New Paradigm for the Management of Recurrences from Clostridium difficile infections (rCDI) - MSD Salute

Pagina creata da Valentina Bonetti
New Paradigm for the Management of Recurrences from Clostridium difficile infections (rCDI) - MSD Salute
New Paradigm for the Management of Recurrences
     from Clostridium difficile infections (rCDI)
                                  Torino 4 Dicembre 2018

                                  Francesco G. De Rosa
                                   SCDU Malattie Infettive 2
                             AOU Città della Salute & Scienza, Torino
                                Ospedale Cardinal Massaia, Asti

New Paradigm for the Management of Recurrences from Clostridium difficile infections (rCDI) - MSD Salute
Clostridium difficile in USA

ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE THREATS in the United States, 2013; US Dep. of Health
and Human Services, CDC
New Paradigm for the Management of Recurrences from Clostridium difficile infections (rCDI) - MSD Salute
New Paradigm for the Management of Recurrences from Clostridium difficile infections (rCDI) - MSD Salute
C. difficile Infection:
                  Clinical Outcomes in Patients with Cancer

     •    In a retrospective cohort study of adult out- or
          inpatients with CDI, patients with cancer had higher
          30-day mortality than non-cancer patients
          (OR 1.44; 95% CI 1.33-1.55) [1].
     •    CDI patients with hematologic malignancies had
          higher mortality than solid tumor patients
          (OR 1.85; 95% CI 1.56-2.19) [1].
     •    Determining C. difficile ribotypes in cancer patients with CDI is relevant: patients with ribotype
          014-20 experienced similar rates of response to therapy but fewer complications [2].

1.   #E0168 - Delgado A, et al. Cancer as a predictor of poor outcomes in Clostridium difficile infection among a national cohort of United States veterans
2.   #E0166 - Yepez Guevara E, et al. Relevance of Clostridium difficile ribotype 014-20 in cancer patients with diarrhea
New Paradigm for the Management of Recurrences from Clostridium difficile infections (rCDI) - MSD Salute
Recidiva di CDI: Terapia
                                  Linee Guida ESCMID & IDSA
   Le linee guida ESCMID & IDSA raccomandano :
           – Vancomicina/Metronidazolo: CDI lieve moderata
           – Vancomicina/Fidaxomicinaa: CDI grave

                                                                    ESCMID1                                               IDSA2
 First recurrence                                        Vancomycin or metronidazole                           Vancomycin or fidaxomicin

                                                                                                               Vancomycin or fidaxomicin
 Second or multiple recurrence                             Vancomycin or fidaxomicin

                                                         No pharmacologic treatment                          No pharmacologic treatment
 Prevention of recurrence
                                                              recommendation                                      recommendation

CDI = C. difficile infection; ESCMID = European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases; IDSA = Infectious Diseases Society of
America; rCDI = recurrent C. difficile infection. a. No data on efficacy in severe life-threatening disease and/or toxic megacolon. 1. Debast SB et al.
Clin Microbiol Infect. 2014;20(suppl 2):S1‒S26 2. LC.McDonald et al. Clinical Practice Guidelines for Clostridium difficile Infection in Adults and
Children: 2017 Update by the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) and Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America (SHEA). Clinical
Infectious Diseases® 2018;XX(00):1–48
New Paradigm for the Management of Recurrences from Clostridium difficile infections (rCDI) - MSD Salute

                                                      10,780 patients:
                                                         103 (0.96 %) had CDI
                                                      Recurrent CDI = 14.6 %
                                                      Overall Incidence
                                                         5.3/10,000 patient-days
                                                      In-hospital mortality
                                                          16.5 %       CD group
                                                          6.7%         No-CD group
                                                            (p < 0.001)
                                                      Median length of hospital stay
                                                         16 days (IQR = 13; CDI)
                                                         8 days      (IQR = 8; No CDI)
Cioni et al. BMC Infectious Diseases (2016) 16:656
New Paradigm for the Management of Recurrences from Clostridium difficile infections (rCDI) - MSD Salute
Fattori di Rischio per Recidiva di CDI

      Età avanzata (>65 anni),
      Precedente episodio di CDI,
      Stato di immunocompromissione,
      CDI severa,
      Prolungata ospedalizzazione,
      Infezione sostenuta dal ribotipo 027,
      Esposizione ad antibiotici (in particolareclindamicina, fluorochinoloni, amoxicillina,
      cefalosporine) e chemioterapici
      Utilizzo di antiacidi, inibitori di pompa,
      Comorbidità (quali malattia renale cronica, diabete, neoplasie, diverticolosi intestinale,
      malattia infiammatoria intestinale),
      Chirurgia del tratto gastro-intestinale
      Nutrizione enterale

Johnson S. J Infect. 2009 Jun;58(6):403-10. Garey KW, J Hosp Infect. 2008 Dec;70(4):298-304. Leffler DA, N Engl J Med. 2015 Apr
16;372(16):1539-48). Wilcox M,. Lancet 357(9251), 158–159 (2001); Debast SB et al. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2014;20(suppl
2):S1‒S26 Neemann K, Freifeld A. Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhea in the oncology patient. J Oncol Pract. 2017;13(1):25-30;
McFarland. Curr Opin Gastroenterol 2009;25:24–3
New Paradigm for the Management of Recurrences from Clostridium difficile infections (rCDI) - MSD Salute
Fattori di Rischio per Recidiva di CDI
       I fattori di rischio sono correlati ad una inadeguata risposta anticorpale
     anti-tossina e ad una persistente alterazione della flora microbica del colon

      Età avanzata (>65 anni),
      Precedente episodio di CDI,
      Stato di immunocompromissione,
      CDI severa,
      Prolungata ospedalizzazione,
      Infezione sostenuta dal ribotipo 027,
      Esposizione ad antibiotici (in particolareclindamicina, fluorochinoloni, amoxicillina,
      cefalosporine) e chemioterapici
      Utilizzo di antiacidi, inibitori di pompa,
      Comorbidità (quali malattia renale cronica, diabete, neoplasie, diverticolosi intestinale,
      malattia infiammatoria intestinale),
      Chirurgia del tratto gastro-intestinale
      Nutrizione enterale

Johnson S. J Infect. 2009 Jun;58(6):403-10. Garey KW, J Hosp Infect. 2008 Dec;70(4):298-304. Leffler DA, N Engl J Med. 2015 Apr
16;372(16):1539-48). Wilcox M,. Lancet 357(9251), 158–159 (2001); Debast SB et al. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2014;20(suppl
2):S1‒S26 Neemann K, Freifeld A. Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhea in the oncology patient. J Oncol Pract. 2017;13(1):25-30;
McFarland. Curr Opin Gastroenterol 2009;25:24–3
New Paradigm for the Management of Recurrences from Clostridium difficile infections (rCDI) - MSD Salute
Risk Estimation for Recurrent CDI Based on Clinical Factors
              D’Agostino Sr RB, et al. Clin InfectDis 2014;58:1386–93

• A simple/practical scoring rule (logistic regression model) for recurrent CDI
  using data from the phase 3 clinical trials on fidaxomycin was developed
    • 77 baseline CDI factors were classified:
    • Demographics, comorbidity, medications, vital signs, lab tests, severity, symptoms
    • The final model was derived from 922 participants
• In the first trial, fidaxo Vs. vanco recurrences were, respectively:
    • 15.4% Vs. 25.3%                          Difference = 9.9%, P = .005
• In the second trial, fidaxo Vs. vanco recurrences were, respectively:
    • 12.7% VS. 26.9%                          Difference = 14.2, P < .001
• The final model included 4 independent risk factors
    • Age (
New Paradigm for the Management of Recurrences from Clostridium difficile infections (rCDI) - MSD Salute
Clostridium difficile Toxins
• Most C. difficile strains  two toxins: TcdA and TcdB
   • A: permeability and fluid secretion
   • B: cytotoxicity  colonic inflammation
• Some C. difficile strains produce a binary toxin:
   •   C. difficile transferase (CDT)
   •   Closely related to the C. perfringens binary toxin
   •   50-60% higher fatality rates than CDT-deficient strains
   •   CDT enhanced C. difficile virulence
   •   By suppressing protective colonic eosinophilia

                   Eckert C et al New microbes and new infections 2015;3: 12-17.
                   Chowdhury PR et al. BMC microbiology 2016; 16:41.
                   Cowardin CA et al. Nature Microbiology 2016;1: 16108.
                   Bacci S. Emerging Infectious Diseases 2011; 17: 976-982.
Analisi Integrata degli Studi di Fase 3
  Wilcox MH et al NEJM 2017; 376: 305-17
MODIFY I e MODIFY II: Disegno dei Trials Clinici di fase III
             Wilcox MH et al NEJM 2017; 376: 305-17
                                                              I trials clinici di fase 3
                                                            MODIFY I e MODIFY II sono
                                                           studi randomizzati, placebo-
                                                            controllati in doppio cieco.
                                                            Coinvolti 322 Centri in 30
                                                                Primary endpoint:
                                                           Percentuale di pazienti con
                                                             recidiva di CDI (definita
                                                             come nuovo episodio di
                                                           infezione da C. diff. dopo la
                                                               cura clinica iniziale
                                                               dell’episodio basale)
                                                             durante 12 settimane di

                                                              Secondary endpoint:
                                                           Global Cure: initial clinical
                                                           cure dell’episodio basale e
                                                           nessuna recidiva durante le
                                                               12 sett. di follow-up

Wilcox MH et al NEJM 2017; 376: 305-17

        Wilcox MH et al NEJM 2017; 376: 305-17

77% dei pazienti: >1 fattore di rischio per recidiva di CDI

ZAR Score
                   Wilcox MH et al 2017; 376: 305-317

                       Scala di punteggio: (1-8)
1. Età >60 anni                                         1 punto
2. Temperatura corporea >38,3 C°                        1 punto
3. Livello di albumina 15.000 / mm3   1 punto
5. Evidenza endoscopica di colite pseudomembranosa      2 punti
6. Trattamento in reparto di terapia intensiva          2 punti

   Infezione grave è stata definita come uno Zar score ≥2
Endpoint primario: Recidiva di CDI
Endpoint primario; mITT, MODIFY l and MODIFY ll; percentuale di pazienti con recidiva di CDI
                              durante 12 sett. di follow-up
                                         * p
Recidiva di CDI per Sottogruppi
               Durante 12 sett. di follow-up; MODIFY I + II; mITT


Wilcox M.H. et al. N Engl J Med 2017;376:305-17 and supplementary appendix
Clinical AEs Comparabili al Placebo
                                                   Wilcox NEJM 2017

* The adverse events reported on the day of or day after infusion that might have been a sign of an acute hypersensitivity reaction were
nausea, vomiting, chills, fatigue, feeling hot,
  infusion-site conditions, pyrexia, arthralgia, myalgia, dizziness, headache, dyspnea, nasal congestion, pruritus, rash, urticaria, flushing, hot
flush, hypertension, and hypotension.
† Causality was assessed by the investigator, who was unaware of the study-group assignments.
‡ A list of serious drug-related events is provided in Table S12 in the Supplementary Appendix.
§ This category includes events with an incidence of at least 4% in at least one study group reported during the first 4 weeks after infusion.
¶ C. difficile infection (the primary efficacy end point) was to be reported as an adverse event only if it was serious.
    Unico e nuovo Meccanismo di Azione                                   il ciclo di terapia antibatterica per CD
                                                                      Singola infusione endovenosa di 10 mg/kg
           Anticorpo              monoclonale
            (IgG1/kappa)      di     derivazione
            completamente umana
           Tecnologia di DNA ricombinante che                           Administration of Bezlotoxumab
            neutralizza la tossina B                                               at any time
           Immunità passiva anti-B                                          during the treatment

    No attività antimicrobica diretta

    Somministrato insieme alla terapia

    Prevenzione delle recidive                                      Initiation                             End
                                                                        CDI                                 CDI
                                                                     antibiotic                          antibiotic
                                                                      therapy                             therapy

FDA Briefing Document Bezlotoxumab Injection Meeting of the
Antimicrobial Drugs Advisory Committee (AMDAC) June 9, 2016). Leav
BA, et al. Vaccine 28 (2010) 965–969; RCP Zinplava, RCP Zinplava
Vimalanand S. Prabhu et al. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2017

Bezlotoxumab & Hospital Readmission for CDI
 Riduzione dei ricoveri ospedalieri in un'analisi post hoc su 1.050 pazienti ricoverati
 Riduzione del -53% il rischio di ri-ospedalizzazione a 30 giorni (5,1% vs 11,2%)

Vimalanand S. Prabhu et al. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2017
Bezlotoxumab & Hospital Readmission for CDI

Vimalanand S. Prabhu et al. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2017
•   Indicazioni terapeutiche: ZINPLAVA è indicato per la prevenzione della recidiva
    dell’infezione da Clostridium difficile (CDI) negli adulti ad alto rischio di recidiva di CDI.
•   La rimborsabilità è limitata ai pazienti con diagnosi microbiologica di recidiva di CDI/CDAD
    (NAAT o GDH positivo e tossina A/B positiva) già in trattamento con terapia antibiotica
    specifica, in presenza di almeno 1 tra le seguenti condizioni:
•   Soggetti di età >65 anni
•   Forma severa di CDI (Zar-score ≥2)
•   Soggetti immunocompromessi

•   La prescrivibilità è riservata allo specialista infettivologo o, in sua assenza, ad altro
    specialista con competenza infettivologica ad hoc identificato dal Comitato Infezioni
    Ospedaliere (CIO) istituito per legge presso tutti i presidi ospedalieri (Circolare Ministero
    della Sanità n. 52/1985).

Golan Y. et al Poster 2017 ID_WEEK
Bezlotoxumab in Haematologic Malignancies
 Post-hoc analysis of the Phase 3 MODIFY I/II trials to determine if bezlotoxumab
affected the rCDI rate in MODIFY I/II participants with a haematologic malignancy

                                                                                                      107 participants included:
                                                                                                              – 53 in the bezlo (BEZ) group
                                                                                                              – 54 in the placebo (PBO) group.
                                                                                                             Majority = inpatients at
                                                                                                      Almost all ≥1 prespecified risk
                                                                                                       factor for rCDI
                                                                                                      A higher proportion of
                                                                                                       participants in the PBO group
                                                                                                       experienced ≥1 CDI episodes in
                                                                                                       the previous 6 months

#P0358 - Cornely OA, et al. Impact of bezlotoxumab in recurrent Clostridium difficile infection in MODIFY I/II participants with haematologic malignancy
Patients with haematologic malignancies with ICC, rCDI and SCC

    The proportion of participants treated with bezlotoxumab (BEZ) achieving
    initial clinical cure (ICC) was higher than in the placebo (PBO) group.

 • The incidence of rCDI was
   lower in BEZ participants
   compared with PBO
 • A greater proportion of
   participants achieved
   sustained clinical cure (SCC)
   in the BEZ group than in the
   PBO group
 • Among participants who
   experienced rCDI, no BEZ-
   treated participants had
   severe CDI (Zar score ≥2)
   compared with 33.3% of
   those treated with PBO

#P0358 - Cornely OA, et al. Impact of bezlotoxumab in recurrent Clostridium difficile infection in MODIFY I/II participants with haematologic malignancy.
Hospitalization and Mortality in Patients with
                          Haematologic Malignancies
 • A lower proportion of
   BEZ-treated participants had a
   CDI-associated re-hospitalization
   compared with PBO (4.3% vs 11.6%)
 • During the 12-week follow-up
   period, the mortality rate was
   9.3% in participants receiving
   BEZ and 14.5% in participants
   receiving PBO

                 Bezlotoxumab reduced the rate of rCDI compared with placebo in
                           participants with haematologic malignancy.
#P0358 - Cornely OA, et al. Impact of bezlotoxumab in recurrent Clostridium difficile infection in MODIFY I/II participants with haematologic malignancy
Bezlotoxumab in Patients with Solid Tumours
    Post-hoc analysis of the Phase 3 MODIFY I/II trials to determine if
    bezlotoxumab affected the rCDI rate in MODIFY I/II participants with a
    solid tumour as a comorbid condition.
                                                                                                     290 participants were included in
                                                                                                      the solid tumour subgroup:
                                                                                                      – 143 in the bezlo (BEZ) group
                                                                                                         (48.3% female; median age 69
                                                                                                      – 147 in the placebo (PBO) group
                                                                                                         (53.7% female; median age 68 y)
                                                                                                     A higher proportion of BEZ-treated
                                                                                                      participants had ≥1 prespecified
                                                                                                      risk factor for rCDI compared with
                                                                                                      PBO (86.0% vs 77.6%), including a
                                                                                                      higher incidence of participants
                                                                                                      who had ≥1 CDI episode in the past
                                                                                                      6 months (32.2% vs 21.8%)

#P0359 - Mullane K, et al. Reduction of recurrent Clostridium difficile infection in solid tumour participants treated with bezlotoxumab
Patients with Solid Tumours with ICC, rCDI and SCC

 •      Initial clinical cure (ICC) rates
        were similar between both
        treatment groups.
 •      Although a lower proportion of
        BEZ-treated participants
        experienced an rCDI than PBO-
        treated participants, the
        difference was not significant.
 •      Among participants who
        experienced rCDI,
        a lower proportion of severe
        rCDI (Zar score ≥2) was reported
        in the BEZ group compared with
        the PBO group (4.5% vs 12.9%).
 •      A similar proportion of
        participants achieved sustained
        clinical cure (SCC) in BEZ
        and PBO groups.

#P0359 - Mullane K, et al. Reduction of recurrent Clostridium difficile infection in solid tumour participants treated with bezlotoxumab
Hospitalization & Mortality in Patients with Solid Tumours

        • The rate of 30-day CDI-associated
          re-hospitalization was lower in the
          BEZ group than in the PBO group
          (5.5% vs 10.2%).

        • Mortality rates during 12-week
          follow-up were lower in the
          BEZ group (10.5% vs 15.6% in
          the BEZ and PBO groups,

                         Bezlotoxumab led to a proportionally lower rCDI rate in solid
                                 tumour participants compared with placebo.
#P0359 - Mullane K, et al. Reduction of recurrent Clostridium difficile infection in solid tumour participants treated with bezlotoxumab.
 Prima molecola anti-tossina B approvata nella
                                    prevenzione delle recidive di CDI in pazienti ad alto
                                    rischio, in add-on agli antibiotici utilizzati per il
                                    trattamento del CDI
                                   Riduzione del 40% delle recidive di CDI (16.5% vs
                                    26.6%) e della riammissione ospedaliera

                                   Efficacia dimostrata in sottogruppi di pazienti a rischio
                                    (insufficienza renale, fattori di rischio combinati,
                                    paziente ematologico, neoplasia solida)

                                   Il timing di infusione non influenza l’efficacia

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