Le applicazioni GNSS per la riduzione del rischio: opportunità e priorità
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Le applicazioni GNSS per la riduzione del rischio: opportunità e priorità Convegno “Tecnologie e gestione del rischio: i protagonisti della mobilità integrata” Dipartimento di Ingegneria Roma Tre – Roma - 25 Gennaio 2018 Mario Musmeci Unità Navigazione e Telecomunicazione Pagina 1 / 19
Futuro: nuove tecnologie e nuove sfide Source: 17/1/2018 La Repubblica 25/1/2018 Agenzia Spaziale Italiana – Applicazioni GNSS per la riduzione del rischio: opportunità e priorità Pagina 2 / 19
Principali elementi del Trasporto Integrato (multi-modale), servizi PVT associati e tipologia di rischio: Beni Veicoli Infrastruttura • Logistica • Localizzazione • Progettazione • Localizzazione • Navigazione • Realizzazione Il trasporto • Tracciabilità • Sincronizzazione • Manutenzione • Dati • Guida • Monitoraggio integrato: • Automazione • Controllo elementi, • Dati • Utilizzo ottimale • Emergenze • Dati servizi e rischi • Emergenze Comunicazione Rischio legato alla salvaguardia della vita delle persone (SAFETY) Rischio legato alla vulnerabilità dei dati, servizi e dell’infrastruttura (SECURITY e CYBER-SECURITY) 25/1/2018 Agenzia Spaziale Italiana – Applicazioni GNSS per la riduzione del rischio: opportunità e priorità Pagina 3/ 19
Le prestazioni «canoniche» del GNSS sono accuratezza, disponibilità, continuità e integrità guidano la realizzazione di sistemi «safety» La «security» si aggiunge per mitigare la vulnerabilità di tutto il sistema Per i futuri servizi del trasporto integrato dobbiamo considerare la «liability» come un terzo elemento vincolante Le diverse «prestazioni» Accuracy della funzione Integrity SAFETY Continuity Position, Availability Autenticazi one Velocity e Robustezza ricevitore e Monitoragg io Regolamen LIABILITY Time (PVT) Robustezza terminale Robustezza prestazioni Prestazioni tazione operazioni SECURITY minime, Infrastrut- e procedure certificazio tura ne Robustezza Segnali 25/1/2018 Agenzia Spaziale Italiana – Applicazioni GNSS per la riduzione del rischio: opportunità e priorità Pagina 4 / 19
Per soddisfare le esigenze concorrenti della safety, security e liability è necessario assicurare un approccio multi-disciplinare che coniughi in modo ottimale la necessaria complessità tecnico-organizzativa con la fattibilità Diversi aspetti concorrono in questo complesso «puzzle» e relativi «tradeoff» Standards Sensibilità Latenza a scenari Manutenzi (RT, NRT, one e Le Mono o non ottimali Offline) evoluzione Coerenza prestazioni multi frequenza Multipath dati Enti certificatori della Interferenze radio, jamming, SAFETY Connettività continua spoofing funzione PVT Indoor SECURITY PVT data Altri? Navigation fusion Sensori Mono o diversi multi- LIABILITY costellazione PVT e anti- Autentica- collosione zione Costi Altri? (anti – realizzativi falsificazio e operativi Mmonitorag- ne PVT) Peso, size, Autonomia gio power e controllo prestazioni Ricevitore remoto GNSS GNSS 25/1/2018 Agenzia Spaziale Italiana – Applicazioni GNSS per la riduzione del rischio: opportunità e priorità Pagina 5/ 19
The availability of state-of-art space infrastructure like Galileo and EGNOS is a unique opportunity to develop the downstream market for demanding applications and services The GNSS downstream can now benefitting from: The GNSS System of Systems (huge availability of signals, frequencies, redundancy, interoperability, multi-constellation receivers) The specific innovative features offered by Galileo and EGNOS with EGNSS: different focuses on “safety”, “security” and “liability” Dedicated Galileo/EGNOS User Support Facilities (GSC, GRC, ASQF, paradigm PACF) shift from Specific R&D and initiatives to support and accelerate the market uptake Technologies The new “PVT service” paradigm offers different opportunities and features to be customized for each market sector and type of to Service applications, for example: Mass market (miniaturization, low cost, maximum interoperability and common standards) Professional surveyor market (maximise accuracy, services “a la carte”) Safety related applications (integrity first, certification, standards) Security related (robustness and continuity first) Demanding high performance applications (reliable, traceable, predictable) 25/1/2018 Agenzia Spaziale Italiana – Applicazioni GNSS per la riduzione del rischio: opportunità e priorità Pagina 6/ 19
E-GNSS plays a role on the future demanding scenario of secure and efficient transport sector: 1. Galileo Signal Authentication (for both Open Service and for Commercial Service) to be used for regulated and contractually binding applications 2. Galileo Commercial Service High Accuracy for the most demanding applications on decimeter level accuracy 3. True interoperability of Galileo with GPS thanks to the GPS-Galileo time offset transmitted on the SIS E-GNSS 4. The Galileo signals design facilitates the multipath detection and is a plus integration with indoor navigation at receiver level (even evolving) 5. Galileo Public Regulated Services including additional “light PRS” solutions under definition (light PRS receiver, without PRS key, using a service center capable to process raw data and return secure and robust PVT to user) 6. Next generation EGNOS V3 (augmentation of GPS III and Galileo) for safety and integrity 7. Second Generation of Galileo (G2G) introducing new features to satisfy the continuous evolution of needs of our society 25/1/2018 Agenzia Spaziale Italiana – Applicazioni GNSS per la riduzione del rischio: opportunità e priorità Pagina 7/ 19
The tradeoff between “Accuracy and Range”: The different technologies and services GNSS Accuracy: continuous improvements Source: GSA User Technology Report 25/1/2018 Agenzia Spaziale Italiana – Applicazioni GNSS per la riduzione del rischio: opportunità e priorità Pagina 8/ 19
The tradeoff between “Accuracy and Range”: The different services and options to increase the accuracy Range / Coverage Galileo CS HA Standalone Rx global PPP PVT SBAS performance Integrity regional TTA OmniSTAR improvements D-GNSS local Code phase / pseudorange N-RTK Carrier Phase RTK No master station Horizontal very local Accuracy Carrier Phase Requires 1 master station (95%) 1 cm 10 cm 1m 10 m 25/1/2018 Agenzia Spaziale Italiana – Applicazioni GNSS per la riduzione del rischio: opportunità e priorità Pagina 9/ 19
The future integrated transport services must be developed with a multidisciplinary effort addressing different technology (not only GNSS) and complementary non-space services and non-technical key enablers: 1. Hybridization is a must, does not exist a single technology to answer to all the requirements for a PVT function 2. Additional non-space infrastructures must be designed and developed to complement and improve the on-board PVT function (e.g. ground infrastructures for assistance on road-side) Opportunities 3. Monitoring of the GNSS performances and associated vulnerabilities must be available on permanent basis including characterization of and needs them within specific critical areas 4. High accuracy maps and GIS are necessary at least the same level of the adopted PVT capabilities (accuracy, integrity, reliability, certified by mandated entities, updated when needed) 5. Continuous and reliable connectivity to mobile users and vehicles is a must (to enable added value service provision) 6. Definition of GNSS specific certification frames for the different GNSS uses on transport domain (enable measurable and trustable GNSS services) 25/1/2018 Agenzia Spaziale Italiana – Applicazioni GNSS per la riduzione del rischio: opportunità e priorità Pagina 10/ 19
The future integrated transport services development requires many non –technical activities to be activated in parallel to the technological innovation. We have to identify applications where it is beneficial and necessary to introduce: 1. Certification (service providers and/or system design), 2. Minimum performance requirement, Standards, Type approval (terminals, receivers, software, data), Opportuniti 3. Regulations (EU and/or national level), es and 4. Service Provision scheme including KPI’s (enabling service needs provision and liability/insurance schemes) 5. Operational procedures (especially when more service providers are contributing to the final PVT performances) 6. Business model (sustainability, private and public roles) 25/1/2018 Agenzia Spaziale Italiana – Applicazioni GNSS per la riduzione del rischio: opportunità e priorità Pagina 11/ 19
Project: InDrive Objectives: develop and demonstrate an innovative but close-to- market solutions for semi-automatic driving that heavily relying on accurate and high-integrity satellite navigation leverage EGNSS localization for automated manoeuvres in automotive applications. In order to meet the requirements for each of these use cases we will introduce a technology for innovative confidence computation Link: http://indrive-project.eu/ Esempi di progetti dimostrativi Yellow area: Warning Red area: Safety critical 25/1/2018 Agenzia Spaziale Italiana – Applicazioni GNSS per la riduzione del rischio: opportunità e priorità Pagina 12/ 19
Project: FOSTER ITS (First Operational, Secured and Trusted galilEo Receiver ) Objectives: design and develop the first secured GNSS module available on the market for ITS application. The FOSTER ITS products will be Galileo, EGNOS, GPS and GLONASS enabled and will offer greater resilience against the increasing range of GNSS threats by: • Detecting signal attack attempts (spoofing, meaconing and jamming) • Providing indicators to users about confidence of the positioning Esempi di • Providing proof of the integrity and origin of the PVT (digital signature). progetti Link: https://www.gsa.europa.eu/first-operational-secured-and-trusted- galileo-receiver-its dimostrativi 25/1/2018 Agenzia Spaziale Italiana – Applicazioni GNSS per la riduzione del rischio: opportunità e priorità Pagina 13/ 19
Project: ERSEC (Enhanced Road Safety by integrating Egnos-Galileo data with on-board Control system) Objectives: achieving a significant improvement in the vehicle positioning accuracy, going from metres offered by the EGNOS/GNSS to decimetres with an updating frequency of 100 Hz, to be primarily applied for significant enhancing performance and level of confidence of collision avoidance systems. the system will be able to output the position on the road map of the equipped vehicle and of all the obstacles (such as other vehicles, peoples and any kind of fixed or mobile objects) around it with a measurement accuracy of the order of Esempi di 0.1 metre at a sampling rate of 100 Hz through an intelligent datafusion of the EGNOS/GNSS data - correlated to the Road-GIS digital local map - with the progetti measurement data obtained from an instrument set installed on board of the vehicle, including vehicle dynamic sensors (tachometer and gyro) and dimostrativi environmental sensors (scanlasers). Link: http://www.ersecproject.eu/ 25/1/2018 Agenzia Spaziale Italiana – Applicazioni GNSS per la riduzione del rischio: opportunità e priorità Pagina 14/ 19
Project: DETECTOR (Detection, Evaluation and Characterization of Threats to Road Applications) Objectives: developed a low-cost GNSS radio frequency interference detection service for use within road transport and critical applications. Roadside probes connected to a back-office detect and characterise interference using techniques which are made possible using software receivers Link: http://www.gnss-detector.eu/ Esempi di progetti dimostrativi Applications having requirement for interference detection based on their reliance on GNSS to provide a critical element of their solution: • Road User Charging • Pay-as-you Drive Insurance • Fleet Management • Hazardous Goods Tracking • ADAS (& related safety, including cooperative systems) • Stolen Vehicle Recovery 25/1/2018 Agenzia Spaziale Italiana – Applicazioni GNSS per la riduzione del rischio: opportunità e priorità Pagina 15/ 19
Project: STARS Objectives: fill the gap between ERTMS needs for safety critical applications and EGNSS services, through a characterisation of the railway environment. Field measurement campaign to collect GNSS data, which is then being analysed to identify and quantify possible local effects which have an influence on GNSS performance, such as: Multipath signal propagation Electromagnetic Interference Reduced satellite visibility Esempi di Link: http://www.stars-rail.eu/ progetti dimostrativi 25/1/2018 Agenzia Spaziale Italiana – Applicazioni GNSS per la riduzione del rischio: opportunità e priorità Pagina 16/ 19
Project: RHINOS (Railway High Integrity Navigation Overlay System) Objectives: increasing the use of EGNSS to support the safety-critical train localization function for train control in emerging regional and global markets. RHINOS adds value to EGNSS by leveraging the results from prior or existing. The EGNSS (GPS and GALILEO) plus the SBAS constitute the reference infrastructure that is available worldwide. In addition to that, local augmentation elements, ARAIM techniques and other sensors on the train are the add-on specific assets for mitigating the hazards due to the environmental effects which dominates the rail application Esempi di Link: http://www.rhinos-h2020.org/ progetti dimostrativi 25/1/2018 Agenzia Spaziale Italiana – Applicazioni GNSS per la riduzione del rischio: opportunità e priorità Pagina 17/ 19
The road/rail transport infrastructures can use Space Assets to improve efficiency and security with cost saving innovative applications based on EGNOS/Galileo, Satellite remote sensing and telecommunication The transport infrastructure stakeholders are expected to play an active and key role on the development of the future mobility in term of investments and technical/regulatory contribution The future scenario is based on a interoperable set of services to be integrated at infrastructure and mobile terminal levels (offering PVT, connectivity, remote sensing data/services): Conclusions algorithms and for PVT services Satellite Global Services (GNSS, EO, SATCOM) Global data fusion, «slicing» High Altitude Pseudo-satellite Regional Services filtering, analytics, for heterogeneous processing Service UAV based local Services and prediction (different KPI, Mobile terminal based cooperative Services quality, performances, Security, safety, Local In-situ infrastructure based Services liability) 25/1/2018 Agenzia Spaziale Italiana – Applicazioni GNSS per la riduzione del rischio: opportunità e priorità Pagina 18/ 19
Italian Space Agency is engaged on the Space Economy and Technology Transfer (space- to-ground and ground-to-space) ESA and EC/GSA R&D programmes are fully supported and co-funded with a special focus on pre-commercial project with high TRL and integrated space assets ASI is also supporting long term objectives financing low TRL technology developments for priority and critical elements Recent technical developments have shown advantages in implementing synergies between road and rail sectors for the hybridization and data fusion for secure and safety PVT applications Safety, security and liability have to be addressed together on the basis of tradeoff between performances and feasibility Conclusions Avoid to overcharge a single system or technology with all the performance requirements, hybridization and diversification is a key The future applications must be developed with the involvement of the whole value chain for each key sectors and integrating Space and non-Space for different aspects: Technology (sensors, platforms) Software (algorithms) Data (processing, analytics, sharing) Added Value Services Competences and knowhow Standards, certification frames Operational procedures for service provision Risk assessment Sustainability and flexibility 25/1/2018 Agenzia Spaziale Italiana – Applicazioni GNSS per la riduzione del rischio: opportunità e priorità Pagina 19/ 19
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