L'Inflazione morde il credito europeo - Ismael Lecanu Head of Credit Investment Grade AXA IM - AXA IM Italia

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L'Inflazione morde il credito europeo - Ismael Lecanu Head of Credit Investment Grade AXA IM - AXA IM Italia
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L’Inflazione morde il
credito europeo
Ismael Lecanu
Head of Credit Investment Grade AXA IM
1° luglio 2021
L'Inflazione morde il credito europeo - Ismael Lecanu Head of Credit Investment Grade AXA IM - AXA IM Italia
AXA WF Euro Credit Total Return
Outperformance against Morningstar category EAA Fund EUR flexible Bond

                                                                                                                                                                              AWF Euro Credit
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Average Morningstar
                                                                                                                                                                  Net Perf.   Total Return I Cap

                                                                                                                                                                    YTD              1,36%              0,38%
                                                                                                                                                                   2020              7,72%              1,68%

                                                                                                                                                                   2019              11,26%             5,15%

                                                                                                                                                                   2018              -3,72%             -3,09%

                                                                                                                                                                   2017              4,70%              2,24%

                                                                                                                                                                   2016              9,13%              3,44%

                                                                                                                                                                    SL               30,17%             6,59%

                                                                                                                                                                  Max Gain       38,53%               12,87%

                                                                                                                                                                 Drawdown        -11,11%              -9,12%

                                                                                                                                                                 Drawdown        72 days             245 days

    Source: AXA IM, Net performance I EUR as at 31/05/2021, Morningstar. The fund was launched in February 2015. References to rankings and awards are not an indicator of future
    rankings or awards. The information contained in this document may be updated from time to time. The information contained in this document may differ from previous or future
    versions of this document. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.
L'Inflazione morde il credito europeo - Ismael Lecanu Head of Credit Investment Grade AXA IM - AXA IM Italia
L'Inflazione morde il credito europeo - Ismael Lecanu Head of Credit Investment Grade AXA IM - AXA IM Italia
Reduction of risk
                  starting end of 2019


AXA WF Euro Credit Total Return
A profile that is decorrelated over time, both in terms of the credit market and interest rates

       Correlation with the Euro Credit Investment Grade market                    ...and with the Bund

    Source : AXA IM, Bloomberg as at 31/05/2021

What has been done?
Major CBs have reacted swiftly

• Most central banks in developed economies quickly exhausted their scope for conventional policy response. Balance sheet expansion has
    been undertaken in huge scale, both to underpin smooth market functioning and ease financial conditions

• ECB flexibility and proactiveness since the beginning of the Covid-19 crisis has been a positive surprise. Via generous liquidity measures,
    easier collateral requirements, increase in asset purchases programmes and creation of the PEPP, the ECB has helped to maintain smooth
    credit flow to the private sector, stabilise markets and reduce fragmentation risks.

                     Central banks balance sheets expanding                                           PEPP capping the spread and closing the vol

Central bank balance sheets
$bn                                                                                     10y sovereign ECB actions and euro area spreads
12000                                                                  Forecast         bond spreads %
                         Federal Reserve                                          4.5
                                                                                          "ECB not       PEPP
10000                                                                              4      here to
                         BoJ                                                              close the      PEPP        Karlsruhe
                                                                                  3.5                    legal act
 8000                    BoE                                                              spreads"
                                                                                                                     Macron plan
 6000                                                                             2.5                                   PEPP
                                                                                   2                                                            government
 2000                                                                              1
                                                                                    Feb-20      Apr-20      Jun-20      Aug-20     Oct-20   Dec-20    Feb-21   Apr-21
     Q1 2007 Q1 2010 Q1 2013 Q1 2016 Q1 2019 Q1 2022
                                                                                                         Italy          Spain        Portugal        Greece
 Source: Datastream, FRB, ECB, BoJ, BoE, AXA IM Research, April 2021

Banking sector
Compared to the previous crisis, the banking sector was not the problem but one of the solutions

•     Capital build over Q2-Q4 2020 was over 100bp on average.
•     Dividend ban, states support and moratoria on problematic loans have had a positive impact on capital and the asset quality
•     NPLs have deteriorated, but was moderated, supported by states support and loans growth.

                        European Banks CET1 build up QoQ                                    NPLs FY20 vs post GFC peak

Source: SG, June 2021

                                                                     Euro IG monthly upgrades & downgrades (% of bonds)
     Q1’2021 results: ratings risk is largely behind

            • YTD net downgrades are at € 83bn (including large
              issuers like Bayer, IBM, Oil companies) down from
              nearly~€ 500bn in 2020.

            • Average IG net debt to Ebitda ratio was down by 0.5x
              to 3.3x. The drop is even more impressive in HY as
              the ration nudged down from 7.1x to 5.5x

            • In the first quarter, revenues and Ebitda grew by
              +6.5% and +18.1% yoy

                                      Improving leverage             Most sectors reported positive sales and Ebitda growth

Source: JP Morgan, BofA Research, Bloomberg, June 2021
Euro Credit Universe
March 2020 has been quite harsh by historical standards, is there still value?

                                    Financial Crisis 2008/2009
                              320                                                                                                                               1350
                                                                                                                  ICE BofA Euro Corporate Index (ER00, lhs)
                                                                                                                  ICE BofA Euro High Yield Index (HE00, rhs)

                              270                                                                                                                               1150
                                                           First peripheral crisis 2011

                              220                                                                                                                               950
    Asset Swap Spread (bps)

                                                                                                                                                                       Asset Swap Spread (bps)
                                                                           Second peripheral crisis 2012                              Covid crisis 2020

                              170                                                                                                                               750

                                                                                                 Commodities crisis 2015
                              120                                                                                                                               550

                              70                                                                                                                                350

                              20                                                                                                                                150

Source : AXA IM, Bloomberg as of 23/06/2021

Euro Credit Universe
Zooming in a world of Quantitative Easing, same conclusions?

                     Euro Investment Grade Market                                              Euro High Yield Market

    •   The 22th January of 2015, ECB announced it will buy bonds issued by euro area central governments, agencies and European
        institutions in the secondary market (€60 billion per month)
    •   Purchases were intended to be carried out until September (at least) 2016…we know what’s followed with the inclusion of the
        Corporates bonds in March of the same year
    •   We are definitively in a QE world, with an implicit insurance from Central banks leading to mechanically lower risk premia.

Source: AXA IM, Bloomberg, BofAML Indices at 23 June 2021. For illustrative purpose only.
    The support should continue in 2021                          Euro IG cash-to-Ebitda in % (using 2019 Ebitda)

•    The primary market was very dynamic in Q1 2021
     leading to a positive net supply(ex-ECB)
•    On the ECB front, the pace of purchase will remain
     elevated for the rest of the year.
•    Corporates are sitting on massive precautionary liquidity
     cushions and do not have material financing needs.

                              Euro Investment-Grade issuance             ECB Corporate Bond Purchases

         Source: BofA Merrill Lynch, Credit Suisse, April 2021

Inflation concerns
Margin and inflationary cost pressures still top of mind for IG companies

What might be the impact of the “reflation trade” on the Credit Market
 So far, the market was extremely resilient , but higher real yield could eventually lead to wider spreads

• Whilst the relation between nominal yield and credit, specifically in euro looks “not simple”, higher real yields tend to lead wider spreads
• Poor $ returns has led outflows in the past for US IG, however in Euro IG the return don’t lead flows, the ALM bid remain strong, and the
  ECB is a key support.
• The taper tantrum episode suggest yield driven widening is temporary

          2013 taper tantrum was speed bump for € Credit                                      US 10yr real yield vs inflation BE %

 Source: Citigroup March 2021

How could the fund flows react to a rising rates context?

                        EUR Cumulative flows as % of AUM                •   Fund flows on the Euro IG market were very
                                                                            resilient in Q1 2021 despite the rise in
                                                  Very stable so far…       government bonds yields.
                                                                        •   Aside from the ECB, Pension Funds &
                                                                            Insurances companies have been the biggest
                                                                            incremental buyers of e credit in recent years.
                                                                        •   IG flows only respond to higher rates when
                                                                            spreads widen, as was the case during the
                                                                            2013 taper tantrum episode.

                 ALM money has dominated Investment Funds                          IG Cumulative flows as % of AUM

Source: Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, April 2021


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