I finanziamenti europei per l'ICT: Horizon 2020 - Dott.ssa Cinzia Morisco PLACE PARTNER'S LOGO HERE - Triwu

Pagina creata da Riccardo Marconi
I finanziamenti europei per l’ICT:
Horizon 2020

Dott.ssa Cinzia Morisco

                   PLACE PARTNER’S LOGO HERE
Chi siamo: Innovhub SSI
   Azienda speciale della camera di Commercio di
    Milano Monza Brianza Lodi
   Centro di ricerca con aree specializzate:
           Carta, cartone e paste per la carta
           Oli e grassi

   Sportello APRE Lombardia

   Enterprise Europe Network

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3000              600+                    60+
        LOCAL           LOCATIONS              COUNTRIES
       EXPERTS                                 WORLDWIDE

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A broad range of services for
   growth-oriented SMEs
        INTERNATIONAL               ADVISORY                     INNOVATION
         PARTNERSHIPS               SUPPORT                       SUPPORT

      Partnership database     Advice on EU laws and     Access to finance and funding

                                                           Innovation Management
        Brokerage events        Market intelligence                Services

       Company missions            IPR expertise              Technology transfer

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Horizon 2020

  Più grande programma europeo di R&I
             77 miliardi € nel periodo 2014-2020
  Parte integrante della Strategia Europa 2020

  Principali obiettivi
        • Rispondere alla crisi economica investendo in crescita e
          nuovi lavori
        • Affrontare le preoccupazioni della gente su sostentamento,
          sicurezza, ambiente
        • Rafforzare la posizione globale dell’UE come ricerca,
           innovazione e tecnologia

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Horizon 2020

  Programma unico che racchiude 3 diverse
      iniziative (FP7, CIP, EIT)

  Interconnessione fra ricerca e innovazione

  Focus su sfide sociali affrontate dalla società

  Accesso semplificato

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Struttura Horizon 2020

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WP ICT in Industrial Leadership

                    Horizon 2020

           WP             WP                        WP
        2014-2015      2016-2017                 2018-2020


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WP ICT in Industrial Leadership

         Technologies for Digitising European
          Industry (163M€)
         European Data Infrastructure (114M€)
         5G (118M€)
         Next Generation Internet (102M€)
         Cross cutting activites (17,5M€)

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Digitising and transforming European
  industry and services: digital innovation
  hubs and platforms (130M€)
         Support to Hubs
         Platforms and Pilots

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• Cybersecurity (40M€)

  Joint calls (12M€)
  • EU-Japan Joint Call
  • EU-Korea Joint Call

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ICT in Horizon 2020

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ICT in Excellent Science

  Research Infrastructures (112M€)
  European Open Science Cloud
  European data Infrastructures
  Support to policy

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ICT in Societal Challenges

SC1 - Health, demographic change and

Two dedicated calls
• Digital transformation in Health and Care
• Trusted digital solutions and Cybersecurity in
  Health and Care
+ topics on “personalised medicine”

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ICT in Societal Challenges

SC3 - Secure clean and efficient energy

Topics della call “Building a low carbon, climate
resilient future: secure, clean and efficient energy”:
• Energy efficiency
• Smart and clean energy for consumers
• Smart citizen-centred energy system
• Smart Cities and Communities

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ICT in Societal Challenges

SC7 – Secure societies – Protecting
freedom and security of Europe and its

2 out of 3 calls are ICT flagged:
• Protecting the infrastructure of Europe and
  the people in the European smart cities
• Digital Security
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European Innovation Council

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European Innovation Council

•   L’Europa deve investire meglio e maggiormente in innovazioni breakthrough e
    market creating e nelle aziende ad alto potenziale di crescita (interim evaluation
•   Nel triennio 2018-2020 c’è un nuovo Work Programme EIC pilot che:
      supporti senza restrizioni tematiche aziende ed imprenditori innovativi che
       abbiano il potenzuale per scalare rapidamente a livello europeo e globale;
      sia indirizzato ad aziende e persone che hanno idee radicalmente nuove
       rispetto a prodotti e servizi esistenti sul mercato, che siano altamente richiose
       e necessitino forti investimenti per arrivare sul mercato;
      le c.d. Market-creating innovations consistono in
       prodotti/servizi/processi/business model nuovi e breakthrough che “aprano”
       nuovi mercati e consentano di crescere velocemente e globalmente;
      le c.d. Market-creating innovations prendono forma nell’intersezione tra
       diverse tecnologie, settori industriali e discipline scientifiche.

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European Innovation Council: pilot 2018-2020
€ 2.7 billion to support +5,000 SMEs and innovators

                   ECOSYSTEM SUPPORT: COACHING, MENTORING for all beneficiaries

                                                                                                              M A R K E T C R E AT I N G
Early stage science &
                               Test and co-create                  Feasibility /
                                 Demonstrate,                        Startup                   Development
   Emerging tech,
  Visionary ideas

 FET-OPEN Future                     FTI                        SME Instrument               SME Instrument
     Emerging                   Fast Track to                      Phase 1                      Phase 2
   Technologies                  Innovation

            6 EIC HORIZON PRIZES:                    1. Innovative Batteries for eVehicles
                                                     2. Fuel from the Sun: Artificial Photosynthesis
                                                     3. Early Warning for Epidemics
                                                     4. Blockchains for Social Good
                                                     5. Low-Cost Space Launch
                                                     6. Affordable-HighTech for Humanitarian Aid

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EIC Pilot WP 2018-2020
Instrument →                                                  FTI              FET-
                                                                               FET-Open          EIC Horizon prizes
                      Phase 1             Phase 2

                                                          From 3 to 5                           One or more entities
                                                                                At least 3
For whom             One or more   eligible1   SMEs    eligible1 entities                     (with restrictions1 for some
                                                                                entities3            of the prizes)
                                                       (mostly industrial2)

Maximum                                                                        3 M€ (RIAs)
                     50,000 €             2.5 M€              3 M€                               Varies for each prize
funding4                                                                      0.5 M€ (CSAs)

Total budget                                                                  647 M€ (RIAs)
                     164 M€              1425 M€             300 M€                                     40 M€
  2018-20                                                                     10 M€ (CSAs)

                Exploring the
                                      innovation &
                feasibility of a                       Close-to-market        Radically new   6 different topics (major
  Focus                                international
                                                                                                    societal issues)
                business idea                             innovation          technologies
                 (~ 6 months)
                                      (12-24 months)

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EIC: focus SME Instrument
Target: PMI europee for profit (molto innovative e ambiziose)
Singola PMI o partenariato di PMI

Logica delle tre Fasi
F1: studi di fattibilità + 50k lump sum
F2: validazione/industrializzazione + 12-24 mesi + 0,5-2,5 milioni € al 70%
F3: business acceleration service per beneficiari

Open call
4 scadenze utili all’anno, sia per F1 che per F2

Criteri di valutazione
Impact + Excellence + Implementation

Coaching per beneficiari
Servizio di coaching attraverso la rete EEN
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EIC: focus SME Instrument

Il team fa la differenza. Un team non all’altezza non avrà successo con un buona idea, ma un
   buon team sarà in grado di trasformare idee e business plan meno promettenti in aziende
                                sostenibili.      Soluzione
                                             tainable companies.
  Focus sul problema/bisogno da risolvere/soddisfare e sul valore aggiunto della soluzione
                          proposta, non sulla soluzione in sè.
 Il mercato di riferimento deve essere di una certa dimensione e scala per poter consentire
                                   una crescita importante.
                                   Proof of Concept
 Per ridurre il proprio rischio, un VC chiederà sempre un chiaro proof of concept, una chiara
               prospettiva di crescita, un mercato in espansione e delle metriche
                             Finanza / Business Model
Una volta fissati i punti di cui sopra si costruisce un business model compiuto. Molti progetti
     non sono sostenibili e non hanno una strategia “di monetizzazione” convincente.

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EIC: focus SME Instrument
  Proposal template
  Executive Summary                      3. Implementation
  1. Excellence                          • Team
  • Challenge and solution               • Work packages,
                                         deliverables, milestones,
  • Approach
  2. Impact                              • Resources
  • Entering the market
  • Business model                       4. Company (or, if applicable:
  • Financing                            members of the consortium)
  • Intellectual Property Right          • Third parties involved in the
      (IPR) and legal framework          project
  • Communication and
      access to research data            5. Ethics and security

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EIC: focus SME Instrument
  Cut off dates
                   Fase 1             Fase 2             Budget (mil €)
                    08-feb             10-gen
                   03-mag              14-mar
        2018        05-set             23-mag
                    07-nov              10-ott
                    13-feb             09-gen
                   07-mag               03-apr
        2019        05-set              05-giu
                    06-nov              09-ott
                    12-feb             08-gen
                   06-mag              18-mar
        2020        02-set             19-mag
                    04-nov              07-ott

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EIC: focus SME Instrument
  Evaluation process
                                     Valutazione a 2 step

                                     1. Da remoto:
                                     • 4 valutatori a proposta
                                     • Soglia di finanziamento a 13 (4 a criterio)

                                     2. Invito a interviste per 2x budget
                                     • 30 min
                                     • Panel di esperti
                                     • Assessment qualità e ambizione Team
                                     • Decisione sulle proposte da finanziare

                                     •   TTG entro 5 mesi!
                                     •   Valutatori con background su innovazione,
                                         investimento, business
                                     •   Guidelines for applicants

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EIC: focus FTI

FTI supports actions undertaking innovation from the
demonstration stage through to market uptake, including
activities such as piloting, test-beds, systems validation in real-
world working conditions, validation of business models, pre-
normative research, and standard setting.

FTI targets relatively mature, ground-breaking new
technologies, concepts, processes and business models that
need final development to be able to shape a new market and
achieve wider deployment.

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EIC: focus FTI

• Max EU contribution is €3 million (funding rate: 70% for for profit entities;
   100% for not-for-profit entities).

• 3 to 5 different legal entities

• The time to initial market take-up should be no more than 3 years from
   the start of your FTI action.

• From TRL 6 to TRL 8

• Allocation of at least 60% of the overall budget to consortium partner(s)
   from industry; or a minimum of 2 industry partners out of a consortium of
   3 or 4; or minimum of 3 industry partners out of a consortium of 5.
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EIC: focus FTI

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EIC: focus ICT Prizes
Prize 'Innovative Batteriesfor eVehicles'
Sfida: Sviluppare una batteria sicura e sostenibile per veicoli elettrici
attraverso lo sviluppo di nuove materiali e prodotti chimici che utilizzano
materiali abbondanti e sostenibili e dal basso costo, che sono facilmente
disponibili in Europa.

Risultato atteso: Una batteria che abbia almeno la stessa performance di
motori a benzina e rapidità di ricarica della batteria pari ad un pieno alle
stazioni di benzina

Opening call: 4/4 2017                       Deadline: 4/4 2020

Consegna premio: 4/4 2021                    Budget: €10 millioni

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EIC: focus ICT Prizes
Affordable High-Tech for Humanitarian Aid’
  Sfida: La sfida consiste nello sviluppo di soluzioni innovative per la
  consegna di aiuti umanitari basati su applicazioni frugali di
  tecnologie avanzate.

  Risultato atteso: Supporto alla consegna di aiuti umanitari basati
  su soluzioni innovative no ICT based

  Opening call:4/42017



  Budget: €5 millioni (5 premi in 5 differenti aree tematiche)

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EIC SME Instrument Annotated

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Cinzia Morisco

Think bigger
Go further

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