Idoneita sportiva nel soggetto con sincope - Giorgio Galan* - SESSIONE PLENARIA 5 SIMPOSIO GIMSI
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SESSIONE PLENARIA 5 SIMPOSIO GIMSI - SIC SPORT “Cause aritmiche di sincope e/o di morte improvvisa nello sportivo” Idoneità sportiva nel soggetto con sincope Giorgio Galan*
Tutela sanitaria delle attività sportive DM 18 2 1982 • Art. 1. • Ai fini della tutela della salute, coloro che praticano attività sportiva agonistica devono sottoporsi previamente e periodicamente al controllo dell'idoneità specifica allo sport che intendono svolgere o svolgono. • La qualificazione agonistica a chi svolge attività sportiva è demandata alle federazioni sportive nazionali o agli enti sportivi riconosciuti. • Devono sottoporsi altresì ai controlli di cui sopra i partecipanti ai giochi della gioventù per accedere alle fasi nazionali.
ØAthlete any individual who engages in routine vigorous physical exercise in the settings of competition, recreation,or occupation. ØElite athlete requires regular competition against others as a central componen requires vigorous and intense training in a systematic fashionplaces a high premium on excellence and achievement JACC December 2013
Quindi la certificazione medico sportiva agonistica e non agonistica in Italia è per tutti (atleti e non) e normata per legge
SYNCOPE • Syncope is a transient loss of • La sincope è “un sintomo consciousness caused by caratterizzato da un’improvvisa e transient global cerebral transitoria perdita di coscienza e hypoperfusion characterized by del tono posturale, con recupero rapid onset, short duration, and spontaneo e completo in breve spontaneous complete recovery. lasso di tempo”. Essa è dovuta ad • Less frequently, syncope results una riduzione brusca e globale from serious cardiovascular del flusso ematico cerebrale. conditions that result in transient • La sincope può essere dovuta ad loss of cerebral blood flow una varietà di cause. Le forme because of an obstruction or principali sono: le sincopi arrhythmias associated with neuromediate (vasovagale, underlying structural heart senocarotidea, situazionale), le disease. Primary electrical sincopi ortostatiche, le sincopi di disorders can result in syncope in origine cardiaca (aritmiche o the absence of any structural meccaniche), le sincopi heart disease . cerebrovascolari. Cocis 2017
Le forme principali sono Øle sincopi neuromediate • Nella maggioranza degli atleti la sincope ha una origine (vasovagale, neuromediata e quindi una senocarotidea, prognosi benigna .Tuttavia, essa può costituire l’epifenomeno di situazionale) una patologia cardiaca Øle sincopi ortostatiche misconosciuta anche a prognosi fatale e rappresentare un Øle sincopi di origine potenziale marker di rischio di morte improvvisa. A prescindere cardiaca (aritmiche o dalla causa, la sincope è meccaniche) associata a un rischio di traumatismi, soprattutto in atleti Øle sincopi praticanti sport a rischio cerebrovascolari. intrinseco. Cocis 2017
ITER DIAGNOSTICO • Nella valutazione iniziale dell’atleta che ha avuto una sincope vanno perseguiti tre obiettivi prioritari: • differenziare la sincope da altre condizioni • valutare la presenza di cardiopatia; • ricercare la presenza di elementi clinici in grado di suggerire la diagnosi. Cocis 2017
• La valutazione iniziale deve comprendere l’anamnesi, l’esame obiettivo con misurazione della pressione arteriosa in clino ed in ortostatismo e l’ECG a 12 derivazioni. La storia clinica deve includere un’anamnesi familiare, fisiologica e patologica remota dettagliate, volte alla ricerca di patologie cardiache genetiche o acquisite che possano essere causa di sincope. L’anamnesi patologica pros- sima deve stabilire nel modo più preciso possibile le modalità dell’evento sincopale o presunto tale. • Gli elementi anamnestici che suggeriscono un attacco non- sincopale sono: confusione dopo l’attacco per più di 5 minuti, movimenti tonico-clonici prolungati che iniziano prima dell’attacco, automatismi, morsicatura della lingua, cianosi, aura epilettica (epilessia); attacchi frequenti con disturbi somatici in assenza di cardiopatia (malattia psichiatrica); vertigine, disartria, diplopia (TIA). • Gli elementi anamnestici che permettono una diagnosi pressoché certa di sincope vaso-vagale sono la presenza di eventi precipitanti quali paura, dolore, stress emozionale, prolungato ortostatismo, associati ai tipici prodromi. Gli elementi che suggeriscono con buona probabilità una sincope vasovagale sono: il verificarsi della sincope dopo esercizio fisico, dopo una visione, un suono o un odore improvviso spiacevole e la presenza di nausea e vomito. Cocis 2017
• Syncope unrelated to exercise is the most common presenta4on, accoun4ng for more than 85% of cases.This form of syncope (frequently referred to as neurocardiogenic, or reflex or vasovagal syncope) is largely neurally mediated with poorly understood pathophysiology.Vasovagal syncope, considered a benign condi4on, typically occurs when going from a siEng to standing posi4on, or experiencing fear or emo4onal distress with specific triggers such as sight of blood or trauma. Frequently, these pa4ents describe a prodrome of lightheadedness, pallor, a feeling of warmth, diaphoresis, and nausea or epigastric pain. Situa4onal syncope, as the name implies, tends to be reproducible with certain behaviors or ac4vi4es such as coughing, bearing down to pass stool, or micturi4on. Dehydra4on and reduced intravascular volume can induce a state of orthosta4c hypotension and induce a presyncopal event with many of the same prodromal features of reflex syncope but importantly no loss of consciousness. • Post-exer4onal syncope frequently occurs when exercise is stopped suddenly and reduc4on of lower extremity muscle pumping results in less cardiac venous return and cardiac output. In such a circumstance, an acute increase in myocardial contrac4lity can lead to ac4va4on of the cardiac depressor reflex inducing concomitant paradoxical bradycardia. As a result, the athlete may develop acute loss of postural tone, hypotension, and therefore transient global cerebral hypoperfusion – this is termed the Bezold-Jarisch reflex.Contribu4ng factors likely include dehydra4on and reduc4on in plasma volume. Syncope immediately post-exercise which occurs when the subject is s4ll standing, is usually less concerning than syncope during Shivanshu exercise.Madan,Eugene H. Chung,2016 JACC
• L’elemento anamnestico che permette una diagnosi certa di sincope situazionale è il verificarsi della sincope durante o immediatamente dopo minzione, defecazione, tosse o deglutizione. • L’elemento che permette una diagnosi certa di sincope ortostatica è rappresentato dalla documentazione di ipotensione ortostatica (decremento della pressione arteriosa sistolica ≥20 mmHg o a valori ≤90 mmHg) associata a sincope o presincope. • Gli elementi clinici che devono far sospettare una causa cardiaca sono: sincope che avviene in posizione supina; sincope durante esercizio fisico; sincope preceduta da palpitazioni; presenza di cardiopatia; presenza di alterazioni all’ECG di base; storia familiare di morte improvvisa. Cocis 2017
• Syncope or presyncope in an athlete mandates a thorough evaluation by a qualified clinician. The purpose of the evaluation is to determine the cause of syncope, with particular emphasis on detecting structural or electrical heart disease that may lead to sudden death. • The evaluation should include a detailed history that includes specific details of the event and observations of witnesses when available. The distinction between syncope during exercise and postexertional syncope is clinically important. Most syncopal episodes that occur immediately after exercise are benign. This pattern is believed to be a result of transient postural hypotension caused by lower- extremity pooling of blood once the athlete stops the activity (from exercise-induced vasodilation) and the resultant impairment of cardiac baroreflexes. It may be potentiated by relative or absolute bradycardia attributable to a parasympathetic surge at the cessation of exercise. By contrast, syncope during exercise has a higher probability of being caused by serious underlying cardiovascular disease; however, neurally mediated syncope also can be induced by prolonged intense exercise. Shivanshu Madan,Eugene H. Chung,2016 JACC
• The history should include asking about a family history of syncope, cardiovascular disease, and sudden death. A careful physical examination with particular attention to the cardiovascular examination should be performed in all athletes. Subsequent diagnostic testing in all patients should include an ECG and an echocardiogram, with selective cardiovascular tests. These tests may include a tilt table test, exercise stress test, ambulatory monitoring, and an implantable loop monitor. The sensitivity and specificity of tilt table testing for the diagnosis of syncope in the competitive athlete are lower than for the general population, and some experts believe there is not a role for tilt testing in the workup . For those patients in whom the cause of syncope remains uncertain, especially if the syncope raises concern for arrhythmic causes, contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging, cardiac computed tomography, coronary angiography, and invasive electrophysiological testing may be indicated. Provocative testing with stress testing, epinephrine, procainamide, or isoproterenol should be considered to identify otherwise concealed cases of long-QT syndrome, catecholaminergic polymorphic VT, and Brugada syndrome. Genetic testing may be clinically useful in selected cases. Shivanshu Madan,Eugene H. Chung,2016 JACC
Circulation Vol84,No3 September1991 Conclusions. Endurance athletes have greater ventricular diastolic chamber compliance and distensibility than nonathletes and thus operate on the steep portion of their Starling curve. This may be a mechanical, nonautonomic cause of orthostatic intolerance.
Physiological alterations accompanying acute exercise and recovery and their possible sequelae in athlete In athlete Thompson Paul D Exercise and Acute Cardiovascular Events
Physiological alterations accompanying acute exercise and recovery and their possible sequelae Thompson Paul D Exercise and Acute Cardiovascular Events
Syncope which occurs during exercise • Syncope which occurs during exercise raises concern for structural heart disease and can serve as the only symptom that precedes sudden cardiac death.The differential diagnosis for life-threatening causes of syncope in athletes includes hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), anomalous coronary artery, arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia (ARVD), ion channelopathies such as Long QT Syndrome (LQTS) or the Brugada Syndrome, myocarditis, and even previously undiagnosed congenital heart disease such as noncompaction cardiomyopathy.Although not necessarily associated with underlying native structural heart disease, commotio cordis is an important cause of syncope and is characterized by sudden cardiac death attributable to cardiac contusion from trauma to the precordium.Heat stroke or hyponatremia must also be considered in patients with exercise related syncope. Shivanshu Madan,Eugene H. Chung,2016 JACC
the cause of syncope remains uncertain • Echocardiography • contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging, • cardiac computed tomography, • coronary angiography, • invasive electrophysiological testing may be indicated. • Provocative testing with stress testing, epinephrine, procainamide, or isoproterenol should be considered to identify otherwise concealed cases of long-QT syndrome, catecholaminergic polymorphic VT, and Brugada syndrome. Genetic testing may be clinically useful in selected cases. Shivanshu Madan,Eugene H. Chung,2016 JACC
• Close monitoring of ECG changes during the exercise and recovery periods would be crucial. Ambulatory cardiac event monitors should also be used, and the choice of monitor depends on the frequency of episodes. For very rare occurrences, an implantable loop recorder may be required to capture the heart rhythm during a syncopal episode. With respect of athletes, it is noteworthy that many event monitors require adhesive, which can be troublesome to manage in a group of subjects that are prone to active perspiration. • A relatively new and potentially useful tool to evaluate patients is the cell phone application that functions as a monitoring device. This device allows “real-time” smartphone-based recording and transmission of tracings in symptomatic athletes to consultants. This technology has the potential to make quicker diagnoses and return athletes to back to activity. Shivanshu Madan,Eugene H. Chung,2016 JACC
Approccio in un atleta con sincope Cocis 2017
Approach to the evaluation of an athlete with syncope Athlete with Syncope Syncope unrelated Syncope during Post exertional to Exercise Exercise Syncope Vasovagal Situational Syncope Syncope Shivanshu Madan,Eugene H. Chung,2016 JACC
Approach to the patient with unexplained exercise-associated syncope. Current Sports Medicine Reports 2006, 5:300–306
IDONEITÀ ALLO SPORT • La sincope neuromediata nell’atleta ha una prognosi favorevole. Quindi, una volta accertata la natura neuromediata della perdita di coscienza, l’atleta può essere riammesso allo sport competitivo. Tuttavia devono essere adottati criteri restrittivi negli atleti praticanti sport a rischio intrinseco, cioè negli sport in cui la perdita di coscienza può comportare la possibilità di gravi eventi avversi per l’atleta stesso e per il pubblico che assiste alla gara. • Nelle sincopi di origine cardiaca aritmica o meccanica, la concessione dell’idoneità dovrà essere basata sul tipo e sulle caratteristiche della aritmia riscontrata e/o sulla patologia cardiovascolare associata Cocis 2017
ØLa idoneità può essere concessa -nelle sindromi neuromediate -nelle sindromi ortostatiche E’ tuttavia consigliabile prudenza negli sport a rischio intrinseco ØL’idoneità andrebbe negata -nelle sincopi di natura cardiaca,aritmiche e non,in base al tipo di cardiopatia -nelle sincopi di natura indeterminata è consigliabile sospendere provvisoriamente l’idoneità Cocis 2017
Recommendations Ø Athletes with exercise-induced syncope should be restricted from all competitive athletics until evaluated by a qualified medical professional (Class I; Level of Evidence B). Ø Athletes with syncope should be evaluated with a history, physical examination, ECG, and selective use of other diagnostic tests when there is suspicion of structural heart disease or primary electrical abnormalities that may predispose to recurrent syncope or sudden death (Class I; Level of Evidence C). Ø Athletes with syncope caused by structural heart disease or primary electrical disorders should be restricted from athletic activities according to the recommendations for their specific underlying cardiovascular condition (Class I; Level of Evidence C). Ø Athletes with neurallymediated syncope can resume all athletic activities once measures are demonstrated to prevent recurrent syncope (Class I; Level of Evidence C). Ø Athletes with syncope of unknown cause, based on a ruling out of structural or molecular pathogenesis, should not participate in athletics in which transient loss of consciousness can be hazardous (Class III; Level of Evidence C).
Conclusions and Attentions • Ultimately, the goals of an evaluation for the athlete with syncope are to determine whether underlying heart disease is present, and whether athletic activity can safely be continued. • Missing or improperly treating a potentially life-threatening etiology of syncope can have devastating consequences, and the cost of misdiagnosing a benign condition as a dangerous or life-threatening one can lead to unnecessary restriction of activity as well as negative monetary and psychosocial ramifications. • Although most causes of syncope in the athlete are benign, high profile stories such as the example above underscore the importance of performing a comprehensive evaluation beginning with a detailed history. Shivanshu Madan,Eugene H. Chung,2016 JACC
Contro i medici 300mila cause in corso, 35mila ogni anno • A due anni dall’approvazione della Legge Gelli sulla nresponsabilità medica va precisato che nella stragrande maggioranza dei casi le denunce che coinvolgono dei medici si rivelano infondate e la speranza è che la Legge Gelli possa ridurre il numero di cause (spesso temerarie) proposte. • “le stime nel 2016 la percentuale complessiva dei medici coinvolti in procedimenti giudiziari, sia civili che penali, rispetto al numero totale di assicurati, era in calo in termini percentuali, ma nel 2017, i sinistri aperti e che possono coinvolgere più professionisti per uno stesso evento avverso, sono aumentati dal 2016 del 60%”. • La Suprema Corte di Cassazione con l’ordinanza 30998 ha, per certi versi, ridimensionato il valore da attribuire alle linee-guida nei processi per responsabilità professionale medica in quanto le medesime non rappresentano (secondo i giudici) “un letto di Procuste insuperabile”,ma solo uno strumento per valutare la condotta del medico in un modo che tuttavia non può prescindere dall'analisi del caso concreto».
La decisione e l’intervento sono l’essenza della azione La riflessione e le ipotesi sono l’essenza del pensiero L’essenza della Medicina è la combinazione di questi insieme di pensiero e di azione al servizio degli altri. Noi suggeriamo questi spunti per stimolare sia l’azione che il pensiero:questi suggerimenti possono essere difficili da mettere in atto ma come le stelle possono essere utili per la navigazione durante la notte. Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine
SESSIONE PLENARIA 5 SIMPOSIO GIMSI - SIC SPORT “Cause aritmiche di sincope e/o di morte improvvisa nello sportivo” Idoneità sportiva nel soggetto con sincope Giorgio Galan*
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