CATALOGUE 2017 - KMP Kantoormeubilair

Pagina creata da Sara Rosso
CATALOGUE 2017 - KMP Kantoormeubilair

Plank Srl
Via Nazionale 35
I-39040 Ora (BZ)
Tel +39 0471 803 500
Fax +39 0471 803 599
                       CATALOGUE 2017
CATALOGUE 2017 - KMP Kantoormeubilair

CATALOGUE 2017 - KMP Kantoormeubilair
The Plank collection is the fruit of intense
    research, where an innovative approach to
    form as well as technology underpins its
    design philosophy.

                 Relations and close collaboration with designers
                 are a key feature of our method, where frequent
                 meetings and dialogue lead to the identification of
                 a final product. A passion for research transforms
                 Plank products from ideas and intuitions into furni-
                 ture. When the highest quality of form is combined
                 with that of technology.

2                                                                       3
CATALOGUE 2017 - KMP Kantoormeubilair
Prodotti / Products / Produkte

    Sedie / Poltroncine
    Chairs / Armchairs                       006               012                  026             044          058
                                     REMO plastic        REMO wood        MONZA armchair   MONZA BISTRO        PAPER
    Stühle / Sessel

                                           018                 017                  052             066           062
                                     REMO wood           REMO wood                 MYTO     MILLEFOGLIE         LUNA
                                      metal structure         stackable

                                                                022                 070            074
                                                        BLOCCO chair            MON AMI           AVUS

    Barhocker                               080                 086                 090             094
                                     MIURA stool        BLOCCO stool              FRISBI         STELLA

    Tische                                  098                 100                  104           108           112
                                     MIURA table         MIURA table            MISTER X          MART    MONZA table

                                               120               116                 124
                                           CIN CIN              BON                 SIDE

    Outdoors                                  052               080                 098             104          112
    Außenbereich                             MYTO        MIURA stool         MIURA table       MISTER X   MONZA table

                                         038                                        108
                               MONZA armchair                                      MART

4                                                                                                                       5
CATALOGUE 2017 - KMP Kantoormeubilair
                                 plastic chair stackable

                                                             Konstantin Grcic

    Mod. 1417-20


        55                48

    Scocca in polipropilene nei colori              Polypropylene seat shell in the co-           Sitzschale aus Polypropylen in den
    nero, bianco, grigio basalto, grigio            lors black, white, basalt grey, signal        Farben schwarz, weiss, basaltgrau,
    segnale, blueverdastro, grigio gialla-          grey, green blue, yellow grey, avion          gelbgrau, avionblau, farngrün, oxid-
    stro, blu avion, verde felce, rosso             blue, fern green, oxide red, pastel           rot, weissgrün, korallenrot, schwe-
    ossido, verde biancastro, rosso                 green, coral red, sulfur yellow.              felgelb. Metallgestell verchromt
    corallo, giallo zolfo. Struttura in tubo        Metal structure in chrome or zinc             oder verzinkt für den Außenbe-
    metallico cromato o zincato sigillato           coated for outdoors. Stackable.               reich. Stapelbar.
    per uso esterno.

    Finiture plastica / Plastic finnishings / Kunststoffausführungen
    Polipropilene / Polypropylene / Polypropylen

    nero, black,           grigio basalto, basalt   blu verdastro, green      blu avion, avion    rosso ossido, oxide     rosso corallo, coral
    schwarz                grey, basaltgrau         blue, grünblau            blue, avionblau     red, oxidrot            red, korallenrot

    bianco, white,         grigio segnale, si-      grigio giallastro, yel-   verde felce, fern   verde biancastro, pa-   giallo zolfo, sulfur
    weiss                  gnal grey, signalgrau    low grey, gelbgrau        green, farngrün     stel green, weissgrün   yellow, schwefelgelb

    Telaio / Frame / Gestell

    cromato, chrome,       zincato, zinc coated,
    verchromt              verzinkt
6                                                                                                                                                7
CATALOGUE 2017 - KMP Kantoormeubilair
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CATALOGUE 2017 - KMP Kantoormeubilair
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CATALOGUE 2017 - KMP Kantoormeubilair
                                                  wood chair
                                                          Konstantin Grcic

     Mod. 1415-10                               Mod. 1415-20
                                                impilabile / stackable / stapelbar

                   78                                         78
                                  45                                           45

        52                48                         52            48

     Sedia in compensato frassino natu-         Plywood chair in natural finished            Formholzstuhl in Esche Natur oder
     rale o tinta nei colori gesso, noce,       ash or stained in the colors chalk,          Esche weiß, walnuss, grau oder
     grigio, nero. Disponibile come sedia       walnut, grey, black. Available as            schwarz gebeizt. Erhältlich als Stuhl
     e sedia impilabile.                        chair and stacking chair.                    und Stapelstuhl.

 Finiture legno / Wooden finishings / Holzausführungen
 Frassino / Ash / Esche

     naturale, natural,    noce, walnut, nuss   nero, black, schwarz    grigio, grey, grau   gesso, chalk, kreide

12                                                                                                                                   13
CATALOGUE 2017 - KMP Kantoormeubilair
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CATALOGUE 2017 - KMP Kantoormeubilair
16   17
                           wood chair metal structure
                                                                Konstantin Grcic

     Mod. 1416-20


        55                 48

     Scocca in compensato frassino                     Plywood shell made of natural               Formholzschale aus Esche na-
     verniciata naturale o laccata a poro              finished ash or colored with a matt         tur lackiert oder offenporig
     aperto nei colori bianco, grigio, nero            open grain in white, grey, black or         decklackiert in den Farben weiß,
     e giallo. Struttura in tubo metallico,            yellow. Metal structure, powder             grau, schwarz und gelb. Metal-
     verniciato a polvere, abbinata ai                 coated, matched to shell colors.            lgestell pulverbeschichtet in den
     colori della scocca. Impilabile.                  Stackable.                                  Farben passend zu Formholzscha-
                                                                                                   le. Stapelbar.

     Finiture legno / Wooden finishings / Holzausführungen
     Frassino / Ash / Esche

     naturale, natural,         nero, black, schwarz   bianco, white, weiss   grigio, grey, grau   giallo, yellow, gelb

     Telaio / Frame / Gestell

     beige, beige, beige        nero, black, schwarz   bianco, white, weiss   grigio, grey, grau   giallo, yellow, gelb

18                                                                                                                                     19
20   21

                                                          Naoto Fukasawa

     Mod. 1475-20


          47              52

 Sedia. Struttura di legno frassino              Chair. Ash wooden structure –               Stuhl aus Esche Natur lackiert,
 verniciato naturale, tinto verniciato           natural lacquered, black stained            schwarz gebeizt lackiert oder of-
 nero o laccato a poro aperto nel co-            lacquered or colored with a matt            fenporig decklackiert in den Farben
 lore grigio bianco e blu. Impilabile.           open grain in grey, white and blue.         grau, weiss und blau. Stapelbar.
 Versioni: sedia, sgabello.                      Stackable.                                  Versionen: Stuhl, Barhocker.
                                                 Versions: chair, stool.

     Finiture legno / Wooden finishings / Holzausführungen
     Frassino / Ash / Esche

     naturale, natural,   nero, black, schwarz   grigio, grey, grau   bianco, white, weiss   blu, blue, blau
22                                                                                                                                 23
24   25

                                                                     Konstantin Grcic

     Mod. 1209-40


             54                   49

     Poltroncina impilabile, struttura in                Armchair stackable, structure                               Armlehnstuhl stapelbar, Gestell
     frassino, rovere o noce canaletto                   in ash, oak or walnut natural                               in Esche, Eiche, Nussbaum Natur
     verniciato naturale o frassino tinto                lacquered or ash black or white                             lackiert oder Esche schwarz oder
     verniciato nero o bianco. Schienale                 stained- lacquered. Backrest in                             weiss gebeizt, lackiert. Rückenl-
     in polipropilene nei colori nero,                   polypropylene in the colours black,                         ehne aus Polypropylen in den
     bianco, rosso traffico, rosso vino,                 white, traffic red, wine red, light                         Farben schwarz, weiss, verkehrsrot,
     azzurro, giallo verde. Nuovi colori                 blue, yellow green. New additional                          weinrot, hellblau, gelbgrün. Neue
     aggiuntivi café latte, caramello,                   colours caffe latte, caramel, terra                         zusätzliche Farben caffelatte,
     marrone terra.                                      brown.                                                      karamell, terrabraun.

     Finiture legno / Wooden finishings / Holzausführungen
     Frassino / Ash / Esche

 naturale, natural,              bianco, white, weiss    nero, black, schwarz

     Noce canaletto / Canaletto Walnut /                 Rovere / Oak wood / Eiche                                   Cuscino / Cushion / Polsterauflage
     Canaletto Nuss                                                                                                  Ecopelle / Synthetic leather / Kunstleder

     naturale, natural,                                  naturale, natural,                                          nero, black, schwarz
     natur                                               natur
                                                                                                                     Plank Extrema AU p.126
                                                                                                                     Pelle / Leather / Leder
                                                                                                                     Plank Florida p.124

     Colori schienale / Backrest colours / Farben Rückenlehne
     Resina / Resin / Kunststoff

     bianco, white, weiss        nero, black, schwarz    azzurro, light blue, hellblau   gialloverde, yellowgreen,   rosso traffico, traffic red,   rosso vino, wine red,
                                                                                         gelbgrün                    verkehrsrot                    weinrot

     caffè latte, cafe latte,    caramello, caramel,     marrone terra, terra
     caffelatte                  karamell                brown, terrabraun
26                                                                                                                                                                          27
28   29
30   31
scatto nuovo rovere

32                         33
34   35
36   37
                                          armchair outdoor

                                                             Konstantin Grcic

     Mod. 1209-40

                                     45 64

        54                  49

 Poltroncina, struttura in iroko                   Armchair, massive iroko                          Armlehnstuhl, Gestell aus
 massiccio trattato con olio.                      wooden structure, oil treated.                   massivem Iroko, geölt.
 Schienale in polipropilene nei                    Backrest in polypropylene in                     Rückenlehne aus Polypropylen
 colori nero, caffè latte, caramel-                the colours black, cafe latte,                   in Farben schwarz, caffelatte,
 lo, marrone terra. Uso esterno                    caramel, terra brown. Outdoor                    karamell, terrabraun. Aussen-
 ed interno.                                       and Indoor use.                                  und Innenbereich.

 Finiture legno / Wooden finishings / Holzausführungen
 Iroko / iroko / Iroko

 naturale, natural, natur

 Colori schienale / Backrest colours / Farben Rückenlehne
 Resina / Resin / Kunststoff

 bianco, white, weiss       nero, black, schwarz   caffè latte, cafe latte,   caramello, caramel,   marrone terra, terra
                                                   caffelatte                 karamell              brown, terrabraun

38                                                                                                                                   39
40   41
42   43
                                                             Konstantin Grcic

     Mod. 1212-20


         53                 45

 Sedia, struttura in faggio verniciato             Chair, beech wooden structure                    Stuhl, Gestell in Buche Natur
 naturale o faggio tinto verniciato                natural lacquered or black stained-              lackiert oder Buche schwarz
 nero. Schienale in polipropilene                  lacquered. Backrest in polypropy-                gebeizt, lackiert. Rückenlehne
 nei colori nero, bianco, caffè latte,             lene in the colours black, white,                aus Polypropylen in den Farben
 caramello, marrone terra. Sedile in               caffe latte, caramel, terra brown.               schwarz, weiß, caffelatte, kara-
 poliuretano integrale autopellante                Seat made of flexible integral skin              mell, terra braun. Sitz aus flexiblen
 flessibile abbinato ai colori dello               polyurethane form matched to the                 Polyurethan-Integralschaum.
 schienale.                                        backrest colours.

     Finiture legno / Wooden finishings / Holzausführungen
     Faggio / Beech / Buche

 naturale, natural,         nero, black, schwarz

 Seduta / Seat / Sitz
 Poliuretano integrale autopellante / Integral skin polyurethane foam / Polyurethan-Integralschaum

 bianco, white, weiss       nero, black, schwarz   caffè latte, cafe latte,   caramello, caramel,   marrone terra, terra
                                                   caffelatte                 karamell              brown, terrabraun

     Colori schienale / Backrest colours / Farben Rückenlehne
     Resina / Resin / Kunststoff

     bianco, white, weiss   nero, black, schwarz   caffè latte, cafe latte,   caramello, caramel,   marrone terra, terra
                                                   caffelatte                 karamell              brown, terrabraun
44                                                                                                                                          45
46   47
48   49
50   51

                                                         Konstantin Grcic

     Mod. 1207-20


         51              55

     Sedia a sbalzo interamente pro-            Cantilever chair entirely made of             Freischwinger Stuhl aus Kunststoff
     dotta in plastica nei colori nero,         plastic in black, white, traffic red,         in den Farben schwarz, weiss,
     bianco, rosso traffico, arancio puro,      pure orange, yellow green, light              verkehrsrot, reinorange, gelbgrün,
     giallo verde, blu chiaro. Impilabile,      blue. Stackable, for in and outdoor.          hellblau. Stapelbar, für Innen- und
     per uso interno ed esterno.                                                              Außenbereich.

     Finiture / Finishings / Ausführungen
     Resina / Resin / Kunststoff

 bianco, white, weiss    nero, black, schwarz   azzurro, light blue,   gialloverde, yellow-   rosso traffico, traffic   arancio puro, pure
                                                hellblau               green, gelbgrün        red, verkehrsrot          orange, reinorange
52                                                                                                                                           53
54   55
56   57

                                                          Raul Barbieri

     Mod. 1610-20


          55                58

     Sedia impilabile, telaio in metallo         Stackable chair, chromed plated     Stuhl stapelbar, Metallgestell
     cromato o verniciato a polvere              metal structure black or white      verchromt oder schwarz pulver-
     nero, seduta e schienale in legno           powder coated, seat and back in     beschichtet, Sitz und Lehne in
     multistrato frassino, verniciato            molded ash wood – natural lac-      Formholz, Esche Natur lackiert oder
     naturale o tinto verniciato nero.           quered or black stained. Optional   schwarz gebeizt lackiert. Optionale
     Rivestimento opzionale in tessuto           upholstery in fabric or leather.    Polsterauflage in Stoff oder Leder.
     o pelle.

     Finiture legno / Wooden finishings / Holzausführungen                           Imbottitura / Upholstery / Polsterung
     Frassino / Ash / Esche
                                                                                     Ecopelle/ Synthetic leather/ Kunstleder
                                                                                     Plank Extrema AU p.126
                                                                                     Pelle / Leather / Leder
                                                                                     Plank Florida p.125
     nero, black, schwarz   naturale, natural,

     Telaio / Frame / Gestell

     nero, black, schwarz   Cromato, chromed,
58                                                                                                                             59
60   61
                                            Biagio Cisotti + Sandra Laube

     Mod. 1310-20


        57               56

     Sedia impilabile, telaio in metallo    Stackable chair, chrome plated metal   Stuhl stapelbar, Metallgestell
     cromato, scocca in legno multistrato   structure, seat shell in threedimen-   verchromt, Sitzschale in 3D Form-
     curvato a stampaggio tridimensio-      sional molded, laminated natural       holz furniert mit Blackwood oder
     nale, impiallacciato con blackwood o   wood, veneered in blackwood or         Moccawood.
     moccawood.                             moccawood.

     Finiture legno / Wooden finishings / Holzausführungen                         Feltro / Felt padding / Filzauflage

     blackwood                moccawood                                            nero, black, schwarz

     Telaio / Frame / Gestell

     cromato, chromed,
62                                                                                                                       63
64   65

                                           Biagio Cisotti + Sandra Laube

     Mod. 1620-20


        51              55

     Sedia impilabile, telaio in metallo   Stackable chair, chromed plated     Stuhl stapelbar, Metallgestell ver-
     cromato, seduta e schienale in        metal structure, seat and back in   chromt, Sitz und Lehne in Form-
     legno compensato impiallacciato       molded plywood veneered with        schichtholz mit Zebrano furniert.
     con zebrano.                          zebrano.

     Finiture legno / Wooden finishings / Holzausführungen                     Telaio / Frame / Gestell

     zebrano                                                                   cromato, chromed,
66                                                                                                                   67
68   69

                                                   Claudio Bellini

     Mod. 1900-12

                    76             66

        55               58

 Poltroncina, espanso schiumato         Armchair, injected flame-retar-     Sessel, Kaltschaum (Feuer- hem-
 a freddo ignifugo con struttura        dant polyurethane foam with steel   mend) mit interner Metallstruktur,
 interna in acciaio, piedino cromato    frame, matt chrome or black feet,   Fuß aus Chrom satiniert, Überzug
 opaco o nero, rivestimento in pelle    coverings in leather or textile.    in Leder oder Textil.
 o tessuto.

 Finiture / Finishings / Ausführungen

 Ecopelle Plank / Synthetic leather / Kunstleder
 Plank Extrema AU p.126

 Pelle / Leather / Leder
 Plank Florida p.125
70                                                                                                               71
72   73
                                                           club chair

                                                             Konstantin Grcic

     Mod. 1920-12


          73                 73

     Seduta lounge, base portante e                   Lounge chair, base and seat shell in   Lounge Sessel, Basis und Sitzscha-
     scocca di plastica, imbottitura in               plastic, upholstery in polyurethane    le aus Kunststoff, Polsterung aus
     schiumato poliuretanica ignifuga                 foam (flame retardant), covering in    Polyurethan Kaltschaum (Feu-
     rivestimenti in pelle naturale.                  natural leather.                       erhemmend), Überzug in Natur-

     Schienale / Backrest / Rückenlehne                                                      Base / Base / Basis
     ABS lucido / brilliant / hochglanz                                                      ABS opaco / matt / matt

     nero, black, schwarz   grigio topo perlato,                                             nero, black, schwarz   grigio topo perlato,
                            pearl mouse grey,                                                                       pearl mouse grey,
                            perlmausgrau                                                                            perlmausgrau

     Finiture / Finishings / Ausführungen
     Pelle / Leather / Leder
     Plank Florida p.125

74                                                                                                                                         75
76   77
78   79

                                                           Konstantin Grcic

     Mod. 8200-00

                      81             78

          47                40

     Sgabello in polipropilene nei colori          Stool made of polypropylene avai-              Barhocker aus Polypropylen in den
     nero, bianco, arancio puro, rosso             lable in black, white, pure orange,            Farben schwarz, weiß, reinorange,
     traffico, rosso vino, azzurro, giallo         traffic red, wine red, light blue,             verkehrsrot, weinrot, hellblau,
     verde. Impilabile. Uso interno ed             yellow green. Stackable. Indoor and            gelbgrün. Stapelbar. Innen- und
     esterno.                                      outdoor use.                                   Außenbereich.

     Finiture / Finishings / Ausführungen

     bianco, white, weiss   nero, black, schwarz   arancio puro, pure   rosso traffico, traffic   rosso vino, wine red,   gialloverde, yellow-
                                                   orange, reinorange   red, verkehrsrot          weinrot                 green, gelbgrün

     azzurro, light blue,

80                                                                                                                                               81
82   83
84   85
                                                            Naoto Fukasawa

     Mod. 8500-60                                  Mod. 8500-00

                                                                              Ø 34
                                  Ø 34

                   63                                           76

        34                  45                        34                47

     Sgabello. Struttura di legno frassino         Stool. Ash wooden structure - natural        Barhocker aus Esche Natur lackiert,
     verniciato naturale, tinto verniciato         lacquered, black stained lacquered           schwarz gebeizt lackiert oder of-
     nero o laccato a poro aperto nel              or colored with a matt open grain in         fenporig decklackiert in den Farben
     colore grigio bianco e blu. Anello in         grey, white and blue. Ring in sanded         grau, weiss und blau. Ring in Alumi-
     alluminio pallinato o lucido.                 or polished aluminum.                        nium satiniert oder poliert.
     Versioni: sedia, sgabello.                    Versions: chair, stool.                      Versionen: Stuhl, Barhocker.

     Finiture legno / Wooden finishings / Holzausführungen
     Frassino / Ash / Esche

     naturale, natural,     nero, black, schwarz   grigio, grey, grau    bianco, white, weiss   blu, blue, blau

     Poggiapiedi / Footrest / Fußstütze
     Alluminio / Aluminum / Aluminium

     alluminio pallinato,   alluminio lucido,
     sanded aluminum,       polished aluminum,
     aluminium satiniert    aluminium poliert
86                                                                                                                                     87
88   89

                                             Biagio Cisotti + Sandra Laube

     Mod. 8604-00


       Ø 40

     Sgabello, telaio in metallo cromato,    Barstool, chrome plated steel         Barhocker, Metallgestell verchromt,
     sostegno piedi in acciaio inossida-     structure, leg support in stainless   Fußstütze aus Edelstahl gebürstet,
     bile satinato, sedile imbottito.        steel, seat upholstered.              Sitz gepolstert.

     Telaio / Frame / Gestell

     cromato, chromed,

     Imbottitura / Upholstery / Polsterung

     Ecopelle Plank / Synthetic leather / Kunstleder
     Plank Extrema AU p.126
     Pelle / Leather / Leder
     Plank Florida p.125
90                                                                                                                       91
92   93

                                             Biagio Cisotti + Sandra Laube

     Mod. 8350-60                            Mod. 8350-00

                                                       86           76
                 71           60

       46               43                      46           45

 Sgabello, telaio in metallo cromato,        Barstool, chrome plated metal         Barhocker, Metallgestell verchromt,
 scocca in legno multistrato curvato         structure, seat shell made in three   Sitzschale in 3D Formholz furniert
 tridimensionale, impiallacciato con         dimensional plywood, veneered with    mit Blackwood oder Moccawood.
 blackwood o moccawood.                      blackwood or moccawood.

 Finiture legno / Wooden finishings / Holzausführungen

     moccawood           blackwood

 Telaio / Frame / Gestell

 nero, black, schwarz    cromato, chromed,
94                                                                                                                       95
96   97

                                                     Konstantin Grcic

     Mod. 9553-51                           Mod. 9553-01                 Mod. 9553-71



                    66,5                               66,5                             66,5

                Ø 60                                  Ø 60                              Ø 60

 Mod. 9590-51 (Ø 70)                    Mod. 9590-01 (Ø 70)              Mod. 9590-71 (Ø 70)
                                        Mod. 9591-01 (Ø 80)              Mod. 9591-71 (Ø 80)
                                        Mod. 9592-01 (Ø 90)


                    71,5                               71,5                             71,5

               Ø 70                                  Ø 70                          Ø 70
                                                     Ø 80                          Ø 80
                                                     Ø 90

     Mod. 9580-51                  Mod. 9580-01                Mod. 9580-71               Mod. 9555-01 (Ø 100)
                                                                                          Mod. 9556-01 (Ø 110)

                                                        73-                     109,5                            73
                           50                           74,5

                71,5                          71,5                       71,5
                                                                                                         Ø 100
               70                             70                         70                              Ø 110

        70                           70                          70

98                                                                                                                    99
Mod. 9586-01                                           Mod. 9586-71


                 140                                                  140

                                    70                                               70

       Mod. 9587-01                                           Mod. 9587-71


                     160                                                160

                                       80                                                 80

      Sistema di tavolo, struttura in                  Table system, structure in alumi-        Tisch System, Gestell in pulver-
      alluminio verniciato a polvere, piani            num powder coated, table top in          beschichtetem Metall und Platte
      in acciaio, MDF o HPL Full color nei             metal, MDF, HPL full color in the        in Metall, MDF oder Voll-Laminat
      colori nero, bianco e rosso (solo                colors black, white, red (metal only).   HPL in den Farben schwarz, weiß,
      metallo). Piano tavolo ribaltabile.              With folding table top. Indoor and       verkehrsrot (nur Metall). Tischplatte
      Uso interno ed esterno.                          outdoor use.                             klappbar. Innen- und Außenbereich.

  Finiture tavolo / Table Finishings / Tischausführungen
  Piano in metallo / metal table top / Metalltischplatte (Mod. 9553)
  MDF verniciato / powder coated / pulverbeschichtet
  HPL - Full color

  nero, black, schwarz          bianco, white, weiss

      solo per / only for / nur für
      Mod. 9553

      rosso traffico, traffic
      red, verkehrsrot

100                                                                                                                                     101
102   103

                                                 Biagio Cisotti + Sandra Laube

      Mod. 9506-51 (Ø 70) /                      Mod. 9506-01 (Ø 70) /                  Mod. 9506-71 (Ø 70) /
      Mod. 9507-51 (Ø 80)                        Mod. 9507-01 (Ø 80)                    Mod. 9507-71 (Ø 80)

      Mod. 9510-51 (70x70) /                     Mod. 9510-01 (70x70) /                 Mod. 9510-71 (70x70) /
      Mod. 9511-51(80x80)                        Mod. 9511-01 (80x80)                   Mod. 9511-71 (80x80)


          49                  68                     49                  68                49                    68

                 Ø 70                        70x70
                 Ø 80                        80x80

  Tavolo. Base a quattro razze in                Table. Four star cast iron base        Tisch. Kreuzfußgestell aus Gus-
  ghisa verniciata a polvere nel colore          black or white powder coated.          seisen weiss oder schwarz pul-
  nero o bianco. Piano tavolo in HPL             Table top in high pressure laminate    verbeschichtet. Tischplatte aus
  Full Color o in MDF verniciato in              (HPL) Full Color or in MDF powder      Voll-Laminat (HPL) oder in MDF
  nero o bianco. Con scivoli regolabili.         coated in black or white. With adju-   pulverbeschichtet schwarz oder
                                                 stable gliders.                        weiss. Mit regulierbaren Gleitern.

  Piano tavolo / Table top / Tischplatte                                                Base tavolo / Table base / Tischgestell
  MDF verniciato / powder coated / pulverbeschichtet                                    Ghisa / Cast iron / Grauguss
  HPL - Full color

  nero, black, schwarz    bianco, white, weiss                                          nero, black, schwarz   bianco, white, weiss

104                                                                                                                                   105
106   107
                                                              Martin Plank
      Mod. 9834-01                                                                      Mod. 9835-01

                             73                                                                                 73

                       Ø 110                                                                              Ø 120

      Mod. 9820-01                                                                      Mod. 9843-01

                                         73                                                                73

                   200                                                                         100

                                         100                                                               100

      Sistema di tavolo. Struttura in metal-         Table System. Structure in powder          Tischsystem. Gestell in Metall
      lo verniciato a polvere nei colori nero,       coated metal in the colors black,          pulverbeschichtet in den Farben
      bianco. Gambe in alluminio estruso             white. Aluminum extrusion table            schwarz oder weiss. Beine in Alumi-
      verniciato a polvere nei colori nero,          legs with white or black powder co-        nium Extrusion pulverbeschichtet
      bianco o in alluminio rivestito con            ating or natural ash veneer surface.       in den Farben schwarz, weiss oder
      frassino verniciato naturale. Piano in         Gliders in plastic. For Indoor and         Aluminium mit Esche ummantelt,
      HPL Full Color nei colori nero e bian-         Outdoor use (powder-coated leg             Natur lackiert. Gleiter in Kunststoff.
      co. Scivoli in plastica. Uso interno ed        version only).                             Für Innen und Außenbereich (nur
      esterno (solo per tavolo con gambe                                                        für Tisch mit pulverbeschichteten
      verniciato a polvere).                                                                    Beinen).

  Piano tavolo / Table top / Tischplatte
  HPL - Full color

      nero, black, schwarz    bianco, white, weiss

  Struttura / Structure / Gestell                                       Finiture gambe / Leg finishing / Ausführungen Füsse

  nero, black, schwarz        bianco, white, weiss                      nero, black, schwarz   bianco, white, weiss   frassino, ash, Esche

108                                                                                                                                          109
110   111

                                                   Konstantin Grcic

      Mod. 9203-01                   Mod. 9208-01                                Mod. 9224-01

                 73                                             73                                  73

         80                                  160
                                                                                                 Ø 139

                 80                                             80

  Sistema di tavolo, struttura in          Table system. Aluminum structure          Tisch System. Gestell aus Alumi-
  alluminio verniciata a polvere colore    with white or black powder coating,       nium weiss oder schwarz pulver-
  bianco o nero, gambe in alluminio        aluminum extrusion legs with white        beschichtet, Füsse in Aluminium
  estruso verniciato a polvere colore      or black powder coating or natural        Extrusion weiss oder schwarz pul-
  bianco o nero oppure in alluminio        ash veneer surface, table top in          verbeschichtet oder in Aluminium
  impiallacciate con frassino vernicia-    white or black high pressure lami-        Extrusion mit Esche Natur umman-
  to naturale, piano in laminato pieno     nate (HPL). For Indoor and Outdoor        telt, Tischplatte aus Voll-Laminat
  (HPL) colore bianco o nero. Uso          use (powder-coated leg version            (HPL) in den Farben schwarz oder
  interno ed esterno (solo per tavolo      only).                                    weiss. Für Innen und Außenbereich
  con gambe verniciato a polvere).                                                   (nur für Tisch mit pulverbeschichte-
                                                                                     ten Beinen).
  Finiture tavolo / Table finishings / Tischausführungen

  Piano tavolo: HPL, bianco      Piano tavolo: HPL, bianco       Piano tavolo: HPL, nero      Piano tavolo: HPL nero
  Struttura: alluminio, bianco   Struttura: alluminio, bianco    Struttura: alluminio, nero   Struttura: alluminio, nero
  Gambe: frassino, naturale      Gambe: alluminio, bianco        Gambe: frassino, naturale    Gambe: alluminio, nero

  Table top: HPL, white          Table top: HPL, white           Table top: HPL, black        Table top: HPL black
  Structure: aluminum, white     Structure: aluminum, white      Structure: aluminum, black   Structure: aluminum, black
  Legs: ash, natural             Legs: aluminum, white           Legs: ash, natural           Legs: aluminum, black

  Tischplatte: HPL, weiss        Tischplatte: HPL, weiss         Tischplatte: HPL, schwarz   Tischplatte: HPL, schwarz
  Gestell: Aluminium, weiss      Gestell: Aluminium, weiss       Gestell: Aluminium, schwarz Gestell: Aluminium, schwarz
  Füsse: Esche, natur            Füsse: Aluminium, weiss         Füsse: Esche, natur         Füsse: Aluminium, schwarz
112                                                                                                                         113
114   115

                                                Biagio Cisotti + Sandra Laube

  Mod. 9380-51 (Ø 60)              Mod. 9380-01 (Ø 60)             Mod. 9380-71 (Ø 60)
  Mod. 9382-51 (Ø 70)              Mod. 9382-01 (Ø 70)             Mod. 9382-71 (Ø 70)


               Ø 60                             Ø 60                         Ø 60
               Ø 70                             Ø 70                         Ø 70

  Tavolo. Base in ghisa e colonna in            Table. Cast iron base and metal          Tisch. Bodenplatte aus Gusseisen
  metallo verniciata a polvere nei co-          column powder coated in the co-          und Säule aus Metall schwarz,
  lori nero, bianco o alluminio grigia-         lors black, white or grey aluminum.      weiss oder graualuminium pul-
  stro. Piano tavolo in HPL Full Color o        Table top in high pressure laminate      verbeschichtet. Tischplatte aus
  in MDF verniciato a polvere, colore           (HPL) Full Color or in MDF powder        Voll-Laminat (HPL) oder in MDF
  nero o bianco. Scivoli in plastica.           coated in black or white. Gliders in     schwarz oder weiss pulverbe-
                                                plastic.                                 schichtet. Kunststoffgleiter.

  Base tavolo / Table base / Tischgestell                                                Piano tavolo / Table top / Tischplatte
  Ghisa / Cast iron / Grauguss                                                           HPL - Full color

  nero, black, schwarz   bianco, white, weiss   aluminio grigiastro,                     nero, black, schwarz   bianco, white, weiss
                                                grey aluminium, grau-
116                                                                                                                                    117
118   119

                                                    Biagio Cisotti + Sandra Laube

      Mod. 9242-01                                  Mod. 9242-71


                              40                                         40
                 Ø 70                                        Ø 70

  Basamento tavolo in metallo                       Table base, chromed metal base,       Tischgestell Metall verchromt,
  cromato, piano tavolo in Laminato                 table top in high pressure lamiante   Tischplatte in Voll-Laminat (HPL) in
  stratificato Fullcolor (HPL) o in MDF             (HPL) or in MDF powder coated in      den Farben schwarz oder weiss.
  verniciato nei colori nero o bianco.              the colors black or white.

  Piano tavolo / Table top / Tischplatte                                                  Base tavolo / Table base / Tischgestell
  MDF verniciato / powder coated / pulverbeschichtet
  HPL - Full color

      nero, black, schwarz   bianco, white, weiss                                         cromato, chromed,
120                                                                                                                                 121

      Mod. 9430-51



                  Ø 40

      Tavolino in acciaio cromato e               Side table, chromed and powder       Beistelltisch in Metall verchromt
      verniciato a polvere nei colori nero,       coated metal in the colours black,   und pulverbeschichtet in den Far-
      bianco e rosso.                             white and red.                       ben schwarz, weiss und rot.

      Finiture / Finishings / Ausführungen

      naturale, natural,   nero, black, schwarz   rosso segnale, traffic
      natur                                       red, verkehrsrot

124                                                                                                                        125
126   127
Finiture / Finishings / Ausführungen
  Pelle / Leather / Leder
  Plank Florida

  2052                2190               2192   2264   2024   2056   2036   2096   2098   2014

  2226                2262               2042   2004   2194   2012   2046   2132   2234   2130

  2018                2124               2044   2260   2134   2236   2140   2000   2240   2242

  2116                2114               2118   2048   2100   2008   2058   2244   2006   2074

  2050                2020               2070   2202   2112   2256   2248   2250   2102   2252

  2122                2204               2026   2108   2082   2090   2254   2040   2128   2072

  2034                2206               2120   2028   2080   2258   2002

  2032                2088               2106   2210   2212

  2554                2214               2064   2216   2066

  2038                2068               2060   2062   2126

  2138                2222               2232   2230   2228

128                                                                                              129
Finiture / Finishings / Ausführungen
  Ecopelle / Synthetic leather / Kunstleder
  Plank Extrema AU

  150                    250                    550                     350                      1150

  2350                   650                    750                     1250                     1350

  2850                   2750                   850                     950                      1050

  1650                   2450                   1550                    1450                     450

  2550                   1850                   2650                    1950                     1750

  2050                   2150                   2250

  Dimensioni piani tavoli speciali su   Tutti i legni sono certificati FSC.    Tischplatten Sondermaße auf
  richiesta.                            Custom table top sizes on request.     Anfrage.
  Colori e verniciature speciali su     Custom colors and finishes accor-      Sonderfarben und Lackierungen
  richiesta basate sulla gamma RAL.     ding to RAL card on request.           laut RAL-Karte auf Anfrage.
  Esecuzioni ignifughe (vernice,        Flame retardant executions (varni-     Feuerhemmende Ausführungen
  espanso su richiesta).                sh, polyurethane foam) on request.     (Lack, Schaumstoff) auf Anfrage.
                                        All woods are FSC certified.           Alle Hölzer sind FSC zertifiziert.
130                                                                                                                 131
Art Direction:
  Biagio Cisotti

  Graphic Design:
  Sandra Laube

  Product Photography:
  Miro Zagnoli

  Location photography:
  Luca Meneghel, (p.69, 93, 115, 123)
  Nicolo Degiorgis (74-75, 80)

  Rodney Stringer

  Printed in Italy on environmentally friendly paper, March 2017.

  Plank Srl
  Via Nazionale 35
  I-3940 Ora (BZ)
  Tel +39 0471 803 500
  Fax +39 0471 803 599

  Quality system according to ISO 9001
  © 2017 Plank Srl - All Products International Deposit of Industrial Design

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