Pagina creata da Francesca Fiorini

                                                                  by                 In partnership with


Year 6 • N.4
  May 2022

                                                                                            DESIGN • KNOW HOW • INNOVATION • VISION
                                                                                     Managing director: Angelo Frigerio

     Edizioni Turbo Srl - Corso della Resistenza, 23 - 20821 - Meda (MB) - Tel. +39 0362 600463/4/5/9 - Fax. +39 0362 600616 - Periodico bimestrale - Registrazione al Tribunale di Milano
        n. 2 del 4 gennaio 2018 - Stampa: Italgrafica - Novara - Poste Italiane Spa - Sped. in Abbonamento Postale DL 353/2003 (conv. in L. 27.02.2004, n.46) art. 1, comma 1, LO/MI -
                                       In caso di mancato recapito inviare al CMP di Milano Roserio per la restituzione al mittente previo pagamento resi.

                                                                     by                    In partnership with


Year 6 • N.4
  May 2022

                                                                                                   DESIGN • KNOW HOW • INNOVATION • VISION
                                                                                           Managing director: Angelo Frigerio

     Edizioni Turbo Srl - Corso della Resistenza, 23 - 20821 - Meda (MB) - Tel. +39 0362 600463/4/5/9 - Fax. +39 0362 600616 - Periodico bimestrale - Registrazione al Tribunale di Milano
        n. 2 del 4 gennaio 2018 - Stampa: Italgrafica - Novara - Poste Italiane Spa - Sped. in Abbonamento Postale DL 353/2003 (conv. in L. 27.02.2004, n.46) art. 1, comma 1, LO/MI -
                                       In caso di mancato recapito inviare al CMP di Milano Roserio per la restituzione al mittente previo pagamento resi.

   the interview
   security is not
                                                                          ALL SET
   everything                                                            FOR IFFA’S
                                                                      GREAT COMEBACK
                                                                               The world’s leading trade show for meat and alternative proteins
                                                                              technology is back, from 14 to 19 May 2022, at Messe Frankfurt.
                                                                             A preview of the latest machinery and solutions for all stages, from
   50% of the missing items in the large scale
                                                                           processing through packaging to selling, developed by Italian food-tech
   distribution are not caused by thefts, but by                               manufacturers. Some of which will be unveiled at the exhibition.
   operational errors still linked to the manual
   management of the stock. Technology,
                                                                                                                           from page 18 to page 31
   though, comes in aid with the RFreshID
   solution by Checkpoint Systems. We discussed
   it with the Business Unit Director Italy,
   Alberto Corradini.                on pages 16 and 17

                                                                                                                                        the company
                                                                                       “Customization                             Risco: experts                           “All the best
                  Italian                                                              is our hallmark”
                                                                                       Tailor-made solutions equipped
                                                                                                                                  in meat
                                                                                                                                  (and beyond)
                                                                                                                                                                           things end up
                                                                                                                                                                           in our net”
                                                                                       with 4.0 technology are the strong
                                                                                       point of the Emilian company               Whether it is minced meat                Retificio Nassi boasts a 100-year
                                                                                       Almac which has been serving               or plant-based burgers, on               long experience in creating high-
                                                                                       the Pasta Filata cheese industry           the occasion of IFFA 2022                quality and tailor-made solutions

                 on show
                                                                                       for 33 years. We talked about its          the company presents several             for the food industry. Fulfilling
                                                                                       performance since the pandemic             innovations for the global food          any requirement and granting
                                                                                       broke out and the latest market            industry. Thanks to a 50-year            all-around technical assistance.
                                                                                       trends with Angelo Amara, the sales        long expertise that has always put       Interview with the CEO Guido

                in Cologne
                                                                                       manager.                                   research and clients first.              Brogi.
                                                                                                                 on page 12                                   on page 14                              on page 36

           After the pandemic-related dry spell, it was time for Anuga
          FoodTec again. The leading global trade fair for the food &
                                                                                       GB Bernucci:                         Fabios +                                       Much more than
         beverage industry took place from 26 to 29 April in Cologne.                  innovative packaging Tecnobrianza =                                                 just a gas supplier
         Where around 1,600 exhibitors (1,100 of whom coming from
       abroad) put on a rich display of all the latest dynamic and cutting-            since 1946                           synergy                                        Nippon Gases Italia, founded
                                                                                                                                                                           as Rivoira in 1920 in Turin, is a
          edge solutions - from process technology through filling and                 The historic company headquartered
                                                                                       in Milan has been providing the food
                                                                                                                            & development                                  market leader for the production
                                                                                                                                                                           of carbon dioxide in Italy. It also
         packaging to food safety, digitalization and intralogistics. With
                                                                                       industry with solutions for more than      The Italian company is the official      supplies oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen
      around 50,000 visitors from approximately 155 countries, the 2022                75 years with the help of its partners.    distributor and technical partner of     and other gas mixtures for the
      edition registered a high attendance of Italian companies, which we              Designing eco-friendly and sustainable     the Polish firm, specialized in the      agri-food segment and many more.
                        met during our visit in Cologne.                               options such as Paperseal and              production of collagen casings. The      Interview with the general manager
                                                                                       Slimfresh is the current mission of the    story, which began in 2014, led to an    at Nippon Gases Industrial, Davis
                                 on pages 38 and 39                                    firm. Which invests greatly in R&D.        exclusive range for our market.          Reginato.
                                                                                                                      on page 8                               on page 32                              on page 34

      focus on                                                                                                                                 Whether declined in the environmental, economic
                                                                                                                                              or social version, the topic is high on the agenda of

      Sustainability,                                                                                                                            many companies in the segment. An overview of
                                                                                                                                                the best practices carried out by some innovative

      a catalyst for change
                                                                                                                                                 firms. Among animal welfare, circular economy,
                                                                                                                                               eco-pack trays, cutting-edge production processes
                                                                                                                                                        and initiatives thought for the employees.
      in the meat industry                                                                                                                                                              on pages 10 and 11
Year 6 • N.4
  May 2022          editorial

                                                                              Welcome back,
                                                                              By Lucrezia Villa

                                                                                Everything set for the 73rd edition of         stable, reusable and more. Speaking of
                                                                              IFFA. After three years since the Ger-           new challenges and satisfying the market
                                                                              man trade show dedicated to technolo-            needs, for the first time, with the slogan
                                                                              gies for meat and delis’ processing last         ‘Technology for Meat and Alternati-
                                                                              took place, now the time has finally come        ve Proteins’, IFFA will open up to meat
                                                                              for the main players of the segment to           substitutes as well. Thus meeting the
                                                                              meet again in person at Frankfurt Mes-           ever increasing demand of the market, a
                                                                              se. And many will be the innovative solu-        highly expanding one indeed. Which is
                                                                              tions put on display from 14 to 19 May           expected to exceed 12 billion dollars by
                                                                              2022 by the over 900 exhibitors, coming          2025 according to the data of the Arizton
                                                                              from 42 countries around the globe. In-          plant-based meat market - Global outlo-
                                                                              creasingly performing, more and more             ok and forecast 2020-2025. Because new
                                                                              customized, and sustainable of course.           ingredients require machines able to pro-
                                                                              Whether it is processing or packaging li-        cess them. And IFFA has the potential
                                                                              nes, machinery, equipment or materials,          to bring together the leading internatio-
                                                                              the food-tech industry is daily committed        nal innovators to promote a producti-
                                                                              to meeting the needs of the manufactu-           ve exchange of ideas and information
                                                                              rers. Which ask for safe, precise, reliable      between the alternative and conventio-
                                                                              and efficient tools. Without forgetting          nal meat-technology manufacturers. The
                                                                              the ‘Green’ movement, that is transfor-          global food industry is a dynamic mar-
                                                                              ming our daily habits and determining            ket indeed, but the food-tech industry
                                                                              the development of ‘virtuous’ packaging          is even more vibrant. And it is ready to
                                                                              solutions: recycled, recyclable, compo-          show it off.

                 TECH4FOOD                                                                                Bentornata, Iffa!

                              DESIGN • KNOW HOW • INNOVATION • VISION

                       Managing director:
                      ANGELO FRIGERIO                                             È tutto pronto per la        re o materiali, l’industria       un mercato in rapidissima
                 Edited by: Edizioni Turbo Srl
                  Corso della Resistenza, 23                                    73esima edizione di Iffa,      del meccano-alimentare è          espansione. Le cui vendite
                       20821 - Meda (MB)
                  Tel. +39 0362 600463/4/5/9
                                                                                che si svolgerà dal 14 al      impegnata, giorno dopo            annuali supereranno i 12
                     Fax. +39 0362 600616                                       19 maggio 2022. A tre anni     giorno, a soddisfare le ri-       miliardi di dollari entro il
         Periodico bimestrale - Registrazione al                                di distanza dall’ultima ker-   chieste dei produttori del        2025, stando ai dati dell’A-
      Tribunale di Milano n. 2 del 4 gennaio 2018                               messe tedesca dedicata         segmento. I quali sono alla       rizton plant-based meat
       Edizioni Turbo Srl n° iscrizione ROC11158
                        del 21 aprile 2005                                      alle tecnologie per la tra-    costante ricerca di soluzio-      market - Global outlook
                  Numero 4 - maggio 2022 -                                      sformazione della carne e      ni sicure, precise, affidabili    and forecast 2020-2025.
                Stampa: Italgrafica - Novara -
                       Poste Italiane Spa -                                     dei salumi, è finalmente       ed efficienti. Senza poi di-      Anche perché nuovi ingre-
              Sped. in Abbonamento Postale
        DL 353/2003 (conv. in L. 27.02.2004, n.46)
                                                                                giunto il momento per i        menticarsi l’aspetto Gre-         dienti e prodotti richiedo-
                   art. 1, comma 1, LO/MI -                                     ‘big’ del segmento di ri-      en che impone la scelta di        no macchinari ad hoc. E Iffa
            In caso di mancato recapito, inviare
             all’ufficio postale di Roserio per la
                                                                                unirsi in presenza a Fran-     confezioni sempre più ‘vir-       ha tutto il potenziale per
        restituzione al mittente che si impegna a                               kfurt Messe. E saranno         tuose’: riciclate, riciclabili,   radunare i principali inno-
                   pagare la relativa tariffa.
                     Una copia 1,00 euro -                                      numerose le soluzioni in-      facilmente compostabili,          vatori sia del segmento più
              Abbonamento annuo 20,00 euro                                      novative messe in scena        riutilizzabili e così via. E a    tradizionale sia delle pro-
              L’editore garantisce la massima
           riservatezza dei dati personali in suo                               dagli oltre 900 espositori,    proposito di nuove sfide          teine alternative. L’obietti-
         possesso. Tali dati saranno utilizzati per                             provenienti da 42 Paesi        e di un mercato sempre            vo: promuovere un ricco e
          la gestione degli abbonamenti e per
      l’invio di informazioni commerciali. In base                              in tutto il mondo. Sempre      più esigente, per la pri-         proficuo scambio di idee e
        all’Art. 13 della Legge n° 196/2003, i dati
        potranno essere rettificati o cancellati in
                                                                                più performanti, sempre        ma volta, con lo slogan           punti di vista. Ecco che, se
        qualsiasi momento scrivendo a: Edizioni                                 più personalizzabili, sem-     ‘Technology for Meat and          l’industria alimentare è un
                Turbo S.r.l.Edizioni Turbo S.r.l.
            Responsabile dati: Angelo Frigerio
                                                                                pre più sostenibili. Che si    Alternative Proteins’, Iffa       mercato dinamico, quella
                  Corso della Resistenza, 23                                    tratti di linee di produzio-   aprirà al settore delle pro-      del meccano-alimentare lo
                        20821 Meda (MB)
                                                                                ne o di confezionamen-         teine alternative. Quello         è ancora di più. Ed è pron-
               Questo numero è stato chiuso                                     to, macchine, attrezzatu-      dei sostitutivi della carne è     ta a metterlo in mostra.
               in redazione il 27 aprile 2022

     4 • Tech4Food Magazine
Year 6 • N.4
  May 2022     news

    IFFA 2022 OPENS                                                                                                                                                                       AMAZON AIR RAPIDLY EXPANDS IN 2021,                                              THE EXPORT OF INSTRUMENTAL MECHANICS
    TO ALTERNATIVE PROTEIN SEGMENT                                                                                                                                                        RECORDING A DOUBLE-DIGIT GROWTH                                                  GOES HAYWIRE DUE TO THE WAR
    The coming edition of IFFA, the world’s leading trade fair for the global meat                 ZUDEK: ECOLOGICAL AND EFFICIENT                                                        In 2021, Amazon Air increased its number of destination airports by 21%,         The Russia-Ukraine war undermines the made in Italy’s international business,
    and deli industry, will include technologies and solutions for plant-based pro-                COOLING SINCE 1990                                                                     its fleet grew by 25% in terms of aircraft operated and the volume of cargo      especially in the export-oriented segments such as the instrumental mechanics’
    ducts and alternative proteins. It is a revolutionary step for the flagship exhi-                                                                                                     flights was up 34%. Last year, Amazon’s air cargo arm recorded a significant     one. For which the Russian market accounts for 2.6% of all the overseas sales,
    bition of Messe Frankfurt, which will bring together all players from the sector                  Zudek is a specialized producer       (registered) chiller is dedicated             growth, while UPS (+1% in destinations, +0.4% for its fleet and the volume       for a 2.1-billion-euro turnover as reported by the Italian newspapers Il Sole 24
    from 14 to 19 May 2022. Development forecasts for the global market point to                   of high-tech refrigeration plants        to icy water production. Zudek’s              of flights flown were up 10%) and FedEx (+1% in destinations, -1% for its fle-   Ore. Many are the big players of the segment and the packaging sector too that
    rapid growth in the future. Thus, worldwide annual sales of plant-based meat                   and systems, able to guarantee           range also includes Recumatik                 et and +3% in volume of flights) operations remained comparatively static,       express their concern. “These days I should have signed a contract for a 1.5-mil-
    alternatives are expected to climb to more than 12 billion dollars by 2025. This               high energy savings, maximum             (registered) heat pumps, working              according to AirCargoNews. “Amazon’s significant increase does not seem          lion-euro plant I was working on since September”, explains Riccardo Cavanna
    represents an annual growth of over 18% (source: Arizton plant-based meat                      efficiency and respect for the envi-     simultaneously as boilers and chil-           to actually bother the two ‘rivals’, which at the moment still score better      of Cavanna Packaging Group. “The client has called me saying that due to the
    market – Global outlook and forecast 2020-2025, Sept. 2020). “The market for                   ronment thanks to the use of am-         lers. One of the most innovative              than the Seattle-based company”, as reported by Aircargoitaly. “Fedex,           ruble devaluation and the doubled rates he would have put the investment on
    meat alternatives is one of the world’s booming sectors at present and we aim                  monia, a natural gas that genera-        solution is Enermatik (registered),           for instance, has operated almost 80,000 flights in the last quarter of 2021,    hold”. Marco Calcagni, sales director by Omet, which produces packaging prin-
    to depict this development at the next IFFA”, explains Wolfgang Marzin, presi-                 tes cold quickly and economically.       a water ammonia absorption chil-              followed by UPS with more or less 60,000, while Amazon Air in the same           ting machines, is worried too. “For us, out of a 100-million-turnover, Russia and
    dent and CEO of Messe Frankfurt. “The core area of expertise of our exhibitors                 The company designs custom-ma-           ler that produces special cooling             period of time has not reached 20,000. In 2021 Q4, moreover, Fedex’s fleet       Ukraine account for 5 million, at the moment it is still manageable but the losses
    and visitors has revolved around the processing, packaging and sale of meat                    de solutions starting from the dif-      power starting from a hot thermal             comprised more than 1,000 units, UPS’ one counted 800 planes and Ama-            are significant. The sanctions? They are an incentive towards negotiations, which
    and meat products since time immemorial. Therefore, we are looking forward                     ferent needs of its customers. Va-       energy source. Finally, Safematik             zon’s barely surpassed 200 units”.                                               is the absolute priority”.
    to expanding this focus, presenting exciting new products and discussing intel-                rimatik (registered) and Ecomatik        (registered) allows neutralising the
    ligent applications – a genuine boost to innovation”. According to the analysis                (registered) (in the picture) are wa-    leaking of ammonia from the sy-               L’e-commerce ‘vola’: Amazon Air                                                  La guerra manda in tilt l’export di meccanica strumentale
    by Statista – Consumer Mar-                                                                    ter condensed ammonia chillers           stems by abating it into water or an          cresce a doppia cifra nel 2021                                                   Il conflitto Russia-Ucraina destabilizza il business internazionale del made in
    ket Outlook 2020, it is estima-                                                                available in different versions (one     acid solution. All Zudek solutions            +21% le destinazioni servite, +25% i velivoli della flotta (di proprietà e       Italy, soprattutto in settori export-oriented come quello della meccanica stru-
    ted that in comparison sales                                                                   of them features an evaporative          are equipped with Telematik (re-              non), +34% i collegamenti effettuati. Amazon Air, la compagnia aerea car-        mentale. Per cui il mercato russo vale il 2,6% di tutte le vendite oltreconfine,
    of processed meat are predi-                                                                   condenser on the top). Airmatik          gistered): telemetry for monitoring           go di Amazon, chiude un bilancio 2021 eccellente. A fronte, come riporta         per un valore di 2,1 miliardi di euro, come riporta Il Sole 24 Ore. Sulle pagine
    cted to reach approximately                                                                    (registered) is an air condensed         and supervision that allow tech-              AirCargoNews, di risultati ‘statici’ per Ups (+1% le destinazioni, +0,4% la      del quotidiano, a esprimere la loro preoccupazione sono alcuni grandi player
    319 billion dollars in 2025,                                                                   ammonia chiller with highly effi-        nicians to check all the machine’s            flotta e +10% i voli) e Fedex (+1% le destinazioni, -1% la flotta e +3% i        del comparto, anche del mondo packaging. “In questi giorni avrei dovuto si-
    recording an annual rate of                                                                    cient axial fans; while Zeromatik        parameters in real-time.                      voli). “Queste notevoli progressioni di Amazon, tuttavia, non sembrano           glare un contratto per un impianto da 1,5 milioni, ci lavoravo da settembre”,
    growth of just 0.2%.                                                                                                                                                                  impensierire troppo le due ‘rivali’, che al momento mantengono posizioni         spiega Riccardo Cavanna, dell’omonima azienda di macchine per il confe-
                                                                                                                                                                                          largamente superiori a quelle della società di Seattle”, commenta Aircar-        zionamento. “Il cliente mi ha chiamato proprio stamattina, spiegandomi che
    Iffa 2022 apre ai                                                                                                                                                                     goitaly. “Fedex, per fare un esempio, ha operato circa 80mila voli nell’ul-      con il rublo così ‘basso’ e i tassi raddoppiati avrebbe messo l’investimento
    sostitutivi della carne                                                                                                                                                               timo trimestre del 2021, seguita da Ups con circa 60mila, mentre Amazon          in stand-by”. È preoccupato anche Marco Calcagni della Omet, che produce
    Iffa, la fiera tedesca specia-                                                                                                                                                        Air nello stesso periodo non ha raggiunto i 20mila. Nel quarto trimestre         macchine per la stampa di etichette e imballaggi: “Per noi su 100 milioni di
    lizzata nelle tecnologie per                                                                                                                                                          2021, inoltre, la flotta di Fedex è rimasta superiore alle 1.000 unità, men-     ricavi Russia e Ucraina valgono 5 milioni, si tratta di qualcosa di gestibile anche
    la trasformazione della carne                                                                                                                                                         tre quella di Ups ha contato 800 mezzi e quella di Amazon ha superato di         se i danni sono notevoli. Le sanzioni? Sono una spinta al negoziato, che è la
    e dei salumi, apre a partire                                                                                                                                                          poco i 200 velivoli”.                                                            priorità assoluta”.
    dall’edizione 2022 anche ai sostitutivi della carne. Una vera rivoluzione per la
    manifestazione fiore all’occhiello di Messe Frankfurt, che dal 14 al 19 maggio
    2022 si prepara quindi a ospitare un nuovo range di attrezzature e linee produt-
    tive dedicate ai prodotti plant-based, agli ingredienti e alla carne sintetica. Un
    mercato in rapidissima espansione, le cui vendite supereranno i 12 miliardi di
    dollari entro il 2025, in crescita di oltre 18 punti percentuali l’anno (fonte: Arizton
    plant-based meat market – Global outlook and forecast 2020-2025, Sept. 2020).
    “Quello dei sostitutivi della carne è oggi uno dei settori in grande espansione a
    livello globale e per questo desideriamo dargli visibilità alla prossima Iffa”, spie-
    ga Wolfgang Marzin, presidente e ceo di Messe Frankfurt. “La principale area di
    competenza dei nostri espositori è storicamente quella delle tecnologie di pro-
    cessing e packaging per carni e derivati. Desideriamo quindi ampliare il focus
    presentando nuovi ed entusiasmanti prodotti e le relative applicazioni: una vera               Zudek: “Dal 1990 facciamo freddo ecologico ed efficiente”
    spinta innovativa”. In base alle analisi di Statista – Consumer Market Outlook                 Zudek è un’azienda specializzata nella progettazione e nella costru-
    2020, si stima che il mercato mondiale dei prodotti a base di carne toccherà i 319             zione di impianti frigoriferi ad alta tecnologia, capace di garantire ri-
    miliardi nel 2025, in crescita dello 0,2%.                                                     sparmio energetico, massima efficienza e tutela dell’ambiente grazie
                                                                                                   all’utilizzo ecosostenibile dell’ammoniaca. Presente sul mercato inter-
                                                                                                   nazionale da decenni, realizza macchine su misura partendo dalle spe-
    SIXTH AUCTION TO BE HELD                                                                       cifiche esigenze del cliente, come Varimatik® ed Ecomatik®: chiller ad
    FOR ASSETS ITALIAN PHA-MAKER BIO-ON                                                            ammoniaca condensati ad acqua disponibili in diverse versioni. Come
                                                                                                   Airmatik®: chiller ad ammoniaca condensato ad aria con ventilatori
    After five failed attempts to auction off the assets of Bio-on, the Italian PHA ma-
                                                                                                   ad alto rendimento. Oppure i chiller per l’acqua gelida che utilizzano
    nufacturer that was officially declared bankrupt following a court decision in De-
                                                                                                   gli scambiatori di calore a piastre, dove si raffredda l’acqua ad una
    cember 2019 in Bologna, Italy, is on sale again. Offers may be submitted until 3
                                                                                                   temperatura prossima agli zero gradi, gli Zeromatik®. L’azienda, inol-
    May, with the hearing taking place the next day. The minimum bid is now of 23.7
                                                                                                   tre, propone soluzioni come le pompe di calore ad alta temperatura
    million euro, compared with the starting price of 94.9 million back in May 2021.
                                                                                                   Recumatik®. Tra i prodotti più innovativi gli assorbitori ad acqua e am-
                                                                                                   moniaca Enermatik® (in foto), che utilizzano il calore proveniente da
    Bio-on torna all’asta, per la sesta volta
                                                                                                   altri processi produttivi per generare freddo. E infine i sistemi Safema-
    Il Tribunale fallimentare di Bologna ha indetto un nuovo avviso d’asta per la
                                                                                                   tik®: che consentono di neutralizzare l’ammoniaca che fuoriesce dagli
    vendita di Bio-On, azienda produttrice di bioplastiche fallita nel 2019. È possibi-
                                                                                                   impianti grazie a uno scrubber. Tutti gli impianti Zudek sono gestiti dal
    le presentare offerte fino al 3 maggio, mentre il 4 maggio si terrà l’udienza per
                                                                                                   sistema Telematik®: un servizio di telemetria che permette di monito-
    l’apertura delle buste. Questo è il sesto tentativo di vendita, e la base d’asta è
                                                                                                   rare in tempo reale tutti i parametri di funzionamento delle macchine.
    stata ulteriormente ribassata a 23,7 milioni di euro, era di 94,9 milioni di euro per
    la prima asta fissata a maggio 2021.

    NESTLÉ: 97% OF THE PACKAGING                                                              Nestlé: il 97% degli imballaggi prodotti in Italia è riciclabile
    PRODUCED IN ITALY IS RECYCLABLE                                                           Nestlé ha raggiunto il traguardo del 97% degli imballaggi riciclabili prodotti in
    Nestlé has reached the important milestone of 97% recyclable packaging pro-               Italia, accelerando il proprio percorso sostenibile verso l’obiettivo globale del
    duced in Italy, accelerating towards the global goal of 100% recyclable or reu-           100% di packaging riciclabile o riutilizzabile entro il 2025. È ciò che è emerso
    sable packaging by 2025. This is what emerges from the 2022 edition of the ‘Ne-           dall’edizione 2022 del report ‘Nestlé Sustainable Packaging Commitment: road
    stlé Sustainable Packaging Commitment: road to 2025’ report. In particular, in            to 2025’. In Italia, in particolare, Nestlé ha conseguito il 100% di riciclabilità per il
    Italy the company has achieved 100% of recyclability for corrugated cardboard             cartone ondulato e il vetro, il 98% per i packaging in carta, il 96% per la plastica
    and glass, 98% recyclability for its paper packaging, 96% for rigid plastic, 92%          rigida, il 92% per l’alluminio e il 77% per la plastica flessibile. A ulteriore confer-
    for aluminum, 77% for flexible plastic. At the heart of Nestlé’s strategy in Italy is     ma del proprio impegno sul fronte della sostenibilità, a gennaio 2022 Nestlé ha
    research. In this context, the Group’s investment of 5 million euros in the Italian       annunciato un investimento di cinque milioni di euro nel fondo di venture capital
    venture capital fund Eureka! Fund announced in January this year and aimed at             Eureka! Fund per facilitare l’introduzione di soluzioni di imballaggio innovative,
    boosting the search for innovative packaging solutions and improving the qua-             migliorare la qualità dei processi di raccolta e riciclo e aumentare l’adozione di
    lity of collection and recycling processes.                                               plastica riciclata a uso alimentare.

    6 • Tech4Food Magazine
                                                                                                                      VISIT A
Year 6 • N.4
  May 2022     zoom                                                                                                         F
                                                                                                                       AT IF .1
                                                                                                                      Hall: 1 B58

    GB Bernucci:
    innovative packaging
    since 1946
    The historic company headquartered in Milan has been providing the food industry
    with solutions for more than 75 years with the help of its partners. Designing
    eco-friendly and sustainable options such as Paperseal and Slimfresh
    is the current mission of the firm. Which invests greatly in R&D.
                                                                                by Lucrezia Villa

      Food safety, respect for the en-         Italian and foreign markets. We di-         with four color printing, it offers    res seal integrity just as a traditio-
    vironment and innovation. This is          scussed the latest and most inno-           a new advertising solution and it      nal plastic tray would. Paperseal is
    the mission at the core of GB Ber-         vative solutions designed and di-           also give the opportunity to pack      recommended for cheese, fresh or
    nucci, the historic company which          stributed by the company with the           irregular shapes for better mer-       processed meat, ready-made pro-
    has been providing the food indu-          chairman Alberto Bernucci.                  chandising. Slimfresh can be pro-      ducts, frozen foods, snacks, salads
    stry with a wide range of packaging                                                    duced using paper board made           and fruits. It is available in multiple
    solutions for more than 75 years.            Slimfresh:                                from renewable fiber sourced from      formats, among which B1- B5- B6,
    Apart from the traditional ones,             the eco-friendly                          sustainably-managed forests, in        produced in various heights and
    which comprise elastic nets, ropes,          cardboard                                 compliance with the most relevant      without the need for changing the
    twines, casings and bone protec-             It is an innovative and environ-          worldwide certification system. “In    mould used for traditional plastic
    tors, GB Bernucci has                      mentally friendly packaging so-             a nutshell, this skin-pack solution    trays. High-quality offset graphics
    never stopped inve-                              lution, made of a laminated           meets the various needs of consu-      on both the front and rear of the
    sting in R&D in or-                                         cardboard      base        mers, manufacturers and the envi-      tray deliver on-shelf differentia-
    der to design and                                               with a food li-        ronment”, states Bernucci.             tion, offering great benefits over
    develop solutions                                               ner and coated                                                traditional VSP plastic trays. The
    made of eco-frien-                                              with a top as a          Paperseal:                           paperboard is produced from re-
    dly materials in                                               second invisi-            the innovative, eco-friendly         newable fiber sourced from sustai-
    accordance with                                                ble skin around           and sustainable tray                 nably-managed forests. Moreover,
    the law and in                                                the      product.          Paperseal® is an innovative,         PaperSeal® Cook is a brand-new
    compliance      with                                         “This coating of-         eco-friendly and sustainable tray      tray technology, suitable for chilled
    quality requirements, with                                  fers the possibility       that offers brands and retailers the   and frozen applications that can
    the aim of curbing plastic use.                            of extending food           opportunity to replace Modified        be heated in the microwave or in
    “And this is possible thanks to the        shelf-life, ensuring freshness and          Atmosphere Packaging (MAP)             a traditional oven. “We understand
    cooperation with our business par-         time lasting”, explains the chair-          plastic trays and Vacuum Skin          that the transition to fiber-based
    tners”, explains Alberto Bernuc-           man Bernucci. Recycling and su-             Packaging (VSP) trays with a bar-      packaging is a priority for many of
    ci, the chairman of the company.           stainability are the guidelines of          rier-lined paperboard alternative.     our customers, and it is clear that
    Which is headquartered in Milan            this new eco-friendly packaging:            “Compared to traditional trays,        recyclable, paperboard packaging
    and boasts a production site in Fino       “With a simple gesture you can              this new packaging solution allows     solutions must meet the functio-
    Mornasco - in the Como provin-             remove the paper from the film              a plastic reduction of about 90% as    nality and performance of existing
    ce - and a production and logistic         ensuring an efficient recycling”.           the thin inner layer can be easily     tray designs”, ends Bernucci.
    site in Cerro Maggiore (Milan).            Slimfresh is indeed recyclable with         removed and disposed separately,
    Careful processing, strict controls        paper. The versatility of the pro-          ensuring an efficient recycling”,
    and steady quality of raw materials        duct and its immediate display are          highlights Bernucci.
    have made GB Bernucci one of               the strengths of this new packa-            The unique, rein-
    the leading companies in the food          ging. In addition, thanks to a com-         forced, continuous
    packaging segment both across the          pletely customizable paper based            sealing flange ensu-

                             GB Bernucci: packaging innovativo dal 1946
         La storica azienda milanese opera nel settore del packaging alimentare da più di 75 anni, produ-
       cendo e distribuendo una vasta gamma di prodotti idonei al contatto alimentare per salumi, carni fre-
       sche, formaggi, mondo ittico e piatti pronti. Grazie alla collaborazione con partner internazionali che
       utilizzano materiali sempre più eco-friendly, GB Bernucci offre inoltre una linea di prodotti innovativi
       creati con tecniche sostenibili che portano alla graduale riduzione dell’utilizzo di plastiche a favore di
       materiali ecologici e riciclabili. Un’attenta lavorazione, i continui controlli e la qualità costante delle
       materie prime rende l’azienda un punto di riferimento sia nel mercato italiano sia in quello straniero.

    8 • Tech4Food Magazine
Year 6 • N.4
  May 2022     focus on

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Whether declined in the environmental,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 economic or social version, the topic is
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 high on the agenda of many companies

    a catalyst for change
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                in the segment. An overview of the best
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               practices carried out by some innovative
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  firms. Among animal welfare, circular
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 economy, eco-pack trays, cutting-edge

    in the meat industry                                                                                                                                                                                                                             production processes and initiatives
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             thought for the employees.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    by Federico Robbe

    DANISH CROWN                                       Ecopack range. They are 100% recyclable and        reduction of all type of acoustic contami-          awarded the ‘Allevatore dell’anno’ (‘Bree-                                                          vert it. Furthermore, we have been investing
                                                       can be fully disposed in paper. Notwithstan-       nation below laws’ limits”, explains Romeo          der of the year’) title in the pigs’ category by                                                    in R&D to detect recyclable materials based
                                                       ding the packaging change, the shelf life re-      Gualerzi, the CEO of the company.                   the recent edition of Fieragricola. “Our main                                                       on paper and 100% recyclable single-mate-
                                                       mains unaltered. In 2022, working once again                                                           sources of energy come from the photovol-                                                           rials for the primary packaging of our pro-
                                                       with Sacchital Group, we were able to intro-       GRUPPO FELSINEO                                     taic system built on top of the roofs of each                                                       ducts. And we put the greatest efforts in ma-
                                                       duce a small window in the pack that enables         Emanuela Raimondi                                 pigsty, and from the biogas system, fed with                                                        naging water and waste, re-using even the
                                                       consumers to see the product, making it still        “For Gruppo Felsineo sustainability is at         the residues from the farm and from affiliated                                                      processing wa-
                                                       100% disposable in paper”.                         the core of the business. On our facility’s         cattle sheds. The biogas heats both specific                                                        ste in a circu-
                                                                                                          roof there are photovoltaic panels which            areas of the farm (for example the weaning                                                          lar      economy
                                                       GUALERZI                                           convert solar energy                                departments) and the operating offices of                                                           perspective. In
                                                                                                          into energy we use for                              Piggly. A formula of active microorganisms         cuum-sealed. The pack of the fresh products      this sustainable
                                                                                                          the production pro-                                 is sprayed in the stables to eliminate odors,      is certified by Carbon Trust, an independent     direction,    the
                                                                                                          cess. Another system                                flies, ammonia emissions, and to raise the le-     organization whose mission is to accelerate      company       has
       In 2021, Danish Crown presented the new                                                            is going to be imple-                               vels of social sustainability. From the biogas     the transition to a sustainable and low-car-     adopted      HPP
    business strategy. It is called ‘Feeding the Fu-                                                      mented soon. Moreo-                                 plant we obtain the digestate that we use as a     bon economy. With Chiola’s packaging, the        (High Pressu-
    ture’ and the company plans to follow it un-                                                          ver, we have invested                               100% natural fertilizer on the land, elimina-      company obtains 80% less plastic and a 68%       re Processing)
    til 2026. Danish Crown will invest almost 12                                                          in a cogenerator which                              ting chemical fertilizers”.                        reduction of CO2 emissions compared to the       technology,      a
    million euro in total. Among the objectives                                                           enables us to produ-                                                                                   standard packs on the market.                    cold pasteuriza-
    there is halving the greenhouse gases by 2030                                                         ce the needed vapor                                 GRUPPO CHIOLA                                                                                       tion technique
    and becoming climate neutral before 2050.                                                             to cook our products.                                 The company, which is based in the Cuneo         PARMAFOOD GROUP                                  by which pro-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                From left: Giorgio, Giulio
    The farmers will invest 1.5 million euro in te-      “Gualerzi invested greatly in energy-effi-       As far as packaging is                              province in Piedmont, has been breeding pigs         Giulio Gherri                                  ducts, already                      e Giancarlo Gherri
    chnology solutions and new facilities, whereas     cient solutions. The new slicing facility, en-     concerned, our goal is         Emanuela Raimondi    for the production of Prosciutto di Parma            “The first step we have taken towards su-      sealed in its fi-
    the other 10.5 million euro will be invested in    tirely built according to eco-building princi-     plastic reduction. We                               PDO and San Daniele PDO for almost 50 ye-          stainability is our Sustainability Report 2020   nal package, are introduced into a vessel and
    the company, of which 50% will be destined         ples, is equipped with innovative technologies     are studying solutions with 100% recyclable         ars. All products are realized in respect with     which we issued in 2021. We have been wor-       subjected to a high level of isostatic pressure
    for production. In the short run, three of the     for refrigeration, with compressors with low       plastic for our packaged range, whereas as of       the environment. As far as sustainable inno-       king in a green direction for many years         transmitted by water. The process inactiva-
    largest production facilities of Danish Crown      levels of ammonia that enable high efficiency      our trays, certain products are already avai-       vations are concerned: certified packaging, a      now, investing our energy, time and money        tes the vegetative flora present in food, thus
    are expected to become climate neutral in the      and the respect for the territory. Whereas on      lable in packaging made of paper coming             responsible use of antibiotics and animal wel-     in order to conform to the standards requi-      extending the products’ shelf life and gua-
    next 12 months. The use of water, heat and         the facility’s roof, the company has installed a   from responsible managed forests, which             fare are the guide lines of a sustainable and      red by the main laws, pursuing both quality      ranteeing food safety. At ParmaFood Group
    electricity is monitored and the Group is fo-      330 kW-photovoltaic system which transfor-         entail 80% less plastics compared to the pre-       high-quality production. The packaging of          and innovation. We set up a photovoltaic sy-     sustainability is also social: we look at people
    cused on curbing plastic use as well.              ms solar energy into clean energy. In the old      vious versions. To lower our carbon footprint       Chiola’s products is only made of two fully        stem and a cogenerator for the production of     as a primary source and at the environment
                                                       plant, in order to generate electric, heating      and curb greenhouse gas emissions, we have          recyclable materials: paper and a thin layer       electricity. We have installed machinery whi-    as something that needs to be preserved for
    SALUMIFICIO PAVONCELLI                             and cooling energy a 425 kW cogenerator            also embarked on varied projects with ‘green’       of preformed plastic to keep the products va-      ch enables us to use less energy and/or con-     future generations”.
     Marco Pavoncelli                                  has been installed. It enables to produce ap-      organizations”.
                                                       proximately 60% of the electricity needed for
                                                       production, water heating and refrigeration.       PIGGLY
                                                       An enthalpic system, which takes advantage           Sergio Visini
                                                       of the weather conditions, is used for drying        The ever-growing sensibility and attention
                                                       Prosciuttos and delis. The solution, moreo-        towards the products’ quality and the animal
                                                       ver, has made it possible to reduce to almost      welfare led Piggly, founded between 2010
                                                       zero the use of the boiler to generate heat.       and 2011 by Sergio
                                                       Furthermore, Gualerzi has embarked on the          Visini, to become the
      “Salumificio Pavoncelli has always been en-                                                         first 100% antibiotic
    gaged in respecting the environment, constant-                                                        free and sustainable
                                                              Carni e salumi: le principali
    ly improving its production processes and, in                                                         Italian pig farm. “Our
    the last years it has focused on packaging as
                                                                innovazioni sostenibili                   pigs are born in the
    well. The current facility has been designed           Declinato in versione ambientale, eco-         green hills of Verona
    since the beginning to become ever more su-          nomica e sociale, il tema è in cima all’a-       (Italy) and then grow
    stainable, lowering its carbon footprint. An         genda di numerose aziende del compar-            in the latest generation
    example is given by the latest photovoltaic sy-      to carni e salumi. Una vetrina sulle best        farm in Pegognaga
                                                         practice di alcune realtà innovative. Tra
    stem, which has been significantly reinforced                                                         (Mn): a complex full
                                                         benessere animale, economia circolare,
    in the last months and it is now able to pro-        vaschette eco-pack, processi di produzio-        of innovative solutions
    duce yearly 500 MWh, which equal to almost           ne all’avanguardia e iniziative destinate ai     for maximum animal                  Sergio Visini
    200,000 kg of CO2 emissions spared or to ap-         dipendenti o ad associazioni impegnate           comfort, environmen-
    proximately 6,000 planted trees. In 2021, we         sul territorio.                                  tal sustainability and renewable energy”,
    made a further step ahead with the trays of the                                                       explains Visini. Who on March 4 has been

    10 • Tech4Food Magazine                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                11 • Tech4Food Magazine
Year 6 • N.4
  May 2022     the company                                                                                                             

    is our hallmark”
    Tailor-made solutions equipped with 4.0 technology are the strong point
    of the Emilian company Almac which has been serving the Pasta Filata cheese industry
    for 33 years. We talked about its performance since the pandemic broke out
    and the latest market trends with Angelo Amara, the sales manager.
                                                                             by Lucrezia Villa

       Headquartered in San Cesario sul       recorded figures demonstrate: over                                                  ra. Service is a company hallmark.
    Panaro, in the Modena province in         100 customized machines sold and                                                    During the designing and pre-sale
    the Emilia-Romagna Region of Italy,       installed; more than 500 processed                                                  step, Almac is able to provide its cu-
    Almac boasts a long tradition in de-      orders in 32 countries across the glo-                                              stomers with technical and techno-
    signing and manufacturing innovati-       be; and 400 active customers.                                                       logical consulting relying on both
    ve machines, plants and automations         Exports are indeed the core of the                                                its mechanical engineers and the
    for the ‘Pasta Filata’ cheese industry.   company. As a matter of fact, more                                                  food technologist’s team. As far as
    Thanks to know-how and a sharp            than half of the registered machinery                                               post-sale is concerned, the company
    inclination towards an extremely          are destined for the foreign market.                                                grants remote assistance and live te-
    dynamic market, through the years         “In 2021, the revenue share genera-                                                 chnical support as well. “According
    Almac has been able to provide its        ted abroad accounted for over half                                                  to the market, and especially the fo-
    Italian and international customers       of the overall turnover. We reached                                                 reign players, we provide a very qua-
    with technologies for the production      a 30% share in Europe, 17% in Nor-                                                  lified and attentive technical service.
    of Mozzarella, Provolone, Pizza           th America. And we must not for-                                                    Which is something that makes all
    Cheese and many other traditional         get the smallest destination markets                                                the difference in the long run”.
    delicacies such as Caciocavallo and       such as South America, Asia and                                                        Customization is definitely another
    Buffalo’s milk Mozzarella. “Tran-         Africa, which account for almost                                                    trademark of the company, which
    sforming customers’ ideas into a          2-3% of the total turnover”, explains                                               holds on very dearly to its reputa-
    concrete product or service has           Amara. A business, the internatio-                                                  tion, that has remained unaltered
    always been at the core of our bu-        nal one, that the company never                                                     since the beginning, 33 years ago.
    siness”, explains the sales manager,      stopped investing in, also through                                                  In 2021, the most requested techno-
    Angelo Amara. Indeed, high-quality        the participation in the major trade                                                logy solutions by Almac’s customer
    solutions and the capacity to provide     shows, as the sales manager points                                                  base have been steam stretchers and
    a 360° technical-technological con-       out: “Last year, we took part in Anu-                                               tailor-made machinery. “Especial-
    sulting service, has allowed the com-     ga FoodTec in Cologne, and, as of                                                   ly our international partners have
    pany to become a reliable partner         now, on our agenda for 2022 there                                                   stopped asking us for the easy and
    of many leading ‘Pasta Filata’ pro-       are Expominas in July in Ecuador                                                    most standard solutions, but they
    ducers. “We are very proud to col-        and the Indian Anutec show in Sep-                                                  have been ever more often deman-
    laborate with niche manufacturers         tember”.                                                                            ding end products with precise tech-
    that are well-known internationally                                                                                           nical specifications. Partnering with
    too for their unique specialties, such      Non-stop technological                                                            international customers means that
    as the Caseificio De Gennaro in             innovation in                                                                     we work just like tailors, hence we
    Vico Equense - a town in the city of        a dynamic market                                                                  can say that 90% of our solutions are
    Naples - to the main global players         The beliefs and values that guide                                                 custom-made. And this is a crucial
    like Auricchio, Belgioioso, Lactalis      Almac’s business strategies and te-                                                 matter because it enables us to con-
    and many more”, says Amara.               chnological developments are clear                                                  stantly better our portfolio of solu-
                                              and simple: flexibility in designs and                                              tions”, concludes the sales manager,
      Trusted partners                        the ability to support customers’ in                                                Angelo Amara.
      to the Italian and international        regards to process technology. “The
      dairy industry                          market has evolved. And now our
      Notwithstanding the pandemic,           partners are demanding innovative                         Almac: “Il nostro punto di forza?
    Almac’s business turnover has re-         solutions equipped with the highest                     Soluzioni su misura per ogni cliente”
    mained fairly unaltered. “After the       level possible of automation. Al-
                                                                                            Situata a San Cesario sul Panaro (Mo), Almac vanta una lunga tradizione
    sharp increase we experienced 7-8         mac’s entire range of solutions for        nella progettazione e realizzazione di macchine, impianti e automazioni per
    years ago, the value of our com-          the ‘Pasta Filata’ cheese industry can     l’industria dei formaggi a pasta filata. Da sempre attenta all’evoluzione del
    pany’s sales has stabilized even du-      be equipped with cutting-edge 4.0          mercato e alle esigenze dei consumatori italiani e internazionali, negli anni
    ring the emergency situation. Mo-         technologies. We have to be able to        l’azienda ha arricchito la sua linea di soluzioni tecnologiche con macchinari
    reover, the distribution between the      satisfy all our clients’ needs, which      sempre più all’avanguardia in ottica 4.0, in grado di soddisfare ogni tipo
    Italian and overseas market share         means that they will be capable of         di esigenza. Oltre alla flessibilità progettuale, tra i punti di forza di Almac
    has not changed much either”, states      producing the ‘Pasta Filata’ cheese        figura anche la consulenza tecnica e tecnologica pre e post vendita grazie
                                                                                         al preparato team di progettisti meccanici e tecnologi alimentari. La parola
    the sales manager.                        they desire. Moreover, our custo-
                                                                                         ad Angelo Amara, sales manager.
      And 2021 was indeed a very po-          mers require technological support
    sitive year for the company as the        on the end product”, explains Ama-

    12 • Tech4Food Magazine
                                                                                                                  VISIT A
Year 6 • N.4
  May 2022     the company                                                                                               F
                                                                                                                   AT IF .0
                                                                                                                   Hall: 8 60

    Risco: experts
    in meat (and beyond)
    Whether it is minced meat or plant-based burgers, on the occasion of IFFA 2022
    the company presents several innovations for the global food industry.
    Thanks to a 50-year long expertise that has always put research and clients first.
                                                                        by Federica Bartesaghi

      2021 closed on a high note, despite the chal-       R&D department has launched on the mar-
    lenges imposed by the pandemic, for Risco, Ita-       ket, there is one solution that, over time, has
    lian producer of machines and systems for meat        made the brand famous world-wide: Risco va-
    processing. During its 50-year long history, the      cuum-filling machines, suitable for both SMEs
    company based in Thiene (Vicenza) managed             and large corporations. Combined with a wide
    to become a reference point for the global food       range of accessories and systems, they featu-
    industry. How? Finding the perfect fit between        re the Long Life vane product pump, which
    tradition and modernity, as well as earning an        provides portion accuracy for all kind of food
    undisputed expertise in operational processes.        products, including delicate ones like fish and
    It provides a wide and varied range of technolo-      vegan food. “Furthermore – she adds – the im-
    gies that go well beyond its core business – that     plementation of 4.0 industry technologies on
    is to say meat and deli meat – to fulfill the needs   Risco filling machines is a great value added for
    of all food industries. Today, exports account        customers that can monitor and automatize all
    for about 90% of the company’s turnover and           production stages.”
                                                                                                              Rita Dal Maso
    are directed to more than 70 world countries:           State-of-the-art technology means a lot, but is
    first of all to the U.S., United Kingdom, France      not enough for customers that request a pre-sa-
    and Spain. As the export dept. and marketing          le and post-sale service up to the standard.                   Risco: gli specialisti
    manager, Rita Dal Maso, told us.                      For this reason Risco can rely on a network of                della carne (e non solo)
                                                          exclusive distributors that can provide imme-          Che si tratti di carne macinata o burger
      Let’s meet                                          diate technical assistance to customers on their     vegetali, in occasione di Iffa 2022 l’azienda
      at IFFA 2022                                        territory. “And if it was not enough,” Dal Maso      presenta tante novità per l’industria agroa-
      To meet in person its partners and customers        adds, “our Customer Care department, made            limentare. Forte di un’expertise che, da 50
    after the long stop imposed by the pandemic           of skilled technicians, is always ready to sup-      anni, mette al centro l’innovazione tecnolo-
    Risco will be exhibiting, from 14 to 19 May, at       port customers in person or remotely.”               gica e il servizio al cliente.
    Iffa Frankfurt, leading trade show for the glo-
    bal meat industry and, starting right from 2022,
    also for the plant-based industry. Such an ope-
    ning has been warmly welcomed by Risco that,
    for long, has been developing solutions dedica-
    ted to this new and fast growing market. “Al-
    though the meat and deli meat sector remains
    Risco’s core business, we have noticed an in-
    creasing attention for products like plant-ba-
    sed burgers and patties,” Dal Maso explains.
    “Thanks to the flexibility that has always cha-
    racterized Risco, our machines are able to pro-                                     RS 920
    cess also meat substitutes and plant-based food             The fast and precise high speed
    without technical changes.”                                  portioner for minced meat and
      On the occasion of IFFA, Risco will present               plant-based products, including
    to international operators a brand-new portioner           extruded meat products, such as
    for minced meat with automatic product place-                        cevapcici, mici, kofta).
    ment in trays; a new semi-automatic forming sy-
    stem for gourmet hamburger and the new mixer
    equipped with 4.0 technologies. “At Risco we
    never stop innovating,” Dal Maso highlights.
    “Currently we are developing a new system for
    the manufacturing of skinless sausage and we
    are improving the preparation line (flaker, min-
    cer, mixer) to provide cutting-edge and increa-
    singly performing machinery.”

       Risco filling machines:
       international ‘best seller’
       In spite of all the innovations that Risco’s

    14 • Tech4Food Magazine
Year 6 • N.4
  May 2022     the interview

    Inventory                                                                                                                                                                                                        50% of the missing items in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  the large scale distribution are
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     not caused by thefts, but by
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       IN 2020 COMPANIES SPENT 0.6% OF THEIR
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          TURNOVER IN SECURITY MEASURES

    differences: security
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      THE MOST COMMON SECURITY MEASURES PUT IN
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 operational errors still linked to                                   PLACE IN STORES:

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Source: Crime&Tech and Checkpoint Systems
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      • video surveillance (97%)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 the manual management of the                                         • door seals and controls at emergency exits (90%)
                                                                                                                                                                                                             stock. Technology, though, comes                                         • anti-shoplifting systems (87%)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      • doorman or concierge service (84%)

    is not everything
                                                                                                                                                                                                              in aid with the RFreshID solution                                       • security systems managed by third parties (84%)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    by Checkpoint Systems. We                                         THE MOST COMMON SECURITY MEASURES PUT
                                                                                                                                                                                                             discussed it with the Business Unit                                      IN PLACE FOR PRODUCTS:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      • anti-shoplifting plates/tags applied in store (83%)
                                                                                                                                                                                         Alberto Corradini     Director Italy, Alberto Corradini.                                     • sealed shelves or showcases (54%)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      • anti-shoplifting plates/tags at source (48%)
                                                                                by Federica Bartesaghi

       Acquired five years ago by the Ameri-        Has the pandemic affected this             There are definitely anti-shoplifting      central for them. Not just out of eco-              How do the tags work?                   is enough to insert the needed equip-      ment, how do you picture the fu-            the checkout lines. Furthermore, there
    can corporation CCL Industries - whi-         data in any way?                           systems and surveillance cameras.            nomic purposes: waste is not socially               The tags need to be applied on          ment for the application of the tags in    ture of this segment?                       is another phenomenon on the rise: the
    ch manufactures specialty labels and            We have definitely gathered mixed        However, the human factor still re-          acceptable anymore. And in this regard            the single packaging during the pro-      the existing lines. And we have alrea-       For retail, that is luxury stores or      relationship between customer and em-
    packaging with a yearly 4-billion-dol-        opinions and results. On the one hand,     mains fundamental in order to train on       technology is crucial.                            duction phase, so that they are alrea-    dy been working with some suppliers        supermarkets, this is a difficult yet in-   ployees in the store is ever more crucial.
    lar turnover - Checkpoint Systems has         in the year of the pandemic’s outbre-      how to use such technologies but also           How does Checkpoint Systems                    dy integrated into the tray once they     to do so. Indeed, we are certain that,     teresting time in history. We are in the    As the special checkouts installed in The
    always been specialized in supplying          ak, entrance restrictions have granted a   to manage these operations in the sto-       come in aid?                                      reach the store. Here, the employees      between 2022 and 2023, this techno-        middle of a revolution, that undoubte-      Netherlands and in France show, where
    vertically integrated RF and RFID solu-       greater control and therefore there has    res. Moreover, if we consider food re-          At the end of 2021, we launched the            need to use a tablet to read the labels   logy will start gaining a foothold in      dly places technology evolution at the      clients can stop and chat. This is a sign
    tions for the retail world. The merge of      certainly been a decrease in thefts by     tail, a very significant datum stands out:   RFreshID solution to manage the in-               and view the inventory data. For ex-      the large scale distribution. Indeed, it   core. The objective are numerous: the       that the physical store will continue to
    these two know-how at the end of 2021         organized gangs. On the other, though,     alongside inventory differences due to       ventory of fresh produce, which today             ternal suppliers, the required invest-    grants clear advantages both on the fi-    stores need to be ever more beautiful,      play a crucial social role in the future as
    led to the launch of a smart solution cal-    due to the difficult economic situation,   criminal nature - that is shoplifting by     account for 50-60% of the sales in a su-          ment is not that high considering the     nancial and sustainable side.              conceptually similar to local markets,      well. Our task lies in bettering the custo-
    led RFreshID, which optimizes the in-         we have experienced a growth in thefts     customers or employees - there are also      permarket. The RFID technology ensu-              advantages that follow. The impact           You are at the forefront in ter-        yet they need to be characterized by fa-    mer experience, granting speed and an
    ventory management of fresh produce,          ‘out of necessity’. In a sense, one has    inventory shortages caused by operatio-      res inventory accuracy at all times, and          on the production line is minimal: it     ms of innovation in the retail seg-        ster operational procedures, mainly at      ever better merchandise display.
    minimizing the time spent to manually         balanced the other.                        nal nature. Which can account for 50%        the management of the stocks, identi-
    check merchandise and cutting down              And in regards to the European           on the total. We are not talking about       fying the expiry dates. Currently, every
    waste. Interview with Business Unit           scenario?                                  thefts but administrative mistakes that      morning supermarket’s employees
    Director Italy at Checkpoint Systems,           Traditionally, Italy is fairly aligned   generate losses: waste and damage,           spend a lot of time manually checking,
    Alberto Corradini.                            with the EU average, both in terms of      expired or deteriorated merchandise,         one at a time, the trays of meat, fish,
                                                  investments and results.                   scraps, administrative mistakes and so       delis or cheese on the shelves. A lot of
       What does Checkpoint Systems’                Which are the most adopted te-           forth. This data, which were quite over-     time is dedicated to operations that we
    offer comprise today?                         chnologies to fight this problem?          looked by retailers in the past, today are   could define as ‘mechanical’ and thus
       Traditionally, the company is a te-                                                                                                there is less for other activities or to en-
    chnology provider for the large scale                SECURITY IN RETAIL ACROSS ITALY IN 2021                                          gage with the clients. Manual counting
    distribution. A part of our core busi-                                                                                                also leads to mistakes. It results in many
                                                    • In 2020 inventory dif-    online frauds through      are Lombardy and
    ness certainly consists in supplying an-                                                                                              products that end up being thrown
                                                    ferences caused a loss      payment methods, due       Emilia-Romagna
    ti-shoplifting systems. Through the ye-                                                                                               away. Technology handles these ope-
                                                    for Italian companies       to the ever growing        • Thefts happen most
    ars, though, the range has evolved and                                                                                                rations automatically, with a minimum
                                                    in the retail and large     online sales, has been     frequently at night
    it now includes solutions that enable           scale distribution seg-     registered                 (from 6pm to 8pm) and          time investment: in five minutes more
    to manage the inventory of the store            ment which is worth         • Among the well-k-        during weekends                or less, using a disposal which is able to
    through the use of RFID technologies,           3.48 billion euro, whi-     nown causes, the most      • 41% has registered an        read RFID labels on the products, it is
    the so called ‘smart labels’. Therefore,        ch accounts for 1.41%       frequent is represen-      increase in losses, whe-       possible to have a complete inventory
    we provide labels but also software and         of their turnover           ted by external thefts.    reas 38% has experien-         of the fresh goods on the shelves. The
    hardware solutions to offer a 360° sup-         • The value of the ove-     In order: shoplifting,     ced a decrease                 pilot tests carried out show that the time
    port.                                           rall economic cost (in-     thefts out of necessity,   • Internal thefts and          saved amounts to almost 70% and the
       Checkpoint has been contribu-                cluding the expenses        burglaries                 frauds are the second          accuracy level of 100%, compared to
    ting for 20 years to carrying out               for security and preven-    • The average value of     criminal cause for in-         the actual 80%.
    the study on security, previously               tion measures) amoun-       the shoplifted or even-    ventory differences               Are there any obstacles to the
    known as ‘Retail Theft Barome-                  ts to 4.97 billion euro,    tually rescued goods       • The stolen products          application of this technology so-
    ter’, which in the last 5 years was             which equals to 84 euro     amounts to 48 euro         with the highest econo-        lution?
    issued by Crime&Tech with the                   for every Italian citizen   • Taking into account      mic value are alcoholic           Today the RFID technology is very
    title ‘Retail security in Italy’, in            • According to almost       the total value of the     drinks in the case of su-      widespread in the apparel world, where
    collaboration with Laboratorio per              52% of the interviewe-      registered events, the     permarkets, hypermar-          investments have resulted into a signifi-
    la Sicurezza. Which were the main               es an increase of the       most affected regions      kets and discount stores       cant return, but it is still not that com-
    highlights of the 2021 edition, re-                                                                                                   mon in the food segment both for eco-
    ferred to 2020?                                                                                                                       nomic and operational reasons, even
       The latest edition has confirmed                   Differenze inventariali: la sicurezza non è tutto                               if lately advances in both have been
    some traditional data. First of all, the          Rilevata cinque anni fa dalla multinazionale americana CCL Industries               made. For instance, for certain pro-
    one regarding inventory differences in          - produttore di etichette e packaging speciali con un volume d’affari di              ducts which might be on sale for a few
    the retail and large scale distribution         4 miliardi di dollari l’anno - Checkpoint Systems è da sempre specializ-              cents, the cost of the single tag to apply
    segment, which amount to almost 3.48            zata nella fornitura di soluzioni RF e RFID verticalmente integrate per il            to the packaging is not very sustainable.
                                                    mondo retail. L’unione di queste due expertise ha portato, a fine 2021, al            However, in segments such as fresh ca-
    billion euro and account for 1.4% on
                                                    lancio di una soluzione intelligente, chiamata RFreshID, che ottimizza la
    the turnover. If we take into account the       gestione dell’inventario dei freschi, ottimizzando i tempi ed eliminando
                                                                                                                                          tegory, where often supermarkets have
    large scale distribution alone, this figure     gli sprechi. Ne abbiamo parlato con il Business Unit Director Italia di               their own processing and packaging
    rises to 2%. A significant phenomenon,          Checkpoint Systems, Alberto Corradini.                                                platform, the return on investment is
    considering the margins.                                                                                                              indeed significant.

    16 • Tech4Food Magazine
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