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Milano, 17 novembre 2011 Mini-Hydro: per chi e dove? Concessione, aspetti autorizzativi e incentivanti IL PROGETTO STREAM MAP: UNA ROADMAP PER IL PICCOLO IDROELETTRICO Iulca Collevecchio Settore idroelettrico APER
PICCOLO IDROELETTRICO Dr. Jekyll o Mr. Hyde? Incentivi alla microgenerazione da FER ! Piccoli impianti = pochi kWh e danni ai fiumi !
PICCOLO IDROELETTRICO Should I stay… or should I go? 2020 targets Non esiste una “ROAD MAP” per il settore idroelettrico in vista degli obiettivi al 2020 …
SHP STREAM MAP Il progetto europeo • Intelligent Energy Europe (1/06/09 al 1/06/12) • Coordinatore: ESHA • Partner: APER, LHA, FHE, SSHA, SERO, IHSD, BHA, APREN, PHA & EDORA • Advisory Board: ESHA, Eurostat, Eurelectric, EREC, Observ’er & HEA-E • Copertura: EU-27
SHP STREAM MAP La Roadmap Formulare una Roadmap per il piccolo idroelettrico: A. raccogliere informazioni (energy-policy-market) B. creazione di HYDI: databse europeo contenente informazioni sul settore idroelettrico per i paesi dell’EU27 aggiornato annualmente C. analizzare lo stato attuale e il potenziale sviluppo del settore D. delineare uno scenario evolutivo e formulare delle raccomandazioni ai decisori politici circa il ruolo del piccolo idroelettrico nel mix energetico al 2020
SHP STREAM MAP La raccolta dati: work in progress Nessuno ha mai commesso un errore più grande di chi non fece nulla perché poteva fare troppo poco. (Edmund Burke)
PRESENTAZIONE DEI DATI RACCOLTI Le fasi della raccolta • Fase 1: individuazione soggetti da coinvolgere nella raccolta dati (regioni, provincie, AdB, Terna, GSE, costruttori di macchine…) •Fase 2: invio questionari “mirati” a contatti raccolti •Fase 3: controllo/validazione dati ricevuti •Fase 4: stima dati di cui non si è ricevuta risposta (HIP) •Fase 5: revisione/modifica (semplificazione) questionari alla luce dei dati raccolti con i Partner europei •Fase 6: validazione pubblica dei dati raccolti •Fase 7: nuova raccolta dati
PRESENTAZIONE DEI DATI RACCOLTI Energy: stato Energy data - Current data – Italy – 2010 Fonti: GSE, TERNA
PRESENTAZIONE DEI DATI RACCOLTI Energy: previsioni Energy data - Forrecast - Italy – 2011 UNDER CONSTRUCTION: impianti che abbiano già ottenuto tutti i permessi e concessioni e che siano in costruzione nel periodo di riferimento PLANNED PLANTS: nuovi impianti che hanno già ottenuto la concessione per l'uso dell'acqua, ma che hanno bisogno di chiedere altre autorizzazioni, come il permesso alla costruzione e all’esercizio dell'impianto o la VIA HIP: qualifica IAFR a progetto solo con AU già ottenuta. Nuovi Impianti (D-nuova costruzione e C-riattivazione) e Upgrading (A–Potenziamento, B–Rifacimento, BP– Rifacimento Parziale). I lavori per la realizzazione dell’intervento sull’impianto devono iniziare entro 18 mesi dall’ottenimento della qualifica Fonte: GSE
PRESENTAZIONE DEI DATI RACCOLTI Energy: potenziali Energy data – Potential – Italy Metodol. 3. Hydropower potential notes Small hydro Large Hydro (≤10 MW) (>10 MW) Year: 2009, 2020 and 2030 GWh MW GWh MW a) Gross theoretical potential 66.000 24.444 134.000 49.630 b) Technically feasible potential 52.800 19.556 107.200 39.704 c) Economically feasible potential 26.400 9.778 53.600 19.852 d) Economic potential with environmental 13.860 5.133 28.140 10.442 constraints in 2009 e) Percentage (%) of economically feasible 36 63 potential that has been developed in 2009 f) Percentage of economically feasible potential 46 56 P that will be developed in 2020 g) Percentage of economically feasible potential A that will be developed in 2030 49 56 N Potenziale teorico lordo: l'energia annua potenzialmente disponibile nel paese, se tutti i flussi naturali venissero turbinati a livello mare con il 100% di efficienza. HIP “Valutazione della disponibilità idrica e del potenziale di producibilità idroelettrica a scala nazionale e di bacino”, CESI ricerca, 2006 200.000 GWh/anno Italia Potenziale tecnicamente fattibile: La parte del potenziale teorico lordo tenendo conto dei limiti della tecnologia attuale (include la produzione dalla capacità attualmente installata). HIP 80% PTL Potenziale economicamente fattibile: La parte del potenziale teorico lordo tenendo conto dei limiti della tecnologia attuale e tenendo conto delle attuali e future condizioni economiche locali (dovrebbe includere la produzione dalla capacità attualmente installata). HIP 50% PTF Potenziale economicamente fattibile tenendo conto dei vincoli ambientali: La parte del potenziale teorico lordo che potrebbe essere sfruttata nell'ambito dei limiti della tecnologia attuale, tenendo conto delle attuali e future condizioni economiche locali e di protezione ambientale (dovrebbe includere la produzione dalla capacità attualmente installata). HIP 50% PEF
PRESENTAZIONE DEI DATI RACCOLTI Market: industria e valori economici
Metodol. PRESENTAZIONE DEI DATI RACCOLTI notes Market: industria NUMBER OF COMPANIES: aziende “indotto” (costruttori componenti, studi di ingegneria, fornitore di servizi di manutenzione) e aziende di produzione di energia idroelettrica. EQUIPPMENT SUPPLIERS: costruttori di componenti (turbine, generatori, alternatori, valvole e griglie…) e fornitori componenti elettromeccaniche. ENGINEERING ACTIVITIES: aziende che forniscono assistenza tecnica, progettazione di impianti e strutture, indagini idrologiche, geologiche e geotecniche, rilievi topografici ed indagini biologiche. MAINTEINANCE SERVICES: società di gestione dell'impianto e servizi di postvendita. OTHERS: assistenza legale, consulenti economici e ambientali, ricercatori etc. CIVIL WORKS: comprende le imprese che si occupano dei lavori civili, lavori di fondazione speciali e condotte, dighe Stima basata principalmente sul numero di aziende associate APER che operano nella produzione di energia idroelettrica e su quelle che operano nel settore delle consulenza tecnica, legale, economica, ambientale
PRESENTAZIONE DEI DATI RACCOLTI Market: valori economici 2. Economics Small Hydro (10 MW) Year: 2005-2009 Low head High head Pure Hydro Of which pumped storage a) Average Investment cost (€/kW) 5.000 4.000 b) Average Cost per KWh produced (€) 1,2 to 1,5 1,0 to 1,3 c) Average O&M Cost (as % of total investment cost) 4 to 6 2 to 4 d) Average lifetime of the mechanical equipment (number of years) 20 20 30 e) Average Civil Works Cost (as a % of total investment cost) 50 to 60 40 to 50 60 f) Internal Rate of Return (Average in %) 7 to 8 7 to 9 8 to 9 Dati ottenuti principalmente da fornitori di macchinari e validati da studi di ingegneria con decennale esperienza sul campo
PRESENTAZIONE DEI DATI RACCOLTI Policy: supporto, concessioni e normativa
PRESENTAZIONE DEI DATI RACCOLTI Policy: supporto Year Variable Type Measurement _Minimum tariff: 96,4 €/MWh for the first 500 MWh, 81,2 €/MWh between the 501 and the 1000 MWh, 71,0 €/MWh between 1001 and 2000 MWh. Can be cumulated with Green Certificates. _Green Certificates: for the first 12 years, only for new plants or refurbishing/repowering. Average market price administrated energy for 2007: 120,19 €/MWh* + VAT (20%) withdrawal & minimum ** This kind of mechanism is not a "support", but only a simplified system to help small plants that face more tariff (P≤1MW) ** + difficulties in selling energy on the market and an acknowledgement of the higher managing costs of the micro 2007 Small Hydro Green Certificates generation. Green Certificates: for the first 12 years, only for new plants or refurbishing/repowering. Average market price 2007 Large Hydro Green Certificates for 2007: 120,19 €/MWh* + VAT (20%) _Comprehensive tariff: 220 €/MWh + VAT (10%) for the first 15 years comprehensive feed-in _ Minimum tariff: 98,0 €/MWh for the first 500 MWh, 82,6 €/MWh between the 501 and the 1000 MWh, 72,2 tariff (P≤1MW) (electricity €/MWh between 1001 and 2000 MWh. Can be cumulated with Green Certificates. price + _Green Certificates: for the first 15 years, only for new plants or refurbishing/repowering. Average market price incentive) or administrated for 2008: 78,69 €/MWh* + VAT (20%) energy withdrawal & ** This kind of mechanism is not a "support", but only a simplified system to help small plants that face more minimum tariff (P≤1MW) **+ difficulties in selling energy on the market and an acknowledgement of the higher managing costs of the micro 2008 Small Hydro Green Certificates generation. Green Certificates: for the first 15 years, only for new plants or refurbishing/repowering. Average market price 2008 Large Hydro Green Certificates for 2008: 78,69 €/MWh* + VAT (20%) _Comprehensive tariff: 220 €/MWh + VAT (10%) for the first 15 years comprehensive feed-in _Minimum tariff: 101,1 €/MWh for the first 500 MWh, 85,2 €/MWh between the 501 and the 1000 MWh, 74,5 tariff (P≤1MW) (electricity €/MWh between 1001 and 2000 MWh. Can be cumulated with Green Certificates. price + _Green Certificates: for the first 15 years, only for new plants or refurbishing/repowering. Average market price incentive) or administrated for 2009: 88,16 €/MWh* + VAT (20%) energy withdrawal & ** This kind of mechanism is not a "support", but only a simplified system to help small plants that face more minimum tariff (P≤1MW) **+ difficulties in selling energy on the market and an acknowledgement of the higher managing costs of the micro 2009 Small Hydro Green Certificates generation. Green Certificates: for the first 15 years, only for new plants or refurbishing/repowering. Average market price 2009 Large Hydro Green Certificates for 2009: 88,16 €/MWh* + VAT (20%)
PRESENTAZIONE DEI DATI RACCOLTI Policy: concessioni Nr of Nr of Countr Year Variable Type of permits plants plants y granted waiting Small Hydro (2-3 years 96 Small Hydro (1-2 years Large Hydro (>10 MW) - Concession for the use of water+single step Available concessione? Italy 2007 New permits authorisation*+IEA -->3-6 years 5 Concession for the use of water+single step authorisation Large Hydro (>10 MW) - (is required to access in the incentivation system for Not Italy 2007 Refurbishment + Relicensing refurbishment)+IEA (if necessary)-->2-3 years Available Small Hydro (2-3 years 82 Concession for the use of water+single step authorisation Small Hydro (1-2 years Available Large Hydro (>10 MW) - Concession for the use of water+single step Italy 2008 New permits authorisation*+IEA (if necessary)-->3-6 years 4 Concession for the use of water+single step authorisation Large Hydro (>10 MW) - (is required to access in the incentivation system for Not Italy 2008 Refurbishment + Relicensing refurbishment)+IEA (if necessary)-->2-3 years Available Small Hydro (2-3 years 70 Concession for the use of water+single step authorisation Small Hydro (1-2 years Available Large Hydro (>10 MW) - Concession for the use of water+single step Italy 2009 New permits authorisation*+IEA -->3-6 years 1 Concession for the use of water+single step authorisation Large Hydro (>10 MW) - (is required to access in the incentivation system for Not Italy 2009 Refurbishment + Relicensing refurbishment)+IEA (if necessary)-->2-3 years Available
PRESENTAZIONE DEI DATI RACCOLTI Policy: normativa Year Type Reference Summary and Impact Royal Decree n.1775 of 1933 Framework law on water and electric plants Regio Decreto 1775 In Italy the concept of concession has been introduced by the law n. 1775 approved on 11/12/1933, that still regulates the 2007 Other del1933 – Testo Unico delle disposizioni di legge sulle acque e impianti elettrici concession of public water for all uses, hydroelectric, rural, water supply,etc. Legislative Decree n.387 /2003, Transposition of Directive 2001/77/EC on the promotion of The Legislative Decree n. 387/2003 has introduced the "single permit", that is a one-stop shop for all RES project electricity produced from renewable energy sources in the internal electricity market Decreto developers. The responsible of the procedure is the Region or the Province if the Region has delegated it. However, in Legislativo n. 387 del 2003 Attuazione della direttiva 2001/77/CE relativa alla promozione some Italian Regions this process has not developed yet and also in some Regions where it has been developed there are 2007 Energy dell'energia elettrica prodotta da fonti energetiche rinnovabili nel mercato interno dell'elettricità often problems related to the difficulty to coordinate the different authorization processes. Ministerial Decree 18/12/2008 actuates the Law n.244/07, describing how new Green Certificate and Comprehensive feed-in tariff tariffs systems work. All new hydropower plants and refurbished/repowered plants qualified as Renewable Energy Plants (IAFR) can receive a number of Green Certificates in proportion to their energy production. This incentive regime started in 1999 and was modified by Law 244/2007. A producer has right to 15 years of GC (previously 12 years) and has right 1 GC for each MWh of production (previously 1 GC for each 50 MWh). For refurbishment/repowering there are specific formulae. The value of a GC depends on the GC market and is not constant. Starting from the 1st January Ministerial Decree 18/12/2008 Incentivation of electricity produced from renewable energy sources 2008 hydropower plants with P≤1MW can chose, instead of Green Certificates, a “comprehensive feed-in tariff” Decreto Ministeriale 18/12/2008 Incentivazione della produzione di energia elettrica da fonti (electricity price + incentive) which for the first 3 years (2008-2010) has been set to 22 €cent/kWh. Also the tariff is 2008 Energy rinnovabili, granted for 15 years. Good impact. Law n. 99/2009 Regulations for the promotion and for the internationalization of enterprises and for the energy sector Legge n. 99/2009 Disposizioni per lo sviluppo e l'internazionalizzazione delle The Law 99/2009 introduces some minor modifications to the general support scheme (eg. with reference to the on spot 2009 Energy imprese, nonché in materia di energia exchange system). Ministerial Decree 18/12/2008 actuates Legislative Decree n.152 the /2006. Regulations Law n.244/07, on environmental describing issues. Decreto Legislativo n. howDecree The Legislative new Green n. 152/2006 Certificate is the legal and transposition of the WFD Comprehensive Directive in national legislation and regulates 2007 Environmental 152/2006 Norme in materia ambientale the Environmental Impact Assessment procedure. feed-in tariff tariffs systems work. All new hydropower plants and refurbished/repowered plants The Resolution n. 34/05 of the Authority for Energy and Gas (AEEG),qualified as n.Renewable updated by the Resolution 280/07, introduced a special minimum tariff for RES micro-generation (P≤ 1 MW). In the decree is clearly written that it isn’t an incentive, but Energy Plants (IAFR) can receive a number of Green Certificates inonlyproportion an acknowledgement ofto their the higher energy managing production. costs of microgeneration This plants, which are incentive important because they produce many advantages from the social, economic, and environmental point of view. Basically the Authority recognizes regime started in 1999Resolution andn.280/07 wasof modified by Law 244/2007. A producer the Authority for Energy and Gas (AEEG), Procedures and technical- economical conditions for the withdrawal of electricity Delibera AEEG n. 280/2007 Modalità e has right to 15 years of GC (previously 12 years) the cost and the value of the socio-economic and environmental externalities of the micro-generation. That’s why the new micro-plant can cumulate Green Certificates (not comprehensive tariff) with this minimum tariff. Good impact for and has 2007 right 1 Energy GC forcondizioni eachtecnico-economiche MWh ofperproduction il ritiro dell'energia elettrica small producers. (previously 1 GC forLaweach 50 MWh). n.244/07 modifies ForSystem the Green Certificate refurbishment/repowering there (introduced by Legislative Decree 79/1999) and introduces, as an alternative to GC, the "comprehensive feed-in tariff" (for details see Ministerial Decree 18/12/2008). Good impact for are specific 2007 formulae. Energy The Law value n.244/2007 Finacial of a Legge Law 2008 GCn.depends on the 244/2007 Legge Finanziaria 2008 GC market smalland is not constant. Starting from the 1st January producers. In February 2010 almost all water districts adopted their river basin management plans. These plans describe all actions energy sources 2008 hydropower plants Riverwith P≤1MW basin management plans - 28can Februarychose, instead 2010 Piani di Gestione ofIdrografici dei Distretti Green (28 Certificates, a “comprehensive and measures to reach the WFD feed-in objectives for all water bodies. In these tariff” river management plans is still missing the 2009 Other febbraio 2010) benefit-cost analysis. This very important issue will be developed in the next 6 years. (electricity price + incentive) which for the first 3 years (2008-2010) has been set to 22 €cent/kWh. Also the tariff is As required by article 4 of the renewable energy Directive (2009/28/EC) Italy has submitted the national renewable energy action plan by 30 June 2010. Our plan provides a detailed roadmap of how to reach our legally binding 2020 target National Renewable Energy Action Plan - 30 June 2010, Piano d’Azione Nazionale per le Energie of 17% for the share of renewable energy in final energy consumption. It describes general policy, the objectives of the granted 2009 for 15 years. Energy Good impact. Rinnovabili (30 Giugno 2010) policy and the main strategic lines of action. Law 122/2010, among others, increases some annual fees for big concessions for hydroelectric use (sovracanoni BIM e sovracanoni Enti rivieraschi). Also referred to big concessions the 122/2010 law states that these kind of licenses are extended for five years in order to respect the term to call a tender procedure. In fact a large number of such licenses will Law n. 122 of 30 July 2010, Measures for financial stabilization and for economical competitiveness expire on 31 December 2010. Furthermore, five years before each license expires, the competent authority shall call a Legge n. 122 del 30 Giugno 2010 Misure urgenti in materia di stabilizzazione finanziaria e di public tender for selecting the new licensee. Due to the amendment of some laws, subsequently declared unconstitutional 2009 Other competitività economica by the Italian Constitutional Court, tenders were not held on time. On 8 July 2010 the “Conferenza Unificata”, in compliance with the provisions of article 12, paragraph 10, of Legislative Decree 387/2003, approved the Guidelines related to authorization procedures for the construction and the operation of Ministry Decree 10 september 2010 Guidelines for the authorization of renewable power plants plants for power production by renewable sources. These Guidelines aim to coordinate national legislation related to the Decreto Ministeriale 10 Settembre 2010 Linee guida per l’autorizzazione degli impianti alimentati authorization procedures and to ensure a correct integration of the plants on the territory and to limit the relevant 2009 Energy da fonti rinnovabili. impact of such plants on the landscape, with particular attention to wind energy plants.
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