Le opportunità di Horizon 2020 legate a Industria 4.0 - Torino, 21 giugno 2017 Matteo Sabini NCP Support Team for
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Le opportunità di Horizon 2020 legate a Industria 4.0 Torino, 21 giugno 2017 Matteo Sabini NCP Support Team for H2020 NMBP
Ente di ricerca non profit Nasce come “Task Force” del Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca. + 25 anni di esperienza MISSION Promuovere e Supportare la Partecipazione Italiana ai programmi europei di ricerca su sviluppo e innovazione Migliorare la “Qualità” della partecipazione italiana nei programmi europei di ricerca su sviluppo e innovazione. APRE ospita tutti i National Contact Point H2020 in Italia [COSA è APRE?]
Key Enabling Technologies – KET (2012) https://ec.europa.eu/growth/industry/key-enabling-technologies/european-strategy_en#kets_communications
Digital single market (2015) http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?qid=1447773803386&uri=CELEX:52015DC0192
Digitising European Industry (2016) Scopi catalizzare risorse pubbliche e private e creare le condizioni favorevoli per favorire la rivoluzione digitale dell’industria Assicurare che ogni impresa europea in ogni settore, di qualsiasi grandezza e situata qualsiasi area geografica possa beneficiare pienamente delle innovazioni digitali per migliorare I propri prodotti e processi produttivi, nonché adattare il proprio business alle trasformazioni digitali in corso €37 billion investment to boost digital innovation €5.5 billion national and regional investments in digital innovation hubs €6.3 billion for the first production lines of next-generation electronic components €6.7 billion for the European Cloud Initiative http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX:52016DC0180
Struttura H2020 Excellent Science Industrial Leadership Societal Challenges European Research Council Leadership in enabling and Health, demographic change and Frontier research by the best industrial technologies wellbeing individual teams ICT, nanotechnologies, materials, Food security, sustainable biotechnology, manufacturing, agriculture, marine and maritime Future and Emerging space research & the bioeconomy Technologies Secure, clean and efficient Collaborative research to open Access to risk finance energy new fields of innovation Leveraging private finance and Smart, green and integrated venture capital for research transport Marie Skłodowska Curie actions and innovation Opportunities for training and Climate action, environment, career development Innovation in SMEs resource efficiency and raw materials Fostering all forms of Research infrastructures innovation in all types of SMEs Inclusive, innovative and (including e-infrastructure) reflective societies Ensuring access to world-class Security society facilities Fast track to innovation European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) Spreading Excellence and Widening Participation Science with and for society Joint Research Center (JRC) EURATOM
Regole minime di partecipazione In H2020 (RIA e IA) almeno 3 SOGGETTI GIURIDICI indipendenti stabiliti in 3 diversi stati membri o associati Fast Track to Innovation MIN 3 SOGGETTI GIURIDICI MAX 5 indipendenti stabiliti in 3 diversi stati membri o associati Strumento PMI almeno una PMI “for profit” Soggetti eleggibili: soltanto PMI “for profit” stabilite in stati membri o associati
Tassi di Dimensione finanziamento progetti Innovation 70% Durata e contributo (100% per no profit) Action RIA: 100% per tutti variabili 70% Fino a 36 mesi – Fino a €3 m contrib UE Fast Track (100% per no profit) SME I Fase 2 Strumento 70% ≈ 12-24 mesi (50k in Fase 1) Fino a €2,5m contrib UE PMI
Le opportunità in corso
I progetti collaborativi * R&I Actions Innovation Actions Basic research, applied research, technology Prototyping, testing, development and integration, demostrating, piloting, and testing e validation on a large - scale product small scale prototype in a validation and market laboratory or simulated replication environment Funding rate: 70/100% Funding rate: 100% * Approccio top-down 15
DIGITAL SECURITY FOCUS AREA Deadline: 24/08/2017 TOPIC SCOPE -Functional encryption solutions that offer more flexibility ;measurement of information leaked;-Internet of Things, Implementation (hardware or software)is often the weak point of DS-06-2017 the strongest cryptographic protocols;-Authenticated encrypted Cybersecurity PPP: Cryptography token research for mobile payment solutions;-innovative (RIA) cryptographic primitives and complementary non-cryptographic privacy;-New techniques, such as quantum safe cryptography;- Automated proof techniques for cryptographic protocols RIA: –development of novel approaches for providing organisations the appropriate situational awareness in relation to cyber security threats allowing them to detect and quickly and effectively respond DS-07-2017 Cybersecurity PPP: Addressing Advanced Cyber to sophisticated cyber-attacks. (RIA/IA) Security Threats and Threat Actors IA:-Proposals should develop innovative simulation environments and training materials to adequately prepare those tasked with defending high-risk organisations to counter advanced cyber-attacks. One of the following strands should be covered:-Privacy-enhancing DS-08-2017 Cybersecurity PPP: Privacy, Data Protection, Technologies (PET);-General Data Protection Regulation in practice;- (IA) Digital Identities Secure digital identities.
SME-Instrument Fase 1: concetto e Fase 2: R&D, dimostrazione, Fase 3: valutazione della fattibilità market replication Commercializzazione Input: Input: Input: Idea/Concept in "Business Plan I” "Business plan II" + "Description "Business plan III" (~ 10 pages) of activities under Phase 2" (~ 30 + pp.) Opportunities: Main Activities: Main Activities: 'Quality label' for successful Feasibility of concept Development Prototyping Phase 1 & 2 Risk assessment IP regime Testing Partner search Piloting Easier access to private finance Design study Miniaturisation Scaling-up Support via networking, training, Pilot application coaching, information, Market replication addressing i.a. IP management, Output: elaborated "Business plan Output: investor-ready "Business knowledge sharing, II" plan III" dissemination SME window in the EU financial facilities (debt facility and equity Lump sum: around 50.000 € 0,5-2,5 (5) M€ EC facility) ~ 6 months funding ~ 12 to 24 months No direct funding Coaching 17
Le prossime scadenze SME-Instrument 2017 Fase 1 Fase 2 06/09/2017 18/10/2017 08/11/2017
FOCUS: Cascanding Grants La Commissione, attraverso un topic di H2020, seleziona una proposta che tra le azioni prevede la concessione di un supporto finanziario a terzi UE Beneficiario La redistribuzione dei fondi avviene ad un target definito e per precise necessità I terzi vengono scelti attraverso call competitive (secondo criteri previsti nell’Annex K del Work Programme di H2020)
Dove trovarli Participant Portal Funding opportunities Other Funding Opportunities Financial Support to third parties Calls for third parties
Call connesse a Industria 4.0 Descrizione: software components for real-world robot applications Scadenza: 31/12/2020 (prima cut-off: 30/06/2017) Finanziamento massimo: 100.000€ Website: http://rosin-project.eu/ftps Descrizione: The startups and SMEs will put forward proposals for creating high impact, innovative products and services in response to the challenges defined by the data owners. Apertura: 01/07/2017 Finanziamento massimo: 100.000€ Website: https://datapitch.eu/
Call connesse a Industria 4.0 Descrizione: growth-stage startups working to solve problems related to advanced intelligent manufacturing, human-centered manufacturing, product data and knowledge in product life cycle, collaborative and mobile product lifecycle management, cloud manufacturing, manufacturing as a service, product-service manufacturing ecosystem Apertura: Prima della fine del 2017 Finanziamento massimo: 250.000€ Website: http://www.impact-accelerator.com/smart-manufacturing/ RECONCELL (Settembre 2017) A Reconfigurable robot workCell for fast set-up of automated assembly processes in SMEs HORSE (Novembre 2017) Smart integrated Robotics system for SMEs controlled by Internet of Things based on dynamic manufacturing processes Website: http://i4ms.eu/open_calls/open_calls.php Info sui progetti I4MS: http://i4ms.eu/projects/projects.php
Le opportunità future
Work Programmes 2018-2020 Ottobre 2017 Processo iniziato nel 2016 con il processo di consultazione degli Stati Membri e degli Stakeholders (cittadini, organizzazioni di ricerca, imprese, associazioni, piattaforme tecnologiche, ecc… ) Scoping Papers tematici Indicano per ogni tematica le priorità e le aree di ricerca che verranno finanziate http://ec.europa.eu/programmes/horizon2020/sites/horizon2020/files/17_thematic_papers.zip
NMBP - Scoping paper Strategic orientation Bringing the digital to the physical world – industrial solution revolution
NMP: applications in several industrial sectors (healthcare, manufacturing, energy, transport, infrastructure, security, consumer goods); Pilot upscaling and Pilot lines (cascading grants): exploitation of results, technology transfer, reduction of technical and production development risk (especially of SMEs), … Computational modelling for the development of KETs: (key application area of High Performance Computing) meeting the modelling needs of industrial end-users; Factories of the Future (FOF): digitisation of industry (including SMEs), dditive manufacturing, human-centred manufacturing; interconnection of systems for lifecycle management, customer-focused added-value manufacturing through the linking of products and process to innovative services
ICT - Scoping paper Building on European strenghts and supporting the digitization of industry Big Data Electronics Robotics Cloud Advanced Photonics computing computing ecosystem
Data re-use and value creation across industrial and societal Micro- and Nano-electronics sectors Thin, Organic and Large Area Data revolution in the creative Electronics (TOLAE) industry (languages and learning Smart Anything Everywhere technologies) Novel production value chains Strenghtening the Customised production, human- technology leadership in robot collaboration, robot-based photonics innovation services, standards, engagement with users and non- Better exploitationof robotics experts photonics High Performance Cloud research priorities (cloud management,energy-efficient Computing clouds, cloud deployment methodologies and tools,…) Ad. Computing for Cyber Innovative cloud technology Physical Systems solutions (partnership with industry Activities and public sector)
Public Private Partnerships Perché? Affrontare sfide e risolvere problemi grazie all’ausilio del mondo industriale Rafforzare la leadership industriale dell’Unione Europea Individuare più facilmente le priorità di R&I e renderle allineate sia agli obiettivi di Europa2020 sia alle esigenze del mondo industriale Impegnare le industrie su obiettivi comuni
Elementi chiave delle PPP: Approccio strategico di lungo termine (SRIA – Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda + multi-annual roadmap) alle attività di ricerca e di innovazione e riduzione degli elementi di incertezza assumere impegni di lunga durata; struttura (giuridica) per riunire le risorse e acquisire massa critica azioni di rilievo fuori dalla portata delle singole aziende rendono più efficiente il finanziamento di R&I attraverso la condivisione di risorse finanziarie, umane e infrastrutturali riduzione del rischio di frammentazione, economie di scala e costi inferiori per tutti i partner facilitano la creazione di un mercato interno di prodotti e di servizi innovativi offrendo soluzioni comuni ad aspetti critici, quali l’accesso al finanziamento, la standardizzazione e la codificazione delle norme; consentono alle tecnologie innovative di penetrare più rapidamente nel mercato, in particolare permettendo alle imprese di collaborare e condividere informazioni, accelerando così i processi di apprendimento.
Due tipologie di PPP Institutional PPPs (Joint Contractual PPPs Technology Initiatives – JTI) Budget settennale definito da un accordo non vincolante che Budget settennale della JTI indica l’ammontare versato dalla vincolante versato sia dalla Commissione e dalle imprese Commissione sia dalle imprese I topic sono pubblicati nel WP I topic sono pubblicati in documenti tematici di riferimento distinti dai WP di H2020 Valgono le regole di Possibili deroghe alle regole di partecipazioneH2020 partecipazione di H2020
Le PPP legate ad Industria 4.0 Institutional PPP – JTI Electronic Component and Systems (ECSEL) Contractual PPPs Factory of the Future (FoF) Sustainable Process Industry (SPIRE) Robotics Photonics BigData
Obiettivo: far sì che l’Europa resti all’avanguardia nel settore dei componenti e dei sistemi elettronici e colmare più rapidamente il ritardo sullo sfruttamento degli stessi. Aree di intervento: nanoelettronica, sistemi computazionali integrati (embedded systems), integrazione di sistema (smart integration). Associazioni: EPoSS, ARTEMIS Industry Association, AENEAS Call a 2 stage (scaduta lo scorso maggio) Sito web: http://www.ecsel-ju.eu/web/index.php Multi-annual strategic plan: http://www.ecsel-ju.eu/web/JU/ECSEL%20Work%20Plan.php
Contractual PPPs Factories of the Future (FoF) Work Programme: NMBP e ICT Board: EFFRA (http://www.effra.eu/) Road-map: http://www.effra.eu/attachments/article/129/Factories%20of%20the%20Future%202020%20Roadmap.pdf Recommendations for WP: “Factories 4.0 and beyond” http://effra.eu/attachments/article/481/Factories40_Beyond__v31_public.pdf Sustainable Process Industry through Resource and Energy Efficiency (SPIRE) Work Programme: NMBP Board: A.SPIRE (https://www.spire2030.eu/intro) Road-map: https://www.spire2030.eu/sites/default/files/pressoffice/spire-roadmap.pdf
Contractual PPPs Photonics Work Programme: ICT Board: Photonics21 (http://www.photonics21.org/ ) Road-map http://www.photonics21.org/download/Brochures/Photonics_Roadmap_final_lowres.pdf Recommendations for WP:http://photonicsweden.org/wp- content/uploads/Photonics-PPP-call-topics-for-Horizon-2020-Work-Programme- 2018-2020.pdf Robotics Work Programme: ICT Board: SPARC (https://www.eu-robotics.net/) Road-map: https://www.eu-robotics.net/cms/upload/topic_groups/H2020_Robotics_Multi-Annual_Roadmap_ICT-2017B.pdf Big Data Value (BDV) Work Programme: ICT Board: Big Data Value Association (http://www.bdva.eu/) SRIA: http://www.bdva.eu/sites/default/files/EuropeanBigDataValuePartnership_SRIA__v3.pdf
Reti NCP – NMBP e ICT NMP TEAM http://www.nmpteam.eu/ Partner search tool: https://www.nmp-partnersearch.eu/index.php IDEAL-IST https://www.ideal-ist.eu/ Partner search tool: https://www.ideal-ist.eu/partner-search/pssearch
GRAZIE PER L‘ATTENZIONE! APRE Matteo Sabini Agenzia per la Promozione della Ricerca Europea Via Cavour, 71 sabini@apre.it 00184 - Roma www.apre.it NCP Support Team for H2020 Tel. (+39) 06-48939993 Fax. (+39) 06-48902550 NMBP 38
Link utili Horizon 2020 http://ec.europa.eu/programmes/horizon2020/ http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal/desktop/en/home.h Participant portal tml EASME http://ec.europa.eu/easme/sme_en.htm SME TechWeb http://sme.cordis.europa.eu/home/index.cfm http://europa.eu/youreurope/business/funding-grants/access-to- Access Eu Finance finance/index_it.htm APRE http://www.apre.it/ EEN http://een.ec.europa.eu/
Link utili Https://ec.europa.eu/digital-single-market/en/europe-2020-strategy Digital single market https://ec.europa.eu/digital-single-market/en/digital-single-market Horizon 2020 http://ec.europa.eu/programmes/horizon2020/ http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal/desktop/en/home. Participant portal html http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/STUD/2016/57000 Parlamento Ue 7/IPOL_STU(2016)570007_EN.pdf Digitising European http://ec.europa.eu/transparency/regdoc/rep/1/2016/EN/1-2016- Industry 180-EN-F1-1.PDF DG RTD Management Plan https://ec.europa.eu/info/sites/info/files/file_import/management- 2017 plan-rtd-2017_en_0.pdf
BBI JTI Deadline call 2017: 07/09/17 Cosa finanzia: Filiere delle materie prime di materiale biologico; Produzioni primarie; Trasformazioni (cibo, mangimi, legname, BIOMATERIALI, BIOCARBURANTI, COMPOSTI CHIMICI, …); Utilizzazione sottoprodotti, residui di lavorazione, scarti 16 topic aperti in 4 aree tematiche: 1. Fostering a sustainable biomass-feedstock supply to feed both existing and new value chains (3 topics) 2. Optimising efficient processing for integrated biorefineries (3 topics) 3. Developing innovative bio-based products for specific market applications (8 topics) 4. Creating and accelerating the market uptake of bio-based products and applications (2 topics) Slides presentate all’infoday: http://www.apre.it/eventi/2017/i-semestre/info-day-bbi/ Website: https://www.bbi-europe.eu/
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