European Young Chemists - etwinning project 2017-2018 ICS ACCADIA sede di MONTELEONE DI PUGLIA-CLASSE IIB
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European Young Chemists etwinning project 2017-2018 ICS ACCADIA sede di MONTELEONE DI PUGLIA- CLASSE IIB
This is a scientific project , which main aim is to make students learn sciences in an experiential way. Through funny and interesting activities students will get knowledge and achieve the goals of learning. Students and teachers meet at the lab, make experiments, find riddles , make quizzes, answer, comment to partners’ material and interact with each other. PARTNER: Albania, Francia, Italia, Spagna, Romania, Slovacchia, Serbia, Croazia, Turchia, Polonia.
Panoramica del progetto • OBIETTIVI • Develop sciences knowledge and learn how physics and chemistry laws are applied in our everyday world. Students learn to work together, interact with each other, use ICT to present experiments to their counterparts in a funny way. Create an interest for scientific careers when they themselves carry out experiments. Improve communication skills in English and give a boost to their self confidence. • PROCEDURA DI LAVORO • October : Introducing each team, teachers, schools, countries, and present their work by using ICTs tools November: Students make posters about their famous chemists in their mother country, and present their workb y using ICTs tools December : Students send hand made Christmas cards to each other January : Students create models of atoms/molecules and present their work by using ICTs tools February - March : Students perform some common experiments and present their work by using ICTs tools April : Students do some extra activities, crosswords, quizes....and present their work by using ICTs tools May : Ending activities • RISULTATI ATTESI • Students will improved knowledge of sciences and will have been motivated to study. They will improved English language skills and scientific vocabulary, specifically. They will benefited from the online meetings in terms of self esteem and self confidence, Teachers will have the opportunity to teach in an innovative way. •
Events in our countries Albania team Turchia team
events in our countries Slovakia team Poland team Romania team
Events in our countries Serbia team Festival delle scienze, giugno 2018, Italy
Competenze promosse • Competenza digitale: conoscere gli strumenti, le funzioni, la sintassi dei principali programmi di elaborazione dei dati (anche Open Source) ed utilizzare i mezzi informatici con consapevolezza. • Imparare ad imparare: reperire informazioni ed organizzarle; pianificare compiti da svolgere organizzandoli secondo le priorità e il tempo a disposizione. • Competenze sociali e civiche: assumere responsabilmente atteggiamenti, ruoli, comportamenti di partecipazione attiva e comunitaria. • Spirito di iniziativa ed intraprendenza: organizzare semplici progetti; coordinare l’attività personale e di gruppo; trovare soluzioni nuove a problemi di esperienza adottando strategie appropriate.
ringraziamenti • Si ringraziano i docenti della classi IIB della sede di Monteleone di Puglia ed il Dirigente Scolastico Prof. Giacomo Vitale per il supporto dato nelle attività. • Si ringraziano le famiglie degli alunni.
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