica SGR S.p.A gestore del fondo Ubi Pramerica
Multiasset Italia e Zenit SGR S.p.A. - Zenit Pianeta Italia, provvediamo al
deposito della lista unitaria per la nomina dei componenti del Consiglio di
Amministrazione della Vostra Società da questi proposta che avverrà nel corso
della Vostra assemblea ordinaria dei soci che si terrà, in unica convocazione, per il
12 aprile 2018 alle ore 10.00 in Milano presso il Pavilion, Piazza Gae Aulenti, 10,
precisando che i suddetti azionisti detengono complessivamente una percentuale
pari all’1,6304% (azioni n. 36.288.848) del capitale sociale.

               Cordiali Saluti,
Lista n. 2 Assemblea Ordinaria e Straordinaria Milano, 12 aprile 2018 - Pubblicazione di documenti relativi alla lista - UniCredit Group

                                    LAW FIRM

                            Viale Majno 45 — 20122 Milan

                     Tel. +39 02 8051133 - Fax +39 02 8690111




Messrs. UniCredit S.p.A.

Via Alessandro Specchi n.16

00186 Rome

Sent via certified mail to:

                                                               Milan, 16 March 2018

Messrs. UniCredit S.p.A.,

       Re: Filing of the slate of nominees recommended by the Board of
           Directors of UniCredit S.p.A. pursuant to art. 20 of the Articles of

        on behalf of the shareholders: Aberdeen Asset Managers Limited, manager of:
HBOS European Fund, European (ex UK) Equity Fund, Aberdeen European Equity
Enhanced Index Fund and Aberdeen Capital Trust; Aletti Gestielle SGR S.p.A.,
manager of the funds: Gestielle Obiettivo Italia, Gestielle Profilo Cedola 2, Gestielle
Profilo Cedola 3, Gestielle Cedola Italy Opportunity, Gestielle Obiettivo Europa,
Gestielle Obiettivo Internazionale, Gestielle Absolute Return, Gestielle Profilo Cedola,
Gestielle Cedola Multiasset 3, Gestielle Cedola Multi Target V, Gestielle Cedola
Multiasset, Gestielle Cedola Multiasset 2, Gestielle Cedola Dual Brand, Gestielle
Cedola Dual Brand Equity 30, Gestielle Pro Italia, Gestielle Cedola Multi Target II,
Gestielle Cedola Multi Target IV, Gestielle Absolute Return Defensive and Volterra
Absolute Return; Amundi Asset Management SGR S.p.A., manager of the funds:
Amundi Dividendo Italia, Amundi Obiettivo Risparmio 2022, Amundi Obiettivo
Lista n. 2 Assemblea Ordinaria e Straordinaria Milano, 12 aprile 2018 - Pubblicazione di documenti relativi alla lista - UniCredit Group
Crescita 2022, Amundi Obiettivo Risparmio 2022 Due, Amundi Obiettivo Crescita
2022 Due, Amundi Obiettivo Risparmio 2022 Tre and Amundi Obiettivo Crescita
2022 Tre; A., manager of the funds: Anima Star Italia Alto Potenziale, Anima Italia,
Anima Geo Italia, Anima Sforzesco and Anima Visconteo; Planetarium Fund Anthilia
Silver; Ersel Asset Management SGR S.p.A. - Fondersel PMI; Eurizon Capital SGR
S.p.A., manager of the funds: Eurizon Rendita, Eurizon Azioni Intemazionali, Eurizon
Azioni Area Euro, Eurizon Azioni Europa, Eurizon Azioni Finanza, Eurizon Progetto
Italia 70, Eurizon Top Selection Dicembre 2022, Eurizon Top Selection Dicembre
2023, Eurizon Azioni Italia, Eurizon Top Selection Marzo 2023, Eurizon Pir Italia
Azioni and Eurizon Progetto Italia 40; Eurizon Capital S.a., manager of the funds:
Eurizon Fund - Top European Research, Eurizon Investment SICAV - PB Equity
EUR, Eurizon Fund - Equity Italy, Eurizon Fund - Equity Europe LTE, Eurizon Fund
- Equity Euro LTE, Eurizon Fund - Equity Italy Smart Volatility and Eurizon Fund -
Equity Absolute Return; Fideuram Asset Management (Ireland) - Fideuram Fund
Equity Italy and Fonditalia Equity Italy; Fideuram Investimenti SGR S.p.A., manager
of the funds: Fideuram Italia, Piano Bilanciato Italia 30, Piano Azioni Italia and Piano
Bilanciato Italia 50; Interfund Sicav Interfund Equity Italy, Generali Investments
Luxemburg SA, manager of the funds: GIS AR Multi Strategies, G. MPSS
Opportunities Prof, G. MPSS Equity Profile, GIS Special Situation; Generali
Investments Europe S.p.A., manager of the funds: G. Smart Fund Pir Evoluzione
Italia, G. Smart Fund Pir Valore Italia and Alleanza Obbligazionario; Legal & General
Assurance (Pensions Management) Limited; Kairos Partners SGR S.p.A. in its
capacity as the management company of Kairos International SICAV funds: Italia,
Risorgimento Italia Pir and Target Italy Alpha; Mediolanum Gestione Fondi SGR
S.p.A., manager of the fund Mediolanum Flessibile Sviluppo Italia, Mediolanum
International Funds - challenge funds - Challenge Italian Equity; UBI Sicav fund:
Italia Equity, Euro Equity, European Equity and Multiasset Europe; UbiPramerica
SGR S.p.A., manager of the fund Ubi Pramerica Multiasset Italia and Zenit SGR
S.p.A. - Zenit Pianeta Italia, we hereby file the single slate of nominees recommended
by your Board of Directors for appointment to the Board of Directors of your company
in the course of your ordinary shareholders’ meeting, which will be held in single call
on 12 April 2018 at 10 am in Milan, at the Pavilion, situated in Piazza Gae Aulenti 10,
specifying that the aforementioned shareholders hold a total of 1.6304% (equating to
36,288,848 shares) of the company’s share capital.

Yours sincerely,

Avvocato Giulio Tonelli
Lista n. 2 Assemblea Ordinaria e Straordinaria Milano, 12 aprile 2018 - Pubblicazione di documenti relativi alla lista - UniCredit Group
Lista n. 2 Assemblea Ordinaria e Straordinaria Milano, 12 aprile 2018 - Pubblicazione di documenti relativi alla lista - UniCredit Group
Lista n. 2 Assemblea Ordinaria e Straordinaria Milano, 12 aprile 2018 - Pubblicazione di documenti relativi alla lista - UniCredit Group
Lista n. 2 Assemblea Ordinaria e Straordinaria Milano, 12 aprile 2018 - Pubblicazione di documenti relativi alla lista - UniCredit Group
Lista n. 2 Assemblea Ordinaria e Straordinaria Milano, 12 aprile 2018 - Pubblicazione di documenti relativi alla lista - UniCredit Group
                      AMMINISTRAZIONE DI UNICREDIT S.p.A.

I sottoscritti azionisti di UniCredit S.p.A. ("Società"), titolari delle azioni ordinarie
rappresentanti le percentuali di capitale sociale di seguito indicate:
                         Azionista                           n. azioni    % del capitale sociale

    UBI SICAV (comparto Italian Equity, Euro               2.600.000     0.117%
    Equity, European Equity, Multiasset Europe)

UBI PRAMERICA SGR ( Ubi Pramerica                      400.000       0.018%
Multiasset Italia,)

Totale                                                     3.000.000     0.135%
                                          premesso che
•       è stata convocata l'assemblea degli azionisti della Società, in unica convocazione,
        per il 12 aprile 2018 alle ore 10.00 in Milano presso il Pavilion, Piazza Gae
        Aulenti, 10 ("Assemblea"), ove si procederà alla nomina dei componenti del
        Consiglio di Amministrazione tramite il voto di lista,
                                          avuto riguardo
•       a quanto prescritto dalla normativa vigente, anche regolamentare, dallo statuto e
        dal codice di autodisciplina delle società quotate, per la presentazione della lista di
        candidati funzionale alla suddetta nomina, ivi inclusa la disciplina sui rapporti di
        collegamento tra soci di riferimento e soci di minoranza,
                                          tenuto conto
•       delle indicazioni in merito alla composizione quali-quantitativa ritenuta ottimale
        del Consiglio di Amministrazione in conformità a quanto previsto dal codice di
        autodisciplina delle società quotate nonché dalle disposizioni di vigilanza della
        Banca d'Italia e riportate nel documento denominato "Composizione qualitativa e
        quantitativa del Consiglio di Amministrazione di UniCredit S.p.A." pubblicato sul
        sito della Società,
•       la seguente lista di candidati nelle persone e nell'ordine indicati per l'elezione del
        Consiglio di Amministrazione della Società:
         N.                   Cognome                                     Nome
         1.                      Tondi                                   Francesca
         2.                    Cariello                                  Vincenzo
                             AMMINISTRAZIONE DI UNICREDIT S.p.A.

       I sottoscritti azionisti di UniCredit S.p.A. ("Società"), titolari delle azioni ordinarie
       rappresentanti le percentuali di capitale sociale di seguito indicate:
                                    Azionista                                     n. azioni         % del capitale sociale
        Ersel Asset Management SGR S.p.A. \ Fondersel PMI                             160.000                       0,01%
                                             premesso che
               è stata convocata l'assemblea degli azionisti della Società, in unica convocazione,
               per il 12 aprile 2018 alle ore 10.00 in Milano presso il Pavilion, Piazza Gae
               Aulenti, 1O ("Assemblea"), ove si procederà alla nomina dei componenti del
               Consiglio di Amministrazione tramite il voto di lista,
                                                         avuto riguardo
               a quanto prescritto dalla normativa vigente, anche regolamentare, dallo statuto e
               dal codice di autodisciplina delle società quotate, per la presentazione della lista di
               candidati funzionale alla suddetta nomina, ivi inclusa la disciplina sui rapporti di
               collegamento tra soci di riferimento e soci di minoranza,
                                                           tenuto conto
               delle indicazioni in merito alla composizione quali-quantitativa ritenuta ottimale
               del Consiglio di Amministrazione in conformità a quanto previsto dal codice di
               autodisciplina delle società quotate nonché dalle disposizioni di vigilanza della
               Banca d'Italia e riportate nel documento denominato "Composizione qualitativa e
               quantitativa del Consiglio di Amministrazione di UniCredit S.p.A." pubblicato sul
               sito della Società,
               la seguente lista di candidati nelle persone e nell'ordine indicati per l'elezione del
               Consiglio di Amministrazione della Società:
                N.                           Cognome                                                Nome
                1.                              Tondi                                              Francesca
                2.                            Cariello                                             Vincenzo

                Candidati in possesso dei requisiti di indipendenza previsti dalla legge, dalla
                statuto sociale e dalla normativa vigente,

         "     l'assenza di rapporti di collegamento e/o di relazioni significative, anche ai sensi
               della Comunicazione n. DEM/9017893 del 26.2.2009, con soci che - sulla base
               delle comunicazioni delle partecipazioni rilevanti di cui all'art. 120 del TUF o

Piazza Solferino, 11 - 10121 Torino - Tel. +39 011 55201 / +39 011 5625474 - F ax +39 011 539292 -
Cap. Soc. € 15.000.000 i. v. Socio Unico - Società soggetta a direzione e coordinamento di ERSEL SIM s.p.a.
Registro Imprese Uff. Torino, C.F. e P. IVA 04428430013 - REA 631925 - Albo SGR N. 1

I, the undersigned, Francesca Tondi, born in Livorno on 16 May 1966, tax file number
TNDFNC66E56E625P, resident in London,
A) having been designated by several shareholders – for the purposes of electing
   members of the Board of Directors, on the occasion of the ordinary meeting of
   shareholders of UniCredit S.p.A., which will be held in single call on 12 April
   2018 at 10 am in Milan, at the Pavilion, situated in Piazza Gae Aulenti 10 – to
   the list of candidates for the office of director of UniCredit S.p.A.,
B) and being aware of the requirements laid down by applicable regulations and the
   Articles of Association with respect to taking on the position of director of
   UniCredit S.p.A.,
  under my sole responsibility and within the meaning and for the purposes of
  section 76 of Presidential Ruling nr. 445/28.12.2000 in respect of misleading
  actions and fraudulent claims,
                                      hereby declare
• that there are no grounds for my ineligibility, forfeiture or incompatibility, and I
  meet all the relevant requirements, including integrity, as per section
  147/quinquies, para. I of the Consolidated Law on Finance (T.U.F.),
  professionalism (as also identified by Min. Decree nr. 162 of 30.03.2000 and
  indicated in the relative explanatory report published on the company’s website) as
  well as pursuant to Min. Decree nr. 161/1998, and independence (as also required
  by the corporate governance code for listed companies), as required by law and the
  by-laws with respect to appointments to the aforesaid position;
• that I have lodged my Curriculum Vitae, including a list of administrative,
  management and control positions held in other companies and relevant with
  respect to the law and the articles of association;
• that I undertake to promptly notify the Company and, on its behalf, .  the
  company’s Board of Directors, of any changes to the circumstances declared
• that I undertake to produce, at the Company’s request, documentation confirming
  the truthfulness of the information stated herein;
• that I have been informed, within the meaning and for the purposes of section 13 of
  Leg. Decree nr. 196 of 30.06.2003, that my personal information will be processed
  by the company, also electronically, for the sole purposes of the procedure for
  which this declaration is made.

                               and furthermore declare
• that I do not hold administrative and control positions to an extent equal to or
  higher than what is established by the applicable law and/or the Articles of
  Association and/or the corporate governance code for listed companies;
and, lastly, declare
• that I irrevocably accept my candidacy and possible appointment to the position of
  director of the Company.

Yours faithfully,

Milan, 8 March 2018                                    (Francesca Tondi)

I, the undersigned, Francesca Tondi, born in Livorno on 16 May 1966, tax file
number TNDFNC66E56E625P, resident in London,
    A) having been designated by several shareholders - for the purposes of
       electing members of the Board of Directors on the occasion of the ordinary
       meeting of shareholders of UniCredit S.p.A. which will be held in single
       call on 12 April 2018 at 10 am in Milan, at the Pavilion, situated in Piazza
       Gae Aulenti 10 – to the list of candidates for the office of director of
       UniCredit S.p.A.,
    B) aware of the requirements laid down by applicable regulations and the
       Articles of Association with respect to taking on the position of director of
       UniCredit S.p.A., and in particular, of the independence criteria laid down
       by the corporate governance code for listed companies,
under my own responsibility and within the meaning and for the purposes of section
76 of Presidential Ruling nr. 445/28.12.2000 in respect of misleading actions and
fraudulent claims,
                                 hereby declare,
• that I meet the independence requirements laid down by the corporate
  governance code for listed companies and the provisions of section 147/ter, para.
  4 and art. 148, para. 3 of Leg. Decree n. 58 of 24 February 1998, and of section
  37, para. 1 d) of the Regulation adopted by Consob with resolution nr. 16191 of
  29.10.2007 and subsequent amendments and additions, and section 16 of the
  Regulation adopted by Consob with Resolution nr. 20249 of 28.12.2017 and, in
  general, as per the articles of association of UniCredit S.p.A. and regulations
  currently in force;
• that I have no material or pecuniary relationship with the UniCredit Banking
  Group such as to impair my independence, as per the provisions of Bank of
  Italy Circular nr. 285 of 17.12.2013 (“Supervisory Provisions for Banks”;
• that I undertake to promptly notify the Board of Directors of the Company of
  any changes to the circumstances declared herein;
• that I undertake to produce, at the Company’s request, documentation confirming
  the truthfulness of the information stated herein;
• that I accept my candidacy and possible appointment to the office of Director
  of the Company, in my capacity as an independent director pursuant to the law
  (based on the aforementioned provisions) and the corporate governance code
  for listed companies.

Yours faithfully
Milan, 8 March 2018                                   (Francesca Tondi)

I, the undersigned, Francesca Tondi, born in Livorno on 16 May 1966, tax file number
TNDFNC66E56E625P, resident in London, hereby declare that I do not hold any
administrative or control positions.

Yours faithfully

Milan, 8 March 2018                                 (Francesca Tondi)

    I, the undersigned, Francesca Tondi, born in Livorno on 16 May 1966, tax file
  number TNDFNC66E56E625P, resident in London, hereby declare that I possess
  the following competences:
  - extensive competences in the banking business and in financial and
  international markets, acquired through15 years’ experience at senior level
  (managing director) with leading international investment and commercial
  banks (Morgan Stanley and JPMorgan Chase) in London. These competences
  also include an understanding of issues pertaining to regulations, banking
  governance, compliance and risk management in the international and Italian
  banking sector.
  - significant experience in international finance and an understanding of the global
  dynamics of the financial system, acquired during a career spanning more than 20
  years in the financial sector in the City of London;
  - publication of top-notch and well received reports (in English) on the Italian,
  European and Eastern European banking and financial sectors;
  - accounting and audit competences relating to major international banks, acquired
  through several years’ experience (7 years) as a senior executive with KPMG (in
  both London and Milan);
  - competences relating to the impact of new technologies on the financial sector
  (FinTech), acquired through membership of the Fintech Circle in London;
  - competences in the field of sustainability, acquired as a member of the
  Board of ClearlySo, a network of angel investors with a focus on sustainable

Milan, 8 March 2018                                   (Francesca Tondi)

I, the undersigned, Vincenzo CARIELLO, born in Arezzo, Italy, on 23 December
1965, tax file number CRINCN65T23A390V, resident in Milan,
A) having been designated by several shareholders - for the purposes of electing
   members of the Board of Directors on the occasion of the ordinary meeting of
   shareholders of UniCredit S.p.A. which will be held in single call on 12 April
   2018 at 10 am in Milan, at the Pavilion, situated in Piazza Gae Aulenti 10 – to the
   list of candidates for the office of director of UniCredit S.p.A.,
B) aware of the requirements laid down by current regulations and the Articles of
   Association with respect to taking on the position of director of UniCredit S.p.A.,
under my sole responsibility, within the meaning and for the purposes of section 76 of
Presidential Ruling nr. 445/28.12.2000 in respect of misleading actions and fraudulent
                                   hereby declare
• that there are no grounds for my ineligibility, forfeiture or incompatibility, and I
  meet all the relevant requirements, including integrity, as per section
  147/quinquies, para. I of the Consolidated Law on Finance (T.U.F.),
  professionalism (as also identified by Min. Decree nr. 162 of 30.03.2000 and
  indicated in the relative explanatory report published on the company’s website) as
  well as pursuant to Min. Decree nr. 161/1998, and independence (as also required
  by the corporate governance code for listed companies), as required by law and the
  by-laws with respect to appointments to the aforesaid position;
• I have lodged my Curriculum Vitae, including a list of administrative, management
  and control positions held with other companies and relevant with respect to the
  law and the articles of association;
• I undertake to promptly notify the Company and, on its behalf, the company’s
  Board of Directors of any changes to the circumstances declared herein;
• I undertake to produce, at the Company’s request, documentation confirming the
  truthfulness of the information stated herein;
• I have been informed, within the meaning and for the purposes of section 13 of
  Leg. Decree nr. 196 of 30.06.2003, that my personal information will be processed
  by the company, also electronically, for the sole purposes of the procedure for
  which this declaration is made.
                              and furthermore declare
• that I do not hold administrative and control positions to an extent equal to or
  higher than what is established by the applicable law and/or the Articles of
  Association and/or the corporate governance code for listed companies;
                                 and, lastly, declare
• that I irrevocably accept my candidacy and possible appointment to the position of
  director of the Company.
Yours faithfully,
Milan, 8 March 2018   (Vincenzo Cariello)

I, the undersigned, Vincenzo CARIELLO, born in Arezzo on 23 December 1965,
tax file number CRINCN65T23A390V, resident in Milan,
A) having been designated by several shareholders - for the purposes of electing
   members of the Board of Directors, on the occasion of the ordinary meeting of
   shareholders of UniCredit S.p.A., which will be held in single call on 12 April
   2018 at 10 am in Milan, at the Pavilion, situated in Piazza Gae Aulenti 10 - to
   the list of candidates for the office of director of UniCredit S.p.A.,
B) and aware of the requirements laid down by applicable regulations and the
   Articles of Association with respect to taking on the position of director of
   UniCredit S.p.A., and in particular, of the independence criteria laid down by the
   corporate governance code for listed companies,

under my own responsibility and within the meaning and for the purposes of section
76 of Presidential Ruling nr. 445/28.12.2000 in respect of misleading actions and
fraudulent claims,
                                   hereby declare
       that I meet the independence requirements laid down by the corporate
        governance code for listed companies and the provisions of section 147/ter,
        para. 4 and art. 148, para. 3 of Leg. Decree n. 58 of 24 February 1998, and
        of section 37, para. 1 d) of the Regulation adopted by Consob with
        resolution nr. 16191 of 29.10.2007 and subsequent amendments and
        additions, and section 16 of the Regulation adopted by Consob with
        Resolution nr. 20249 of 28.12.2017 and, in general, as per the articles of
        association of UniCredit S.p.A. (art. 20) and regulations currently in force;
       that I have no material or pecuniary relationship with the UniCredit
        Banking Group such as to impair my independence, as per the provisions of
        Bank of Italy Circular nr. 285 of 17.12.2013 (“Supervisory Provisions for
       that I undertake to promptly notify the Board of Directors of the Company
        of any changes to the circumstances declared herein;
       that I undertake to produce, at the Company’s request, documentation
        confirming the truthfulness of the information stated herein;
       that I accept my candidacy and possible appointment to the office of
        Director of the Company, in my capacity as an independent director
        pursuant to the law (based on the aforementioned provisions) and the
        corporate governance code for listed companies.
Yours faithfully,

Milan, 8 March 2018                          (Vincenzo Cariello)

Telecom Italia SpA      Statutory Auditor
OVS SpA                 Member of the Board of Directors

Milan, 16 March 2018                         (Vincenzo Cariello)
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