Pagina creata da Riccardo Catalano

The Plank collection is the fruit of intense research, where an innovative
                                 approach to form as well as technology underpins its design philosophy.
                                 Relations and close collaboration with designers are a key feature of our
                                 method, where frequent meetings and dialogue lead to the identification
                                 of a final product.

Plank Headquarters, Ora, Italy   A passion for research transforms Plank products from ideas and
                                 intuitions into furniture. When the highest quality of form is combined
                                 with that of technology.

Outdoor collection                               Outdoor collection
    Plank è lieta di presentare una nuova            Plank is pleased to present a collection of
    raccolta di immagini lifestyle che mostrano      lifestyle images showing its contemporary
    i suoi elementi d’arredo inseriti in ambienti    furniture in outdoor use.
    esterni. Le nuove immagini sono fonte            The images offer inspiration to designers
    d’ispirazione per designer, architetti e altri   and other industry professionals, but
    professionisti del settore, ma anche per         also for the users, seeking outstanding
    l‘utente stesso, alla ricerca di prestigiosi     outdoor furniture for their latest projects.
    elementi d’arredo per esterni da inserire        Displaying the products in context
    nei loro progetti. Contestualizzare i            emphasizes the functional features that
    prodotti nell’ ambiente enfatizza i caratteri    make them so well-suited to outdoor use,
    funzionali che li rendono così adatti            such as the permeable surface of the
    all’uso esterno, come per esempio la             MYTO chair
    superficie traforata della sedia MYTO che        that lets water drain through it, and
    lascia passare l’acqua e il meccanismo           MIURA table’s folding mechanism that
    pieghevole del tavolo MIURA, che permette        allows multiple tables to stack when not
    di impilare più tavoli quando non in uso.        in use.

4                                                                                                   5
Prodotti / Products / Produkte

    Sedie / Poltroncine
    Chairs / Armchairs
    Stühle / Sessel

                08                   14                         18
              MYTO          REMO plastic    MONZA armchair outdoor



                                                      MIURA stool


                40                    42                    48
        MIURA table           MIURA table           MONZA table

                30                     52                    46
      LAND ottoman                   MART              MISTER X

6                                                                    7
                                                          Konstantin Grcic

    Mod. 1207-20

                82                                          100
                                                            (max. 8)

       51                 55                     92

    Sedia a sbalzo interamente pro-              Cantilever chair entirely made of            Freischwinger Stuhl aus Kunststoff
    dotta in plastica nei colori nero,           plastic in black, white, traffic red,        in den Farben Schwarz, Weiß,
    bianco, rosso traffico, arancio puro,        pure orange, yellow green, light             Verkehrsrot, Reinorange, Gelbgrün,
    giallo verde, azzuro. Impilabile, per        blue. Stackable, for indoor and              Hellblau. Stapelbar, für Innen- und
    uso interno ed esterno.                      outdoor use.                                 Außenbereich.

    Finitura plastica / Plastic finishings / Kunstoffausführungen
    Polipropilene / Polypropylene / Polypropylen

    bianco, white, weiß   nero, black, schwarz   azzurro, light blue,   gialloverde, yellow   rosso traffico, traffic   arancio puro, pure
                                                 hellblau               green, gelbgrün       red, verkehrsrot          orange, reinorange

8                                                                                                                                            9
10   11
12   13
                                                     plastic chair
                                                             Konstantin Grcic

     Mod. 1417-20

                                                              106                                 (max. 12)
                                                              (max. 12)

        55                  48                      80                            88
     Scocca in polipropilene nei colori             Polypropylene seat shell in the                     Sitzschale aus Polypropylen in den
     nero, bianco, grigio basalto, grigio           colours black, white, basalt grey,                  Farben Schwarz, Weiß, Basaltgrau,
     segnale, blue verdastro, grigio                signal grey, green blue, yellow                     Gelbgrau, Avionblau, Farngrün,
     giallastro, blu avion, verde felce,            grey, avion blue, fern green, oxide                 Oxidrot, Weißgrün, Korallenrot,
     rosso ossido, verde biancastro,                red, pastel green, coral red, sulfur                Schwefelgelb. Metallgestell
     rosso corallo, giallo zolfo. Struttura         yellow. Metal frame in chrome or                    verchromt oder verzinkt -
     in tubo metallico cromato oppure               zinc coated/powder coated (out­                     pulverbeschichtet in den Farben
     zincato-verniciato a polvere (uso              door) matched to the shell colours.                 passend zur Sitzschale. Optionale
     esterno) abbinato a i colori della             Optional cushion in fabric or                       Polsterauflage in Stoff oder Leder.
     scocca. Cuscino opzionale in tessuto           leather. Stackable.                                 Stapelbar.
     o pelle. Impilabile.

     Finiture plastica / Plastic finishings / Kunststoffausführungen
     Polipropilene / Polypropylene / Polypropylen

     nero, black,          grigio basalto, basalt   blu verdastro, green      blu avion, avion          rosso ossido, oxide     rosso corallo, coral
     schwarz               grey, basaltgrau         blue, grünblau            blue, avionblau           red, oxidrot            red, korallenrot

     bianco, white, weiß   grigio segnale, sig-     grigio giallastro, yel-   verde felce, fern         verde biancastro, pa-   giallo zolfo, sulfur
                           nal grey, signalgrau     low grey, gelbgrau        green, farngrün           stel green, weißgrün    yellow, schwefelgelb

     Telaio / Frame / Gestell

     cromato, chrome,
     verchromt (indoor only)

     nero, black,          grigio basalto, basalt   blu verdastro, green      blu avion, avion          rosso ossido, oxide     rosso corallo, coral
     schwarz               grey, basaltgrau         blue, grünblau            blue, avionblau           red, oxidrot            red, korallenrot

     bianco, white, weiß   grigio segnale, sig-     grigio giallastro, yel-   verde felce, fern         verde biancastro, pa-   giallo zolfo, sulfur
                           nal grey, signalgrau     low grey, gelbgrau        green, farngrün           stel green, weißgrün    yellow, schwefelgelb

14                                                                                                                                                     15
16   17
                                              armchair outdoor
                                                                Konstantin Grcic

     Mod. 1209-40

                     77                                                                  90
                                               64                                        (max. 4)

                                49                                            68

     Poltroncina, struttura in iroko mas-              Armchair, massive iroko wooden               Armlehnstuhl, Gestell aus massivem
     siccio trattato con olio. Schienale in            structure, oil treated. Backrest in          Iroko, geölt. Rückenlehne aus Poly-
     polipropilene nei colori nero, bianco,            polypropylene in the colours black,          propylen in den Farben Schwarz,
     cafè latte, caramello, marrone terra.             white, cafe latte, caramel, terra            Weiß, Caffelatte, Karamell, Terrabraun.
     Uso interno ed esterno.                           brown. Indoor and outdoor use.               Innen- und Aussenbereich.

     Finiture legno / Wooden finishings / Holzausführungen
     Iroko / iroko / Iroko

     naturale, natural,

     Colori schienale / Backrest colours / Farben Rückenlehne
     Polipropilene / Polypropylene / Polypropylen

     bianco, white, weiß        nero, black, schwarz   azzurro, light blue,   gialloverde, yellow   rosso traffico, traffic   rosso vino, wine red,
                                                       hellblau               green, gelbgrün       red, verkehrsrot          weinrot

     caffè latte, cafe latte,   caramello, caramel,    marrone terra, terra
     caffelatte                 karamell               brown, terrabraun
18                                                                                                                                                    19
20   21
22   23
                                                            lounge chair
                                                                 Naoto Fukasawa

     Mod. 1100-00





             111   111                  83   83

            112                              83


     Lounge chair interamente prodotta                  Lounge chair entirely made of                   Lounge chair aus Kunststoff
     in plastica (rotostampaggio) nei                   plastic (rotational molding) in the             (Rotationsverfahren) in den Farben
     color nero, bianco, grigio basalto,                colours black, white, basalt grey,              Schwarz, Weiß, Basaltgrau,
     grigio segnale, rosso traffico, giallo             signal grey, traffic red yellow green.          Signalgrau, Verkehrsrot, Gelbgrün.
     verde. Per uso interno ed esterno.                 For indoor and outdoor use.                     Innen- und Außenbereich.

     Finiture plastica / Plastic finishings / Kunststoffausführungen
     Polietilene / Polyethylene / Polyethylen

     nero, black, schwarz      bianco, white, weiß      grigio basalto, basalt grigio segnale, signal   rosso traffico, traffic   giallo verde, yellow
                                                        grey, basaltgrau       grey, signalgrau         red, verkehrsrot          green, gelbgrün

24                                                                                                                                                       25
26   27
28   29
                                                           Naoto Fukasawa

     Mod. 1050-00


          74                  44

     Ottoman interamente prodotta in              Ottoman entirely made of plastic                Ottoman aus Kunststoff (Rotations-
     plastica (rotostampaggio) nei color          (rotational molding) in the colours             verfahren) in den Farben Schwarz,
     nero, bianco, grigio basalto, grigio         black, white, basalt grey, signal               Weiß, Basaltgrau, Signalgrau,
     segnale, rosso traffico, giallo verde.       grey, traffic red, yellow green. For            Verkehrsrot, Gelbgrün. Innen- und
     Per uso interno ed esterno.                  indoor and outdoor use.                         Außenbereich.

     Finiture plastica / Plastic finishings / Kunststoffausführungen
     Polietilene / Polyethylene / Polyethylen

     nero, black, schwarz   bianco, white, weiß   grigio basalto, basalt grigio segnale, signal   rosso traffico, traffic   giallo verde, yellow
                                                  grey, basaltgrau       grey, signalgrau         red, verkehrsrot          green, gelbgrün

30                                                                                                                                                 31
32   33
34   35
                                                              Konstantin Grcic

     Mod. 8200-00

                  81               78                    88
                                                         (max. 4)

        47                  40                 65

     Sgabello in polipropilene nei colori           Stool made of polypropylene avai-              Barhocker aus Polypropylen in den
     nero, bianco, arancio puro, rosso              lable in black, white, pure orange,            Farben Schwarz, Weiß, Reinorange,
     traffico, rosso vino, azzurro, giallo          traffic red, wine red, light blue,             Verkehrsrot, Weinrot, Hellblau,
     verde. Impilabile. Uso interno ed              yellow green. Stackable. Indoor and            Gelbgrün. Stapelbar. Innen- und
     esterno.                                       outdoor use.                                   Außenbereich.

     Finiture plastica / Plastic finishings / Kunstoffausführungen
     Polipropilene / Polypropylene / Polypropylen

     bianco, white, weiß     nero, black, schwarz   arancio puro, pure   rosso traffico, traffic   rosso vino, wine red,   gialloverde, yellow
                                                    orange, reinorange   red, verkehrsrot          weinrot                 green, gelbgrün

     azzurro, light blue,

36                                                                                                                                               37
38   39
                                                       Konstantin Grcic

     Mod. 9553-51                       Mod. 9553-01                            Mod. 9553-71


                 66,5                        63         66,5                      63        66,5
             Ø 60                                   Ø 60                                 Ø 60

     Mod. 9590-51 (Ø                    Mod. 9590-01 (Ø 70)                     Mod. 9590-71 (Ø 70)
     70)                                Mod. 9591-01 (Ø 80)                     Mod. 9591-71 (Ø 80)
                                        Mod. 9592-01 (Ø 90)

                              48,5-50                               73-74,5

                    71,5                  70-90        71,5-90                   70-80      71,5-80

              Ø 70                                   Ø 70                                Ø 70
                                                     Ø 80                                Ø 80
                                                     Ø 90

     Mod. 9580-51 (70x70)           Mod. 9580-01 (70x70)            Mod. 9580-71 (70x70)            Mod. 9555-01 (Ø 100)
                                                                                                    Mod. 9556-01 (Ø 110)

                            48,5-                           73-                             109,5                   73
                            50                              74,5

                 71,5                70-90        71,5-90               70-80     71,5-80             100-110            100-110

              70x70                           70x70                             70x70                               Ø 100
                                                                                                                    Ø 110

40                                                                                                                                 41
Mod. 9586-01                                                  Mod. 9586-71


             140                   70                                      140                   70

                              70                                                            70

     Mod. 9587-01                                                Mod. 9587-71


               160                      80                                   160                      80

                                   70                                                            70

     Sistema di tavolo pieghevole,                     Table system, structure in pow-                       Tisch System, Gestell in pulver-
     struttura in alluminio verniciato a               der coated aluminium or polished                      beschichtetem Aluminium oder
     polvere o alluminio lucido, piani                 aluminum, top in powder coated                        in poliertem Aluminium, Platte in
     in acciaio, MDF o HPL Full color                  metal, MDF or HPL Full colour in                      Metall, MDF oder Vollaminat HPL
     nei colori nero e bianco, (piani in               black and white, (metal tops also in                  in den Farben schwarz und weiß,
     metallo anche in rosso). Piano                    red). With folding table top. Gliders                 (Metallplatten auch in verkehrsrot).
     tavolo ribaltabile. Scivoli in plastica.          in plastic. For indoor and outdoor                    Tischplatte klappbar. Gleiter in
     Uso interno ed esterno.                           use.                                                  Plastik. Innen- und Außenbereich.

     Piano tavolo / Table top / Tischplatte
     HPL - FunderMax FH                                                          MDF (Ø70, Ø80, 70x70 cm)
     HPL - FENIX NTM® (nero ingo, indoor)                                        indoor

     nero, black, schwarz   bianco, white, weiß                                  nero, black, schwarz        bianco, white, weiß

     Piano in metallo / Metal table top / Metalltischplatte (Mod. 9553)
     verniciato a polvere / powder coated / pulverbeschichtet

     nero, black, schwarz   bianco, white, weiß        rosso traffico, traffic
                                                       red, verkehrsrot

     Telaio / Frame / Gestell
     Alluminio / Aluminum / Aluminium
     verniciato a polvere / powder coated / pulverbeschichtet

     nero, black, schwarz   bianco, white, weiß        rosso traffico, traffic   lucido, polished, poliert
                                                       red, verkehrsrot          (indoor only)
                                                       (Mod. 9553)
42                                                                                                                                                  43
44   45
                                                   Biagio Cisotti + Sandra Laube

     Mod. 9505-51 (Ø 60)                           Mod. 9505-01 (Ø 60)                           Mod. 9505-71 (Ø 60)
     Mod. 9506-51 (Ø 70)                           Mod. 9506-01 (Ø 70)                           Mod. 9506-71 (Ø 70)
     Mod. 9507-51 (Ø 80)                           Mod. 9507-01 (Ø 80)                           Mod. 9507-71 (Ø 80)


                            68                         49                 68                         49                 68

                 Ø 60                                          Ø 60                                          Ø 60
                 Ø 70                                          Ø 70                                          Ø 70
                 Ø 80                                          Ø 80                                          Ø 80

     Mod. 9510-51 (70x70)                          Mod. 9510-01 (70x70)                          Mod. 9510-71 (70x70)
     Mod. 9511-51(80x80)                           Mod. 9511-01 (80x80)                          Mod. 9511-71 (80x80)


                            68                         49                 68                         49                 68

                  70x70                                         70x70                                         70x70
                  80x80                                         80x80                                         80x80

     Tavolo. Base a quattro razze in               Table. Four star cast iron base               Tisch. Kreuzfußgestell aus Gusseisen
     ghisa verniciata a polvere nel colore         black or white powder coated.                 weiß oder schwarz pulverbeschichtet.
     nero o bianco. Piano tavolo in HPL            Table top in high pressure laminate           Tischplatte aus Voll-Laminat (HPL)
     Full Color o in MDF verniciato in             (HPL) Full Colour or in MDF powder            oder in MDF pulverbeschichtet
     nero o bianco. Scivoli regolabili.            coated in black or white. Adjustable          schwarz oder weiß. Regulierbare
     Uso interno ed esterno.                       gliders. For indoor and outdoor use.          Gleiter. Innen- und Außenbereich.

     Piano tavolo / Table top / Tischplatte                                                      Base tavolo / Table base / Tischgestell
     HPL - FunderMax FH                            MDF (Ø70, Ø80 cm, 70x70, 80x80 cm)            Ghisa / Cast iron / Grauguss
     HPL - FENIX NTM® (nero ingo, indoor)          indoor                                        verniciato a polvere / powder coated /

     nero, black, schwarz    bianco, white, weiß   nero, black, schwarz    bianco, white, weiß   nero, black, schwarz    bianco, white, weiß

46                                                                                                                                             47
                                                          Konstantin Grcic

     Mod. 9203-01                           Mod. 9208-01                                 Mod. 9224-01

                                  73                                            73

          80                                        160
                                                                                                         Ø 139

                     80                                             80

     Sistema di tavolo, struttura in              Table system, structure in aluminum       Tisch System. Gestell aus Alumi-
     alluminio verniciata a polvere colore        white or black powder coated, legs        nium weiss oder schwarz pulverbe-
     bianco o nero, gambe in alluminio            in aluminum white or black powder         schichtet, Füsse in Aluminium weiss
     verniciato a polvere colore bianco           coated or in ash natural lacquered.       oder schwarz pulverbeschichtet oder
     o nero oppure gambe in frassino              Table top in high pressure laminate       in Esche Natur lackiert. Tischplatte
     verniciato naturale. Piano in lamina-        (HPL) in the colours white or black.      aus Voll-Laminat (HPL) in den Farben
     to pieno (HPL) colore bianco o nero.         Adjustable gliders. For indoor and        schwarz oder weiss. Verstellbare
     Scivoli regolabili. Uso interno ed           outdoor (powder-coated leg version        Gleiter. Für Innen und Außenbereich
     esterno (solo per tavolo con gambe           only) use.                                (nur für Tisch mit pulverbeschichteten
     verniciato a polvere).                                                                 Beinen). .

     Piano tavolo / Table top / Tischplatte
     HPL - FunderMax FH
     HPL - FENIX NTM® (nero ingo, indoor)

     nero, black, schwarz   bianco, white, weiß

     Finiture gambe / Leg finishings / Tischbeine
     Alluminio estruso / Aluminum extrusion / Aluminium Extrusion    frassino massiccio / massive ash / Esche massiv
     verniciato a polvere / powder coated / pulverbeschichtet        indoor

     nero, black, schwarz   bianco, white, weiß                      naturale, natural, natur

48                                                                                                                                   49
50   51
                                                                P. lab
     Mod. 9834-01                                                                    Mod. 9835-01

                            73                                                                                   73

                      Ø 110                                                                               Ø 120

     Mod. 9820-01                                                                    Mod. 9843-01

                                                     73                                                     73

                  200                                                                      100

                                      100                                                                  100

     Sistema di tavolo. Struttura in metal-       Table System. Structure in powder            Tischsystem. Gestell in Metall pulver-
     lo verniciato a polvere nei colori nero,     coated metal in the colours black,           beschichtet in den Farben schwarz
     bianco. Gambe in alluminio estruso           white. Aluminum extrusion table              oder weiß. Beine in Aluminium
     verniciato a polvere nei colori nero,        legs with white or black powder co-          Extrusion pulverbeschichtet in den
     bianco o in alluminio rivestito con          ating or aluminum wrapped natural            Farben Schwarz, Weiß oder Alumi-
     frassino verniciato naturale. Piano in       ash veneer. Table top in white or            nium mit Esche ummantelt, Natur
     HPL Full Color nei colori nero e bian-       black high pressure laminate (HPL).          lackiert. Tischplatte aus Voll-Laminat
     co. Scivoli in plastica. Uso interno ed      Gliders in plastic. For indoor and           (HPL). Gleiter in Kunststoff. Für Innen
     esterno (solo per tavolo con gambe           outdoor (powder-coated leg version           und Außenbereich (nur für Tisch mit
     verniciato a polvere).                       only) use.                                   pulverbeschichteten Beinen).

     Piano tavolo / Table top / Tischplatte                         Struttura / Structure / Gestell
     HPL - FunderMax FH                                             Metallo / metal / Metall
     HPL - FENIX NTM® (nero ingo, indoor)                           verniciato a polvere / powder coated / pulverbeschichtet

     nero, black, schwarz   bianco, white, weiß                     nero, black, schwarz       bianco, white, weiß

     Finiture gambe / Leg finishing / Ausführungen Füsse
     Alluminio estruso / Aluminum extrusion / Aluminium Extrusion   rivestito con frassino / wrapped ash verneer /
     verniciato a polvere / powder coated / pulverbeschichtet       Esche ummantel (indoor)

     nero, black, schwarz   bianco, white, weiß                     naturale, natural, natur

52                                                                                                                                       53
Art Direction:
Biagio Cisotti

Graphic Design:
Sandra Laube

Product Photography:
Miro Zagnoli

Location photography:
Luca Meneghel

Drone photography:
Martin Plank

Plank Srl
Via Nazionale 35
I-3940 Ora (BZ)
Tel +39 0471 803 500
Fax +39 0471 803 599

Quality system according to ISO 9001
© 2020 Plank Srl - All Products International Deposit of Industrial Design
Plank Srl
Via Nazionale 35
I-39040 Ora (BZ)
Tel +39 0471 803 500
Fax +39 0471 803 599
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