Pagina creata da Noemi Cecchini
ARKETIPO                             P R O G E T T I   I N   D E T TA G L I O





Nigel Young / Foster + Partners

architectural design:
  Foster + Partners
      Bloomberg LP
         gross area:
         102,190 m2
         1,147,720 €
Nigel Young / Foster + Partners

                                  Ai visitatori è            The visitors can
                                  permesso l’accesso         access the sixth
                                  al sesto piano,            floor, focal point
                                  punto focale               of the building
                                  dell’edificio e luogo      and a socialising
                                  di socializzazione         space

                                  L’edificio è accessibile   The building is
                                  al pubblico attraverso     accessible by the
                                  l’ingresso principale      public via the main
                                  che collega                entrance which
                                  direttamente al            connects directly to
                                  Vortex, uno spazio         the Vortex, a double
                                  centrale a doppia          height central space
                                  altezza generato           generated by the
                                  dalla torsione di tre      torsion of three       0         20m
                                  gusci curvi rivestiti      curved shells clad
                                  in legno                   with wood

Nigel Young / Foster + Partners

                                                                                                                                Foster + Partners
Sezione longitudinale                                                                            0       10      20 m
Long section

            el cuore della City, situato in un punto          si riscopre anche nelle sue fondamenta, che ospitano
            nevralgico dello Square Mile, in un isolato       gli antichi resti del tempio romano dedicato a Mithras,
            tra la Bank of London e la Cattedrale di          rinvenuto nel dopoguerra e successivamente spostato,
Saint Paul, sorge la nuova sede europea di Bloomberg,         oggi integrato all’interno del nuovo complesso e
multinazionale dell’informazione statunitense fondata         ricostruito nella sua posizione originaria. Il complesso
dall’ex sindaco di New York Michael Bloomberg,                è principalmente destinato ad accogliere gli uffici della
un edificio avveniristico ma intento al contempo a            società, ma l’attenzione verso la comunità, oltre alla
ricucire il legame col passato in una metropoli in            volontà di massimizzare l’investimento immobiliare,
continua evoluzione. La progettazione, affidata allo          hanno indirizzato la progettazione verso un mix di
studio inglese Foster + Partners, si è articolata su due      funzioni che ha portato alla pianificazione di vasti spazi
livelli, urbanistico e architettonico, che si integrano       commerciali al piano terra.
ordinatamente generando uno spazio fluido capace              L’edificio, composto da nove piani fuori terra più tre
di rispondere sia alle esigenze della committenza,            interrati, è accessibile al pubblico attraverso l’ingresso
molto vicina alle problematiche socio-ambientali, sia a       principale che collega direttamente al Vortex, uno
quelle della comunità cittadina. Il complesso rigenera        spazio centrale a doppia altezza generato dalla torsione
un pezzo di città evitando un approccio introverso; al        di tre gusci curvi rivestiti in legno che simboleggiano
contrario, la nuova costruzione guarda verso lo spazio        il dinamismo della società. Attraverso questo spazio
intorno con l’apertura al pubblico della Bloomberg            è possibile accedere agli impianti di risalita, che
Arcade, il passaggio pedonale porticato ricavato fra i        conducono i visitatori direttamente al sesto piano,
due corpi principali collegati poi ai piani superiori da      punto focale dell’edificio e luogo di socializzazione
passerelle. Questo percorso urbano ricalca la Watling         e scambio dove i dipendenti possono condividere
Street, un’antica strada romana che collegava Londra          informazioni e maturare collaborazioni. Al livello
con il Galles, ed è connesso con un sistema di tre            superiore si articolano su una mezzaluna le sale
piazze pubbliche caratterizzate dall’installazione di         riunioni e gli uffici privati, affacciati su un volume
sculture d’acqua, opere dell’artista Christina Iglesias,      centrale denominato Ha-Ha, illuminato da luce zenitale
che richiamano simbolicamente il Walbrook River che           attraverso un’ampia vetrata sorretta da una struttura
scorreva attraverso il sito. L’eredità storica del luogo la   metallica a graticcio triangolare. Al centro del blocco

P R O G E T T I   I N          D E T TA G L I O


                                                        1                                                                                                                  4


                                       3                                          3

                               1                                                                                                                4


                                                                                                                     Pianta piano quarto
                                                                                                                     Fourth floor plan
                                                                        0       20m
      Pianta piano terra
      Ground floor plan                                         Level 4

                                                                                                                     1.   lobby                        1.   lobby
                                                                                                                     2.   auditorium                   2.   auditorium
                                                    7                                                                3.   negozi                       3.   retail
                                                                                                                     4.   uffici                       4.   offices
                                                                                                                     5.   vuoto sottostante            5.   void below
                                                            5               4
                                                                                                                     6.   passarella di collegamento   6.   connecting walkway
                                                                                                                     7.   spazio doppia altezza        7.   double height space



                                                                                                Foster + Partners

                                                                                                                             0    10     20 m

      Pianta piano sesto       principale si trova la scenografica scala elicoidale                                 traguardo è stata necessaria una selezione attenta
      Sixth floor plan
                               composta da un unico elemento strutturale basato su                                  delle tecnologie costruttive e l’orientamento verso
                               una curva matematica ipotrocoidale, che forma una                                    materiali naturali come la pietra arenaria, utilizzata
                               superficie liscia continua tridimensionale tra i vari                                per la finitura delle facciate, e leghe di bronzo per gli
                               piani. Gli spazi di lavoro per i 6/700 dipendenti sono                               elementi di schermatura. Sono state, inoltre, integrate
                               distribuiti su diversi piani con uno schema ricorrente                               strategie climatiche atte all’abbattimento dei consumi
                               open-space studiato appositamente per garantire                                      energetici, quali ventilazione naturale attraverso gli
                               il massimo utilizzo della superficie disponibile e                                   elementi di facciata, gestione idrica con recupero
                               permettere il raccoglimento in gruppi di lavoro senza                                delle acque meteoriche e grigie, riutilizzo dei rifiuti
                               comprometterne la privacy.                                                           prodotti, sistema di controllo automatizzato per il
                               Grazie a una progettazione interamente orientata verso                               monitoraggio e la gestione delle condizioni ambientali
                               la sostenibilità ambientale e l’efficienza energetica,                               interne e sistema di illuminazione a LED integrato
                               l’edificio ha ottenuto la certificazione BREEAM                                      nei pannelli a soffitto preassemblati con 2,5 milioni di
                               Outstanding, il massimo livello previsto dal protocollo                              “petali” di alluminio, in grado di garantire un livello di
                               inglese, risultando a oggi l’edificio per uffici col                                 illuminazione e assorbimento acustico ottimale negli
                               più alto punteggio. Per il raggiungimento di questo                                  spazi di lavoro.

Il percorso urbano
della Bloomberg
Arcade ricalca la
Watling Street,
un’antica strada
romana che collegava
Londra con il Galles
The urban streetscape
of the Bloomberg
Arcade overlays
Watling Street, an old
Roman road which
used to link London
with Wales

                         Nigel Young / Foster + Partners

P R O G E T T I   I N   D E T TA G L I O

                                 ZOOM 1
                         IL SISTEMA DI SCHERMATURA

                         Le ostruzioni generate dall’ambiente urbano circostante, densamente edificato,         1. rivestimento: pannelli metallici
                                                                                                                2. copertura:
                         e l’altezza relativamente contenuta dell’edificio permettono un ombreggiamento            - lamiera di acciaio zincato posata
                         naturale della radiazione solare. Un aggiuntivo sistema oscurante integrato               a secco su profili pressopiegati
                                                                                                                   - travi secondarie calandrate
                         in facciata, costituito da 117 pannelli a lame verticali a tutta altezza a forma di       in profili laminati di acciaio IPE
                                                                                                                   - travi principali in profili laminati
                         pinne rivestite in lega di bronzo e collegati alla facciata vetrata continua con          di acciaio
                         un telaio di alluminio, permette di regolare la radiazione solare incidente nelle         - soletta di calcestruzzo armato
                                                                                                                   gettato in opera
                         ore centrali delle giornate estive. Quando le condizioni climatiche ambientali            - isolante in lana di roccia
                         risultano favorevoli, un sistema di controllo automatizzato ne permette                   - controsoffitto sagomato di alluminio
                                                                                                                3. balcone non accessibile:
                         l’apertura, favorendo il movimento orizzontale naturale dell’aria. Nella stagione         - lastre di pietra arenaria
                         estiva, l’aria in movimento attraversa tutto l’edificio e viene convogliata nella         - isolante in lana di roccia
                                                                                                                   - elemento prefabbricato
                         rampa elicoidale centrale dalla quale fuoriesce attraverso apposite aperture              di calcestruzzo armato
                                                                                                                   - travi di collegamento in profili
                         superiori integrate nella copertura vetrata, favorendo l’estrazione per effetto           laminati di acciaio
                         camino. Al fine di attenuare il discomfort acustico per gli utenti, sono state            - isolante in lana di roccia
                                                                                                                   - lamiera sagomata di bronzo
                         integrate all’interno delle pinne apposite fodere in materiale isolante in grado di    4. rivestimento: lastre di bronzo
                         assorbire i rumori generati dal traffico cittadino. Tale sistema di climatizzazione    5. chiusura verticale trasparente:
                         naturale, collegato a un sistema di monitoraggio della qualità dell’aria interna          sistema di facciata vetrata a montanti
                                                                                                                   e traversi in alluminio
                         sulla base del livello occupazionale dell’edificio, è risultato in grado di tagliare   6. solaio piano tipo:
                         del 35% i consumi energetici per ventilazione e climatizzazione, con un                   - pavimentazione sopraelevata
                                                                                                                   - soletta di calcestruzzo armato gettato
                         significativo abbattimento dei livelli di CO2 interni.                                    in opera
                                                                                                                   - travi in profili laminati di acciaio IPE
                                                                                                                   - controsoffitto prefabbricato a “petali”
                                                                                                                   di alluminio con sistema di illuminazione
All’interno delle                                                                                                  e condizionamento integrato
pinne rivestite in
bronzo del sistema                                                                                              7. balcone:
di schermatura sono                                                                                                - pavimentazione sopraelevata
state inserite fodere                                                                                              su piedini regolabili
di materiale isolante                                                                                              - isolante rigido di EPS
per ridurre anche il                                                                                               - membrana impermeabile
discomfort acustico                                                                                                - soletta di calcestruzzo armato
                                                                                                                   gettato in opera
Inside the bronze clad                                                                                             - travi in profili laminati di acciaio IPE
fins insulating covers                                                                                             - controsoffitto prefabbricato a “petali”
were inserted with                                                                                                 di alluminio con sistema di illuminazione
purpose of improving                                                                                               e condizionamento integrato
acoustic comfort
                                                                                                                1. cladding: metal panels
                                                                                                                2. roof:
                                                                                                                   - galvanised steel sheeting
                                                                                                                   on pressed profiles
                                                                                                                   - secondary steel beams
                                                                                                                   - main steel trusses
                                                                                                                   - in-situ reinforced concrete slab
                                                                                                                   - rockwool insulation
                                                                                                                   - aluminium pre-formed
                                                                                                                   suspended ceiling
                                                                                                                3. non accessible balcony:
                                                                                                                   - stone slabs
                                                                                                                   - rockwool insulation
                                                                                                                   - reinforced concrete prefabricated
                                                                                                                   - laminated steel connecting beams
                                                                                                                   - rockwool insulation
                                                                                                                   - bronze sheeting
                                                                                                                4. cladding: bronze sheets
                                                                                                                5. transparent vertical enclosure:
                                                                                                                   facade system made of aluminium
                                                                                                                   transoms and mullions
                                                                                                                6. typical floor:
                                                                                                                   - raised flooring
                                                                                                                   - in-situ reinforced concrete slab
                                                                                                                   - laminated steel connecting beams
                                                                                                                   - prefabricated suspended ceiling
                                                                                                                   made of aluminium petals with
                                                                                                                   integrated lighting and air
                                                                                                                   conditioning system
                                                                                                                7. balcony:
                                                                                                                   - raised flooring with adjustable feet
                                                                                                                   - EPS rigid insulation
                                                                                                                   - waterproof insulation
                                                                                                                   - in-situ reinforced concrete slab
                                                                                                                   - laminated steel connecting beams
                                                                                                                   - prefabricated suspended ceiling
                         Nigel Young / Foster + Partners

                                                                                                                   made of aluminium petals
                                                                                                                   with integrated lighting and air
                                                                                                                   conditioning system


                                                                   Sezione verticale. Scala 1:50
                                                                    Vertical section. Scale 1:50

                                                                                                   Stefano Ravasio

ARKETIPO                      P R O G E T T I   I N   D E T TA G L I O

                                  Schizzi di Norman Foster
                                  Sketches of Norman Foster

                                  Il complesso rigenera un
                                  pezzo di città guardando
                                  verso lo spazio intorno
                                  con l’apertura al pubblico
                                  della Bloomberg Arcade,
                                  il passaggio pedonale
                                  porticato ricavato fra i due
                                  corpi principali
                                  The complex has brought
                                  regeneration to a part of
                                  the city while looking at
                                  the space around with the
                                  opening to the public of
                                  the Bloomberg Arcade,
                                  the pedestrian covered
                                  passageway carved
                                  between the two main
Nigel Young / Foster + Partners



Un secondo sistema di ventilazione naturale è stato         da una saracinesca isolata ad apertura automatica,
integrato in corrispondenza dei dieci muri di taglio di     ridotta in sezione al fine di diminuirne la pressione
calcestruzzo armato disposti perimetralmente al fine        aumentando la velocità di ingresso. Sempre
di rispondere alle sollecitazioni orizzontali. Il sistema   internamente, un’apposita sottostruttura a telaio
di rivestimento è prevalentemente prefabbricato e si        metallica sorregge i pannelli di assorbimento acustici
compone di un manto continuo in lastre di arenaria          rivestiti, da un lato, da pannelli perforati di alluminio,
proveniente dalle cave del Derbyshire, impiegata in         e, dall’altro, da pannelli di pietra arenaria.
quasi 10.000 tonnellate sull’intero involucro.              Il sistema si completa con l’integrazione dei vani
All’interno dei condotti di ventilazione, larghi 45 cm      ascensore, teche completamente vetrate sorrette da
e lunghi quasi 3 m, ispezionabili e disposti ai lati        una leggera struttura di acciaio, ricavati all’interno
del muro massivo di calcestruzzo, l’aria esterna            dell’intercapedine creata tra i due involucri vetrati        assonometrico
s’incanala attraverso apposite prese d’aria, regolate       di facciata.                                                 Axonometric section

                                                                                                                                                Foster + Partners

ARKETIPO                P R O G E T T I   I N   D E T TA G L I O

                                   Il sistema di
                                   rivestimento è
Nigel Young / Foster + Partners

                                   prefabbricato e si
                                   compone di un manto
                                   continuo in lastre di
                                   The cladding system
                                   is predominantly
                                   prefabricated and
                                   it is composed of a
                                   continuous skin of
                                   stone slabs

                                                                                                                                     5       7





                                                                                                                                                                                                      Foster + Partners



Esploso 3D del sistema di schermatura e ventilazione dei pannelli verticali a forma di pinne rivestiti in bronzo
Axonometric view of insulating and ventilation covers of vertical panels bronze clad fins

1. saracinesca chiusa isolata per                          8. sistema di rivestimento interno                        1. fixed insulated shutter                   8. internal cladding system made
   la regolazione degli scambi d’aria                          di pietra arenaria                                       to regulate the air flow                      of stone
2. sistema di rivestimento esterno                         9. rivestimento della trave esterna                          exchange                                  9. stone cladding of
   di pietra arenaria                                          di pietra arenaria                                    2. external stone cladding                       the external beam
3. saracinesca aperta isolata per                          10. rivestimento interno in lamiera                       3. thermal open door                         10. bronze sheeting internal
   la regolazione degli scambi d’aria                          di bronzo                                             4. reinforced concrete spine wall                cladding
4. muro a taglio di calcestruzzo armato                    11. condotto di ventilazione                              5. perforated metallic panel to access the   11. ventilation duct
5. pannello metallico perforato di accesso                 12. cabina ascensore                                         ventilation duct                          12. lift car
   al condotto di ventilazione                             13. struttura in acciaio e vetro del vano                 6. soundproofing panel                       13. glass and steel structure
6. pannello acustico fonoassorbente                            ascensore                                             7. metallic substructure                         of the lift shaft
7. sottostruttura metallica

   DESIGNERS                                                     Ingegneria illuminotecnica/Lighting design:
   Localizzazione/Location: London, UK                           Tillotson Design Associates                                     REFERENCES
   Progetto architettonico/Architectural design:                 Project management e gestione economica/Project                 • MOORE ROWAN, BLOOMBERG EUROPEAN HQ REVIEW –
   Foster + Partners                                             management and cost consulting: AECOM                           WELCOME TO THE BLOOMBERGEUM, THE GUARDIAN,
                                                                 Committente/Client: Bloomberg LP                                29 OCTOBER 2017.
   Progettazione paesaggistica/Landscape design:                                                                                 • WAINWRIGHT OLIVER, “BLOOMBERG HQ: A £1BN BUILDING THAT
   Charles Funke Associates                                      Data di progettazione/Design period: 2010                       LOOKS LIKE A REGIONAL DEPARTMENT STORE”, THE GUARDIAN,
   Ingegneria strutturale/Structural engineering: AKT II         Data di completamento/Completion: 2017                          25 OCTOBER 2017.
   Ingegneria ambientale/Environmental engineering:              Superficie lorda costruita/Gross area: 102,190 m²               • KENNEDY MAEV, RECONSTRUCTED ROMAN TEMPLE OF MITHRAS
   Sweco AB                                                                                                                      OPENS TO PUBLIC IN LONDON, THE GUARDIAN, 8 NOVEMBER 2017.
                                                                 Costo/Cost: 1,147,720 €

materials, in the approach to the ground in the standardisation of         Page 058
the landscape. Such personal results are immediately recognisable,
so particular that they cannot be repeated, so abstract to be timeless.
                                                                           BLOOMBERG’S NEW EUROPEAN
The plan is very wide playing between the north corner of the              HEADQUARTERS
heliport and the south one of the external car park. The complex,          LONDON, UK
example of sustainability even with a minimum increase of ground           Foster + Partners
use, has been built on the shape of the 1970’s disused industrial          TWO VOLUMES OPENING UP TO THE CITY AND CONNECTED VIA
sheds which can be reached by the main road along the Arno river,          SUSPENDED WALKWAYS HAVE FACADES DESIGNED FOR THE
running parallel to the Milan-Rome motorway. The regeneration              THERMAL CONTROL OF THE INTERNAL ENVIRONMENTS: 117
project stretches over an area of more than 9 ha on which the              FULL HEIGHT VERTICAL FINS CLAD WITH BRONZE ALLOY ALLOW
                                                                           TO CONTROL THE DIRECT SOLAR RADIATION AND A NATURAL
attention to details is taken to the extreme whether they are
                                                                           VENTILATION SYSTEM INTEGRATED IN CORRESPONDENCE OF TEN
architectural details or natural details. It is a production factory for   REINFORCED CONCRETE PERPENDICULAR WALLS ARRANGED AT
more than 700 workers who go to work using their cars every day;           THE PERIMETER MANAGES THE AIR RECYCLE.
this lead to the requirement to fluidify and optimise the internal         In the heart of the City of London, in a key location within the Square
flows, visitors-employees-logistics, with separate vehicular accesses      Mile, in a block between the Bank of London and the Saint Paul’s
and different car parks. Particular is the area to the north, arranged     Cathedral, there are the new European headquarters of Bloomberg, a
under pergolas which follow the natural inclination of the ground, to      futuristic building but at the same time focused to reconnect the link to
be followed by the area to the west for the managing director, then        the past of a metropolis in continuous evolution. The design, by Fosters
on the south, the area running parallel to the main road for the           and Partners, has been articulated onto two levels, urban planning
external visitors, finally to the south-east that for the employees and
                                                                           and architecture, which are neatly integrated generating a fluid space
on the same side, the car park for the suppliers together with the
                                                                           capable of respond to the client’s requirements, very close to social
loading bay. The pedestrian access is located to the south-west and is
                                                                           and environmental topics, as well as that of the local community. The
via two glazed walkways with a slight inclination, very much
                                                                           complex is regenerating a piece of the city avoiding an introverted
needed to go above the change of level and the water pool. The
                                                                           approach: on the contrary, the new building looks at the surrounding
entrance is from the portico, core of the connection between the
                                                                           space with the public opening of the Bloomberg Arcade, the covered
waiting and the operational area. The car parks contain at the
                                                                           pedestrian passageway created between the two main volumes then
perimeter the factory while separating it from the outside. The
                                                                           connected by elevated walkways. This urban path retraces the Watling
functional lay out and the superficial treatment of the envelope
                                                                           Street, an old roman route which used to connect London with Wales,
contribute o highlight the separation: reinforced concrete uniform
                                                                           and it is connected with a system of three public squares characterised
panels with horizontal bands made of a single clear colour. The
                                                                           by the installation of water sculptures, work by the artist Christina
ground floor is a “pen”, a large space separated from the outside
                                                                           Iglesias, which symbolically remind of the Walbrook River which
world, almost a sacred place within which the functions are
articulated. From a plan point of the view the west-east direction,        used to flow across the site. The historic legacy of the place can also be
originated by the external pergola, continuous in a linear way up to       discovered in its basement which houses the old remains of the Roman
the winter garden in front of the canteen separating the functions to      temple dedicated to Mithras, discovered after the war and subsequently
the north, such as offices and kitchen, from the production and            relocated but now integrated within the new complex and re-built
technical areas of the warehouse, the archive and the technical            in its original location. The complex is mainly designed to house the
plants located to the south. The upper floor is a volume created by        company’s offices, but the attention towards the community, in addition
placing together 4 parallelepipeds with a regular rectangular base         to the desire to maximise the real estate investment have directed the
rotated of 45° in relation to the raft below and separated from each       project towards a functional mix leading to the provision of large retail
other by three long and thin volumes containing the plant rooms            spaces on the ground floor.
which use for the ducts the perpendicular spine of the floor below.        The building composed of nine floors above ground and three basement
In addition the formal advantage, the rotation is also functional in       levels, is accessible to the public via the main entrance which directly
relation to the best sun exposition for the transparent portion of the     connects to the Vortex, a double height central space generated
sheds. The remaining spaces between the rotation of the lower raft         by the torsion of three wooden clad shells which symbolise the
and of the upper volume are occupied by triangular hanging                 dynamic nature of the company. This space is conduit to the vertical
gardens. There is also a thrid floor (the roof) which allows to            transportation systems which take the visitors directly to the sixth
appreciate the articulated interconnection of the opaque surfaces, of      floor, core part of the building and socialising and gathering space
the glazed and green roof of the canteen, of the services interweave.      where employees can share information and develop collaborations.
The facade treatment is diversified: the opaque portions of the            On the upper level, around a half-moon distribution, there are the
offices are finished with reinforced concrete panels while the             meeting rooms and the private offices, overlooking a central volume
vertical connections and the structural fins have the sides finished       called Ha-Ha, illuminated by zenithal light via a large skylight
with panels with double internal insulation; the stepped volume is         supported by a metal triangular truss system.
made of exposed white painted reinforced concrete; the west glazed         At the centre of the main block there is a scenic spiralling staircase
facade is screened by a green void and by a solid panel. Some              composed by a single structural element based onto a hypo-trocoidal
vertical connections such as staircases, goods lifts and lifts, are        mathematical curve which creates a smooth continuous three-
located externally to make sure they don’t interrupt the spatial           dimensional surface between the various levels.
continuity. Between the blocks of the upper floor the boxed beams          The workspaces for the 6-700 employees are distributed over the
project towards the outside going beyond the perimeter wall to             different floors with a recurring open space arrangement designed to
create three landmarks with the client’s board.                            guarantee the best space of the available floorplan and to allow the

ARKETIPO                                                       ENGLISH TEXT

gathering of groups of people without compromising the privacy.             is to comply with this principle. The circulation between the blocks is
Thanks to a design entirely oriented towards the environmental              via two large perpendicular corridors where there are the services and
sustainability and energy efficiency, the building has obtained an          the vertical distribution systems (in correspondence of the greenhouses)
Outstanding BREEAM certification, the maximum score for the                 making the directions clear and easily identifiable. This lay out is
British protocol which has put the building with the highest score          repeated also at the upper floors; the central block is also surrounded
for commercial properties. The achievement of this result needed            by a balcony overlooking the internal greenhouses. A smaller fifth
the careful selection of construction technologies and the steering         building, located on the north east elevation, ideal continuation of one
towards natural materials such as sandstone, used for the facades’          of the two horizontal corridors, houses activities connected to
finishes, and bronze alloy for the screening components. Also, climate      conferences, communication and education. The Foyer, structured as a
control strategies have been integrated to reduce energy consumption        greenhouse, acts like a filter and connection between the workspaces
including natural ventilation, using the facade elements, recycle of        and this small auditorium for 184 people. The block is organised over
rain and grey water, waste recycling, automated control system for the      three levels: in addition to the double height auditorium hall, meeting
monitoring and management of the internal environmental conditions          rooms. The main hall is inclined and entirely finished with MDF panels;
and integrated LED lighting system within the pre-installed ceiling         the ceiling has got deal acoustic features thanks to the use of reflecting
panels with 2.5 million of aluminium petals capable of ensuring the         and perforated MDF panels suspended from steel cables, with variable
ideal lighting level and acoustic absorption for the working spaces.        inclination. The choice of materials is coherent across the entire
                                                                            complex: the structure is entirely made of steel with the only
Page 070                                                                    exceptions of the service core made of reinforced concrete. All the
                                                                            blocks have simple volumes, marked by the trussed roof of industrial
PRYSMIAN GROUP                                                              legacy. It is however a reinterpretation in a high-tech key of the
HEADQUARTERS                                                                traditional manufacturing building. The north facing slopes allow for
MILANO, ITALY                                                               natural light to enter inside; the south facing ones present adjustable
Maurizio Varratta Architetto                                                aluminium screens to control the glare and the radiations. The quality
TWO TRIPLE HEIGHT VOLUMES PERPENDICULAR TO THE FOUR MAIN of the internal lighting levels is further controlled by internal
OFFICE BUILDINGS ARE FULLY GLAZED GREENHOUSES TO                            mechanical roller blinds on both slopes. The vertical enclosures reflect
INCLUDE, IN ADDITION TO THE HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL                         the concept of lightness and high technology; they are infact composed
CONNECTIONS BETWEEN THE VARIOUS CORPORATE AREAS, ALSO                       of transparent parts on
SPACES FOR GATHERING, RELAX AND SOCIALISING. THEY ALSO                      the continuous facade, screened by aluminium brise soleil, internal
CONTRIBUTE TO MAKE THE BUILDING ENERGY EFFICIENT, THEY                      and external curtains. The opaque parts are instead composed of dust
CONTROL THE LIGHT FLOW AND MITIGATE IN A PASSIVE WAY THE                    painted aluminium modular panels. The vertical enclosures
INTERNAL SUMMER AND WINTER TEMPERATURES.                                    too maintain a coherent language on all the elevations, alternating
The new Prysmian Group’s headquarters are located in an area with a         aluminium and glass, but they become more or less open depending on
clear industrial past. The building designed by Maurizio Varratta           the level of light radiation: in this way, the south facing elevations and
manages to efficiently configure such legacy with the corporate             the entrance hall are screened by the same aluminium brise soleil used
principles which make the new headquarters a virtuous example of an on the roof. The elevations of the smaller blocks of the greenhouses
innovative and pleasant workplace. The area was already occupied by         instead envisage the use of external and internal curtains. The
an existing building which was demolished in 2011 to give space to this structural system has been conceived as a continuation of the
new scheme which occupies the same volume. In this way there was no compositional principles: the vertical structures are made of the steel
increase in the area occupied; in addition the tower                        repeating the structural grid and maintaining large spans. The floors are
used for the old factory has been maintained and restores together with pre-stressed pre-fabricated hollow slabs flush with the beam for spans
the part of the building called Energy House, which now houses the          larger than 12m. Reinforced concrete walls and cores provide the
nurse room, post office and other ancillary spaces. The building, which     structural brace to the entire structural system, together with east and
is occupied by 700 employees, is composed by four main blocks,              west facades of the office blocks which are also made of reinforced
oriented toward the east-west direction and parallel to each other. These concrete and mainly solid.
main volumes, which includes the office spaces, are broken up by
shorter blocks, configures like large greenhouses: these are triple height
                                                                            Page 082
spaces containing areas specifically designed like interactive spaces
and for distribution to the office buildings. The greenhouses are the
                                                                            NORVENTO HEADQUARTERS
main features of the project, capable of transforming the requirements
                                                                            LUGO, SPAIN
related to the organisation of the building, to the comfort of the users    Francisco Mangado
and to the energy efficiency as part of a design opportunity. These         ONE SINGLE FLOOR WHERE THE ARCHITECTURAL VOLUMES ARE
                                                                            ORGANICALLY CONFIGURED AND THE FLUIDITY OF THE INTERNAL
spaces infact houses a variety if functions which are normally
                                                                            SPACES BLENDS WITH THE NATURAL LANDSCAPE.
considered less interesting, designing a landscape which control the
                                                                            THE VOLUME, ENERGETICALLY INDEPENDENT AND NOT
internal lighting. In this space there are the staircases and the lifts, in
                                                                            CONNECTED TO THE ENERGY NETWORK, MATERIALISES WITH A
addition to the horizontal distribution, which allow the access to the
                                                                            FACADE MADE OF WOODEN MODULAR PANELS MADE OF WHITE
areas to be used as offices. The complex is articulated over three storey
above ground: the main blocks are occupied by flexible and open space The construction of the Norvento Headquarters was completed in
areas, broken by more private rooms for a total of 650 workstations.        2016, after a long process started with the design competition won by
The depth of these block is limited thus allowing the natural lighting of the Spanish architect Francisco Mangado in 2011.
the spaces; the choice to position the distribution corridor inside the     The building is located at the border between an area with a
block                                                                       predominantly industrial use and a green area characterised by a
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