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2 THE COMPANY Cidiverte has been distributing videogames since 1992. The company has grown and developed more and more each year, thanks to an expanding market and the entrepreneurial spirit of its promoters. For these reasons, in 2000, the company caught the eye of Take-Two Interactive, an American multinational involved in developing, publishing and distributing both videogames and game accessories. An agreement was reached and Take-Two acquired Cidiverte, which continued to operate under its new American label. But Cidiverte didn’t put aside the passion and experience that it had gathered over the years. Instead, it started again on its own and under its original name, paving the way for a new era of success and development. Soon thereafter, the tables were turned and it was Cidiverte that acquired Take-Two Interactive Italia in 2010. Constant growth naturally led the company to develop new ideas and projects. And in 2009 Cidiverte founded Gamelife, an innovative store chain specialised in gaming. At present, Gamelife has 13 outlets in Italy and new store openings are currently being planned. Cidiverte employs 77 people. The company turnover ranges between 25 and 40 million Euros, depending on annual product releases.
Il know-how acquisito garantisce la massima visibilità ai prodotti, sia in4 caso contenuti, sia commisurati a titoli di elevata caratura e di grande richiamo. Il Trade Marketing completa le aree del reparto, NG a ARKETdi Ipredisporre Moccupandosi 4 4 sui punti vendita con materiali POP, spazi aMARKETING permanenti, attività promozionali off-lineMARKETING MARKETIN scaffale personalizzati, aree e e online, spaziando quindi da volantini a siti e-commerce dedicati. i fi g u re p ro fe ss io nali altamente id iv e rt e ri u nisce on un team d ale di Cidiverte’s o M a rk e ti n marketing g d i C department counts a highly qualified n team l’o b ie iv o specialised tt prinin cipthe Il re p a rt lunvidteam eogame , c o IlfieldIl reparto reparto Marketing Marketing di m e rc di Cidiverte e o lo g Cidiverte ic o riunisce deriunisce toun di team figure di figure professionali professionali publisher. altam altamente of videogame tto re commodities. Its main goal is meet the needs of each qualificate nel se her. blisvideogame, qualificate qualificate nel si g e settore nel n z e d i o settore n merceologico g ngolo pu i simerceologico del del videogame, con l’obiettivo principale diprincipal con l’obiettivo d is fa re le e sodsoddisfare le esigenze di ogni singolo publisher. The group offers soddisfare fully-fleshed le esigenze support di ogni singoloin the publisher. market launch of differentiated c io su l m e rc a to di prodotti products a 360°adapting per il laits n choice of communication for both niche consumers fa tt i u and n su the p p rt mass o o market, lt a dei mezzi p p o fo rn is c e in d e g u a n d o la sc e Il gIlru gruppo and methods fornisce publicinfatti relations un supporto to the type to au q of360° an product ass di militself. to per a, a sul mercato di prodotti lancio Il gruppo t sp e c ia liz a targ infatti un supporto a 360°roper e z a dive rsificati, tatanto diversificati, ntofornisce a target specializzato quanto di e massa,i p d o tt adeguando ili stlancio esslai. scelta sul mercato di pro dei mezzi ll e c a ra tt e ri st ic h e d elle P R a di cdiAn mdiversificati, unicaziocampaign ocomunicazione average ne tanto eeddelle a target specializzato quanto di massa, adeguando la scelta dei m uses PR alle caratteristiche traditional media -dei likeprodotti TV, Web stessi.and OOH - followed by Belowdi comunicazione The Line sales promotion, e delle PR such alle caratteristiche as national and dei prodotti international n a li q u stessi. a li tv, w eb,tradeaffissione tr a d iz io expos and m e d ia p re ve d e l’i mpiego di mezzi zione, mostre zaaffissione LaLa pfairs like nifi zioneComics&Games, iapianificazione caLucca media prevede l’impiego Gamesweek, di mezzi tradizionali Gamescom, io n E3 e eto quali name sp o tv, n soa ri web, z few. o p e ra zio ni di prodi moz s a staticaLa epianificazione e d dinamica, in a m ic a , in si insieme e mediam e a aprevede operazioni l’impiego di promozione mezzi tradizionali e sponsorizzazione, u c c a C o quali m tv, icsmostre Gameaffiss & web, st a ti c a ternazionada le , d a L eSpecific fiere dievents settore a e livello ll o n a z nazionale io n a lee intitles, einternazionale, Lucca Comics & Games a statica e dinamica, are a liv also insieme organised fora operazioni single di with promozione the participation eand sponsorizzazione, endorsement mo e fiere di settore altri. Gamesweek, of sports e fiere and di da Gamescom entertainment settore G a m e sca o m acelebrities. livello e aE3E3enazionale altri. e internazionale, daecLucca io n di testim Comics e nial & oGam m e sw e e k , d a GaInoltre si organizzano eventi ad hoc perpe n la p a rt ip a z o c r singolo lo titocon gotitolo, sinaltri. lo, claopartecipazione di testimonial Gamesweek, n iz z a da n o e v e Gamescom n ti a d h a E3 e IneoThe re si o lt Marketing rg a lo. ospiti illustri del mondo sportivo department’s strength o rt iv o o dello o d lies e ll in oits spettacolo. ettacoRelations, spPublic which is managed by a Inoltre organizzano d e l m o n d o sp eventi ad hoc ustri inside the company and assisted by an outside agencylafor si per singolo titolo, con partecipazione di testimo spiti illgroup e ospecific the management ale di e ospiti illustri del mondo sportivo o dello spettacolo. b li c h e R e la z che si avv ionsii events. Punto di forza of all press del reparto releases, as wellMarketingas for the nèplanning g l’ambito è l’a mbito of P Pubbliche u conferences b Relazioni and che national avvale di e l re p a rt o M a rk e ti n ’a g e n z ia esterna d i fo rz a d untospecifico gruppo di lavoro interno, coadiuvato Puno dal p o rt o dal sup di un’agenzia esterna d i u te rn o , c o adiuva tosupporto od la vo icomunicati ro in Pubbliche Relazioni conin fe re e la zeavva nsi uper n oPunto The la sp ecifidi gestione company’s coforza gdiru pdel ptutti experience i reparto guarantees Marketing stampa,maximum è perl’ambito stampacoadiuvato l’organizzazione visibility , per l’o rg for a n iz allz a z io di products,n e d conferenze iboth che e la the uno specifico igruppo tu tt i i c o di m u lavoro n ic a ti interno, dal supporto di un’agenzia est prealizzazione case er laofgelower stion d eeventi dibudgets aandlivello nazionale. in that of high-calibre and well-known titles. per Il know- la how gestione acquisito e ve n ti di a tuttiliv garantisce eillocomunicatizionale. stampa, nlaamassima visibilità aiper l’organizzazione prodotti, sia in caso di di in aso di budge conferenze cbudget realizzaz io n e d i a i p ro d o tt i, si a e la mass ima visi bilità contenuti, Last realizzazione but-not sia commisurati least, di the o Trade it eventi g a ra n titoliti Marketing a sc di livello elevata nazionale. area caratura of the e di grande department richiamo. equips . Il know how acqu is a ra tu ra e d i g ra n d ethe ricvarious hiamostores with POP material, personalised is u ra ti a titoshelf levata c permanent experiential areas, off- li di edisplays, o Il know- ntenuti, sihow a c o acquisito m m garantisce la massima visibilità ai prodotti, sia in caso di bu c Trade Illine Marketing completa leactivity, aree del ranging reparto, from occupandosi di predisporre allestimenti and contenuti, onlinesia promotional commisurati a titoli di elevata caratura catalogues e d and di o si flyers to grande d i p re d richiamo. is p o e allestimen dedicated rr sui punti vendita e-commerce con materiali websites. POP, a re spazi e d e l arescaffale ccupan parto, opersonalizzati, aree emozionali ziona e ti n g c o m p le ta le zdazati , aree emo Il Trade Mark permanenti, attività promozionali off-line P , sp e azi a sc online, a ff a le spaziando p e rs o n quindi a li cataloghi e Il Trade Marketing a c o n m completaa te ri a li leP O aree del reparto, occupandosi di predisporre d i d a c ata loghi allestim u n ti ve n d it sui p a siti e-commerce dedicati. z ia n d o q u in volantini ro m o z io n a li o ff -l ine e online, spa sui punti venditaàcon p materiali POP, spazi a scaffale personalizzati, aree emozio permanenti, attivit
5 5 COMMERCIALE SALES COMMERCIALE una struttura interna che opera su tre livelli. 1. Esperti National Key Account sono dedic Cidiverte’s sales department has extensive experience of the market and, internally, canali specializzati, della grande distribuz operates una on three struttura levels: interna che opera su tre livelli. una struttura interna che opera su tre Un reparto Sales Analysis 2. livelli. National 1. Esperti Key Account National experts sono Key Account on prodotti focusdedicati the large sui principali main retailers alle principali clienti. for consumer strutture commercialigoods dei 1. canali Esperti and National Key electronics. specializzati, dellaAccount sono dedicati grande distribuzione alle principalidistrutture e dell’elettronica consumo. commerciali dei 3. Il reparto Telesale cura la gestione dei cl canali The 2. Un specializzati, Sales repartoAnalysis della grande department Sales Analysis distribuzione follows and surveysethe dell’elettronica stock and salesdi trends consumo. of the 2. Un reparto Sales Analysis loro una completa assistenza. main clients’ prodotti products.clienti. sui principali prodotti The 3. Il reparto suidepartment Telesale principali Telesale clienti. cura lamanages gestioneindependent and specialised dei clienti specializzati clients, guaranteeing indipendenti, garantendo full 3. loro assistance. una completa Il reparto Telesaleassistenza. cura la gestione dei clienti specializzati indipendenti, garantendo loro una completa assistenza. Service to publishers is further integrated with effective IT tools, such as the EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) system for processing clients and vendors orders campaign which is sent to all clients. CLIENTI PRINCIPALI MAIN CUSTOMERS CLIENTI PRINCIPALI CLIENTI PRINCIPALI ENTERTAINMENT SPECIALIST ENTERTAINMENT SPECIALIST CONSUMER ELECTRONICS ELETTRONICA DI CONSUMO GAMESTOP ITALY GAMESTOP ITALY MEDIAWORLD ENTERTAINMENT SPECIALIST ELETTRONICA DI CONSUMO GAMELIFE GAMELIFE EURONICS GAMEPEOPLE GAMESTOP ITALY GAMEPEOPLE UNIEURO MEDIAWORLD GAMETEKK GAMELIFE GAMETEKK EURONICS GAMETEKK GAMEPEOPLE UNIEURO GAMETEKK E-COMMERCEONLINE RIVENDITORI AMAZON RIVENDITORI ONLINE RIVENDITORI ONLINE AMAZON AMAZON
6 LOGISTICS The logistics department is the core of Cidiverte’s activity and, with its direct assistance towards suppliers and clients, is closely linked to the functions of the sales department. Care towards market channels goes hand in hand with the management of the warehouse, which is fully automated, operates 24/7 and can dispatch up to 40,000 products per day. The system processes products of different sizes, and quality control verifies the weight and content of each package. Optimised blistering helps shield packages from tampering and guarantees safe transportation. The facility is capable of full efficiency even during the concurrent launch of multiple products and also handles online orders, which currently amount to 10,000 shipments per year. Finally, to support the Gamelife division, the automated facility has been fitted with a system capable of managing diversified products, as required by the latest sales trends.
7 PUBLISHING COMPANIES Since 2010, Cidiverte has exclusively represented one of the biggest companies in the field: Take Two Interactive, owner of 2K and Rockstar Games. 2K’s wide production includes famous AAA titles such as the Bioshock, Borderlands, Mafia and XCom series, as well as strategy games like the Civilization series, and sports titles such as the eagerly awaited early NBA 2K and WWE 2K games, which are considered to be the best sports Since 2010, simulation Cidiverte games has on the exclusively market represented for basketball one of the biggest companies in the field: and wrestling. Take Two Interactive, owner of 2K, Rockstar Games and Private Division. 2K’s wideGames Rockstar production is theincludes famous developer AAA titles of popular such as the blockbusters Bioschock, such Borderlands, as Red Dead Mafia Redemption, and XComClub Midnight series, andas well Max as strategy Payne, butgames like famous is most the Civilization for theseries, Grandand sports Theft titlesgame Auto such as the eagerly series. awaited With over $725 early NBA million in 2K and WWE worldwide 2K games, retail which sell-through are considered during to be its first three the days, best Red sports simulation games Dead Redemption 2, lastongame the market for basketball developed and wrestling. by the creators of Grand Theft Auto V and Red Dead Redemption, is the second-highest grossing entertainment launch of all Rockstar time next Games to GTAisV,the developer which currentlyofachieved popularover blockbusters 26.5 millionsuch as in copies Red Dead retail Redemption, sell-through. Midnight Club and Max Payne, bus is most famous for the Grand Theft Auto game series. With over 2016 In March $725 Cidiverte million insigned worldwide retail sell-through an exclusive partnershipduring its first agreement three with days, Robotics, UBTech Red Dead Redemption 2, last game high-tech enterprise developed engaging by the in the R&D, creators of GrandasTheft manufacture, wellAutoas Vpromoting and Red Dead and Redemption, is the second-highest grossing entertainment launch of all time next to GTA V, life of common which currently people, creating achieved a more over 26.5 intelligent million copiesand human-friendly in retail sell-through. way of leisure life with products as Alpha 1S, Jimu Robot and STAR WARS First Order Stormtrooper Robot. Private Division is the third Take Two Interactive private label. Founded in 2017, it’s focused In 2017 on Cidiverte the best started astudios independent new project by creatingtoits that empowers own accessory develop range fully games. Private dedicate Division to support football: talent PS4 controller studios including, kits, covers and Obsidian NSW cases. All Entertainment, the products Panache Digitalare underand V1 Interactive Games licence of the 5published and most important soccer critically andteams: Juventus, successful Milan, title as Inter, Kerbal Napoli Space and Roma. Program. In 2019 Cidiverte presents Qubick, brand that marks the range of accessory conceived, designed, produced and distributed exclusively by the Company. The Qubick portfolio a wide range of accessories such as for NSW, PS4, HDMI & Type-C cables. All the products guarantee high performance and they are presented in an exclusive, eye- catching packaging.
8 7 PUBLISHER ACCESSORI Dal 2010 Cidiverte rappresenta in esclusiva uno dei maggiori attori del mercato videoludico, Take Two Interactive, con le sue etichette 2K e Rockstar Games. La produzione 2K spazia da famosi titoli tripla A, come Bioshock, Borderlands, Mafia, Xcom, a giochi per appassionati di strategia, con la serie Civilization di Sid Meier. Imperdibile è poi l’atteso appuntamento annuale con le serie NBA 2K e WWE 2K, considerate le migliori simulazioni di basket e wrestling sul mercato. Rockstar Games è la casa di produzione di illustri titoli blockbuster, Red Dead Redemption, Midnight Club, Max Payne, ed è nota soprattutto per il brand In 2017Theft Grand Cidiverte started Auto. a new Redemption Red Dead project by creating its own 2, ultimo accessory episodio dellarange serie,fully ha dedicate registratotoil football:miglior singolo PS4 controller weekend kits,dicovers lancioand NSW cases. di sempre nellaAllstoria the products are under official dell’intrattenimento conlicence più di of the 725 5 mostdiimportant milioni dollari disoccer incasso teams: Juventus, nei primi Milan, 3 giorni di Inter, Napoli vendita. Ad and oggiRoma. il titolo è arrivato aInquota 201926,5 Cidiverte di copie Qubick, milionipresents distribuite.brand that marks the range of accessory conceived, designed, produced and distributed exclusively by the Company. Nel marzo portfolio The Qubick 2016 Cidiverte offers a wideha range strettoof accessories un accordosuch di as collaborazione for NSW, PS4, HDMI esclusiva con & Type-C UBTech cables. AllRobotics, the productssocietà guarantee high-tech leader mondiale high performance and they are nella robotica presented e nella in an exclusive, produzione di robot umanoidi, che propone prodotti interattivi estremamente eyecatching packaging. innovativi quali Alpha 1S, Jimu Robot e STAR WARS First Order Stormtrooper Robot. From2017 Dal 2020 Cidiverte Cidiverte is ha official UEFA EURO ampliato 2020 sponsor la gamma with a PS4 controller di distribuzione skin designed con l’inserimento di and propria una manufactured linea di in partnership with UEFA. accessori dedicati al mondo del calcio: controller kit e cover per Our goal PS4 is to offer e custodie perthe brand-new Nintendo UEFATutti Switch. controller skin PS4 i prodotti concept hanno to the ottenuto Italian markete approvazione and to the licenze mostdalle ufficiali important European 5 principali Territories squadre where di calcio we can italiane: rely on aMilan, Juventus very experienced Inter, Roma and talented Napoli. Nel 2019distributor network. Cidiverte presenta Qubick, marchio che contraddistingue tutta la A new challenge gamma for Cidiverte di accessori that faces concepiti, for the firstrealizzati progettati, time the International e distribuitimarket. in esclusiva. Il portfolio Qubick offre un’ampia gamma di accessori per Nintendo Switch, PS4 e di cavi HDMI e Type-C. Tutti i prodotti sono presentati in una veste unica ed esclusiva e garantiscono ai giocatori le migliori performance durante le sessioni di gioco.
9 8 THE COMPANY Gamelife, a sales chain founded by Cidiverte, is the direct result of the company’s The Gamelife store experience is also focussed on customer service. Gamers find entrepreneurship in the field. specific counters where they can register for and receive fidelity cards, take part in loyalty programs for privileges and exclusive advantages, pre-order future releases Founded in 2009, the chain now counts 13 stores in central-northern Italy, of and get an immediate estimate for their used games. which 11 stores are located in the major shopping centres of the area. Gamelife’s selection is not limited to its vast array of videogames, game consoles and Gamelife takes great care in the quality of product display. Stores are designed to accessories, indeed it also includes videogame-related products, which range from be accessed easily and intuitively with separate areas for each game platform, each the latest “portal of power” gaming products, to building set products, toys, robots and of which is easily identifiable due to specific colours. Game displays always directly collectible card games. present the front covers of games, which maximises the visibility and relevance of new releases and best sellers.
10 9 THE COMPANY Customers will also find the same Gamelife store quality on its website:, where they can purchase products from the comfort of their own home. An exclusive app has also been developed, which puts users directly in contact with the Gamelife world. This formula has already proven to be highly appreciated by users due to its easy to use interface, as it continues to be developed and offer new features. Finally, marketing strategies in the various different stores are ever changing and always up to date. Advertising systems are planned periodically, with flyers that illustrate new offers or are linked to specific times of the year, as well as street marketing and in-store promotional activities. Gamelife is online: Gamelife is on Facebook Gamelife is on Instagram You can find Gamelife in: • BERGAMO • MILANO • ROMA • FIRENZE • MESTRE • TORINO • RIMINI • VERONA
CIDIVERTE SPA Operational Headquarters: Via Campo dei Fiori 61, 21013 Gallarate (VA) — Ph. +39(0)331268811 — Fax +39(0)331268899 Legal Headquarters: Piazza Giovine Italia 3, 20123 Milano (MI) — P.Iva / Cod.Fiscale 02124250024 - R.E.A. MI-1839070
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