Editoria e stampa: dalle certezze del passato alla complessità del presente - YZMT 14 aprile 2021 - almed unicatt
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YZMT 14 aprile 2021 Editoria e stampa: dalle certezze del passato alla complessità del presente Alessandra C. Lavagnino Istituto Confucio dell’Università degli Studi di Milano
意中媒体 2021 Software Cinema Internet Produzione culturale (意中) Pubblicità Editoria TV Stampa d’informazione Animazione Radio Videogiochi
Con la vittoria del Pcc nel 1949, tra intellettuali e potere inizia un delicato processo di negoziazione
Il sistema dei media 传媒系统 A partire dal ’49, i media cinesi vennero gradualmente a formare un sistema omogeneo che costituiva una parte importante tra gli Enti 事业单位 dello Stato: Controllo totale del governo / Pcc attraverso il Dipartimento della propaganda del Pcc 中央宣传部 (organo - di rango ministeriale - alle dirette dipendenze del CC)
外文局 2003 外文局
2003 外文局
Case editrici nazionalizzate 1950 1951
文化革命 隔了文化的命
Pechino, Piazza Tian’anmen. Settembre 1976
Informazione e libertà di stampa, una lunga storia… Margaret E. Roberts, Censored, Princeton U.P., 2018
1978-2018 改革开放四十年 1978: 186 quotidiani, 930periodici 2008: 2081 quotidiani, 9363 periodici 1978: 105 Editori, 10mila titoli 2008: 600 Editori,300mila titoli 2018: 580 editori, 400mila titoli
1978:Il terzo Plenum dell’XI CC del Pcc 十一大三中inaugura il periodo di ‘Riforme e apertura’改革开放 L’omogeneità e la compattezza del ‘sistema’ comincia a dare segni di flessibilità, apertura: anche nel settore dell’informazione, della stampa, della televisione inizia gradualmente un processo di apertura politica che coinvolge tutta la società. 1979.01.04. La prima pubblicità! Un dentifricio: 天津日报 蓝天牙膏广告 1979.04.01 Anche sul Quotidiano del popolo compare la pubblicità di macchine agricole! Scienza e tecnologia sono i primi settori ad essere ‘liberati’ dal peso dell’ortodossia rivoluzionaria; Riprendono le traduzioni; le pubblicazioni accademiche; letteratura, cultura e arti visive seguono rapidamente, pur se con grande fatica…
八十年代 Anni di grandi speranze: il 人民日报, da unico portavoce del Pcc (teoria di 喉舌) inizia a condividere con altre testate il monopolio dell’informazione cartacea: 光明日报,解放军报,经济日报,文汇报, 新民 日报,青年报 Nascono Case editrici locali, tornano e si rinnovano le librerie private, Distribuzione diversificata , non più soltanto 新华书店 che non è soltanto 书店 ma 印刷产, e soprattutto controlla 发行
新周刊 1980: nasce 健康之友 il primo femminile! 1983:Sulla rivista 新观察 anche la musica rock! 1984: nasce 瞭望, settimanale pubblicato da 新华社 e distribuito in USA 1985: Hachette Filipacchi con Shanghai Translation Publishing House (statale) pubblicano “Elle”
Anche in inglese! Giugno 1981: Nasce a Pechino il primo quotidiano governativo cinese in lingua inglese, “China Daily”, 1983 Edizione per Nord America 1999 “Shanghai Daily” 2009 “Global Times” da “环球时报” (1993)
1992: 有中国特色的社会主义 南巡 Le spinte prorompenti dello sviluppo economico innescato dalla nuova politica messa in atto da Deng Xiaoping richiedono nuovi rapporti con la comunicazione e con il sistema dei media. Il sistema della propaganda, della censura e del controllo che fino ad allora aveva avuto dominio esclusivo sull’informazione e sul mondo dell’ editoria e della cultura deve imparare a fare i conti con le esigenze del conto economico: i giornali, e i libri, si devono anche vendere!
(政治)宣传 / (经济)市场 Nasce la schizofrenia tra un ‘corpo’ capitalista e un ‘volto’ socialista: Inizia - mediante una costante e sottile negoziazione tra il potere politico e la produzione culturale – una nuova convivenza tra le esigenze della propaganda e quelle del mercato Diversificazione nei contenuti e maggiore apertura verso l’esterno: restano solo alcuni ‘territori proibiti’ 禁域 (politica, religione, pornografia)
2001: la Cina entra nel WTO 2001年: 入世 (进入世界贸易组织) Una delle clausole per l’ingresso della Cina nel WTO è l’autorizzazione e la regolamentazione di investimenti stranieri all’interno dei media cinesi. Quindi anche la possibilità di investimenti cospicui nel mondo dei giornali, dell’editoria e della televisione (anche traduzioni di opere straniere). Ma rimane il controllo dei contenuti e la censura da parte del governo su temi politicamente ‘sensibili’ (politica, religione, pornografia). Si sviluppa l’editoria privata cinese e straniera, e la distribuzione e la vendita diversificata (non più attraverso il controllo della distribuzione da parte degli Uffici postali). Nascono le edicole nelle strade, e le librerie private…
Da Istituzione pubblica a sistema produttivo 从国有事业到私立企业 传媒产业 Il sistema dei media passa da “istituzione pubblica” 事业 a “impresa” 企业, settore produttivo (产业 industry), in cui l’imprenditoria privata può svilupparsi sulla base del profitto. Nasce una informazione/infotainment del quotidiano che è diversa dalla propaganda ufficiale, ma che non tocca i temi delicati della politica che rimangono strettamente nelle mani del potere. Da Viewspaper a Newspaper (Blair) Nasce la differenza tra: ‘governativo’/ufficiale/mainstream官方 ‘popolare’/privato/informale民间 (il termine私立 ‘privato’ resta a lungo un tabu’ linguistico)
新闻记者自由撰稿人 Nel mondo dell’informazione nascono nuove figure: al giornalista di professione, seguace della “teoria del portavoce”, e spesso membro del partito, si affiancano i collaboratori editoriali, freelance, che coprono spazi nuovi, impensabili fino a pochi anni prima, soprattutto a livello di informazione locale
Nuovi temi e nuovi sistemi Al tradizionale monopolio del 人民日报, che rimane in quanto organo del Pcc, si affianca un’informazione (locale) diversificata e più ‘aggressiva’ che arriva a toccare temi caldi (corruzione, malgoverno, scandali) 2003.11.11 nasce a Pechino 新京报, 2004: proibizione ai media locali di fare indagini al di fuori della propria area di diffusione. 2007 Il caso delle fornaci clandestine dello Henan, Tuttavia… ancora nel 2005…
Astana, luglio 2005 Il nuovo corso cinese instaurato da Xi e la stampa
习大大碰妈妈 Il nuovo corso cinese instaurato da Xi e la stampa
习大大碰妈妈 Il nuovo corso cinese instaurato da Xi e la stampa
习大大碰妈妈 Il nuovo corso cinese instaurato da Xi e la stampa
社会调查 暴露腐败 Si sviluppa un nuovo giornalismo ‘militante’, che tratta in maniera sistematica temi come la critica alla corruzione, le inchieste sociali… La difficile primavera del 2008: - Il Tibet (marzo) - Il tormentato viaggio della fiaccola Olimpica (aprile) - Il terremoto nel Sichuan (maggio) - Olimpiadi (agosto)
2008.06.20 胡锦涛访问人民日报 60 anni dalla fondazione. Hu si intrattiene con giornalisti e risponde a messaggi online Nuove direttive per i media: Non più 喉舌? Integrare il diffondere 宣传 la linea del Pcc con il riflettere 放映 la volontà della gente, Integrare il principio di essere la guida corretta per la pubblica opinione con il presentare la realtà sociale e le opinioni del popolo Rafforzare lo sviluppo dei media mainstream 主流 ma anche i nuovi media emergenti per formare una nuova struttura che guidi la pubblica opinione 舆论更好地发挥新闻宣传工作在推动经济发展、引导人民思想 、培育社会⻛风尚、促进社会和谐等方面的重要作用
In maniche di camicia con i giornalisti…
2009/01/15: il mondo visto da Pechino Nuovi investimenti ($ 6.6 mld) per una nuova immagine: -CCTV in russo e arabo (300 milioni di persone in 22 paesi) -Xinhua (117 sedi estere) -People’s Daily (sito ridisegnato e quotabile in borsa) -Shanghai Media Group -Canale TV dedicato: 24 ore di informazioni -2009.04.20: nasce “Global Times - Discover China. Discover The World” (www.en.huanqiu.com) -Ottobre 2009: World Media Summit a Pechino
Austin Jun Luo, “Media system in China: a Chinese perspective “, Academy for International Communication of Chinese Culture, Haidian, Beijing, 2015 • https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/ 10.1007%2Fs40636-015-0012-3.pdf • Traditional Media, Internet Media, Mobile Media • Interaction between Individual Force, Party Force, Governmental Force, Capital Force, Cultural Force, Professional Force
Pechino, 17 febbraio 2016 Il nuovo corso cinese instaurato da Xi e la stampa
Associated Press , 2016/02/19 The Chinese president, Xi Jinping, has made a rare and high-profile tour of the country’s top three state-run media outlets, telling editors and reporters they must pledge absolute loyalty to the Communist party and closely follow its leadership in “thought, politics and action”. …Xi overshadowed the propaganda chief, Liu Yunshan, who accompanied him on his visits to the newsrooms of the party newspaper People’s Daily, state-run news agency Xinhua, and state broadcaster China Central Television (CCTV). At CCTV, Xi was welcomed by a placard pledging loyalty. “The central television’s family name is the party,” the sign read, anticipating remarks made by Xi at a later meeting. “The media run by the party and the government are the propaganda fronts and must have the party as their family name,” Xi told propaganda workers at the meeting, during which he demanded absolute loyalty from state media. “All the work by the party’s media must reflect the party’s will, safeguard the party’s authority, and safeguard the party’s unity,” he said. “They must love the party, protect the party, and closely align themselves with the party leadership in thought, politics and action.”
China Daily, 2016/02/22 “After making an inspection tour of People's Daily, Xinhua News Agency, and China Central Television on Friday, President Xi Jinping hosted a conference on the Communist Party of China's media work, and talked about how the traditional media should adapt to the changing situation brought about by social media. Xiake Island, a popular commentator on the WeChat platform says: There was a time when newspapers and television were the only providers of information. However, today everybody can register a micro blog account and spread information faster than traditional media outlets do. Newspapers and television now react and interact with all kinds of voices emerging on social media platforms. That in turn has created a crisis for the traditional media. Domestic media institutions that cannot adapt to the new situation continue reporting the world as they used to, which is different from the daily experiences of ordinary people. This has resulted in people's lack of trust in State-run media outlets. The Party has always held "the mass line", maintaining an open attitude toward people's opinions, as an essential principle of governance. That applies to its journalistic work, too. If the current split continues, the legitimacy of the Party might decline. It is necessary for the media to restore people's trust in the Party, especially as the economy has entered a new normal and suggestions that it is declining and dragging down the global economy have emerged. That's why Xi has made the inspection and hosted the conference. The nation's media outlets are essential to political stability and the leadership cannot afford to wait for them to catch up with the times. There were some notable points in his speech. For example, he talked about how to properly guide public opinion. Even good guidance needs proper forms; sermons only make people tired. Besides, while the media needs to report the positive aspects of the society, it must also cover the negative side, too, so that social progress is possible.“
2018, 两会:中国公布改革方案,加强党 对文化外交等领域控制 • 党用“中国之声”实行控制 • 共产党对中国的电影、电视节目和报纸的控制和审查已经很严格了 ,但对娱乐和新闻的控制可能会加强。 按照新方案,党的中宣部将从政府机构国家新闻出版广电总局手里 接过对电影、新闻媒体和出版业的直接控制。实际上,共产党和直接控 制电影制作及外国电影引进之间的薄弱隔断,已经被废除了。 • 方案称这一变化反映了“电影在宣传思想和文化娱乐方面的特殊重 要作用”。报纸、图书和杂志也将直接受中宣部的监管。 • 中国主要的官方广播和电视台——既有面向国内的也有面向国外的 ——将合并成一个单一的企业集团,名为“中国之声”。合并后的这 个国有实体受中宣部的领导。根据该方案,此次重组将“加强国际传 播能力”。
https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/21/world/asia/china-communist-party-xi- jinping.htm The Party Takes Control as the ‘Voice of China’ Chinese films, television shows and newspapers are already heavily controlled and censored by the Communist Party, but control of entertainment and news is likely to deepen. Under the new plan, the party’s Department of Propaganda will take direct control of film, the news media and publications from the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television, a government agency. In effect, the thin partition that had separated the Communist Party from direct oversight of film production and imports of foreign films has been stripped away. The plan said the change reflected the “especially important role of cinema in propagating ideas and in cultural entertainment.” Newspapers, books and magazines will also fall under the propaganda department’s direct supervision. China’s main state-run radio and television broadcasters, domestic and international, will be merged into a single conglomerate called the “Voice of China,” which will be a state entity under the leadership of the party’s propaganda department. The reorganization will “enhance international broadcasting capacity,” according to the plan. l
Il 25 gennaio 2019, un’altra visita al RMRB “Xi stresses integrated media development” http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2019-01/25/c_137774923.htm
BEIJING, Jan. 25 (Xinhua) -- Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, on Friday stressed efforts to boost integrated media development and amplify mainstream tone in public communication so as to consolidate the common theoretical foundation for all Party members and all the people to unite and work hard. Xi made the remarks at a group study session of the CPC Central Committee Political Bureau. The move will provide strong spiritual strength and public support for the realization of the two centenary goals and the Chinese dream of national rejuvenation, Xi said. Led by Xi, members of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee visited the People's Daily on Friday morning. During the visit, Xi stressed Party newspapers and periodicals should strengthen the development and innovation of their means of communication. Efforts should be made to develop websites, microblogs, WeChat, electronic newspaper bulletins, mobile newspapers, internet protocol, television and other forms of new media to enable the voice of the Party to directly reach all kinds of user terminals and gain new public opinion fields, he added. The work of news and public opinion is facing new challenges as profound changes have taken place in the ecology of public opinion, the media landscape and the means of communication, Xi said. The integrated development of the media should be accelerated to make the penetration, guidance, influence, and credibility of the mainstream media more powerful, said Xi, urging for building of competitive, strongly influential new types of mainstream media. "Priority should be given to mobile platforms," he said, calling for the exploration of using artificial intelligence in news gathering, generation, distribution, receiving and feedback. "We should strengthen the management of new media in accordance with the law to ensure a cleaner cyberspace," Xi stressed. Xi also asked the mainstream media to provide more authentic and objective information with clear viewpoints in a timely manner, and called for efforts to improve the online content to safeguard the country's political, cultural and ideological security. Party committees and governments at all levels should give greater support to integrated media development in terms of policies, funds and talent, he said. While stressing the status of the People's Daily as the CPC Central Committee's official newspaper, Xi demanded the newspaper improve its work to give full play to its key role in guiding public opinion.
YUN Qidong 2019
China Publishing Group 中国出版集团
http://en.cnpubg.com/enabout/ introduction.shtml
Beijing International Book Fair Show Date: Aug 25, 2021 Aug 29, 2021 Location: Beijing, China CBF - China Shanghai International Children’s Book Fair Shanghai 19. - 21. November 2021 | The only fair in Asia Pacific fully dedicated to books and specific contents for children 上海海艺术书展• The International and Leading Art Book Fair in Shanghai • SHABF2021: 11.11 - 11.14 back to M50 Creative Park,
Xinhuanet 2019-01-09 Private bookstores played a significant part in the development, as 85 of the over 160 popular Sisyphe Bookstore chain as of October last year were opened in 2018 alone, and Yanjiyou, another popular brand, opened another 53 bookstores from January to November last year, according to an article on Wednesday’s People’s Daily. According to the paper, the revitalisation of bookstores in China was largely due to favorable policies unveiled in recent years. After a national guideline on supporting the bookstore industry was issued in 2016, 28 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities also released relevant policies to boost the industry. For instance, 50 million yuan of subsidies has been distributed to 151 bookstores in Beijing since the release of the local guideline in July 2018.
http://www.scaffalecinese.it/pechino-capitale-della- lettura-in-cina/ • I cinesi che vivono nella capitale leggono più libri rispetto ai loro connazionali • Pechino capitale della Cina e capitale della lettura. Vivono, infatti, nella capitale i lettori cinesi più assidui. Secondo i dati diffusi dal governo municipale, nel corso del 2018 i residenti di Pechino hanno letto in media 11,74 libri per uno, 7,08 in più rispetto alla media nazionale. • La spesa media in libri è stata di 1.132 yuan, pari a circa 145 euro, dei quali 343 yuan, intorno a 44 euro, per l’acquisto di libri stampati. • La propensione alla lettura registrata tra gli abitanti di Pechino trova conferma anche nell’aumento del numero di biblioteche pubbliche registrato nel corso del 2018. La capitale cinese è arrivata ad averne 6.052, il 4,34% in più rispetto al 2017. ( 8 gennaio 2019)
“Is China now the biggest book market. Alibaba says 30 million new Chinese readers were added in 2018” (TNPS, 2019, Jan. 13). Report from China’s Books and Periodicals Distribution Association valued the Chinese publishing industry at $55 billion in 2018, which if confirmed will make China far and away the largest publishing market on the planet. Alibaba, which drew its numbers from its own online platforms, including Tmall, Taobao, Xianyu and the Alibaba ebook store Alibaba Literature, attributed the increase to easy and convenient ways to buy books and the popularity of e-books. The report asserts 30 million additional readers appeared in 2018, mostly from those born in the 1990s and 2000s, purchasing an average of 5.5 print books, but in this demographics ebooks were the preferred reading format.
TNPS China, Jan. 16, 2020 • Last week the China Bookstore Conference released its latest figures, showing that there are more than 70.000 bricks&mortar bookstores in the country. The 2019 ratio was stacked in the favour of the new stores opening, with more than 4000 new stores emerging while only 500 closed. • The 2019 Report from China’s Books and Periodicals Distribution Association tells us that China finished the year 2018 with 225,000 bookstores and outlets, up 4.3% on 2017, with total sales revenue of 370.4 billion yuan ($54.7 billion), up 5.9% on 2017.
https://www.booksandpublishing.com.au/articles/ 2021/01/20/161534/chinese-book-market-down-5-in-2020- beijing-openbook/ • Chinese book market down 5% in 2020: Beijing OpenBook 20 January 2021 • Beijing OpenBook has reported a 5% downturn on book sales in the Chinese market in 2020—the first drop in value since OpenBook began its tracking in 2001, reports Publishing Perspectives. • The 5% drop in 2020 comes after the market rose 14.4% in 2019. Open Book’s Rainy Liu said the Chinese retail market had grown at more than 10% annually from 2015 to 2019, making 2020’s result feel ‘especially sharp’. • Sales through online retail channels were up 7.27%, while physical bookstore sales plunged 33.8%. According to OpenBook, ‘super-size’ bookstores in China’s sprawling Tier 1 and Tier 2 cities experienced the most severe downturns during the pandemic. However, these major retail venues ‘were more resilient than other types of bookstores’ and could recover more strongly in the latter part of the year
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