GISEA/OEG International Symposium 2017
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GISEA/OEG FERRARA International Symposium 2017 2-3 MARZO 2017 SCIENTIFIC ORGANIZERS Giovanni LAPADULA President of GISEA (Gruppo Italiano di Studio sulla Early Arthritis) Bari (Italy) Gianfranco FERRACCIOLI President of OEG (Osservatorio Epidemiologico GISEA) Roma (Italy) SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE Fabiola ATZENI - Milano (Italy) Roberto CAPORALI - Pavia (Italy) Ennio Giulio FAVALLI - Milano (Italy) Marcello GOVONI - Ferrara (Italy) Elisa GREMESE - Roma (Italy) Florenzo IANNONE - Bari (Italy) Fausto SALAFFI - Ancona (Italy) Marco SEBASTIANI - Modena (Italy)
GISEA/OEG FERRARA International Symposium 2017 2-3 MARZO 2017 FACULTY Federico BISCETTI Juan J. GOMEZ REINO Roma (Italy) Santiago de Compostela (Spain) Paolo BONARETTI Roberto GORLA Reggio Emilia (Italy) Brescia (Italy) Serena BUGATTI Walter GRASSI Pavia (Italy) Jesi (Italy) Luca CANTARINI Clive KELLY Siena (Italy) Newcastle (UK) Francesco Paolo CANTATORE Andreina MANFREDI Foggia (Italy) Modena (Italy) Antonio CARLETTO Anna Maria MARATA Verona (Italy) Modena (Italy) Marina CAROTTI Saverio MENNINI Jesi (Italy) Roma (Italy) Lorenzo CAVAGNA Carlo Maurizio MONTECUCCO Pavia (Italy) Pavia (Italy) Stefania CERRI Ignazio Benedetto OLIVIERI Modena (Italy) Potenza (Italy) Luca CIMINO Giuseppe PASSIU Reggio Emilia (Italy) Sassari (Italy) Fabrizio CONTI Raffaele PELLERITO Roma (Italy) Torino (Italy) Andrea DORIA Maria Beatrice PRINCIPI Padova (Italy) Bari (Italy) Oscar Massimiliano EPIS Leonardo PUNZI Milano (Italy) Padova (Italy) Caterina FERRELI Roberta RAMONDA Cagliari (Italy) Padova (Italy) Clodoveo FERRI Maurizio ROSSINI Modena (Italy) Verona (Italy) Rosario FOTI Carlo SALVARANI Catania (Italy) Reggio Emilia (Italy) Enrico FUSARO Piercarlo SARZI PUTTINI Torino (Italy) Milano (Italy) Rosario GAGLIARDI Luigi SINIGAGLIA Lecce (Italy) Milano (Italy) Mauro GALEAZZI Anja STRANGFELD Siena (Italy) Mannheim (Germany) James GALLOWAY Giovanni TRIOLO London (UK) Palermo (Italy) Francesco TROTTA Ferrara (Italy)
GISEA/OEG FERRARA International Symposium 2017 2-3 MARZO 2017 SUMMARY TABLE - THURSDAY 2TH MARCH SCIENTIFIC ECM PROGRAM SPONSORED LECTURE CORSI MONOTEMATICI 09,00 – 10,30 Sessione Corsi Monotematici No ECM La Medicina Comunicazionale Imaging del Paziente Complesso 10,30 – 11,00 Sponsored Lecture - MSD Golimumab persistence in therapy in real life: new evidences from Italian registries 11,00 – 11,30 Sponsored Lecture - BMS Efficacia di abatacept nella pratica clinica 11,30 – 11,40 Apertura SESSION I Comorbidities in Rheumatoid Arthritis: Skeletal Health 11,40 – 12,00 Rheumatoid arthritis: systemic osteoporosis and fragility fractures. 12,00 – 12,20 Pathophysiology of subchondral bone erosions in rheumatoid arthritis. 12,20 – 12,40 Therapeutic options to preserve bone health in rheumatoid arthritis. 12,40 – 12,50 Discussion 12,50 – 13,20 Lettura Nuove Terapie: Jakinibs 13,20 – 14,15 Lunch SESSION II Infections 14,15 – 14,35 TB infections in patients with RA treated with biological agents: results from the British Register. 14,35 – 14,55 Outcome of serious infections in RA patients: results from the German Biologics Register. 14,55 – 15,15 Non-specific infections in patients with RA and SpA treated with biological agents. 15,15 – 15,30 Discussion
GISEA/OEG FERRARA International Symposium 2017 2-3 MARZO 2017 SUMMARY TABLE - THURSDAY 2TH MARCH 15,30 – 16,00 Sponsored Lecture - SANOFI Quando l’anti-TNF in prima linea fallisce, quali sono le possibili scelte da intraprendere nel paziente affetto da AR (Artrite reumatoide) 16,00 – 16,30 Sponsored Lecture - ABBVIE Occhio alle spondiloartropatie SESSION III Cardiovascular Risks 16,30 – 16,50 Corticosteroids and biotechnologic drugs in disease control and CV risk: which side hangs the balance? 16,50 – 17,10 Thromboembolic risk and stroke in inflammatory arthritides. 17,10 – 17,25 Discussion 17,25 – 17,55 Sponsored Lecture - CELGENE La gestione del paziente con artrite psoriasica in assenza di fattori di prognosi severa SESSION IV Impact on the Neurologic System 17,55 – 18,15 Peripheral neuropathy in rheumatoid arthritis: a neglected comorbidity. 18,15 – 18,35 Central nervous system and rheumatoid arthritis: not only atloepistrophic involvement. 18,35 – 18,55 Drugs and neurologic involvement in rheumatoid arthritis: myth or reality? 18.45 – 19.10 Discussion SCIENTIFIC ECM PROGRAM SPONSORED LECTURE CORSI MONOTEMATICI
GISEA/OEG FERRARA International Symposium 2017 2-3 MARZO 2017 SUMMARY TABLE - FRIDAY 3TH MARCH SCIENTIFIC ECM PROGRAM SPONSORED LECTURE CORSI MONOTEMATICI 09,00 – 09,30 Sponsored Lecture - PFIZER An innovative management of unmet needs in RA (rheumatoid arthritis) patients to achieve a Comprehensive Disease Control 09,30 – 10,00 Sponsored Lecture - ROCHE IL-6 inhibition in RA: tocilizumab from RCT to real world data. SESSION V Lung Diseases 10,00 – 10,20 The need for an early diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis related Interstitial Lung Disease. 10,20 – 10,40 Clinical assessment of Rheumatoid Arthritis related Interstitial Lung Disease. 10,40 – 11,00 Conventional and biological DMARDs and Rheumatoid Arthritis related Interstitial Lung Disease: the problem or the solution? 11,00 – 11,15 Discussion 11,15 – 11,45 Presentazione Progetto Patient Profiling TAVOLA ROTONDA Which future for public health care sustainability? Regional scenarios, clinical needs and working hypothesis 11,45 – 12,05 National health care system and regional scenarios. 12,05 – 12,25 Clinical needs and expectancies. 12,25 – 12,45 Are there suitable working hypothesis solutions ? 12,45 – 13,15 Sponsored Lecture - NOVARTIS Secukinumab: tra la real life e i dati registrativi 13,15 - 13,45 Sponsored Lecture - BIOGEN Sostenibilità delle innovazioni farmacologiche : i biosimilari” 13,45 – 14,30 Lunch
GISEA/OEG FERRARA International Symposium 2017 2-3 MARZO 2017 SUMMARY TABLE - FRIDAY 3TH MARCH SESSION VI Skin: a “Window of Opportunity” 14,30 – 14,50 Il Progetto IDEA: final report 14,50 – 15,20 Lettura PsA e obesità. 15,20- 15,40 Skin and Psoriatic Arthritis 15,40 – 16,00 Skin and Inflammatory Bowel Diseases 16,00 – 16,20 Skin and Rare Diseases 16,20 – 16,35 Discussion ECM TEST SCIENTIFIC ECM PROGRAM SPONSORED LECTURE CORSI MONOTEMATICI
GISEA/OEG FERRARA International Symposium 2017 2-3 MARZO 2017 EDUCATIONAL AIMS A number of European countries have set-up biologics registries to follow cohorts of patients treated with therapies targeting molecules, at extra-cellular and intracellular level either, which play a pivotal role in the pathogenesis of RA and Spondyloarthrtis, and record their characteristics and clinical course over time. As we are aware, these registries have begun to provide valuable insights into the optimal treatment of various rheumatic conditions that can and should be used to inform clinical decision making and to provide also important safety informations. The educational aims of this congress are to: • Highlight the role of national biologic registers as a source of long-term, real-life data and assess the implications for clinical practice • Review the long-term effectiveness and maintenance on therapy data from national biologic registers • Comparing data from national biologic registers on RA and Spondyloarthritides • To stress the value of early diagnosis and treatments • Reanalyze the ultrasonography as a useful diagnostic tool in managing these diseases. • Consider the safety data emerging from national biologic registers with a particular focus on serious infections, lymphoma and solid tumors. LOCATION The GISEA/OEG International Symposium 2017 will be held at the Aula Magna of the University of Ferrara, situated in: 37 Corso Ercole I d’Este, Ferrara (FE), Zip Code 44121. This marvellous building has been technologically updated in order to hold a number of conferences, conventions and events, while retaining its classical look. It is situated in the City Centre of Ferrara, surrounded by parks, and in close proximity to parking garages, restaurants, bars, and more.
GISEA/OEG FERRARA International Symposium 2017 2-3 MARZO 2017 ECM PROGRAM THURSDAY 2TH MARCH 11,30 – 11,40 Apertura SESSION I Comorbidities in Rheumatoid Arthritis Skeletal Health CHAIRMEN: Francesco Paolo Cantatore, Carlo Salvarani, Ennio Giulio Favalli 11,40 – 12,00 Rheumatoid arthritis: systemic osteoporosis and fragility fractures. Luigi Sinigaglia, Milano 12,00 – 12,20 Pathophysiology of subchondral bone erosions in rheumatoid arthritis. Serena Bugatti, Pavia 12,20 – 12,40 Therapeutic options to preserve bone health in rheumatoid arthritis. Maurizio Rossini, Verona 12,40 – 12,50 Discussion 12,50 – 13,20 Lettura Nuove Terapie: Jakinibs SPEAKER: Luigi Sinigaglia, Milano CHAIRMEN: Giovanni Lapadula 13,20 – 14,15 LUNCH
GISEA/OEG FERRARA International Symposium 2017 2-3 MARZO 2017 ECM PROGRAM SESSION II Infections CHAIRMEN: Piercarlo Sarzi-Puttini - Fabiola Atzeni 14,15 – 14,35 TB infections in patients with RA treated with biological agents: results from the British Register. James Galloway, U.K. 14,35 – 14,55 Outcome of serious infections in RA patients: results from the German Biologics Register. Anja Strangfeld, Germany 14,55 – 15,15 Non-specific infections in patients with RA and SpA treated with biological agents. Juan Josè Gomez Reino, Spain 15,15 – 15,30 Discussion SESSION III Cardiovascular Risks CHAIRMEN: Florenzo Iannone, Marco Sebastiani, Elisa Gremese 16,30 – 16,50 Corticosteroids and biotechnologic drugs in disease control and CV risk: which side hangs the balance? Fabiola Atzeni, Milano 16,50-17,10 Thromboembolic risk and stroke in inflammatory arthritides. Federico Biscetti, Roma 17,10 – 17,25 Discussion
GISEA/OEG FERRARA International Symposium 2017 2-3 MARZO 2017 ECM PROGRAM SESSION IV Impact on the Neurologic System CHAIRMEN: Mauro Galeazzi, Antonio Carletto, Roberto Caporali 17,55 – 18,15 Peripheral neuropathy in rheumatoid arthritis: a neglected comorbidity. Lorenzo Cavagna, Pavia 18,15 – 18,35 Central nervous system and rheumatoid arthritis: not only atloepistrophic involvement. Marcello Govoni, Ferrara 18,35 – 18,55 Drugs and neurologic involvement in rheumatoid arthritis: myth or reality? Fabrizio Conti, Roma 18.45 – 19.10 Discussion
GISEA/OEG FERRARA International Symposium 2017 2-3 MARZO 2017 ECM PROGRAM FRIDAY 3TH MARCH SESSION V Lung Diseases CHAIRMEN: Andrea Doria, Roberto Gorla, Clodoveo Ferri 10,00 – 10,20 The need for an early diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis related Interstitial Lung Disease. Andreina Manfredi, Modena 10,20 – 10,40 Clinical assessment of Rheumatoid Arthritis related Interstitial Lung Disease. Stefania Cerri, Modena 10,40 – 11,00 Conventional and biological DMARDs and Rheumatoid Arthritis related Interstitial Lung Disease: the problem or the solution? Clive Kelly, Newcastle (U.K.) 11,00 – 11,15 Discussion 11,15 – 11,45 Presentazione Progetto Patient Profiling SPEAKER: Ennio Giulio Favalli, Milano CHAIRMEN: Giovanni Lapadula, Gianfranco Ferraccioli TAVOLA ROTONDA Which future for public health care sustainability? Regional scenarios, clinical needs and working hypothesis Chairmen: Marcello Govoni, Ferrara - Giovanni Lapadula, Bari 11,45 – 12,05 National health care system and regional scenarios. Anna Maria Marata, Modena 12,05 – 12,25 Clinical needs and expectancies. Marcello Govoni, Ferrara
GISEA/OEG FERRARA International Symposium 2017 2-3 MARZO 2017 ECM PROGRAM 12,25 – 12,45 Are there suitable working hypothesis solutions? Paolo Bonaretti, Reggio Emilia Consulente del Ministero per lo Sviluppo Economico 13,45 – 14,30 Lunch SESSION VI Skin: a “Window of Opportunity” CHAIRMEN: Giovanni Lapadula, Fabrizio Conti, Rosario Foti 14,30 – 14,50 Il Progetto IDEA: final report Fausto Salaffi, Ancona 14,50 – 15,20 Lettura PsA e obesità. Florenzo Iannone, Bari 15,20- 15,40 Skin and Psoriatic Arthritis. Caterina Ferreli, Cagliari 15,40 – 16,00 Skin and Inflammatory Bowel Diseases. Beatrice Principi, Bari 16,00 – 16,20 Skin and Rare Diseases. Luca Cantarini, Siena 16,20 – 16,35 Discussion ECM TEST
GISEA/OEG FERRARA International Symposium 2017 2-3 MARZO 2017 CORSI MONOTEMATICI THURSDAY 2TH MARCH 09,00 – 10,30 Sessione Corsi Monotematici No ECM La Medicina Comunicazionale Rosario Gagliardi, Lecce Imaging del Paziente Complesso Fausto Salaffi, Ancona Marina Carotti, Jesi
GISEA/OEG FERRARA International Symposium 2017 2-3 MARZO 2017 SPONSORED LECTURES THURSDAY 2TH MARCH 10,30 – 11,00 Sponsored Lecture - MSD Golimumab persistence in therapy in real life: new evidences from Italian registries SPEAKER: Ennio Giulio Favalli, Milano CHAIRMEN: Carlo Maurizio Montecucco 11,00 – 11,30 Sponsored Lecture - BMS Efficacia di abatacept nella pratica clinica SPEAKER: Florenzo Iannone, Bari CHAIRMEN: Marcello Govoni 15,30 – 16,00 Sponsored Lecture - SANOFI Quando l’anti-TNF in prima linea fallisce, quali sono le possibili scelte da intraprendere nel paziente affetto da AR (Artrite reumatoide) SPEAKER: Ennio Giulio Favalli, Milano CHAIRMEN: Leonardo Punzi, Luca Cantarini 16,00 – 16,30 Sponsored Lecture - ABBVIE Occhio alle spondiloartropatie SPEAKER: Luca Cimino, Reggio Emilia CHAIRMEN: Andrea Doria, Enrico Fusaro 17,25 – 17,55 Sponsored Lecture - CELGENE La gestione del paziente con artrite psoriasica in assenza di fattori di prognosi severa SPEAKER: Roberto Caporali, Pavia CHAIRMEN: Giuseppe Passiu, Roberta Ramonda
GISEA/OEG FERRARA International Symposium 2017 2-3 MARZO 2017 SPONSORED LECTURES FRIDAY 3TH MARCH 09,00 – 09,30 Sponsored Lecture - PFIZER An innovative management of unmet needs in RA (rheumatoid arthritis) patients to achieve a Comprehensive Disease Control SPEAKER: Fausto Salaffi, Ancona CHAIRMEN: Oscar Massimiliano Epis, Walter Grassi 09,30 – 10,00 Sponsored Lecture - ROCHE IL- 6 inhibition in RA: tocilizumab from RCT to real world data. SPEAKER: Marcello Govoni, Ferrara CHAIRMEN: Giovanni Lapadula, Francesco Trotta 12,45 – 13,15 Sponsored Lecture - NOVARTIS Secukinumab: tra la real life e i dati registrativi SPEAKER: Giovanni Lapadula, Bari CHAIRMEN: Marcello Govoni, Raffaele Pellerito 13,15 - 13,45 Sponsored Lecture - BIOGEN Sostenibilità delle innovazioni farmacologiche: i biosimilari” SPEAKER: Saverio Mennini, Roma CHAIRMEN: Piercarlo Sarzi Puttini, Giovanni Triolo
GISEA/OEG FERRARA International Symposium 2017 2-3 MARZO 2017 LINKS BEST FOLLOWER 2017 A prize will be awarded to the medical postgraduate or young doctor showing the most dedicated partecipation on the event’s social networks Visit our website Subscribe to Gruppo di Reumatologia • Registri GISEA/OEG, visit our showcase page GISEA/OEG - Gruppo Italiano di Studio Early Arthritis Visit our Facebook page Gruppo Italiano Studio Early Arthritis - Gisea/Org Follow @Gisea_Oeg or search #gisea2017 to join the discussion REGISTRATION FEE The registration fee is € 500.00 + 22% VAT (€ 610,00 VAT included), payable by bsnk transfer to th following account: Formedica Srl (IBAN CODE: IT 42 M 03268 16000 052668696720; SWIFT CODE: SELBIT2BXXX). Please send a copy of the bank transfer (by fax: +39.0832.304994 or email: to the Organizing Secretariat.
GISEA/OEG FERRARA International Symposium 2017 2-3 MARZO 2017 ECM Continuing Medical Education (ECM) The GISEA International Symposium 2017 will be included in the ECM program of the Italian Ministry of Health as an educational amd residential activity (n.157- 179937) for no.100 participants (discipline: Rheumatology and Internal Medicine). The Symposium has obtained no. 9 Ecm credits. Credit assignement depends on the partecipation to th whole ECM training program,as detailed below: * TUESDAY 02th March: from 11.45 am to 3.30 pm and from 4.30 pm to 5.25 pm and from 5.55 pm to 7.10 pm. * FRIDAY 03th March: from 10.00 am to 12.45 pm and from 2.30 pm to 4.35 pm.. The participation of each attendee will be verified at the time of enetring and exiting throughout the duration of te Symposium. At the end of the ECM program, please com- plete the evaluation tests you have received during h regstration, and return them to the Secretariat. In order to acquire the ECM credits, please fill the registration form in all its partes clearly. An attendance certificat will be given to all participants at the end of the Symposium.
GISEA/OEG FERRARA International Symposium 2017 2-3 MARZO 2017 SPONSORSHIP With the non conditional support of: GOLDEN SPONSOR GENZYME
GISEA/OEG FERRARA International Symposium 2017 2-3 MARZO 2017
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