Seasonal School - Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna
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Seasonal School Benvenute/i Welcome alla Scuola to Sant’Anna Superiore Sant’Anna School Sono lieta di presentarvi le “Seasonal I am delighted to present to you the School” della Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna di “Seasonal Schools” offered by the Pisa destinate a brillanti studenti universitari e Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies of dottorandi italiani e stranieri. Pisa and designed for brilliant Italian and foreign undergraduate and graduate students. Fin dalla sua costituzione, la Scuola si è distinta per essere una learning community Since its establishment, the School has in cui docenti e allievi interagiscono ed distinguished as a learning community in affrontano tematiche di ricerca di frontiera con which faculty and students closely interact un approccio interdisciplinare. La missione to address frontier research topics with an della Scuola è, infatti, quella di essere interdisciplinary approach. The School’s una istituzione pubblica di riferimento e di mission is indeed to be a high-quality public qualità, dove il talento è messo in campo per institution of reference, where talent is prendersi cura del mondo e per contribuire nurtured to take care of the world and to con responsabilità alla sua crescita culturale contribute with a strong sense of responsibility e alla sua sostenibilità, nel rispetto dei valori to its cultural growth and its sustainability, in costituzionali. line with our constitutional values. Con questa missione, ci rivolgiamo agli With this mission in mind, we call on the gifted studenti e studentesse universitari italiani e Italian and foreign students who are eager to stranieri di alto merito desiderosi di mettere in bring their talent into play by participating in a gioco il proprio talento partecipando ad una Seasonal School: an intensive course, of one Seasonal School: un corso intensivo, di una or two weeks, on-site or online, focused on o due settimane, a carattere residenziale o interdisciplinary frontier research topics. in modalità on line, dedicato a tematiche di frontiera interdisciplinari. I hope I will soon have an opportunity to meet you and to welcome you into our Mi auguro di potervi incontrare presto per lively scientific community, where research accogliervi nella nostra comunità scientifica becomes the training ground for education. ricca di stimoli, in cui la ricerca diventa la palestra di apprendimento per la formazione. Sabina Nuti Sabina Nuti Rettrice Rector
Rankings Times Higher 170° posto a livello Times Higher 170th at the Education World mondiale su 1.527 Education World international level University istituzioni censite University on a census of Rankings 2021 Rankings 2021 1.527 institutions 7° posto a livello 2° posto a livello mondiale fra le 2nd at the national 7th at world level of nazionale su 49 giovani università level on a census best young universities istituzioni censite con meno di 50 anni of 49 institutions under 50 years old
Seasonal School Chi siamo About us “A research university, a school of talent, “A research university, a school of talent, for a more sustainable and inclusive for a more sustainable and inclusive world” world” Questo è il motto della Scuola Superiore This is the motto of the Sant’Anna School of Sant’Anna, che si qualifica innanzitutto come Advanced Studies, which, first and foremost, una research university riconosciuta a livello qualifies itself as a research university, internazionale per la qualità della ricerca internationally renowned for the quality of condotta nei suoi Istituti e laboratori. the research carried out in its Institutes and La Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna è un istituto laboratories. universitario pubblico a statuto speciale, che Sant’Anna School is a special-statute public si propone di promuovere, a livello nazionale e university that aims to promote, on a national internazionale, lo sviluppo della cultura e della and international level, the development ricerca scientifica e tecnologica nell’ambito of culture and scientific and technological delle Scienze Economiche e Manageriali, research in the fields of Economic and Scienze Giuridiche, Scienze Politiche, Managerial Sciences, Legal Sciences, Scienze Agrarie e Biotecnologie vegetali, Political Science, Agricultural sciences and Scienze Mediche e Ingegneria Industriale e Plant biotechnology, Medical Sciences and dell’Informazione. Industrial and Information Engineering. La Scuola ha, da sempre, l’obiettivo di Since its foundation, Sant’Anna School has sperimentare percorsi innovativi nella ricerca e had the goal of experimenting innovative formazione in un contesto interdisciplinare e di programmes in research and training continuo scambio culturale e intellettuale tra activities, with an interdisciplinary approach docenti ed allievi. and in a context of continuous cultural and Da qui nascono idee innovative, sviluppate in intellectual exchange between faculty and collaborazione con università, enti, aziende students. e istituti di ricerca stranieri. Grazie al suo Innovative ideas are born and developed in carattere internazionale, alla formazione di this environment, in collaboration with foreign eccellenza e alla comunità scientifica, la universities, institutions, companies and Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna vuole essere research centres. Sant’Anna School wants punto di riferimento in Italia e all’estero. to grow its role as a point of reference in Italy and abroad, thanks to its international nature, its focus on excellence, and its active scientific community.
Seasonal School Ricerca Frontier di frontiera Research Affrontare i problemi con un approccio Addressing problems with an interdisciplinary interdisciplinare e condividere le conoscenze approach and sharing the knowledge acquisite in ambiti diversi rappresenta la acquired in different environments represents nuova sfida della ricerca. the research challenge of the future. Gli Istituti e i laboratori di ricerca della The School’s Institutes and laboratories now Scuola si aprono agli studenti di talento per open their doors to talented students and coinvolgerli nei loro progetti sulle tematiche di involve them in their cutting-edge research avanguardia per il progresso della scienza e projects for the progress of science and della società. society. Dove siamo Where we are Pisa, città d’arte, di cultura e di scienza è un Pisa is a city of art, science and culture, an museo a cielo aperto famosa non solo per open-air museum that is not only famous la bellissima Piazza dei Miracoli, patrimonio for the beautiful “Piazza dei Miracoli”, a dell’UNESCO, ma anche per le sue istituzioni UNESCO World Heritage Site, but also universitarie e di ricerca che costituiscono un for its universities and research centres, centro d’eccellenza e di innovazione per la which constitute a cluster of excellence and formazione e la ricerca tra i più avanzati del innovation in education and research among mondo. A Pisa hanno studiato illustri scienziati the most advanced in the world. come Galileo Galilei, Enrico Fermi, Antonio Illustrious scientists such as Galileo Galilei, Pacinotti, Carlo Rubbia e ospita tuttora talenti Enrico Fermi, Antonio Pacinotti, Carlo Rubbia che danno vita ad un ambiente accademico studied in Pisa, and the city continues to vivace ed attivo che contribuisce ad arricchire hosts talents that create an active and lively l’esperienza universitaria degli studenti che vi academic environment, contributing to a entrino in contatto. Strade e piazze popolate richer university experience for all students da turisti e studenti provenienti da ogni parte who take part in it. del mondo la rendono una città accogliente e Pisa’s streets and squares, populated by stimolante anche per concludere una intensa tourists and students from all over the world, giornata di studio. make it a welcoming and stimulating city to discover after an intense day of study!
Le Seasonal School The Seasonal Schools Cosa sono What the Seasonal Schools are Le Seasonal School sono percorsi The Seasonal Schools are training formativi di eccellenza a carattere fortemente programmes “of excellence”, which are interdisciplinare, focalizzati sulle tematiche di strongly interdisciplinary, and focused on the ricerca di frontiera della Scuola. School’s frontier research topics. Durata Duration Le Seasonal School hanno la durata di una The Seasonal Schools have a duration of one o due settimane, si svolgono prevalentemente or two weeks; they are held predominantly in lingua inglese e possono avere carattere in English and may be held on-site or residenziale oppure svolgersi con modalità online. Participants will be awarded a di didattica a distanza. Al termine del certificate of attendance at the end of the percorso, successivamente al superamento programme after passing a final examination, di una prova finale, è previsto il rilascio with full recognition of the credits (CFU) di un attestato di partecipazione con il indicated in each call. riconoscimento dei CFU indicati nei singoli bandi. A chi si rivolgono Addressees Sono destinate a studenti universitari iscritti ai They are open to university students enrolled corsi di Laurea triennale, di Laurea Magistrale in Bachelor Degree, Masters’ Degree and e ai corsi PhD che abbiano le medesime PhD courses, and who have the same caratteristiche di profitto degli studenti della advancement characteristics as the School’s Scuola. Le Seasonal School sono occasioni students. The Seasonal Schools are also di incontro e confronto per entrare in contatto opportunities for meetings and exchanges con altri studenti di merito provenienti da tutta with other high-performing students from Italia e dall’estero, da vivere “dentro” le nostre all over Italy as well as from abroad, to strutture e i nostri laboratori. be experienced “inside” our facilities and laboratories. Requisiti Admission requirements Sono ammessi gli studenti iscritti ad un corso Candidates eligible for admission will be: di laurea o di dottorato di università italiane students enrolled in a Bachelor degree, e straniere in pari con gli esami previsti dai Masters’ Degree or PhD course at an Italian diversi regolamenti didattici e con una media or foreign university, and who are on track di profitto pari almeno a 27/30 per il sistema relative to the examinations required by their italiano o almeno B per quello internazionale. educational institutions and with an average L’accesso alle Seasonal School prevede il examination mark at least equal to 27/30 in possesso della conoscenza autocertificata the Italian system, or at least B in international della lingua in cui si svolgerà il corso pari o system. Access to Seasonal Schools requires superiore al livello B2 qualora gli studenti non a self-certified knowledge of the teaching siano di madre lingua. language at or above B2 level if students are not mother tongue speakers.
Seasonal School Come accedere alle Seasonal How to apply to the Seasonal School Schools Per ogni Seasonal School viene pubblicato The Calls for Application published at un bando di concorso dove si trovano tutte le informazioni sulle modalità di partecipazione e contain all the necessary information on how sulla documentazione necessaria per inviare la to participate and what documentation is candidatura. I bandi vengono pubblicati sulla required in order to submit the application pagina: online. Costi Costs I costi e le modalità di pagamento sono The costs and methods of payment are indicati nei bandi delle singole Seasonal indicated in the Calls of the individual School. Seasonal Schools. La quota di iscrizione include oltre alla Besides attending the lessons, the enrolment partecipazione alle lezioni anche il materiale fee also includes the study materials, in di studio, il vitto e l’alloggio nel caso addition to full board and lodging in the case di iniziative in presenza. of on-site courses. Agevolazioni e premi Preferential rates and prizes In base al proprio ISEE universitario sono A reduction in the enrolment fee is available previste riduzioni della quota di iscrizione. based on the applicant’s income. Le Università italiane e straniere Italian and foreign Universities with specific convenzionate hanno diritto ad un posto agreements with Sant’Anna School are riservato e alla tariffa agevolata del 10% entitled to reserved places and to a 10% sui costi di iscrizione. reduction in the enrolment costs. Ai tre partecipanti che, al termine del corso, A 450 € scholarship provided by Fondazione avranno conseguito la valutazione migliore Talento all’Opera Onlus will be assigned to verrà erogata una borsa di studio pari a 450 the three best performing participants of each euro finanziata dalla Fondazione Talento course. all’Opera Onlus ( Alloggi Accommodation Gli studenti delle Seasonal School sono Students are accommodated in the School’s ospitati nelle strutture della Scuola, foresteria facilities, guesthouses or residences of the o residenze del collegio, o in alberghi college, or in affiliated hotels, subject to convenzionati, secondo disponibilità. availability. The facilities are located close Le strutture sono collocate nelle immediate to the School in order to allow participants vicinanze della Scuola così da permettere ai to fully enjoy the city of Pisa and its historic partecipanti di godere appieno della città di center. Pisa e del suo centro storico.
Il network The talent del talento network Forte della sua esperienza, la Scuola Superiore On the strength of its experience, the Sant’Anna si propone quale soggetto facilitatore Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies e di coordinamento per la costituzione della proposes itself as a facilitator and coordinator rete del talento attraverso la collaborazione for the establishment of a talent network con università italiane e straniere e altri soggetti through collaboration with Italian and foreign istituzionali interessati ad offrire ai propri studenti universities and other instiitutional subjects di merito una formazione integrativa sulle in order to offer their students of merit an tematiche di ricerca più avanzate. integrative training on the most advanced research topics. Al momento hanno aderito al progetto le seguenti università ed enti: Fondazione At the moment, the following Universities Onaosi, Politecnico delle Marche, and associations have joined the project: Università di Bolzano, Università della Fondazione Onaosi, University of Catania, Calabria, Università di Camerino, University of Tuscia, University of Università di Catania, Università di Trento, University of Messina, University Macerata, Università di Messina, Università of Macerata, University of Camerino, di Palermo, Università di Trento, Università University of Calabria, University of della Tuscia, Università della Valle d’Aosta. Palermo, Aosta Valley University, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Marche Alle Università convenzionate è riservato almeno Polytechnic University. un posto per ogni corso in programma oltre ad una riduzione del 10% delle spese di iscrizione Affiliated universities are reserved at least one a tutti gli studenti e le studentesse, fermi place for each course included in the program restando i criteri di selezione previsti dal bando as well as a 10% reduction in enrolment di ammissione. costs for all students, without prejudice to the selection criteria set out in the admission call. å Il network delle collaborazioni è å The network of collaborations in costante evoluzione, le Università is constantly evolving. Universities interessate ad aderire al progetto interested in joining the Talento in Rete Talento in rete possono contattarci per project can contact us for more details avere maggiori dettagli e informazioni and information Tel. +39 050 883204 Ph. +39 050 883204
Seasonal School I collegi di merito Italian university colleges of merit Il Protocollo d’intesa sottoscritto nel gennaio As provided in the Memorandum of 2021 tra la Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna e la Understanding finalized by Sant’Anna School Conferenza dei Collegi Universitari di Merito and the Conferenza dei Collegi Universitari prevede l’attivazione di una collaborazione di Merito (CCUM) in January 2021, students strutturata tra le due istituzioni, aprendo of the 52 Italian University Colleges of la partecipazione alle Seasonal School a Merit joining the association, can participate studentesse e a studenti dei 52 Collegi to Seasonal School with a 10% reduction in Universitari di Merito aderenti alla Conferenza enrolment costs. con una tariffa agevolata del 10%. Fermi Moreover, for every course, Sant’Anna restando i criteri di selezione previsti dal bando reserves at least 1 position for a student di ammissione, la Scuola riserva almeno un coming from a University College of Merit, posto per ogni corso ad una studentessa upon appointment of CCUM and the fulfilment o studente dei Collegi Universitari di Merito of the selection criteria provided by the call for segnalato dalla Conferenza. admission of every course. Il progetto EELISA EELISA – European Universities EELISA, European Engineering Learning EELISA, European Engineering Learning Innovation and Science Alliance, è un Innovation and Science Alliance, is a project network del programma European Universitues developed within the framework of the European a cui partecipa la Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Universities program wich brings together nine che riunisce nove istituzioni universitarie europee Higher Education Institutions from seven different con l’obiettivo di definire e implementare countries in Europe with the aim of defining un modello condiviso di ingegnere europeo and implementing a shared model of European radicato nella società contemporanea. engineer rooted in society. Per gli studenti e le studentesse delle Università Students enrolled in the following Universities, partner (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, partner of the network: Universidad Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Politécnica de Madrid, Budapesti Műszaki Egyetem, École Nationale des Ponts és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem, École et Chaussées, Friedrich-Alexander- Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, İstanbul Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen- Teknik Üniversitesi, Scuola Normale Nürnberg, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Superiore, Universitatea Politehnica din Scuola Normale Superiore, Universitatea Bucureşti, Université Paris Sciences et Politehnica din Bucureşti and Université Lettres) non è previsto il pagamento della quota Paris Sciences et Lettres are waived from the di iscrizione ma solo delle spese di viaggio e enrollment fees and have to pay only for travel alloggio. and accomodation.
Seasonal School Program
English / On site ï Next-Generation Cyber-Physical Systems Software Technologies, Artificial Intelligence, and Design Methodologies P Period Computer Science, Electronic Engineering, 13-17 September 2021 Automation/Robotic Engineering, Physics, and & Deadline for Registration Mathematics. 22 August 2021 Coordinator and key teaching staff Learning objectives Coordinator: Alessandro Biondi The Seasonal School will provide participants Key teaching staff: Giorgio Buttazzo, with competences required to face the design, Marco Di Natale, Tommaso Cucinotta, the analysis, and the realization of cyber- Luca Abeni physical systems (CPS) that are safe, secure, and predictable from a timing perspective. Particular attention will be devoted to CPS that make use of Artificial Intelligence algorithms, which are more exposed to safety and security threats. The courses offered by the Seasonal School will cover real-time computing, design of embedded systems, machine learning, cyber-security, operating systems and hypervisors, and edge computing with hardware acceleration. Transversal skills will also be provided by means of courses on innovation management, management of intellectual property, and civil liability. Teaching methodologies Lectures will be provided in the form of both interactive frontal teaching and practical demonstrations that illustrate the application of the techniques and methodologies addressed during the Seasonal School. Industry experts will also provide lectures. Who should attend this Seasonal School Undergraduate, postgraduate and PhD students with a background on Computer Engineering,
English / On site ï Cybersecurity A multidisciplinary perspective P Period science part. The teaching methodology 20-25 September 2021 will privilege an active learning stance; & Deadline for Registration thus, different formats will be included in 29 August 2021 the didactic programme – lectures, round tables, case studies, simulations and gaming Learning objectives exercises – in order to stimulate the fruitful The Seasonal School aims to address the interaction, critical engagement and problem- issue of cybersecurity through a cross- solving skills of all participants. During disciplinary analytical approach, combining the teaching sessions as well as during computer science and social sciences, in the informal social events the participants order to provide participants with the tools will have the opportunity to enlarge their to understand and discuss the various networks, getting in touch with experts and dimensions of cybersecurity from a technical, academics. theoretical and legal point of view. The Seasonal School will offer the participants an Who should attend this Seasonal School updated and comprehensive understanding BA and MA students enrolled in undergraduate on the different dimensions of cybersecurity, and postgraduate programmes in Political with the aim of raising awareness of the Sciences, Law, Economics, Computer Science, opportunities and risks associated with Information Technology, Computer Engineering, new technologies, in order to allow them to Management Engineering. develop a critical attitude towards the most problematic and controversial aspects of Coordinator and key teaching staff cybersecurity issues. Coordinator: Anna Loretoni Key teaching staff: Giovanni Comandé, Teaching methodologies Tommaso Cucinotta, Rocco De Nicola, In line with the multidisciplinary approach Luigi Martino, Elisa Piras at the base of the Seasonal School, the participants will be exposed to insights and research-based information provided by a qualified faculty of junior/senior academics and experts. The Seasonal School is structured in such a way as to provide all the participants a cross-disciplinary knowledge while ensuring, at the same time, differentiated paths for those who decide to deepen the engineering part or the social
English / On line T IACH InnovACtion in Health care: strategies, performance and data management P Period methodological approach will be discussed. 27 September-1 October 2021 & Deadline for Registration Teaching methodologies 12 September 2021 The IAC School is a full online web-based programme. Partecipants wll be asked to join Learning objectives the online class once or twice a week. A mix The IAC School will cover specific research of lecture-based and laboratory classes will topics underpinning public health care be developed by professors and researches. system, with an emphasis on the analysis of Participants will be actively engaged through real word evidence and data for a better use a balanced mix of interactive theoretical of assets and resources to achieve better lectures and simulations, debates and outcomes and improved efficiency of care, real case studies discussions. Moreover, as well on the recent managerial implication facilitators will be available in order to of the recent pandemic of coronavirus facilitate the interactions and improve the disease 2019 (COVID-19). Students will discussion during the lab classes. explore, with both a theoretical and empirical approach, tools and frameworks related to Who should attend this Seasonal School data management, business and process The seasonal school is open to undergraduate, reengineering, innovation strategies, decision- postgraduate and PhD students from various making process and performance assessment backgrounds who are interested in the field of in the field of health care services. Moreover, health care management. innovative solution to boost patients and community participation, engagement and Coordinator and key teaching staff co-production in the care process will be Coordinator: Sabina De Rosis discussed and analysed in different setting assisted by Sara Barsanti of care. Students will be able to discuss Key teaching staff: Sabina Nuti, challenging research issues, such as: how to Milena Vainieri, Chiara Seghieri, Michele Emdin, measure and assess the performance of a Claudio Passino, Nicola Bellè, Paola Cantarelli, care; what are possible data driven solutions Francesca Ferrè, Anna Maria Murante, to cope with variation; how to develop Federico Vola innovative interventions based on patients centred care; what are the main levers to improve quality and appropriateness of care and how to address challenges facing the pandemic crisis from the organizational perspective. Finally, different research
English / On site ï MEDSKILL Development of MEDical SKILLs by Simulation P Period Teaching methodologies 4-8 October 2021 The MEDSKILLS initiative will deliver both & Deadline for Registration lectures and hands-on lab sessions. 9 September 2021 Each practical session is preceded by an introductory lesson on the theoretical Learning objectives aspects of the maneuvers that will be carried As of today, the need for practical skills and out and followed by a debriefing session. problem-solving capabilities remains largely The course aims to provide preparation on unmet in many medical school curricula transthoracic and abdominal ultrasound across Europe. Medical school education, in methods and the main cardiovascular and fact, remains largely anchored to a traditional abdominal diseases. The course is divided paradigm of learning a discrete amount of into formal theoretical lessons and practical information about pathophysiology principles internships in the Simulabo classroom and illnesses’ descriptions, without worrying with the use of the Vimedix ultrasound and about developing the skills necessary to advanced echocardiography simulator. work confidently “on the patient”. Digital tools based on macro-and microsimulation, thanks Who should attend this Seasonal School to their flexibility, effectiveness, accuracy Undergraduate medical students (V-VII and accessibility may give a fundamental academic year), postgraduate M.D.s contribution in solving this issue, and we candidacies can be evaluated. want to apply their potential in undergraduate medical students’ education. The MEDSKILL Coordinator and key teaching staff school will allow students to: Coordinator: Michele Emdin 1) get in touch with digital tools that Key teaching staff: Claudio Passino, facilitate the study of anatomy, physiology, Nicola Bellè, Alberto Giannoni, pathophysiology and clinical reasoning; Emilio Pasanisi, Francesco Sbrana, 2) confront virtual patients/mannequins, Marco Ciardetti, Giuseppe Vergaro, interpret their artificial symptoms / signs Angelo Monteleone, Vladyslav Chubuchnyi, and make decisions, taking into account Claudia Taddei, Elisa Poggianti the appropriateness of the choice, as well as ethical correlates and sustainability; 3) mimic clinical situations to test patient communication skills, simulate the use of diagnostic equipment, team leaders and interventional therapies.
English / On site ï INSIDER Innovazioni nel Sistema della Rappresentanza P Period Who should attend this Seasonal School 11-16 October 2021 Undergraduate, postgraduate and PhD students & Deadline for Registration from different backgrounds who are interested 12 September 2021 in the course topics (e.g., law, political science, social sciences, sociology, philosophy, etc.). Learning objectives The seasonal school offers a selective study Coordinator and key teaching staff program open to motivated undergraduate Coordinators: Emanuele Rossi, Valerio Di Porto, and PhD students, giving them the Fabio Pacini opportunity to obtain a specific training on Key teaching staff: Francesca Biondi, Luca Gori, the main current issues concerning political Elena Vivaldi representation, electoral and parliamentary law in a comparative and interdisciplinary perspective that includes law, political science, political philosophy, economy as well as the contribution of other fields (e.g., ICTs). It is a kind of training that no ordinary university course is able to provide, in particular due to the presence of speakers with different background and expertise. The students will therefore acquire skills that will allow them to critically consider from different points of view the various paradigm changes in political representation. Teaching methodologies The course will be conducted by lecturers of different backgrounds, thus enabling participants to look at the subject matter from an interdisciplinary perspective. The course will be articulated in lectures, working groups, case studies as well as meetings with experts. Unless otherwise indicated, the lessons will be held in Italian. An advanced knowledge of the Italian language is therefore required.
English / On site ï CESM Circular Economy And Sustainability Management Managing the transition towards a circular economy P Period engaged in the training process thanks to 18-22 October 2021 the integration of the theoretical concepts & Deadline for Registration with the practical experience under the 13 September 2021 guidance of the trainers, encompassing both academics and practitioners. The use of Learning objectives experiential techniques and the articulation The main target of the Circular Economy of training and laboratories will allow the and Sustainability Management (CESM) participants to consolidate existing skills seasonal school is represented by students and increase self-awareness. The innovative from different backgrounds interested in teaching methods will also rely extensively the field of efficient resource management on companies’ experiences in order to and circular economy. The CESM course provide real world examples and lessons explores organizational aspects and learnt. Case studies will also be included innovation facets related to all phases of amongst the teaching tools on the purpose the product life cycle; moreover, it provides of encouraging the practical practical overview of how processes, decisions and business models should Who should attend this Seasonal School change in light of the new circular economy Undergraduate, postgraduate and PhD paradigm. In more detail, the CESM seasonal students from different backgrounds (e.g. school consists of 9 training modules lasting management, economics, law, political science, half day each on issues such as: circular engineering, life sciences) who are interested economy assessment, circular design, in understanding how to manage the transition strategy development & business models, process towards the circular economy communication. Finally, a half-day laboratory paradigm. is scheduled to apply what students have learned in all previous lessons. Therefore, Coordinator and key teaching staff the learning objectives of CESM encompass: Coordinator: Marco Frey helping participants to acquire a framework Key teaching staff: Fabio Iraldo, of useful skills to seize the opportunities in Francesco Testa, Francesco Rizzi, the economic shift; managing the challenges Massimo Battaglia, Tiberio Daddi, and transformation processes in a circular Natalia Gusmerotti, Eleonora Annuniziata, logic in order to encourage the practical Filippo Corsini application of the knowledge gained. Teaching methodologies Students will be interactively and proactively
English / On line T UN and FAO 2021 year of Fruits and Vegetables (F&V) Advancements in postharvest technologies to reduce losses and improve nutritional and functional properties of F&V P Period Teaching methodologies 20-29 October 2021 Considering the evolution of the COVID-19 & Deadline for Registration pandemic and the related-restrictions, 27 September 2021 lessons will be offered on-line. Students will find an interactive and cross- Learning objectives disciplinary learning environment with The United Nations and FAO have declared several experts participating in the program 2021 as the International Year of Fruits and presenting their experience in four didactic Vegetables (F&V). The Year aims to direct modules: attention to reducing loss and waste of I – New insights in ripening, senescence, these highly perishable produce items and to and postharvest physiology of F&V; raise awareness of the nutritional and health II – Storage protocols and postharvest benefits of consuming more F&V. These two losses: causes and impacts; III – goals can be achieved through concerted Nutritional and functional properties actions in the different steps of F&V value of F&V and quality changes after chain from the field to the consumer. In this harvest, IV – Postharvest Technology context postharvest strategies and handling and Biotechnology and F&V quality in a protocols play key roles. changing world. Main issues addressed by the Seasonal School are related to higher availability of F&V, Who should attend this Seasonal School reduction of postharvest losses, global quality Undergraduate, postgraduate and PhD students assurance, including nutritional and functional from different backgrounds (e.g. agricultural attributes, and increased convenience to science, food technology, plant science, biology) stimulate opportunities of consumption; this who are interested in understanding key steps, will imply improved knowledge of biological between the producer and the consumer, of the and physiological processes of ripening, supply and value chain of F&V. senescence and host/pathogen interaction, of most advanced innovations in quality Coordinator and key teaching staff evaluation techniques, in minimal-processing, Coordinator: Pietro Tonutti in active and smart packaging, and in state- Key teaching staff: Luca Sebastiani, Anna of-the-art storage technology. Students Mensuali, Susanna Bartolini, Vincenzo Lionetti, will develop a comprehensive view of the Giancarlo Colelli, Antonio Ferrante (University up-to-date F&V supply-chain innovations and of Milano) the on-going direction of the research in this multidisciplinary sector.
English / On site ï PHOTONS-@ Photonic Technologies For Sensing Applications P Period Teaching methodologies 24-28 January 2022 The proposed courses, which range & Deadline for Registration from basic optical components to optical 13 December 2021 fiber sensor systems, imaging sensors and photonic integration for sensing will Learning objectives provide the students with the basic skills to Photonic technologies have played a key understand the industrial requirement for role in the last decades to address the high photonic sensing, including specific niche demand for data traffic by telecommunication applications, as for example, aerospace and networks and data centres. The industrial high energy physics, as well as applications development of Wavelength Division addressing large volume market sectors, like Multiplexing (WDM) optical communications the automotive and transportation sectors, systems and networks in the nineties then requiring specific technologies, such and the more recent interest in photonic as the CMOS compatible silicon photonics integration for data centres to overcome platform. Students will find an interactive their well-known electronic bottleneck, and cross-disciplinary learning environment have driven the technology to a high level with the participation of several experts from of maturity, opening the way to many other industry who will present their experience. industrial fields and applications. Photonic technologies are becoming extremely Who should attend this Seasonal School attractive for sensing applications in a wide Undergraduate, postgraduate and PhD range of industrial fields, including energy, students from different backgrounds, including oil & gas, transportation, automotive, information and industrial engineering, as aerospace, bio-chemical and medical well as physics and material science. A basic applications, as well as for structural health knowledge of maths, algebra, geometry, and environmental monitoring. Optical computer programming, electromagnetism and fiber sensors and photonic sensors, in optics is required. general, offer many advantages compared to conventional electronic-based sensors; Coordinator and key teaching staff immunity to electromagnetic interference, Coordinator: Fabrizio Di Pasquale small size and weight, high multiplexing Key teaching staff: Antonella Bogoni, Carlo capabilities, robustness to harsh Alberto Avizzano, Philippe Velha, Stefano environments, as well as the fact of being Faralli, Claudio Oton completely passive at the sensing points.
English / On site ï ARTIST 5G/6G networks trAnsfoRming The dIgital SocieTy P Period Teaching methodologies 31 January-4 February 2022 ARTIST is entirely delivered in English and & Deadline for Registration will comprise two parts: the first part lasting 10 December 2021 4 days includes focus session on key issues, industrial talks and brainstorming break-out Learning objectives sessions; the second part lasting one full Future mobile network technologies (5G, day includes the laboratory sessions, while 6G, etc.) will allow the creation of new the final exam presentation of a brief project applications that will transform the way people work will take place on-line afterwards. live, work and interact with the environment. The educational objectives of the proposed Who should attend this Seasonal School seasonal school are to understand and to Main candidate for attendance are Master of learn: Science (Laurea Magistrale) students in the - the architectures of 5G / 6G cellular systems area of Computer Science, Telecommunication with regard to the radio interface, the wired Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Aerospace component and the software components Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, such as virtualized entities, edge computing Automation Engineering and AI-aided resource allocation. Postgraduate students and PhD students in - the main features of data traffic transport the aforementioned disciplines interested in the and routing technologies in 5G/6G networks, seasonal school topics are also welcome. telemetry techniques and advanced traffic conditioning techniques Coordinator and key teaching staff - the emerging services that may be delivered Coordinators: Piero Castoldi, Luca Valcarenghi by 5G/6G networks and how these networks Key teaching staff: Gabriele Cecchetti, Andrea are able to meet the stringent requirements Sgambelluri, Nicola Sambo, that such services sometimes require. Silvia Fichera, Anna Lina Ruscelli, - the impact of the aforementioned services Davide Scano on the sustainability of the planet and the global challenges of the 21st century The Seasonal School ARTIST has been designed to critically evaluate and elaborate on these new technologies to stimulate a focused examination of the many facets and challenges offered by 5G and future networks architectures.
English / On site ï Cibo, sostenibilità e diritti P Period professors of law, economics, management, 7-11 February 2022 agronomy, medicine) and the participants. & Deadline for Registration Cross-fertilization among disciplines is in fact 9 January 2022 the most effective way for designing more sustainable food systems. Learning objectives The Seasonal School will introduce Who should attend this Seasonal School participants to the urgent topic of food Undergraduate, postgraduate and PhD students sustainability, exploring how to build from different backgrounds (e.g. law, political sustainable and climate-resilient agri-food science, life sciences and engineering) who systems through a dialogue between social are interested in understanding the agri-food and life sciences. Regulatory and non- systems governance. regulatory measures for socially inclusive and environmentally more efficient food Coordinator and key teaching staff systems will be addressed. The policy and Coordinators: Eloisa Cristiani, legal implications of the transformative Mariagrazia Alabrese approach recently taken by the EU with the Key teaching staff: Francesca Capone, European Green Deal and the shift towards Natalia Gusmerotti, Laura Ercoli, more sustainable solutions in a Farm to Vincenzo Lionetti, Camilla Moonen, Fork perspective will be thoroughly analysed Andrea Saba during the Seasonal School. Topics such as food security and the right to food, food safety, international trade, digital innovation and blockchain will be at a centre stage. Moreover, issues linked to farming and consumption models will be taken into consideration through seminars given by scholars from the life science Institute. Teaching methodologies Students will find an interactive and cross- disciplinary learning environment that facilitate problem solving as well as strong decision-making, strategic communication, and leadership. Interdisciplinary will characterize both the teaching staff (including
English / On line T TRUST TRansparency, Integrity and AnticorrUption in a public-private SysTem P Period Several experts coming from public and 14-18 February 2022 private sectors will participate to the program & Deadline for Registration presenting their experience. 28 January 2022 Who should attend this Seasonal School Learning objectives Undergraduate, postgraduate and PhD students The Seasonal School TRUST aims to provide from different backgrounds (e.g. law, social participants with a holistic understanding of and political science, economics…) who are corruption. Corruption has increasingly taken interested in understanding how to prevent on the characteristics of a systemic crime and fight corruption in the aforementioned involving both public and private sectors, comprehensive approach. economy, democracy and civil society. Understanding the multidisciplinary and Coordinator and key teaching staff multidimensional nature of corruption will Coordinator: Gaetana Morgante allow participants to acquire the necessary Co-coordinator: Giuseppe Di Vetta skills for a comprehensive analysis based Key teaching staff: Elena Vivaldi, Giuseppe on the synergy between the public and Martinico, Giacomo Delle Donne, Alberto Pirni, private sectors. Participants will experience David Natali, Francesco Testa, Maria Francesca the crucial cross-fertilization between public Romano, Tommaso Cucinotta and private entities in the broad perspective of the importance of the trade-off between performance, efficiency and Integrity both in public institutions and private corporations. At the end of the Seasonal School participants will be skilled to approach corruption from prevention to repression actions, from legal to ethical and economical questions in line with the current best practice adopted at a European and international level. Teaching methodologies Students will find an interactive and multi- disciplinary learning environment that facilitate comprehensive understanding and analysis as well as strong decision-making, strategic communication, and leadership.
English / On site ï ECLIRE The ethics of climate change Reshaping Responsibilities for Present and Future Generations P Period Who should attend this Seasonal School 21-25 February 2022 Undergraduate, postgraduate and PhD students & Deadline for Registration from different backgrounds (e.g. philosophy, 23 January 2022 law, political science, life sciences, engineering, economics, management, communication, Learning objectives development studies) who are interested in The seasonal school aims to train understanding risks, solutions and opportunities participants on the ethics of climate change of climate change mitigation. through a triple perspective: individual, global and intergenerational. It will also do Coordinator and key teaching staff so by opening up to disciplines beyond Coordinator: Alberto Pirni political and moral philosophy, such as Key teaching staff: Roberto Buizza, political science, metaphysics, sociology and Francesca Capone, Franco Flandoli, Barbara economics. The overall objective is to provide Henry, David Natali participants with the normative keys to analyse climate mitigation policies in the light of criteria such as historical responsibility, global asymmetries of economic power and adaptive capacity, and duties of justice towards future generations. The issue of social acceptability and socio-economic consequences will also be taken into account through the contribution of sociologists and social scientists. This will be preceded by an opening day with hard scientists dedicated to the introduction to climate change and the discussion of possible future risk scenarios. Teaching methodologies The seasonal school includes interactive face-to-face lectures led by pairs of lecturers, climate policy-making simulations and interdisciplinary workshops (also open to personalities from the world of communication, business and European institutions).
English / On site ï Management of Innovation and common good P Period ecology and civil economy. The role of the 28 February-4 March 2022 United Nations Sustainable Development & Deadline for Registration Goals will also be addressed. 17 January 2022 Teaching methodologies Learning objectives The Seasonal School will include lectures This Seasonal School addresses some by professors as well as presentations of the main issues regarding innovation by entrepreneurs and other people and management and knowledge exchange organizations active with different types (including technology transfer) with a broad of profit and non-profit initiatives aimed at vision which includes sustainability and health contributing to the common good. Students management. The specific approach of this will be also asked to contribute not only with Seasonal School (1) aims at arousing the questions but also with short presentations interest of participants from different scientific about specific issues as well as their personal disciplines and (2) focuses on the goal of experiences. contributing to the common good (at the level of universities, companies, territories). The Who should attend this Seasonal School theories and tools for managing innovation Undergraduate, postgraduate and PhD will be presented and discussed not so much students from different backgrounds interested with the objective of creating competitive in acquiring knowledge, competences and advantage, but as a support to the ability experiences in the broad field of innovation and to launch new initiatives of various kinds common good. aimed at creating value for the society as a whole, especially in coherence with the need Coordinator and key teaching staff to rethink the current capitalism system. Coordinator: Andrea Piccaluga Emphasis will be given to the role of purpose- Key teaching staff: Milena Vainieri, driven organizations, their capacity to trigger Marco Frey, Alberto Di Minin, architectural innovation to address societal Francesco Testa, Tiberio Daddi, problems, as well as on the emergence Sara Barsanti, Gianluca Gionfriddo of new ways of interacting with social, environmental and cultural contexts. In this regard, some paradigms that are today at the center of the debate on the transformation of the economy which is urgently needed will be presented, such as those of the creation of shared value, integral
English / On site ï African Perspectives: Change, Conflicts, Connections P Period ecology and area studies. The School lays 7-11 March 2022 particular emphasis on perspectives such & Deadline for Registration as post-colonial and gender studies, digital 7 February 2022 ethnography and critical sociology. We adopt different teaching formats Learning objectives to stimulate the active engagement of Africa is the target of political attention by all participants: frontal lectures will be international actors (including Italy and Europe). complemented by dialogue sessions Challenging simplistic interpretations and between academics and practitioners, round stereotypical representations, this Seasonal tables with established and junior scholars, School provides participants with advanced as well as informal social events (movies, tools for a critical understanding of key political music, dinners). Interaction with key experts dynamics, which, starting from the African from UN Agencies, EU and AU institutions continent, shed light on global dynamics – e.g., in the faculty will help students sharpen migration, violent extremism and extractivism. their hands-on understanding and develop The learning objectives of the Seasonal School a network of professional and academic thus include: contacts. - Developing a critical, interdisciplinary view of challenges and opportunities arising from Who should attend this Seasonal School dynamics of transformation and conflict in Africa; Undergraduate, post-graduate and PhD - Familiarizing students with cutting-edge students from different backgrounds, who have analytical perspectives for the study of diversity already obtained at least 60 credits from in areas and social change that are derived from such as: political science, sociology, economics, comparative-historical sociology, post-colonial history, philosophy, law, foreign languages, and gender studies (including immersive and geography, area studies. digital ethnography and audiovisual media); - Enabling the acquisition of the theoretical Coordinator and key teaching staff knowledge and essential skills that are relevant Coordinator: Francesco Strazzari to a variety of professional domains and careers. Key teaching staff: Dr Luca Raineri, Enrico Pé, Elisa Piras, Marco Roventini Teaching methodologies Building on a multidisciplinary approach, the School offers to its participants a wide range of analytical tools, drawing from political science, international relations, political economy, communication, conflict studies,
English / On line T The Data Society: Rules and Methods for AI and Privacy P Period between technologies and regulatory 4-9 April 2022 standards; iii) to develop, by design, a robust & Deadline for Registration methodology to comply with the applicable 21 March 2022 legal framework. Learning objectives Teaching methodologies The digital economy harnesses the power of Students will find an interactive and big data, modern high computing capacity, cross-disciplinary learning environment to Artificial Intelligence, and innovation. It also enhance theoretical and empirical skills leverages their interconnection allowing to strengthen problem solving, as well as information technology to mediate all human strong decision-making attitudes within activities. These innovations should be various scenarios. Several experts coming properly framed within the existing legal from e.g. research & innovation, industries, and ethical framework, in order to strike policy-making, and public authorities will the right balance between the protection of participate in the programme addressing the fundamental rights and freedoms and the identified challenges from a multidimensional need to preserve the regulatory flexibility perspective. This will help to improve necessary for all market players to enjoy transversal skills, for example, strategic and be empowered by the wealth of big communication, teamwork and leadership. data in an open society. Data protection plays a significant role for these purposes. Who should attend this Seasonal School Although the legal and ethical framework of Undergraduate, postgraduate and PhD students the data society is increasingly central to the from different backgrounds (e.g. law, economics international debate and for future jobs, there and political sciences, life sciences, computer are few opportunities for would-be jurists, science, physics, and engineering) who are technologists and social scientists to acquire interested in understanding the legal and ethical the necessary skills to govern the interaction thorns and twists of big data and AI. between technological innovation in data science and the regulatory and fundamental Coordinator and key teaching staff rights protection framework. The Responsible Coordinator: Giovanni Comandé Data Society School intervenes on this gap, Key teaching staff: Denise Amram, with the aims of enabling students: i) to Maria Gagliardi, Caterina Sganga develop a responsible approach to Machine Learning techniques, data mining, algorithms, AI in technical, as well as social analytics activities; ii) to be aware of the interaction
English / On site ï AgriDev Climate resilient, biodiversity-based agriculture for sustainable development P Period breeding methods joining climate, agronomy, 2-6 May 2022 genetics, and crowd-sourcing approaches to & Deadline for Registration improve local adaptation of crop varieties. 14 February 2022 Teaching methodologies Learning objectives The seasonal school runs over 5 days in Cropping systems face complex Pisa, Italy, and is organized in lectures, challenges that cannot be addressed with hands-on exercises, and panel discussions. unidimensional solutions. This seasonal We value interaction with training staff to school is a 5-days full immersion in foster discussion outside the classroom, transdisciplinary approaches aimed at so expect city tours and aperitivi (a staple enhancing the sustainability of cropping of italian lifestyle). Trainees will be involved systems in the wake of climate change, in roundtable discussions and will be given spanning from climate science, to genetics, opportunities to present themselves, their to socioeconomics. Course participants will background, and their research ambitions. have the opportunity to develop a portfolio of knowledge at the base of cutting-edge Who should attend this Seasonal School scientific approaches in agronomic research The seasonal school is designed for for sustainable development with a focus on undergraduate students, but graduate students smallholder farming systems. may also apply. We expect a background in life The seasonal school is structured in four sciences, yet students from a social science interconnected modules. The first module background can also participate: any student will deal with climate science, focusing with a strong interest in modern agronomic on climate change, weather forecasting, approaches aimed at sustainability is welcome. climate prediction, and climate-agriculture nexus. The second module will deal with Coordinator and key teaching staff all levels of agrobiodiversity and their Coordinator: Matteo Dell’Acqua relevance for sustainability and provision of Key teaching staff: Roberto Buizza, ecosystem services. The third module will Paolo Bàrberi, Alessandro Nuvolari, deal with molecular breeding, discussing Mario Enrico Pè, Anna-Camilla Moonen, genomics and participatory applications Martina Occelli, Mara Miculan in crop improvement, including genome- wide association studies and genomic selection. The fourth module will discuss socioeconomic aspects of farming systems and introduce data-driven participatory
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