Francesco Isidori Academic Curriculum | 2018 - Cornell AAP
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Francesco Isidori Academic Curriculum | 2018
Profile Francesco Isidori (1971) graduated from ‘La Sapienza’ University in Rome in 1999. In 2006 he received a PhD for his research into Architectural Composition and Architectural Theory from the same university, with a thesis entitled ‘The Project of the Background’, an investigation on an open, relational and structured architecture. From 2002 to 2010 he has been a visiting professor at ‘La Sapienza’, conducting a studio on architectural design. In 2003, 2008, 2011 and 2014 he served as a visiting critic at Cornell University in Rome and Ithaca, New York. In 2014 he has been invited as a visiting critc at the University of Ferrara and IUAV (University of Venice). Francesco Isidori is regurarly invited to give lectures on Labics’s research and projects and to hold design workshops in a variety of Italian and international universities, including Università La Sapienza, Università Roma Tre, Cornell University, the University of Iowa, Syracuse University, Tulane University, IUAV, University of Ferrara and the University of Hannover. Present academic position Visiting professor at University of Rome “La Sapienza” Courses & subjects taught 2018 Architectural studio Education 1999 BA Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, University “La Sapienza” Rome 2006 PhD in Architectural Design and Theory, Department of Architecture and Urbanism, Faculty of Architecture, University “La Sapienza” Rome Academic experience 1999 2002 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Architecture, University “La Sapienza” Rome 2002 2010 Visiting professor, Faculty of Architecture, University “La Sapienza” Rome 2003 Visiting critic, Cornell University, Rome program 2008 Visiting critic, Cornell University, Rome program 2010 Visiting critic (fall term), Cornell University, Ithaca 2011 Visiting professor (spring term), Cornell University, Rome program 2014 Visiting critic, University of Ferrara 2014 Visiting critic for the WAVe Workshop IUAV, University of Architecture, Venice 2014 Visiting critic (fall term), Cornell University, Rome program Selection of publications Clemente M. C., Isidori F. (2013). “MAST. A Border Building” , in Conforti C., Dal Co F., MAST. Una Manifattura di Arti, Sperimentazione e Tecnologia. Milan: Electa. ISBN 9788837098827. Language: italian. Clemente M. C. , Isidori F. (2011). “Verso un progetto urbano”, in Evangelisti F., Orlani P., Piccinini M. (curated by), Disegnare la città: urbanistica e architettura in Italia nel Novecento: appunti da un ciclo di conferenze. Ferrara: Edisai. EAN 9788896714089. Language: italian. Clemente M. C., Isidori F. (2008). “Borderline Metropolis”, in AA.VV., UNETERNAL CIT. Urbanism beyond Rome. Sezione della 11ª Mostra internazionale di Architettura. Venezia: Marsilio. ISBN 9788831796125. Language: italian. Academic Curriculum|Francesco Isidori
Profile Professional Order Ordine degli Architetti di Roma, since 2000 Language Skills Italian and English Professional experience Actually he practices in Rome where, in 2002 founded the office Labics together with Maria Claudia Clemente. The main aim of Labics is to convey, under a unique name, those architects, artists and designers who identify with a shared experimentation project in the field of architecture. Labics got several awards in national and international design competitions; most of its projects are published on international architectural reviews. Labics has won several national and international architectural competitions, including MAST in Bologne (2006-2013) and Città del Sole in Rome (2007- 2016), both completed. More recently Labics has received the honourable mention for the Guggenheim Museum Helsinki competition and the Klekovaca Tourist Centre competition in Bosnia and has won the 2nd prize in the international competition for the design of the station no. 11 for the underground of Tabriz (2016). In 2017 Labics has won two important competitions, one for four residential buildings within the Cascina Merlata masterplan in Milan, the other for the extension of the Palazzo dei Diamanti in Ferrara. In the past few years the office gained several awards, especially with MAST in Bologna, Fontana square in Rozzano and “La città del Sole” in Rome. MAST and Città del Sole have been both selected for the Mies van der Rohe Awards. Labics showed his works in several collective exhibitions, among which the 11°, 12° and 14° Venice Architectural Biennal and the Make City Festival in Berlin on 2015. Labics’ projects have been published on the most important international magazines. Academic Curriculum|Francesco Isidori
Lecture 2018 • Europa: Connecting ideas across borders | Shared Place, Riba, London, UK, February • KSU Spring 2018 lecture | Shared Place, Kent State University, Firenze, Italia, february • Shared Place, Nebrija Universidad, Madrid, Spagna, january 2017 • November lectures at UEL School of Architecture, Shared Place, Sto Foundation London, UK • Prato al Futuro, Connessioni, Municipality of Prato, Prato, Italy, September • Beyond the Boundary, Municipality of Prato, Prato, Italy, July • Sobratema summit 2017, SOBRATEMA - Associação Brasileira de Tecnologia para Construção e Mineração, São Paulo, Brazil, June • Lacture: nudità e(‘) struttura, Municipality of Cimitile, DiARCH, Cimitile, Naples, May • Tomorrow City, Ordine degli Architetti, Pianificatori, Paesaggisti e Conservatori della provincia di Bari, PugliArch 2017, Bari, May • Lecture: Progress, HIŠE, Municipality of Lubiana, Lubiana, Slovenia, April • Lecture: Italian design - incontri con architetti italiani, Palazzo Ducale, Genova, January 2016 • Identità dell’architettura italiana, Università degli Studi di Florence, Florence, December • Sharing a public space, Cersaie, Bologna, September • Common Luxury - Less private space, more common space, Swiss Architecture Museum Basilea, September • ArchMarathon Awards – Città del Sole, Milan, May • Un eccellenza del territorio dell’Emilia Romagna. Soluzioni di facciata Focchi - MAST, University of Ferrara, Ferrara, May • Mantova architettura 2016. Lecture Labics, Mantova, May 2015 • Lecture: Structures, University of Trento, Trento, December • Lecture: Urban interiors, Università Quinghua, Bejing, November • Miarch, Lecture Labics, Polytechnic of Milan, Milan, October • Novara architettura. Lecture Labics, Novara, September • Made in Rome. Interiors. Labics: domestic landscape, Ordine degli architetti di Roma, Roma, July • ARU01. Architettura della rigenerazione urbana, Lecture: Labics and urban regeneration, AAUD University of Udine, May • Facciata, concetto in evoluzione. Simposio internazionale di architettura, Real Academia de Espana en Roma, April Lecture: Structures and Backgrounds, University of Roma – Sapienza – Roma, April • Lecture: Labics recent works, Master New Italian Blood – Salerno, March • Lecture: Structures and background, Cornell university, February 2014 • Congress: The identity of italian architecture, University of Florence, Florence, December • Lecture: Labics, Tulane University, Rome , September • Lecture: Il progetto dello sfondo, IUAV, Venice, July • Workshop: W.A.Ve 2014, International architecture workshop, IUAV, Venice, July • Lecture: Structures and background, University of Tor Vergata, Rome, May Lecture: il progetto dello sfondo, University of Reggio Calabria, Reggio Calabria, May Academic Curriculum|Francesco Isidori
Lectures • Lecture: The Mast foundation: a project for the industry, IUAV, Venice, April • Design forum: Labics architecture, 2014 Italy and China contemporary architecture exhibition, April • Lecture: il progetto dello sfondo, University of Ferrara, Ferrara, April • Lecture: Storie di architetti: Labics, MAXXI Museum, Rome, March • Lecture: Mast foundation, Iowa State University, Rome, February • Lecture: Labics: Mast, Inarch, Rome, February 2013 • Congress: The identity of italian architecture, University of Florence, Florence, December • Lecture: Labics: structures and backgrounds, Tulane University, Rome, September Lecture: Labics: Lectio Magistralis, Complesso S. Sofia, Salerno, June • Lecture: Labics: Fare Spazio, Ass. Ital. di Architettura e Critica, Selinunte, May 2012 • Lecture: Labics: the structures, Tulane University, Rome, November • Lecture: Retail Obikà in the world, Iowa State University, Rome, November • Lecture: Labics: the structures, Syracuse University School of Architecture, Florence, November • Lecture: Fragment_Field_Frame, Iowa State University, Rome, February • Lecture: Labics: the project of background, Leibniz University, Hannover, January 2011 • Lecture: Labics: the project of background, Tulane and Pantheon University, Rome, September • Architecture Talks: Labics: the structures, YAP Maxxi, Rome, September • Lecture: Labics: the project of background , Facoltà di Architettura, Roma Tre, Rome, June • Conference: China – Italy Architect Forum 2011, Tsinghua University, Beijing, P.R. China, May • Conference:”Final Works”, Fandango Incontro, Rome, January 2010 • Workshop: “Workin‘ On”, InArch e Blow Up 010, Caserta, May • Round table: Nel segno dell’architetto, Casa dell’architettura, Rome, March 2009 • Conference: “Visioni urbane”, Auditorium of Ara Pacis, Rome, November • Lecture: Labics: the project of background, Northeastern University, Rome, April • International Workshop: “Pavilion in extra light materials” , AACUPI – Università degli studi di Roma Tre, Rome, Mars • Round table: Il segno dell’architetto Casa dell’Architettura, Rome, February • Labics, Il progetto dello sfondo, Facoltà di Architettura, IUAV, Venice, January • Lecture: Nuovi Architetti Romani • Facoltà di Architettura, La Sapienza, Rome, January 2008 • Conference: Urbs, rassegna internazionale sulle trasformazioni urbane, Salone delle fontane, Rome, December • Lecture: Labics, Il progetto dello sfondo, Cornell University, Rome, October • Lecture: Labics, Progetti per la città, Facoltà di Architettura, Genova, May 2007 • Lecture: Labics: il progetto dello sfondo, Palazzo della Provincia, Rimini, November Academic Curriculum|Francesco Isidori
Lectures 2006 • Round table: 20.06 Overview sull’architettura italiana, Palazzo Reale, Naples, november • Lecture: Labics: progetto per la G.D, Chiostri di San Domenico, Reggio Emilia, october • Round table: 2006_ L’Italia si trasforma, città in competizione, Salone internazionale dell’industrializzazione edilizia (Saie), Bologna, october • Round table: [MES3ovest] La tangenziale in 10 scenari, Centro Culturale Candiani, Mestre (VE), september • Lecture: Labics: the project of background, Workshop at Boisbuchet (Vitra design Museum – Centre Georges Pompidou), August • Round table: L’ospedale del futuro, Reed Business Information, Milan, May • Lecture: Labics: il progetto dello sfondo, Casa dell’Architettura, Rome, May 2004 • Lecture: Labics, 2002 - 2004, Cornell University, Rome, may • Lecture: Vortragsreihe ‘new faces’, challenging, roman, Fachhochschule, Liechtenstein, may • Round table: Rozzano città : Etica ed estetica nuove frontiere di sviluppo, Domus, Rozzano – Milan, april 2003 • Round table: Housing, a quality issue, CIVA Auditorium, Bruxelles, november • Lecture: Labics 2002 - 2003, Cornell University, Rome, may Academic Curriculum|Francesco Isidori
Awards 2017 • ABB LEAF Award 2017 “Mixed-use building of the year” CITTÀ DEL SOLE, September • Premio Biennale Internazionale di Architettura “Barbara Cappochin” “Special Jury Mention” CITTÀ DEL SOLE, August • European Architecture Awards 2017 Special Prize Sustainable Innovating Project CITTÀ DEL SOLE, May 2016 • Grand Prix | Casalgrande Padana “International architecture award” 2nd prize _ MAST, May 2015 • Gold medal for Italian architecture 2015 “Special prize to the architectural client – Isabella Seragnoli” MAST, May • The Plan Award Winner project_MAST, June 2014 • Roma architettura. Premio Inarch – Ance Winner project_CITTÀ DEL SOLE, September • Dedalo Minosse – International prize for commissioning a building 2013/2014 9th edition Mentioned design_MAST, September • Rosa Barba International Landscape Prize Mentioned design_PIAZZA FONTANA, September • The International Architecture Award 2014 “The Chicago Athenaeum – The European Centre for Architecture Art and Design” Winner project _ MAST, August • Iconic Awards “Architecture - Corporate Building” Winner project_MAST, July 2013 • VIII Edizione Premio IQU Architecture & City, section “New uses and projects” 2nd prize_PIAZZA FONTANA, march • VIII Edizione Premio IQU “Architettura e Città, built projects” 3rd prize - PIAZZA FONTANA, march 2011 • European award of public space “The participatory design of public space” 2nd prize - PIAZZA FONTANA , May Academic Curriculum|Francesco Isidori
Awards 2010 • Real Estate Awards fifth ed. - Mattone d’Oro 2010 “Best Redevelopment Work in Italy” CITTÀ DEL SOLE, June 2009 • Special Prize of the Union of Architect of Kazakhistan ITALPROMO, May 2006 • Gold medal for italian architecture 2006 Finalist Honorable Mention: design of workspaces ITALPROMO, June • Global Holcim Award for Sustainable architecture Silver Award, April WATERPOWER, Amalfi, April 2005 • Europe Holcim Award for Sustainable architecture Gold Medal, September 2004 • Prize for architecture Archés, 2004 3rd prize - ITALPROMO, November Academic Curriculum|Francesco Isidori
Exhibition 2017 • Details: Architecture seen in Section, SUPSI, Lugano, October • Architecture Made in Italy/Italian Architecture Prize 2017, Hong Kong, March 2016 • Labics_ Sulla soglia, Festival LetterAltura, Verbania, June 2015 • Lab Q _ Group exhibition, Laboratorio per la Qualità urbana, Pisa, September • Labics: STRUCTURES, Curated by Luca Molinari, Galleria Stefania Miscetti, Rome, April • Labics: LA CITTA’ APERTA, Architecture and the Historical space of Italy, Italian Cultural Institute, Berlin, June • The Making of (a new) Rome – Recent works by Roman architects, Italian Cultural Institute, Berlin, May • The Making of (a new) Rome – Recent works by Roman architects, Italian Cultural Institute, Paris, March • Italia per Interni. Manifesto #2, Curated by Luca Molinari, Spazio FMG, Milan, February to April 2014 • Detail. Architecture seen in section, 14° Biennale Architettura, Arsenale, Venice, July • Innesti/Grafting – Italian Pavillion14° Biennale Architettura, Arsenale, Venice, June • IItaly & China: contemporary architecture exhibition/architecturale design forum, Casa dell’architettura, Rome, April • The Making of (a new) Rome – Recent works by Roman architects, Italian Cultural Institute, Los Angeles, January 2013 • Small Utopias _Italian architecture of the third millenium, between history, research and innovation, organized and curated by MAXXI, Shangai, November • Italia en México. Architetti romani: recent works, Italian Cultural Institute, Mexico City, March 2012 • Disegni Romani. Curated by Franco Purini, Gangemi editore, Roma, October 2011 • Italy Now 2000-2010, 24th World Congress of Architecture, UIA2011 Tokyo, September • Meis architectures for a Museum, Palazzo dei Diamanti, Ferrara, May • Biennale of public space. Casa dell’architettura, Rome, May • Liceo Farnesina nuovi spazi didattici, Acquario Romano, Rome, February • Laboratorio ITALIA/AILATI passando per OPEN CARE, Frigoriferi Milanesi, Milan, January 2010 • Ailati - Italian Pavillion. 12° Biennale di architettura, Venice, September • La Città del Sole, Festa dell’Architettura, Rome, June • Nel segno dell’architetto. Casa dell’architettura, Rome, March • Uneternal, Pavillon de l’Arsenal, Paris, February 2009 • Working with Nature, Fiera di Rome, November Academic Curriculum|Francesco Isidori
Exhibition • XII Triennial of Sofia, University, Sofia, May • Atlante minimo per gli architetti, Galleria Comese, Rome, May • The hand of the architect, Salone del Mobile 2009, Milan, April 2008 • Uneternal City, exhbition in Out There: Architecture Beyond Building, 11° Biennale di architettura, Venice, September • Sustainab.Italy, Festival dell’architettura, Istituto culturale italiano, London, June • Italy Now? Country_ Positions in Architecture, ETH Zurich, Zurich, April • Le città del Futuro. Il progetto della ragione, architettura, scienza, tecnologia, comunicazione, Auditorium Parco della Musica, Rome, March 2006 • 20.06 Overview sull’architettura italiana, Palazzo Reale, Naples, November • L’Italia si trasforma, città in competizione, Salone internazionale dell’industrializzazione edilizia (Saie), Bologna, October • Festival dell’architettura 3: Architettura tra fabbrica e città Chiostri di San Domenico, Reggio Emilia, October • Rome – Laboratorio Italia [Roma 2006], Palazzo S. Michele, Rome, May • Progetti per Roma, Fondazione Olivetti, Rome, May • Architetture a Roma, oggi. Casa dell’Architettura, Rome, March • Giovani architetti Italiani – Labics Galleria di architettura, Ceggia, (VE),March 2005 • La cultura architettonica italiana. Tradizione e modernità, Jiangsu, China, November • New Italian Blood+ Icar, Travelling exhibition 05, Museo di S. Caterina, Treviso, October • New Italian Blood, Travelling exhibition 05, Palazzo Wedekind, Rome, October • 3_2_1 Nuova Archittettura in Giappone, Polonia e Italia, Istituto Giapponese di Cultura, Rome, October • Laboratorio Italia Esposizione d’Archtettura_Nuovi Laici , Chiesa di San Ludovico, Parma, September • Architetti interpretano la casa d’abitazione italiana, Palazzo Pretorio, Cittadella – PD, April • Italy Now, Cornell University, NY, March Academic Curriculum|Francesco Isidori
Publications 2018 • «La ciudad de sol (La città del sole)», in Arquine (Mexico), 17 february 2018, http:// ; • Frolova, «Город солнца» (“Città del Sole”), in ARCHI.RU (Russia), 15 february 2018, ; • «Urbane Regeneration im Osten Roms (Rigenerazione urbana a est di Roma) », in md (Germany), 14 february 2018, projects/oeffentliche-bauten/city-of-sun/ ; • Sasikala Rajeswaran, «City of Sun - The New Urban Regeneration project - Labics», in sawdust (India), 14 february 2018 new-urban-regeneration-project-labics/ ; • Gintaute Kisieliute, «INKLIUZAS ROMOJE (Inclusive Rome) », in centras, (Lituania), january/february 2018, n. 104, pp. 20-23 ; • Marco Rinaldi, «City of Sun by Labics, in A AS ARCHITECTURE» (Italia), 14 february 2018, ; • Natasha Kudryavtseva, «Футуристический жилой комплекс в Риме (Un complesso di appartamenti futuristico a Roma)», in AD Architectural Digest Russia (Russia), 12 february 2018, futuristicheskaya-rezidentsiya-v-rime.php ; • Natalia Shustrova, «Городская регенерация: Город солнца в Риме (Rigenerazione della città: Città del Sole a Roma) », in forma (Russia), 6 february 2018 - gorod-solntsa-v-rime/ • Justine Testado, Labics redevelops former bus depot into “City of Sun” in Rome, in Archinect (USA), 6 february 2018 - article/150048833/labics-redevelops-former-bus-depot-into-city-of-sun-in-rome ; • Philip Stevens, «Labics regenerates Rome neighborhood with mixed-use ‘city of sun’ development», in designboom (GB), 4 february 2018 https://www.designboom. com/architecture/labics-rome-city-of-sun-citta-del-sole-italy-02-04-2018/; • Berrin Chatzi Chousein, «Labics’ New Fragmented Complex Fosters Public Space by Setting Trajectories in the heart of Rome», in World Architecture Community (Turkey), 1 february 2018 - labicsi_new_fragmented_complex_fosters_public_space_by_setting_trajectories_in_ the_heart_of_rome.html ; • «City of Sun, Rome by Labics», in Gooood (China), 31 january 2018 - http://www. ; • «Città del Sole», in World Architects (Germany), 30 january 2018 - https://www. ; • Isabelle Lomholt, «City of Sun in Rome», in e-architect (UK), 30 january 2018 - ; • Amelia Brown, «City of Sun in Rome», in VISI (South Africa), 19 january 2018 - ; 2017 • «ГОРОД СОЛНЦА. ПРИОРИТЕТ ОБЩЕСТВЕННЫМ ПРОСТРАНСТВАМ» (City of Sun. Priority for public space), in Green Buildings (Russia), december 2017, n. 3, pp. 78-85, 136-137; • «City of Sun. Rome, Italy, Labics», in Hinge (Hong Kong), november 2017, n. 261, pp. 20-23 + COVER; • AA. VV. «Labics Città del Sole rinnovamento urbano a Roma», in Floornature (web, Italy), 15 december 2017, rinnovamento-urbano-roma-13387/; • AA. VV. «Wereldmix», in Residence NL, december 2017, pp.80-83 • Andrea Martínez de la Vega, «Città del Sole. REGENERACIÓN ROMANA (City of Sun. Roman regeneration)», in ENTREMUROS, supplement to Reforma newspaper (Mexico), december 2017, n. 255, pp. 62-63 Academic Curriculum|Francesco Isidori
Publications • AA.VV. «City of Sun», in ARQA (web, Argentina), 6 december 2017, http://arqa. com/en/architecture/city-of-sun.html • Patrizia Catalano, «Sguardo al Contemporaneo», e «Ieri, Oggi Domani», in Interni Annual Contract 2017 – Monographic supplement to Interni n° 676 – november 2017, pp-16-17 e 66-67; • AA.VV., «Visite | Labics, rencontre par dessus les ruines», in Le Courrier de l’architecte (Ed. web) , 15 November 2017 article_7887; • Elena Franzoia, Architettura. «Le piazze sono la chiave della rinascita delle città», in D Casa, La Repubblica, November 2017, pp. 36-45 + Cover Article; • Eva Prelovšek Niemelä, «Arhitektura za skupnost», in HIŠE , october 2017, n.88/89, pp. 20-25; • AA.VV., «Premio Architetto Italiano/Italian Architect Prize», in Yearbook, october 2017, pp. 46-47; • Sercan Altan, «Güneş Kent / City of Sun», in YAPI (Turkey), october 2017, n. 431, pp. 72-83; • Graciela Baduel, «La Ciudad del Sol multiplica el espacio público en Roma» in ARQ Diario de Arquitectura de Clarín (Argentina) ed. web, 12 october 2017; • Miguel Jurado, «EL SENTIDO DEL APORTE PÚBLICO», and Graciela Baduel, «Un complejo que gana la calle y se integra al barrio (A complex that wins the street and integrates into the neighborhood)», in ARQ Diario de Arquitectura, supplemento al quotidiano Clarín (Argentina), 10 october 2017, pag. 3 and pp. 12-17; • Charis Chiang, «A New Dawn», in D+A (Singapore), annual 2018, pp. 136-142; • Aaron Betsky, «Roman Baroque», in MARK (Netherlands), october/november 2017, n. 70, pp. 144-153; • AAVV, «CIUDAD DEL SOL El edificio pensando como ciudad (CITTÀ DEL SOLE. The building designed like a city)», in EXKEMA (Colombia), september 2017, n. 49, pp. 64-67; • AAVV, «CITTÀ DEL SOLE. Labics», in ARCHIWORLD (North Korea), september 2017, n. 268, pp. 20-33, 82; • Reed Kroloff, «Designers in the Prime of Life», in The New York Times (NY ed.), 8 September 2017, p. AR80; • Reed Kroloff, «A Generation of Architects Making Its Mark at Dizzying Speed», in The New York Times (web ed), 8 September 2017; • Ioana Iancu, «CITTÀ DEL SOLE by Labics», in igloo (Romania), n. 179, july / august 2017, pp. 50-56; • Valentina Figuerola, «LIÇÃO DE CONVIVÊNCIA: O VELHO E O NOVO JUNTOS (Lesson on coexistence: the old and the new together»), in AU - Arquitetura e Urbanismo (Brazil), july 2017, n. 28, pp. 20-29, 72; • Labics, «Utopia del lusso», in Viceversa – L’attualità dell’utopia, n. 6, july 2017, pp. 205-206; • AAVV, «Labics, proyecto de regeneración urbana Città del Sole en Roma», in Arquitectura Viva (ed. web Spagna), 4 July 2017, es/Info/News/Details/10429; • «City of Sun in Italy», in ID+C (Interior Design + Construction) (China), n. 275, july 2017, pp. 74-77; • Gudrun Hausegger, «Labics. Città del Sole, Rom, Italien», in architektur.aktuell, n. 447, june 2017, pp. 82-93; • «View of the Pantheon», in Interni (ed. Russia), n° 240 may 2017, pp. 110-115; • «View of the Pantheon», in Interni (ed. China), n° 58 may 2017, pp. 98-103; • AAVV, «City of Sun», in C3 n.389, may 2017, pp. 54-71; • «Tabriz Urban Railway», in Concept n.215, march 2017, pp. 127-133; • Laura Ragazzola, «Vista Pantheon», in Interni, n. 3, march 2017, pp.30-35; 2016 • AAVV, «Labics. Progetto del complesso parrocchiale Redemptoris mater, Cinisi Academic Curriculum|Francesco Isidori
Publications (PA)», in Identità dell’architettura italiana, december 2016; • Pietro Cesari, «il Caso Bologna. Città d’impresa»,in Architettura per un’idea, december 2016; • F. Garofalo, G. Mastrigli, “Labics – Paredes Arquitectos”, in Concorso internazionale di progettazione per il quartiere della Città della Scienza, july 2016; • Michael Kasiske, «55. Salone del mobile», in BAUWELT, may 2016; • Giuseppe Saponaro, «La città del Sole a Roma», in l’industria delle costruzioni, 448, marzo-april 2016, p.24-33; 2015 • Marzia Marandola, «Città del Sole, Rome, Italy, Labics», in ARKETIPO, n.96 september 2015; • Mario Pisani, «Piazza Fontana», in PIAZZE DEL NUOVO MILLENNIO, june 2015; • Valerio Paolo Mosco, «Costruire l’immagine: Labics a Roma», in l’industria delle costruzioni, 443, may-june 2015-07-30; • Chiara Maranzana, «Pausa di rigenerazione», in ABITARE, n. 545, june 2015; • Labics: STRUCTURES, Catalogue of Labics solo exhibition, Nero Edition, 2015; • Claudia Conforti, «Labics – La Città del Sole a Roma», in CASABELLA, n. 849, may 2015; • «OBICA’ / OBIKA / OH-BE-KAH», in ar. ARCHITETTI ROMA, n° 112, may 2015; • Francesca Sironi «I paradisi dei bambini», in Espresso, 30 april 2015; 2014 • Alessandra Lucifero (edited by), I maestri dell’Architettura. Labics, Hachette, Milano, 2014; • «Tourismuszentrum Bergmassiv KlekovacaWettbewerbe», in Aktuell n.12, 2014; • «10 anni di architettura a Roma, 10 anni di architettura a Roma», in ar. ARCHITETTI ROMA, n° 111, december 2014; • «Mast foundation» in Architecture & Culture n.407, p.100-113; • Lucka Skansi, «More than a Museum, more than a factory»,in Piranesi n.34, vol 22, p.70-77; • «Labics. Città del Sole», in Identità dell’architettura Italiana 12, Edizioni Diabasis; • Nick Compton, «Postbox», in Wallpaper, november 2014, pag. 189; • Irma Boom, Fundamentals, 14. Mostra internazionale di architettura di Venezia, Marsilio Editoriv • Luca Poncellini,”Labics: MAST a Bologna”, in disegno n.3, 2014; • Sebastian Redecke, “Stiftungsgebaude MAST in Bologna”, in Bauwelt n.105 April 2014; • AA.VV., “Manifiesto Urbano: MAST foundation, Bologna), in Arquitectura Viva n.160, February 2014; • Zaira Magliozzi, «Mixed use micro city, Bologna», in A10, 55 Jan/feb 2014; • Paola Molteni, «Mast una microcittà», in OF Arch, no. 128, January 2014; • Livia Curti Roncoroni, «Edificio Multifunzione», in Modulo, n.387 Gen/Feb 2014; • Monica Zerbini, «In good company», in Azure, n.230 Mar/Apr 2014; 2013 • AAVV, Mast Foundation, in C3, No. 354, 2013; • Pippo Corra (edited by), Piccole Utopie/Small Utopias, Quodlibet, 2013; • Catrinel Negru, «Centrul Mast in Bologna», in Igloo, no.144, december 2013; • Davide Iotti, «Un Mast da scoprire a Bologna», in Il Giornale dell’Architettura, n.116, 2013; • Marco Maretto, «Fondazione Mast a Bologna», in L’industria delle costruzioni, n.434 nov/dic 2013; • Claudia Conforti, Francesco Dal Co, LABICS: MAST. Una manifattura di arti, Academic Curriculum|Francesco Isidori
Publications sperimentazione e tecnologia/a manufactory for arts, experience and technology, Electa architettura, Milano, 2013; • Claudia Conforti, «MAST. Cosa è periferia?», in CASABELLA, n. 831, november 2013; • AAVV, Identità dell’architettura italiana, Edizioni Diabasis, 2013; • Alessandro Costa (edited by), «Piazza Fontana a Quinto de Stampi», in Paesaggio urbano, no. 4, 2013; • AA. VV, OPEN SPACE, Urban Public Landscape Design, Sendpoints Publishing Co., 2013, pp. 238 - 243; • «Piazza Fontana», in Topscape Paysage n°11, Paysage editore, pp. 90 – 94; • Livio Sacchi, Italia en México 2013. Architetti romani: opere recenti, Prospettive Edizioni, 2013, pp. 70 – 73; • Javier Peña, Sanjuan & Javier Javier Fresneda, URBAN SQUARE Landscape, ed. Hi- design International Publishing, 2013, pp. 18 – 33; • Chris van Uffelen, URBAN SPACES, Plazas, Squares and Streetscapes, ed. Braun, 2013, pp. 140 – 14; • Cemal Emden, Making of Architectural Objects, ed. Zorlu CenterYayınevi, pp. 126- 143; • AA. VV, To Enjoy To Listen, ed. Phoenix, 2013, pp.132- 139; 2012 • Filippo Marsigli, Spazi verdi Giardini Terrazze Progetti e realizzazioni in Italia, ed. UTET scienze tecniche, pp. 60-67; • Valentina Piscitelli, «Giro d’Italia dell’Architettura», in Ottagono, n. 255, 2012, pp.126-127; • AA.VV., «In Toscana un casale ristrutturato», in Case di Campagna, ed. Di Baio n.66 2012 pp.22-25; • AA.VV., «Fontana Square», in WLA, n. 5 june 2012, pp. 9-14; • Edited by Franco Purini, Fabrizio Ronconi e Gianfranco Toso, in Disegni Romani, Gangemi Editore, 2012, p. 37; • AA.VV., International Competitive Bidding vol.1, ed. Byspace International, 2012, pp.42-47; pp. 122-127; pp. 250-253; pp. 280-285; • Edited by Aimee Wu, Anna Qu, World Interior Design, ed. Phoenix, 2012, pp.142- 143; • Luigi Prestinenza Puglisi «Obikà Mozzarella Bar Rome», in Italian Interiors, 2012, pp 74-79; • AA.VV., «Obikà Mozzarella Bar Canary Wharf London», in Hinge july 2012, pp. 203-236; • AA.VV. HOPSCA, Hi Design, pp. 174-183 pp.320-327; • Damian Holmes (ed.), in WLA n. 5, ed. World Land Scape Architecture 2012, pp. 9-14; • Francesco Evangelisti, Piero Orlandi, Mario Piccinini (edited by), in Disegnare la Città, ed. Edisai 2011, pp. 158 – 163; • Architecture Competition Works, ed. Ifengspace, pp. 300-309; • AA.VV., Conceptual Architecture, ed. Hi-Design, pp. 82-93; 2011 • AA.VV., Nuove forme per l’abitare sociale, ed. Polaris, p.88, p.164, p.212; • Aimee Wu, Anna Qu, Brand-New Restaurant Design, ed. Phoenix, pp.90-95; • Carla Di Francesco (ed.), MEIS architetture per un museo, ed. Ferrara Arte, pp.142 – 149; • Luigi Prestinenza Puglisi, ItaliArchitettura vol. 4., ed. Utet Scienze tecniche, pp.142 – 151; • Andrea Ferialdi, [MES3OVEST] La tangenziale è città, ed. Il Poligrafo, pp. 70-73; Academic Curriculum|Francesco Isidori
Publications 2010 • AA.VV., 2010 The Imprinting of International Interior, ed. Saihan Cultural, Shanghai; • Luca Molinari (ed.), Ailati. Riflessi dal Futuro, XII Mostra internazionale di architettura di Venezia ed. Skira, pp.174-175; • AA.VV., Roma creativa, ed. Provincia di Roma, Dipartimento “Innovazione e Impresa”, pp. 80 – 81; • AA.VV., In Home, space X file, ed. Rihan.CC, pp. 142-145; • Noriko Takiguchi, «Rome 2010», Nikkei Architecture n.1-11, 2010; 2009 • Gabriella Raggi e Paolo Sassi, Roma, meno è più, the new sequences of architectural and urban transformation, ed. LISt Laboratorio Internazionale Editoriale, pp. 1440 – 149; • Centola & Associati, Waterpower il potere del’acqua, Alinea Editrice, 2009; • Guido Musante, «Tasting space», in Special Public Pleasures, Domus n.928 supplement, 2009, pp.26-29; • AA.VV., Space X file, Public space, ed Rihan.CC, 2009, pp.111-117; • AA.VV., Space X file, Commercial space vol.02, ed Rihan.CC, 2009, pp.228-229; • Peter Kelly, «Rome Politics and architecture», in Blueprint, n°278, 2009, pp.32-40; 2008 • AA.VV., Out There, Architecture Beyond buiding, volume1, exh. cat., ed. Marsilio, 2008 p.165; • AA.VV., Uneternal City, Urbanism beyond Rome, exh. cat., ed. Marsilio, 2008, pp.178- 189; • Sebastiano Brandolini, Roma, nuova architettura, Skira, 2008, pp.58-61,114- 117,124-127; • Nicola Marzot (ed.), «Borderline Metropolis», in Paesaggio Urbano, 5, 2008, pp.68- 73; • Antonio Saggio, «Agora, dreams and vision», in Arca, n.240, 2008, pp.78-93; • Giulia Fini (ed.), Ville, Motta Architettura, 2008, pp.236-245; • Marco Del Francia, Barbara Catalani (eds.), ”Podere 43”, in Architetture, città e territorio, Ed. Firenze, 2008, pp.64-67; • Luca Molinari, Alessandro d’Onofrio (ed.), Sustainab.Italy, exh. cat., Gangemi, London 2008, pp.120-121; • Cristina Paredes (ed.), Remodeling Country Homes, Loft pubblication, pp. 248-255; • Giovanni Leoni, «Laboratorio Italia», in d’Architettura, n.35, 2008, pp. 30-35; • Shira Brand, Eugenio Martera (ed.), Tradizione e Modernità, exh. cat., Nanjing Museum, 2007, pp.90-93; • Giampiero Sanguigni, «Rome won’t be built in a day», in A10, n.19, 2008, p. 66; 2007 • Cristina Paredes, Aprovechando el Espacio, architectural houses, Monsa, Barcelona, 2007, pp.147-155; • Philip Jodidio, 100 Great Extensions & Renovations, Images Publishing, 2007, pp.28-29; pp.190-191; • Valerio Paolo Mosco, «Young Romans. Fully, not Partially Controlled», in Architectural Design, 2007, pp.148-155; • Valentina Piscitelli, «La casa mobile», in Ottagono, n. 200, 2007, pp.116-119; • AAVV, «Il grado zero dell’interno», in Domus, n. 903, 2007, pp.85-89; • Matteo Ruta, «Un canyon diafano», in Arketipo, n. 11, 2007, pp.86-95; • Matteo Genghini, Pasqualino Sodomita (ed.), Caffè e ristoranti 2, Motta editore, 2007, pp.182-189; 2006 • Giorgio Ciucci, Francesco Ghio, Piero Ostilio Rossi, Roma la nuova architettura, Academic Curriculum|Francesco Isidori
Publications Electa, 2006, pp.110-113; • Luca Gelmini, «Il concorso per il polo multifunzionale G.D a Bologna», in Architettura tra fabbrica e città. Architettura di rara bellezza, cat. del convegno: Festival dell’architettura 3, Parma Reggio Emilia, Modena, 2006, pp.88-97; • AA.VV., Concorso internazionale di progettazione, Tre punti di ristoro per tre musei napoletani, Electa Napoli, 2006, pp.76-79,114-117,142-145; • Echo Wong (ed.), Global interior design collection, Editor Liaoning science and technology publishing house, 2006, pp.140,143; pp.196-199; • Silvio San Pietro, Paola Gallo (ed.), New restaurants 2, Edizioni Archivolto, 2006; • Lucrezia Ungaro, Labics, «Recualification de los Mercados de Trajano en Roma», in Loggia Arquitectura & restauraciòn, n°19, 2006, pp.74-85; • Alberto Alessi, Italy Now? Country position in architecture, Cornell AAPP Publications Ithaca, New York, 2006, pp.82-85; • AA.VV., ArchITettura, archItektura, archITecture, exh. cat. Polish Institute of Rome, Wydawca, 2006, pp.66-73; • Fulvio Irace (ed.), Medaglia d’oro all’architettura italiana 2006, Triennale Electa, 2006, pp.114-115; • Peter Hyatt (ed.), Out of Town, Images Publishing, Mulgrave, Australia, 2006, pp.114- 121; • Adrian-Florin Ionasiu (ed.), «Podere 43», in de architectura, n°18, 2006, pp.34-40; 2005 • Silvio San Pietro, Paola Gallo (ed.), Renovated Houses 2, Edizioni Archivolto, 2005, pp. 104-115; • Antonino Saggio, «Codice genetico», in Costruire, n° 271, 2005, pp.16-20; • Maria Giulia Zunino, «Obikà», in Abitare, n° 456, 2005, pp.78-83; • Marco Mulazzani (ed.), Almanacco di Casabella, giovani architetti italiani, 2004 – 2005, Electa, 2005, pp.88-93; • Alberto Alessi (ed.), Around Italy Now (II), in WA, n°184, 2005 pp. 68-77; • Petra Stephan, «Buro international – Glasklar», in AIT, n°10, 2005, pp.150-155; • Phillis Richardson, House Plus, Imaginative Ideas for Extending Your Home, Thames & Hudson, 2005, pp.136-141; • Susanna Sirefman, The contemporary guesthouse, building in the garden, Edizioni Press, 2005, pp.22-31; • Luca Molinari (ed.), «Metamorphosis Italy», edited by, a+u, n°420, 2005, pp.72-76; • Marina Scognamiglio, «Ristorante Obikà a Roma», in L’industria delle costruzioni, n° 383, 2005, pp.102-104; • Associazione Culturale Architettando (ed.), Labics in Architetti interpretano la casa d’abitazione italiana. Opere realizzate, exh. cat., 2005, pp.152-157; • Pino Scaglione (ed.), snapshot su architettura design fotografie. Network in Italia, ACTAR, 2005, pp.209-214; • Pino Scaglione, «Tre sistemi spaziali nell’edificio svuotato», in Il Giornale dell’Architettura, anno 4, n° 26, 2005, pp.20-21; • Valerio Paolo Mosco, «Labics. Trasformazione di un edificio a Roma», in L’industria delle costruzioni, n° 381, 2005, pp.70-77; 2004 • Valentina Piscitelli, Progettare con la lava, Progettare, n°17, 2004, pp.62-67; • Carlo Terpolilli, Premio di Architettura Archés edizione 2004, d’Architettura, n°25, 2004, pp.30-42; • AA.VV., «Challenging roman», in Positionen architectur 2003/04, Fachhochshule Liechtenstein architektur, 2004, pp.120-125; • Hyeonzin, «The tourist Redevelopment of North Etna at Mount Etna», Linguaglossa Italy, in Concept n° 6, 2004, pp.82-85; • Vincenzo Pagano e Luigi Prestinenza Puglisi, «Spazi disarticolati per l’avanguardia», in Ottagono n°169, 2004 pp.156-159; • Luigi Centola, «Crescita Italiana New Italian Blood», in l’Arca n°191, 2004, pp.2-5; Academic Curriculum|Francesco Isidori
Publications • Paul Bennett, «Somewere Under the Tuscan Sun», in Dwell vol 4, n°3, 2004, pp.80-85; 2003 • Paul Bennett, «In the quest for ideas, Labics fearlessly challenges the Roman status quo», Architectural Record, n° 12, 2003 pp.76-79; • Clifford A. Person, «Design Vanguard 2003», in Architectural Record, n° 12, 2003 p.55; • Luigi Prestinenza Puglisi, «Renewing the Past», Monument, Residential Special 2003, 2003 pp.70-74; • Stefano Casciani, «Utopia dell’ospitalità», in Domus, n° 862, set.2003, pp.60-71; Academic Curriculum|Francesco Isidori
Selection of projects Palazzo dei Diamanti| Ferrara Invited Competition - 1st Prize Client Municipality of Ferrara Location Ferrara, Italy Programme Extending of the new Modern Art Gallery of Palazzo dei Diamanti in Ferrara Dates Competition: 2017 Preliminary Design: 2018 Jacaranda Kindergarten| Milan Client Scuola Innovativa S.r.l. Location Milan, Italy Programme Kindergarten, pre-school, swimmilpool Area 2.000 m2 Cost 3,8 M€ Dates 2017: on site Cascina Merlata | Milan Invited competition - 1st prize Client EuroMilano S.p.a. Location Milan, Italy Programme Residential Area 19.643 m2 Dates Competition: 2017 Rudong Master Plan | Rudong Client Private Location Rudong, Nantong, China Programme Masterplan Area 125.433 m2 Dates 2017 Academic Curriculum|Maria Claudia Clemente
Selection of projects Metro Station| Tabriz International Competition - 2nd prize Client Tabriz Urban Railway Organization Location Tabriz, Iran Program Interior and entrance design of station n.11_Saat square Area 11.800 m2 Dates Competition: 2017 - 2nd Prize Pantheon house | Rome Client Private Location Rome, Italy Programme Private residence Area 360 m2 Cost 1 M€ Dates 2015-2016 Elica Pavillion | Milan Client Elica spa Location Rho Fiera Milan Design Fair Programme Temporary booth Area 400 m2 Dates 2016 Città del Sole| Rome Invitied competition - 1st Prize, Inarch - Rome architecture 2014 - Prix , Gold Brick 2012 - Prix Client Hines Spa Developer Parsitalia s.r.l. Location Rome, Italy Programme Residential, Offices, Retail, Public library and Parking Areas 17.300 m2 (gross) Cost 35,5 M€ Dates 2007-2016 Academic Curriculum|Maria Claudia Clemente
Selection of projects Project Flaminio | Rome International competition - short listed Client Municipality of Roma Location Rome, Italy Programme Residential, Offices, Retail, Parking Dates Competition 2015 Parish Church Redemptoris Mater | Cinisi Client Diocesi di Monreale Location Cinisi, Palermo, Italy Programme Church Area 2.076 m2 Cost 3,8 M€ Dates Competition: 2015 Guggenheim Helsinki | Helsinki International Competition - Mentioned design Client Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation Location Helsinki Program Museum Dates Competition: 2014 Obicà New York Flatiron | New York Client F&B US Location New York Programme Mozzarella bar and restaurant Area 450 m2 (net) Cost 2 M€ Dates 2014 Academic Curriculum|Maria Claudia Clemente
Selection of projects MAST | Bologna Invited Competition,1st prize - Dedalo Minosse 2013-2014 / Iconic Awards 2014 International prize of architecture The Chicago Atheneum 2014 Client Coesia Group Location Bologna, Italy Programme Creche, Canteen, Wellness centre, Exhibition space, Academy, Auditorium, Caffè, Parking Areas 24.800 m2 (gross) Cost 40 M€ Dates 2006-2013 Rive Gauche | Paris Client Sopic Paris Location Paris, France Programme Residential buildings Area Housing 5.400 m2; Retail 360 m2 Cost 11,2 M€ Dates 2013 Helsinki Central Library | Helsinki Client City of Helsinki Location Helsinki, Finland Programme Library Area 16.000 sqm (gross) Dates Design competition: 2012 Obicà London Heatrow T2 | London International Competition Client F&B Spa UK Location London, UK Programme Mozzarella bar and restaurant Dates Design competition: 2012 Academic Curriculum|Maria Claudia Clemente
Selection of projects Fontana Square | Rozzano Client Municipality of Rozzano Location Quinto de Stampi, Rozzano, Milan, Italy Programme Urban square Area 6.200 m2 (gross) Cost 1,24 M€ Dates 2007-2011 D.Q. Celebration Hall | Ryadh International Competition - 3rd prize Client Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, High Commission for the Development of Arriyadh Location Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Programme Celebration hall and receiving space Area 10.580 m2 (net) Cost 108,5 M€ Dates 2011 Wuhu Master Plan | Wuhu Client Vanke. co. Ltd, - People’s Republic of China Location Wuhu, Anhui, China Programme Masterplan Area 135.817 m2 Dates Definitive design – Phase APD 2011 Obicà Canary Wharf | London Client F&B SpA Location London, UK Programme Mozzarella bar and restaurant Area 250 m2 Dates 2011 Academic Curriculum|Maria Claudia Clemente
Selection of projects Obicà | Milan Brera Client F&B SpA Location Milan, Italy Programme Mozzarella bar and restaurant Areas 250 m2 (net) Cost 0,65 M€ Dates 2005 Obicà Prefetti | Rome Client F&B SpA Location Rome, Italy Programme Mozzarella bar and restaurant Areas 250 m2 (net) Cost 0,5 M€ Dates 2003-2004 Canyon House | Rome Client Private Location Rome, Italy Programme Private residence Area 2,200 m2 Cost 0,45 M€ Dates 2002-2004 Italpromo & Libardi Associati Headquarters | Rome Archés Architecture Prize 2004 - 3rd Prize Client Italpromo & Libardi Associati Location Ostiense, Rome Programme Headquarters and offices Area 1.850 m2 Cost 1,5 M€ Dates 2002-2004 Academic Curriculum|Maria Claudia Clemente
Selection of projects Roman Tabernae at the Trajan’s Forum | Rome Client Municipality of Rome Location Fori Imperiali, Rome Programme Restoration of Roman Tabernae Area 600 m2 Cost 0,4 M€ Dates 1999-2003 Podere 43 | Albinia Client Private Location Albinia, Grosseto, Italy Programme Private residence Area total area: 10,000 m2 (gross); built area: 450 m2 Cost 1, 25 M€ Dates 2000-2002 Academic Curriculum|Maria Claudia Clemente
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