Fabio alessandro fusco - cv_2017
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cv_2017 fabio alessandro fusco 1
Index parte I. Esperienze didattiche parte II. Titoli scientifici parte III. Titoli di formazione post-laurea parte IV_Titoli e Competenze Reggio Emilia, 21 luglio 2017 2
parte I_Esperienze didattiche Precedenti esperienze didattiche (con continuità didattica nell’insegnamento della disciplina negli ultimi cinque anni dalla data di pubblicazione del bando e coerenza delle esperienze didattiche precedenti con gli obiettivi formativi dell’insegnamento a bando con particolare riferimento a corsi o moduli curriculari oggetto del bando). I. Attività didattica II. Visiting Professor III. Relatore tesi triennali/magistrali IV. Attività di docente esaminatore tesi di laurea/esami V. Attività di cultore della materia 3
parte I_Esperienze didattiche Course theme: Verso una nuova modernità. Taranto progetto di crisi- Part II 2012/13 I.I Attività didattica Professor at the School of Architecture and Society 2016/17 Politecnico di Milano Polo territoriale di Piacenza/Architettura Ambientale Professor Laboratory of Architectural and Urban Design II_a.a. at the School of Architecture 2012/13 - Architectural Composition ICAR 14 Genova Course theme: Verso una nuova modernità. Taranto Laboratory of Architectural and Urban Design IV progetto di crisi- Part I a.a. 2016/17 - Architectural Composition ICAR 14 http://www.fabioalessandrofusco.com/index.php?/t eaching-201213/program/ Professor at the School of Architecture and Society 2011/12 Politecnico di Milano Professor Milano Leonardo at the School of Architecture and Society Laboratory of Architectural and Urban Design III Politecnico di Milano a.a. 2016/17 - Architectural Composition ICAR 14 Polo territoriale di Piacenza/Architettura Ambientale Modulo di Progettazione Architettonica Laboratory of Architectural and Urban Design II_a.a. 2011/12 - Architectural Composition ICAR 14 2015/16 Course theme: Oltre la città generica Professor http://www.fabioalessandrofusco.com/index.php?/l at the School of Architecture and Society aboratory/--lab-pro22011-------------------/ Politecnico di Milano 2010/11 Polo territoriale di Piacenza/Architettura Ambientale Professor Laboratory of Architectural and Urban Design III at the School of Architecture and Society a.a. 2015/16 - Architectural Composition ICAR 14 Politecnico di Milano Course theme: Taranto: progetto di crisi 2015 School of Architecture and Society Milan Visiting Professor Laboratory of Architectural and Urban Design III_a.a. 2010/11 - Landscape Architecture ICAR 15 at UNR/FAPyD Rosario, Argentina Course theme: Hybrid architecture Facultad Arquitectura Planeamiento y Diseño Polo territoriale di Piacenza/Architettura Ambientale Catedra Rois_a.a. 2014/15 – Architectural Composition I.II Visiting professor Course theme: Pichincha Housing 2015 2014/15 Visiting Professor Professor at UNR/FAPyD Rosario, Argentina at the School of Architecture and Society Facultad Arquitectura Planeamiento y Diseño Politecnico di Milano Polo territoriale di Piacenza/Architettura Ambientale Polo territoriale di Piacenza/Architettura Ambientale Catedra Rois_a.a. 2014/15 – Laboratory of Architectural and Urban Design II_a.a. Architectural Composition 2014/15 - Architectural Composition ICAR 14 Course theme: Pichincha Housing Course theme: The fragment and the labyrinth Visiting professor 2013/14 OC Summer School 2015 Summer School Open City 2014 Professor Architectural and Urban Design Workshop at the School of Architecture and Society Feeding the planet Politecnico di Milano School of Architecture and Society School of Architecture Leonardo, Milan Politecnico di Milano Laboratory of Architectural and Urban Design I_a.a. Polo territoriale Piacenza/Architettura Ambientale 2013/14 - Architectural Composition ICAR 14 Organized and directed by Course theme: Ri-formare Milano. Il progetto della Proff. Arch. Guya Bertelli/Carlos Garcia Vazquez Caserma Rubattino a Lambrate 2014 2013/14 Visiting professor Professor OC Summer School 2014 at the School of Architecture and Society Summer School Open City 2014 Politecnico di Milano Architectural and Urban Design Workshop Polo territoriale di Piacenza/Architettura Ambientale Nature in the city Laboratory of Architectural and Urban Design II_a.a. School of Architecture and Society 2013/14 - Architectural Composition ICAR 14 Politecnico di Milano Polo territoriale Piacenza/Architettura Ambientale Organized and directed by 4
Proff. Arch. Guya Bertelli/Carlos Garcia Vazquez Architettura urbana e nuove forme della produzione School of Architecture and Society 2013 Politecnico di Milano Visiting professor Organized and directed by OC Summer School 2013 Proff. I. Valente, R. Spagnolo Summer School Open City 2013 http://www.drpau.polimi.it/HP%20summer/HP%2 Architectural and Urban Design Workshop 0summer11.html From ecological landscape to architectural design School of Architecture and Society 2010 Politecnico di Milano Visiting professor/tutor Polo territoriale Piacenza/Architettura Ambientale Organized and directed by OC Summer School 2010 Proff. Arch. Guya Bertelli/Carlos Garcia Vazquez Summer School Open City 2010 Architectural and Urban Design Workshop 2012 Between the city and the river Visiting professor School of Architecture and Society OC Summer School 2012 Politecnico di Milano Summer School Open City 2012 Polo territoriale Piacenza/Architettura Ambientale Architectural and Urban Design Workshop Organized and directed by Landscape in Sequence. Dwelling the wall Proff. Arch. Guya Bertelli/Luca Molinari School of Architecture and Society Politecnico di Milano Visiting professor Polo territoriale Piacenza/Architettura Ambientale Workshop MIAW 2010 Organized and directed by Milano International Architecture Workshop Proff. Arch. Guya Bertelli/Luca Molinari Architectural and Urban Design Workshop Re-appropriation Visiting professor School of Architecture and Society Summer School Waterscape 2012 Politecnico di Milano First International Summer School 2012 Section headed by Waterscape Architecture Prof. arch. Enric Massip Bosch (ETSAB) School of Architecture and Society Organized and directed by Politecnico di Milano Prof. Arch.Gennaro Postiglione (POLIMI) Polo territoriale Piacenza/Architettura Ambientale http://www.domusweb.it/it/architecture/miaw-/ Organized and directed by Prof. Arch. Guya Bertelli I.III Relatore tesi triennali/magistrali Visiting professor Workshop Parking ideas 2015/16 Workshop Parking Ideas Thesis supervisor Nuovi usi per gli spazi della mobilità Tesi triennale a.a. 2015/2016 Politecnico di Milano/Università di Pavia School of Architecture and Society Organized and directed by Politecnico di Milano Prof. arch. Carlo Berizzi (UNIPV) Candidate: Giulio Spiranelli Thesis: Il recupero dell’Ex Cementificio a Bergamo 2011 discussion on april 2016 Visiting professor OC Summer School 2011 Thesis supervisor Summer School Open City 2011 Tesi triennale a.a. 2015/2016 School of Architecture and Society School of Architecture and Society From landscape to exterior design Politecnico di Milano Politecnico di Milano Candidates: Simone Belvedere/Mattia Croci Polo territoriale Piacenza/Architettura Ambientale Thesis: Il recupero dell’Ex Stazione Torpediniere di Organized and directed by Taranto Proff. Arch. Guya Bertelli/Luca Molinari discussion on february 2016 Visiting professor Thesis supervisor PhD DAU Pescara 2011 Tesi magistrale a.a. 2015/2016 Critique session School of Architecture and Society PhD Architecture and Urban Design Politecnico di Milano Candidates: Pierluigi Bardi/Benedetta De Mitri Università di Chieti, Italy Thesis: Il recupero dell’Ex Stabilimento Oleario di School of Architecture Pescara Taranto Invited by PhD coordinator discussion on december 2015 Prof. Arch. Francesco Garofalo 2014/15 Visiting professor/tutor Thesis supervisor Workshop LIPAU 2011 Tesi magistrale a.a. 2014/2015 Workshop LIPAU 2011, Bergamo School of Architecture and Society Architectural and Urban Design Workshop Politecnico di Milano 5
Candidate: Maria Paola Di Clemente School of Architecture and Society Thesis: The fragments of contemporary city Politecnico di Milano discussion on february 2015 Candidate Lara Rocchi [matr. 712202] Thesis: Progetti per i territori della nuova 2013/14 modernità. Il caso studio della città diffusa Thesis supervisor salentina Tesi magistrale a.a. 2013/2014 discussed on 24.04.2012 School of Architecture and Society Politecnico di Milano Candidate: Laura Annalisa Cambiati Thesis: Rome. The centres inside I.IV Attività commisioni di tesi e d’esame discussion on 23.09.2014 2015/16 Thesis supervisor Professor examinator Tesi magistrale a.a. 2013/2014 Exams session a.a. 2015/2016 School of Architecture and Society Polo territoriale di Piacenza/Architettura Ambientale Politecnico di Milano Laboratory of Architectural and Urban Design Candidate: Daniela Miceli III_a.a. 2015/16 - Architectural Composition ICAR Thesis: Taranto. Scarto è/e progetto 14 discussion on 19.09.2014 Course theme: Taranto: progetto di crisi 2014/15 Thesis supervisor Professor examinator Tesi magistrale a.a. 2013/2014 Exams session a.a. 2014/2015 School of Architecture and Society Polo territoriale di Piacenza/Architettura Ambientale Politecnico di Milano Laboratory of Architectural and Urban Design II_a.a. Candidates: Elena Gandolfi/Concetta Cascino 2014/15 - Architectural Composition ICAR 14 Thesis: Temporary Existenzminimum Course theme: The fragment and the labyrinth discussion on 25.02.2014 Thesis supervisor Tesi magistrale a.a. 2013/2014 2013/14 School of Architecture and Society Professor examinator Politecnico di Milano Exams session a.a. 2013/2014 Candidate: Roberto Rocchi School of Architecture Leonardo, Milan Thesis: Verso una nuova modernità. Taranto, Laboratory of Architectural and Urban Design I_a.a. progetto di crisi 2013/14 - Architectural Composition ICAR 14 discussed on december 2013 Course theme: Ri-formare Milano. Il progetto della Caserma Rubattino a Lambrate 2012/13 2013 Thesis supervisor Professor examinator Tesi triennale a.a. 2012/2013 Exams session a.a. 2012/2013 School of Architecture and Society Laboratory of Architectural Design 2 Politecnico di Milano Politecnico di Milano Candidate: Francesca Gatti [matr. 718586] Polo territoriale di Piacenza Thesis: Il riuso delle preesistenze agricole per una Architettura Ambientale nuova forma di turismo. L'albergo diffuso. Il caso Course theme: Verso una nuova modernità. studio del territorio salentino Taranto, progetto di crisi discussed on 26.02.2013 Assistant professor/examinator 2011/12 Exams session a.a. 2012/2013 Thesis supervisor Laboratory of Architectural Design 4 Tesi triennale a.a. 2011/12 Held by Prof. Paolo Caputo School of Architecture and Society Politecnico di Milano Politecnico di Milano School of Architecture and Society Candidate Giulia Puddu [matr. 731123] Course theme: New urban development in Bovisa Thesis: Oltre la città generica. Riscritture per i territori contemporanei 2012 discussed on 28.02.2012 Professor examinator Exams session a.a. 2011/2012 Thesis supervisor Laboratory of Architectural Design 2 Tesi triennale a.a. 2011/12 Politecnico di Milano School of Architecture and Society Polo territoriale di Piacenza Politecnico di Milano Architettura Ambientale Candidate Carolina Porro [matr. 737193] Course theme: Oltre la città generica. Riscritture per Thesis: Oltre la città generica. Riscritture per i i territori della nuova modernità territori contemporanei discussed on 27.09.2012 2011 Professor examinator Thesis supervisor Exams session a.a. 2010/2011 Tesi magistrale a.a. 2011/12 6
Laboratory of ‘Architectural Design 2 School of Architecture and Society Politecnico di Milano Course theme: Residenze collettive a Milano I School of Architecture and Society Course theme: Hybrid architecture I.V Cultore della materia/lecturer-ICAR 14/15 Assistant professor/examinator Exams session a.a. 2010/2011 Teaching assistant/Instructor/Lecturer Course of Complex urban projects a.a. 2012/13 Held by Prof. Giovanni Lavarra Laboratory of Architectural Design 4 Politecnico di Milano Held by Prof. Paolo Caputo School of Architecture and Society Politecnico di Milano Course theme: La cella ed il territorio School of Architecture and Society Course theme: New urban development in Bovisa Assistant professor/examinator Exams session a.a. 2010/2011 2011 Course Architectural and urban composition Teaching assistant/Instructor/Lecturer Held by Prof. Fabrizio Zanni a.a. 2010/11 Politecnico di Milano Course of Complex urban projects School of Architecture and Society Held by Prof. Arch. Giovanni La Varra Course theme: Un progetto residenziale sulla P olitecnico di Milano darsena a Milano School of Architecture and Society Course theme: La cella ed il territorio 2009 Assistant professor/examinator Teaching assistant/Instructor/Lecturer Exams session a.a. 2008/2009 a.a. 2010/11 Laboratory of Architectural Design 3 Course Architectural and urban composition Held by Prof. Arch. Andrea Gritti Held by Prof. Fabrizio Zanni Politecnico di Milano Politecnico di Milano School of Architecture and Society School of Architecture and Society Course theme: Residenze collettive per l’Expo 2015 a Course theme: Un progetto residenziale sulla Milano darsena a Milano 2008 2009 Assistant professor/examinator Teaching assistant/Instructor/Lecturer Exams session a.a. 2007/2008 a.a. 2008/09 Laboratory of Architectural Design 3 Laboratory of Architectural Design 3 Held by Prof. Arch. Andrea Gritti Held by Prof. Arch. Andrea Gritti P olitecnico di Milano P olitecnico di Milano School of Architecture and Society School of Architecture and Society Course theme: Il progetto di un sistema museale a Course theme: Residenze collettive per l’Expo 2015 a Milano Milano 2007 2008 Assistant professor/examinator Teaching assistant/Instructor/Lecturer Exams session a.a. 2006/2007 a.a. 2007/08 Laboratory of architectural design 3 Laboratory of Architectural Design 3 Held by prof. Arch. Andrea gritti Held by Prof. Arch. Andrea Gritti P olitecnico di Milano P olitecnico di Milano School of Architecture and Society School of Architecture and Society Course theme: Residenze collettive a Milano III Course theme: Il progetto di un sistema museale a Milano 2006 Assistant professor/ examinator 2007 Exams session a.a. 2005/2006 Teaching assistant/Instructor/Lecturer Laboratory of Architectural Design 1 a.a. 2006/07 Held by Prof. Arch. Andrea Gritti Laboratory of Architectural Design 3 P olitecnico di Milano Held by Prof. Arch. Andrea Gritti School of Architecture and Society P olitecnico di Milano Course theme: Residenze collettive a Milano II School of Architecture and Society Course theme: Residenze collettive a Milano III 2005 Assistant professor/ examinator Teaching assistant Exams session a.a. 2004/2005 W.A.V.E.IUAV 2007 Laboratory of Architectural Design 1 International Summer School Held by Prof. Arch. Andrea Gritti IUAV/july 2007 P olitecnico di Milano Held by Prof. Arch. Andrea Branzi 7
Course theme: Verso una architettura non figurativa. 2006 Teaching assistant/Instructor/Lecturer a.a. 2005/06 Laboratory of Architectural Design 1 Held by Prof. Arch. Andrea Gritti P olitecnico di Milano School of Architecture and Society Course theme: Residenze collettive a Milano I 2005 Teaching assistant/Instructor/Lecturer a.a. 2005/06 Laboratory of Architectural Design 1 Held by Prof. Arch. Guya Bertelli P olitecnico di Milano School of Architecture and Society Course theme: Residenze collettive a Barcellona II 2004 Teaching assistant/Instructor/Lecturer a.a. 2003/04 Laboratory of Architectural Design 1 Held by Prof. Arch. Guya Bertelli P olitecnico di Milano School of Architecture and Society Course theme: Residenze collettive a Barcellona II 8
parte II_Titoli scientifici Titoli scientifici o di progettazione (conseguiti in materie pertinenti ai contenuti del corso) – ad es. Abilitazione scientifica nazionale conseguita nel macrosettore concorsuale coerente con l’insegnamento per cui si presenta domanda, ricerche, progetti e opere pubblicati, pubblicazioni, organizzazione e partecipazione di/a mostre, seminari, convegni, premi conseguiti in attività progettuali e di ricerca. II.I Pubblicazioni scientifiche 1. Pubblicazioni scientifiche: tesi di laurea, dottorato di ricerca e Master di II livello 2. Pubblicazioni scientifiche: libri 3. Pubblicazione scientifiche: scritti su giornali e riviste cartacee 4. Pubblicazioni scientifiche: saggi su libri e riviste digitali 5. Pubblicazioni scientifiche: progetti e ricerche su riviste digitali II.II Partecipazione a mostre internazionali e nazionali 1. Partecipazione con opere, progetti e lavori di ricerca a mostre nazionali/internazionali II.III Curatore, organizzatore di mostre, seminari, convegni 1. Promotore curatore di Conferenze, Seminari, Workshop 2. Curatore di Seminari Scientifici/Mostre di architettura 9
II.I Pubblicazioni scientifiche Laterza Editore ISBN 978-88-6674-143-52014 0. Concorso Internazionale Open Taranto 2015 Viceversa 2017 Published work Open Taranto Le città relazionali Consorso Internazionale di idee per il recupero, la Edited by Carmelo Baglivo e Valerio Paolo Mosco riqualificazione e la valorizzazione della città vecchia OII+ Edition di Taranto ISSN 2421-2687 Secondo classificato Taranto, 2017 Geografie Published work Obvius city 1. Tesi dottorato/Tesi Master/ Tesi di laurea Edited by Beppe Finessi Corraini Editore 2010 ISBN 978-88-7570-501-5 La citta’ relazionale Phd Thesis Syncretic space Written by Fabio Alessandro Fusco Published work La città relazionale. Procedure, metodi e strumenti La città peninsulare per il progetto degli assetti spaziali diffusi Edited by Karla Rothstein Library of the School of Architecture and Society Columbia University GSAPP Politecnico di Milano Milano, Italy, 2010 2014 Dromos 2004 Failure/Fallimento Strategie per i grandi intervalli della città Published essay trasversale a nord di Milano. Il caso studio Le città relazionali del parco territoriale dell’Adda Edited by Cherubino Gambardella Master thesis in Strategic Planning for Architectonic, Il Melangolo Editore urban and environmental resources ISSN 2239-6284 Written by Fabio Alessandro Fusco ISBN 978-88-7018-927-8 Strategie per i grandi intervalli della città 2013 trasversale a nord di Milano. Il caso studio del Volume parco territoriale dell’Adda Library of the School of Architecture and Society Critical Politecnico di Milano Published work Milano, Italy, 2004 Le città relazionali Edited by Luca Molinari 1999 Stichting Archis L’Università del mare. Il recupero dei ISSN 1574-9401 cantieri navali Tosi a Taranto ISBN 9789077966365 Master of Science-Degree in Architecture Design Written by Fabio Alessandro Fusco 2012 L’Università del mare. Il recupero dei cantieri Verso una nuova modernità navali Tosi a Taranto Published essay Library of the School of Architecture Pescara Verso una nuova modernità on the book Il progetto Pescara, Italy, 1999 dello scarto. Taranto shrinking city Edited by Francesca Pignatelli Maggioli Editore Santarcangelo di Romagna (RN), Italy, 2012 2. Saggi in libri ISBN 88-387-6158-2 2017 2011 AND Two models of residence: the compact city Disegno>Utopia with reformed block and the landscaoe city Published essay with solitary and autonomous buildings Labirinti Published essay DNA Editrice Two models of residence: the compact city with ISSN 1723-9990 reformed block and the landscape city with solitary and autonomous buildings on the book Between the 2016 city and the river. Architecture of urban relations Evoked Edited by Guya Bertelli and Michele Roda Architectural Diptychs Maggioli Editore Published essay Santarcangelo di Romagna (RN), Italy, 2011 Ideograms ISBN 978-88387-6037-3 Edited by Domenico Pastore 10
2010 http://onnoffmagazine.com/2015/02/27/le-citta- Il sistema territoriale tarantino relazionali-come-si-agisce-dentro-la-citta/ Published essay Il sistema territoriale tarantino on the book Citta’ e Socks media art architecture cities design geografie culture media technology Edited by Giovanni Denti and Cassandra Cozza Published research Maggioli Editore Relational Cities on the french website magazine Santarcangelo di Romagna (RN), Italy, 2010 Socks. ISBN 978-88-387-4495-5 Edited by Fosco Lucarelli http://socks-studio.com/2012/09/04/relational- 2009 cities-by-fabio-alessandro-fusco/ La scala Published essay Klat magazine La scala come metafora culturale on the book Scala, Published research scale e dintorni, Relational Cities on the italian website magazine Reggio Children Books Klat Magazine, Diario del Grantour #03, Padiglione Reggio Emilia, Italy, 2009 Italia, Biennale di Architettura di Venezia 2012 Edited by Cristina Perillo http://www.klatmagazine.com/architecture/diario- Scenari relazionali del-gran-tour-03-padiglione-italia-biennale-di- Published essay architettura-di-venezia/6501 Scenari relazionali on the book I valori in urbanistica fra etica ed estetica Il progetto dello scarto. La decrescita Edited by Francesco Domenico Moccia, presentation attraverso il caso studio di Taranto of Federico Oliva Article digital review Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane Il progetto dello scarto. La decrescita attraverso il Napoli, Italy, 2009 caso studio di Taranto on the book Il progetto dello scarto. Taranto come shrinking city on the website ISBN-10 884951896X magazine Architettura ecosostenibile.it http://www.architetturaecosostenibile.it/architettur New york, New york a/recensioni/progetto-scarto-decrescita-caso-studio- Published essay taranto-084.html New york, New York on the book New York- Milano. Disegno della città per la regione urbana Dopo la postmodernità. Il progetto dei Edited by Giovanni Santamaria territori della nuova modernità Alinea Edizioni Essay Firenze, Italy, 2007 Dopo la Postmodernità. Il progetto dei territori ISBN 978-88-6055-157-3 della nuova modernità, Written by Fabio Alessandro Fusco Published on Notes on new modernity 3. Scritti su riviste e quotidiani http://www.fabioalessandrofusco.com/index.php?/n ews/--theory/ 2002 ISSN 2282-2712 La chiesa dello Spirito Santo a Taranto Notes on new modernity Reporting and publication of the article La chiesa dello Spirito Santo a Taranto on the magazine Chiesa oggi. Architettura e comunicazione n.56/2002 5. Pubblicazioni online di progetti e ricerche Di baio Editore Milano, Italy, 2002 2014 ISSN Entrevista. Cherubino Gambardella by Sérgio Hespanha and Federico Calabrese 1999 An interview by Sérgio Hespanha and Federico Il progetto dell’università del mare Calabrese for Vitruvius Published article Webmagazine, Brasil Il progetto dell’Università del Mare on the 15.02.2014 newspaper Corriere del Giorno [http://www.vitruvius.com.br/revistas/read/entrevis Taranto, Italy, 6 novembre 1999 ta/15.057/5050/it] Un anno di architettura e vita metropolitana 4. Saggi su libri e riviste digitali by Luca Molinari An essay by Luca Molinari for Il Post, ON/OFF MAGAZINE Webmagazine, Italy Published research 06.01.2014 Come si agisce … Dentro la città [http://www.ilpost.it/lucamolinari/2014/01/06/ann on the italian website magazine On/Off. o-architettura-vita-metropolitana/] Edited by Antonino Saggio 11
2013 Progetti per i territori della nuova modernità. La critica in Italia. Punto a capo Il caso studio della città diffusa salentina 1 by Luca Molinari Published project An essay by Luca Molinari for Volume #36, Progetti per i territori della nuova modernità. Il Architectural Review, Hollande caso studio della città diffusa salentina 1 on the ISSN 1574-9401 collective book 33 modelli di architettura for the Biennale di Architettura di Venezia 2012 Common Isolation on Grantouristas – Padiglione Ground Italia/Biennale di Venezia 2012 on website Edited by Politecnico di Milano GranTouristas atlas Milano, Italy, 2012 Published research Isolation presented in the exhibition Grantouristas Progetti per i territori della nuova modernità. at the Padiglione Italia, Biennale di Architettura di Il caso studio della città diffusa salentina 2 Venezia 2012, Venezia, published on the italian Published project website Gran Tour2012 Atlas Progetti per i territori della nuova modernità. Il Edited by Grantouristas caso studio della città diffusa salentina 2 on the http://grantouristas.tumblr.com/post/29840958194 collective book 33 modelli di architettura for the /progetti-di-fabio-alessandro-fusco-milano-via Biennale di Architettura di Venezia 2012 Common Ground Relational cities on The competitive Edited by Politecnico di Milano hypothesis exhibition – Storefront for art and Milano, Italy, 2012 architecture website Published research 1999 Relational Cities presented in the exhibition The Il progetto dell’Università del Mare competitive hypothesis at the Storefront for art and Published project architecture New York, published on the U.S.A. Il progetto dell’Universita’ del Mare on the website Storefront for art and architecture newspaper Corriere del Giorno Edited by Storefront for art and architecture New Taranto, Italy, 6 novembre 1999 York http://www.storefrontnews.org/programming/event s?preview=true&e=5142012 2012 Relational cities on The competitive hypothesis exhibition – Storefront for art and architecture website Published research Relational Cities presented in the exhibition The competitive hypothesis at the Storefront for art and architecture New York, published on the U.S.A. website Storefront for art and architecture Edited by Storefront for art and architecture New York http://www.storefrontnews.org/programming/event s?preview=true&e=5142012 Premio Bergamo d’Architettura 2011 Published winner project PBA Prize 2011 Premio Bergamo d’Architettura 2011. Dalle macerie dell’economia dei sogni alla magnifica realtà del possibile Edited by Gregorio Carboni Maestri Magazine ARK n. 7 Bergamo, Italy, november 2011 ISSN 9771125 Gt Pressbook Published research La città relazionale on the collective exhibition workbook Grantouristas, Edited by Stefano Mirti Padiglione Italia Biennale di Architettura di Venezia Common Ground Venezia, Italy, 2012 12
II.II Partecipazione a mostre internazionali e Exhibits the research projects Birdman nazionali at Museo di scienze Naturali, Piacenza, Italy, July - September 2015 MIGRANT GARDEN 1. Esibizioni in mostre Caserma della Neve internazionali/nazionali Exhibits the research projects Birdman at Caserma della Neve, Politecnico di Milano 2017 Piacenza, Italy, June 2015 DANTE SYMPOSIUM (coming soon) GEOGRAFIE Caserta, Reggia di Caserta Museo Poldi Pezzoli Exhibits the research projects The Dante’s labyrinth Exhibits the research projects OBVIUS CITY Reggia di Caserta, Caserta at Museo Poldi Pezzoli Curators Luca Molinari/Chiara Ingrosso Milan, Italy, April 2015 Caserta, Italy, autumn 2017 2014 IL LACERTO E IL LABIRINTO. UN 30 ARCHITECTS MANIFESTO PRIVATO (january 2017) Spazio Mostre Guido Nardi Milano Paris Exhibits the research projects Pavillon de l’Arsenal at Spazio Mostre Guido Nardi, Politecnico di Milano Curator Marion Bernard Architects Milano, Italy, December 16, 2014– January 10, Paris, France, 2015 15th December 2016 to 12th february 2017 [http://www.fabioalessandrofusco.com/index.php?/ news/faf-at-spazio-mostre-guido-nardi/] 2016 POCKET FLANEUR. ARCHITECTURE CORRUPTING LINA /ISPIRAZIONE / INSPIRATON The appearance (July) Museo de Arte Moderna Roma Salvador de Bahia Exhibits the research projects La città sottile Exhibits the collage series at New Gallery , Rome The appearance Curators Pino Scaglione/Paola Ruotolo Mostra “Corrupting Lina” Roma, Italy, july 2016 Salvador de Bahia, Brazil, december 2014 [http://www.fabioalessandrofusco.com/index.php?/ DRAWN THEORIES/TEORIE DISEGNATE news/faf-at-corrupting-lina/] CA’ PESARO Galleria Internazionale di Arte Moderna DALLA TERRA ALLA LUNA Exhibits the research projects Labyrinth La città per trenta milioni di abitanti at IUAV, Scuola di Architettura di Venezia GALLERIA MISCETTI Curators Sara Marini and Giovanni Corbellini Roma Venezia, Italy, june 10-july 7 Exhibits the drawing La città per trenta milioni di abitantiat UNFOLDING PAVILION Mostra “Dalla terra alla luna” CASA DELLE ZATTERE Rome, May 15 – September 1 2014 Exhibits the research projects Analogous Venice [http://www.studiostefaniamiscetti.com/exhibition_ at Casa delle Zattere di Ignazio Gardella invitation.php?id=130] Curators Davide Tommaso Ferrando and Daniel 2014 Tudor Munteanu TOWARDS A NEW MODERNITY Venezia, Italy, May 26-31 Elvis Zapp Urban Film Festival, New York Exhibits the video project EVOKED Towards a new modernity Fab Gallery Tirana at the Elvis Zapp Urban Film Festival Exhibits the research projects Informal scriptures New York, January 15, 2014 at Fab Gallery Tirana [http://www.fabioalessandrofusco.com/index.php?/ Curator Domenico Pastore) news/faf-at-new-york/] Tirana, Albania, february 2016 2014 GENIUS LOCI 2015 Galleria Frantoio Ipogeo MIGRANT GARDEN Exhibits the video project Spazio FMG Genius Loci Exhibits the research projects Birdman Mostra “Genius Loci” at Spazio FMG (Director Luca Molinari) Sava, June 3 – 19 1 2014 Milan, Italy, October 2015 2013 MIGRANT GARDEN Research project Museo di Scienze Naturali di Piacenza 13
La città relazionale at the International La Città relazionale at the International Architecture Exhibition The competitive Architecture Exhibition BIENNALE DI hypothesis ARCHITETTURA DI VENEZIA 2012, Common STOREFRONT FOR ART AND Ground ARCHITECTURE New York Exhibits the research project Exhibits the research project La Città relazionale #02 [model 300 x 260 cm] La Città relazionale #01 International Architecture Exhibition , International Architecture Exhibition Biennale di Architettura di Venezia 2012 The competitive hypothesis [Mind the Gap Session] Common Ground curated by Arch. D. Chipperfield Storefront for art and architecture New York Padiglione Italia. Grantouristas, New York, January 22, 2013 - February 15, 2013 Curated by Stefano Mirti [http://www.storefrontnews.org/programming/even [http://www.fabioalessandrofusco.com/index.php?/ ts?preview=true&e=514] news/la-citta-relazionale-alla-biennale-2012/] Research project Research project La città relazionale at the International New territories Architecture Exhibition The competitive at the International Architecture Exhibition hypothesis at the LAUBA Zagabria BIENNALE DI ARCHITETTURA DI VENEZIA Exhibits the research project 2012, Common Ground La Città relazionale #01 Exhibits the research project International Architecture Exhibition New territories [Six drawings 40 x 50 cm] The competitive hypothesis [Mind the Gap Session] International Architecture Exhibition , LAUBA Zagabria Biennale di Architettura di Venezia 2012 Zagabria, February/March 2013 Common Ground curated by Arch. D. Chipperfield Padiglione Italia. Sezione Grantouristas, Research project Curated by Stefano Mirti La città relazionale at the International Architecture Exhibition The competitive Research project hypothesis at the THINK SPACE Zagabria Acupuncture Exhibits the research project at the International Architecture Exhibition La Città relazionale #01 BIENNALE DI ARCHITETTURA DI VENEZIA International Architecture Exhibition 2012, Common Ground, with Lara Giovanna The competitive hypothesis [Mind the Gap Session] Rocchi THINK SPACE Zagabria Exhibits the research project Zagabria, March 2013 Acupuncture [model 50 x 50 cm] International Architecture Exhibition , Research project Biennale di Architettura di Venezia 2012 Notes and fragments Common Ground TRIENNALE DI MILANO, Milano Curated by Arch. D. Chipperfield Exhibits the research project Notes and fragments Research project International Architecture Exhibition at the Expo Architectural Exhibition WHOAMI /Triennale di Milano Il colore incontra la forma Milano, April 2013 Piacenza Expo 2012 Exhibits the research project Research project Sezione territoriale salentina [model 700 x 140 cm] New territories Expo Architectural Exhibition at the SPAZIO FMG, Milano Il colore incontra la forma Exhibits the research project Piacenza Expo 2012 New territories Piacenza, 15-16-17 march 2012 International Architecture Exhibition 2011 SPAZIO FMG, Milano Research project Milano, April 2013 Towards a new modernity Installazioni architettoniche e percorsi urbani. Research project Eventi pubblici nel Polo territoriale di Piacenza Towards a new modernity at the SPAZIO curated by Guya Bertelli TUNNEL, Politecnico di Milano, Scuola di Polytechnic of Milan Architettura e Società, Milano School of Architecture and Society Exhibits the research project Piacenza Campus Development Center Towards a new modernity Piacenza, december 2011 – march 2012 International Architecture Exhibition SPAZIO TUNNEL, Scuoal di Architettura e Società 2008 Milano, july 2013 Research project 2012 Manifesto della città relazionale Research project IV° Convegno DIAP, Polytechnic of Milan 14
School of Architecture and Society Milan, 2008 2007 Architectural project Citta’ staminale #1 Contemporary art gallery 8,75 Reggio Emilia, 2007 2005 Research project Strategie per il territorio milanese I Convegno DIAP 2005 Spazio mostre Politecnico di Milano, Facoltà di Architettura e Società Leonardo, Milano, in collaborazione con la Prof.ssa arch. Guya Bertelli, i ricercatori arch. Ettore Pasini, arch. PhD Elisa Cristiana Cattaneo. 2004 Research project Flussi atopici Contemporary art gallery 8,75 Reggio Emilia, Italy, 2004 Research project La città sottile Reggio Children space Scuola dell’infanzia Gianni Rodari Reggio Emilia, Italy, 2004 2000 Research project Atopie Contemporary art gallery FU+MA Taranto, Italy, 2000 Research project Dispositivi relazionali Contemporary art gallery FU+MA Taranto, Italy, 2000 1999 Research project at the International Architecture Exhibition Il progetto della fiera di bergamo Mostra dei progetti al Convegno europeo di studi nel cinquantenario del VII CIAM di Bergamo del 1949, Palazzo della ragione, Bergamo, ottobre 1999 15
II.III Curatore, organizzatore di mostre, Italian New Wave seminari, convegni, conferenze, workshop Politecnico di Milano Scientific seminar of architectural design Di carceri, spiagge ed elefanti 1. Promotore/Curatore with Fosbury Architecture Conferenze/Seminari/Workshops Promoter and curator Scientific seminar of architectural design 2017 Italian New Wave Director of International Workshop Politecnico di Milano in Architectural and Urban Design Scientific seminar of architectural design The Form of Formlessness Back to the project Salento Summer School with U67 Italian Institute of Architecture Fabio Gigone (School of Architecture Aarhus) + Director of International Workshop Angela Gigliotti (School of Architecture Aarhus) The Form of Formlessness Workshop site: Salento, Italy Promoter and curator 2016 Scientific seminar of architectural design Director of International Workshop Architecture, drawings, city in Architectural and Urban Design Politecnico di Milano Labyrinths, Fragments, Scriptures Scientific seminar of architectural design Politecnico di Milano Architcture, drawings, city Director of International Workshop with Miniatura Labyrinths, Fragments, Scriptures Ciro Miguel (ETH) +Bruna Canepa California State University Florence Program 2014 Workshop site: Florence, Italy Promoter and curator Scientific seminar of architectural design Promoter and curator Architcture, drawings, city Scientific seminar of architectural design Politecnico di Milano Italian New Wave Scientific seminar of architectural design Politecnico di Milano Architcture, drawings, city Scientific seminar of architectural design with Francesco Zorzi (Salottobuono) Archeologie. il progetto e la memoria del tempo with Antonello Marotta (School of Architecture 2013 Alghero) Director of International Workshop in Architectural and Urban Design Promoter and curator Towards a new modernity. Taranto: project Scientific seminar of architectural design of crisis Italian New Wave Politecnico di Milano Politecnico di Milano Director of International Workshop Towards a new Scientific seminar of architectural design modernity. Taranto: project of crisis Raumplan: a space for critique and research Politecnico di Milano with Raumplan/Nicolò Ornaghi (Politecnico di School of Architecture and Society Milano) Workshop site: Taranto, Italy 2015 2012 Director of International Workshop Promoter and curator in Architectural and Urban Design Scientific seminar of architectural design Cartografias imaginarias Architettura zona critica UNR/FAPyD Politecnico di Milano Director of International Workshop Scientific seminar of architectural design Cartografías imaginarias Architettura zona critica Facultad de Arquitectura, Planeamiento y Diseño with Prof. Arch. Marco Biraghi (Polytechnic of Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina Milan), PhD Florencia Andreola (School of Architecture Bologna) Promoter and curator Scientific seminar of architectural design Promoter and curator Italian New Wave Scientific seminar of architectural design Politecnico di Milano ‘Necessità monumentale nel paesaggio Scientific seminar of architectural design dell’abbandono’ Raumplan: a space for critique and research Politecnico di Milano with Raumplan/Nicolò Ornaghi Scientific seminar of architectural design Necessità monumentale nel paesaggio Promoter and curator dell’abbandono Scientific seminar of architectural design with Arch. Beniamino Servino 16
Promoter and curator Politecnico di Milano Scientific seminar of architectural design Scientific seminar of architectural design Politecnico di Milano ‘Sovrascritture’ ‘La narrazione dell’architettura’ with Prof. Arch. Sara Marini (IUAV) Scientific seminar of architectural design ‘La narrazione dell’architettura’ Member of the Operational Committee with Arch. Davide Vargas OC Summer School 2011 Politecnico di Milano Member of the Operational Committee Promoter and curator Oc Summer School 2011 Scientific seminar of architectural design Polytechnic of Milan “Il progetto dello scarto: Taranto shrinking School of Architecture and Society city Piacenza Campus Development Center Politecnico di Milano Directors Proff. Arch. Guya Bertelli and Arch. Luca Scientific seminar of architectural design Molinari ‘Il progetto dello scarto. Taranto shrinking city’ with Prof. Arch. Francesca Pignatelli (School of Teacher supervisor Architecture Pescara). OC Summer School 2011 Politecnico di Milano 2012 Teacher supervisor Member of the Operational Committee Oc Summer School 2011 OC Summer School 2012 Polytechnic of Milan Politecnico di Milano School of Architecture and Society Member of the Operational Committee Piacenza Campus Development Center Oc Summer School 2012 Directors Proff. Arch. Guya Bertelli and Arch. Luca Polytechnic of Milan Molinari. School of Architecture and Society Piacenza Campus Development Center 2. Curatore di seminari scientifici e mostre di Directors Proff. Arch. Guya Bertelli and Arch. Luca Molinari architettura Teacher supervisor 2007 OC Summer School 2012 Osservatorio permanente della regione Politecnico di Milano metropolitana barese parte II Teacher supervisor Centro studi Confindustria Bari Oc Summer School 2012 with Proff. Arch. Ernesto d’Alfonso, Arch. Antonella Contin, PhD Arch. Roberto Podda, Phd Arch. Polytechnic of Milan Antonia Chiesa (Polimi), PhD Arch. Giovanni School of Architecture and Society Santamaria (NYIT) Piacenza Campus Development Center Polytechnic of Milan Directors Proff. Arch. Guya Bertelli and Arch. Luca School of Architecture and Society Molinari. Bari, Italy, september 2007 2011 Promoter and curator Osservatorio permanente della regione metropolitana barese parte I Scientific seminar of architectural design Centro studi Confindustria Bari ‘Strategy of void’ with Proff. Arch. Ernesto d’Alfonso, Arch. Antonella Politecnico di Milano Contin, PhD Arch. Roberto Podda, Phd Arch. Scientific seminar of architectural design Antonia Chiesa (Polimi), PhD Arch. Giovanni ‘Strategy of void’ Santamaria (NYIT) with Arch. Michelangelo D’Ettorre, Luca Galella, Polytechnic of Milan Stefania Gruosso (PhD Pescara), Mara Pietta, Virna School of Architecture and Society Nannei (PhD Milano), Isabella Daidone, Gregorio Bari, Italy, march 2007 Carboni Maestri (PhD Palermo). 2006 Promoter and curator Bari. Studi per la metropoli Scientific seminar of architectural design Centro studi Confindustria Bari ‘Pollution ecologies’ with Proff. Arch. Ernesto d’Alfonso, Arch. Antonella Politecnico di Milano Contin, PhD Arch. Roberto Podda, Phd Arch. Scientific seminar of architectural design Antonia Chiesa (Polimi), PhD Arch. Giovanni ‘Pollution Ecologies’ Santamaria (NYIT) with Arch. Martina Barcelloni Corte (PhD Polytechnic of Milan IUAV/Columbia University New York). School of Architecture and Society Bari, Italy, october 2006 Promoter and curator Scientific seminar of architectural design ‘Sovrascritture’ 17
parte III_ Titoli di formazione post-laurea Titoli di formazione post-laurea (dottorato di ricerca, scuola di specializzazione, corsi certificati di perfezionamento o aggiornamento, ecc.). 1. Titoli accademici (Dottorato e Master) 2. Scuole di specializzazione, corsi, certificati di perfezionamento o aggiornamento 18
1. Titoli accademici Winner of a scholarship/phd 2010 in architectural and urban design Phd with merit PhD scholarship in Architectural and Urban in Architectural and Urban Design Design, Politecnico di Milano, Scuola di Architettura Politecnico di Milano e Società Leonardo, Milano, Dipartimento di School of Architecture and Society Milano Architettura e Pianificazione (DIAP). Supervisor: Prof. Arch. Ilaria Valente 2004 Thesis: La città relazionale. Procedure, metodi e strumenti per la trasformazione degli assetti Degree of specialization spaziali diffusi in architectural and urban design Grade: with merit, full founded scholarship XVIII LIPAU 2004 Degree of specialization of the Summer Workshop 2004 LIPAU 2004, “Approdi architettonici della regione III Level European Master urbana”, Stage of the Master in Strategic Planning for the valorisation of architectural, urban and in Strategic Planning for Architectonic, urban environmental, Laboratorio di Progettazione and environmental resources Architettonica e Urbana, Bergamo, Porta S.Agostino, Politecnico di Milano, Italia. Stage organized by Dipartimento di School of Architecture and Society Milano Progettazione dell’Architettura, Politecnico di Supervisor: Prof. Arch. Guya Bertelli Milano, Scuola di Architettura e Società Leonardo, Thesis: Strategie per la valorizzazione del fiume Milano. Directors: Proff. arch. Sergio Crotti, arch. Adda Ilaria Valente, arch. Michael Kagan, arch. Ferran Grade: 110/110 Trias Sagarra, Arch. Gianluca Della Mea. 1999 Certificate of assistant Master of Science-Degree Professor Icar 14 in public selection in Architectural and Urban Planning Fitness, achieved through public selection, School of Architecture Pescara collaboration in teaching in the scientific field Supervisor: Prof. Arch. Paolo Bettini Architectural and Urban Composition, ICAR/14 at Theme: L’università del mare: il recupero dei the Politecnico di Milano, Scuola di Architettura e cantieri navali Tosi a Taranto Societa’ Leonardo. Grade: 103/110 http://www.fabioalessandrofusco.com/index.php?/p 2000 rojects/06/ Degrees of expertise 3d/2d modeling autocad Degrees of expertise in 3D/2D modeling. 2. 2. Scuole di specializzazione, corsi, 1999 certificati di perfezionamento o Degrees of expertise aggiornamento in architectural and urban design XIII LIPAU 1999 2006 Degrees of expertise + Certificate of attendance at Graduation of expertise the XIII Seminario “Il progetto urbano tra memoria in Architectural and Urban Design e innovazione”, Bergamo, Italia. Seminar organized New York Institute of Technology by the Dipartimento di Progettazione Degree of specialization dell’Architettura and Dipartimento di Scienze del Stage Phd Architecture and Urban Design, Territorio, Politecnico di Milano, Scuola di New York Institute of Tecnology, NY Architettura e Società Leonardo Milano, Bergamo, Stage organized by the Department of Planning, Porta S. Agostino, luglio 1999. Direttore: Prof. arch. Polytechnic of Milan, Faculty of Architecture and Sergio Crotti. Society Leonardo, Milan, and New York Institute of Technology, New York. Directors: Profs. Ernesto D'Alfonso (POLIMI) and Michael Swarting (NYIT). Degree of specialization in Architectural and Urban design XX LIPAU 2006 Degree of specialization in the Summer Workshop of the International Laboratory of Architecture and Urban Design LIPAU Ricomporre i nuclei della architettura urbana - XX Summer Seminar, 2006, Politecnico di Milano. Stage of the PhD in Architecture and Urban Design, Bergamo, Porta S.Agostino, Italy. Stage organized by Dipartimento di Progettazione dell’Architettura, Politecnico di Milano, Facoltà di Architettura e Società Leonardo, Milano. Directors: Profs. Arch. Sergio Crotti, arch.Roberto Spagnolo. 19
parte IV_Titoli e Competenze Altri titoli didattici, scientifici o professionali (competenze tecniche e linguistiche specifiche; esperienze didattiche e titoli scientifici conseguiti in settori disciplinari affini; partecipazione certificata a esperienze professionali rilevanti per l’insegnamento, ecc.) – ad es. altre Collaborazioni didattiche, ricerche, progetti e opere, pubblicazioni, organizzazione e partecipazione di/a mostre, seminari, convegni. I. Guest lecturer II. Partecipazione a Workshop con attestati III. Progetti di ricerca IV. Progetti professionali V. Ricerche sperimentali 20
IV.I Guest Lecturer a Biennale del Restauro Architettonico e Urbano conferenze/seminari/workshops BRAU EUROPE Guest lecturer at the BRAU Il recupero dei Cantieri navali Tosi a Taranto 2017 Taranto, Italy, october 2013 Guest lecturer at Festa dell’Architettura The project as a scriptures Guest lecturer at Course Cesena, Italy, september 2017 Progettazione e rappresentazione urbanistica 2016 Politecnico di Milano Guest lecturer at California State University Laboratorio di Progettazione e rappresentazione CSU FLORENCE PROGRAM urbanistica, Prof. Arch. Alvise Longo, Emanuele Labyrinths, Fragments, Scriptures Garda Florence, Italy, february 2016 Verso una nuova modernità Milan, Italy, october 2013 2015 Guest lecturer at Politecnico di Milano Guest lecturer at Course School of Architecture Piacenza Laboratory of Architectural Design Presidio Temporaneo di Architettura Exhibition Università di Pavia Scriptures Guest lecturer at the Laboratory of Architectural Piacenza, Italy, december 2015 Design, Prof. Arch. Carlo Berizzi Lecture: Verso una nuova modernità Guest lecturer at Festa dell’Architettura UNIPAV The project as a scriptures Facoltà di Ingegneria/Architettura Cesena, Italy, september 2015 Pavia, Italy, march 2013 Guest lecturer at UdP 2012 Facultad de Arquitectura de Palermo Guest lecturer at Conference El fragmento y el laberinto Grantouristas Buenos Aires, Argentina, may 2015 Biennale di Architettura di Venezia 2012 Lecturer at Grantouristas Guest lecturer at UNR/FAPyD curated by Stefano Mirti Facultad Arquitectura Planeamiento y Diseño Biennale di Architettura Common ground de Rosario, Argentina Venezia, 25 november 2012 El fragmento y el laberinto http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=heNbtt1KZsE Rosario, Argentina, april 2015 2014 Guest lecturer at Conference Guest lecturer at Roma Tre University Lo spessore della città, Laboratorio di Progettazione 3 IUAV, Venezia 2012 directed by Luca Montuori Lecturer at conference Lo spessore della città Il lacerto e il labirinto curated by Sara Marini (IUAV) Roma, Italy, november 2014 Palazzo Badoer, Aula Tafuri, IUAV Venezia, 20/21 settembre 2012 2014 Guest lecturer/Meeting Guest lecturer at Conference at Gallery Stefania Miscetti, Roma Nello spessore Meeting with Elena Rocchi and students by ASU School of Architecture La Sapienza, Rome Design School, Arizona State University, Phoenix, Lecturer at conference Arizona, USA Nello spessore. Traiettorie e stanze dentro la città La città per trenta milioni di abitanti Curated by Sara Marini (IUAV) and Federico De Roma, Italy, september 2014 Matteis [La Sapienza, Roma], School of Architecture La Sapienza Guest lecturer at Conversion + Fontanella Borghese, Roma, 8 novembre 2012 Guest lecturer at Conversion + directed by SMALL LAB Guest lecturer at International Conference Riuso: dal paesaggio all’architettura Il colore incontra la forma Bari, Italy, september 2014 Piacenza Expo 2012 Lecturer at international conference Guest lecturer at Politecnico di Milano Il colore incontra la forma Guest lecturer at the Lab Pro 2 MI Piacenza Expo 2012 directed by Prof. Arch. Marco Bozzola Piacenza, 16 marzo 2012 Il Lacerto e il labirinto Milano, Italy, may 2014 Guest lecturer at Course 2013 Morfologie e Tipologie Guest lecturer at BRAU Polytechnic of Milan Guest lecturer at the Course 21
Morfologie e Tipologie per l’innovazione dello spazio Lecture: Strategie e tattiche di trasformazione della abitato, Prof. Sergio Crotti città diffusa Lecture: Dopo la città generica Polytechnic of Milan Polytechnic of Milan School of Architecture and Society School of Architecture and Society Milano, Italy, march 2009 Milano, Italy, march 2012 2008 2011 Lecturer at National Conference Guest lecturer at Course I valori in urbanistica tra etica ed estetica Laboratory of Architectural Design Lecturer at National Conference Polytechnic of Milan IV Giornata di studi INU Campania, Napoli Guest lecturer at the Laboratory of Architectural Lecture: Scenari relazionali. Progetto di crisi in tre Design, Prof. Arch. Marco Bovati atti Lecture: La forma del territorio contemporaneo Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica Campania Polytechnic of Milan Napoli, Italy, march 2008 School of Architecture and Society Milano, Italy, january 2011 2005 Guest Lecturer at Interational Conference Guest critic at PhD Session The project MarMuCommerce PhD DAU Lecturer at Interational Conference School of Architecture Pescara The project MarMuCommerce Guest critc at the PhD Session [The project MarMuCommerce is PhD Architectural and Urban Design part financed by the European Coordinator Prof. Francesco Garofalo Union under the INTERREG IIIC School of Architecture Pescara Community Initiative of the ERDF] Pescara, november 2011 Lecture: Nuovi scenari e progetti per la città di Taranto 2010 Castello Aragonese, SCUE, Taranto, Italy, 2005 Lecturer at Conference Landscape ecohousing Guest lecturer at Course Lecturer at national conference Laboratory of Architectural Design New Energy in new territories Guest lecturer at the Laboratory of Architectural Lecture: Landscape ecohousing Design, Prof. Guya Bertelli Pulsano, Taranto, Italy, december 2010 Lecture: Tra modernità e postmodernità Polytechnic of Milan Guest lecturer at Course School of Architecture and Society Laboratory of Architectural Design Milano, Italy, november 2005 Guest lecturer at the Laboratory of Architectural Design, Prof. Andrea Gritti Polytechnic of Milan IV.II Partecipazione a workshop con attestati School of Architecture and Society Milano, Italy, october 2010 2007 International Workshop Guest lecturer at Course WA.VE 2007 Laboratory of Architectural Design Partecipation at Summer Workshop Guest lecturer at the Laboratory of Architectural WA.VE 2007 Design, Prof. Andrea Gritti Istituto Universitario di Architettura Venezia Lecture: X project Venezia, Italia, july 2007 Polytechnic of Milan School of Architecture and Society 2006 Milano, Italy, november 2010 International Workshop XX LIPAU Guest lecturer at Course Partecipation at Summer Workshop Laboratory of Architectural Design XX LIPAU 2006 Guest lecturer at the Laboratory of Architectural Polutechnic of Milan Design, Prof. Andrea Gritti Bergamo, Italy, july 2006 Lecture: Figures and devices Polytechnic of Milan International Workshop School of Architecture and Society NYIT 2006 Milano, Italy, november 2010 Partecipation at PhD Workshop New York Institute of Technology (NYIT), 2009 New York, october, 2006 Guest lecturer at Course Laboratory of Architectural Design 2004 Guest lecturer at the Laboratory of Architectural International Workshop Design, Prof. Guya Bertelli XVIII LIPAU 2004 22
Polytechnic of Milan with Sara Prestini Partecipation at Summer Workshop http://www.fabioalessandrofusco.com/index.php?/p XVIII LIPAU 2004 rojects/isolation/ Polutechnic of Milan Bergamo, Italy, july 2004 Isolation #02 Isolated house in the new territories 1999 with Sara Prestini International Workshop http://www.fabioalessandrofusco.com/index.php?/p XIII LIPAU 1999 rojects/isolation-02/ Polytechnic of Milan Partecipation at Summer Workshop Isolation #03 XIII LIPAU 1999 Isolated house in the new territories Polutechnic of Milan with Sara Prestini Bergamo, Italy, july 1999 http://www.fabioalessandrofusco.com/index.php?/p rojects/isolation-03/ IV. III Progetti di ricerca Isolation #04 Isolated house in the new territories 2015 with Sara Prestini Operational topography http://www.fabioalessandrofusco.com/index.php?/p Housing in the new territories rojects/isolation-04/ with Sophia Stelluti http://www.fabioalessandrofusco.com/index.php?/p Villa Archipelago rojects/operational-topography/ House in the landscape http://www.fabioalessandrofusco.com/index.php?/p Proliferations rojects/--villa-arcipelago-----------------/ Housing in the new territories with Elisa Porro, Christian Gabbiani, Matteo Galvani 2011 http://www.fabioalessandrofusco.com/index.php?/p Acupunture in the new territories #01 rojects/proliferazioni/ Temporary living in the generic city #01 http://www.fabioalessandrofusco.com/index.php?/p Cretto rojects/--acupuncture----------------------/ Housing in the new territories with Riccardo De Marchi, Rachele Pedol, Flavia Acupunture in the new territories #02 Malvè Temporary living in the generic city #02 http://www.fabioalessandrofusco.com/index.php?/p http://www.fabioalessandrofusco.com/index.php?/p rojects/cretto/ rojects/--acupuncture-02/ 2014 Acupunture in the new territories #03 Fractal rewriting Temporary living in the generic city #03 Housing in the new territories http://www.fabioalessandrofusco.com/index.php?/p with Martina Terragni, Ami Velcani, Ariana Lucca , rojects/--acupuncture-03/ Sara Corrado http://www.fabioalessandrofusco.com/index.php?/p Acupunture in the new territories #04 rojects/fractal-rewriting/ Ecological device in the generic city #01 2013 http://www.fabioalessandrofusco.com/index.php?/p rojects/acupuncture-04/ Get balance right! Co-housing in the new territories Acupunture in the new territories #05 with Ambra Ghidoni http://www.fabioalessandrofusco.com/index.php?/p Social infrastructure in the generic city #01 rojects/get-balance-right/ http://www.fabioalessandrofusco.com/index.php?/p rojects/acupuncture-05/ Difference and repetition Urban acupuncture in the new territories Acupunture in the new territories #06 with Ambra Ghidoni Social infrastructure in the generic city #02 http://www.fabioalessandrofusco.com/index.php?/p http://www.fabioalessandrofusco.com/index.php?/p rojects/differenza-e-ripetizione/ rojects/acupuncture-06/ Vamos a la playa Acupunture in the new territories #07 Isolated house in the generic city Ecological device in the generic city #02 http://www.fabioalessandrofusco.com/index.php?/p http://www.fabioalessandrofusco.com/index.php?/p rojects/vamos-a-la-playa/ rojects/acupuncture-07/ 2012 Acupunture in the new territories #08 Isolation #01 Natural expansion in dispersed city Isolated house in the new territories 23
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