English Language Teaching - Catalogo 2019 - Pearson
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CT091901046M Catalogo 2019 English Language Teaching Scuola secondaria di secondo grado L’agente di zona pearson.it/consulenti-personali Pearson Italia aderisce all’iniziativa Zaino digitale (zainodigitale.it) Pearson Italia S.p.A. - corso Trapani, 16 - 10139 Torino - Tel. +39 02 748231
Insegnare agli studenti di oggi con lo sguardo al domani Insegnare agli studenti di oggi, che hanno stili di apprendimento differenti e un modo di comunicare diverso dal passato, richiede nuove modalità didattiche. Accanto a solide conoscenze disciplinari, ai ragazzi sono richieste competenze, che li aiutino a muoversi nella società contemporanea e a inserirsi in un mondo del lavoro sempre più influenzato dalla rivoluzione tecnologica. Con i suoi libri di testo, così come con il digitale di nuova generazione e la formazione certificata, Pearson vuole supportare gli insegnanti nella trasformazione che investe la scuola, per rispondere al meglio a questa grande sfida. Il progetto Pearson per l’ELT Le nostre proposte 2 Pearson Academy 6 Corsi 3 Verso il 2030. Competenze per il futuro 23 Civiltà e compiti per le vacanze 4 Libro liquido & MYAPP Pearson 24 Grammatiche 5 The Global Scale of English (GSE) 28 Esami e certificazioni internazionali 38 Pearson Test of English (PTE) 42 Letteratura 40 Pearson Edexcel International GCSE 48 Pearson English Readers 46 Amazing Readers 50 Lingua di specialità 56 Pearson Educational Consultants 54 Dizionari Crediti delle illustrazioni e delle foto Copertina: Tina Puopolo; p. 3: Davide Bonazzi; p. 38: Alamy; p. 46: Shutterstock
Formazione a 360° sui grandi temi della didattica Pearson ti accompagna verso la scuola del futuro Offerta flessibile, Lezioni operative, dai singoli webinar, per spendere subito alle piattaforme in classe online, alle lezioni quanto appreso in presenza Un’offerta flessibile e certificata, Verso il 2030. Il progetto Pearson per sviluppare per tutte le esigenze le competenze necessarie alle professioni e alla cittadinanza del futuro. Proposte Attestato di qualità validate di partecipazione » Il 2030 è un orizzonte ideale, un punto di riferimento che serve a chiederci: quali conoscenze e competenze saranno necessarie per affrontare la realtà che ci attende? dal Comitato ove previsto scientifico per legge » Il 2030 è anche l’anno che l’Onu ha indicato come data-traguardo per raggiungere i 17 fondamentali Obiettivi per lo sviluppo sostenibile. Oltre 170.000 insegnanti formati » Come sarà il mondo nel 2030? Sarà un mondo diverso, in cui la conoscenza conterà sempre di più, sia per le cose che sappiamo, sia soprattutto per quelle che sappiamo fare, cioè le competenze: competenze per la cittadinanza e per la professione. Pearson Academy offre un’ampia gamma di metodologie e proposte per realizzare Unità Formative di 20-30 ore (come indicato dal MIUR), che il docente Quanto sapremo muoverci in un mondo diverso dipende in gran parte da quello che avremo può inserire nel proprio dossier professionale. ☛ pearson.it/pearson-academy imparato nel nostro percorso scolastico. Pearson, con i suoi manuali e la sua attività rivolta alla scuola, vuole accompagnare docenti e studenti in questo grande viaggio. ☛ pearson.it/verso-2030 I Quaderni Pearson Academy Una collana per aggiornarsi, che si inserisce con rigore scientifico nel dibattito che coinvolge la scuola di oggi, Il futuro delle competenze. MV091901058A con contributi sia teorici sia operativi. ☛ pearson.it/academy-quaderni L’occupazione nel 2030 Una grande ricerca internazionale realizzata da Pearson in Questa ricerca indaga le tendenze in atto nel mondo del lavoro individuando, attraverso una metodologia innovativa, i cambiamenti che probabilmente si manifesteranno nell’occupazione di qui ai prossimi anni. Mostra sia ciò che ci si può aspettare, sia le aree collaborazione con Nesta e The Oxford Martin School, che indaga Pearson Education Library di incertezza che permangono. Indica inoltre le implicazioni di queste dinamiche per le I L FU T U RO D E L L E CO M PE T E N Z E il profilo delle competenze e delle professioni che potranno essere competenze professionali richieste, mettendo in luce quelle che saranno con tutta probabilità le skills più L’ O CC U PA Z I O N E N EL 203 0 importanti per le professioni di domani. Per chi adotta un corso Pearson, oltre 300 ore di formazione, più di 350 videolezioni certificate e gratuite. disponibili e richieste nel 2030. La ricerca mira a offrire una fotografia della realtà, rifiutando falsi allarmismi o facili entusiasmi: se è quasi certo che molte professioni spariranno da qui al 2030, altre invece cresceranno. Ma la cosa più rilevante Con rilascio dell’attestato di partecipazione. ☛ Chiedi al tuo Agente di zona. è che tutte cambieranno. E qui entrano in gioco la Il mondo di domani al quale devono prepararsi scuola e i sistemi formativi: a loro è affidato il decisivo compito di preparare le nuove generazioni al futuro che le attende. pearson.it /futuro - competenze Hasan Bakhshi Jonathan M. Downing Michael A. Osborne gli studenti di oggi. Philippe Schneider Accreditamento MIUR e piattaforma S.O.F.I.A. - Pearson Academy è ente accreditato dal MIUR quale soggetto che offre formazione certificata Pearson Italia S.p.A. email: info.italia@pearson.com Partner della ricerca ☛ pearson.it/futuro-competenze al personale della scuola. Tutte le nostre iniziative prevedono l'attestato di partecipazione e sono disponibili sulla piattaforma S.O.F.I.A. via Arconati, 1 tel. +39 02 748231 20135 Milano 2 3
LIBRO LIQUIDO & MYAPP PEARSON The Global Il digitale di nuova concezione per gli studenti di oggi Scale of English Basta un gesto: materiali multimediali Che cos’è la GSE? e interattivi da fruire in modo semplice e intuitivo. La Global Scale of English (GSE) è una scala numerica granulare da 10 a 90, sviluppata da Direttamente da smartphone o tablet. Pearson per misurare la conoscenza della lingua inglese in modo dettagliato. Allineata al Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), questa scala permette di verificare in maniera più particolareggiata il livello di conoscenza dellʼinglese, valutando tutte le abilità (Listening, Reading, Speaking e Writing), e quindi di trovare il percorso più adatto alle proprie esigenze. LIBRO LIQUIDO Gli studenti possono accedere al libro digitale usando lo smartphone e il tablet, perché il testo è “liquido” e si adatta a qualunque dispositivo. Per studiare ovunque e in qualsiasi momento. MYAPP PEARSON Pearson ha contribuito al nuovo Companion del CEFR (Quadro Inquadrando i QRcode colorati del libro si attivano i contenuti multimediali: video, audio, esercizi interattivi, sintesi per il ripasso. Un gesto semplice e abituale, una comune europeo di riferimento per la conoscenza delle lingue) modalità intuitiva di studiare e ripassare. E per fare lezione LIMBOOK per il docente e la classe Più obiettivi di Maggiore granularità Obiettivi di Materiali didattici Il libro di testo digitale con contenuti multimediali interattivi, per una lezione vivace apprendimento per le apprendimento validati basati sulle più e coinvolgente. quattro abilità scientificamente da recenti metodologie esperti di didattica e pedagogiche ☛ pearson.it/prodotti-digitali docenti Generazione Z, la generazione che predilige i video Vi offriamo un sistema integrato e personalizzato Pearson ha realizzato una ricerca sulle modalità di apprendimento di due generazioni: i Millennials (24-40 anni); per l’apprendimento continuo della lingua inglese e la Gen-Z (14-23 anni): per i nuovi studenti, il modo di apprendere più efficace è attraverso i video! GEN-Z 14 - 23 anni MILLENNIALS 24 - 40 anni Una scala numerica Strumenti didattici Risorse digitali e Pearson Test of standardizzata e per raggiungere materiali per il docente English, granulare da 10 a 90 tutti gli obiettivi di che aiutano gli una certificazione apprendimento studenti a progredire riconosciuta a livello internazionale e dal MIUR Per questo, tra le risorse digitali, che integrano in maniera organica i contenuti del libro di testo grande spazio viene riservato ai video. In più, disponibile per tutti i docenti, il GSE Teacher Toolkit. Scopri di più sul sito pearson.it/GSE 4 5
CORSI RISORSE DIGITALI E MATERIALI PER IL DOCENTE novità Engage LIBRO LIQUIDO Il libro digitale interattivo per studiare e approfondire 2019 Engage! Elena Foulkes n Martin Thomas ! online e offline, su computer, tablet o smartphone, scegliendo carattere, Gudgeo Sarah Sarah Gudgeon ! Engage Sergio ss Knipe Wor TechIT & Busine Tourism Sarah Gudgeo n WorWdsWords for for Wds nology kWork grandezza e sfondo preferiti. o r ork for Energy Resources exical sets: MYAPP PEARSON Lʼapplicazione per esercitarsi e ripassare direttamente energy sources Competences: writing a report on methods for electricity producing THE POW Accommodation CAMPSITE DORADA OF PARK ELECTRIC ER Renewable Engage! Plus 1 e 2 exical sets: accommodation types The Brits Abroad included as it is If you’ve in aLocation: Park Size: 700bolt versatile Costa Dorada, Spain ever watched single lightning plots energy Grass is enough Parking: ITY Shade: Partial a thunderstorm, Off pitch you’ll to light 100 have ve some energy source means that flights are amenities Competences: creating a web E The bare-legged Brits international abroad (in America) phenomenon; opened areinan the cold Philadelphia transport to and from than airport and the accommodation. the destination it for Our Plots: source that not much more than we have; it is alsopowerful a hundred one th years. Let’sne of the idea werful lamps of the power of newest: for a whole electricity. day! Electricity The energy s D agency in the UK on advertising send o bed & breakfast, Bungalow accommodation take a closer homes is the page for a FACTFIL NG and rainy summers as much agents in 1908 Guests can often choose go When electricity look at howand businesses have most The centre l’ advertisingrushing twice to the travel popular or full-board or indeed it creates flows through 1: double bed g hotel/campsite ADVERTISI ‘professiona people up to spend foreign holidays. first became ys. Some half-board T on TV self-catering in serviced an around it invisible magnetic Bedroom Bedroom a wire, 2: 2 single beds How to electricity is produced. used 5,000°C!). of the Earth is extremely We can access in • The first in 1850. ical companies to book people gwant five-star g ays highways xury in anthey’vecompletely luxury waitemto seen accommodation. course. Having your meals magnetism (electromagnetism) can produceKitchen field all cafetière, Area: . In turn, A fridge, freezer, kettle, The for 8, various cooking Build a heat in different water underground this ways. One underground hot (over is • Pharmaceut they g research. medical all-inclusive do on on billboards go American hotel, others along appeared. cars self-catering market resort food, orhers toy,apartment forina anthem. otherwant ent or chalet c te orbrand name in aadvertising a degreethe asincluded face that you means Honeymoon Bliss on cook and clean but self-catering don’t have to means Take the bicycle: when example of a dynamo you pedal, utensils electricity. dinnerware microwave, on a by sofa electric exactly in generators the same erator Lexical sets: used • computers way only in the me way, power What guests say: and Successful B is then used electricity. to turn a generator to create way is to steam, which inject rt es Advertisthe first masswhile • Advertising when usually asktheir parents choose their othersget it for camping to goffer he The universityyou canone tent the see thing that you can decide what to eat and when. attached to the though? generates wheel spinsthe dynamo Living Area: double DESTINATIONS someone’s bed made wash basin shower by & burning the legs, gs, they instead ofinternet are driven Competences:being plants Doradapowered Parkwork Website basic than we expected A wind turbine energy, but This is a clean way and create lot of water it is only an option of producing ve tegi in anparents What about the amenitiesin a hotel dynamo electricity. How?around TOP 10 HONEYMOON bungalow. andRoom: Conventional andtower is similar to a on-sitefirst ads so is sunshin Shower ‘fossil by steam. the bungalow was more its rolling very hills tall was the Your ow sunshine … table, fuels’ • creating Overall g • Children before that everybodyin wants Are they any different there is a Inside theArea: clothes amounts airer, outdoor ower pplants such power as coal, This in is Italy - Tuscany, with refurbishment. for are with two or three windmill: that can be used to where there rtisin nine timesNorthwesternset to 10.10 face. have a look of iron wire wrapped heavy core Outside 3 sun loungers, can of electricity, a website and was gas, need of8 is the and gardeners perfect top placewhich it has blades at a E create steam. is a 1900, are always and a good a smiley like time. and a campsite? Let’s a holiday The core (nucleus) parasol, sun lounger to twotable, thirds of ricity, but bu they generate or oil. delicious The park itself is immaculate tending to thefor food, and the and towns turn to be turned by the wind. a generator, the waste quite enormous Adve Ad ra • In gs it also looks at this information from theaire. spins freely tightly around. chairs the plant the he electricity elec staff are always around couples looking grasshill-top Wind energy which creates The blades Biomass is any material n tofixed centrethe inside some 3 reclining a lotground watch; While using the internet too book flflights Corfu Hotel can to homes or microorganisms dal proprio smartphone, con contenuti audio e video del corso. • Watches then you magnets. es and oother is lost in its delivery of it: up time. transported back inand the areas. It is also be very efficientelectricity. - Travelling and can that comes website ENCES large Another and emptying bins etc. etin of the 1 Australia questionn Rock, As you pedal, the Services andproblem website modatio for company or rotates site Facilities plants from plants St only and separate accommodation of what kind ofatsurvey Uluru you holiday Ayers Complete inside these outer Oncore telling burning with conventional newsagents, buildings. from The area around our bungalow was spacious does not a ‘clean’ in windy Wood chips, evenwhole 1 that some crops such were recently living. package Choose your platform. al Me COMPET decide Australia, firstgenerates go co form of energy, - For the ot of fam a lot families suit you Thephone? best. can watch below. irethe sun electricity. magnets Bars,andrestaurants, take-away, fossil fuels deposit box power plantsamenities were excellent. els creates burn fuel 10 0 USA rubbish are Here you as corn or a system A platform city breaks is popular, woulda customer think honeymoon couples a mobile the meeting, problem of global safety crea the air. However, or emit best in luxurywind any pollutantscouples as it headsquares to Las Vegas. dried out that and enables you to is warming. pollution thesoy, s holiday when launderette, is that Location: Beach front, still like to book a package 8 Do own a five-star resort questionna dinner at this stunning chairs tocash machine, supplies warmi Phuket has the source calledChapel of Love and compressed content. Corfu Hotel, having speak. andand adds to the 9 Thailand - golden beaches. is not always into ‘briquettes’, program rnation is the you while ilities will run the glamour of wouldn’t the famous Systems into Content Management the outback or down use? Also, fossil energy (it can marry atburned island of Corfu, Greece s mmer bbreak. A Doand the secondsurvey is Dorada ’t want theWho sines summer do you calm of No wi-fi to make out soon which are going on their main Feel the turn rental, Brazil ts- Whostay wouldn sooner fuels are hotels and rotating changes a steady to create winning storednow e are po popular in Greece Aboriginal customer site.of phone Spain.chair campsite in spectacle. moderates it? it’s their 4responsib energy that hat are in m Rio ordelater. Janeiro? There are limited: seas and relax in turbines constantly) can be dangerousand and enjoy large your honeymoon However, heat or generate own site. and make it easy to 5 Write your Bu Meeting Greece, Spain and France a five-star this natural Yes The who chose excitement of the beaches more efficient other ways want to swim in the clearbirds. growing in the casinos. You don’t electricity. build your administrator content. As Park, and enjoybrand ts when important the participan on time . beach makes it the The perfect for losing) money crops code like need Inte tourist spots and a kage ho package holiday What Did you choose it? If not, participan the mostmake sure of Onekind?chair is to tion Advert the meeting are ends Copacabana Sandy discussed place for d a romantic walk. Then words (1-4) to theirviews before a one visit Sugarloaf definitions (a-d). and less 1990s. first polluting. night They were 5 Write the English its best hotels? websites appeared to the following: in phrases that correspond C Unlike every (or F amounts of land, as for biofuel well as pesticides. used to requires Language), HTML (Hyper to program in the languageText Markup information You have you can the site or edit existing upload new information. sets: that 3 Matchisthe nominate for spectacular3 full-board quite basic the early other way A certain write commonly content and complete control the Lexical did you (1-5) of the recommenda What and the agenda Mountain samba bands. static page ottimo rapporto qualità-prezzo: solar (or of making amount your content web pages. You contained with just to get Formal who to the on meeting, dancing holiday to the information. 1that photovoltaic) lake (reservoir) of water can access over the • meetings culture es the accommodation How types person Personal on itschedule in a shop items 1 someone of package the of good food 1 Readand 4 amenities some key electricity cells do notFACTFILEelectricity, is made fromwriting an artificial normally, write it 24/7. strategies 1orMatc Match informal. (or the it for you) Saw all the meeting 2 half-board the he texts of internet Since then, light falls generators and magnetism. work using tunnels, to platforms a letter, the same • business es: (sometim photo (a-e). end photos and minutes said. texts. Match are provided by tools 2and essere rinnovato: the diexplosion on HONEYMOON generating operating huge flow through and these user-friendly as a lot of different ‘affective Competenc key of German be formal t and 3 bungalow bought 5 this about apartmentOther the what ’ and takeswhatawas 1 biomass breakfast, 2lunch ss ene and dinner the users wordsdifferent bisogno haapps has given(a-f). from (silicon)a solar cell, the When a honeymoon. electricity. turbines upload it for 6 Decide how audiences. called and in advance starfalse (F). ) energy (1‑6) to ways material • 99% of couples takequite you. to structure use target • researching cs can d to hot 1 hotel or called a 4 tent ‘chair’ learn product? IfDuring ‘other’, of the hotel 3 wind energynergy with each the photos endings web of communicating turns it directlycaptures the it is made cost: €3000. inexpensive, Hydroelectric and need a homepage your Advertisersof their a product planned 2(T) as ‘secretary record that make your staya particularly more 4 hydroelectricother. Social to the le aspettative di: (a‑f). to chair light’s energy • Average an artificial Caribbean as it’s andnotEurope. Choose energy is where peoplesite; you use a technique take feel positively ad characteristi culture Facilities • Fitness Pool • Restaurant • Bar/Lounge Courtmeetings Meetings Centre are schedule trueis a B& B&B role involves particular Price are a geothermal facilities/servicesermal e 5 solar quick non 3 energy s (1-6) raggiunge networks for a long into electricity. • Topanddestinations:because 2 the Americas,lake nowadays. on the beach.It difficult to buildyour domain the name of b) expensive time (about 20 years) or ‘contact the website and they energy Solar cells address). can see attention s often business • Spa and Answer There technique thatparticipant which your ideas energy and someone easytoway circulate are lusso: activities: sightseeing, Toplast itrelaxing does not honeymoon. is also (website means consumers detergent Room • Squash lities. Quality offer pleasant a 6hotel and/or merchandise. However, their reliable, Make sure an ‘about the Earth to install. Also, the themes us’ section. Choose text. influenced the beginning fossil but •can dream depend flowers, with Gym/Workout regular times. objects to buy are provided bywe still needfuelsrequires the to share tocco di couples go on the a name you choose us’ Advertiser which things machine sunshine,their brand as a months) the condition’ withmost seniorwho called What Special it was advertised breakfast and dinner need 4 mancava quel receive different different • Onlybe1 in 4 to the environment. creation of on the reservoirs. comweather. that is , . net , or easy to remember. or templates to other a washing only responsibi c) at a fixed websites? you So why do one of condition,’ Services not 5 Read particular at Activities severalproduct the person ‘affective the role. the decision The way by a company 3 Match meeting b etc. meeting and sunshine partsAdapted http://hitched-wife.org/wedding-facts-economics/ of from: plants is damaging content management available it next babies, showing about meetings are ate • Children’s is prepared a holiday organised Well, formal to stay is often hardamounts of sunlight Also, hydroelectric popular . org are 1 Thehas the system and on your • Free wi-fi Internet about. tools. product? d) of travel, 1 A hotel websites the submit course, don’t place For example, with good has Free Parking who sometimes the takes and the meeting,s - What could be more exciting Other after a the cost ts are really need sue stelle: work extensions the most give each brand Repeatedly feel Meetingsto communic • Room Service • Free showing Breakfast is good or advertst who what price that includes that you 2 Before 5 merita leyou the sun doesn’t to predict over the years for a very companies power and page an appropriate be sure to about. their (Kid/Family Friendly) chair feel see in techniquesfor theal. 2are Kenya in theand prepare these If ‘other’, have total participan takes onthe only mediumis to set shine at night! – and of silt (sand long time, becauseare now although some line – this items. consumers company for companies also Access • Meeting Thepeoplemeeting, going on safari put controltime, will slow tells users title and FASCICOLI place will similar makes to make Every daily activities. for employees with Internet , andCentrethey’re • Business you a participantopics thefood or cooking of is commerci that the wedding than participant and see Think about 3 The your product secretary to finish over. You verdi: the flow of and dirt) like .pizza fromwith for example, using their can expect what tag or other stylists’ for of Cleaning • Laundry Service • Concierge at 2 The a list that decides Marac National Reserve answers with from the boxis to The icon. on4 there the correct or event meetings le areecan water. of planning a honeymoon the river really mainstream own, to find there. information they items way Rooms • Drybut for advert actors of items honeymoon 6 a curare these are - Barcelona a city for normal up your want of some and these too. ‘food stylists part in companies meeting, a child chair b Maasai how the class. text. Find: to habitat? 4 to buy the words Match frequency the5news If you and it won’t information . 7 Complete the stages Then put the stages intothe not with use food chicken an important clients, Multilingual Staff • Self-Service theusing draws word basis use The toilets. and their natural incompare 5c the Spain cityfeed get pushed find. and can detergent often on the they other • Banquet Room • their include chair on the n. group. the amazing wildlife the decision of meetings. looking for a bustling iscourt purpose by otherdiscussion down WhileChoose the best words from the text. be difficult the ents example, tight Then each ate withdone. whichFacilities • ,Babysitting The 3 Another in for childrenthe targetads’is discussed circulates ns B Now to present 1 Read the purposes s describing . couples • self-service launderette town • tennis The a constantly a6 wonderful for users.meeting. the The news feed ts. 5 Read the top 10. it’s trueforthat Add plug-ins. advertisemgood. For the skin thread. which with Laundry • Conference problems , 4theAds agenda, discussio item forthan ‘ambient chair meeting. report influence 1 five expression image? ? thebox scheduled calm • free an old • dry cleaning of parking with with • wi-fi updated d the) mostitems offlow by2big online honeymoon destination these three the Web is dominatedcorrect order. 7 that you can Plug-ins are extra Food look will pull and towels, just to communic get work purposes, In your room each Thetranslatiothe product’s •aresafety deposit lots of restaurants a recent news of information, participan Match companies, Filltoincreate below. the 3 Find an special beach. The old city has such as diving younger find questions: page. the table will take. minutes internet to their your website.add to the template functions food types is advertised type of it is the chicken with a needle paper the chicken they differentRoom , solving proposals submit canin which s before advertising 2 four by the meetings A bwebsite ) meeting.at all the to the top of the couples. website your very energy still possible a Arrange some excursions your website. company wet the insides how have Airhow Conditioning 5theYou order (1-4) • Did al or in meetings. a romantic You c setting. is an the online 3Tanya want to goown super successful (1‑6) from to host to expand roasted it up with roast Suites making discussion model phone?influenced the whichproduct roles a (F). andbbars ts. in can put ) agenda ‘shop COMPETENCES and dMatchif you Exercise _ _ _ _ _ _ ___. company This functions You can sew chicken Then they while Meetings ng contracts on, , planningRefrigerator words thethe to the participant3 role market the you the way3 three promotion or false c and it will ) anything the you . window’. 1 Antony Can you andthe can spot farwords froma gap and 1 s _ for web means paying like giving install different and the fat. cooked an appetising Non-Smoking Rooms long by a (T) statemenemployees s. dstay there. want on correspon yoursunny own offer something (1‑8)intothe to the paragraphs connect space so a gallery for access to look bird negotiati g informati objectives 6 Match 4 mass • Were like false use? objectives display somewhere that for currently1 thunderstorm market. their your site example. stuff will the chickenthe skin the Family Roomstasks. Minibar basis agenda you true 6 Create text page a web they live. They want online that definitions Look at h _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ destinations. (A‑F). that to the internet. they a photo paint are and the (a-d). e • Do influenced the thee classthe ways in companie e) on schedule. the Edinburgh,better?where 2 magnetavailable, they a isn’t b (a‑h). keeps to make presentin goals allocatingon a regular to deal d you 2 Answer kind? the price? correct doesone of other from hotel/campsite. Then or if itand beautiful is, can You can enough raw. Then they child actors setting and 1 to place audience 10 • Were What wasThen phone are each f) words somewherecreate3quiet accommodation dynamo and type. follow these simple you ) do itthe contamination f _ _ _ _ _ _ to the island. The 8 use to your site, widgets to add For example, and them What guestsorsay: one-off, 2 target modello globale the questions. offer? important of mobile brand? ate with regularly time.f the A Decide on the like the seawant your 4and hot toown climates. make b) steps c Look at of the 4 company remain brown. children, or 12-year- to achieve are scheduled ies. the text. Answer 1 Meetings 13 4 Write site: amenities you pollution to go to a city withc ) toa storm with thunder earth, air that hosts like a sidebar features for audience. 11- annually), esempio,2diRead massa, book foreign holidays? • How brands popular happen e at a specific f the following:B List all the del giorno:Fulvio and 5Elena want a piece etcawith _ _willbeach s _ _harmful also give your website that shows how many or a Corfu and emergenc most communic d meetings place a and with you an 1 toRead people havecounter golden ents electromagnetism the site. substances the target show toy. Advertisers Meetings monthly, decora ) mercato 1 Where Wh do British people • Which is the the available to 2guests. museums and places d of iron Choose or other lightning destination This means email address for the site. than s will of what and fresh with modern want? to take is always verbale: text. a/ordine 6web steam interesting page. iron‑containing material visited In advertisem older image (weekly, The rooms are clean situations b) collocare 2di What Wh does everybody riferimento Factfile • Which business 1 their to Match all the info C Writethe lotsonofyour want to d) the gradual andobjects clear sea. which has send you emails that web 8-year-oldan 8-year-old as an specific plenty of space. c) the popular holiday destinations? 2 All are planned the meeting definitions 2 programm esiedere: words visit. They to(1-6) live in Rome and 7 power the so to a separateusers can Build typically for with models, an advert playing as role to be like. on with with For us it did however fall short of five star as it lacked d) pubblico 3 Which Wh from are three figures does a package holiday include? and chairs 1 apps 3 dirigere/pr (a-f). plant 8 globalin Europe. visit somewhere 23 2 Chooseand want e ) a machine increase e for Book ainflight to Bora Bora andemail don’tofhave the overall makeyou property attracting to put your account 9 think can in links to other be useful. websites that you who warming f) sea. address old modelschildren will want have found in other places. the4 What Wh 2 news redigere: : 3 HTML London the correct an installation converting mechanical _ _ _ _ _ _ on the b _temperature online. private advertisetoilet the touch of luxury we value for Write what Wh is half-board • 1908accommodation? person the meeting. feed contrasts.4 argomenti : 4 domain 3 Henry and Zahra live in 1 5 plug-in reservations in a of the Earth’s older illegally public that the hotel is excellent 5 What 3 The boss. lead is a modern city of Websites g) alternative. where magnetism energy use children Overall I would say that 7 to. as muchadvantage of self-catering? and Tokyo is- to a) 5 honeymoon. electrical into help with atmosphere 10 Go live! and the star rating it is awarded. twice is •the times The smells, sounds the 6 Japan and walk througha6 language a: to6 go an adventurous tagonline in simple / h) the 1990s produced power _ _ _ _ toelectrical Put DIDASTORE Lʼambiente online semplice e organizzato, con i contenuti legally shop floors, refer 6 •What Wh an agenda _ _ _ _ _ p _is_generated 3 Morocco - the markets in Marrakesh the internet your website out nine chair the busy streets distribuirecommonlyato: the younger so successful money and deserves • 1850 past ten complex. hotwere f very Find aby vapour w _electric which such as shocking is far from à la carte. It’s more of the Escape are full of blossom a website 7 programm il programm used to Best 2destination Less / More into which charge3 Match and make there ads,’ been new and The American diner • ten colours from to the romance role the beautiful produce is to parks which b) software write apps means the plans.water is in motion each verb (1-6) it’s there. sure people on ‘Ambient d places, , have 4 The converted are unique and will add azione: know for chair colour in autumn. on 8 rispettare applications people to the corresponding like a café. of thein spring and a blaze minutes look & Tanya communicate that when heated unexpecte 22 your 9 document thatAntony the internet. or pavements actively of a wonderful honeymoon. role the c) mobile you can more via 1 upload noun (a-f). firms their products. 5 The a simpleproporre:smartphone install 3 Old information 5 Complete stalls, for the meeting. is to take 10 and catchy Fulvio & Elena for example COMPETENCES 2 share 3 pushed down the marketing accompanying phrase moves up flowchart to display chair the news 4holiday. host of the ultimate monument d) a Henry & Zahra 4 A platformfeed. / down about aa) honeymoon 11 5 install with words places role 7 India - The Taj Mahal. a distinct subset oflogo or brand 8 Research and report website 6 add R___ ____ from the 6 The meeting. to love is the with addresses the internet from system the Factfile b) destination apps d) a domain text. of the 6 Write what these datalet you write lets / Web for a honeymoon information This world heritage monument suffix or sharing a common to. website. the content doesn’tA Search the married couple. e ) ac )newlyplug-ins C___ withofwhite under for your that you think is ideal for facilities and sigh ideas _ _ a platform is peaceful and calm a particular the control refer 5 Your about the hotels, f) news feed Write c _____ e )and aponds web domain B Write a summary 4 Find constantly organisation or in 4 • 3000 theyou found. _ marble, fountainsf ) what SETTORIALI a software updated flow individual • sightseeing • 1the address for is / isn’t C Report to the class about English to the following: phrases Choose at___ your website. reflecting the architecture. component of information • 99% •6 AmericasWeb hosting is free / that correspond A _ _ plug-ins ____ that adds 7 Tag lines 1 aggiungi a specific give / don’t paid for. collegamenti Choose w___ e application information give 2 un flusso ad altri ___ about section di siti Go l _ _ content. aggiornato informazioni continuamente COMPETENCES _ 3 una vetrina 4 trovare online spazio libero 6 Create 5 non molto sul mercato your own comuni A Choose website. 12 an idea/product B Choose your domain. you want C Write to promote. the content for the ‘about one at http://uk.pearson.c us’ section, om/home/about-uslike t .ht digitali integrativi per lʼapprendimento, la creazione e lʼassegnazione di attività didattiche per i docenti. M. Berlis, J. Bowie, H. Jones, B. Bettinelli Business VIDEO TEASER. ACTIVEBOOK Il libro digitale offline per studiare ed esercitarsi a casa. LEGGI IL Disponibile esclusivamente per Engage!. QRCODE CON: Tourism Your engaging path to competences LIMBOOK Il libro digitale interattivo sfogliabile per fare lezione, tradizionale e capovolta, utilizzando i contenuti multimediali per una for life and learning IT & Technology didattica efficace e coinvolgente con la LIM. DIDASTORE Lʼambiente online semplice e organizzato, con i contenuti digitali integrativi per lʼapprendimento. Per i docenti la possibilità di creare Engage! Engage! Monica Berlis Monica Berlis e assegnare attività didattiche. Jane Bowie Jane Bowie Heather Jones Heather Jones Barbara Bettinelli MYENGLISHLAB La piattaforma online per la didattica e lo studio 1 2 Engage PLUS ENGAGE PLUS ENGAGE Jane Bowie WITH GRAMMAR WITH GRAMMAR Enga2ge personalizzati. Disponibile esclusivamente per Engage!. 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CARTACEO + DIGITALE SOLO DIGITALE Studentʼs Book 1 and Workbook 1 + Map your 320 + 48 9788883395284 € 26,90 9788883395314 € 18,83 Language 1 + Engage with Grammar 1 + 32 Studentʼs Book 2 and Workbook 2 + Map your 296 + 48 9788883395291 € 26,90 9788883395321 € 18,83 Language 2 + Engage with Grammar 2 + 32 ENGAGE! SI ADATTA A TUTTE LE ESIGENZE ENGAGE! Engage! Plus è la nuova versione del corso Engage! arricchita da due nuovi fascicoli di grammatica, EDIZIONE CON ACTIVEBOOK MODALITÀ B MODALITÀ C ITE - ITE PLUS - DIDASTORE Pag. CARTACEO + DIGITALE SOLO DIGITALE Engage with Grammar 1 e 2 (disponibili anche in volume unico), per apprendere al meglio le regole grammaticali e metterle in pratica con esercizi graduati. Aggiornata al nuovo esame Cambridge Studentʼs Book and Workbook 1 + Map Your 320 + 48 9788883393495 € 25,90 9788883394270 € 17,50 Language 1 + ActiveBook Preliminary 2020. 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CORSI Engage novità Engage 2019 Engage! ! RISORSE DIGITALI E MATERIALI PER IL DOCENTE Foulkes n Martin Thomas Elena Gudgeo Sarah Sarah Gudgeon ! Engage Sergio ss Knipe Wor Busine Tourism Sarah Gudgeo n dsWords for Wds IT Techno& WorW logy for o r kWork ork LIBRO LIQUIDO Il libro digitale interattivo per studiare e approfondire for Energy Resources exical sets: online e offline, su computer, tablet o smartphone, scegliendo carattere, energy sources Competences: writing a report on methods for electricity producing THE POW Accommodation CAMPSITE DORADA OF PARK ELECTRIC ER Renewable with your future exical sets: accommodation types The Brits Abroad included as it is If you’ve in aLocation: Park Size: 700bolt versatile Costa Dorada, Spain ever watched single lightning plots energy Grass is enough Parking: ITY Shade: Partial a thunderstorm, Off pitch you’ll to light 100 have ve some energy source means that flights are amenities Competences: creating a web E The bare-legged Brits international abroad (in America) phenomenon; opened areinan the cold Philadelphia transport to and from than airport and the accommodation. the destination it for Our Plots: source that not much more than we have; it is alsopowerful a hundred one th years. Let’sne of the idea werful lamps of the power of newest: for a whole electricity. day! Electricity The energy s D agency in the UK on advertising send o bed & breakfast, Bungalow accommodation take a closer homes is the page for a FACTFIL NG and rainy summers as much agents in 1908 Guests can often choose go When electricity look at howand businesses have most The centre l’ advertisingrushing twice to the travel popular or full-board or indeed it creates flows through 1: double bed g hotel/campsite ADVERTISI ‘professiona people up to spend foreign holidays. first became ys. Some half-board T on TV self-catering in serviced an around it invisible magnetic Bedroom Bedroom a wire, 2: 2 single beds How to electricity is produced. used 5,000°C!). of the Earth is extremely We can access in • The first in 1850. ical companies to book people gwant five-star g ays highways xury in anthey’vecompletely luxury waitemto seen accommodation. course. Having your meals magnetism (electromagnetism) can produceKitchen field all cafetière, Area: . In turn, A fridge, freezer, kettle, The for 8, various cooking Build a heat in different water underground this ways. One underground hot (over is • Pharmaceut they g research. medical all-inclusive do on on billboards go American hotel, others along appeared. cars self-catering market resort food, orhers toy,apartment forina anthem. otherwant ent or chalet c te orbrand name in aadvertising a degreethe asincluded face that you means Honeymoon Bliss on cook and clean but self-catering don’t have to means Take the bicycle: when example of a dynamo you pedal, utensils electricity. dinnerware microwave, on a by sofa electric exactly in generators the same erator Lexical sets: used • computers way only in the me way, power What guests say: and Successful B is then used electricity. to turn a generator to create way is to steam, which inject rt es Advertisthe first masswhile • Advertising when usually asktheir parents choose their othersget it for camping to goffer he The universityyou canone tent the see thing that you can decide what to eat and when. attached to the though? generates wheel spinsthe dynamo Living Area: double DESTINATIONS someone’s bed made wash basin shower by & burning the legs, gs, they instead ofinternet are driven Competences:being plants Doradapowered Parkwork Website basic than we expected A wind turbine energy, but This is a clean way and create lot of water it is only an option of producing ve tegi in anparents What about the amenitiesin a hotel dynamo electricity. How?around TOP 10 HONEYMOON bungalow. andRoom: Conventional andtower is similar to a on-sitefirst ads so is sunshin Shower ‘fossil by steam. the bungalow was more its rolling very hills tall was the Your ow sunshine … table, fuels’ • creating Overall g • Children before that everybodyin wants Are they any different there is a Inside theArea: clothes amounts airer, outdoor ower pplants such power as coal, This in is Italy - Tuscany, with refurbishment. for are with two or three windmill: that can be used to where there rtisin nine timesNorthwesternset to 10.10 face. have a look of iron wire wrapped heavy core Outside 3 sun loungers, can of electricity, a website and was gas, need of8 is the and gardeners perfect top placewhich it has blades at a E create steam. is a 1900, are always and a good a smiley like time. and a campsite? Let’s a holiday The core (nucleus) parasol, sun lounger to twotable, thirds of ricity, but bu they generate or oil. delicious The park itself is immaculate tending to thefor food, and the and towns turn to be turned by the wind. a generator, the waste quite enormous Adve Ad ra gs • In looks from spins freely tightly around. chairs the plant the he electricity staff are always around couples looking grasshill-top Wind energy which creates The blades Biomass is any material grandezza e sfondo preferiti. it also at this information theaire. elec n tofixed centrethe inside some 3 reclining a lotground watch; While using the internet too book flflights Corfu Hotel • Watches then you can magnets. to homes es and oother is lost in its delivery of it: up time. or microorganisms transported back inand the areas. It is also be very efficientelectricity. - Travelling and can that comes website ENCES large Another and emptying bins etc. etin of the 1 Australia questionn Rock, As you pedal, the Services andproblem website modatio for company or rotates site Facilities plants from plants St only and separate accommodation of what kind ofatsurvey Uluru you holiday Ayers Complete inside these outer Oncore telling burning with conventional newsagents, buildings. from The area around our bungalow was spacious does not a ‘clean’ in windy Wood chips, evenwhole 1 that some crops such were recently living. package Choose your platform. al Me ot of fam a lot families COMPET decide Australia, Thephone?firstgenerates below. irethe sun go magnets take-away, fossil fuels co burn fuel form of energy, 10 0 USA - For the a system city breaks is popular, would suit you a customer best. can couples a mobile watch electricity. Bars,andrestaurants, the meeting, problem safety deposit box power plantsamenities were excellent. els creates crea the air. However, or emit as it headsquares rubbish are Here to Las Vegas. you as corn or that A platform think honeymoon of global warming. pollution best in luxurywind any pollutantscouples dried out thesoy, and enables you to is s holiday when launderette, is that Location: Beach front, still like to book a package 8 Do own a five-star resort questionna dinner at this stunning chairs tocash machine, supplies warmi Phuket has the source calledChapel of Love and compressed content. Corfu Hotel, having speak. andand adds to the 9 Thailand - golden beaches. is not always into ‘briquettes’, program rnation is the you while ilities will run the glamour of wouldn’t the famous Systems into Content Management the outback or down use? Also, fossil energy (it can marry atburned island of Corfu, Greece s mmer bbreak. A Doand the secondsurvey is Dorada ’t want theWho sines summer do you calm of No wi-fi to make out soon which are going on their main Feel the turn rental, Brazil ts- Whostay wouldn sooner fuels are hotels and rotating changes a steady to create winning storednow e are po popular in Greece Aboriginal customer site.of phone Spain.chair campsite in spectacle. moderates it? it’s their 4responsib energy that hat are in m Rio ordelater. Janeiro? There are limited: seas and relax in turbines constantly) can be dangerousand and enjoy large your honeymoon However, heat or generate own site. and make it easy to 5 Write your Bu Meeting Greece, Spain and France a five-star this natural Yes The who chose excitement of the beaches more efficient other ways want to swim in the clearbirds. growing in the casinos. You don’t electricity. build your administrator content. As Park, and enjoybrand ts when important the participan on time . beach makes it the The perfect for losing) money crops code like need Inte tourist spots and a kage ho package holiday What Did you choose it? If not, participan the mostmake sure of Onekind?chair is to tion Advert the meeting are ends Copacabana Sandy discussed place for d a romantic walk. Then words (1-4) to theirviews before a one visit Sugarloaf definitions (a-d). and less 1990s. first polluting. night They were 5 Write the English its best hotels? websites appeared to the following: in phrases that correspond C Unlike every (or F amounts of land, as for biofuel well as pesticides. used to requires Language), HTML (Hyper to program in the languageText Markup information You have you can the site or edit existing upload new information. sets: that 3 Matchisthe nominate for spectacular3 full-board quite basic the early other way A certain write commonly content and complete control the Lexical did you (1-5) of the recommenda What and the agenda Mountain samba bands. static page ottimo rapporto qualità-prezzo: solar (or of making amount your content web pages. You contained with just to get Formal who to the on meeting, dancing holiday to the information. 1that photovoltaic) lake (reservoir) of water can access over the • meetings culture es the accommodation How types person Personal on itschedule in a shop items 1 someone of package the of good food 1 Readand 4 amenities some key electricity cells do notFACTFILEelectricity, is made fromwriting an artificial normally, write it 24/7. strategies 1orMatc Match informal. (or the it for you) Saw all the meeting 2 half-board the he texts of internet Since then, light falls generators and magnetism. work using tunnels, to platforms a letter, the same • business es: (sometim photo (a-e). end photos and minutes said. texts. Match are provided by tools 2and essere rinnovato: the diexplosion on HONEYMOON generating operating huge flow through and these user-friendly as of different ‘affective Competenc key of German be formal t and 3 bungalow bought 5 this about apartmentOther the what ’ and takeswhatawas 1 biomass breakfast, 2lunch ss ene and dinner the users wordsdifferent bisogno haapps has given(a-f). from (silicon)a solar cell, the When a honeymoon. electricity. turbines upload it for 6 Decide how a lot audiences. called and in advance starfalse (F). ) energy (1‑6) to ways material • 99% of couples takequite you. to structure use target • researching cs can d to hot 1 hotel or called a 4 tent ‘chair’ learn product? IfDuring ‘other’, of the hotel 3 wind energynergy with each the photos endings web of communicating turns it directlycaptures the it is made cost: €3000. inexpensive, Hydroelectric and need a homepage your Advertisersof their a product planned 2(T) as ‘secretary record that make your staya particularly more 4 hydroelectricother. Social to the le aspettative di: (a‑f). to chair light’s energy • Average an artificial Caribbean as it’s andnotEurope. Choose energy is where peoplesite; you use a technique take feel positively ad characteristi culture Facilities • Fitness Pool • Restaurant • Bar/Lounge Courtmeetings Meetings Centre are schedule trueis a B& B&B role involves particular Price are a geothermal facilities/servicesermal e 5 solar quick non 3 energy s (1-6) raggiunge networks for a long into electricity. • Topanddestinations:because 2 the Americas,lake nowadays. on the beach.It difficult to buildyour domain the name of b) expensive time (about 20 years) or ‘contact the website and they energy Solar cells address). can see attention s often business • Spa and Answer There technique thatparticipant which your ideas energy and someone easytoway circulate are lusso: activities: sightseeing, Toplast itrelaxing does not honeymoon. is also (website means consumers detergent Room • Squash lities. Quality offer pleasant a 6hotel and/or merchandise. However, their reliable, Make sure an ‘about the Earth to install. Also, the themes us’ section. Choose text. influenced the beginning fossil but •can dream depend flowers, with Gym/Workout regular times. objects to buy are provided bywe still needfuelsrequires the to share tocco di couples go on the a name you choose us’ Advertiser which things machine sunshine,their brand as a months) the condition’ withmost seniorwho called What Special it was advertised breakfast and dinner need 4 mancava quel receive different different • Onlybe1 in 4 to the environment. creation of on the reservoirs. comweather. that is , . net , or easy to remember. or templates to other a washing only responsibi c) at a fixed websites? you So why do one of condition,’ Services not 5 Read particular at Activities severalproduct the person ‘affective the role. the decision The way by a company 3 Match meeting b etc. meeting and sunshine partsAdapted http://hitched-wife.org/wedding-facts-economics/ of from: plants is damaging content management available it next babies, showing about meetings are ate • Children’s is prepared a holiday organised Well, formal to stay is often hardamounts of sunlight Also, hydroelectric popular . org are 1 Thehas the system and on your • Free wi-fi Internet about. tools. product? d) of travel, 1 A hotel websites the submit course, don’t place For example, with good has Free Parking who sometimes the takes and the meeting,s - What could be more exciting Other after a the cost ts are really need sue stelle: work extensions the most give each brand Repeatedly feel Meetingsto communic • Room Service • Free showing Breakfast is good or advertst who what price that includes that you 2 Before 5 merita leyou the sun doesn’t to predict over the years for a very companies power and page an appropriate be sure to about. their (Kid/Family Friendly) chair feel see in techniquesfor theal. 2are Kenya in theand prepare these If ‘other’, have total participan takes onthe only mediumis to set shine at night! – and of silt (sand long time, becauseare now although some line – this items. consumers company for companies also Access • Meeting Thepeoplemeeting, going on safari put controltime, will slow tells users title and FASCICOLI place will similar makes to make Every daily activities. for employees with Internet , andCentrethey’re • Business you a participantopics thefood or cooking of is commerci that the wedding than participant and see Think about 3 The your product secretary to finish over. You verdi: the flow of and dirt) like .pizza fromwith for example, using their can expect what tag or other stylists’ for of Cleaning • Laundry Service • Concierge at 2 The a list that decides Marac National Reserve answers with from the boxis to The icon. on4 there the correct or event meetings le areecan water. of planning a honeymoon the river really mainstream own, to find there. information they items way Rooms • Drybut for advert actors of items honeymoon 6 a curare these are - Barcelona a city for normal up your want of some and these too. ‘food stylists part in companies meeting, a child chair b Maasai how the class. text. Find: to habitat? 4 to buy the words Match frequency the5news If you and it won’t information . 7 Complete the stages Then put the stages intothe not with use food chicken an important clients, Multilingual Staff • Self-Service theusing draws word basis use The toilets. and their natural incompare 5c the Spain cityfeed get pushed find. and can detergent often on the they other • Banquet Room • their include chair on the n. group. the amazing wildlife the decision of meetings. looking for a bustling iscourt purpose by otherdiscussion down WhileChoose the best words from the text. be difficult the ents example, tight Then each ate withdone. whichFacilities • ,Babysitting The 3 Another in for childrenthe targetads’is discussed circulates ns B Now to present 1 Read the purposes s describing . couples • self-service launderette town • tennis The a constantly a6 wonderful for users.meeting. the The news feed ts. 5 Read the top 10. it’s trueforthat Add plug-ins. advertisemgood. For the skin thread. which with Laundry • Conference problems , 4theAds agenda, discussio item forthan ‘ambient chair meeting. report influence 1 five expression image? ? thebox scheduled calm • free an old • dry cleaning of parking with with • wi-fi updated d the) mostitems offlow by2big online honeymoon destination these three the Web is dominatedcorrect order. 7 that you can Plug-ins are extra Food look will pull and towels, just to communic get work purposes, In your room each Thetranslatiothe product’s •aresafety deposit lots of restaurants a recent news of information, participan Match companies, Filltoincreate below. the 3 Find an special beach. The old city has such as diving younger find questions: page. the table will take. minutes internet to their your website.add to the template functions food types is advertised type of it is the chicken with a needle paper the chicken they differentRoom , solving proposals submit canin which s before advertising 2 four by the meetings A bwebsite ) meeting.at all the to the top of the couples. website your very energy still possible a Arrange some excursions your website. company wet the insides how have Airhow Conditioning 5theYou order (1-4) • Did al or in meetings. a romantic You c setting. is an the online 3Tanya want to goown super successful (1‑6) from to host to expand roasted it up with roast Suites making discussion model phone?influenced the whichproduct roles a (F). andbbars ts. in can put ) agenda ‘shop COMPETENCES and dMatchif you Exercise _ _ _ _ _ _ ___. company This functions You can sew chicken Then they while Meetings ng contracts on, , planningRefrigerator words thethe to the participant3 role market the you the way3 three promotion or false c and it will ) anything the you . window’. 1 Antony Can you andthe can spot farwords froma gap and 1 s _ for web means paying like giving install different and the fat. cooked an appetising Non-Smoking Rooms long by a (T) statemenemployees s. dstay there. want on correspon yoursunny own offer something (1‑8)intothe to the paragraphs connect space so a gallery for access to look bird negotiati g informati objectives 6 Match 4 mass • Were like false use? objectives display somewhere that for currently1 thunderstorm market. their your site example. stuff will the chickenthe skin the Family Roomstasks. Minibar basis agenda you true 6 Create text page a web they live. They want online that definitions Look at h _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ destinations. (A‑F). that to the internet. they a photo paint are and the (a-d). e • Do influenced the thee classthe ways in companie e) on schedule. the Edinburgh,better?where 2 magnetavailable, they a isn’t b (a‑h). keeps to make presentin goals allocatingon a regular to deal d you 2 Answer kind? the price? correct doesone of other from hotel/campsite. Then or if itand beautiful is, can You can enough raw. Then they child actors setting and 1 to place audience 10 • Were What wasThen phone are each f) words somewherecreate3quiet accommodation dynamo and type. follow these simple you ) do itthe contamination f _ _ _ _ _ _ to the island. The 8 use to your site, widgets to add For example, and them What guestsorsay: one-off, 2 target modello globale the questions. offer? important of mobile brand? ate with regularly time.f the A Decide on the like the seawant your 4and hot toown climates. make b) steps c Look at of the 4 company remain brown. children, or 12-year- to achieve are scheduled ies. the text. Answer 1 Meetings 13 4 Write site: amenities you pollution to go to a city withc ) toa storm with thunder earth, air that hosts like a sidebar features for audience. 11- annually), esempio,2diRead massa, book foreign holidays? • How brands popular happen e at a specific f the following:B List all the del giorno:Fulvio and 5Elena want a piece etcawith _ _willbeach s _ _harmful also give your website that shows how many or a Corfu and emergenc most communic d meetings place a and with you an 1 toRead people havecounter golden ents electromagnetism the site. substances the target show toy. 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They to(1-6) live in Rome and 7 power the so to a separateusers can Build typically for with models, an advert playing as role to be like. on with with For us it did however fall short of five star as it lacked d) pubblico 3 Which Wh from are three figures does a package holiday include? and chairs 1 apps 3 dirigere/pr (a-f). plant 8 globalin Europe. visit somewhere 23 2 Chooseand want e ) a machine increase e for Book ainflight to Bora Bora andemail don’tofhave the overall makeyou property attracting to put your account 9 think can in links to other be useful. websites that you who warming f) sea. address old modelschildren will want have found in other places. the4 What Wh 2 news redigere: : 3 HTML London the correct an installation converting mechanical _ _ _ _ _ _ on the b _temperature online. private advertisetoilet the touch of luxury we value for Write what Wh is half-board • 1908accommodation? person the meeting. feed contrasts.4 argomenti : 4 domain 3 Henry and Zahra live in 1 5 plug-in reservations in a of the Earth’s older illegally public that the hotel is excellent 5 What 3 The boss. lead is a modern city of Websites g) alternative. where magnetism energy Overall I would say that 7 as muchadvantage of self-catering? 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