Pagina creata da Simona D'Angelo
DRAFT 04/19


                         June 27–29,2019

    A Symposium on Three Continents: Australia • United States • Italy

          Living Transcultural Spaces, Melbourne, April 4–8,2018
 Transnationalism and Questions of Identity, NewYork,November 1–3,2018
  Between Immigration and Historical Amnesia, Genova, June 27–29, 2019

                                       PRESENTED BY

                     Comitato Assistenza Italiani (Melbourne)
  John D. Calandra Italian American Institute, Queens College, CUNY (New York)
     Comune di Genova, Mu.MA Istituzione Musei del Mare e delle Migrazioni
 With the patronage of the Italian Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism

THURSDAY, June 27, 2019

8:30–09:30 am
Registration – Hall
Coffee break welcome

Opening Comments – Auditorium
Paolo Baracchi, Pierangelo Campodonico, Anthony Tamburri

10:30 am–12:00 am

Storia e memoria tra ieri e oggi. Room 1
Chair: Paolo Barcella

97. Sandro Rinauro (Italia), Università degli Studi di Milano - La memoria dell’emigrazione
italiana è in grado di attenuare gli atteggiamenti xenofobi dell’opinione pubblica e delle
istituzioni? L’opinione degli storici dell’emigrazione italiana

98. Amoreno Martellini (Italia), Università degli Studi di Urbino - La formazione della scelta
migratoria nelle fonti auto narrative

96. Henrique Trindade (Brasile), Museum of Immigration of the State of São Paulo - Descendants
of Italians rediscovering the history of immigration and relating to contemporary migrations

Non solo memoria: il posto nell’amnesia nella storia dei
migranti. Room 2
Chair: T.B.D.

095. Paolo Barcella, (Italia) Università degli Studi di Bergamo (PhD) – Xenofobia, rimozioni e
ambiguità della memoria

22. Silvia Cassamagnaghi (Italia), Università di Milano (PhD) - The orphans program and the
children diaspora. From contemporary media interest to present deafening silence

38. Donna Chirico (UK), York College - The need of reconstructing memory: connections of the
self to the Italian diaspora and an imagined Italian past

Spartenze. Le scritture dell’emigrazione italiana storica e
contemporanea tra memoria e creazione. Room 3
Chair: Daniele Comberiati

Martino Marazzi (Italia), Università degli Studi di Milano - Amnesia in Arcadia. Da Poggioli a

Simone Brioni (USA), SUNY at Stony Brook - Writing Contemporary Migrations To and From Italy:
Collaborative Perspectives

Alejandro Patat (Argentina) (Università per Stranieri di Siena / Universidad de Buenos Aires) -
“Docu-testimonianze” about Jewish Italian Exile in Argentina: for a Politic of Memory

12:00–13:30 pm

La guerra e l’esilio: storie e memorie.                    Room 1

Chair: Amoreno Martellini

40. Sonia Cancian (Germania) e Roberta Ricucci (Italia), Max Planck Institute Berlin e Università
di Torino - Memories of war and Italian migrations: comparing amnesias of post - 1945 with

79. Marco Martin (Italia), Università di Genova (PHD) - Italians from Histria, Fiume and
Dalmatia. An Adriatic Diaspore between the two World Wars

80. Petra Di Laghi (Italia) - Italian community of Histria, Fiume

Brain drain: giovani italiani all’estero.                   Room 2

Chair: T.B.D.

23. Rosemary Serra (Italia), Università di Trieste (PhD) - Old and new migrations to New York
City. Young Italians tell their stories

32. Maddalena Tirabassi (Italia), Altreitalie Torino - How to name it: new mobilities, new

50. Silvia Omenetto (Italia), La Sapienza Roma (PhD) - (New) Italians leaving Italy: a statistical

The Italians of Turkey: a forgotten community. Room 3
Chair: T.B.D.

Francesco Pongiluppi (Italia), Levantine Heritage Foundation - The Italians of Turkey: a
forgotten community

Alan Maglio (Italia) - Le monde es petit, mais la famille est grande

Togay Massimo Özonaran (Turkey) - Tuesday’s tradition in Istanbul Saint Anthony of Padua
Church: a shared space and tradition

Craig Encer, (Italia) Segretario Generale Levantine Heritage Foundation (LHF)

13:30 – 14:30 Lunch break

14:30 – 16:00

Italian migrant memory and cultural promotion down under.
The COASIT model in its social and institutional contexts. Room 1
Chair: Paolo Baracchi

Marco Fedi, Acting Chief Executive Officer, COASIT Italian Assistance Association, Melbourne,

Ferdinando Colarossi, Manager, Italian Language, Culture and Heritage Department, COASIT
Italian Assistance Association, Melbourne, Australia

Paolo Baracchi, Manager, Cultural Programs, Italian Language, Culture and Heritage
Department, COASIT Italian Assistance Association, Melbourne, Australia

Migrazioni nello specchio dell’arte I.                   Room 2

Chair: Fred Gardaphé

3. Gloria Pastorino (USA), Fairleigh Dickinson University - Out of this world: the
dream/nightmare of being rid of migrants

26. Nathalie Mignano e Paolo Zagaglia (Belgio) - The «National Ceramics» in Welkenraedt
(Belgium): a forgotten immigration? Life stories and documentary to serve family and
collective memory

86. Valerio Lastrico (Italia) - Italians searching for luck, immigrants searching for WiFi? The
social cognitive basis of amnesia in the narration around current migrations

Emigrare: opportunità e mobilità sociale.                        Room 3

Chair: Valeria Magliano

21. Enrico Bernardini (Italia), Università di Genova - The high skill migrant in contemporary
society: a conceptual analysis

37. Robert Pascoe (Australia), Victoria University - Forgetting where they started: the Italians
of San Francisco

99. Vivian Gerrand (Australia), Deakin University - Re-imagining citizenship: Francesca
Melandri’s Sangue giusto.

16:00 – 17:30

Memoria e percorsi dell’identità. Room 1
Chair: Natalia Cangi

88. Mohamed Fartun e Erika Grasso (Italia), Museo di Antropologia e etnografia dell'Università di
Torino - Diaspora and “archives”. Submerged memories at the Royal Library and the MAET
(Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography of the University of Turin)

66. Raffaella Rapone (Australia) - The impact of memory, nostalgia and cultural heritage on

72. Paola Gemme (USA), Arkansas Tech University - Sentimental Power: Empathy and Nation in
Edmondo De Amicis’ Sull’Oceano

Migrazioni nello specchio dell’arte II.                   Room 2

Chair: Diana Pardue

7. Margherita Angelucci (Australia), Monash University Melbourne (PhD) - Italianness “under
construction”: a Hip Hop perspective. The case study of Genovese rapper Young Slash

84. Lucia Galleno (USA), Queens University - The discovery of the courageous journey of Italian
musicians through their musical traces in the Southern Pacific

55. Steven J. Sacco (USA), San Diego State University - Playing Cards in Calabrese Dialect: An
Online Approach

Fascismo, emigrazione e colonialismo.                      Room 1

Chair: Nicla Buonasorte

12. Stéphane Mourlane (Francia), Aix - Marseille Université, The Casa d'Italia in Marseille:
forgotten memory and perennial Italian-ness

34. Heloisa Rojas Gomez (Italia), European University Institute (PhD), Crimean Italians: oral
history against historical amnesia

58. Gabriele Montalbano (Italia), Italian colonial migrations in Africa: a conflicting memory

17:30 -18:00
Greetings from Mu.MA and Authorities – Auditorium

18:00 – 19:00
Visit at the MEM - Memory and Migration: an entire section of Galata Museo del Mare
dedicated to migratory movements.

19:00 – 22:00
Cocktail at Sala Clerici

FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 2019

8:30 - 09:00
Registration – Hall
Coffee break

9:00 - 10:30

Musei e archivi. Ruolo sociale, ruolo culturale.                         Room 1

Chair: Annachiara Cimoli

75. Guido Vaglio Laurin (Italia), Museo diffuso della Resistenza, della Deportazione, della
Guerra, dei Diritti e della Libertà - Migrations yesterday and today. The social engagement of
the Museum of Resistance (Turin)

Catia Monacelli (Italia), Museo regionale dell’Emigrazione Pietro Conti - Storia e attività del
Museo regionale dell’Emigrazione di Gualdo Tadino

Campodonico Pierangelo (Italia), Istituzione Musei del Mare e delle Migrazioni di Genova -
Museologia delle migrazioni

Visualizing a living heritage: Italian transcultural practices in
Australia. Room 2
Chair: Caroline Waldron Merithew

Rita Wilson (Australia), School of Languages, Literatures, Cultures and Linguistics at Monash

Francesco Ricatti (Australia), Italian Studies at Monash University, Creative Humanities at the
University of the Sunshine Coast

Matteo Dutto (Australia), Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Monash University

The cultural emergence born from a migration (Migration and
cultural emergence). Room 3
Chair: Francesco Ricatti

6. Simone Cara (Italia), Università di Cagliari - The contribution of Sardinians in the migratory
dynamics of the contemporary society: split of reflection on a piece of the Italian migratory
57. Rosa Ciacco (Italia), Associazione Coexinstence - The value of identity as a factor of
integration: Arbëria’s case

59. Dario Basile (Italia), Università di Torino (PhD) - Italian internal emigration between 1960s
and 1970

10:30 –12:00

Musei e archivi. Ruolo sociale, ruolo culturale II.                        Room 1

Chair: Guido Vaglio

92. Mirella Stampa (Italia), Museo Nave della Sila - Il museo narrante dell’emigrazione, la nave
della Sila

Antonella Poce, Sabrina Vellucci (Italia), Università degli Studi Roma Tre - “Inclusive memories”

78. Bernardo Armanni (Italia) - On the same boat? Memory and collective identity in Italian
migrations museums

L’emigrazione difficile, la frontiera del razzismo.                           Room 2

Chair: Giovanni Carosio

4. Monica Miscali (Norvegia), Norwegian University - Quando gli emigrati eravamo noi.
Pregiudizi e xenofobia contro gli italiani in Norvegia negli anni ’50-’60

45. Federico Boni (Italia), Università degli Studi di Milano - Death by water: Acqua di colonia
and the repression of Italian colonialism

68. Tommaso Caiazza (Italia) - Italians on the “frontier of the white man”. The making of race
in California

Emigrazione politica: una storia nella storia.                       Room 3

Chair: Nicla Buonasorte

53. Raffaella Ponte e Liliana Bertuzzi (Italia), Istituto Mazziniano - Museo del Risorgimento -
L’emigrazione politica nella Genova del Risorgimento nelle raccolte dell’Istituto Mazziniano -
Museo del Risorgimento di Genova. Brevi note per una storia

71. Mia Spizzica (Australia) - Embodying hybrid transnational identities: The case of the Italo -
Palestinian Diasporas of the Antipodes

12:00 –13:00

Documentary/film.              Auditorium

Barbara Pavarotti (Italia), Docufilm - Italia addio, non tornerò

Lunch break


Visual and verbal memories: italian migrant creativity across
the world. Room 1
Chair: Prof. Fred Gardaphé (USA), John D. Calandra Italian American Institute New York

Respondents: Prof Loredana Polezzi (UK), Cardiff University, and Dr. Eliana Maestri (UK),
University of Exeter

Visual artist: B. Amore, Boston, USA
Visual artist: Filomena Coppola, Melbourne, Australia.
Visual artist: Luci Callipari - Marcuzzo, Mildura, Australia.

Ritorno a casa tra desiderio, simbolo e turismo.                           Room 2

Chair: Donna Chirico

18. Elisa Gosso (Italia), Università di Torino - Ancestral tourism as a way to remember: the
example of the Waldensian migration

31. Loretta Baldassar (Australia), University of Western Australia - It’s like migrating all over
again: questions of memory, identity, heritage, and aging in diaspora

85. Michela Baldo (UK) - Translating Italian-Canadian writing into Italian: returns and amnesia

The praxis and pedagogy of diaspora studies.                           Room 3

Chair: Laura E. Ruberto

Caroline Waldron Merithew (USA), University of Dayton - “Stranger Things”: The Disconnected
Narratives of Diversity and Diaspore Italiane, Past and Present

Laura E. Ruberto (USA), Berkley City College - Making Italian Diaspora Studies Relevant in the
New Millennium

Kathleen Crawford Boyle (USA), University of Notre Dame - From Dante to the Diaspora - What
New Italian Studies can Teach to the Classical

Recovering traces of italian mobility (spaces and narratives).
Room 4

Chair: T.B.D.

Jennifer Burns (UK), Warwick University - Traces: assembling pasts and futures of Italian
communities in London

Loredana Polezzi (UK), Cardiff University - Juxtaposition and superimposition: migration
museums and the layering of memory

Derek Duncan (UK), St. Andrews University - “That child is wearing my jumper”: recovering
memories of the Arandora Star and the pedagogy of amnesia

Charles Burdett (UK), Durham University (PHD) - Secrets and Lies: Francesca Melandri’s Sangue
giusto and the concealed memory of imperialism

Teresa Fiore (USA), Montclair State University (PHD) - Italy’s Transnational Migrations,
Collective Memory and Empathy in Two Short Stories by Carmine Abate and Melania Mazzucco

Clorinda Donato (USA), California State University, Long Beach (PHD) - Forging Transnational
Identities in Italian American Chick Lit: The Novels of Adriana Trigiani

16:00 –17:30

Gli emigranti si raccontano: la narrazione autobiografica. Room 1
Chair: T.B.D.
1. Giulia Guarnieri (USA), University of New York - Broken memories, reconstructed memoirs:
Italian-american oral autobiographies at Ellis Island
43. Nicola Maranesi (Italia), Archivio Diaristico Nazionale Pieve Santo Stefano - History of
immigration in Italy, impact of autobiography and importance of sources's stratification. A case
study: the Diari multimediali migranti project
Emiliano Loria (Italia), Università di Genova (PhD) - Julian-Dalmatian diaspora and mental

Vivere tra due paesi e due culture.                  Room 2
Chair: Lucia Galleno

28. Mary Jane Dempsey (USA), Cornell University - Cara Italia: Shaping italianità through gender
and race

46. Laura Rorato (UK), University of Hull - Italian identities in the UK City of Kingston upon
Hull: a transgenerational perspective

94. Carlo De Rose (Italia), Università della Calabria - The diasporas of others. Attitudes towards
migrants between hostility and solidarity

Old stories and new narratives: identities and storying the lived
experiences of post-war second generation Italian Australian
middle aged women. Room 3
Chair: T.B.D.

Maria Fantasia - From Repression to Resistance – I am my mother’s daughter

Teresa Capetola (Australia), School of Helath and Social Developement Deakin - Migration
Legacies and Identity

Maria Pallotta Chiarolli - Italonormativity and the Italian “Other”


Round table at Museoteatro della Commenda di Pré, the future location of MEI – Museo
dell’Emigrazione Italiana

Chair: Pierangelo Campodonico

Visit of Museoteatro della Commenda di Pré

SATURDAY, June 29, 2019
8:30 - 09:00
Registration – Hall
Coffee break


Il racconto della manodopera italiana nel mondo                            Room 3

Chair: Sandro Rinauro

19. Luigi Gussago (Australia), Italian Australian Institute Melbourne - Terra incognita: a century
of Italian farming practices in Australia

52. Enrico Grammaroli (Italia), Università Tor Vergata (PhD) - From Appennini to Appalachians

30. Valerio Massimo De Angelis (Italia), Università di Macerata - Not white on arrival:
unearthing the memory oh italian american slavery in Mary Bucci Bush’s sweet hope

Instruction, Publication, Dissemination:Remedies to Historical
Amnesia of the Italian Diaspora. Room 2
Chair: T.B.D.

Alan J. Gravano (USA), Rocky Mountain University

Melissa E. Marinaro (USA), Italian American Program at the Senator John Heinz History Center

Anthony Julian Tamburri (USA), John D. Calandra Italian American Institute (Queens College,

Italiani globalizzati. Room 3
Chair: Francesco Goglia

8. Piero Genovesi (Australia), Melbourne University – The Italian Australians 20 years into the
New Millenium

39. Toni Ricciardi (CH), University of Geneva - The history of migration as a paradigm
redefining the concepts of roots and identity

02. Joseph Sciorra (USA), John Calandra Italian American Institute (Queens College, CUNY) - He
made us all look like gavones
10:30 am–12:00 pm

Fonti di memoria per il futuro. Room 1
Chair: Giovanna Rocchi

5. John Gennari (USA), University of Vermont - Listening to Italian America as a Sonic Archive

47. Elizabeth Triarico (Australia), COASIT - Lest we forget: Collecting, preserving and sharing
the Italian Australian story

10. Mary Jo Bona, (USA), Book University - Why amnesia? Cultural Trauma and the Creation of
Migrant Memories in Italian American literature

Letteratura della memoria.                Room 2

Chair: Paolo Baracchi

76. Lorenzo Canepari (UK), University of Edinburgh (PHD), Literature and Memories: the Istrian
and Dalmatian Exodus

29. Chiara Grilli (Italia), A bad propaganda: nationhood and emigration in the travel literature
of the interwar period in Italy

83. Francesco Chianese (USA), California State University (PHD), Looking for “casa”: House and
Home in John Fante, Igiaba Scego, Kim Ragusa and Joseph Tusiani

Seconde e terze generazioni: la sfida dell’identità.                          Room 3

Chair: Rita Wilson

60. Katrina Lolicato (Australia), Oral History Victoria - “The younger ones just aren’t
interested” Vs “Give us an opportunity to show you and we will surprise you every single
time”. Perspectives on the Third Generation: between a history of otherness and another
Australian Identity

67. Francesco Goglia (UK), University of Exeter - The Italian - Bangladeshi community in London

36. Marcella Bencivenni (USA), University of New York - “L’Italia sono anch’io”: Second
Generation Immigrants, Racism and Ethnic Identities.

12:00–13:30 pm

Closing conference: Beyond Diaspore Italiane. Auditorium

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