La nostra esperienza con la FSMA - Convegno L'Export di Alimenti verso i Paesi Terzi, consolidamento - Alimenti e salute

Pagina creata da Noemi Marconi
La nostra esperienza con la FSMA - Convegno L'Export di Alimenti verso i Paesi Terzi, consolidamento - Alimenti e salute
Bologna, 4 giugno 2018

L’Export di Alimenti verso i Paesi Terzi, consolidamento
di flussi tradizionali e apertura di nuovi mercati

La nostra esperienza con la FSMA

                                                           Page 1
La nostra esperienza con la FSMA - Convegno L'Export di Alimenti verso i Paesi Terzi, consolidamento - Alimenti e salute
Company overview
Il business

  Il Gruppo La Doria è leader nella produzione di derivati del pomodoro, frutta, legumi
  conservati e sughi pronti ambient.

  Il Gruppo è fortemente vocato all’export e produce prevalentemente a marchio private
  labels, i marchi commerciali della Grande Distribuzione e della Distribuzione Organizzata, sia
  italiani che esteri.

  La Doria è un'azienda familiare alla 2^ generazione. Fondata nel 1954 dalla Famiglia Ferraioli, è
  presente sul mercato da oltre 60 anni.

                                                                                                      Page 2
La nostra esperienza con la FSMA - Convegno L'Export di Alimenti verso i Paesi Terzi, consolidamento - Alimenti e salute
Company overview
La posizione competitiva

      •       1° produttore italiano di pelati e polpa di pomodoro

      •       1° produttore italiano di legumi conservati

      •       2° produttore italiano di succhi di frutta e 1° nello specifico segmento delle private labels

          •    1° produttore italiano di sughi pronti nel segmento delle private label

      •       Primi sul mercato britannico delle conserve di pomodoro e dei legumi conservati a
              marchio private labels

      •       Primi nelle conserve di pomodoro in Giappone ed Australia

                                                                                                              Page 3
La nostra esperienza con la FSMA - Convegno L'Export di Alimenti verso i Paesi Terzi, consolidamento - Alimenti e salute
Company overview
Le leve competitive
 Alta qualità del prodotto

 Prezzo concorrenziale

 Forte efficienza industriale che consente di essere altamente competitivi nei costi, grazie a
elevata tecnologia di processo, economie di scala, utilizzo ottimale della capacità produttiva e
integrazione verticale della produzione con la produzione interna di scatole.

 Volumi elevati in grado di soddisfare le esigenze dei colossi della Distribuzione Moderna
 Ampiezza e profondità della gamma

 Segmentazione dell’offerta private labels a presidio di tutte e tre le linee pl (primi prezzi, marchio
insegna e premium price).
 Innovazione di processo e di prodotto a servizio delle private labels in linea con i nuovi trend di
consumo e le innovazioni dell’industria di marca.

 Elevata flessibilità nella personalizzazione delle ricette, packaging e servizio

 Relazioni consolidate di lungo termine con i maggiori players della Grande Distribuzione

 Rapporti di partnership con clienti e fornitori strategici

  Corporate Governance in linea con le best practice e cultura della Sostenibilità

                                                                                                          Page 4
La nostra esperienza con la FSMA - Convegno L'Export di Alimenti verso i Paesi Terzi, consolidamento - Alimenti e salute
Company overview
La struttura del Gruppo La Doria

La Doria è una società quotata alla Borsa valori di Milano, segmento Star (segmento titoli alti

                                                    Famiglia Ferraioli (63%)
                                                      Flottante (37%)

                             (58%)                                                           (98.67%)

                LDH (La Doria) Ltd- società di trading, leader sul mercato britannico nei derivati del pomodoro e legumi conservati prodotti
                dal Gruppo, oltre che in altri articoli complementari (pasta secca, tonno e salmone in scatola,

                Eugea Mediterranea S.p.A. - società italiana produttrice di derivati del pomodoro e puree di frutta.
                                                                                                                                               Page 5
La nostra esperienza con la FSMA - Convegno L'Export di Alimenti verso i Paesi Terzi, consolidamento - Alimenti e salute
Company overview
Il trend del fatturato consolidato

(in milioni di Euro)
                       800                                                                            748,3
                       700                                                                    631,4           653,1






                             1999   2001   2003   2005    2007    2009   2011         2013        2015           2017

                                                         Italia      Estero

                                                                                                                              Page 6
La nostra esperienza con la FSMA - Convegno L'Export di Alimenti verso i Paesi Terzi, consolidamento - Alimenti e salute
Company overview
Un’ampia gamma di prodotti

                                                                           (LDH trading)
       Pelati         Legumi lessati     Nettari       Sughi rossi
       Polpa          Baked beans        Succhi 100%   Pesto             Pasta secca
       Passata        Red kidney beans   Bevande       Sughi bianchi     Tonno e salmone
                      Pasta in scatola                 Sughi con carne   in scatola
       Pomodorini                        Tè freddo
                                                                         Frutta sciroppata
       Sughi pronti   Carote                           Sughi con pesce
                                                                         in scatola
                      Zuppe legumi e                   Condimenti per    Mais in scatola
                      vegetali                         insalate          Pet food

                                                                                             Page 7
La nostra esperienza con la FSMA - Convegno L'Export di Alimenti verso i Paesi Terzi, consolidamento - Alimenti e salute
Company overview
I siti produttivi

 7 siti produttivi

  Superficie totale
    812.000 m2                                       La Doria

                                                    La Doria
    di cui coperta
     304.000 m2
                                                                Eugea Mediterranea
                          La Doria                              (Lavello)

  746 dipendenti fissi    La Doria
 circa 1.000 stagionali   (Angri)

                                 La Doria   La Doria
                                 (Sarno)    (Fisciano)

                                                                                     Page 8
La nostra esperienza con la FSMA - Convegno L'Export di Alimenti verso i Paesi Terzi, consolidamento - Alimenti e salute
Company overview
Le certificazioni






 SARNO              Page 9
La nostra esperienza con la FSMA - Convegno L'Export di Alimenti verso i Paesi Terzi, consolidamento - Alimenti e salute
Iter per FSMA

Come previsto dal 21CFR117.126 (2)
La Doria ha identificato degli individui qualificati addestrati per l’FSPCA

                                                                              Page 10
Formazione PCQI

E’ stato quindi creato un team PCQI multidisciplinare con componenti di sito e
componenti fissi

                                                                                 Page 11
Redazione Food Safety Plan

    La Doria ha quindi sviluppato differenti Food Safety Plan per coprire
    tutte le produzioni per il mercato US così come previsto da:
    Subpart C--Hazard Analysis and Risk-Based Preventive Controls Sec.
    117.126 Food safety plan

                                                                            Page 12
Come abbiamo strutturato il food safety plan
A grandi linee abbiamo previsto:
Descrizione del prodotto
             Product Name                                    Romano Pasta Sauce Sam’s
             Product Description, including Important Food   Tomato based products with ricotta cheese and pecorino Romano
             Safety Characteristics                          -     PART 114—ACIDIFIED FOODS
                                                             pH < 4,5

             Ingredients                                     tomato pulp (tomato, tomato juice, citric acid), tomato paste (tomato, tomato
                                                             juice, citric acid), Ricotta Cheese (Pasteurized Whey, Salt, Citric Acid), olive
                                                             oil, water, onion, Pecorino Romano Cheese made with Sheep's Milk (sheep's
                                                             milk, salt, rennet), basil, salt, sugar, garlic, lactic acid.
                                                             CONTAINS: MILK

             Packaging Used                                  Glass Jar 680g net weight, metal cap, paper label.
                                                             2 jars are shrink wrapped and put in a x12 carton

             Intended Use                                    The product is ready-to-eat
             Intended Consumers                              General public not suitable for infant
             Shelf Life                                      36 months ambient, unopened;
                                                             3-4 days in refrigerator after opening

             Labeling Instructions                           Empty contents into a saucepan. Heat gently, stirring occasionally until piping
                                                             hot throughout. Do not allow to boil. Pour into the drained pasta and serve.

             Storage and Distribution                        Ambient                                                                            Page 13
Come abbiamo strutturato il food safety plan
Schema a blocchi semplice

            Receiving shelf stable
                  ingredients                      Receiving frozen ingredients           Receiving chilled ingredients     Receiving packaging material

            shelf stable ingredients
                      storage                                                              chilled ingredients storage       packaging material storage
                                                    frozen ingredients storage             (onion, pecorino romano,
        (olive oil, chopped tomatoes,                    (garlic and basil)                                                    (jars, lids, label, carton)
          tomato paste, lactic acid,                                                              ricotta cheese)
                 sugar and salt)

                                                      mix all ingredients                                           water

                                                  pastorization tube in tube

                                                    hot filling and sealing                                                       cleaning jars
                                                                                                                             (invert and flush with
                                                                                                                                   filtered air)


                                     Heat treatment and cooling in tunnel of closed jar

                                                           vacuum test

                                                          x ray detection


                                                         secondary pack

                                                          positive release
                                                                                                                                                             Page 14

Process Narrative

                    Process Narrative
                    Receiving packaging material
                    Withe glass jars are received on pallet shrink wrapped
                    Metal caps are received in plastic blue bags inside carton that are put on pallet.
                    Vendors provide a certificate of conformance that packaging materials is suitable for food
                    Labels are received on pallet shrink wrapped and put on pallet.
                    Receiving shelf stable ingredients
                    Olive oil: is received in1000 kg tanks or bulk in cisterns. In this case supplier provide certificate of
                    washing of the cistern.
                    Chopped tomatoes and tomato paste: are aseptic and are supplied in drums of 200 kg around on
                    pallet (4 drums / pallet) or in big bag of 800/1000 kg.
                    Lactic acid: is supplied in 1000 kg tanks
                    Sugar and salt: are received in 25 kg. bags.

                    Receiving frozen ingredients
                    Garlic and basil are received both in blue plastic bags inside a carton on pallets. Product is delivered on
                    refrigerated trucks (-18°C) with the obligation to provide truck temperature registration during all stages of
                    loading and transport until the unloading to the farm

                    Receiving chilled ingredients
                    Onion: are received in plastic bins in truck.
                    Pecorino romano and ricotta cheese are received in blue plastic in carton bins in refrigerated truck (0/4°C)

                    Packaging storage
                    glass jars are stored in the square outside
                    Metal caps , label and other pack material are stored in the package warehouse

                    Shelf stable ingredients storage
                    Olive oil: is stocked in refrigerated tanks
                    Chopped tomatoes and tomato paste: are stored in the square outside
                    Lactic acid, sugar and salt: are stored in raw material, room temperature, warehouse
                                                                                                                                     Page 15
                    Frozen ingredients storage
                    Garlic and basil are stored in refrigerated warehouse (-18°C)
Come abbiamo strutturato il food safety plan
Schema seguito per Hazard Analysis:

                               Hazard Analysis
                               Hazard identification (column 2) considers those that may be present in the food because
                               the hazard occurs naturally, the hazard may be unintentionally introduced, or the hazard
                               may be intentionally introduced for economic gain.
                                      B = Biological hazards including bacteria, viruses, parasites, and environmental pathogens
                                      C = Chemical (including radiological) hazards, food allergens, substances such as pesticides and drug
                                          residues, natural toxins, decomposition, and unapproved food or color additives
                                      P = Physical hazards include potentially harmful extraneous matter that may cause choking, injury or other
                                          adverse health effects

                           (1)                          (2)                       (3)                   (4)                       (5)                    (6)
                       Ingredient/        Identify potential food safety   Do any potential    Justify your decision What preventive control             Is the
                     Processing Step      hazards introduced, controlled      food safety      for column 3          measure(s) can be applied to        preventive
                                          or                               hazards require a                         significantly minimize or           control
                                          enhanced at this step                                                      prevent the food safety             applied at
                                                                                                                     hazard?                             this step?
                                                                                                                     Process including CCPs, Allergen,
                                                                                                                      Sanitation,      Supply‐chain,
                                                                           YES         NO                             other preventive control           YES          NO

                    Receiving             B       None
                    packaging             C       Undeclared               X                   Labels must           Allergen Control                    X
                    material                      allergens                                    declare               Label are preventively
                    (jars, lids, label,                                                        allergens present     approval by QA and
                    carton)                                                                    in the product        controlled at the incoming
                                                                                               (milk)                for presence of allergen
                                                                                                                     by QC
                                          P       None
                    Receiving shelf       B       None
                    stable                C       Peroxides, IPA,                  X           Ingredient come
                    ingredients                   pesticides, heavy                            from evaluated
                    (olive oil)                   metals, dioxin and                           supplier audited
                                                  micotoxin PCBs                               and monitored.
                                                                                               where deemed
                                                                                               certificates and /
                                                                                               or statements
                                                                                               accompanying the
                                                                                               goods are
                                                                                               required on the
                                                                                               basis of a risk
                                                                                               assessment and
                                                                                               or internal
                                                                                               analysis are
                                                                                               conducted on the
                                          P       None
                                          EMA     Presence of different    X                   Olive oil is a raw    Supply chain control                         X
                                                  oil                                          material at fraud     Raw material comes from
                                                                                               risk                  evaluated supplier                                    Page 16
                    Receiving shelf       B       None                                         Low pH, shelf-
                    stable                                                                     stable product is
                    ingredients                                                                not likely to have
                    (tomatoes                                                                  biological hazards
Quali Pericoli sono stati considerati?

                  1   Hazard Analysis:
                  As per CFR 117.130(a)(2) La Doria has considered known or reasonably foreseeable hazards
                  that include:

                     •   Biological hazards, including microbiological hazards such as parasites, environmental
                         pathogens, and other pathogens;
                     •   Chemical hazards, including radiological hazards, substances such as pesticide and
                         drug residues, natural toxins, decomposition, unapproved food or color additives, and
                         food allergens; and
                     •   Physical hazards (such as stones, glass, and metal fragments); and

                  Known or reasonably foreseeable hazards that may be present in the food for any of the
                  following reasons:

                     •   The hazard occurs naturally;
                     •   The hazard may be unintentionally introduced; or
                     •   The hazard may be intentionally introduced for purposes of economic gain. (ema)

                                                                                                                  Page 17
Quali Preventive control

                1       Preventive controls:

                As per CFR 117.135(b) La Doria implements preventive controls to provide assurances that any
                hazards requiring a preventive control will be significantly minimized or prevented and the
                food manufactured, processed, packed, or held will not be adulterated under section 402 of the
                Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act or misbranded under section 403(w) of the Federal Food,
                Drug, and Cosmetic Act.

                Preventive controls are written and include controls at critical control points (CCPs), if there
                are any CCPs; and Controls, other than those at CCPs, that are also appropriate for food safety.

                Preventive controls include:

                    •     Process controls: procedures, practices, and processes to ensure the control of
                          parameters during operations such as heat processing, acidifying, including maximum
                          or minimum value, or combination of values, to which any biological, chemical, or
                          physical parameter to be controlled to significantly minimize or prevent a hazard
                          requiring a process control.
                    •     Food allergen controls. include procedures, practices, and processes to control food
                          allergens for ensuring protection of food from allergen cross-contact, including during
                          storage, handling, and use; and labelling the finished food, including ensuring that the
                          finished food is not misbranded under section 403(w) of the Federal Food, Drug, and
                          Cosmetic Act.
                    •     Sanitation controls. include procedures, practices, and processes to ensure that the
                          facility is maintained in a sanitary condition adequate to significantly minimize or
                          prevent hazards such as environmental pathogens, biological hazards due to employee
                          handling, and food allergen hazards. Sanitation controls must include, as appropriate
                          to the facility and the food, procedures, practices, and processes for the: Cleanliness of
                          food-contact surfaces, including food-contact surfaces of utensils and equipment;
                          Prevention of allergen cross-contact and cross-contamination from insanitary objects
                          and from personnel to food, food packaging material, and other food-contact surfaces
                          and from raw product to processed product.
                    •     Supply-chain controls. include the supply-chain program as required by subpart CFR
                          117 Subpart G--Supply-Chain Program
                    •     Recall plan. Recall plan as required by CFR 117.139.                                                   Page 18
                    •     Other controls. Preventive controls include any other procedures, practices, and processes necessary
                          (for example hygiene training and other current good manufacturing practices)
Come abbiamo strutturato il food safety plan

  Esempio di matrice per la valutazione dei Process Preventive Controls

            Process       Hazard(s)            Critical                                                                                                            Corrective            Verification        Records
                                                                                                         Monitoring                                                Action
          Control(s)                           Limits            What                   How              Frequency        Who   Operative instruction

        Mix all           Finished             Product pH not    pH of sauces        Measure of the      Each batch       QC Process          IL01 QP-L:           Correct the pH        Verification of     SAP
                                               over 4,30         after mixing all    pH on samples       before the       control             sampling for pH      adding lactic acid,   registration from   control
        ingredients       product                                                                        discharge
                                               (production       the ingredients     from the batch                                           control              re control the        the QC              plan
                                               std: as per sap                       kitchen                                                  IL02 QP-L pH         batch                 supervisor
                          alteration                                                                                                          control operative
                                               control plan)
                          (Clostridium                                                                                                        instruction
                          and Bacillus
                          species, other
                          ) activation if pH
                          is over 4.60
        pasteurization    Alteration due       Safety limit      Control of the      on line             Start up for     Process             IL02 QP-02 ste       Suspend the           Verification of     SAP
                          to under             F100≥ 6.5         couple T and t as   registration and    flow rate and    operator            point tube in tube   product as            registration from   control
        tube in tube                           (equivalent to    per SAP control     automatic control   start up and 1                       IL03 QP-02 set       provided by the       the QC              plan
                                               100 ° C for 6.5   plan                with device         h for T                              point control tube   Non conformity        supervisor
                                               minutes).                             system in case of                                        in tube              procedure ,
                                                                                     lower                                                    IL16 QP-02 alarm     quarantine of the
                                                                                     temperature                                              control tube in      product and
                                                                                                                                              tube                 involvement of
        cleaning jars     Foreign bodies       Pressured         Control of the      on line             Start up /       Process             IL17 QP-02 jar       Suspend the           Verification of     SAP
                          contamination        air               pressure of         registration and    shift            operator            inverter and         product as            registration from   control
                                                                 pressured air       automatic control                                        treatment with       provided by the       the QC              plan
                          due to handling      as per SAP
                                                                                     with stop of the                                         pressured air        Non conformity        supervisor
                          or packaging         control plan
                                                                                     line in case of                                          control              procedure ,
                                                                                     lower pressure                                                                involvement of
        Hot filling and   Microbic             min T as per      Control of the      Measurement of      Start up /       Process             IL18 QP-02 control   Suspend the           Verification of     SAP
                          alteration due to    SAP control       filling             the temperature     each hour        operator            at filling station   product as            registration from   control
        sealing                                plan                                  with calibrated                                                               provided by the       the QC              plan
                          low filling                            temperature
                                                                                     thermometer                                                                   Non conformity        supervisor
                          temperature                                                                                                                              procedure ,
                                                                                                                                                                   involvement of
                          Glass                Absence of        Control of the      Visual control      Start up /       Process             IL01 QP-D 01:        Suspend the           Verification of     SAP
                          contamination        glass fragment    line from the                           each hour        operator / QC       Glass                product as            registration from   control
                                                                 cleaning of the                                                              management           provided by the       the QC              plan
                          due to                                                                                          operator
                                                                                                                                                                   Non conformity        supervisor
                          breakage                               jar up to
                                                                                                                                                                   procedure ,
                          during filling of                      capper                                                                                            involvement of
                          glass jars                                                                                                                               QA
                          Net weight not       Net weight        Weight control      Control on          Start up /       Process             IL05 QP-L USA        Suspend the           Verification of     SAP
                          conform to US        680g                                  balance             end/ each        operator            Check weight         product as            registration from   control
                                                                                                                                              control USA          provided by the       the QC              plan
                          market                                                                         1/2 hour
                                                                                                                                                                   Non conformity        supervisor
                                                                                                                                                                   procedure ,
                                                                                                                                                                   involvement of                                      Page 19
Certificazione volontaria


                                    Page 20
Ulteriori corsi e consulenti
  Corso su etichettatura USA                                                Export USA: Food defence

                                            Corso food fraud


                      EAS Consulting Group LLC,1700 Diagonal Road, Suite 750,Alexandria VA, 22314

                                                                                                       Page 21
Difficoltà e proposte per il futuro

   Trattandosi di un nuovo mercato fortemente in crescita la nostra maggiore
   difficoltà attualmente sta nel dover creare nuovi SID che possano coprire
   sia produzioni industriali che campioni destinate alle fiere.

   Cosa auspichiamo? La creazione di un network con altre aziende ed enti
   locali nazionali per condividere per esempio aspetti operativi e/o per
   avvalersi degli stessi consulenti anche in un’ottica di cost saving

                                                                               Page 22
Grazie per l’attenzione

                          Page 23
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