Pagina creata da Salvatore Pagano

                                                                                           In partnership with

      Year 2 • N.2
March/April · 2018

                                                                                             DESIGN • KNOW HOW • INNOVATION • VISION
         Edizioni Turbo Srl - Corso della Resistenza, 23 - 20821 - Meda (MB) - Tel. +39 0362 600463/4/5/9 - Fax. +39 0362 600616 - Periodico bimestrale - Registrazione al Tribunale di Milano
            n. 2 del 4 gennaio 2018 - Stampa: Italgrafica - Novara - Poste Italiane Spa - Sped. in Abbonamento Postale DL 353/2003 (conv. in L. 27.02.2004, n.46) art. 1, comma 1, LO/MI -
                                           In caso di mancato recapito inviare al CMP di Milano Roserio per la restituzione al mittente previo pagamento resi.

                                                                                In partnership with


      Year 2 • N.2
March/April · 2018

                                                                                             DESIGN • KNOW HOW • INNOVATION • VISION
         Edizioni Turbo Srl - Corso della Resistenza, 23 - 20821 - Meda (MB) - Tel. +39 0362 600463/4/5/9 - Fax. +39 0362 600616 - Periodico bimestrale - Registrazione al Tribunale di Milano
            n. 2 del 4 gennaio 2018 - Stampa: Italgrafica - Novara - Poste Italiane Spa - Sped. in Abbonamento Postale DL 353/2003 (conv. in L. 27.02.2004, n.46) art. 1, comma 1, LO/MI -
                                           In caso di mancato recapito inviare al CMP di Milano Roserio per la restituzione al mittente previo pagamento resi.


 st                                                                                                                                  product preview
  pa r t
                  Move it                                                                                        ANUGA
                                                                                                              FOODTEC 2018
                 or lose it
                    Trends, hurdles, goals, opportunities.
                                                                                                                              20 - 23 March • Cologne, Germany
                                                                                                           The leading international supplier fair for the food and beverage industry.
                                                                                                         The most interesting technological innovations developed by Italian companies.
                    In this well-rounded survey, leading                                                                               Bakery
                                                                                                                       Fruit & Vegetables
                  Italian market players talk about their

                 present and future. Innovation is the key
                word. Internationalization a must. Because                                                              Pasta                 Meat Services & Solutions
                     competitiveness demands flexibility                                                                                      Food Packaging

                                                                                                                                                      Safety & Analytics
               and perseverance. And a lot, lot of passion.                                                                                           Food Ingredients

                                                                                                                                                         Food Processing
                                                                                                                                                                                 from page 13 to page 33

                                                                                                                   company                                                 focus on
                                                                                                       Imoon, innovation                                 Agricolture 4.0,
                                                                                                        is driving growth                                  the state of
                                                                                                                                                         the art in Italy
                                                                                                                                                    A 100 million-euro turnover for digital
                                                                                                                                                   technologies in agriculture and farming.
                                                                                                                                                       But less than 1% of Italian crops
                                                                                                                                                        are affected by this revolution.
                                                                                                                                                                           on pages 36 and 37

                                                                                                                                                        Target America
                                                                                                         Revenue up by 30% in 2017. The                 The new technology road show
                                                                                                       company’s expansion in food retail on        launched by the Italian Trade Agency
                                                                                                      global markets continues. New products          (ITA) is called ‘Innovation Days’.
                                                                                                       on their way, advanced solutions for a          It will take place across the USA
                                                                                                          new concept of store lightning.           between June 2018 and January 2019.
                                                                                                                         on page 8                                            on page 34

                                                                                                      the interview                                                                on page 12

                                                                                                      Packaging pioneers
                                                                                                      Interview with Walter Saccardo, second generation at the head
                                                                                                      of the namesake family company, one of Italy’s leading producers
                                                                                                      of vacuum packing machines and automatic bagging systems.

                                                                                                        TOP TECH                                            centerfold
                                                                                                        SPECIAL INSERT
                                           from page 9 to page 11                                       Air Treatment Unit ‘Blu Series’
Year 2 • N.2
March/April · 2018    editorial

                                                                                 Italy is going
                                                                                 By Riccardo Colletti

                                                                                    “Global markets pay increasing attention and show great ap-        and with so much effort, during really difficult years. Especially
                                                                                 preciation for machinery, systems and solutions Made in Italy.        in terms of credibility and reputation. It would be highly unwise
                                                                                 Especially in some of the world’ most dynamic areas, like South       and detrimental, since in terms of overall GDP (that for years
                                                                                 America. The national Industry Plan 4.0 has brought great sa-         has been seen as a nightmare) the upward trend is confirmed.
                                                                                 tisfactions, most of all in relation to this sector, that neverthe-   Let’s say it all: there is still much to do, but the overall scenario
                                                                                 less now deserves structural reforms in order to bring a new          is definitely less negative than in previous years. There is a reco-
                                                                                 era of innovation in food machinery. Furthermore, a strong            very in domestic demand (Italian food market) that corresponds
                                                                                 governmental intervention aimed at supporting employment is           to a rising trend on a global scale.
                                                                                 expected and required, also through a significant cut in labor           It doesn’t end up here. In the voices of our survey respon-
                                                                                 costs. The Italian industry needs support, because it has all the     dents we found the dedication, passion, determination and the
                                                                                 credentials and skills needed to be competitive and winning at        expertise that Italian entrepreneurs, together with their trusted
                                                                                 the highest levels.”                                                  collaborators, continue to put in place unstintingly. Facing the
                                                                                    This is how we can summarize - but I suggest you to read it        many challenges that arise, with no trace of reverential fear, but
                                                                                 step by step - what has emerged from an exclusive survey con-         only a healthy respect for competitors.
                                                                                 ducted by Tech4Food Magazine. The first fifteen interviews               Anuga FoodTec 2018 represents - according to the size and
                                                                                 published here only represent a ‘first chapter’, the others will be   importance of the exhibition - a further and qualified testing
                                                                                 made during Anuga FoodTec, in Cologne - where this second             ground. In the central pages of this issue of Tech4Food Magazi-
                                                                                 2018 issue of the magazine will be distributed - with as many         ne you will find a rich and wide ‘preview’ of the most significant
                                                                                 Italian managers in the food technology industry. They portray        innovations that Made in Italy, in all of its forms, will put on sta-
                                                                                 a clear picture of the market, and offer several food-for-thought.    ge to continue growing and play a key role on the global scena-
                                                                                    To a certain extent, they give a clear message to those politi-    rio. The quality, reliability and Italian creativity will once again
                                                                                 cians that, after the latest general elections, and now more than     make the difference and catch the attention of operators. Even
                                                                                 ever, have the challenging task (well beyond the duty, I would        more if we measure ourselves against relevant market players
                                                                                 say) of strengthening domestic economy and supporting inter-          like Germany, an authentic European export engine, as well as
                                                                                 nationalization. Avoiding, therefore, to waste the work that has      a country historically devoted to the construction of machinery
                                                                                 been done. Or worse, to waste the ‘treasure’ gained over time         and technology. But as you know, when the going gets tough...

                     TECH4FOOD                                                     E’ l’Italia che va…

                                 DESIGN • KNOW HOW • INNOVATION • VISION

                        Managing director:                                            “I mercati esteri dimostrano gran-        re - fotografano in maniera puntuale         la dedizione, la passione, la tenacia
                       ANGELO FRIGERIO                                             de attenzione e apprezzamento per            la situazione. E offrono interessanti        e la competenza che gli imprendito-
                         Editorial director:                                       i macchinari, i sistemi e le soluzioni       spunti di riflessione.                       ri italiani, insieme con i collaboratori
                     RICCARDO COLLETTI                                             Made in Italy. In particolare sono più          In qualche misura sono un mes-            di ogni giorno, continuano a mette-
                  Edited by: Edizioni Turbo Srl
                    Corso della Resistenza, 23
                                                                                   che buoni i riscontri da alcune aree         saggio ai naviganti, per essere più          re in campo senza risparmiarsi. Rac-
                        20821 - Meda (MB)                                          dinamiche come il Sud America. Mol-          espliciti ai politici che, dopo questa       cogliendo le numerose sfide che si
                   Tel. +39 0362 600463/4/5/9                                      to bene il piano nazionale Industria         tornata elettorale, hanno più che mai        prospettano, senza alcun timore re-
                      Fax. +39 0362 600616                                         4.0: i risultati si vedono relativamente     l’obbligo (ben oltre il dovere, direi)       verenziale, ma solo con il giusto ri-
                      e-mail:                                       al nostro settore, che però avrebbe          di rafforzare l’economia interna e di        spetto nei confronti dei concorrenti.
             Periodico bimestrale - Registrazione                                  bisogno di riforme strutturali a sup-        sostenere lo sviluppo all’estero. Evi-          Anuga FoodTec 2018 rappresenta -
                al Tribunale di Milano n. 2 del 4                                  porto del rinnovamento per il mec-           tando, quindi, di dilapidare il lavoro       vista la portata della manifestazione
             gennaio 2018 - Stampa: Italgrafica -
                  Novara - Poste Italiane Spa -                                    cano alimentare. Così come è ormai           svolto. O, peggio, di sprecare il te-        fieristica - un ulteriore e qualificato
                Sped. in Abbonamento Postale                                       decisivo un intervento reale volto a         soretto conquistato nel tempo e con          banco di prova. Nelle pagine centrali
              DL 353/2003 (conv. in L. 27.02.2004,                                 favorire l’occupazione, mettendo in          tanta fatica, durante anni davvero           di questo numero di Tech4Food Ma-
                 n.46) art. 1, comma 1, LO/MI -                                    atto un tangibile taglio dei costi del       difficili. Specialmente in termini di        gazine trovate una succosa e ampia
             In caso di mancato recapito, inviare                                  lavoro. L’industria italiana deve esse-      credibilità e di reputazione. Sarebbe        ‘anteprima’ sulle novità che il Made
                all’ufficio postale di Roserio per                                 re sostenuta perché ha le qualità e          sciagurato e deleterio, dal momento          in Italy, in tutte le sue declinazioni,
                la restituzione al mittente che si
                                                                                   tutte le carte in regola per competere       che sotto il profilo complessivo il Pil      metterà in campo e in passerella per
              impegna a pagare la relativa tariffa.
                       Una copia 1,00 euro -                                       e vincere ai massimi livelli”.               (che per anni è stato vissuto come un        continuare a crescere e a giocare un
               Abbonamento annuo 20,00 euro                                           Si può sintetizzare in questo modo        incubo) è confermato al rialzo anche         ruolo di primo livello sullo scenario
                L’editore garantisce la massima                                    – ma vi consiglio di leggerla passo          per quest’anno. Sia chiaro: c’è anco-        mondiale. La qualità, l’affidabilità e
             riservatezza dei dati personali in suo                                dopo passo – il contenuto che emer-          ra molto da fare, ma il clima generale       la creatività italiana ancora una volta
              possesso. Tali dati saranno utilizzati                               ge dall’inchiesta esclusiva condotta         è sicuramente meno sfavorevole che           potranno fare la differenza e imporsi
              per la gestione degli abbonamenti                                    da Tech4Food Magazine. Le prime              negli anni precedenti. C’è una ripresa       all’attenzione degli operatori. Ancor
                   e per l’invio di informazioni
             commerciali. In base all’Art. 13 della
                                                                                   quindici interviste che pubblichiamo         della domanda interna (mercato ali-          più misurandosi con un mercato ri-
              Legge n° 196/2003, i dati potranno                                   - si tratta solo della prima puntata, la     mentare italiano) che ben si combina         levante, rappresentato appunto dal-
                 essere rettificati o cancellati in                                seconda la realizzeremo in occasione         con un trend al rialzo sullo scacchiere      la Germania, autentica locomotiva
                qualsiasi momento scrivendo a:                                     di Anuga FoodTec, a Colonia, dove            internazionale.                              dell’export europeo, oltre che terra
            Edizioni Turbo S.r.l.Edizioni Turbo S.r.l.                             è in distribuzione questo secondo               Un’altra considerazione. Le voci dei      storicamente votata alla costruzione
             Responsabile dati: Riccardo Colletti                                  numero del 2018, con altrettanti ma-         protagonisti della nostra indagine           di macchinari e tecnologie. Ma si sa,
                    Corso della Resistenza, 23                                     nager italiani del meccano alimenta-         fanno emergere, ancora una volta,            quando il gioco si fa duro…
                         20821 Meda (MB)

           4 • Tech4Food Magazine
Year 2 • N.2
March/April · 2018   news

                                                                                                The information security market
                                                                                                is worth one billion euro in Italy
                               Fratelli Pagani opens
                                                                                                  The Italian market for ‘information security’ solutions is now worth 1.09
                             a new A
                                   ‘ roma Laboratory’                                           billion euro, up by 12% over 2016. Investments are mainly concentra-
                                                                                                ted among big companies (78%), willing to adapt their practices to the
                                                                                                new European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This is what
                                                                                                emerges from a study conducted by the ‘Information security & privacy’
                                                                                                Observatory of the Milano Politecnico. One Italian company out of two
                                                                                                (51%) - against the 9% of one year ago - is undergoing important projects
                                                                                                to comply with the EU regulation, which will come into force starting
                                                                                                from 25 May 2018, while 58% (compared to 15% in 2016) has a dedicated
                                                                                                  Il mercato della sicurezza informatica
                                                                                                  vale un miliardo di euro in Italia
                                                                                                  Il mercato delle soluzioni di ‘information security’ in Italia raggiunge il
                                                                                                valore di 1,09 miliardi di euro, in crescita del 12% rispetto al 2016. La spe-
                                                                                                sa si concentra prevalentemente fra le grandi imprese (78%), trainata dai
                                                                                                progetti di adeguamento al nuovo regolamento europeo sulla protezione
                                                                                                dei dati (GDPR). È quanto emerge da uno studio dell’Osservatorio ‘Infor-
                                                                                                mation security & privacy’ della School of management del Politecnico
                                                                                                Milano. Un’impresa italiana su due (51%), contro il 9% di un anno fa, ha in
                                                                                                corso progetti strutturati per adeguarsi alla normativa Ue, che diventerà
                                                                                                applicabile dal 25 maggio 2018, e il 58% (rispetto al 15% del 2016) ha un
                Fratelli Pagani, Italian leading      fic aromatic profiles, we put at cu-      budget dedicato.
              producer of exclusive ingredients       stomers’ disposal our specialized
              and aromas for the food industry,       technicians, with a ten-years-old
              announced the creation of a new         experience in the field of process        Wine cellars: new partnership
              ‘Laboratorio Aromi’ (Aroma La-          flavors,” said Marco Cardazzi, pre-       between Haier and Tenuta San Guido
              boratory). The atelier is located       sident of Fratelli Pagani. “The new         Haier has signed a partnership agreement with Tenuta San Guido, a
              in the Milan headquarter, via G.        structure will manage to offer aro-       historic Tuscan winery producing Bolgheri Sassicaia, one of the most re-
              Fantoli 32, and represents a big        mas in different solutions: liquids,      nowned Italian wines worldwide. As a technical partner, the world’s num-
              push toward innovation as well as       paste and powder (spray dried             ber one of major ap-
              a strong investment in the com-         flavours).” With the help of quali-       pliances brand will
              pany’s R&D department. The final        fied technicians, customers will be       provide Tenuta and
              goal is to offer customers an incre-    allowed to elaborate tailor-made          Osteria San Guido
              asingly complete service, by put-       and unique aromatic profiles. In ad-      with its wine cellars.
              ting at their disposal a century-old    dition, Chromatographic Systems           “Haier confirms it-
              expertise in the production of fun-     HPLC and GC-MS are also avai-             self as a strong point
              ctional and full blends, thanks to      lable, in order to ensure great taste/    of reference in the
              over 1,000 different aromatic sub-      flavor and a one-of-a-kind color.         field of wine storage.
              stances, like natural molecules, ex-                                              And this leadership
              tracts, aromatic herbs and spices.        For any request please contact:         entails significant in-
                “Through the creation of speci-                    vestments in techno-
                                                                                                logy, quality and design, and a very high innovation rate,” said Federico
                                                                                                Mangiacotti, Haier’s market director for Italy.
                                                                                                  Cantinette vino: partnership
                                                                                                  tra Haier e Tenuta San Guido
                                                                                                  Haier ha stretto un accordo di collaborazione con Tenuta San Guido,
                                                                                                storica azienda vinicola toscana che produce il Bolgheri Sassicaia, uno dei
                                                                                                vini italiani più rinomati al mondo. In qualità di partner tecnico, il gruppo
                                                                                                numero uno a livello globale tra le marche di grandi elettrodomestici for-
                                                                                                nirà le proprie cantine vino alle sale della Tenuta e all’Osteria San Guido.
                                                                                                “Haier si conferma punto di riferimento imprescindibile per la conserva-
                                                                                                zione del vino. Un primato commerciale che sottintende importanti inve-
                                                                                                stimenti in tecnologia, qualità e design, e un altissimo tasso di innovazio-
                                                                                                ne”, ha sottolineato Federico Mangiacotti, market director Italy di Haier.

                 Un nuovo Laboratorio Aromi per Fratelli Pagani                                 4.2 million loan to Ecoplasteam
                 Fratelli Pagani, specialista nella creazione di aromi e ingredienti esclu-     for the recycling of tetrapak
              sivi per l’industria alimentare da oltre un secolo, annuncia l’apertura del
              nuovo Laboratorio Aromi. L’atelier, situato presso la sede di via G. Fan-           Ecoplasteam, a startup located in Milan, received a 4.2 million-euro
              toli 32 a Milano, rappresenta un impegno nel segno dell’innovazione e             loan from Banca Popolare di Milano for the building of a new plant de-
              un importante investimento a integrazione dell’efficiente dipartimento            dicated to the production of a totally recyclable plastic material, called
              di R&D. Lo scopo è garantire un servizio sempre più completo al cliente,          ‘EcoAllene’, made from tetrapak. The plant, that will be built in Spinet-
              mettendo a disposizione l’expertise aziendale nella produzione di misce-          ta Marengo, in the province of Alessandria (Piedmont), will have a pro-
              le funzionali e full blends. Grazie anche a oltre 1.000 tipologie di sostanze     duction capacity of about 6,000 tons of EcoAllene and will be built by
              aromatiche differenti, tra cui molecole naturali, estratti, erbe aromatiche       the Amut company from Novara, a leading supplier of machinery for the
              e spezie.                                                                         processing of plastics.
                 “Attraverso la creazione di profili aromatici specifici offriamo ai nostri       Finanziamento di 4,2 milioni a Ecoplasteam
              clienti il plus di un personale con decennale esperienza, qualificato in            per il recupero del tetrapak
              materia di lavorazioni e process flavours”, afferma Marco Cardazzi, presi-          Ecoplasteam, startup milanese, ha ottenuto da Banca Popolare di Mi-
              dente di Fratelli Pagani. “La nuova struttura sarà in grado di offrire aromi      lano un finanziamento di circa 4,2 milioni di euro per la costruzione di un
              in diverse soluzioni produttive: liquidi, in pasta e in polvere (spray dried      impianto per la produzione di un nuovo materiale plastico totalmente
              flavours)”. Tecnici specializzati daranno la possibilità di creare profili aro-   riciclabile denominato ‘EcoAllene’, realizzato grazie al recupero del te-
              matici ad hoc e tailor-made. Tra i vantaggi, anche la messa a disposizione        trapak. L’impianto, che sorgerà a Spinetta Marengo, in provincia di Ales-
              di sistemi HPLC e GC-MS per analisi cromatografica, per garantire un              sandria (Piemonte), produrrà circa 6mila tonnellate di EcoAllene e sarà
              sapore/profumo ottimo e un colorito unico al lavorato.                            realizzato dalla Amut di Novara, leader nella fornitura di macchinari per la
                                                                                                lavorazione di materie plastiche.

           6 • Tech4Food Magazine
Mondini Platform technology:
                                                 the NEW ERA of FORM-FILL-SEAL
     Today’s packaging line world is divided into either thermoforming or tray         Tecnologia Platform Mondini: la nuova era del Form-Fill-Seal
   sealing lines, the first producing value packs, the second higher quality           Il mondo dell’imballaggio si divide oggi in due grandi famiglie: il ter-
   packs with greater flexibility. “Platformer is the missing link”, said Enzo      moformato (thermoforming) e il termosaldato (tray sealing). La prima so-
   Turla, marketing manager at G.Mondini. “Combining the Mondini Trave              luzione permette di realizzare pacchi di alto valore, la seconda, soluzioni
   with the Mondini Platformer your packaging line becomes what could be            caratterizzate da grande flessibilità ed elevata qualità. “Il Platformer è
   defined as a ‘thermosealer’, giving the best of both worlds. Free to switch      l’anello mancante”, sottolinea Enzo Turla, marketing manager presso G.
   from thermoformed in-line trays from a reel or premade trays at any mo-          Mondini. “Combinando la Trave Mondini con il Platformer Mondini, la
   ment in time during production, according to the needs of your business.”        linea di confezionamento più essere definita come una ‘thermosealer’,
   Platformer new technology revolutionizes the concept of tray forming by          garantendo il meglio da entrambi i mondi. Liberi di passare da vassoi ter-
   cutting the tray footprint before the forming process occurs, reducing the       moformati in linea partendo da una bobina, a vassoi preformati in qual-
   scrap to just 2%. An additional benefit of this innovative process is that the                  siasi momento della la produzione, in base alle vostre esi-
   tray format change over time is less than 10 minutes with only two com-                                  genze di mercato”. La nuova tecnologia Platformer
   ponents needing to be changed, at a cost which is a fraction of                                           rivoluziona il concetto di formatura del vassoio at-
   a standard thermoformer. Depending on market conditions,                                                  traverso il taglio della sagoma del film prima che
   customer demands and needs of the business, processors                                                   inizi il processo di formatura, riducendo lo scarto a
   will have full flexibility to choose whichever solution is                                              solo il 2%. Un ulteriore vantaggio di questo innovati-
   most beneficial to them at the time.                                                                 vo processo è che il cambio formato avviene in un tem-
                                                                                                  po inferiore ai 10 minuti e richiede la sostituzione di soli due
                                                                                                 componenti, ad un costo che è solo una frazione rispetto a
                                                                                               quello di una termoformatrice standard. In base alle condizioni
                                                                                    di mercato, delle richieste dei clienti e delle esigenze del business, si avrà
                                                                                    così una flessibilità totale, che consente di scegliere in ogni occasione la
                                                                                    soluzione più vantaggiosa.

Acimga and ProPak Asia 2018
co-organise ‘Printech Asia’
  ProPak Asia - Asia’s largest trade event servicing the entire
food, drink, and pharma processing and packaging supply chain
for over 25 years - will open its doors again in 2018 (13-16 June),
at the Bangkok International Trade and Exhibition Centre (BI-
TEC), to welcome an estimated 1,800 exhibiting companies and
over 50,000 professionals. With increased participation and ne-
arly 90% of the show floor sold, PKA 2018 has further expanded
to include a 9th exhibition hall, called ‘Printech Asia’: a joint
venture with The Italian Machine Manufacturer Association
(Acimga), dedicated to the latest innovations in converting,
package printing, labelling technologies and services.
  Acimga e ProPak Asia 2018
  co-organizzatori del salone ‘Printech Asia’
  ProPak Asia - da oltre 25 anni il maggior evento fieristico della
regione per l’industria del packaging e processing nei settori
food, beverage e farmaceutico - aprirà i battenti dal 13 al 16
giugno 2018 presso l’International Trade and Exhibition Cen-
tre (BITEC) di Bangkok. Attesi in fiera circa 1.800 espositori e
oltre 50mila visitatori professionali, in deciso aumento rispetto
alle passate edizioni, e con il 90% della superficie espositiva già
prenotato. Novità dell’edizione 2018 sarà un nono padiglione
espositivo, denominato ‘Printech Asia’, e realizzato in collabo-
razione con Acimga, l’Associzione dei costruttori italiani di mac-
chine per l’industria grafica. Focus, quindi, sulle ultime soluzioni
in materia di converting, stampaggio, etichette e relativi servizi.

The ITA-Agency organizes a collective
participation at Expoalimentaria 2018
   The ITA-Agency is organizing a collective participation of Ita-
lian manufacturers of food technology at Expoalimentaria, in Lima
from 26 to 28 September 2018. The collective will be located in the
pavilion dedicated to machinery and will include 14 open space
booths. In 2017, with a 35% market share, Italy was the country’s
leading supplier of packaging machines and the fourth of food
processing machines, for a total value of 53.7 million euro.
   ICE-Agenzia organizza una partecipazione
   collettiva a Expoalimentaria 2018
   L’ICE-Agenzia organizza una partecipazione collettiva di im-
prese italiane produttrici di macchine per il food a Expoalimen-
taria, a Lima dal 26 al 28 settembre 2018. Lo stand sarà collocato
nel padiglione dedicato ai macchinari e includerà 14 postazioni
arredate in modalità open space. Nel 2017, con una quota del
35%, l’Italia è stato il primo fornitore del Paese di macchine per
l’imballaggio e il quarto di macchine per la trasformazione ali-
mentare, per un valore complessivo di 53,7 milioni di euro.

                                               Tech4Food Magazine • 7
Year 2 • N.2
March/April · 2018     company
                                                                                                                        Imoon, the staff. From left: Laura, Riccardo e Paolo Tarquinio,
                                                                                                                        owners and founders, with Massimiliano Giussani (sales director Italy)
                                                                                                                        and Pierluigi Gusmani (international sales director)

           Imoon, innovation
           is driving growth                                                                                                                                                  by Riccardo Colletti

           Revenue up by 30% in 2017. The company’s expansion in food retail on global markets
           continues. New products on their way, advanced solutions for a new concept of store lightning.

           Auchan - France, Villebon-sur-Yvette                         Linella - Moldavia, Singera                                             Carrefour SA - Turkey, Ortaköy Gurme Premium
           Venere Pro with LED Meat/Fish HD                             Venere Pro - Batwing Reflector                                          Venere Pro with LED Full Colour

              An excellent 2017, with a 30% revenue increase            core mission remains unchanged: to value 100%                 naires and the new Makris Line, a true design con-
           over the previous fiscal year, and a great start also for    Made in Italy solutions, tailor-made according to our         cept that was first presented at Euroshop 2017, both
           the first quarter of 2018. Imoon, a young and dyna-          customers’ needs, and provide added value services,           showcased also on the past 21-23 February, on the
           mic company that in a very short time has grown to           striving for continual innovation.”                           occasion of the Convention Sales 2018, held in Mi-
           become a leader in the global lightning market for the         After the great performance achieved last year,             lan. “Innovation plays a fundamental role, and we are
           food & retails sector, keeps on growing at fast pace.        2018 started on a bright note: “We keep on growing            not going to stop. On the contrary, we will keep on re-
           And it looks ahead with excitement and confidence,           and investing, also in our staff, with the aim of ca-         newing and improving our product offer, focusing on
           in order to continue providing top quality lightning         tching new market opportunities. To this purpose,             flexibility, a characteristic that is increasingly deman-
           solutions.                                                   we have launched new products with high techno-               ded by the market,” said Pierluigi Gusmani, Imoon’s
              “We are extremely satisfied with the goals achieved.      logical content, and characterized by creativity and          international sales director. “We can count on a hi-
           But they were only a starting point, not a finish line.      effectiveness,” said Riccardo Tarquinio. “In such a           ghly qualified and motivated sales network that, we
           Hence, we renew our compromise to further stren-             challenging environment, Imoon will continue focu-            are absolutely sure, will help us achieve new impor-
           gthen the leadership we gained in the Italian food           sing on its custom-oriented approach, to provide truly        tant goals. In 2017, we increased the collaborations
           retail sector, establishing fruitful collaborations with     tailor-made lightning solutions, addressed both to the        with some top retail players: we have implemented 19
           all of the most important retail chains and enhancing        domestic and international markets, that are paying           projects with Carrefour in Turkey, following a new
           our presence in global markets, where we started an          increasing attention to our range.”                           format; with Auchan we have now reached 40 instal-
           important expansion plan, that is giving significant re-       The products that in the months ahead will drive            led projects; and with the new-born Linella chain in
           sults,” said Riccardo Tarquinio, Ceo of Imoon. “Our          demand and determine further growth are the Lumi-             Moldavia, we have realized 10 more installations.”

              Imoon, l’innovazione                                                                       IMOON, ITALIAN TECHNOLOGY
              guida la crescita
                                                                       Imoon highlights the importance played by its range of products and solutions that, not by chance, has been
                 Un 2017 da incorniciare,                              further widened and improved. Not a simple product showcase, but a long-standing and emotional history,
              con un incremento del fattu-                             made of projects and installations able to show - and almost touch by hand - what it means to conceive, plan
              rato di oltre il 30% rispetto                            and manufacture lightning solutions in food retail. Imoon’s 2018 catalogue displays a wide and varied, rich and
              all’esercizio precedente. E
                                                                       elegant series of modular and customizable solutions, designed with energy saving principles, according to the
              una partenza a ritmo serrato
              anche nel primo trimestre                                best of Made in Italy design. From Suspended Luminaries to Lightning Tracks, from Recessed Luminaires
              2018. Imoon, la dinamica e                               to Projectors, passing through Surface Mounted Luminaires, the new Imoon catalogue describes the different
              giovane società diventata in                             brands in an easy and accessible way. Which helps customers make better informed choices according to their
              breve tempo leading player                               specific needs, from the Venere Pro to the Kronos line, from Roc to Kimi, without forgetting the Alpha, HB,
              nel mercato internaziona-                                Energy 65 Led and Basic System Led series.
              le dell’illuminazione per il                             In detail, the Venere Pro family was designed to fulfill any lightning need in food retail, and offers a complete
              settore food & retail, non alza                          range of specific LEDs suitable for the different store areas. Namely, the ‘LED Meat’ to enhance the red color
              il piede dall’acceleratore.                              of meat, also available in the Meat Fish HD version for meat and fish, suggesting higher freshness and able to
              Anzi. Guarda con entusia-                                enhance the different color qualities. The ‘LED Extra Warm’ version, instead, gives a warmer light, ideal for
              smo e fiducia al futuro, per                             bakery and pastry. In order to meet the need for specific LEDs, Imoon also presented the ‘LED Full Color’,
              continuare a fornire servizi e
                                                                       that features the ideal colour rendering for all products. Finally, the range of Reflectors has also been widened,
              soluzioni illuminotecniche di
              primo livello.
                                                                       to include a growing number of tailor-made potential configurations.

           8 • Tech4Food Magazine

   the survey                                                                                                                                                             Year 2 • N.2
                                                                                                                                                                          March/April · 2018

    Move it or lose it
     Trends, hurdles, goals, opportunities. In this well-rounded survey, leading
       Italian market players talk about their present and future. Innovation
        is the key word. Internationalization a must. Because competitiveness
           demands flexibility and perseverance. And a lot, lot of passion.

                                                                      by Federica Bartesaghi

                                                                       Chi si ferma è perduto
                                              Internazionalizzazione, ostacoli, obiettivi, opportunità. In un’inchiesta a tutto
                                          tondo, i protagonisti del comparto ci raccontano il loro presente e il loro futuro.
                                          L’innovazione è la parola d’ordine. L’internazionalizzazione un passo necessario.
                                        Perché per essere competitivi servono costanza e flessibilità. E tanta, tanta passione.

        GELMINI                           AGRIFLEX                                 CEPI                              SELMI                            saccardo
       Marco                              Luciano                                 Frida                            Silvano                              Walter
      Mantovani                             Agri                                  Lega                             Barbero                            Saccardo
            c eo                   s o l e a d m i n i st r ato r       m a r k e t i n g m a n ag e r        s a l es d e pa r t m e n t                 ow n e r

                 e x p O r t                        e x p Or t                           e x p O r t                        e xpOrt                              e xpOrt
                    s har e                            s har e                              s har e                            s har e                               s har e

                   20         %                        85        %                          85        %               about    80           %                      60          %

     “We have                        “We want to                        “Strengthening                         “Code word:                       “We expect to
       great                          spread the                          is our goal,                           Oneshot”                       achieve further
   expectations                     knowledge of                       in order to keep                                                         growth in 2018”
     for 2018”                       our company                         on growing”

                                                                                     “                                                                       “
  “2017 ended on a high note                    “                         “After an exceptional 2017,
                                                                                                             “Our core business is the
                                                                                                           production of chocolate pro-
                                                                                                           cessing machinery. We started           “2017 closed on a posi-
for our company and we have          “Last year was extremely po-      when revenue that passed from       from tempering machines and          tive note with respect to
positive expectations for cur-    sitive for our company. Most         19 to 24 million euro, 2018 will    then developed new systems           the previous year, and we
rent year. First of all, due to   consolidated foreign markets         be the year of strengthening.       for the creation of dragée and       have been working real
the positive effect of national   are definitely Europe, North         On the domestic market, we          spreadable creams, but also          hard in order to achieve
Plan Industry 4.0 on the do-      and South America and the            noticed a strong push from          coating and cooling lines,           further growth in 2018. In
mestic market, that remains       Gulf countries. Most ‘emer-          Plan Industry 4.0. On a global      bean-to-bar lines, extruder          my opinion, Plan Industry
our core business. A further      ging’ countries are instead the      scale, exports account now for      machines and machines for            4.0 provided great bene-
stimulus for growth in our        Far East and Africa. The dome-       about 85% of total turnover.        coffee, dried fruit and cocoa        fits. Beside the economic
sector could be represented       stic market also performed very      South East Asia and South           beans roasting. Flexibility is       aspect, I strongly believe in
by a lowering of the tax we-      well, as a consequence of Plan       America were our most dy-           our key driver, since our tar-       the important technological
dge. At the moment, France        Industry 4.0. Now, further go-       namic destination markets, in       get clients are mainly small         boost it brings, and I there-
is probably one of the most       vernment incentives directed to      particular Indonesia and Brazil.    laboratories looking for smart       fore hope it will be further
dynamic foreign markets for       employees would be highly ap-        Every single market has its own     solutions. Last year closed on       renewed. In regard to our
enhancing our internatio-         preciated. Expectations for cur-     special features and demands        a positive note, with an export      international markets, they
nal business, while we have       rent year are also very positive:    and therefore our R&D de-           share of nearly 80%. We re-          account now for around
been facing more difficulties     we foresee a revenue increase of     partment is constantly focused      cently launched a new version        60% of total revenue. What
in Germany, due to the ab-        around 30% and we are strongly       on developing innovative solu-      of our ‘Tuttuno - Oneshot’           since 1975 makes our busi-
sence of a local agent. The       aimed at spreading the knowle-       tions, as it recently happened in   depositor, simultaneous di-          ness stand out from compe-
not-to-be-missed event in our     dge of our company worldwide.        the confectionery field - one of    spensing machine aimed at            titors is our quality, flexibi-
agenda is definitively Anuga      In regard to trade shows, we will    our core businesses - through       creating filled products in a        lity, and the possibility, for
FoodTec, but in the months        be exhibiting at Ipack-Ima Mi-       the development of a new fat        single operation, also con-          our clients, to use any type
ahead we will be attending        lan, IBA in Munich, and Inter-       cold metering system and of a       nected to out ‘spin 500’ verti-      of food bag to pack their
many global trade shows.”         pack in Düsseldorf.”                 new sugar processing method.”       cal cooling tunnel”.                 products”.
             “                                  “                                    “                                  “                                    “

                                                                                                                                                   Tech4Food Magazine • 9
Year 2 • N.2
March/April · 2018    the survey

              SORDI IMPIANTI                      ESSEOQUAT TRO                           VERINOX                           cavanna                      MONTANARI-OPM
                 Francesca                              Silvia                            Helga                               Miriana                      Antonella
                   Sordi                               Ortolani                          Veronesi                              Brigo                    Cavalieri Manasse
                       sales                        s a l es m a n ag e r                    s a l es                  c o m m u n i c at i o n                marketing
                     m a n ag e r                    a n d c o m pa n y                    m a n ag e r              manager & ma rk eting                 & c o m m u n i c at i o n
                                                           ow n e r                                                        a s s i s ta n t                     m a n ag e r

                             e x p O r t                         e x p O r t                       e x p O r t                        e xpOrt                             e xpOrt
                                 s har e                            s har e                           s har e                            s har e                              s har e

                                80         %                about   10        %                       60        %                        89        %                         85         %

                 “The                            “We are ready                     “Technological                      “We are ready                      “We show up
            international                        to launch new                     innovation and                          for new                        under a new
               growth                               products                          flexibility                         important                      brand identity”
            continues, but                       and open new                        are our key                        investments”
             also Italy is                          markets”                           drivers”
           performing well”

                                                             “                                 “                                  “                        “Carle&Montanari-OPM

                                                                                                                                                        and CMFIMA belong today to
                                                                                                                        “Last year’s results were       the Food division of the Sacmi
                                                   “In 2017 we focused on            “The trend experienced last     very positive and our goal         Group, global leader in the ma-
              “2017 was an interesting          emerging topics such as smart     year was very positive and         for 2020 is to achieve 100         nufacturing of machinery for
           and positive year. The core de-      packaging and eco-friendly        2018 also started with many        million euro of total turno-       ceramic, packaging, automa-
           stination markets for out ma-        solutions, first of all to meet   orders and the launch of new       ver. For this very reason, we      tion and, now, also for the food
           chinery are South East Asia,         consumers’ demand for more        interesting projects. Our most     have been working at new           sector. Thanks to a 110-ye-
           especially Malaysia, Thailand        information. We noticed a         consolidated markets are Eu-       important investments: in our      ar-long history and brands re-
           and Vietnam. Furthermore,            strengthening of the industry     rope, Russia, Australia and,       production facilities, in labor,   nowned all over the world in the
           we have experienced a peak in        channel, where our fresh-sa-      of course, South America,          and in the creation of a brand     field of technologies applied to
           demands from the former So-          ving Ideabrill packaging is       where we are present in the        new R&D center that will be        chocolate processing, wrapping
           viet Republics, first of all Rus-    used like an advertising tool.    state of Santa Catarina (Bra-      presented during Ipack-Ima         and packaging, Carle&Monta-
           sia. This is probably due to the     Another dynamic sector, also      zil) with a sales office and a     in Milan. A strategic event        nari-OPM and CMFIMA can
           current embargo on dairy im-         according to modern lifesty-      showroom dedicated to custo-       in our agenda, where we will       now rely on the know-how and
           ports, that led to the creation of   le, is the Horeca channel. In     mers who can test the quality      be exhibiting with a 500 sqm       expertise of a strong internatio-
           new local production plants. In      regard to our international       of our equipment. One of the       booth and three production         nal group, and take advantage
           the near future, we are aimed        business, Central-Northern        key issues for companies that      lines. We are very pleased         of its synergies worldwide. We
           at strengthening our presen-         Europe has great growth po-       work on international markets      with the performance of our        have been planning significant
           ce in Europe and the US, wi-         tential, but it demands for a     is financial support, that would   international business. In par-    investments to strengthen our
           thout forgetting Italy, of cour-     tailored approach, and we are     make us even more competiti-       ticular, we recently delivered     presence on consolidated mar-
           se. Hence, Italian industry has      now working hard to meet this     ve, fixing one of the most an-     to a Turkish client a large        kets, as well as develop new
           started investing again in du-       request. In Italy, the Industry   noying problems reported by        plant made of nine machines.       business opportunities, espe-
           rable goods and automation,          Plan 4.0 had a huge effect on     customers: a delayed payment       A highly innovative project,       cially in primary and secondary
           thanks to the national Plan In-      the market and this trend is      systems. For 2018 we expect        characterized by great fun-        packaging. The 2018 edition of
           dustry 4.0. A further incentive      expected to continue, mostly      the positive trend to continue     ctionality and suitable for the    Ipack-Ima in Milan, where we
           for growth in the sector would       supporting companies with a       and to achieve this goal we will   production of biscuits as well     will be exhibiting with Sacmi,
           be represented by a lower tax        strong drive for innovation.      focus on technological innova-     as chocolate-coated products,      will be a great chance to show to
           burden on workers and a grea-        2018 will be a demanding year     tion and flexibility, to develop   and that makes it possible,        our clients our best practices di-
           ter accessibility to credit. Anu-    for Esseoquattro, but we won’t    customized lines and plants        through one single solution,       rectly at our Milan, Monticello
           ga FoodTec, Cibus Tec and            miss strategic events such as     for heat treatments as well as     both flow pack (slug) and          d’Alba and Ozzano dell’Emilia
           Dairy Industry Russia are pro-       Cibus, Sial, Anuga and Ali-       strengthening the partnership      tray packaging.”                   industrial plants.”
           bably the most important trade       mentaria. This year we also       with our customers to design
           shows that we will be attending      expect to increase our export     new plants that reduce the use                  “                                   “
           in the months ahead, together        share, through the launch of      of labor, allow optimization
           with significant events in Afri-     new products dedicated to         in the processing cycles, and
           ca and the EAU. Overall, in          specific market niches, and to    cut production costs while re-
           2018 we will keep on working         strengthen our core markets.      specting the environment.”
           at the creation of new proces-       We will also search for food
           sing lines and plants ‘conceived     companies interested in crea-                  “
           to aid human nutrition’ (that is     ting a customized packaging
           also our motto) by applying          with freshness-saving Ideabrill
           our exclusive and cutting-edge       to increase brand awareness
           technological know-how.”             with a specific target.”
                         “                                   “

           10 • Tech4Food Magazine
 CASEARTECNICA                            GORRERI                   FRIGOMECCANICA                               RISCO                       OMEGA GROUP
                                          Chiara                           Alberto                              Rita                                Davide
          emilia                         Lombardi                          Maggiani                           Dal Maso                              Puppini
         bartoli                        marketing                           p r es i d e n t            m a r k e t i n g m a n ag e r           junior area
 m a r k e t i n g m a n ag e r     & c o m m u n i cat i o n                                                                                     m a n ag e r
                                         m a n ag e r

                                                                                     e x p O r t                        e xpOrt                             e xpOrt
                                                                                         s har e                           s har e                             s har e

                                                                                        50                                 89                                  70
                 e x p O r t                      e x p Or t
                    s har e                          s har e

                    20        %          90-95                  %

                                                                                                                                     %                about

                                                                                                                                          “new machinery,

  “We are going                         “We have                                                          in R&D are                       more effective
   to increase                          big plans                                                      strategic to be                     and automatic,
                                                                    and quality: our
    our brand                           for 2018”                                                      competitive on                        to keep on
                                                                     winning recipe”
   awareness”                                                                                          a global scale”                        growing”
                                               “                                 “
             “                      “We are satisfied with last
                                  year’s results, achieved also
                                                                       “Last year closed on a very
                                                                    positive trend: we were awar-
                                                                                                          “We closed 2017 with re-
                                                                                                                                             “We closed a great 2017,
  “Since the 60s, our target      thanks to our participation       ded by our clients and many
                                                                                                       venue up by 5% over 2016,          posting a significant revenue
market have been cheese           in many international tra-        new companies chose Frigo-
                                                                                                       confirming the positive trend      growth over previous year. Eu-
producers, especially Parmi-      de shows and the launch of        meccanica as a partner, both
                                                                                                       experienced in the past years.     rope and the Middle East are
giano Reggiano and Grana          new projects that will bear       on the domestic and interna-
                                                                                                       The most dynamic foreign           the core of our international
Padano firms; as well as mass     their fruits in the months        tional markets. Italy - and in
                                                                                                       market was the United States.      business, while among ‘emer-
retail, both Italian and inter-   ahead. Exports account to-        particular the processed meat
                                                                                                       Nevertheless, the Euro area re-    ging’ markets we can mention
national. We are specialized      day for 90-95% of the com-        sector - remains our core bu-
                                                                                                       mains fundamental for Risco,       South America and India. A
in the production of cheese       pany’s total revenue, and are     siness. In recent years it kept
                                                                                                       and in some countries - inclu-     country, the latter, that offers
cutting machines, from the        mainly addressed to Europe-       on growing, and we definitely
                                                                                                       ding Denmark, Finland, Spain       great opportunities. In Italy,
most simple models for fresh      an countries, Russia, South       noticed the positive effects of
                                                                                                       and England - we have signi-       Plan Industry 4.0 is having a
counters to the most com-         America, Canada and North         Plan Industry 4.0. On a glo-
                                                                                                       ficantly increased our market      positive impact, especially for
plex, dedicated to packaging.     Africa. Sales in Russia and       bal scale, Europe, North and
                                                                                                       share. In Italy, governmental      what concerns the sale of pro-
In regard to our foreign bu-      the US also experienced si-       South America but also Russia
                                                                                                       incentives have definitely pu-     ducts equipped with Nemosy,
siness, we have implemented       gnificant growth. The Uni-        have experienced significant
                                                                                                       shed companies toward a mo-        a cutting-edge application that
a wide range of collaboration     ted States, in particular, are    growth, in the field of cured
                                                                                                       dernization of their production    allows, through a web pla-
both on a European and ex-        proving to be a hard market       meats as well as in the che-
                                                                                                       plants and we should keep on       tform, the remote control of
tra-European level. A close       to tackle, and we are now         ese, pasta and fish industry.
                                                                                                       following this direction. In ad-   all machinery. For the future,
but particularly ‘closed’ mar-    therefore committed to spre-      Among the most important
                                                                                                       dition, in order to be competi-    we hope that the government
ket, especially for the supply    ading the knowledge of our        trade shows that we will be
                                                                                                       tive on an international scale,    will evaluate the introduction
to mass retail, is Switzer-       company even more widely.         attending in the months and
                                                                                                       Italian companies should con-      of scrappage incentives, in or-
land. Although our machines       In the forthcoming months,        years ahead there is Anuga
                                                                                                       tinue investing in R&D and we      der to enhance the purchase
would be very suitable for lo-    we will be exhibiting in many     FoodTec in Cologne, Iffa in
                                                                                                       believe that a steady tax relief   of new technological solutions.
cal cheese production. The-       international trade shows,        Frankfurt, but also Cibus Tec.
                                                                                                       is fundamental to support the      As for major international trade
refore, we decided to focus       starting from Modern Ba-          In 2018, we expect to continue
                                                                                                       growth of SMEs in the sector.      shows, Anuga FoodTec is cer-
on more affordable markets,       kery in Moscow, in March,         growing and we will manage
                                                                                                       With regard to our projects for    tainly the most important of the
such as Austria and Ger-          Bakery China in Shanghai,         to, also thanks to the collabo-
                                                                                                       2018, we are now developing a      year to us. But we will also par-
many, where we aim to fur-        in May, and IBA in Munich         rations implemented with te-
                                                                                                       new system for the production      ticipate in Food Hotel Asia in
ther increase our presence in     next September. In addition,      chnologically advanced clients
                                                                                                       of sausage coils with equal wei-   Singapore, at the end of April,
the months ahead, as well as      we will soon inaugurate our       and, of course, by showing our
                                                                                                       ght and length and improving       and Meat-Tech in Milan, at
in the Netherlands.”              new company headquarter.”         expertise and utmost quality.”
                                                                                                       the forming systems, in line       the end of May. For 2018, we
             “                                 “                                 “                     with modern market trends.         expect to continue growing
                                                                                                       We will also continue to take      and to this end we will further
                                                                                                       part in major international tra-   expand and diversify our ma-
                                                                                                       de shows, including Iffa and       chinery offer, to meet customer
                                                                                                       Anuga FoodTec in Germany,          needs in a tailor-made way.
                                                                                                       Cibus Tec and Meat-Tech in         The focus will also be placed
                                                                                                       Italy. Every year Risco parti-     on the modernization and te-
                                                                                                       cipates in about 30 trade fairs    chnological advance of our ma-
                                                                                                       worldwide, through exclusive       chineries, to make them even
                                                                                                       distributors.”                     more efficient and automated.”
                                                                                                                    “                                   “

                                                                                                                                            Tech4Food Magazine • 11
                                                                                                                Saccardo, family company since 1975
                                                                                                                Thiene, province of Vicenza (Veneto) Italy
                                                                                                                Vacumm packaging machines
      Year 2 • N.2
March/April · 2018    the interview                                                                             Single and double chamber machines
                                                                                                                Automatic belt vacuum packing machines
                                                                                                                Automatic systems for product bagging
                                                                                                                Tunnels for thermo-shrinking of bags

                                                                                                                2018 TRADE SHOWS CALENDAR
                                                                                                                Hispack/Foodtech - Barcelona, Spain (8-11 May)
                                                                                                                Ipack-Ima - Milan, Italy (29 May - 01 June)
                                                                                                                Tecnofidta - Buenos Aires, Argentina (18-21 September)

           Packaging                                                                                            For more information:

           Interview with Walter Saccardo, second generation at the head of the namesake family company,
           one of Italy’s leading producers of vacuum packing machines and automatic bagging systems.
                                                                                     by Federica Bartesaghi

              A 100% Italian company, boa-                                                                                                           or system most suitable to their
           sting a long-lasting history made                                                                                                         needs.
           of research and development in
           the design and manufacturing                                                                                                                What else?
           of vacuum packing machines                                                                                                                  We create tailor-made layouts
           and automatic bagging systems.                                                                                                            to determine the correct positio-
           More than 20,000 machines al-                                                                                                             ning of the machine inside the

           ready installed all over the world,                                                                                                       production plant. Afterwards,
           due to a high-quality level, a cu-                                                                                                        when we deliver the machine
                                                   Saccardo                                                                                          or system, we follow every sin-
           stomer-oriented approach, and
           the research for tailor-made so-        means passion,                                                                                    gle stage from positioning to
           lutions able to fulfill any request     know-how and                                                                                      connections, from ignition to
           of the client. We talked about          innovation.
                                                                   “                                                                                 training of the workers in char-
           that and much more with Walter                                                                                                            ge of the machines - which is of
           Saccardo, company owner.                                                                                                                  utmost importance - a well as
                                                                                                                                                     maintenance and cleaning staff.
             When and how was the
           company founded?                                                                                                                            How is the after-sale servi-
             It was founded in 1975 by my
           father, Arturo Saccardo, who            “
                                                   Our machines
                                                                                                                                                     ce organized?
                                                                                                                                                       Beside a dedicated company
                                                                                                                                                     department and a well-stocked
           was among the first, in Italy, to       are fast, reliable
           understand the potential of the         and easy to use.“                                                                                 warehouse for spare parts, we
           vacuum packaging business.                                                                                                                have a network of technicians lo-
                                                                                                                                                     cated in all of the countries and
             When did you take control                                                                                                               territories where we operate.
           of the company?
             In 1991, when he unfortuna-                                                                                                               What about your global
           tely expired.                                                                                                                             business?

             What’s his most important             “
                                                   We have a
                                                                                                                                                       It accounts now for around
                                                                                                                                                     60% of total turnover, and the
           legacy?                                 network of                                                                                        growth trend is set to continue.
             The passion and know-how,             technicians
           of course. And the continuous           located in all of                                                                                    Finally, what makes AS38
           strive for innovation. Still today,     the countries                                                                                     your best-selling machine?
           I make big investments in resear-                       “                                                                                    The AS38 packaging machine
                                                   where we
           ch and development.                                                                                                                       is the result of a long study. The
                                                   operate.                                                                                          machine has been designed to be
              What are the best features                                                                                                             fast and reliable. The manage-
           that distinguish Saccardo                                                                                                                 ment panel is simple and intui-
           from its competitors?                                                                                                                     tive, in order to be easier to use.
              I would say the quality of our
           machinery, our flexibility, the                                                                                                             Is it also easy to maintain?
           wide range of services we offer                                                                                                             All major components can be
           and the possibility, for our clien-                                                                                                       detached with no need for tools
           ts, to use any type of bag to pack                                                                                                        and this is greatly appreciated
           their products.                                                                                                                           by maintenance operators. The
                                                                                                                                                     welding system has also been
             What do you offer to your                                             Pionieri del packaging                                            implemented, so that it is sui-
           customers?                                                                                                                                table for any type of bag and any
                                                        Un’azienda 100% italiana, che vanta una lunga storia fatta d’innovazione e ricerca
             First of all, we offer a technical/    nella progettazione e realizzazione di macchine confezionatrici sottovuoto e impianti            food industry. These are pro-
           sales advice that helps customers        di imbustamento automatici. Oltre 20mila le soluzioni già installate in tutto il mondo,          bably the key features that make
           choosing the packaging machine          grazie all’alta qualità offerta, a un approccio improntato alla massima flessibilità e custo-     this machines our best-seller.
                                                    mizzazione, e a un servizio ‘chiavi in mano’ capace di rispondere alle esigenze di ogni
                                                        settore dell’industria agroalimentare. Il racconto del titolare, Walter Saccardo.

           12 • Tech4Food Magazine
preview                                                                                        Year 2 • N.2
                                                                                                 March/April · 2018

                           2018           20 - 23 March
                                        Cologne, Germany
           The leading international supplier fair for the food and beverage industry.
  A preview of the most interesting technological innovations developed by Italian companies.

            Fruit & Vegetables

                Pasta                   Meat Services & Solutions
                                        Food Packaging
                                                     Safety & Analytics

                                                Food Ingredients
                                                        Food Processing

 200             ITALIAN
                                        140,000                           SQM EXHIBITION

                 EXHIBITORS                                               SURFACE

1,700               EXHIBITORS
                         FROM            50        COUNTRIES

                                                                               Tech4Food Magazine • 13
Year 2 • N.2
                                                      March/April · 2018     preview

                                                                   HALL: 10.2 • BOOTH: E 030 - F 039

                                            MOLDING MACHINE WITH CHANGEABLE PRE-COOLING
                                            HEAD TYPE FPR 72 C.I.P.
                                            Fields of application
                                            Suitable for the production of mozzarella block and mozzarella loaf.
                                            Description and strong points
                                            The FPR 72-L C.I.P. molder is a machine suitable for the molding and pre-co-
                                            oling of pasta filata cheeses having weights from 300 gr to 5 kg, in cylindrical or
                                            parallelepiped shapes. The stretched dough is introduced into the hopper and
                                            it is conveyed to the head by means of two counter-rotating augers, thus filling
                                            the molding pipes according to the programmed volumetric adjusting. During
                                            the head rotation, the product is indirectly cooled by means of the cold water
                                            circulating outside the molding pipes, until to reach a stable enough shape for
                                            continuing the hardening phase without molds into an automatic vat.
                                            Technical information
                                            • machine completely built in AISI 304 stainless steel and plastic materials certi-
                                            fied for the food use
                                            • parts in contact with the cheese are coated with non-sticking material
                                            • feeding hopper built in AISI 304 stainless steel, easily dismountable from the
                                            machine body simply unhooking the blocking knobs

                                                                   HALL: 4.2 • BOOTH: D 060 - E 069

                The most accurate
               and complete guide
     to the European retail marketplace.
     All chains are segmented by country.
       The addresses, e-mails, websites,
                                            TURBO EXTRACTOR PR410 AND PR411 - OLIMPO SYSTEM
         management, history, contacts      Fields of application
                                            Natural or concentrated purees of fruit and vegetables.
         for suppliers and store brands.    Description and strong points
                                            Boema has developed different technical solutions for optimizing the key-pro-
                                            cess in the industry of fruit and vegetables purees: the extraction and the enzy-
      For information:       matic inactivation phase. The core of these technical solutions is the new ge-
                                            neration of Turbo extractor models PR410 (hot extraction) and PR411 (cold
                                            extraction) Boema patented, designed to work on different products by means
           AVAILABLE FROM MAY               of an innovative centralized system for the regulation of the vanes on the rotor:
                                            this feature allows the system to be set in six different configurations in order to
             (CIBUS/PARMA)                  extract purees from a wide range of products without the need to change the
                                            whole rotor for every application: Olimpo Color, Olimpo Taste, Olimpo Brix,
                                            Olimpo Cold, Olimpo Red, Olimpo Freeze.

14 • Tech4Food Magazine
F.LLI CUOMO SNC                                                                      FBR-ELPO
                      HALL: 4.2 • BOOTH: D 021 - C 020                                                 HALL: 4.2 • BOOTH: A 018 - B 019

                                                                                 B.I.B. BLOCK MONOBLOCK
                                                                                 Fields of application
ROTARY CAN DOUBLE SEAMER MOD. A480.2                                             Aseptic filling machines and cardboard box erector and packer.
Fields of application                                                            Description and strong points
Food processing.                                                                 B.I.B. Block is an innovative project developed by FBR-Elpo to combine its Bag
Description and strong points                                                    in Box filling machines with the cardboard box erector and packer. With the
The main features of the new double seamer A480.2 are: modular and compact       new monoblock B.I.B. Block, the Bag in Box Aseptic filler, the cardboard box
design to allow the best performances; single arms driven by a desmodromic       erector, packer and sealer are built-in in the same structure. The bags of 3, 5, 10
cam; watertight seaming rolls for a long life service.                           or 20 l filled by FBR-Elpo’s aseptic filler are sent to the packaging section, where
Technical information                                                            each phase is run electronically. The cardboard box erector group is managed by
• 10 double seaming heads for containers with diameter ranging from 52 to 73     a fast and innovative robot allowing a quick change of format. The carton can be
mm and cans high from 38 to 170 mm                                               closed by means of sole adhesive tape, sole glue or both glue and adhesive tape.
• capacity: 1000 cpm                                                             The magazine of empty cartons can be placed on three of the four sides of the
• power: 20 kw                                                                   machine, with possibility to regulate its capacity.                                    follow

                   HALL: 6.1 • BOOTH: D 060 - D 061

Fields of application
Description and strong points
Since 1950, Travaglini has been a leading company in the manufacturing
of drying, smoking, and fermenting equipment for salami. Our technolo-
gies support the customer in any problem connected to drying of salami
in all their specific applications. Specifically: better fermentation control,
thanks to the combination of the installed cooling and heating power; uni-
form shrinkage, because the distribution of air inside the room must be as
uniform as possible in order to obtain a homogeneous product; minimal
risk of crust formation.
Technical information
• air regulation: the system consists of a T-shaped duct, in which is instal-
led an electric actuator, permitting the movement of two opposed blade
• computerized system: it allows, among other things, to monitor tempe-
rature and relative humidity; set predefined programmes; control the fluid
temperature, optimize shrinkage
• energy savings: heat recovery; enthalpy; economizer; high efficiency mo-
tors (IE2 - IE3); inverter; direct coupling motor/fan; modulation of coo-
ling and heating valves; hot gas defrost system

                                           Tech4Food Magazine • 15
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