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CURRICULUM sintetico Dr (Biol) Stefano Vanin, PhD, FHEA, MCSFS, FRES, FLS Luglio 2017 Il Dr Stefano Vanin, Si laurea in Scienze Biologiche, indirizzo Ecologico ambientale, nel 1996 con una tesi sull’entomofauna dei ghiacciai delle Dolomiti ottenendo come voto 110/110 e lode. Nel 2001, consegue il Dottorato di Ricerca in Biologia Evoluzionistica presso lo stesso Ateneo avendo svolto parte della ricerca presso la stazione biologica di Roscoff (Francia) e presso l’University of Georgia (USA). Dopo aver lavorato per circa due anni presso il Centro Nazionale per la Biodiversita’ Forestale del Corpo Forestale dello Stato (CNBF/CFN), occupandosi prevalentemente di Ditteri, ottiene un primo contratto di post dottorato presso il laboratorio di Fisiologia dell’Universita’ di Padova. In tale periodo il Dr Vanin si occupa di adattamenti fisiologici alle basse temperature in insetti attivi d’inverno identificando nel trealosio l’antigelo prodotto da tali organismi. Il Dr Vanin ottiene quindi un secondo contratto di post dottorato presso il laboratorio di Genetica della stessa Universita’ nell’ambito del progetto europeo EUCLOCK. Scopo della sua ricerca e’ la comprensione dei fattori che sincronizzano l’orologio biologico in Drosophila melanogaster in condizioni seminaturali. I risultati, del tutto inattesi e diversi da quanto fino al momento ottnuto da ricerche condotte esclusivamente in laboratorio, vengono pubblicati sulla rivista Nature, in un articolo in cui il Dr Vanin e’ primo autore. Sin dal 1997, sotto la guida della Prof.ssa Margherita Turchetto, il Dr Vanin si occupa di Entomologia Forense sia con esperimenti sulla colonizzazione dei corpi sia occupandosi di casi di cronaca nazionale collaborando con diversi Istituti di Medicina Legale e Tribunali. Nel 2011 il Dr Vanin ottiene una posizione di Senior Lecturer (Prof. Associato) e nel 2013 di Reader (Professore Associato/Ordinario) di Biologia Forense presso l’Universita’ di Huddersfield (UK) dove insegna Entomologia Forense ed altre discipline di carattere forense e biologico. Nel 2014 in Italia, ottiene l’abilitazione al ruolo di Professore di II fascia per l’Entomologia e nel 2016 quello di I fascia per l’Entomologia e di Professore di II fascia per la Medicina Legale essendo la sua ricerca nel campo entomologico applicabile per la stima del tempo del decesso, l’identificazione di eventuali spostamenti del cadavere e per l’identificazione della vittima da campioni di DNA estratti da reperti entomologici. Nel 2010 il Dr Vanin aveva ricevuto l’abilitazione come “maitre de Conférence” per la Biologia di Popolazioni ed Ecologia e per la Biologia degli organismi per l’Universita’ e il Museo di Storia Naturale Francesi. Negli ultimi anni il Dr Vanin si sta occupando anche di Archeoentomologia funeraria con studi sia nel territorio nazionale (Roccapelago, Monsampolo, Brescia, Castelsardo,
Milano, Firenze, etc) che in Sud America (Pachacamac e zone costiere del Peru Settentrionale) e Nord Africa (Libia, Takarkori). Il Dr Vanin e’ autore di oltre 90 lavori pubblicati come capitoli di libri o articoli scientifici su riviste nazionali ed internazionali, con un H index pari a 16. I risultati dell’attivita’ di ricerca del Dr Vanin sono stati presentati inoltre in oltre 50 congressi nazionali ed internazionali con numerosi interventi su invito in Italia, UK, Francia e Danimarca. Il Dr Vanin ha svolto attivita’ di didattica in Italia, Camerun ed Inghilterra dove attualmente lavora. Nel periodo Maggio-Luglio 2017 ha svolto l’incarico di “Visiting Professor” presso l’Universita’ di Modena Reggio-Emilia con un corso di Entomologia Forense e attivita’ formative per i Dottorandi. Nella stessa Universita’ il Dr Vanin e’ membro del collegio della scuola di Dottorato in “Agri-Food Sciences, Technology and Bio-Technologies”. Il Dr Vanin e’ membro del comitato scientifico dell’Associazione Europea per l’Entomologia Forense (EAFE) e Presidente del Gruppo Italiano per l’Entomologia Forense (GIEF) nonche’ membro di numerose societa’ scientifiche italiane, inglesi ed americane quali ad esempio la Societa’ Entomologica Italiana, la Royal Entomological Society, la Linnean Society of London, la Chartered Society for Forensic Sciences and l’American Academy of Forensic Sciences. SEGUE CURRICULUM DETTAGLIATO
CURRICULUM VITAE AND STUDIORUM Dr (Biol) Stefano Vanin, PhD, FHEA, MCSFS, FRES, FLS July 2017 Contents Contents ............................................................................................................. 1 1 Personal Information ......................................................................... 3 1.1 Current Position ........................................................................... 3 1.2 Personal Details ........................................................................... 3 1.3 Qualifications .............................................................................. 4 1.4 Professional Membership and Scientific Affiliation 5 2 Career History .................................................................................. 6 2.1 2011 to Present ........................................................................... 6 2.2 2007 to 2011 ............................................................................... 7 2.3 2005 to 2007 ............................................................................... 7 2.4 2003 to 2005 ............................................................................... 8 2.5 2001 to 2003 ............................................................................... 8 2.6 Professional Experience and Collaboration in Forensic Entomology ............................................. 8 3 Teaching ............................................................................................. 10 3.1 Statement on Teaching ................................................................. 10 3.2 Current Position and Teaching .................................................... 10 3.3 Previous Teaching and research Degree activities ...................... 11 4 Research ............................................................................................. 15 4.1 Statement on Research ................................................................ 15 4.2 Research Outputs ........................................................................ 17 4.2.1 Edited Books ................................................................. 17 4.2.3 Full Papers in international referred journals 18 4.2.4 Full Papers in national journals 22 Page 1 of 43
4.2.5 Proceedings 23 4.2.6 Other Publications 24 4.2.7 Articles and Chapters of Books submitted or under submission 24 4.2.8 Presentations at National and International 24 Meetings (2010-2017) 4.2.9 Invited speaker ......................................................................... 30 4.3 Research Grants ............................................................................ 32 4.3.1 Current successful (2013-2016) 32 4.3.1 Current unsuccessful (2013-2016) 32 4.3.2 Previous successful.. 32 4.4 Post Graduate Supervision ........................................................ 33 4.4.1 Current ................................................................................... 33 4.4.2 Previous ................................................................................. 33 5 Mass media Impact ………………………………………………. 34 5.1 Dissemination of research results ……………………………. 34 5.2 Media appearance ……………………………………………. 35 5.2.1 Press ………………………………………………………… 35 5.2.2 Youtube videos ……………………………………………… 37 5.2.3 Webistes …………………………………………………….. 37 5.2.4 Television and Radio …………………………………………. 37 6 Esteem and Standing .......................................................................... 39 6.1 Reviewer Articles ......................................................................... 40 6.2 Editorial Activities ........................................................................ 40 5.3 PhD external examiner ………………………………………….. 40 5.4 Prizes ............................................................................................. 41 6.5 Collaborations ............................................................................... 41 7 Relating and Supporting ..................................................................... 43 6.1 Foreign Languages and Periods in Foreign Countries ................. 43 Page 2 of 43
1. Personal Information 1.1 Current Position Reader in Forensic Biology, School of Applied Sciences, University of Huddersfield Deputy Director Secure Societies Institute, University of Huddersfield 1.2 Personal Details Name Stefano Surname Vanin Date of Birth 2nd June 1971 Birthplace Treviso; Italy Nationality Italian Professional address Department of Biological Sciences, School of Applied Sciences, University of Huddersfield, Queensgate, Huddersfield HD1 3DH, UK tel. +44(0)1484 47 3179 Page 3 of 43
1.3 Qualification 2017 Qualification for the Position of Full Professor in Entomology; Ministry of Education, Universities and Research (Italy), MIUR) [Abilitazione per la qualifica di Professore di 1 fascia] (27.03.2017) 2017 Qualification for the Position of Associate Professor in Forensic Pathology/Legal Medicine; Ministry of Education, Universities and Research (Italy), MIUR) [Abilitazione per la qualifica di Professore di 2 fascia] (27.03.2017) 2014 Qualification for the Position of Associate Professor in Entomology; Ministry of Education, Universities and Research (Italy), MIUR) [Abilitazione per la qualifica di Professore di 2 fascia] 2010 Qualification for the Position of Lecturer for the French University, sec 67 “Population Biology and Ecology” [Qualification aux Fonctions de maitre de Conférence Université Section 67 Biologie des populations et écologie] 2010 Qualification for the Position of Lecturer for the French National Natural History Museum, sec 67 “Population Biology and Ecology” [Qualification aux Fonctions de maitre de Conférence Muséum Section 67 Biologie des populations et écologie] 2010 Qualification for the Position of Lecturer for the French University, sec 68 “Organism Biology” [Qualification aux Fonctions de maitre de Conférence Université Section 68 Biologie des organismes] 2010 Qualification for the Position of Lecturer for the French National Natural History Museum, sec 68 “Organism Biology” [Qualification aux Fonctions de maitre de Conférence Muséum Section 68 Biologie des organismes] 2004 “Cultore della materia” (Lecturer and member of Examining boards) in Zoology, University of Padova, Italy 2002 PhD in Evolutionary Biology, University of Padova. Title of PhD thesis: “Evolution of bi-iron respiratory proteins” 1998 Official State Qualification as a Professional Biologist, University of Padova 1996 Graduation (Master, 5 years) in Biological Sciences (Ecological Course), University of Padova; first-class honours degree (110/110 cum laude). Title of dissertation (Tesi): "Micro-algae and arthropods from the Glaciers of the Dolomites” Page 4 of 43
1.4 Professional Memberships and Scientific Affiliations and European Association for Forensic Entomology (EAFE) member of the scientific board (since 2012) Higher Education Academy (Fellow), UK Chartered Society for Forensic Science (Member Professional), UK Royal Entomological Society (Fellow), UK Linnean Society, London (Fellow), UK American Academy of Forensic science (AAFS) (Affiliate) Member USA Gruppo Italiano di Entomologia Forense (GIEF, Italian Society for Forensic Entomology) co- founder, President (since January 2015) (Secretary 2011-2014) and member of the scientific board, Italy Ordine Nazionale dei Biologi (National Order of Biologists), Italy Società Italiana di Entomologia (SEI) (Italian Society of Entomology), Italy Società Veneziana di Scienze Naturali (SVSN) (Venetian Society of Natural Sciences), Italy Società Trevigiana di Scienze Naturali (STSN, Society of Natural Sciences of Treviso) co- founder and Vice-President, Italy Page 5 of 43
2. Career History 2.1 2011 to present: Senior Lecturer (2011-2013) Reader (2013 to present) in Forensic Biology, University of Huddersfield I am a Reader in Forensic Biology at the University of Huddersfield, where I am involved in the teaching of modules for BSc and MSc in Forensic Sciences, Analytical and Forensic Science, Biology, Medical Genetics, Nutrition and Public Health. I have designed and I am the responsible for the MSc in Forensic Entomology, the first in Europe. I am the module leader of: Data Handling for Forensic Science, Advanced Crime Scene Sciences, Crime Scene Science Awareness, Forensic Entomology, Post Mortem Interval Estimation, Forensic Research Skills, Epidemiology and Public Health, Research Methodology for P/G Students. I had an important active role in the design of the Master in Forensic Sciences with the first European pathway in Forensic Entomology. I am the first Supervisor for four PhD students at the Huddersfield University and second supervisor for other two PhD students. I have been a co-tutor for a PhD student at the University of Modena Reggio Emilia (Italy) and external examiner for PhD at the University of Nottingham and Central Lancaster. I am the principal investigator of my research group (FLEA: Forensic lab for Entomology and Archaeology) and I was working in order to increase the number and the quality of the publications for the REF2013 and I am working with the same aim for the REF2020. I am also working in the creation of an international network to improve interchanges of knowledge and students at the European level. The first results of this activity have been the signature of several agreements respectively between the University of Huddersfield and the University of Modena Reggio Emilia, and between the Department of Chemical and Biological Sciences (University of Huddersfield) and the Institute of Legal Medicine (University of Pisa), the Institute of Legal Medicine (University of Turin) and the Department of Environmental Engineering (University of Padova). I am a Scientific tutor and member of the Board of the Research Doctorate School in Agri-Food Sciences, Technology and Bio-Technologies, University of Modena e Reggio Emilia, Italy and I have been awarded the prize “Premio Città Impresa 2012” and of the prize “Sesto in Sylvis 2014” for my research and cases in Forensic Entomology. Page 6 of 43
2.2 2007-2011 Post-doctoral Fellowship at the Genetics Laboratory, Department of Biology, University of Padova; Substitute Professor (Forensic Entomology), University of Padova During these four year I have worked in the synchronisation of the biological clock in Drosophila melanogaster in natural and artificial conditions, discovering new features related with the circadian clock in this insect behaviour. These observations are changing completely the point of view in chronobiologic studies. I have conducted this research under the supervision of Prof. R. Costa, University of Padova and Prof. B. Kyriacou at the University of Leicester. The fellowship was funded by the European Project “Euclock” (FP6; Budget: 16,036,195 €; EU-contribution: 12,299,389 €) In the same period I have been Substitute Professor in Forensic Entomology at the Department of Biology, University of Padova. In 2009-2010 I was in charge of writing the management plan for the Special Area of Conservation (SAC) “Prealpi treviggiane” of the Natura2000 network. Natura2000 is the centerpiece of EU nature and biodiversity policy. This project was funded by the Venetian region of 80,000 €. 2.3 2005-2007 Contract Professor (Entomology, Biodeterioration; General Biology), University of Padova During the Academic Year 2005-2006 I was Contract Professor in Entomology and General Biology at the Department of Biology, University of Padova. During this year I spent a lot of time in the museum context, in fact, I was in charge of the restoration of the entomological collection of the University Zoological Museum (University of Padova), of the identification of the dipterological collection of the Natural History Museum of Genova and of the planning and design of the rooms, “Insects and Man”, for the new “Living Insect” Museum (Padova Council). Starting in this year and finishing in 2008 I was in charge to plan the Ecological network of the Treviso Council and to define the state of the Biodiversity for this area (PTCP, Provincia di Treviso). This Project was funded by 249,200 €. 2.4 2003-2005 Post-doctoral Fellowship at the Molecular Physiology Laboratory, University of Padova Page 7 of 43
I have worked on the physiological adaptations of winter active insects, mainly Diptera and Mecoptera, discovering threalose as cryoprotectant in these insects. I was involved not only in the laboratory experiments but also in the organisation and in the planning of field insect collection (caves and high altitude). This project was funded by the Ministry of Research by 38,000 €. In the same period I have worked in the ‘Highest Project’ (High Altitude Investigations) for the Natural History Museum of Trento, studying and identifying the Diptera collection in order to describe the high altitude fauna. 2.5 2001-2003 Entomologist at the Italian National Centre for Study and Conservation of Forest Biodiversity (CNBF-CFS) I have worked as an Entomologist for the study of the Biodiversity in forest environments as part of the EU Project LIFE 0065/IT. The main topic of the project was the study of the saproxilic fauna associated with dead wood; my responsibility was the collection of samples in different National Natural Parks and Reserves, the species identification, the managing of the entomological collection (Diptera), the writing of the final reports and the co-editing of a volume on the Apennines wood insects. In addition, at the end of the project I organised the final symposium: International Symposium, dead wood: a key to Biodiversity, (29th-31st May 2003, Mantova, Italy). 2.6 Professional experience and Collaboration in Forensic Entomology Since 1998 I started to work in forensic cases for the Post Mortem Interval (PMI) estimation using the entomological approach under the supervision of Prof. M. Turchetto at the University of Padova. Later since 2004 I have worked independently collaborating with different Institutes and Unit of Legal Medicine (Padova, Venezia, Vicenza, Milano, Modena, Torino, Aosta, Pisa, Roma, Bari, Campobasso) and working as an expert for different Courts of law (Padova, Milano, Teramo, Ascoli Piceno, Vibo Valentia, Firenze). These collaborations concern not only the PMI estimation in criminal cases but also in the development of lines of research in Forensics that allowed the publication of scientific articles and the development of several student projects (BSc, MSc, Specialization for MD in Legal Medicine and PhD). The collaboration with the LABANOF (University of Milan) is particularly important for the number of cases studied and for the kind of research developed: PMI estimation in burned remains using pigs as models, funerary archaeoentomology Page 8 of 43
(application of the forensic entomological approach to archaeological cases), post mortem alterations of tissues (hairs, skin, veins, arteries) performed by insects that can be wrongly evaluated as pre mortem injuries. It is worth mentioning as well the collaboration with the Institute of Legal Medicine, University of Padova and Pisa with studies about the effect of the landscape transformation and the global warming on the entomological fauna of forensic interest. In addition I am the Forensic entomologist in the project for the “Correct recovery of the remains of the WWI soldiers” under the direction of Dr. A. Galassi, Unit of Legal Medicine and Forensic Pathology of Vicenza. Page 9 of 43
3. Teaching 3.1 Statement on Teaching I am involved in teaching at BSc/Msc levels on “conventional” university programs but also on non-conventional teaching contexts, for example teaching policemen (UK, Italy). I have taught in different countries, mainly Italy and UK but also in France. I have used a large spectrum of teaching activities (lecturing, field works, personal computing lab, group practicals, workshops, etc). I have a variety of teaching experiences but the activities that I personally prefer and that have given me the most positive feedback from the students are: lectures, practicals and workshops. In all of them I work on the self-motivation of the students and on the experience that they have and that helps to maintain the attention and to increase the curiosity- first steps in a fruitful learning process. When teaching I provide several examples to connect theoretical concepts to the everyday experience of the learners. Putting theoretical concepts into a real world context helps students to understand and it increases their interest in the discipline. I always relate the practicals to the lectures as this approach allows the student to “touch” the subject described in the theoretical part: puts theory into practice. The workshops are an important instrument in the teaching/learning process and they can help in the construction of useful relationships among the students and among students and teacher (important for an effective environment). During the workshop I ask the PhD students and the post-docs to actively participate in order to have ideas of alternative approaches to teaching. Their presence is important also because it gives the students the possibility to imagine themselves in a future role. 3.2 Current Position and Teaching My current position is Reader in Forensic Biology, School of Applied Science. During the current academic year I am teaching in the following modules: Crime Scene Awareness (module leader MSc in Forensic Sciences), Forensic Entomology (module leader MSc in Forensic Sciences), Death time estimation (module leader MSc in Forensic Sciences), Research Skills for Forensic Scientists (module leader MSc in Forensic Sciences), Data Handling for Forensic Scientist (module leader BSc in Forensic Sciences), Forensic Investigation, Advance in Forensic Sciences (Forensic Entomology, Archaeology and Botany) (module leader BSc and MSc Analytical Chemistry and Forensics), Epidemiology (module leader, BSc in Nutrition, BSc in Biology), Research Methodology and Research Page 10 of 43
Skills (BSc and MSc in Nutrition, BSc in Biology) University for a total amount of more than 300 hours. This year, I am the supervisor of 9 BSc project students, 8 MSc students, 2 placement students from the University of Padova (Italy) and four PhD students (1st and 2nd year) at the University of Huddersfield and final year PhD student at the University of Roma “La Cattolica”. In addition in the period May-July 2017 I have been Visiting Professor at the University of Modena-Reggio Emilia where I was teaching a module for MSc students (Forensic Entomology) and module for PhD students (Research skills for Scientists). 3.3 Previous teaching and Research Degree Activities My previous teaching experience, reported per academic year is summarized in the following table: Academic Crime Scene Awareness (module leader MSc in Forensic Sciences), year Forensic Entomology (module leader MSc in Forensic Sciences), Death 2016-2017 time estimation (module leader MSc in Forensic Sciences), Research Skills for Forensic Scientists (module leader MSc in Forensic Sciences), Data Handling for Forensic Scientist (module leader BSc in Forensic Sciences), Forensic Investigation, Advance in Forensic Sciences (Forensic Entomology, Archaeology and Botany) (module leader BSc and MSc Analytical Chemistry and Forensics), Epidemiology (module leader, BSc in Nutrition, BSc in Biology), Research Methodology and Research Skills (BSc and MSc in Nutrition, BSc in Biology) University of Huddersfield, UK (300 h). Supervisor of 9 BSc, 4 PhD students, University of Huddersfield, UK; 1 PhD student University of Roma “La Cattolica”; 8 MSc (Forensic Sciences) students, 2 MSc students form the Department of Biology, University of Padova (Italy). Visiting Professor University of Modena Reggio Emilia (1.05.2017- 31.07.2017) Forensic Entomology (module leader MSc in Biological Sciences, 16 hours); Research skills for Scientists (module for PhD students, 16 hours). Academic Crime Scene Awareness (module leader MSc in Forensic Sciences), year Forensic Entomology (module leader MSc in Forensic Sciences), Death 2015-2016 time estimation (module leader MSc in Forensic Sciences), Data Handling for Forensic Scientist (module leader BSc in Forensic Sciences), Forensic Investigation, Advance in Forensic Sciences (Forensic Entomology, Archaeology and Botany) (module leader BSc and MSc Analytical Chemistry and Forensics), Epidemiology (module leader, BSc in Nutrition, BSc in Biology), Research Methodology and Research Skills (BSc and MSc in Nutrition, BSc in Biology) University of Huddersfield, UK (240 h). Supervisor of 6 BSc, 4PhD students, University of Huddersfield, UK; 1 PhD student University of Roma “La Cattolica”; 1 MSc University of Milan (Bicocca). I trained in Forensic Entomology for 3 months a MD from the Page 11 of 43
Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies (University of Pisa). Academic Crime Scene Awareness (module leader MSc in Forensic Sciences), Data year Handling for Forensic Scientist (module leader BSc in Forensic Sciences), 2014-2015 Forensic Investigation, Workshops (Forensic Entomology, Archaeology and Botany) (BSc and MSc Analytical Chemistry and Forensics, MSc Forensic Sciences), Epidemiology (module leader, BSc in Nutrition, BSc in Biology), Research Methodology and Research Skills (BSc and MSc in Nutrition, BSc in Biology) University of Huddersfield, UK (160 h). Supervisor of 11 BSc, 3PhD students, University of Huddersfield, UK; 1 PhD student University of Roma “La Cattolica”; 1 MSc University of Padova, 1 MSc University of Milan (Bicocca), 1 Bsc and 1 PhD students University of Modena Reggio Emilia (I). In addition this year I have been invited to teach 4 hours of Forensic Entomology for the Master and Specialism in Forensic Science at the University of Milan. Academic Crime Scene Investigation, Data Handling for Forensic Scientist, Forensic year Investigation, Workshops (Forensic Entomology, Archaeology and 2013-2014 Botany) (BSc and MSc Analytical Chemistry and Forensics), Epidemiology (module leader, BSc in Nutrition, BSc in Biology), Research Methodology and Research Skills (BSc and MSc in Nutrition, BSc in Biology) University of Huddersfield, UK (160 h). Supervisor of 10 BSc, 1 MSc and 3PhD students, University of Huddersfield, UK; 1 PhD student University of Roma “La Cattolica”; 1 BSc University of Padova, 1 Bsc and 1 PhD students University of Modena Reggio Emilia (I) Entomotoxicology (english) for BSc in Environmental Engineering (48hours) Ecole Nationale Superiere des Travaux publics, Yaoundè Camerun Entomotoxicology (English and French) for MSc in Environmental Engineering (20 hours) Ecole Nationale Superiere des Travaux publics, Yaoundè Camerun Forensic Entomology: practicals and lectures (8h), specialization in Legal Medicine, University of Verona Forensic Entomology Lecture for the Masters in Forensic Archaeology and Anthropology, (4h).University of Bologna Academic Crime Scene Investigation, Data Handling for Forensic Scientist, Forensic year Investigation, Workshops (Forensic Entomology, Archaeology and 2012-2013 Botany) (BSc and MSc Analytical Chemistry and Forensics), Epidemiology (module leader, BSc in Nutrition, BSc in Biology), Research Methodology and Research Skills (BSc and MSc in Nutrition, BSc in Biology) University of Huddersfield, UK (160 h). Supervisor of 1PhD, 12 BSc, 1 MS project students, University of Huddersfield, UK. Entomology lectures for Agricultural Sciences MSc students, Modena and Reggio Emilia University (8 hours). Academic Crime Scene Investigation, Data Handling for Forensic Scientist, Forensic year Investigation, Workshops (Forensic Entomology, Archaeology and 2011-2012 Botany) (BSc and MSc Analytical Chemistry and Forensics), Epidemiology (module leader, BSc in Nutrition, BSc in Biology), Research Methodology and Research Skills (BSc and MSc in Nutrition, Page 12 of 43
BSc in Biology) University of Huddersfield, UK (160 h). Supervisor of 4 BSc, 2 MSc and 13 MSc (Libyan) project students, University of Huddersfield, UK. Forensic Entomology Lecture, specialisation in Legal Medicine, University of Padova (3h). Entomology lectures for Agricultural Sciences MSc students, Modena and Reggio Emilia University (8 hours). Academic Ecotoxicology (mod. Biology) lectures for Msc Students, University of year Padova (20h). 2010-2011 Academic Ecotoxicology (mod. Biology) lectures for Msc Students, University of year Padova (20h). 2009-2010 Entomology lectures for Agricultural Sciences MSc students, Modena and Reggio Emilia University (10 hours). Demonstrator (Teaching assistant) for practicals in Neurobiology for Msc Students, University of Padova (25h). Forensic Entomology Lecturer, specialisation in Legal Medicine, University of Padova (6h). Academic Forensic Entomology Lecture for the Masters in Forensic Science, year University of Milan (4h). 2008-2009 Entomology lectures for Agricultural Sciences MSc students, Modena and Reggio Emilia University (8 hours). Demonstrator (Teaching assistant) for practicals in Molecular Phylogeny, MSc in Evolutionary Biology, University of Padova (25h). Demonstrator (Teaching assistant) for practicals in General Biology (Zoology), University of Padova (25h). Co-Tutor of an experimental project on pest insects from imported food (BSc in Sanitary control, University of Padova). Academic Demonstrator (Teaching assistant) for practicals in Systematic Biology year (Phylogeny reconstruction), MSc in Evolutionary Biology, University of 2007-2008 Padova (25h). Forensic Entomology lectures for the Masters in Forensic Science, University of Milan (4h). Co-Tutor of an experimental project on the circadian clock of Drosophila melanogaster in perturbed conditions (Shift-work regime) (MSc in Evolutionary Biology, University of Padova). Co-Tutor of an experimental project on insect colonisation of burned carrion in winter period (MSc in Biological Science, University of Milan). Co-Tutor of an experimental project on Flies of forensic interest in an Alpine Valley (BSc in Biological Science, University of Padova). Co-Tutor of an experimental project on insect colonisation of burned carrion in winter period (BSc in Biological Science, University of Milan). Substitute Professor in Forensic Entomology for the MSc in Evolutionary Biology University of Padova (16h). Contract Professor in Entomology (Biodeterioration) for the Bachelor in Archaeology and Conservation, University of Padova. Academic Forensic Entomology lectures for the Masters in Forensic Science, year University of Milan (4h). 2006-2007 Page 13 of 43
Entomology lectures for Agricultural Sciences undergraduate students, Modena and Reggio Emilia University (8 hours). Demonstrator (Teaching assistant) for practicals in Systematic Biology (Phylogeny reconstruction), MSc in Evolutionary Biology University of Padova (25h). Demonstrator (Teaching assistant) for practicals in Neurobiology, University of Padova (25h). Co-Tutor of an experimental project on insect colonisation of burned carrion in summer period (BSc in Biological Science, University of Milan). Co-Tutor of an experimental thesis on the circadian clock of Drosophila melanogaster under natural conditions (Master Degree in Biological Science, University of Padova). Academic Contract Professor, University of Padova, General Biology II, Bachelor in year Sciences and Technologies of the Environment. 2005-2006 Contract Professor, University of Padova, Biological Systematics, Master Degree in Evolutionary Biology. Entomology lectures for Agricultural Sciences undergraduates, Modena and Reggio Emilia University (10 hours). Co-Tutor of an experimental project on the carrion feeding flies collected on a bear carrion in the Alps (BSc in Biological Science, University of Padova). Co-Tutor of an experimental project on the Hemocyanin characterisation of cave crustacean (Master Degree in Biological Science, University of Padova). Academic Entomology lectures for Agricultural Sciences undergraduates, Modena year and Reggio Emilia University (8 hours). 2004-2005 Demonstrator (Teaching assistant) for practicals in Zoology, University of Padova (25h). Demonstrator (Teaching assistant) for practicals in Systematic Biology (Phylogeny reconstruction), University of Padova (25h). Co-Tutor of an experimental project on the insects present on buried remains in Friuli region (Master Degree in Biological Science, University of Padova). Co-Tutor of an experimental project on the Parasitoids of flies of forensic entomology interest (Master Degree in Biological Science, University of Padova). Academic Co-Tutor of an experimental project on the genetic heterogeneity of year Sipunculan hemerythrins (Bachelor in Biological Science, University of 2003-2004 Padova). Co-Tutor of a experimental project on the physiological adaptation of cave crustacean to temperature variations (Niphargus costozzae and Monolistra bericum) (Bachelor in Biological Science, University of Padova). Entomology lectures for Agricultural Sciences undergraduates, Modena and Reggio Emilia University (8 hours). Demonstrator (Teaching assistant) for practicals in Systematic Biology (Phylogeny reconstruction), University of Padova (25h). Demonstrator (Teaching assistant) for practicals in Zoology, University of Padova (25h). Co-Tutor of an experimental thesis on the insects of the Valmorel (Belluno) Page 14 of 43
peat bogs (Master Degree in Biological Science, University of Padova). Co-Tutor of a experimental thesis on the flies of a glacier retreat zone in the Dolomites (Master Degree in Biological Science, University of Padova). Co-Tutor of an experimental project on the utilization of the Carabidae as bio-indicators in a bio-park (Master Degree in Biological Science, University of Padova). Academic Entomology lectures for Agricultural Sciences undergraduates, Modena year and Reggio Emilia University (7 hours). 2002-2003 Demonstrator (Teaching assistant) for practicals in Zoology, University of Padova (50h). Co-Tutor of an experimental project on the insect colonization of artificial cavities (Master Degree in Biological Science, University of Padova). Academic Co-Tutor of an experimental project on the winter active arthropods in the year Dolomites (Master Degree in Biological Science, University of Padova). 2001-2002 Co-Tutor of an experimental project on the Staphylinidae of a glacier retreat zone in the Dolomites (Master Degree in Biological Science, University of Padova). Academic Co-Tutor of an experimental project on the Carabidae of a glacier retreat year zone in the Dolomites. (Master Degree in Biological Science, University of 1999-2000 Padova). Page 15 of 43
4. Research 4.1 Statement on Research At the beginning of my research career I focused my research on studying the invertebrate community living in extreme environments in mountainous regions, mainly the Italian Alps with the description of three new species of the snow wingless fly Chionea. I studied the morphological and the physiological adaptations that allow animals to survive in these environments. This research allowed, for the first time, the identification of trehalose as the antifreezing molecule of winter-active insects. Studying the effects of temperature on organisms also creates an interest in the global warming impact, therefore I worked on the changes in population dynamics and on the physiology of species subjected to this phenomenon. In order to complete the molecular analyses of this taxon, I have been granted in December 2015 of a research grant by the Royal Entomological Society. As Diptera is the most important taxon of the high altitude invertebrate community as well as of the invertebrate community active during the cold season on the snow cover, I have focused my studies mainly on this taxonomical group. The knowledge I acquired in this field has allowed me to work in collaboration with different institutions (National Biodiversity Centre (EU project Life 0065/IT), Museums, Councils) in projects for the conservation of Biodiversity and to develop an applied aspect of my research: Forensic Entomology. In this field I have to face problems related to the effects of global warming and urban sprawl on the distribution of species and the ensuing consequences on estimating the time since death and the body post- mortem transfer. In addition I have been working on the application of DNA technique for species identification and human typing. Furthermore, in the last years I was working on myiases, nosocomial myiases and on the post mortal injuries and alterations of the crime scene due to insects. Research in Forensic Entomology is the “conditio sine qua non” for the correct application of this discipline in the real cases: several questions and problems are still open and need further investigations. I applied this discipline not only to recent cases but as well in archaeological studies and in veterinary forensic investigations. Discovery of insects associated with the remains of soldiers from WWI and WWII provide a means to determine the season of death. Recently I have been working in archaeological projects dealing with XV-XVII century mummies from Italy and Pre-Columbian from South America (Ychsma project in collaboration with the University of Brussels), with remains of the fighters of the Page 16 of 43
Le Mans battle (France, 1793) and in the project “Mona Lisa” with the potential skeleton of Lisa Gherardini, “la Gioconda” the Leonardo da Vinci’s model for the famous portrait. My interest on the impact of temperature on biological processes, and in particular on the biological clock, have led me to work on the model organism Drosophila melanogaster and in particular on the synchronisation of the circadian clock in “natural conditions”. I have developed this study as part of a EU project (Euclock) headed by the University of Leicester and the University of Regensburg (Germany). I have showed that several key laboratory- based assumptions about circadian behaviour are not supported by natural observations. The results suggested that a comprehensive re-examination of circadian behaviour and its molecular readouts under simulated natural conditions will provide a more authentic interpretation of the adaptive significance of this important rhythmic phenotype. In the last year I have addressed the chrobiological investigation to forensic important species. In addition to the research on insects and temperature, I have developed a further line of research focused on the application of a phylogenetical approach in order to investigate the evolution of proteins, mainly, but not only, respiratory pigments (quaternary structures, interaction surface). I have performed part of these studies in France (Station Biologique Roscoff and University, CNRS and INRAP Toulouse) and part in Italy collaborating with different research groups. Of particular interest have been the evolutionary studies of the Hemerythrins, iron active site respiratory pigments, considered, till a few years ago, exclusive of only few taxa, and of the Haemoglobin of the deep sea worms Riftia pachyptilla (Vestimentifera). The phylogentical approach allowed to produce a new classification of the Glutathione peroxidases (GPx) and to better clarify the evolution of the Selenium-Cys and of LGl1 binding site. In addition I applied the phylogeny approach also in the molecular identification of plant virus transferred by insects and responsible for grapevine pathologies and of bacteria extracted from teeth to determine the cause of death in ancient human samples. Page 17 of 43
4.2 Research Outputs Citation indexes Total since 2012 Citations 1242 946 H-index 16 14 i10-index 27 22 Update 15.07.2017 4.2.1 Edited Book 1 Cerretti P., Tagliapietra A., Tisato M., Vanin S., Mason F., Zapparoli M. (eds), 2003. Artropodi dell’orizzonte del faggio nell’Appennino Settentrionale, Primo contributo. Conservazione Habitat Invertebrati 2. Gianluigi Arcari Editore, Mantova, 256 pp. (Serie realizzata dal Ministero dell’Ambiente, Direzione Conservazione della Natura, dal Ministero delle Politiche Agricole e Forestali e dal Corpo Forestale dello Stato, Centro Nazionale per lo Studio e la Conservazione della Biodiversità Forestale Verona (CNBF). [italian and English] 4.2.2 Chapters of Book 1. Vanin S., Huchet J.-B. 2017 Forensic Entomology and Funerary Archaeoentomology. In Schotsmans E.M.J., Marquez-Grant N., Forbes S. (Eds) Taphonomy of Human remains: Analysis of the death and the depositional environments, First edition, chapter 13. John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Pag 176-186. 2. Vanin S. 2016 Advances in Forensic Entomology in missing persons investigations. In Morewitz S. J. and Sturdy Colls C. (Eds). Handbook of Missing Persons. Springer, 309-317. 3. Vanin S. 2013 Entomologia Forense. In: Norelli G.A., Buccelli C., Fineschi V. (eds) Medicina legale e delle assicurazioni. Piccin 650-663. 4. Turchetto M., Vanin S. 2010 Climate change and Forensic entomology. In: Amendt, J.; Campobasso, C.P.; Goff, M.L.; Grassberger, M. (Eds.)., Current Concepts in Forensic Entomology. Springer 350 pp. 5. Vanin S., 2005. Bibionidae, pp 286. In: Cerretti P., Hardensen S., Mason F., Nardi G., Tisato M., & Zapparoli M. (eds.) Invertebrati di una foresta della Pianura Padana, Bosco della Fontana, secondo contributo. Conservazione Habitat Invertebrati 3. Cierre Grafica Editore, Verona, pp. 176. 6. Vanin S. & Zanetti A. 2004 La fauna Nivale In Stoch F. “Ambienti Nivali” Quaderni habitat Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Tutela del territorio, Museo Friulano di Storia Naturale-UD. 87-136. English version: Vanin S. & Zanetti A. 2004 Fauna In Stoch F. Page 18 of 43
“Realm of snow and ice” Quaderni habitat Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Tutela del territorio, Museo Friulano di Storia Naturale-UD. 87-136. 7. Muscio G, Tomaselli M., Vanin S. & Zanetti A. 2004 Degrado, tutela e conservazione. In Stoch F. “Ambienti Nivali” Quaderni habitat Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Tutela del territorio, Museo Friulano di Storia Naturale-UD. 137-144. English version: Muscio G, Tomaselli M., Vanin S. & Zanetti 2004 Conservation and managment In Stoch F. “Realm of snow and ice” Quaderni habitat Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Tutela del territorio, Museo Friulano di Storia Naturale-UD. 137-144. 8. Vanin S., 2003 Bibionidae, p. 126. In Cerretti P., Tagliapietra A., Tisato M., Vanin S., Mason F., Zapparoli M. (eds), 2003. Artropodi dell’orizzonte del faggio nell’Appennino Settentrionale, Primo contributo. Conservazione Habitat Invertebrati 2. Gianluigi Arcari Editore, Mantova, 256 pp. 9. Vanin S., 2003 Anisopodidae, p. 137. In Cerretti P., Tagliapietra A., Tisato M., Vanin S., Mason F., Zapparoli M. (eds), 2003. Artropodi dell’orizzonte del faggio nell’Appennino Settentrionale, Primo contributo. Conservazione Habitat Invertebrati 2. Gianluigi Arcari Editore, Mantova, 256 pp. 10. Vanin S., 2003 Xylophagidae, pp. 137-1378. In Cerretti P., Tagliapietra A., Tisato M., Vanin S., Mason F., Zapparoli M. (eds), 2003. Artropodi dell’orizzonte del faggio nell’Appennino Settentrionale, Primo contributo. Conservazione Habitat Invertebrati 2. Gianluigi Arcari Editore, Mantova, 256 pp. 11. Vanin S., 2003 Lonchopteridae, pp. 153-154. In Cerretti P., Tagliapietra A., Tisato M., Vanin S., Mason F., Zapparoli M. (eds), 2003. Artropodi dell’orizzonte del faggio nell’Appennino Settentrionale, Primo contributo. Conservazione Habitat Invertebrati 2. Gianluigi Arcari Editore, Mantova, 256 pp. 12. Cerretti P. & Vanin S., 2003. Calliphoridae, pp. 184-186. In Cerretti P., Tagliapietra A., Tisato M., Vanin S., Mason F., Zapparoli M. (eds), 2003. Artropodi dell’orizzonte del faggio nell’Appennino Settentrionale, Primo contributo. Conservazione Habitat Invertebrati 2. Gianluigi Arcari Editore, Mantova, 256 pp. 4.2.3 Full Papers in international refereed journals 1. Pivato A., Lavagnolo M.C., Manachini B., Vanin S., Raga R., Beggio G., 2017 Ecological risk assessment of agricultural soils for the definition of soil screening values: a comparison between substance-based and matrix-based approach applied to a real case study. Heliyon 3(4):e00284. doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2017.e00284. Bartolini, V., Pinchi, V., Gualco, B., Vanin, S., Chiaracane, G., D’Elia, G., Norelli, G., Focardi, M. (2017) The iliac crest in forensic age estimation: evaluation of three methods in pelvis X-rays’ International Journal of Legal Medicine doi: 10.1007/s00414-017-1629-z . 2. Bugelli V., Papi L., Fornaro S., Stefanelli F., Chericoni S., Giusiani M., Vanin S., Campobasso C.P. Entomotoxicology in burnt bodies: a case of maternal filicide-suicide by fire. International Journal of Legal Medicine. accepted 3. Lo Pinto S., Giordani G., Tuccia F., Ventura F., Vanin S. (2017) First records of Synthesiomyia nudiseta (Diptera: Muscidae) from forensic cases in Italy. Forensic Sci Int. doi: 10.1016/j.forsciint.2017.05.003. IF(2015): 1.950 Page 19 of 43
4. Balla S.B., De Luca S., Forgie A.H., Vanin S., Cameriere R. 2017 Application of third molar maturity index for discrimination of juvenile/adult status: validation in South Indian population. J Forensic Leg Med. doi: 10.1016/j.jflm.2017.05.003. IF(2015): 0.870 5. Pivato A., Lavagnolo M.C., Manachini B., Vanin S., Raga R., 2017 Acute toxicity tests using earthworms to estimate environmental quality of compost and digestate. J Mater Cycles Waste Manag doi:10.1007/s10163-017-0619-z IF(2015): 1.422 6. Bostock E., Green E.W., Kyriacou C.P.,Vanin S. 2017 Chronobiological studies on body search, oviposition and emergence of Megaselia scalaris (Diptera, Phoridae) in controlled conditions. Forensic Science International 275 155–159 IF(2015): 1.950 7. Vanin S., Migliaccio M., Tadini Buoninsegni L., Mangini M., Bugelli V., Pinchi V., Focardi M. 2017 A case of insect colonization before the death. Journal of Forensic Sciences doi: 10.1111/1556-4029.13481 IF(2015): 1.322 8. Pinchi V, Bartolini V, Bertol E, Focardi M, Mari F, Ricci U, Vanin S, Norelli GA. 2016 Multiple deaths caused by a fire in a factory: identification and investigative issues. J Forensic Odontostomatol. 2(34): 47-59 9. Dardouri A.A.K., Cameriere R., De Luca S., Vanin S. 2016 Third molar development by measurements of open apices in a Libyan sample of living subjects. Forensic Science International 230.e1-230.e6 doi: 10.1016/j.forsciint.2016.07.020 IF(2015): 1.950 10. Tuccia F., Giordani G., Vanin S., 2016 A general review of the most common COI primers for Calliphoridae identification in Forensic Entomology. Forensic Science International-Genetics 24:e9-e11 doi: 10.1016/j.fsigen.2016.07.003 IF(2015): 4.988 11. Fischetto S.G., Velandia Palacio L. A., Vanin S., Cameriere R. De Luca S., Pacifici A., Pacifici L., Polimeni A., 2016 Third molar development by measurements of open apices in an Italian sample of living subjects Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine 38:36-42 doi: 10.1016/j.jflm.2015.11.007 IF(2015): 0.870 12. Tuccia F., Giordani G., Vanin S., 2016 A combined protocol for identification of maggots of forensic interest. Science & Justice 56(4):264-268 doi: 10.1016/j.scijus.2016.04.001 IF(2015): 1.959 13. Pivato A., Vanin S., Raga R., Lavagnolo M.C., Barausse A., Rieple A., Laurent A., Cossu R. 2016 Use of digestate from a decentralized on-farm biogas plant as fertilizer in soils: An ecotoxicological study for future indicators in risk and life cycle assessment. Waste Manag. 49:378-389 doi: 10.1016/j.wasman.2015.12.009. IF(2015): 3.829 14. Bugelli V., Forni D., Bassi L.A., Di Paolo M., Marra D., Lenzi S., Toni C., Giusiani M., Domenici R., Gherardi M., Vanin S. 2015 Forensic entomology and the estimation of the minimum time since death in indoor cases. J Forensic Sci, 60(2):525-31. IF(2015): 1.322 15. Mazzarelli D., Vanin S., Gibelli D., Maistrello L., Porta D., Rizzi A., Cattaneo C. 2015 Splitting hairs: differentiating between entomological activity, taphonomy, and sharp force trauma on hair. Forensic Sci Med Pathol. 11(1):104-10 IF(2015): 1.896 16. Montelli S., Mazzotta G., Vanin S., Caccin L., Corrà S., De Pittà C., Boothroyd C., Green E.W., Kyriacou C.P., Costa R. 2015 period and timeless mRNA Splicing Profiles under Natural Conditions in Drosophila melanogaster. J Biol Rhythms. 30(3):217-27. IF(2013): 3.316 17. Green E.W., O'Callaghan E.K., Hansen C.N., Bastianello S., Bhutani S., Vanin S., Armstrong J.D., Costa R., Kyriacou C.P. 2015 Drosophila circadian rhythms in seminatural Page 20 of 43
environments: Summer afternoon component is not an artifact and requires TrpA1 channels. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.112(28):8702-7. IF(2014): 9.674 18. Pivato A., Vanin S., Palmeri L., Barausse A., Mangione G., Rasera M., Gianluca M. 2013 Biopotentiality as an index of environmental compensation for composting plants. Waste Manag. 33(7):1607-15. e29. IF(2013): 3.157 19. Marchetti D., Arena E., Boschi I., Vanin S. 2013 Human DNA extraction from empty puparia. Forensic Science International 229: e26–e29. IF(2013): 2.324 20. Gaudio D., Betto A., Vanin S., De Guio A., Galassi A., Cattaneo C. 2013 Excavation and study of skeletal remains from a World War I mass grave. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology DOI: 10.1002/oa.2333. IF(2013): 1.07 21. Vanin S, Zanotti E, Gibelli D, Taborelli A, Andreola S, Cattaneo C. 2013 Decomposition and entomological colonization of charred bodies - a pilot study. Croatian Medical Journal 54(4):387-93. IF(2011): 1.250 22. Menegazzi P., Vanin S., Yoshii T., Rieger D., Hermann C., Dusik V., Kyriacou C.P., Helfrich-Förster C., Costa R. 2013 Drosophila Clock Neurons under Natural Conditions. Journal of Biological Rhythms. 28(1):3-14. IF(2011): 2.934 23. Dutto M., Pellegrino M., Vanin S. 2013 Nosocomial myiasis in a patient with diabetes. Journal of Hospital Infection 83(1):74-76. IF(2011): 3.393 24. Vanin S., Mazzariol S., Menandro ML., Lafisca A., Turchetto M. 2013 Myiasis by Megaselia scalaris (Diptera: Phoridae) in a Python affected by pulmonitis. Journal of Medical Entomology 50: 209-2011. IF(2011): 1.762 25. Madour A., Alkout A, Vanin S 2013. First Evaluation of the Serum Level of Anti- hepatitis B Surface Antigen after Vaccination in Libya. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal 19(12): 990-995. 26. Vanin S., Bhutani S., Montelli S., Menegazzi P., Green E.W., Pegoraro M., Sandrelli F., Costa R., Kyriacou C.P. 2012 Unexpected features of Drosophila circadian behavioural rhythms under natural conditions. Nature 484(7394):371-375. IF(2011): 36.280 27. Thèves C., Senescau A., Vanin S., Keyser C., Ricaut F.X., Ludes B., Fabre R., Crubézy 2011 E. Molecular identification of bacteria by total sequence screening: determining the cause of death in ancient human samples. PLOs ONE 6(7) e21733. IF(2011): 4.092 28. Leonardi E., Andreazza S., Vanin S., Busolin G., Nobile C., Tosatto S.C.E. 2011 A computational model of the LGI1 protein suggests a common binding site for ADAM proteins. PLOs ONE 6(3) e18142. IF(2011): 4.092 29. Vanin S., Zancaner S. 2011 Post-mortal lesions in freshwater environment. Forensic Science International 212(1-3): e18-20. IF(2011): 2.301 30. Vanin S., Gherardi M., V. Bugelli, Di Paolo M. 2011 Insects found on a human cadaver in central Italy including the blowfly Calliphora loewi (Diptera, Calliphoridae), a new species of forensic interest. Forensic Science International 207:e30-e33. IF(2011): 2.301 31. Bertazzon N., Borgo M., Vanin S., Angelini E. 2010 Genetic Variability and Pathological Properties of Grapevine Leafroll-associated Virus 2 Isolates. European Journal of Plant Pathology 127:185–197. IF(2010): 1.575 32. Vanin S., Turchetto M., Galassi A., Cattaneo C. 2010 Forensic Entomology and Archaeology of War. Journal of Battlefield Archaeology 50:127-139. Page 21 of 43
33. Vanin S. & Vernier E. 2010 Contribution to the knowledge of the Nycteribiidae (Diptera) from Venetian Region. Parassitologia 51(4) (2009): 61-64. 34. Toppo S., Flohé L., Ursini F., Vanin S., Maiorino M. 2009 Catalytic mechanisms and specificities of glutathione peroxidases: Variations of a basic scheme. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1790: 1486-1500. IF(2009): 2.958 35. Vanin S., Caenazzo L., Arseni A., Cecchetto G., Cattaneo C., Turchetto M. 2009 Records of Chrysomya albiceps in Northern Italy: an ecological and forensic perspective. Memorias do Instituo Oswaldo Cruz 104(4): 555-557. IF(2009): 2.097 36. Yoshii T., Vanin S., Costa R. and Helfrich-Förster C. Synergic entrainment 2009 Drosophila’s circadian clock by light and temperature. Journal of Biological Rhythms 24( 6): 452-464. IF(2009): 4.418 37. Vanin S., Bubacco L. and Beltramini M. 2008 Seasonal variation of the trehalose and glycerol concentration in winter-snow active insects. CryoLetters 29(6): 485-491. IF(2008): 1.193 38. Lencioni V., Bernabò P., Vanin S., Di Muro P & Beltramini M. 2008 Respiration rate and oxy-regulatory capacity in cold stenothermal chironomids. Journal of Insect Physiology 54:1337-1342. IF(2008): 2.155 39. Vanin S., Tasinato P., Ducolin G., Terranova C., Zancaner S., M. Montisci, P. Ferrara & Turchetto M. 2008 Use of Lucilia species (Diptera: Calliphoridae) for forensic investigations in Southern Europe. Forensic Science International 177: 37-41. IF(2008): 1.928 40. Bailly X., Vanin S., Chabasse C., Mizuguchi K. and Vinogradov S. N. 2008 A phylogenomic profile of Hemerythrins, the nonheme diiron binding respiratory proteins. BMC Evolutionary Biology 8:244-254. IF(2008): 4.050 41. Toppo S.§, Vanin S.§, Bosello V. & Tosatto S.C.E. (§equally contribution) 2008 Evolutionary and structural insights into the multifaceted glutathione peroxidase (GPx) superfamily. Antioxidant Redox Signaling 10(9): 1-14. IF(2008): 6.190 42. Vanin S., Masutti L. 2008 Studies on the distribution and ecology of snow flies Chionea lutescens and Chionea alpina (Diptera: Limoniidae) in Italy. Italian Journal of Zoology 75:147-154. IF(2007): 0.552 43. Vanin S. 2008 Chionea (Chionea) mirabilis a new species of snow fly (Diptera, Limoniidae) from Korea. Zoosystema 30(2): 1-6. IF(2008): 0.638 44. Vanin S. 2008 Asteiidae. In Ziegler, J. (ed.): Diptera Stelviana. A dipterological perspective on a changing alpine landscape. Volume 1. Studia Dipterologica: Suppl. 16: 138- 140. 45. Dallai R., Lombardo B. M., Mercati D., Vanin S., Lupetti P. 2008 The sperm structure of Limoniidae and their phylogenetic relationship with Tipulidae (Diptera, Nematocera). Arthropod Structure and Development 37: 81-92. IF(2007): 1.200 46. Vanin S. & Turchetto M. 2007 Winter active spiders and pseudoscorpions in southern Alps. Italian Journal of Zoology 74(1): 31-38. IF(2007): 0.466 47. Vanin, S., Negrisolo, E., Bailly, X., Bubacco, L., Beltramini, M. & Salvato B., 2006 Molecular Evolution and Phylogeny of Sipunculan Hemerythrins. Journal of Molecular Evolution 62(1): 32-41. IF(2006): 2.767 Page 22 of 43
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