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L’AGENZIA DELLA MOBILITA’ PIEMONTESE The AGENZIA DELLA MOBILITA’ PIEMONTESE [AMP] is a public body. It exercises, in the form of consortium, the functions of local authorities on public transport There are no other bodies in Italy with the same structure and legal status. may 2003 november 2015 AREA METROPOLITANA TORINO REGIONE PIEMONTE popolazione 4,42 milioni superficie 25.400 km2 densità 174 ab/km2 in 2003 it has ben established for Torino and its metropolitan In 2015 it was extended to the area (Agenzia Mobilità Metropolitana di Torino) entire Piedmont region 2
L’AGENZIA DELLA MOBILITA’ PIEMONTESE MISSION The Agency has the objective to foster the sustainable mobility in Piedmont, optimizing public transport services by: • Planning mobility strategies • Programming the development of public transport's: ‐ infrastructures, vehicles and control technologies ‐ service quantity and quality ‐ resources for the operation and investments • Managing ‐ fares system ‐ contributions of the associated Local Authorities ‐ contracts with the Transport Companies ‐ communication and information 3
L’AGENZIA DELLA MOBILITA’ PIEMONTESE MAIN FUNCTION Service Service Programming Monitoring Network Plans and development projects and extension Tender offers Data and and contracts Statistics 4
L’AGENZIA DELLA MOBILITA’ PIEMONTESE FUNCTIONS The new Agency is responsible for the local public transport in the Region and is the owner of all service contracts previously held by various public bodies (Region, Province, Metropolitan City, Most Popular Municipalities). AGENCY MEMBERS Regione Piemonte Comuni già aderenti Enti soggetti di delega sul TPL all’Agenzia per la Mobilità PROVINCIA DI ALESSANDRIA PROVINCIA DI ASTI Città Metropolitana Torino Metropolitana PROVINCIA DI BIELLA PROVINCIA DI CUNEO Comune di Alpignano Comune di Orbassano PROVINCIA DI NOVARA Comune di Baldissero Torinese Comune di Pecetto Torinese PROVINCIA DI VERBANIA Comune di Beinasco Comune di Pianezza PROVINCIA DI VERCELLI Comune di Torino Comune di Borgaro Torinese Comune di Pino Torinese Conurbazione Alba Comune di Cambiano Comune di Piobesi Torinese Conurbazione Bra Comune di Candiolo Comune di Piossasco Conurbazione Casale Comune di Carignano Comune di Rivalta di Torino Conurbazione Cuneo Comune di Caselle Torinese Comune di Rivoli Conurbazione Ivrea Comune di Chieri Comune di San Mauro Torinese Conurbazione Vercelli Comune di Collegno Comune di Santena Courbazione Novara Comune di Druento Comune di Settimo Torinese Comune di Alessandria Comune di Grugliasco Comune di Trofarello Comune di Asti Comune di La Loggia Comune di Venaria Reale Comune di Biella Comune di Leini Comune di Vinovo Comune di Pinerolo Comune di Moncalieri Comune di Volpiano Comune di Verbania Comune di Nichelino 5
L’AGENZIA DELLA MOBILITA’ PIEMONTESE ORGANIZATION The participation fees of the members of the Consortium are REGIONE PIEMONTE CITTÀ DI TORINO 25% 25% BACINO DELLA BACINO NORD CITTÀ METROPOLITANA [BIELLA, NOVARA, VERCELLI DI TORINO– 11% VCO] ‐ 15% BACINO SUD‐OVEST BACINO SUD‐EST [CUNEO]– 13% [ASTI‐ALESSANDRIA]– 11% ORGANI DI GOVERNO ASSEMBLY BOARD President [Assessore Regionale] 1 President 1 member (mayor) from each 4 Member represented Body (1 from each Bacino) 6
L’AGENZIA DELLA MOBILITA’ PIEMONTESE FUNCTIONS From the point of view of contract management and programming of services, the Agency operates by “Bacino” according to the following structure: BACINO METROPOLITANO BACINO NORD [TORINO] [BIELLA, NOVARA, VERCELLI VERBANO‐CUSIO‐OSSOLA] BACINO SUD‐OVEST BACINO SUD‐EST [CUNEO] [ASTI‐ALESSANDRIA] There are: COMITATO TECNICO AGENZIA Director of the Agency + 6 responsible for transport (one representing Piedmont Region, one representing the City of Turin and one for ASSEMBLEE DI BACINO each basin) They are chaired by the representative of the “bacino” in the board of directors. They are formed by a member (Mayor or President) for each Province and Municipality COMISSIONI TECNICHE DI BACINO Composed of the directors of the individual bodies involved in the basin. The works are coordinated by the representative of the basin in the Comitato Tecnico Agenzia. 7
IL TRASPORTO PUBBLICO SERVIZI URBANI SERVIZI EXTRA URBANI AREA METROPOLITANA METRO TRAM BUS SFM TORINO BUS 1 line 8 Tram lines 30 lines 8 lines Bus lines daily departures daily departures 78 Torino 812 (Weekday) 358 (Weekday) Bus lines 8 Other Municipality production Millions of vehicles*km per year 2.8 44.4 4.2 6.2 passengers Millions per year 38.8 153.9 3.8 17.8 REST OF REGIONE BUS BUS SFR PIEMONTE 4 RV lines 15 R lines production Millions of vehicles*km per year 9.4 60.5 12.7 passengers Millions per year 110,3 33,9 8
L’AGENZIA DELLA MOBILITA’ PIEMONTESE BUS CONTRACTS FOR BACINO AMM production 64,85 Millions of bus/tram*km per year 1 2,3 L LA B IE cia vin Pro 3,77 RA OVA incia N Prov AREA METROP. 83,93 4,30 Provincia VCO NORD BACINO NORD 16,56 12,6% Provincia VERC AREA EL LI 2,96 Comune METROPOLITANA BIELLA Comu 0,27 63,8% ne NO BACINO OVEST OVEST Com VARA une 2,53 12,0% VER 15,79 C EL LI 0 ,42 SUD Pro 15,30 vin ci aA BACINO SUD LE SS 11,6% A ND RI A 7,9 Pr 5 ov in 8 Co mun e CA ci ,0 a Co mun 19 mu e A SA A Co ST ne O I N 4, AL RI 43 4 Provinc ES 1,21 ,24 TO Comune ALBA 0,38 A 0,40 EO 2,3 ST SA na I ND tali ia CUN LE po Comune BR RI e CU N ro A 0 et 1,9 M 7 ttà EO 12 Comun Ci ,18 9
PROJECTS SFM | SERVIZIO FERROVIARIO METROPOLITANO Since December 2012, is active the SFM [Servizio Ferroviario Metropolitano / Metropolitan Rail Service], connecting Torino with the Metropolitan Area. At the center of the system the new Porta Susa station where takes place interchange with regional lines and high speed trains 8 LINES 93 STATIONS 2 COMPANIES 358 DAILY TRAINS CORADIA MERIDIAN GTT JAZZ TRENITALIA 10
PROJECTS SFM | PASSENGERS 20.000.000 18.000.000 1.606.804 1.365.521 1.097.986 16.000.000 826.123 1.792.240 1.619.911 sfm7 Torino-Fossano 14.000.000 sfm6 Torino-Asti sfm4 Torino-Bra 1.513.642 12.000.000 4.565.106 sfm3 Torino-Susa/Bardonecchia 4.057.361 sfm2 Pinerolo-Chivasso sfm1 Pont-Rivarolo-Chieri 10.000.000 4.659.725 sfmA Torino-Aeroporto-Ceres 4.528.011 4.980.916 TI Bra-Carmagnola-(Torino) 8.000.000 3.650.820 TI Torino-Susa/Bardonecchia 3.624.412 TI Torino-Pinerolo Torino-Chivasso GTT Chieri-Rivarolo 6.000.000 2.168.314 2.312.546 2.416.442 GTT Torino-Ceres 4.000.000 3.334.605 3.334.605 2.258.942 2.523.987 2.673.947 2.000.000 2.179.058 2.205.013 2.139.821 2.647.373 2.647.373 - 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 11
PROJECTS SFM | PERCEIVED QUALITY From the activation of the Metropolitan Rail Service, the perceived quality of railways increases compared to previous years 12
PROJECTS SFR | SERVIZIO FERROVIARIO REGIONALE Strengthened by the experience accumulated with the SFM, AMP has joined the Piedmont Region in the planning of regional trains. From 1 August 2015, AMP became the holder of the contracts with the company that exercises them (Trenitalia). Info: 13
PROGETTI NIGHTBUSTER | NIGHT BUS SERVICE The night bus service (NightBuster) was launched on June 28, 2008 with the activation of 10 radial lines in the City of Turin. Seeing the success of the service, since 2014 in the summer and during Christmas holidays the service has been extended to the suburban area involving other municipalities of metropolitan area. 14
PROJECTS NIGHTBUSTER | PASSENGERS 4.000 dato giornaliero Rete 3.391 3.391 3.500 3.210 3.226 3.226 3.168 media stagionale 3.210 3.168 Media mobile anno solare 2.877 2.877 2.788 2.788 3.000 media stagionale P. Vittorio 2.608 2.608 2.708 2.708 Media mobile anno solare Piazza Vittorio 2.426 2.426 2.500 2.174 2.174 Passeggeri/notte 1.853 1.853 2.000 1.697 1.697 1.462 1.462 1.500 1.192 1.192 1.000 500 0 01/01/09 02/07/09 01/01/10 02/07/10 01/01/11 02/07/11 01/01/12 01/07/12 31/12/12 01/07/13 31/12/13 01/07/14 31/12/14 01/07/15 31/12/15 30/06/16 15
PROJECTS MEBUS | DRT BUS The DRT (Demand Responsive Transport) bus service in the Torino metropolitan area was established for the first time in April 2008 in the North East basin. Today it is present in 4 areas: • Northeast Basin (Settimo and neighboring municipalities) active since June 2008 (blue) • South West basin (San Luigi and IRCC hospital) active since December 2010 (red) • North West Basin (Val Ceronda and North West Metrpolitan Area) active since April 2013 (pink) • Collina Chierese (Chieri and neighboring municipalities) active since April 2013 (green) 16
PROJECTS MEBUS | DRT BUS The service is mainly for occasional users and completes traditional line service in weak demand areas 17
PROJECTS MEBUS | DRT BUS Passengers per year 25.000 22.500 6.827 20.000 6.206 5.328 17.500 15.000 5.586 2.709 4.242 4.673 12.500 1.080 1.223 1.299 1.233 962 1.541 10.000 7.500 1.185 5.000 10.457 10.027 10.541 10.730 10.239 2.500 5.886 1.760 2.211 0 Anno 2009 Anno 2010 Anno 2011 Anno 2012 Anno 2013 Anno 2014 Anno 2015 Anno 2016 MeBUS Nord Est MeBUS Sud Ovest - Ospedali MeBUS Chierese MeBUS Val Ceronda 18
AMP AND THE TRANSPORT AUTHORITIES THE FUNCTION AND THE STATUS OF TRANSPORT AUTHORITIES A.Who should perform the functions of planning, producing and delivering urban transport in order to obtain the best possible result? B.What are/should be the exact role and functions of urban transport authorities, also in light of broader agglomerations’ transport? C.What is/should be the nature of contracts? Who is the regulator? D.What should be the relationship between transport authorities and political authorities? 23
AMP AND THE TRANSPORT AUTHORITIES THE FUNCTION AND THE STATUS OF TRANSPORT AUTHORITIES A. Who should perform the functions of planning, producing and delivering urban transport in order to obtain the best possible result? Authority vs. Existing local bodies The functions related to planning, programming and administering public transport are better organized if coordinated and managed by a single body, with stronger/higher skills, rather than split among several different local bodies. This can be considered the added value of a loca l transport authority. Without an Authority, the functions can be assigned to higher level administrations (i.e. Region), but these bodies deal with many other functions (health, education, culture….) and not only public transport. 24
AMP AND THE TRANSPORT AUTHORITIES THE FUNCTION AND THE STATUS OF TRANSPORT AUTHORITIES A. Who should perform the functions of planning, producing and delivering urban transport in order to obtain the best possible result? Many contracts, many public bodies vs. gain efficiency Today: 1 Authority - 4 urban contracts, that are flowing into 1, managed by the same body If the Agency hadn’t been established in the Metropolitan Area, the functions in the field of public transport would result split as follows: RAIL AND INTERURBAN BUS (1 contract to the Regione Piemonte (rail services); 1 contract to the Province of Torino (interurban + suburban bus services) URBAN BUS AND TRAM (1 contract to t he Municipality of Torino (urban bus and tram contract) 3 contracts to the other municipalities (urban bus in Chi eri, Moncalieri and Settimo Torinese). However, according to the regional law, any municipality with No Authority: 9 municipalities more than 30.000 inhabitants can manage its urban bus - 9 different urban contracts contract and aggregations of municipalities can be established to jointly manage local transport. As a result, in the Torino metropolitan area at least 5 other municipalities could potentially manage their own urban bus contract. Similar situation, even wider, if you look at the whole Piemonte region 25
AMP AND THE TRANSPORT AUTHORITIES THE FUNCTION AND THE STATUS OF TRANSPORT AUTHORITIES B. What are/should be the exact role and functions of urban transport authorities, also in light of broader agglomerations’ transport? to enhance public transport Usually the functions of traffic and road management in the city are assigned to the municipality. Frequently both road management and public transport are assigned to the same department (i.e. Deputy Mayor). However, in our country, due to cultural reasons, roads and traffic have more visibility and a broader impact on the public opinion. This can cause public transport to become a secondary issue in the “shadow” of road and traffic policy. This can lead to assign less priority (and less investment) to public transport especially when a decision is expected to ensure “visibility” to the administrators (car drivers are the majority: “we lack parking facilities…. not bus lanes”). A distinct public transport authority can (or could hopefully) avoid this kind of effect of local policy and ensure a higher visibility and the right importance to the public transport issues. 26
AMP AND THE TRANSPORT AUTHORITIES THE FUNCTION AND THE STATUS OF TRANSPORT AUTHORITIES C. What is/should be the nature of contracts? Who is the regulator? Type of contracts Contracts for public transport can be either gross-cost based or net-cost based. Both contract types have adv antages and disadvantages. With gross cost contracts the local body bears the commercial risk but at the s ame time the authority is capable to actively influence marketing policies. Net cost contracts with an integrated tariff system (that is “a must” in modern metr o areas) should be ruled with a revenue sharing mechanism that is able to grant a fair revenue to all the operators. Electronic ticketing can help to achieve this result. 29
AMP AND THE TRANSPORT AUTHORITIES THE FUNCTION AND THE STATUS OF TRANSPORT AUTHORITIES C. What is/should be the nature of contracts? Who is the regulator? Authority as a business unit Today public transport funding comes from the central administration and the regional administration. With the current net cost based contracts, the Authority can use its budget to pay the contract economic compensations. In case of national or regional budget cuts, the only choice for the Authority is to reduce the service offered. In case of gross cost contract, the Authority could also implement marketing policies to influence the ticket sales. This can turn the Authority into an entity with a precise responsibility in terms of sales and customer care. To promote the economic sustainability of the public transport system the gross cost based contracts a repreferable : more responsible for Authorities, less commercial risk for operators, more flexibility in fare system, more flexibility in co-modality 30
AMP AND THE TRANSPORT AUTHORITIES THE FUNCTION AND THE STATUS OF TRANSPORT AUTHORITIES c. What is/should be the nature of contracts? Who is the regulator? The main purpose of the Contract Each contract contains a clause : “The operator must fulfill the obligation… the operator must comply with the contract obligations…. A contract of public service is not just an unilateral list of obligations for the counterpart…. and a list of sanctions. Public Transport is to the benefit of the commuter and of the passenger in general. We must serve our citizen and provide a smooth travel experience….. The concept of “ cooperation” must always inspire the structure of the contract. Problems must be faced (and solved) in cooperation between the parties of the contract. 31
AMP AND THE TRANSPORT AUTHORITIES THE FUNCTION AND THE STATUS OF TRANSPORT AUTHORITIES C. What is/should be the nature of contracts? Who is the regulator? Applying the Bonus & Penalty system Usually public service contr acts have a bonus and penalty mechanism. There is no sense in gr anting a bonus just because the bus is on schedule (this is the obligation of service!). It is preferable to apply a penalty in case of violation. Penalties should never be applied fo r disruptions that ar e caused by external events (i.e. late a rrival due to traffic jams) . Only internal events can be considered the responsibility of the operator and sanctioned. Care must be taken when writing the contract to include a prope r set of events for applying the penalty! It must be easy to monitor them by the Authority, otherwise they are useless! On the other side, a bonus mechanism can be adopted to recognize improvements in the qual ity of service (given a set of indicators, always easy to monitor and to calculate) . The bonus mechanism must be targeted to specific actions of the operators. 32
AMP AND THE TRANSPORT AUTHORITIES THE FUNCTION AND THE STATUS OF TRANSPORT AUTHORITIES C. What is/should be the nature of contracts? Who is the regulator? Defining the compensation structure The structure of the economic compensation. It is always better to give the more detail as possible to the economic compensation in public service contracts. If a per centage of the compensation is to be destined for the investments (i.e. in rolling stock, infrastructure) , it should be indicated clearly in the contract and awarded only when the operator proves that the investment is under way. 33
AMP AND THE TRANSPORT AUTHORITIES THE FUNCTION AND THE STATUS OF TRANSPORT AUTHORITIES D. What should be the relationship between transport authorities and political authorities? Public role One of the problems that arise in the relationship between local bodies and authorities is the lack of representativeness of the authority. Citizens choose their administrators at the elections (City Mayor , President of department, Governor of the Region). Transport Authorities are usually led by a Board of Directors appointed by (and according to the rules of ) the local bodies. In some cases the representatives at the Authority are the same persons (i.e. Deputy Mayor) in some others they are different people designated by the politicians (Council or Assembly). This can cause a weak position of the Authority, especially at the beginning of its activity. When the Authority “grows older” (almost after 10-15 years) it becomes more authoritative and gains more recognition. At the same time the functions assigned to the Authority are no longer performed by the other bodies. At this stage, these functions as not easily replaceable by the bodies themselves, unless staff are retrained and procedures reestablished. 34
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