Tasting D egus tazione - Degustazione storica Ca è e metodi di estrazione dal 1900 a oggi - Caffè Milani
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egustazione orica affè e metodi di estrazione al 1900 a oggi Historical D egustazione S torica tasting Vivereand Coffee la sthe toria extraction methods from the ‘900 to dell’espresso the presentpersona in prima day. 1
INTRODUCTION INTRODUZIONE How many opportunities have you had in your life to sip Quante a cup of possibilità coffee like theavete oneavuto nella vostra vitadid? your great-grandparents di sorseggiare un caffè come quello dei Perhaps none, because preparation methods have changed vostri bisavo- li? to Forse such annessuna, extent thatperché Italiani metodi Espresso,diwhile preparazione having inheri- si sono ted themodificati genetic code,a talhas punto che l’Espresso an extremely Italiano, different pur appearance avendone from the one ereditato people wereil codice genetico, drinking ha un aspetto at the beginning of the estremamente last century. diverso da quello che si beveva all’ini- zio del secolo scorso. To fully Per understand come comprendere how we si have reached è giunti the pointornata alla tazzina of ha- ving di unaa coffee cremacup color ornated nocciola withcona hazel-colored riflessi fulvi,cream un corpowith a reflection of importante reddish brown e avvolgente, uncolor, aroma a solid body,che intenso an intense copre aroma that l’intero arcocovers the entire olfattivo, Caffèolfactory Milanispectrum, Caffè Milani ha estratto dalla propria esposizione macchine di tre epochefrom selected from it’s own exhibition three machines diffe- diverse, rent periods, representing three basic changes, restored and rappresentative di tre cambiamenti basilari, le ha ri- got them to work again, and studied the blends that were messe in funzione e ha studiato le miscele che con most likely used. buona probabilità venivano usate. Poi, Soonutilizzando after, using aun gruppo group di assaggiatori of tasters dell’Istituto at the International Coffee Internazionale Assaggiatori Caffè e i Tasting Institute and by using the statistical methods metodi statistici of the del Centro Tasting StudiCenter, Research Assaggiatori le ha profilate. it has maneged to profile all the Oggi è quindi in grado di offrire al consumatore at- blends.. tento, al barista e allo studioso un percorso esperien- ziale unicotoday Therefore nel Caffè suo genere, Milani is partendo able to offerdalits 1920 per consumer, giungere bartender all’Espresso or scholar a Italiano attuale. journey, starting unique experiential from the 1900s to the current Italian Espresso. C AFFÈ MIL ANI CAFFÈ MILANI Caffè Milani nasce nel 1937 ed è oggi una delle torre- Caffè Milani was founded in 1937 and today it is one of the fazioni leading leader. roasting Nel 1998 inè Italy. factories socioIn fondatore 1998 it wasdell’Istituto one of the Nazionale Espresso Italiano e nel founding partners of the Italian Espresso 2017, in occasione National Institute dei and suoi 80 for in 2017, anni, theinaugura occasion of un’esposizione sul caffè its 80th anniversary, e it is ce- lalebrating sua storia di raro of the opening interesse culturale. a new exhibition about the world of info@caffemilani.it coffee and also about its own private history of rare cultural interest. IIAC info@caffemilani.it L’Istituto Internazionale Assaggiatori Caffè (Iiac) è stato fondato nel 1993, vanta oggi oltre 10.500 allievi residenti in 40 paesi del mondo e i suoi manuali sono IIAC stati pubblicati in 11 lingue. The International Coffee Tasting Institute (Iiac) was founded info@assaggiatoricaffe.org in 1993, boasts today over 10,500 students originally from 40 Ricerca different ecountries testi di around Luigi Odello, grafica the world di manuals and its Laura Mor, have realizzazione been publisheddel Centro in 11 Studi Assaggiatori. languages. Iinfo@assaggiatoricaffe.org Edizione: ottobre 2017. 22
THREE CENTURIES OF RESEARCH TREFOR SECOLI ALL A QUICK, A RICERC STRONG AND A DI UN C AFFÈ PLEASANT COFFEE R APIDO, POTENTE E PIACEVOLE At the end of the 19th century coffee had become a part of tramonto Al the daily activity del XIXin secolo the western il caffèworld c’erafor edateraleast three entrato centuries. During this timeframe, many systems nelle abitudini degli occidentali almeno da tre secoli. and methods had been questo Durante developed in order lasso to prepare temporale si it.erano In fact,sviluppati for at least molti sistemi per farlo. In pratica, per almenothe 300 years, the world of coffee worked hard to fulfill trethree se- basic needs which are strongly linked together: quickness, coli, il mondo del caffè lavorò sodo per soddisfare tre strength, and pleasure. A goal that was only reached in the necessità tra loro fortemente connesse: rapidità, for- last century with the birth of the Espresso. za, piacere. Obiettivo che raggiunse solo nel secolo scorso con la nascita dell’espresso. QUICKNESS LBoil A RtheAPIDITÀ coffee powder at least three times or wait patiently Far bollire la polvere for the gravity force todi caffè allow thealmeno hot watertre to volte seepo through aspet- tare pazientemente che la forza di gravità consentisse a layer of coffee making the drink free of grinds. This was the all’acqua calda divided challange which di attraversare unoallstrato coffee lovers di caffè through ren- the ninete- dendo la bevanda enth century. priva The italic geniusdi fondi? providedErathequesto dilemma solution: applying che divisetoper pressure hottutto water,il first XIX through secolo gli amanti steam, thendel withcaffè. com- L’italico ingegno pressed air, fornì first using la soluzione: a spring and finallyl’applicazione with a pump. del- la pressione all’acqua bollente, dapprima attraverso ilThe result? poi vapore, Twenty-five con l’ariamilliliters of pleasant compressa, and syrupy quindi cof- con una fee in only molla 25 seconds. e infine con una pompa. Il risultato? Venticinque millilitri di caffè soave e sci- STRENGTH ropposo in 25 secondi. Strength was – and still is - measured by the intensity of the Laroma A FOR andZ A tactile consistency (the body, or syrupy texture, whatever you wish to call it). The evolution of the espresso La forza era - ed è - valutata attraverso l’intensità technique led to achieving an unprecedented strength, redu- dell’aroma e la consistenza tattile (il corpo, o scirop- cing the required coffee dose to half or even less. posità che dir si voglia). L’evoluzione della tecnica espresso HEDONISM portò a ottenere una forza mai raggiunta prima riducendo la dose Small and cuddling sips di caffè that carry necessaria the aroma withinalla the metà coffee oforanche a meno. a long period of time. It seemed to be an unreachable goal, but the Espresso made it possible, not only through the L’EDONISMO mechanical evolution of the preparation systems but also Piccoli throughsorsi carezzevoli the art of creatingche recano blends per lungo by choosing the tempo best of l’aroma what the contenuto inthe tropics all over unworld caffè: hadpareva to offer. una meta irraggiungibile, ma l’espresso lo rese possibile, non solo attraverso l’evoluzione meccanica dei sistemi di preparazione, ma anche all’arte di comporre miscele scegliendo il meglio di quanto offrivano i tropici di tutto il mondo. 33
THE VARIATION OF TASTE LE TAPPE SIGNIFIC LE TAPPE SIGNIFICATIVE, ATIVE, L A VARIA ZIONE DEL L A VARIA ZIONE DEL GUSTOGUSTO 9 9 8 8 7 7 6 5 Quick 6 4 Strong Quick 5 Pleasant 4 3 Strong 1850 1875 1900 1925 1950 1975 2000 3 Pleasant 1850 1875 1900 1925 1950 1975 2000 PROTO–ESPRESSO TRANSITION ITALIAN ESPRESSO 9 8 PROTO–ESPRESSO TRANSITION ITALIAN ESPRESSO 7 6 9 5 4 8 3 7 2 6 1 5 0 Colour Olfactive Acidity Astringency Vegetable Roasted Biochemical 4 intensity intensity Texture Body Bitterness Flowers/fresh Dried Spicy 3 fruit fruits 2 1 Sedicesimo Milani - 3.indd 4 03/10/2017 11:15:53 0 Colour Olfactive Acidity Astringency Vegetable Roasted Biochemical intensity intensity Texture Body Bitterness Flowers/fresh Dried Spicy fruit fruits 4
THE EVOLUTION OF THE ROASTING PROCESS L’EVOLUZIONE DELL A TOSTATUR A Humanity discovered that fire does not only affect the hy- La scoperta gienic da parte characteristics of dell’umanità food, but also the chesensory il fuocoaspects non ha by solamente increasing the pleasure, soon enough this discovery degli effetto sulle caratteristiche igieniche would alimenti, affect alsoma theanche coffee su quelle sensoriali consumption methodsaumentando that had evol- ilved piacere, coinvolse from boiling drupesben in presto water toanche il consumo the infusion of the del well caffè roastedchegrains. passò dalla Until the bollitura end of thedelle 19th drupe century,all’infusio- the roasting ne dei semi process sapientemente was made by conduction tostati. Finoforalla method, fine del example, by XIX secoloheat supplying la tostatura avveniva through materials likeperò iron etc.a conduzione, The goal was vale a direbutfornendo achieved, frequentlyilthecalore aroma attraverso was altered unbymateriale empyreu- come matic ilodors ferro.and L’obiettivo the taste veniva was damagedraggiunto,by thema non di unpleasant contrasts rado l’aromabetween bitter anddaacid. era alterato The use sentori of steel spheres empireumatici e ilthat gustorotate on a heat source, pregiudicato da poco most often made piacevoli of wood, contrasti tra improved amaro the result e acido. of roasting L’utilizzo for di di sfere a greater acciaio homogeneity, che ruota- but the true leap of quality vano su una fonte di calore, il più delle took place aftervolte Worldfornito War II, da legna, migliorava il risultato della to- statura perwhi- with the introduction of gas heated roasting machine in la ch heat transfer maggiore was entrusted omogeneità to hotma raggiunta, air. The development il vero salto di of Italian Espresso was synchronized with the evolution of qualità si fece dopo la seconda guerra mondiale con the drum roasting machines the type that work on “batchs” l’introduzione delle tostatrici riscaldate a gas nelle with varying cycles of 17 to 27 minutes. Today, equipped with quali il trasporto del calore era affidato ad aria calda. sophisticated software that makes the process safer, but still L’Espresso Italiano si sviluppa dunque su macchine a always supervised by an employee, who through a well-stu- tamburo died setting, questo di is able totipo chefrom obtain funzionano raw coffee a “cotte” con beans which cicli variabili tra 17 e 27 minuti. Oggi dotate arrive from all over the world, the ideal components for com- di softwa- reposing sofisticati che rendono rich, profound il processo and intense blends. più sicuro, sono però sempre governate dall’uomo che, attraverso un’impostazione sapiente, ottiene da caffè crudo che giunge da ogni parte del mondo, le componenti ide- ali per comporre miscele ricche, profonde e potenti. 5
THE BLEND: L A MISCEL A: L’ARTE THE ITALIAN ART OF ITALIANA FINDING DI COMBINARE THEMATRIMONI RIGHT MATCH D’AMORE L’arte della miscela si sviluppa in Italia ed è alla base dell’Espresso Italiano. The art of blending La miscela was developed sopravanza in Italy and has beeninfatti the cronologicamente foundation of the Italianle macchine Espresso. In per la preparazione fact chronologically the blend del existed caffè even before espresso: the 1845 già nel espresso coffeetrattati celebri machines were descri- invented:lealready vevano in 1845 migliori the most qualità knownper di caffè treatises described ottenere una the best qualities miscela eccellente of coffee e come in pursuit of theinperfect trattarle blend per tostatura and also describe ricavare dallehow to handle singole the beans origini while roasting in order più componenti. to achieve La miscelathe maximum dunque nonpotential nasce from a single per solamente origindare coffee. al consumatore un caffè dal profilo sensoriale costante oThe percreation of a blend migliorare is not del la tenuta just panello in order to di give thesotto caffè con- sumer a coffee with a constant sensorial experience or to la pressione delle macchine, bensì per aumentare in improve the resistance of coffee under the pressure of the modo mirabile il profilo aromatico del caffè in tazza, machine, but rather to enhance the aromatic features of a mettendo quindi in risalto ciò che specie, varietà e cup of coffee in a wonderful way, highlighting what every type, origini hanno variety and regionda has offrire per in to offer incrementare increasing the ilpleasure. piacere. 6
SEVENTY YEARS OF ITALIAN ESPRESSO SET TANT’ANNI DI ESPRESSO ITALIANO BUON GOOD TASTE GUSTO Conquistatori Conquerors first, prima, then conquistati conquered by poi, l’I- others, Italy has been for millenniums the melting pot talia è da milleni il crogiolo della estetica of good del gustotaste and aesthetics TALENT INGEGNO Not just Non solo mechanical elementielements, but ama meccanici, wise com- sele- bination and selection of the coffee zione e unione sapiente di caffè di tutto arriving ilfrom all regions mondo of the per dare worldatobasso piacere give you plea- costo sure and satisfaction at low cost OPTIMIZATION POVERTÀ Saving hot water Risparmiare acquaandcalda coffee (from(da e caffè 13/15 g to 13/15 5/7a 5/7 g g) without sacrificing g) senza ridurrethe pleasure il piacere 7
1900 – 1940 THE COFFEE OF THE STEAM DRIVEN MACHINE THE IMPORTANT LANDMARKS IN THE WORLD OF COFFEE 1899 – The invention of the vacuum-sealing Method: increases the shelf life of the coffee. 1901 – Bezzera registers the first model of coffee machines adequate for coffee shops. 1906 – Benzene is the caffeine solvent in the first decaffeinated coffee. 1908 – Melitta Benz creates the first coffee filter with a 1900 simple pan with a hole in it and blotting paper. IL C AFFÈ DELL A MACCHINA A VAPORE 1933 – Alfonso Bialetti creates the Moka Express. AN 20 Intensità colore THE STEAM MACHINE Golbale odori Tessitura negativi In 1901 thanks to Luigi Bezzera, the era of vertical steam Golbale odori Intensità olfattiva machines began, most fascinating thanks to their impressive positivi structure.The trend of drinking coffee in the coffee shops had spread, where its prepared and served “instantly”. In the steam macchine the extraction process starts with aCorpo Biochimici diversifirst passage of boiling water on the grounded coffee when the coffee maker begins to drip, you close the water tap and open the steam, which pushes the water to go through the coffee in the filter and into the cup. One minute of waiting and the drink can be served. Speziato Acido 8
THE COFFEE By the middle of the 19th century, Arabica is the only variety of cultivated coffee available1900 and Brazil gains most of the wor- ld’s production IL C AFFÈ thanks DELLtoAitsMACCHINA wide availability of fertile lands. A VAPORE Due to a roya epidemic, a fungus that causes serious damage NI AN to coffee plant and ultimately killing it, begins the search for 20 new varieties that can withstand this parasite in the Coffea Canephora (Robusta). In Italy, during the Second World War, the importation of go- ods is stopped and coffee is replaced with substitutes such as C chicory, hibiscus tea and barley. When the conflict is over, the coffee makes a comeback and Chio with it the pleasure of going to the coffee shop and enjoying an instant coffee. In the cup the coffee looks like a black beverage mostly free of cream at the surface due to the coarse grinding of the C beans and high temperature during the preparation process. Colour intensity Overall negative Texture odours Overall positive Olfactive intensity odours © 2012 Luigi Odello, Centro Studi Assaggiatori, Istituto Internazionale Assaggiatori Caffè Body Biochemical Spicy Acidity Roasted Bitterness Dried fruits Astringency Vegetable Flowers/ www.ass fresh fruit Sedicesimo Milani - 3.indd 8 03/10/2017 11:16:16 9
1950 THE COFFEE OF THE LEVER MACHINE THE IMPORTANT LANDMARKS IN THE WORLD OF COFFEE 1947 – Achille Gaggia invents and patents the lever machine. 1947 – The Espresso as we know it today, was born. 1950 – In America, instant coffee is introduced into homes and sales increase. At the work place 1950 a daily habit. coffee break become IL C AFFÈ DELL A MACCHINA A LEVA NI AN 20 C Chiod C Intensità colore P THE SPRING PISTON LEVER MACHINE Golbale odori Tessitura negativi The lever Golbale odorimachine was assembled in 1938 by Achille Gag- Intensità olfattiva gia a bartender from Milan who patented the lever system positivi by launching the “crema caffè” technology. Ten years later a large-scale production of this revolutionary bar machinery © 2012 Luigi Odello, Centro Studi Assaggiatori, Istituto Internazionale Assaggiatori Caffè Biochimici is launched. Corpo diversi The pressure inside the machine is created by a piston driven by a spring, both connected to a lever; lowering the lever the spring is compressed and the hot water fills the cylinder chamber underneath, coming into contact with the blend Acido Speziato in the filter holder and paving the way for the pre-infusion. When releasing the lever, the spring pushes the piston crea- M ting pressure and forcing the hot water to pass through the ground coffee, obtaining a dense, syrupy beverage with aAmaro Tostato per- sistent cream on the surface. M Frutta secca ed Astringenza essiccata 10 Vegetale Fiori e frutta www.assa fresca
THE COFFEE Due to post-war aftermath and climate reasons, finding raw materials is difficult and for this reason the coffee price in- creases. African countries are focusing their work on the cultivation of 1950 Robusta IL as aCsource of self-sustainment AFFÈ DELL A MACCHINA and A profit. LEVA In Italy, with the distribution of the lever machine, Espresso NI AN was born and became the symbol of “made in Italy”. 20 From an elite product, coffee became a common and popular drink consumed by all. In 1953, men consumed an average of 1.7 cups of coffee compared to 1.3 cups of coffee for women. The quality of the bar Espresso is superior to the home-made coffee; hence the Italian expression of “good coffee like the one you drink at the bar”. Chi Colour intensity Overall negative Texture odours Overall positive Olfactive intensity odours © 2012 Luigi Odello, Centro Studi Assaggiatori, Istituto Internazionale Assaggiatori Caffè Body Biochemical Spicy Acidity Roasted Bitterness Dried fruits Astringency Vegetable Flowers/ www.a fresh fruit 10 11 Sedicesimo Milani - 3.indd 10 03/10/2017 11:16:36
1960 THE COFFEE OF THE A CONTINUOUS DELIVERY MACHINE THE IMPORTANT LANDMARKS IN THE WORLD OF COFFEE 1961 – The E61 is the first continuous delivery coffee machine. 1963 – Bunn creates the machine for the automatic preparation of filtered coffee. 1964 – Maxim is the first freeze-dried coffee. 1968 – The single directional 1960 degassing valve revolutionizes the IL C AFFÈ DELL A MACCHINAcoffee packaging in the world. A POMPA NI AN 20 C Chiod C Intensità colore P Golbale odori THE CONTINUOUS DELIVERY Tessitura MACHINE negativi Golbale odori In 1961 Ernesto Valente designed for Faema the Intensità olfattiva E61, the positivi continuous delivery machine named after the solar eclipse of that year. This ingenious invention for the coffee world adopts a volu- © 2012 Luigi Odello, Centro Studi Assaggiatori, Istituto Internazionale Assaggiatori Caffè Biochimici Corpo metric pump (instead of the compression spring of the lever diversi machine) that allows you to prepare a perfect Espresso in simplicity. By moving a lever or by pressing a button, powering an electric motor that is connected to a pump that brings the water pressure to 9 bars, keeping it constant throughout the Speziato Acido entire dispensing process. The espresso machine is moved from the counter to the M back counter; the customer can follow the bartender’s ability Tostato Amaro and technical skill during the coffee preparation. M 12 Frutta secca ed Astringenza essiccata
THE COFFEE In this decade Brazilian natural coffee is the main component of the Italian blends; in addition to Brazil, the main exporters include Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico and Uganda. At the coffee shops the Espresso is the prominent drink du- 1960 ring breakfast and work IL C AFFÈ DELLbreaks of the ItalianA people. A MACCHINA POMPA In Japan in 1950, coffee importation is officially permitted; in NI AN a few years hundreds of kissaten (coffee rooms) are opened. 20 In the United States the coffee giants offers low quality blends, emphasizing price and brand as opposed to flavor and aroma. In 1966, Peet’s Coffee & Tea opened in Berkeley California, where the Dutch Alfred Peet offered his custo- mers quality coffee. Peet is considered the “grandfather” of specialty coffee. Chi Colour intensity Overall negative Texture odours Overall positive Olfactive intensity odours © 2012 Luigi Odello, Centro Studi Assaggiatori, Istituto Internazionale Assaggiatori Caffè Body Biochemical Spicy Acidity Roasted Bitterness Dried fruits Astringency Vegetable Flowers/ www.a fresh fruit 13 Sedicesimo Milani - 3.indd 12 03/10/2017 11:17:07
1970 – OGGI THE ITALIAN ESPRESSO THE IMPORTANT LANDMARKS IN THE WORLD OF COFFEE 1971 – Starbucks inauguration. 1974 – Per primo il Tea & Coffee Trade Journal parla di specialty coffee. 1982 – SCAA, Specialty Coffee Association of America was born and in 1998 SCAE was born in Europe. 1993 – Established IIAC, International Coffee Tasting Institute and in 1998 INEI, National Institute of Italian Espresso. 2015 – ICO, International Coffee Organization establi shes the International Coffee Day on October 1st. CUSTOMIZED EXTRACTION MACHINES Technologies applied to espresso machines allow you to cu- stomize the extraction and achieve levels of excellence in the cup. The first step is the creation of the independent group machine, it continues with the ability to change the pressure or water temperature on the coffee cake during extraction. The single portion coffee spreads in the stores with machines or dedicated groups. 14
THE COFFEE In the 1980s, in United States starts a new research for quali- ty: in 2012, 37% of the total coffee consumption was attribu- ted to Specialty coffee (SCA data). From the 90’s in Europe, coffee becomes a drink with a strong cultural and sensorial2000 value. With 12.6 kilos per capita L‘ESPRESSO the North Europeans ITALIANO drink the most amount of coffee in the world, but just Arabica. NI AN 20 In Italy the preference for lighter blends, with high percen- tages of Arabica is in the Center-North, darker blends and greater use of Robusta is common the South. Japan represents 11% of the world sales by value. China discovers the coffee and Espresso, the coffee shops be- came widespread phenomena and the coffee culture grows. Australia has discovered coffee and espresso thanks to Italian Ch immigration, that is the reason for the popularity of “Latte Re- volution”, the brewing and also the growth of small roasters receiving massive request for specialty coffee. Colour intensity Overall negative Texture odours Overall positive Olfactive intensity odours © 2012 Luigi Odello, Centro Studi Assaggiatori, Istituto Internazionale Assaggiatori Caffè Body Biochemical Spicy Acidity Roasted Bitterness Dried fruits Astringency Vegetable Flowers/ www.a fresh fruit 14 15 Sedicesimo Milani - 3.indd 14 03/10/2017 11:17:23
egustazione orica MILANI SPA 22030 Lipomo (Co) - Via Provinciale, 811 affè e metodi di estrazione Tel. +39 031 280778 Fax. +39 031 282762 al 1900 a oggi info@caffemilani.it - www.caffemilani.it D egustazione S torica Vivere la s toria dell’espresso in prima persona 1
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