Italian buyer's guidewinem - YEAR 5 - N 4 APRIL 2017 -
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INSIDE NEWS VINITALY VINEXPO TO LAUNCH FIRST US EXHIBITION IN 2018 2017 Vinexpo has announced the launch of Vi- the buoyant US market, but we wouldn’t do nexpo New York, with the inaugural show to it until we were sure of providing an effec- be held on 5 and 6 March 2018, at the Ja- tive platform that guarantees success. Now vits Convention Center in the heart of Man- we’re ready!” Vinexpo New York will be an PRODUCTS hattan. Following success in Europe and annual event organised jointly with Ame- Asia, Vinexpo now opens the doors to the rican firm Diversified Communications, a US market – the world’s leading wine con- leading event manager in the US. The US PREVIEW sumer. Guillaume Deglise, Vinexpo’s CEO, explains: “We were clear that we wanted to be a springboard for our clients to enter currently imports 1.1 billion bottles of wine yearly, with the IWSR study forecasting 6.9% growth by 2020. Sarà inaugurata nel 2018 la prima edizione statunitense di Vinexpo Vinexpo annuncia la nascita di Vinexpo New York, che si terrà il 5 e il 6 marzo 2018 presso il Javits Convention Center di Manhattan. Un’operazione che arriva dopo il successo ottenuto dall’edizio- ne europea e da quella asiatica della manifestazione dedicata al mondo del vino e degli spirits. Che ora mira a conquistare il primo mercato al mondo per consumo di vino. “Abbiamo sempre voluto essere un trampolino di lancio per i nostri clienti desiderosi di entrare in un mercato promet- tente come quello statunitense”, spiega Guillaume Deglise, Ceo di Vinexpo. “Ma non volevamo compiere questo importante passo prima di essere veramente sicuri di poter offrire una piattafor- ma efficiente e di successo. Quel momento è arrivato. Ora siamo pronti!”. Vinexpo New York avrà una cadenza annuale e sarà organizzato in collaborazione con la società americana Diversified FROM PAGE 4 Communications. Oggi gli Usa importano 1.1 miliardi di bottiglie di vino all’anno. Con una crescita stimata in quasi sette punti percentuali entro il 2020, secondo IWSR. EU TO CONSIDER SELF-REGULATORY 3 NATALE VERGA PROPOSAL FOR ALCOHOL LABELLING 100% Italian from the vineyard to the bottle The European Commission has said and Food Safety, Vytenis Andriukaitis, that it will consider a self-regulatory explained, "This report supports the proposal from the alcoholic-beverage right of people in the European Union 10 sector, which outlines how it will advi- to be fully informed about what they REPORTAGE se the public about the ingredients and drink. Moreover, it does not identify any Prowein 2017: nutrition of all alcoholic beverages, objective grounds justifying the absen- ja, sehr gut! within a year. This decision follows on ce of the list of ingredients and nutritio- the heels of a report investigating the nal information on alcoholic beverages. Managing director: ANGELO FRIGERIO feasibility of implementing the manda- The expansion of voluntary initiatives Editorial director: RICCARDO COLLETTI tory labelling of ingredients and nutri- from the sector has already been on- Edited by: Edizioni Turbo Srl - Palazzo di Vetro tional information for alcoholic bevera- going and is brought to the fore in the Corso della Resistenza, 23 - 20821 - Meda (MB) ges. The EU Commissioner for Health report." Tel. +39 0362 600463/4/5/9 Fax. +39 0362 600616 - e-mail: Etichette nutrizionali per gli alcolici: l’Ue in attesa di una proposta dall’industria La Commissione europea ha fatto sapere che valuterà una proposta di autoregolamentazione proveniente dall’industria delle bevande alcoliche in materia di comunicazione, al pubblico, degli Periodico bimestrale - Registrazione al Tribunale di Milano n. 38 ingredienti e delle informazioni nutrizionali relative alle bevande alcoliche. Una decisione presa in del 25 febbraio 2015 - Stampa: Ingraph - Seregno (MB) - Anno 5 - numero 4 - aprile 2017 seguito a un’indagine realizzata dalla Commissione Ue e volta a valutare la possibile introduzione Una copia 1,00 euro - L’editore garantisce la massima riservatezza di un’etichettatura obbligatoria per gli operatori del settore. Il Commissario Ue per la Salute e la dei dati personali in suo possesso.Tali dati saranno utilizzati per la ge- sicurezza alimentare, Vytenis Andriukaitis, ha infatti sottolineato che “questo report sostiene il dirit- stione degli abbonamenti e per l’invio di informazioni commerciali. In to dei cittadini europei di essere pienamente informati su ciò che bevono. Inoltre, il report non ha base all’Art. 13 della Legge n° 196/2003, i dati potranno essere retti- identificato alcuna valida motivazione che giustifichi l’assenza di una lista degli ingredienti e delle ficati o cancellati in qualsiasi momento scrivendo a: Edizioni Turbo S.r.l. informazioni nutrizionali sui prodotti alcolici. Ne è una dimostrazione il moltiplicarsi di iniziative volontarie in questo senso”. RUSSIA: RETAIL CHAIN MAGNIT PORTUGUESE WINE EXPORTS DOWN BUYS MORE FOREIGN WINE FOR FIRST TIME IN SIX YEARS In 2016, OOO Retail Import, branch company of Magnit, Portuguese wine exports fell for the first time after six consecutive ye- the largest Russian grocery retail chain, was the country’s ars of record growth, according to Institute of Wine data reported by fourth largest wine distributor in volume. According to the Dinheiro Vivo. The 1.1% drop was caused by the collapse in the Angolan Ita Office in Moscow, in the past 12 months it sold 6.2 mil- market which lost 67.6% in volume and 54.8% in value. In total, Portugal lion litres of wine, accounting for 3.6% of total wine imports. last year exported almost 2.77 million hectoliters of wine, valued at 727 According to the Russian custom, the wines most purcha- million euro. The average price remained practically unchanged at 2.62 sed by Russian consumers are those coming from France euro per litre. Angola was, until 2015, the largest destination market for (1.8 million litres) and Spain (1.1 million litres). Products that, Portuguese wines, although not the one that earned the most profit. This according to the retail chain’s financial manager, were sold continues to be France, which annually buys more than 110 million euro exclusively by Magnit stores. in Portuguese wine. Russia: cresce l’import di vino Calano, per la prima volta in sei anni, da parte dell’insegna Gdo Magnit le esportazioni portoghesi di vino OOO Retail Import, filiale dell’insegna Magnit, la più grande ca- Le esportazioni portoghesi di vino hanno fatto registrare la prima flessio- tena della Gdo in Russia, nel 2016 ha occupato il quarto posto nei ne dopo sei anni di crescita ininterrotta, come riporta il quotidiano locale volumi delle forniture di vino nel Paese. A segnalarlo è l’agenzia Dinheiro Vivo. La decrescita, che si è attestata all’1,1%, è dovuta principal- Ice di Mosca, che specifica come, negli scorsi 12 mesi, il dato sia mente al crollo delle importazioni dall’Angola (-67,7% a volume e -54,8% a aumentato fino al raggiungimento dei 6,2 milioni di litri, equiva- valore) primo paese importatore. Complessivamente, nel 2016 il Portogallo lenti al 3,6% delle importazioni vinicole russe. Secondo la statisti- ha esportato circa 2,77 milioni di ettolitri di vino, per un valore di 727 milioni ca doganale, i più acquistati sono stati i vini da Francia (1,7 milioni di euro. E prezzo medio rimasto stabile a 2.62 euro al litro. Fino al 2015 l’An- di litri) e Spagna (1,1 milioni di litri): tutti prodotti che, come in- gola è stato il primo paese di destinazione per l’export portoghese a volume, forma il direttore finanziaro della catena, sono poi stati destinati ma non a valore. Questo primato spetta alla Francia, che ogni anno acquista esclusivamente alle vendite presso i supermercati Magnit. più di 110 milioni di euro di vino portoghese. 2 / The Italian Wine Magazine - Buyer's Guide THE COMPANY 100% ITALIAN FROM THE VINEYARD TO THE BOTTLE A Century-old family business, and a wide and varied wine range including the most renowned Italian varieties. A strong international appeal, and a new and completely sustainable ‘Organic’ range. Past and future of Natale Verga. The history of Casa Vinicola The company's headquarter in Cermenate (Como) THE ORGANIC RANGE Natale Verga is a family history made of values and traditions, as well as of an authentic passion for wine, which has been han- ded down for generations until today. Based in Cermenate, in the province of Como, the com- pany offers a wide and varied range of wines, representing the best of made in Italy. Its origins date back to 1895, when Enrico Verga founded the company. To- Quality is guaranteed, demanded and appreciated day, after four generations - and at a reasonable price by consumers and professio- waiting for the fifth to take its Innovation, automation, an nal operators also on the do- place in the family business, with efficient warehouse and logi- mestic one, also for its excel- Enrico and Edoardo - it is run by stics management, production lent quality-price ratio. “The Natale Verga, aided by his sisters planning, flexibility in distribu- choice of organic is an added Cristina and Laura. tion and the guarantee of high value for our wine offer,” said quality – as well as cost-effecti- Natale Verga. “A trend that is Some facts and figures ve – products are the main fe- likely to further increase. That’s Nero d'Avola Igt Terre Siciliane Casa Vinicola Natale Verga is atures that distinguish Casa Vi- why in 2017 we expect to di- today a key player for the Italian nicola Natale Verga. This is the stribute our organic wines in grocery retail channel, thanks to result of a long and constant many new retail chains.” The a wide range of branded and Pri- evolution, that saw the pro- range is made of two typical vate label wines. 35% of the com- gressive inclusion of state-of- wines from Sicily: Nero d’Avo- pany business, anyway, is gene- the-art technologies in order la Igt Terre Siciliane and Grillo rated by global markets. Wines to satisfy the need of modern Igt Terre Siciliane. The decision are distributed in more than 30 customers, as proved also by to offer a natural product pas- countries worldwide, also due to the BRC and IFS certifications ses also through a sustainable an efficient distribution network received by the company. packaging: “Besides the or- managed by the new headquar- ganic wine, the range is cha- ter in Cermenate (Como), which The ‘Organic’ wine range racterized by labels made of covers a total surface of 35,000 In 2016 the company laun- recycled paper, zero carbon square meters. That includes a ched a new range of organic footprint corks and bottles winery with a capacity of 46,000 wines focused on the grea- made for the 90% of recycled quintals; two bottling lines for test respect for nature and a glass,” added Natale Verga. A the classic 0.75 and 1.5 sizes, with complete sustainability gran- really eye-catching packaging, a production capacity of 25,000 ted from the vineyard to the awarded during Vinitaly 2016 bottles per hour; and a bottling bottle. It is called ‘Organic’ with the golden medal at the line for the larger sizes: 5 liters in and was originally conceived International Packaging Com- glass and Pet. for global markets, but highly petition. Grillo Igt Terre Siciliane Natale Verga: il meglio dell'Italia, dal vigneto alla bottiglia La storia dalla Casa Vinicola Natale Verga è quella di una famiglia. Che da più di un secolo tramanda di generazione in gene- razione valori, tradizioni e un’autentica passione per il vino, testimoniata da una costante attenzione per la qualità. Con sede a Cermenate, in provincia di Como, l’azienda seleziona e propone un’ampia gamma di etichette, che raccolgono all’interno di un’offerta unica il meglio della produzione vitivinicola made in Italy. L’export costituisce il 35% del giro d’affari dell’azienda, le cui etichette sono presenti in oltre 30 Paesi del mondo. Dedicata in special modo ai mercati esteri la nuova linea di vini biologici ‘Organic’, molto apprezzata per l’ottimo rapporto qualità-prezzo e per un packaging 100% sostenibile. The Italian Wine Magazine - Buyer's Guide / 3
PRODUCTS PREVIEW The leading wine fair in the world, in terms of VINITALY 2017 exhibition area and international operator num- bers, posts its half-century plus one edition. The 2016 event was attended by 130,000 ope- rators, with 49,000 international visitors inclu- FIFTY ding 28,000 specialist buyers from 140 countries following the scheduled realignment of atten- dance to focus increasingly on business in the exhibition centre and consumers in the historic centre of Verona. Consequently, Vinitaly 2017, to EDITIONS… be held in Verona from 9 to 12 April, is an even more international b2b platform with a closer eye on the global market. As of the beginning of March, 2000 new buyers had already registered for the 2017 edition, especially from the USA, China, Hong Kong, Au- +1 stralia, Canada, France, Denmark, Belgium, Ger- many, Japan, Switzerland, Norway, Sweden and Russia. There is also higher attendance even from Taiwan and Brazil and, despite the impen- ding Brexit, the United Kingdom will add 100 new buyers to the list. In addition, 5000 b2b me- etings have already been defined in the agen- das of international operators selected through joint incoming activities involving Veronafiere's network of delegates and the ICE-Italian Trade Agency thanks to Special Made in Italy Promo- tion Plan set in motion promoted by the Ministry The global leading of Economic Development and the Ministry of Agriculture. wine exhibition will be on stage in Verona Vinitaly 2017, cinquanta edizioni +1 from 9 to 12 April. Vinitaly, la prima fiera del vino al mondo per super- ficie espositiva e per numero di operatori esteri, fe- Here is a preview steggia quest’anno 50 edizioni più 1 (a Verona dal 9 al 12 aprile). Ai 130mila operatori, dei quali 49mila of the wines that Italian esteri, e tra cui 28mila buyer specializzati da 140 na- zioni che hanno preso parte all'edizione 2016, dopo companies will be showcasing il programmato riallineamento delle presenze per focalizzare sempre di più il business in fiera e il con- during the trade show. sumer in città, Vinitaly 2017 si propone con una piat- taforma b2b ancora più internazionale che guarda sempre più al mercato globale. All’inizio di marzo erano 2mila i nuovi buyer registrati per l’edizione 2017. Inoltre, sono più di 5mila gli incontri b2b fis- sati nelle agende degli operatori esteri seleziona- ti dalle attività di incoming congiunte che vedono collaborare la rete di delegati di Veronafiere e l’Ice Agenzia. 4 / The Italian Wine Magazine - Buyer's Guide
CASA VINICOLA CANTINA CANTINE RIUNITE CANTINE NATALE VERGA VALTIDONE & CIV SOC. AGRICOLA SAN MARZANO Casa Vinicola Natale Verga was founded In the heart of Val Tidone, surrounded by The company was founded in 1904 by An- Cantine San Marzano epitomises a uni- by Enrico Verga in 1895. For four genera- the hills around Piacenza, just 60 kilome- tonio Maschio, a spirits producer. In 1973 que manner of interpreting wine in Apulia, tions it has been handed down from father ters from Milan, is the Cantina Valtidone Bonaventura, grandson of Antonio, show- which finds its roots in two main values: to son with the same values of tradition co-operative. Since 1966, it works the gra- ed an interest for wine production, develo- respect for a tradition that has age-old and quality. At the moment the company is pes produced by its 220 members before ping a passion that led him to create, in the origins and modernity for a notion of wine run by Natale Verga, in active cooperation marketing and selling the wine obtained same year, Casa Vinicola Maschio. Today, that focuses on diffusion and conviviality. with his sisters Cristina and Laura. from it. Cantina Valtidone looks after the Maschio is one of the leading producers in The winery was established in 1962 and to- grapes from the vines to the table in order Italy in the semi-sparkling wine sector. day it brings together 1.200 vine growers GOVERNO ALL’USO TOSCANO – to preserve their organoleptic qualities. with over 1.500 hectares of vineyards. ROSSO TOSCANO IGT PROSECCO DOC TREVISO GUTTURNIO BOLLO ROSSO EXTRA DRY ‘MASCHIO’’ EDDA BIANCO SALENTO IGP 2016 GRAPES Sangiovese, Merlot, GRAPES GRAPES GRAPES Cabernet. Barbera and Bonarda grape 100% Glera 80% Chardonnay, 15% LAND OF PRODUCTION varieties of old, low-yielding LAND OF PRODUCTION Moscatello Selvatico 15%, Tuscany. vineyards. Vineyards in the area Fiano 5%. ORGANOLEPTIC LAND OF PRODUCTION of Treviso. LAND OF PRODUCTION CHARACTERISTICS Val Tidone Colli Piacentini. ORGANOLEPTIC San Marzano, Salento, Apulia. Color: bright, intense ruby ORGANOLEPTIC CHARACTERISTICS The area is about 100 meters red. Bouquet: fruity, round. CHARACTERISTICS Light straw yellow with above sea level and benefits Flavour: fresh, harmonic and A still, full-bodied wine. lively mousse. Pronounced from great diurnal temperature savoury on palate with vinous Garnet-red color; a strong and candied fruit and sweet variations. The soft soil is aftertaste, which reminds complex scent with nuances flowers. Attractive with an shallow, quite thin and with a flavours of the harvest period. of preserve and vanilla; warm, aromatic note. good texture. SERVING SUGGESTIONS vigorous and harmonic flavor. SERVING SUGGESTIONS ORGANOLEPTIC Pairs well with game and SERVING SUGGESTIONS Excellent as an aperitif, it CHARACTERISTICS roast, savoury and seasoned cheeses. Serve at room temperature is also ideal for drinking throughout the Colour: straw yellow with goldish SIZES (18°C) and pair with red meat and aged meal. reflections and aroma, mellow floral 0,75 l cheese varieties. N. OF BOTTLES PRODUCED notes, of peach and delicate vanilla SIZES 550,000 pervade the nose. Taste: generous 0,75 l SIZES in its elegance, fresh, delicate and TERRE SICILIANE IGT SHIRAZ 0,75 l mineral. Meet us at Vinitaly 2017: SERVING SUGGESTIONS GRAPES Hall: 1 Meet us at Vinitaly 2017: Best served with first courses with fish Shiraz Booth: A11 Hall: 5 and starters. Excellent with cheese. LAND OF PRODUCTION Booth: C5 Serving temperature about 12-14°C. Sicily. N. OF BOTTLES PRODUCED ORGANOLEPTIC 15,000 CHARACTERISTICS TINAZZI SIZES Color: intense ruby red with CODICE 0,75 l purplish hued. Bouquet: fruity CITRA with notes of blackberries Tinazzi is a family-owned winery based in Meet us at Vinitaly 2017: and raspberries, hints of black Northern Italy with vineyards in Veneto as Hall: 11 pepper and vanilla. Flavour: Codice Citra, founded in 1973, groups 9 well as in Apulia. Tinazzi’s wines include Booth: D5 full, round and very pleasant. high quality traditional wines from Veneto wineries in the province of Chieti. It is the SERVING SUGGESTIONS (such as Amarone della Valpolicella, Valpo- biggest wine producer in Abruzzo, inclu- Pairs well with risotto, red licella Ripasso, Bardolino, Bardolino Chia- ding 3,000 winegrowers with 6,000 hecta- AZIENDA AGRICOLA meat, mixed boiled meat and retto) and wines from Apulia (Primitivo di res of vineyards. DRUSIAN FRANCESCO mid-seasoned cheeses. Manduria, Negroamaro). SIZES NIRO - 0,75 l CA’ DE’ ROCCHI - MONTERÈ - MONTEPULCIANO D’ABRUZZO DOP The Drusian family has been producing VALPOLICELLA RIPASSO SUPERIORE wine for three generations and now owns Meet us at Vinitaly 2017: DOP GRAPES 80 hectares of vineyards in the heart of Hall: 3 Montepulciano Valdobbiadene, cradle of Prosecco Supe- Booth: C7 GRAPES LAND OF PRODUCTION riore Docg. Carefulness in details, dedica- Corvina, Molinara, Chieti, Abruzzo. tion during every step of winemaking and Rondinella ORGANOLEPTIC passion for the territory, make the wines LE MANZANE LAND OF PRODUCTION CHARACTERISTICS always fresh and rich in fragrances and pre- Valpolicella. Bouquet: elegant with black cious aromatic nuances. ORGANOLEPTIC cherry and wild fruits Le Manzane is placed in San Pietro di Felet- CHARACTERISTICS overtones blended in black DRUSIAN VALDOBBIADENE to (Tv), in the heart of Prosecco Superiore Deep ruby red colour. pepper notes, cocoa and PROSECCO SUPERIORE DOCG territory, half way from Dolomiti mountains Aromas of red fruit, mainly balsamic aromas. Taste: EXTRA DRY to Venice. The family farm, 30-year strongly plum and sour cherry, spicy well-balanced in accordance entrenched business in the Treviso provin- hints and a light balsamic with the typical characteristics GRAPES ce, every year sells about 1,000,000 bot- vein. Strong, balanced fla- of the tannin-rich complex 100% Glera tles in local and international markets (32 vor, with soft tannins. Long structure of Montepulciano LAND OF PRODUCTION countries from Japan to Brazil). finish. wines, but soft and juicy. Aftertaste with Conegliano Valdobbiadene SERVING SUGGESTIONS fruit preserve nuances and a good Prosecco Superiore Docg MARZEMINO VINO PASSITO It pairs well with autumn risottos, pasta lingering finish. ORGANOLEPTIC and beans, or stew with “pearà” (typical SERVING SUGGESTIONS CHARACTERISTICS GRAPES Veronese sauce). Uncork 1 hour before First dishes with mushrooms, truffle and Colour: straw yellow with Marzemino drinking. Serve at room temperature, juicy sauces. Ideal with roast lamb game, greenish hints. Nose: fresh, LAND OF PRODUCTION 20°C venison and baked red meats. It also goes with a delicate note of Morainic hills between N. OF BOTTLES PRODUCED well with salami and seasoned cheeses. It apple. Palate: fragrant, Conegliano and 150,000 is also appetizing and provoking with dark harmonious and Valdobbiadene. SIZES chocolate. well-balanced. ORGANOLEPTIC 0,75 - 1,5 l N. OF BOTTLES PRODUCED SERVING SUGGESTIONS CHARACTERISTIC 18,000 Serving temperature: 6-8°C. Intense garnet red colour, Meet us at Vinitaly 2017: SIZES Recommended glass: fairly large, strong and characteristic Hall: 4 0,75 l tulip-shaped glass. scent of blackberry. Booth: E7 N. OF BOTTLES PRODUCED SERVING SUGGESTIONS Meet us at Vinitaly 2017: 715,000 (2016) Excellent with fruit and Hall: 12 SIZES dessert. Served at 18°C. Booth: F2 0,375 - 0,75 - 1,5 l N. OF BOTTLES PRODU- CED Meet us at Vinitaly 2017: 4,300 Hall: 6 SIZES Booth: B4 0,50 lt Meet us at Vinitaly 2017: Hall: 4 Booth: F7 follow The Italian Wine Magazine - Buyer's Guide / 5
PRODUCTS PREVIEW VALDO FRATELLI AZIENDA MIONETTO SPUMANTI BERLUCCHI UGGIANO In 1887 the love and passion of master wi- The history of Valdo Spumanti started in The winery is located in the heart of Fran- Uggiano, originally founded in the Castle ne-maker Francesco Mionetto for the land 1926 in Valdobbiadene, region of great ciacorta, surrounded by the morainic hills of Montespertoli by the French-school wi- led him to open this winery set amidst the natural riches and the heart of production of the Prealpine lanscape. Wine is produ- nemaker Dr. Giuseppe Losapio, is today a gently rolling hills of Valdobbiadene, in the for the Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore ced using only those grapes which come modern winery led by the three historical heart of Prosecco area. Today Mionetto Docg. Since then, Valdo has given prece- from 70 hectares of owned vineyards which partners. Chianti Colli Fiorentini Docg, with has become a flagship for the area and a dence to a culture of excellence, taste and are Docg (Denomination of Origin Con- Chianti Riserva Docg ‘The Pheasant’, the shining example of Prosecco production know-how, earned by hard work and tire- trolled and Guaranteed) and Doc (Deno- Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon based Su- on the international scene. less passion. mination Origin Controlled). pertuscans represent the highest expres- sion of Uggiano’s winemaking tradition, as PROSECCO DOC TREVISO BRUT VALDO BIO, PROSECCO DOC BRUT 25 – FRANCIACORTA NV well as being the symbols of its success. ‘PRESTIGE COLLECTION’ BIOLOGICO, BRUT GRAPES CHIANTI RISERVA DOCG 2012 GRAPES GRAPES 100% Chardonnay ‘FAGIANO’ 100% Glera 100% Organic Glera LAND OF PRODUCTION LAND OF PRODUCTION LAND OF PRODUCTION Franciacorta, Lombardy GRAPES Prosecco Doc Treviso zone. Prosecco Doc area. Region. 90% Sangiovese, ORGANOLEPTIC ORGANOLEPTIC ORGANOLEPTIC 10% Canaiolo CHARACTERISTICS CHARACTERISTICS CHARACTERISTICS LAND OF PRODUCTION This well-structured sparkling Straw yellow colour. Bright and brilliant, with Tuscany. Prosecco stands out for its lumi- Bouquet delicately fruity fresh and delicate ORGANOLEPTIC nous straw yellow hue and for and floral. Flavour bouquet, light scent of CHARACTERISTICS its emphatic yet stylish mousse. harmonious, dry, sapid teast in the end. Dark bordeaux red colour. The bouquet is redolent of Gol- and with a slightly mineral SERVING SUGGESTIONS Complex bouquet with den Delicious apple, while the aftertaste. 7°/8° C, perfect for whole hints of sour black cherry, palate is appealingly marked by SERVING SUGGESTIONS meal or just as a drink all wild berries and violet aromatic notes of honey, black Excellent as an aperitif day long. accompanied by vanilla’s liquorice, and acacia blossom. before lunch or dinner. It N. OF BOTTLES nuances. On the palate is SERVING SUGGESTIONS finds its perfect match with fish-based PRODUCED full-bodied, round with a Extremely versatile in pairing, this dishes and risottos. Great with sushi and 90,000 persistent and slightly tannic aftertaste. sparkling wine loves vegetables, mine- sashimi. Serve in a large stem glass at a SIZES SERVING SUGGESTIONS strone, mushrooms, grilled fish and almost temperature of 6-8°C. 0,375 - 0,75 - 1,5 - 3 - 6 Ideal with savoury pastas, handmade any fish-based preparation. N. OF BOTTLES PRODUCED pasta with mushrooms, grilled or roasted SIZES More than 75,000 Meet us at Vinitaly 2017: meats, Florentine tripe, game. Serve at 0,75 l SIZES Hall: Palaexpo Lombardy – 18-20°C 0,75 l Franciacorta Area N. OF BOTTLES PRODUCED Meet us at Vinitaly 2017: Booth: D 15 60,000 Hall: 4 Meet us at Vinitaly 2017: SIZES Booth: B3 Hall: 4 0,75 - 1,5 l Booth: F3 BISOL Meet us at Vinitaly 2017: DESIDERIO & FIGLI Hall: 9 CANTINA SAN MICHELE Booth: C9 APPIANO F.LLI BONELLI Bisol is a name that is part of the history Anacleto Bonelli founded the winery in of Prosecco: it’s tradition has been intima- tely linked to the territory of Valdobbiade- CANTINA Grand and dignified, St. Michael-Eppan the ‘50s in Rivergaro Val Trebbia, the val- ne since the Bisol family began the grape DELLA VOLTA Winery has been enthroned in the cen- ley that cuts through the Apennines from ter of South Tyrol’s most important wine- growing and wine making business in the Padana plain to Genova. Cantine Bo- growing community for over a century. For 1542, handing it down from father to son. nelli is now run by his grandchildren who Cantina Della Volta was created by Chri- more than two thousand years, wines have The Bisol family directly cultivate 20 of the are continuing to develop and reinforce a stian Bellei, a fourth generation wine ma- been grown in the area around Eppan, best-located plots for grape growing. The company with a specific niche in the Italian ker, backed by a group of very close friends known for its ideal growing conditions. feather in the cap is the plot nurtured on wine panorama: since the beginning, the who helped him rebuild the original site of The 340 winemaking families that form the the summit of the Cartizze hill, the world’s founder has decided to specialize in the his family winery created in 1920 in Bom- backbone of the winery joined forces in most expensive vineyard dedicated to vinification of native grapes. porto (Mo). 1907 to create St. Michael-Eppan Winery. bubbles ORTRUGO LAMBRUSCO DI MODENA DOC CABERNET MERLOT CREDE VALDODDIABENE PROSECCO DEI COLLI PIACENTINI DOC SPUMANTE BRUT METODO SANCT VALENTIN 2013 SUPERIORE DOCG SPUMANTE BRUT CLASSICO 2011 GRAPES GRAPES GRAPES 100% Ortrugo GRAPES Cabernet Sauvignon 45%, 85% Glera, 10% Pinot LAND OF PRODUCTION 100% Lambrusco Cabernet Franc 15%, Bianco, 5% Verdiso Val Trebbia – Piacenza. di Sorbara Doc Merlot 40% LAND OF PRODUCTION ORGANOLEPTIC LAND OF PRODUCTION LAND OF PRODUCTION Santo Stefano CHARACTERISTICS Secchia River alluvial plain, Selected vineyards in di Valdobbiadene. Type: sparkling; Color: Province of Modena, Cortaccia, Caldaro ORGANOLEPTIC bright straw-yellow. Aroma: Emilia Romagna. and Leitach. CHARACTERISTICS bold and elegant, with ORGANOLEPTIC ORGANOLEPTIC The color is a brilliant, light elder, wisteria and citrus CHARACTERISTICS CHARACTERISTICS straw yellow with nuances fruit notes. Taste: refreshing, Tiny, smooth and well Blackish red, Cassis, mint, of green, while the perlage aromatic, pleasant. combined perlage. Nose leather and fine notes of features a myriad of minute SERVING SUGGESTIONS with delightful, compact cocoa, Velvety, substantial, and persistent bubbles. The Good match for appetizers and distinguished scents complex. bouquet of wildflowers is and light dishes from the of mixed wild berries, SERVING SUGGESTIONS suitably intense, fresh and Mediterranean tradition. with clear hints of wild Strong meat dishes, aged elegant and emanates an N. OF BOTTLES strawberries. The palate perceives an cheeses. extremely agreeable fruitiness. The flavor PRODUCED immediate fresh note enhanced by N. OF BOTTLES reflects the fruity bouquet with its scents 100,000 shades of red fruits, with prevailing tones PRODUCED of apples and pears and the overall SIZES of ripened cherries. The acidity is good 15,000 harmony is completed by a rich and 0,75 l and well balanced. SIZES fine sapidity. SERVING SUGGESTIONS 0,75 l SERVING SUGGESTIONS Meet us at Vinitaly 2017: Excellent for receptions and cocktails To be served at 8°C. Hall:1 N. OF BOTTLES PRODUCED Meet us at Vinitaly 2017: parties. It is the Bisol Prosecco for the Booth: A12 25,000 Hall: 6 entire meal. It is also the ideal Prosecco SIZES Booth: D1 for preparing the original Bellini. N. OF BOTTLES PRODUCED 0,75 l 200,000 SIZES Meet us at Vinitaly 2017: 0,75 l Hall: 3 Booth: E5 Meet us at Vinitaly 2017: Hall: 7 Booth: Grandi Vini E7/E8 6 / The Italian Wine Magazine - Buyer's Guide
DUCA TENUTE LA MONTINA LE CHIANTIGIANE DI SALAPARUTA LUNELLI SOC. COOP. AGRICOLA Born in Franciacorta on the 28th of April Corvo is a Sicilian classic benefitting from Tenuta Podernovo is a splendid vine-co- 1987 from 3 of the 7 Bozza brothers: Vitto- Le Chiantigiane Consortium was founded 200 years of tradition, it obtains the best vered hill in the commune of Terricciola, rio, Giancarlo and Alberto. The area with in 1967 and now it has become the largest from every native vine thanks to its in- within the up-and-coming, high-quality grapevines, developed on a surface of 72 wine-producing Consortium in Tuscany. depth knowledge of the Island’s distinctive wine zone of the Colline Pisane. The wine- hectares positioned in 7 districts in Francia- From the outset, the chief goal has always geographic characteristics and microcli- ry has been constructed with total respect corta, allows the wine company to produ- been the quality, protection, distribution mates, and production processes focused for the morphology of the site and with ce 380,000 bottles per year. Nowadays the and propagation of the excellence of on quality. Duca di Salaparuta always re- particular attention to the conservation of production of La Montina rosé in the Demi Tuscan wines throughout the world. Le veals Sicily’s most interesting aspects in a the surrounding landscape. Sec version covers almost 90% of all the Chiantigiane has 2460 hectars of vineyards unique, seductive manner. Franciacorta production. divided in 2000 Tuscan associated wine- ALIOTTO TOSCANA IGT ROSSO 2014 growers. STAR GRILLO - MÜLLER THURGAU LA MONTINA FRANCIACORTA BRUT GRAPES CHIANTI DOCG LOGGIA DEL SOLE GRAPES Sangiovese 60%, GRAPES Grillo, Müller Thurgau Cabernet, Merlot and other 85% Chardonnay, 15% Pinot GRAPES LAND OF PRODUCTION local grapws 40%. Nero 90% Sangiovese, Western Sicily, between the LAND OF PRODUCTION LAND OF PRODUCTION 10% Canaiolo Nero towns of Castellamare and Tuscany, Pisa hills. Lombardy, Franciacorta. LAND OF PRODUCTION Salemi; and the Palermo ORGANOLEPTIC ORGANOLEPTIC Provinces of Siena, hinterland in central Sicily. CHARACTERISTICS CHARACTERISTICS Pistoia and Florence. ORGANOLEPTIC It has a luminous ruby red Training System: Guyot. ORGANOLEPTIC CHARACTERISTICS colour. The nose reveals Yield per hectare: CHARACTERISTICS Colour: bright straw-yellow elegant notes of morello 95 quintals/hectare. Bright ruby red verging on with greenish highlights. cherries and fruit in brandy, Maturation: base wine made garnet red when aged. This Bouquet: intense, floral as well as herbal and from different cuvée of wine has a generous bouquet (jasmine) and rich with fruity mineral tones. different years. Residual with a fruity, floral flavour with notes. Flavour: lively, A well-structured yet supple sugar: 7/8 gr/lt. hints of morello cherry and delicately pétillant, very wine that has an attractive SERVING SUGGESTIONS violet and a dry, well-balanced agreeable to drink. Marked roundness, due to its well-modulated and Serve at 7°C. The generous foam, the flavour. floral (chamomile flowers) and citrus notes. refined tannins. Overall, it is very elegant, acidity, the pleasant scents of fresh fruit SERVING SUGGESTIONS SERVING SUGGESTIONS with its well-balanced tanginess and and floral notes make it excellent as This wine is a particularly suitable 10°-12° C. An ideal aperitif, and excellent mellow finish suade. aperitif and safe companion of first accompaniment to roasts, grilled meat with shellfish, seafood and fish dishes in SERVING SUGGESTIONS course and fish dishes. and hearty soups. Serve at a temperature general. An excellent wine for meat courses, N. OF BOTTLES PRODUCED of 18°-20° C. SIZES especially rare Fiorentina. 130,000 N. OF BOTTLES PRODUCED 0,75 l N. OF BOTTLES PRODUCED SIZES Around 700,000 130,000 0,375 - 0,75 - 1,5 - 3 l SIZES Meet us at Vinitaly 2017: SIZES 0,75 l Hall: 2 0,75 l Meet us at Vinitaly 2017: Booth: B27/C30 Hall: Lombardy - Franciacorta Meet us at Vinitaly 2017: Meet us at Vinitaly 2017: Booth: D 15 Hall: 9 Hall: 3 Booth: E13 MASI Booth: C3 AGRICOLA MACULAN VINICOLA Masi Agricola is a winery based in Valpo- LEONE SERENA licella Classica, producing and distributing DE CASTRIS fine wines firmly rooted in the values of the The winery was founded in 1947 by Giovan- Triveneto region. By using indigenous gra- ni Maculan. Today it is managed by Fausto pe varieties and methods, as well as con- In 1665, Duke Oronzo Arcangelo de Ca- Since 1881 Serena Wines has never ceased Maculan and his daughters Angela and to innovate: history and tradition blend stantly conducting experiments and rese- stris, Count of Lemos, established the Maria Vittoria. 40 hectars located in the hi- with innovation. The customer has a wide arch, today Masi is one of the best-known winery exactly where it still lies, in Salice storical centre of Breganze, where ancient range of choice of different types of wine Italian producers of fine wines in the world. Salentino. In 1943 the Five Roses was cre- traditions and state-of-the-art technology in both barrels and bottles with different ated, the first Rosé bottled in Italy, follo- merge. This enables the Maculan family brands and different types of products, in- CAMPOFIORIN 2014 ROSSO wed by the Red Salice Salentino in 1954, to produce beautiful wines, DEL VERONESE IGT which got the Doc denomination in early cluding Doc and Docg sparkling and quali- appreciates throughout the ty red and white Igt wines. 70’s. We produce a selection of high quali- world. GRAPES ty wines, great sparkling wines made with 70% Corvina, 25% Rondinella, Negroamaro and white Malvasia grapes, VALDOBBIADENE PROSECCO MACULAN XL SUPERIORE DOCG EXTRA DRY 5% Molinara a nice brandy (acquavite), and a precious VENDEMMIA LAND OF PRODUCTION extra virgin olive oil. TERRA SERENA Vineyards in the stream-filled GRAPES valleys of the Veronese hills VILLA SANTERA PRIMITIVO GRAPES Cabernet Sauvignon 100% Glera which enjoy similar ROSATO IGT SALENTO LAND OF PRODUCTION LAND OF PRODUCTION pedoclimatic conditions to Breganze Doc. the original “Campofiorin” GRAPES Valdobbiadene, Veneto. ORGANOLEPTIC ORGANOLEPTIC vineyard in Marano di Primitivo CHARACTERISTICS CHARACTERISTICS Valpolicella. Very deep alluvial LAND OF PRODUCTION Colour: ruby bone, long and Bright straw yellow with terrain on eocenic limestone. Salice Salentino, Apulia. fluid. Nose: large, clean, refined and persistent ORGANOLEPTIC ORGANOLEPTIC with small notes ripe red perlage. Its bouquet is CHARACTERISTICS CHARACTERISTICS and black fruit, cassis, raspberry, blue- complex with scents of rose, Bright ruby red in colour. Wine of a light pink colour berry and plum. Spicy component hints jasmine, wisteria and acacia. Intense and elegant aromas of ripe with shiny reflex. The nose of vanilla, chocolate and tobacco. In the Fruity notes of apple, banana, cherries, raspberries and sweet spices on has hints of red berries and mouth: full-bodied, soft, with a good pineapple with mineral hints. the nose. Firm and well balanced flowers notes that make it acidity, with tannins nobles. They return SERVING SUGGESTIONS structure on the palate, with smooth very elegant. In the mouth the fruity notes, especially plum and hints It is an ideal wine for all occasions, tannins and lively acidity. Long finish with it is very fresh and smooth of wood. Long finish with a pleasant swe- particularly suitable as aperitif to enjoy flavours of berry fruit and spices. and invites you to drink the etness. together with friends. It goes perfectly SERVING SUGGESTIONS second glass. N. OF BOTTLES PRODUCED with delicate appetizers or fish-based A very versatile wine. Perfect with many SERVING SUGGESTIONS 300 dishes. Serving temperature: 6/7°C different kinds of food such as pasta with Dishes based on seafood and white SIZES N. OF BOTTLES PRODUCED rich sauces (based on meat or meat. 1,5 l Company: 22 mln bottles in 2016 mushrooms), grilled or roasted red meats, N. OF BOTTLES PRODUCED game and mature cheeses. 30,000 SIZES Meet us at Vinitaly 2017: 0,75 l Recommended drinking temperature SIZES Hall: 7 18°C (64°F). 0,75 l Booth: B3 Meet us at Vinitaly 2017: N. OF BOTTLES PRODUCED 1,650,000 Meet us at Vinitaly 2017: Hall: 6 SIZES Hall:7 Booth: C4 0,75 l Booth: E5 Meet us at Vinitaly 2017: Hall: 7 Booth: C3 follow The Italian Wine Magazine - Buyer's Guide / 7
PRODUCTS PREVIEW MEDICI MONTELVINI PERLAGE RONCHI ERMETE & FIGLI WINES DI MANZANO A profound sense of belonging to our land The Medici Ermete Cellars have been and respect for the equilibrium of our ter- Perlage produces and sells still, sparkling Ronchi di Manzano is located in Manzano established for more than a century and ritory. This is the soul of Montelvini, one of and spumante wines from organic grapes (Ud), in the heart of Colli Orientali del Friuli are situated in the best growing area of the most dynamic wineries in the Italian pa- supplied by local producers certified and by the Slovenian country border. The com- Lambrusco. The Medici family has always norama. Its headquarters are in Venegazzù, subjected to rigorous quality checks. Since pany was founded in the late ‘60s and sin- been dedicated to get the best out of this in the province of Treviso, the heart of the 1985 business ethics, environmental and ce 1984 it is managed by Roberta Borghe- wine. The cellars are situated in Gaida, on production zone for the Docg Prosecco social sustainability are the founding values se, along with daughters Lisa and Nicole. the National road ‘Via Emilia’, only few ki- Superiore Asolo, the Rosso Montello and of this historical winery of the Conegliano- Every year sells about 200,000 bottles in lo- lometres from their farms and vineyards. the Doc Montello and Colli Asolani. Valdobbiadene Docg area. cal and international markets (15 countries from Australia to Brazil). CONCERTO REGGIANO PROMOSSO SPUMANTE BRUT - SGÀJO - PROSECCO DOC LAMBRUSCO DOC SECCO COLLEZIONE PROMOSSO TREVISO EXTRA DRY VEGAN RIBOLLA GIALLA DI ROSAZZO DOC SPUMANTE EXTRA DRY GRAPES GRAPES GRAPES 100% Lambrusco Salamino Cuvèe GRAPES Ribolla Gialla LAND OF PRODUCTION LAND OF PRODUCTION 100% Glera LAND OF PRODUCTION Reggio Emilia. Veneto. LAND OF PRODUCTION Rosazzo hill. ORGANOLEPTIC ORGANOLEPTIC Treviso, Veneto. ORGANOLEPTIC CHARACTERISTICS CHARACTERISTICS ORGANOLEPTIC CHARACTERISTICS Intensely brilliant and pure in The aromas are fruity and CHARACTERISTICS The Ribolla has a pale-yellow both its ruby red color and fresh. On the palate there is Colour: sparkling limpidity, colour, it is dry, fresh and aromatics, the wine shows a a pleasurable acidity, with a fine and persistent perlage, balanced. At the fresh scent of fresh strawberry, raspberry fine and persistent perlage, pale straw yellow. Flavour: hawthorn and wisteria we can and cherry character. On the good structure and a clean fruity with notes of apple, feel warmer flavours of plum palate, dry yet fruity, round, taste. apricot and some banana. and citron. The fruit leaves a fresh and lively notes are SERVING SUGGESTIONS Taste: freshness, long and perceptible imprint, nearly delectably harmonious. It perfectly suits shellfish and persistent flavour, bitter neutral and remembers the Acidity and tannins are perfectly balanced white fish, as well as seafood; aftertaste, a very drinkable French oak. and the finish is clean. it is also excellent as an aperitif. scent of pear. SERVING SUGGESTIONS SERVING SUGGESTIONS N. OF BOTTLES PRODUCED SERVING SUGGESTIONS Serving temperature 9-10°C; ideal to be 14-15°C First production. Perlage suggests pairing with ethnic serves with fish dishes and soups. N. OF BOTTLES PRODUCED SIZES kitchen based on raw fish and rice. N. OF BOTTLES PRODUCED 150,000 0,75 l Perfectly combined with vegetable 5,000 SIZES dishes and vegan cuisine. SIZES 0,75 l Meet us at Vinitaly 2017: N. OF BOTTLES PRODUCED 0,75 l Hall: 4 105,000 Meet us at Vinitaly 2017: Booth: E6 SIZES Meet us at Vinitaly 2017: Hall: 7 0,75 l Hall: 6 Booth: D7 Booth: C8 Meet us at Vinitaly 2017: Hall: 3 CANTINE Booth: B6 SALCHETO SETTESOLI TOMMASI NATURAE Tuscany, Montepulciano (Siena). Founded Established in 1958 in Menfi, Cantine Set- SOCIETÀ AGRICOLA in 1984 as a classic Tuscan farm share crop, tesoli is Sicily’s largest winery, the largest GIANNITESSARI Tommasi Naturae is the family's path to Salcheto is today a 50 Ha of vineyards or- care and respect of the environment. It is ganically farmed estate operating in one vineyard in Europe and a genuine wine- growing district in the province of Agri- about great wines, healthy vineyards, and of the most ecologically advanced self- In 2013 Gianni Tessari arrived at Società the well-being of workers in order to make gento. It now counts 2,000 partners, 6,000 sustaining cellars. Our best wine is ‘Salco’, Agricola Marcato and start to express his authentic fine wines. With Tommasi Natu- hectares of vineyards, wine-making facili- Vino Nobile di Montepulciano. stature as oenologist through the compari- rae you can taste our natural commitment ties dedicated to the vinification of about 500,000 ql of grapes processed every year son with three different terroirs: Monti Les- to producing organic wines of great taste NOBILE – VINO NOBILE sini, Soave, Colli Berici. In 2016 the com- and excitement, which is why we believe and a packaging and storage center. DI MONTEPULCIANO pany changed its name to Società Agricola our wines are among the very best you’ll MANDRAROSSA CARTAGHO 2014 Giannitessari: 55 hectares of vineyards di- experience. GRAPES stributed in three Doc and 350,000 bottles Sangiovese Prugnolo Gentile POGGIO AL TUFO IL CAVALIERE - GRAPES produced. LAND OF PRODUCTION TOSCANA IGT 100% Nero d’Avola Montepulciano, Siena, MONTE TENDA SOAVE LAND OF PRODUCTION Tuscany. CLASSICO DOC 2016 GRAPES Menfi. ORGANOLEPTIC Vermentino and Chardonnay ORGANOLEPTIC CHARACTERISTICS GRAPES LAND OF PRODUCTION CHARACTERISTICS Cherry jam, sweet spice, mint Garganega and Trebbiano Maremma Toscana. The wine has an intense red and rose petal. di Soave. ORGANOLEPTIC colour with vibrant shades SERVING SUGGESTIONS LAND OF PRODUCTION CHARACTERISTICS of purple. The perfume is Extremely versatile in the Soave, Cru Monte Intense with hints of white fruits, intense, with scents of wild pairings, it should be served Tenda,Verona. citrus and light mineral tones blackberries and Morello between 18°C and 20°C ORGANOLEPTIC Intense, smooth with a clean, cherries. On the palate it is N. OF BOTTLES CHARACTERISTICS crisp finish. Dry and lively on the clean and distinct, with hints PRODUCED Straw yellow color. Very fine palate it is strong and balanced, of dates and maritime pine. 80,000 bouquet of white flowers and with a marked minerality and SERVING SUGGESTIONS SIZES white pulp fruit. Sustained basically savoury. It has a very Meat roasts, braised meat, 0,750 - 0,375 - 1,5 - 3 - 5 - 18 l body with light hints of fresh and compelling drinkability. game, hard cheese. N. OF BOTTLES PRODUCED almond and a fresh ending. SERVING SUGGESTIONS Meet us at Vinitaly 2017: SERVING SUGGESTIONS Appetizers, light first courses and fish. 72,000 Hall: 9 Appetizers, soups, fish based dishes, N. OF BOTTLES PRODUCED SIZES Booth: D14 white meat. 10,000 0,75 l N. OF BOTTLES PRODUCED SIZES Meet us at Vinitaly 2017: 20,000 0,75 l Hall: 2 SIZES Booth: 81 E - 87 F 0,75 l Meet us at Vinitaly 2017: Hall: 5 Meet us at Vinitaly 2017: Booth: D2 Hall: 6 Booth: F3 8 / The Italian Wine Magazine - Buyer's Guide
AZ. AGR. TORTI UMBERTO VAL D’OCA – CANTINA PROD. CANTINA L’ELEGANZA DEL VINO CESARI DI VALDOBBIADENE TRAMIN The Torti family boasts ancient traditions From more than 50 years Umberto Cesari Located at the foot of the Veneto’s pre- Founded in 1889, Cantina Tramin is among of Oltrepò Pavese Doc wines. The produc- has been the ambassador of high quality Alps, in the hilly region between Asolo and the oldest cooperatives in the region of tion of our quality wines and spumanti is Sangiovese in the world. Respect for the Conegliano, Val D’Oca was established in the Südtirol - Alto Adige. Its wines, authen- led by the expert, loving hands of father environment and tradition, combined with 1952. Today the co-operative - one of the tic expressions of a unique terroir, are crea- Dino, heir of a great tradition and passion the most modern technologies, are the oldest companies growing, processing ted from grapes grown by 290 producers, for the vines, in particular for Pinot Nero. core values of the winery that extends over and bottling Prosecco - is sustained by 583 with the pride of knowing that each bottle Our Pinot Noir is produced on the top of 350 hectares on the hills of Castel San Pie- producers and is the leader company in contains a compendium of philosophy of the Burgundy Hill on the 45°Parallel. tro Terme. the Valdobbiadene area. life and work: rigor, dedication, confidence and creativity. PINOT NOIR TORTI LIANO SANGIOVESE CABERNET ‘RIVE DI COLBERTALDO’ SAUVIGNON RUBICONE IGT VALDOBBIADENE PROSECCO NUSSBAUMER GRAPES SUPERIORE DOCG EXTRA DRY GEWÜRZTRAMINER 2015 Pinot Noir GRAPES LAND OF PRODUCTION 70% Sangiovese Grosso, GRAPES GRAPES Lombardy, Oltrepò Pavese. 30% Cabernet Sauvignon 100% Glera Gewürztraminer ORGANOLEPTIC LAND OF PRODUCTION LAND OF PRODUCTION LAND OF PRODUCTION CHARACTERISTICS Hills between Imola and Veneto, Valdobbiadene, Südtirol - Alto Adige. Our Pinot Noir is harvested Bologna, Emilia Romagna. Colbertaldo. ORGANOLEPTIC by hands, selected from ORGANOLEPTIC ORGANOLEPTIC CHARACTERISTICS vineyards in our hill CHARACTERISTICS CHARACTERISTICS Color: gleaming, intense ‘borgogna’ that captures Luminous ruby red colour with It’s elegance, refinement and golden yellow. Aroma: a ka- the best of the Oltrepò garnet highlights. Very floral-fruity perfect harmony. leidoscope of aromas: rose Pavese’s unique terroir. The generous bouquet, with ripe Perfect pair for a dish created petals, spicy blossoms of body is fresh elegant, the red berryfruit and sour cherry by a great chef as well as for lilies, ylang-ylang, gardenia; senses will be captured from preserves. Smooth, elegant, an informal picnic. ripe exotic yellow fruits such delicate perfumes of black with appealing tannins; well-balanced SERVING SUGGESTIONS as cantaloupe, mango, cherry, strawberry flavors and taste, with a lengthy finish. Great as an aperitif, but perfect also for passion fruit, lychee, citrus raspberry that lightly dance upon the SERVING SUGGESTIONS the whole meal. zest; spicy notes of dried palate. Serve at room temperature. Perfect with N. OF BOTTLES PRODUCED herbs, ginger, saffron, cloves, cinnamon SERVING SUGGESTIONS ample selections of cold cuts and 34,000 and nutmeg. Taste: deeply aromatic, rich Suggested serving temperature: 16-18° cheeses, grilled beef strips and roasts. SIZES in body and essences, but with fine C. Beautifully balanced with vibrant Goblet: balloon. Butterfly size juiciness and salty minerality increasing acidity, it’s the ideal complement for N. OF BOTTLES PRODUCED with age, a nearly endless finish. earthy mushrooms, grilled salmon, game 750,000 Meet us at Vinitaly 2017: SERVING SUGGESTIONS dishes, lamb, cheese, poultry. SIZES Hall: 4 Pairs well with antipasto of fish or N. OF BOTTLES PRODUCED 0,375 - 0,75 - 1,5 - 3 - 9 - 12 - 18 l Booth: stand D6 smoked foods, ripe soft cheese, white About 60,000 meat, swordfish or tuna; ideal with SIZES Meet us at Vinitaly 2017: shellfish and seafood, spectacular 0,375 – 0,75 l Hall: 7 accompaniment to spicy oriental cuisine Booth: E7-E8 TENUTA LAMBORGHINI and creative spicy/aromatic creations. Meet us at Vinitaly 2017: SOC. AGRICOLA N. OF BOTTLES PRODUCED Hall: Lombardy Region – About 55,000; 700 magnums and a few Oltrepò Pavese Area other large formats Booth: B 3 LE MORETTE - AZIENDA The Lamborghini estate lies between the SIZES AGRICOLA VALERIO ZENATO south side of the Trasimeno lake and the 0,75 - 1,5 - 3 - 5 l beautiful medieval village of Panicale. Si- ZENATO tuated on the border between Umbria Meet us at Vinitaly 2017: Azienda Agricola Valerio Zenato lies on and Tuscany, the property was purchased Hall: 6 the south coast of Lake Garda. The winery in the 1960s by Ferruccio Lamborghini. Booth: B2 The Zenato winery was founded in 1960 has been founded by Gino Zenato 60 ye- Since then, the daughter Patrizia and the by Sergio Zenato in the heart of Lugana, ars ago. Today, Fabio and Paolo, the third actual property have always been working generation of winemakers, support their in Peschiera del Garda (Verona). Soon it father Valerio in the name of maximum re- to achieve ever higher quality, in the pure VITEVIS was extended in the Valpolicella land, in style Lamborghini. Sant'Ambrogio. Today, the company con- spect for the environment, to optimize the tinues thanks to the hard work of his wife balance between production and nature. CAMPOLEONE Carla and his sons Alberto and Nadia, who Vitevis Cantine was established on July 1, consolidated and expanded the project LUGANA MANDOLARA 2016 GRAPES 2015 when three wineries in the Province of begun by Sergio. Sangiovese 50% Vicenza joined together: Cantina di Gam- GRAPES and Merlot 50% bellara, Cantina Colli Vicentini and Cantina AMARONE DELLA VALPOLICELLA Turbiana LAND OF PRODUCTION Val Leogra. These three separate wineries DOCG CLASSICO RISERVA LAND OF PRODUCTION Umbria, Italy. felt the time had come to join their forces ‘SERGIO ZENATO’ Lugana. ORGANOLEPTIC in a single winery in order to effectively pe- ORGANOLEPTIC CHARACTERISTICS netrate international markets. GRAPES CHARACTERISTICS Dark ruby colour, exhibiting 80% Corvina, 10% Rondinella, Colour is pale straw-yellow, very nice and powerful MONOPOLIO - 10% Oseleta and Croatina with green reflections. redcurrant, blueberry and ROSSO COLLI BERICI DOC LAND OF PRODUCTION Its characteristic balanced raspberry aromas, with Sant’Ambrogio di Valpolicella. bouquet is pleasant and fresh elegant tobacco and GRAPES ORGANOLEPTIC with white flowers. Fruit chocolate nuances. Full bodied, it exhibits Merlot, Tai Rosso and a small CHARACTERISTICS dictates the palate with apple copious though sweet tannins and a very percentage of Pinot Nero. Colour: deep ruby red, it and peach notes and, on the long, complex finish with echoes of LAND OF PRODUCTION develops in a garnet red. finish, a trace of bitter almonds. roasted coffee beans, cedar and cassis. Colli Berici hills, Vicenza. Nose: extremely intense, SERVING SUGGESTIONS The structure is very remarkable. ORGANOLEPTIC spicy dried-fruit bouquet, full Its delicate and light flavour makes it the SERVING SUGGESTIONS CHARACTERISTICS flavoured. Palate: well structured, a truly perfect companion with a wide range of Roasted meats, dried cheese. Colour: ruby red with intense magnificent wine. dishes from hors d’oeuvres to fish. N. OF BOTTLES PRODUCED shades. Bouquet: intense SERVING SUGGESTIONS N. OF BOTTLES PRODUCED 20,000 with hints of mature cherries Ideal with roasted meat, game, grilled 250,000 SIZES and plum jam, spicy notes. steak and aged cheeses, but perfect as a SIZES 0,75 - 1,5 l Taste: full-bodied, smooth meditation wine. 0,375 – 0,750 – 1,5 – 3 l and velvety, tannins are N. OF BOTTLES PRODUCED Meet us at Vinitaly 2017: intense but soft. 16,000 Meet us at Vinitaly 2017: Hall: 7 SERVING SUGGESTIONS Hall: Palaexpo - Area Lugana Booth: D7 It is suitable with all dishes; it perfectly Meet us at Vinitaly 2017: Booth: A13 accompanies roasted red meats, game, Hall: 4 tasty first courses and mature cheese. Booth: G1-G2 N. OF BOTTLES PRODUCED 100,000 SIZES 0,75 l Coordinate stand a Vinitaly 2017: Hall: 5 Booth: F 4 the end The Italian Wine Magazine - Buyer's Guide / 9
REPORTAGE PROWEIN 2017: JA, SEHR GUT! The latest edition of the German trade how turned out to be record-breaking. About 60,000 visitors attended the event. More and more strategic for the global wine business. Le Manzane Valdo Spumanti Good. Very good. Once showed how strong and ca- Ernesto Balbinot Mauro Bonetti again, this year ProWein im- pable it is. An extremely high pressively proved it is (proba- number of orders were placed bly) the world’s most impor- and a great deal of new busi- tant business platform for the ness ideas were discussed,” international wine and spirits said Hans Werner Reinhard, sector. Over 6,500 exhibitors Managing Director of Messe from more than 60 nations – Düsseldorf, summing up the From left: Marco and Ernesto Balbinot more than ever before – were success of the trade fair. “2016 ended on a positive note, also due “In 2016 we managed to achieve sati- presented at ProWein in Düs- Exhibitors’ comprehensive to a great performance on the domestic sfying results, especially in sales. The wi- market. 35% of our bottles, instead, are dening of our range of Italian Spumanti, seldorf from 19 to 21 March. ranges this year were sup- directed to global markets”. with the addition of a Premium Mosca- Half the exhibitors came from plemented by special focal to, has significantly contributed to this Italy (1,600) and France (1,500), points. These included the Cantina Val Tidone success. We will soon launch important followed by Germany (1,000), Champagne Lounge, the Or- Mauro Fontana news also in the field of organic.” the New World (600), Austria, ganic World focusing on or- Carpené Malvolti Spain and Portugal. In focus ganic wines, the Tasting Area Domenico Scimone were the new wines from all by Mundus Vini and the fizzz relevant winegrowing regions Lounge. Particularly quirky of this world supplemented by and unusual ideas were in the 300 spirits specialties. spotlight in the "Same but dif- From left: Mauro Fontana This year visitor numbers also ferent" special show. Running and Gianpaolo Fornasari set new standards. A total of in parallel the supporting pro- “After celebrating our winery’s 50th an- 58,500 trade visitors from 130 gram consisted of some 500 niversary, in 2017 we are aimed at further increase our international business. A countries came to ProWein tastings and events that were “In 2018 we will celebrate our company’s (2016: 55,700 from 126 countri- held either right at the exhibi- middle-term project launched on the oc- 150th anniversary. Last year was strategic casion of Prowein 2016, that is giving us for the development of our exports and es). One in two visitors came tors’ stands or in the ProWein great satisfaction.” to Düsseldorf from abroad. Forum. we have introduced important changes, Tenute Piccini such as the direct distribution on the Particularly pleasing here was German market.” ProWein 2017: ja, sehr gut! Maurizio Rossi the high number of managers: Bene, anzi, molto bene. Pro- Donelli Vini at least two-thirds of all visitors wein edizione 2017 va in ar- Giovanni Giacobazzi were top decision-makers. chivio con numeri record, They came to Düsseldorf with dimostrando di essere una a clear intention to invest: just strategica - qualcuno dice under 60% of all trade visitors addirittura la più importante From left: Maurizio Rossi, Mario Piccini performed their business de- - piattaforma d’affari al mon- and Camelia Lazar do nel campo internazionale als during the fair or planned del vino e degli alcolici. Oltre “2016 was characterized by a strong per- to place orders right after it. formance both on the domestic and in- 6.500 espositori (1.600 quelli ternational markets. We closed the year “We are satisfied with the results posted One in two visitors also found italiani) provenienti da oltre with a 62,75 million euro turnover and a last year. We achieved great performan- new suppliers. "ProWein is an 60 nazioni - come mai prima total production of 15,3 million bottles." ces in Brazil, the United States and Ja- incredibly intensive trade fair. d’ora - si sono presentati a pan.” Düsseldorf dal 19 al 21 mar- Masi Agricola For three days, very concen- Alessandra Boscaini Azienda Agricola Drusian trated and effective business zo. Anche il numero dei visi- Francesco Drusian goes on here. Visitors parti- tatori ha segnato quest’anno un nuovo record. Comples- cularly included key players sivamente 58.500 visitatori – important importers and re- specializzati, provenienti da presentatives from large inter- 130 Paesi, sono venuti alla national commercial chains. ProWein (contro i 55.700 del Again this year the sector 2016). “In 2016 we managed to open new inter- national markets, which led to an overall SAVE THE DATES! good performance. Today, we export our 8 to 11 May 2017 - ProWine Asia, Hong Kong wines to more than 100 countries. And in “In 2016 our company has experienced 2017 we celebrate the 50th anniversary a double digit revenue growth. With ex- 14 to 16 November 2017 - ProWine China, Shanghai of our Campofiorin, a ‘Supervenetian’ ports accounting for about 70% of total 18 to 20 March 2018 - ProWein Düsseldorf that has spread the knowledge of Masi turnover. We should start exporting to 17 to 19 March 2019 - ProWein Düsseldorf wines worldwide.” Canada very soon.” 10 / The Italian Wine Magazine - Buyer's Guide
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