THEATRICAL MIND Authorship, Staging and Beyond - Arnaud Maïsetti

Pagina creata da Asia Palermo
© Archivi Alinari, Firenze
Authorship, Staging and Beyond
curators: Alberto Bentoglio,          CONSTANZA MACRAS
                                      EASTAP Associate Artist for 2022

Claudio Longhi and Daniele Vianello   RICHARD SCHECHNER
                                      EASTAP Associate Scholar for 2022

                                      Piccolo Teatro Grassi, Piccolo Teatro Strehler
                                      23 – 26 May 2022

5th EASTAP Conference
                                      University of Milan, via Noto 8
                                      26 – 27 May 2022

Milan, 23 — 27 May 2022     

In collaboration with                           with the patronage of
The language of each individual’s speech title indicates               4.30PM — 6.30PM
the language they will present in.

Teatro Grassi
                                                                       SALA TEATRO GRASSI
                                                                       Theatrical Mind: Theoretical Reflections
                                                                       and Creative Processes
                                                                       Piermario Vescovo: “Mente teatrale”, progetto, utopia
                                                                       Raimondo Guarino: Shakespearean Authorship
                                                                       and Collective Mind

9AM — 10AM REGISTRATION AND WELCOME COFFEE OFFERED BY PICCOLO TEATRO   Aleksandra Jovićević: Orson Welles and the Theatre,
                                                                       Shakespeare and Beyond
10AM — 11AM SALA TEATRO GRASSI                                         Helga Finter: The Poet on Scene
PLENARY SESSION                                                        Sophie Proust: Autorialità del regista
OPENING SESSION – INSTITUTIONAL WELCOMES                               e «mente teatrale»
                                                                       Chair: Daniele Vianello
Josette Féral – EASTAP President
Daniele Vianello – EASTAP Vice-President                               CHIOSTRO LATO CONFERENZE
Alberto Bentoglio – Head of Department of Cultural                     Choreographic Mind: Theoretical
                                                                       Reflections and Creative Processes
and Environmental Heritage of the University of Milan
and CUT (Consulta Universitaria del Teatro) President                  Rita Maria Fabris: “Menti e corpi teatrali” femminili
                                                                       plurali: utopie della danza contemporanea di comunità
Claudio Longhi – Director of the Piccolo Teatro
di Milano – Teatro d’Europa                                            Emanuele Giannasca: Il processo creativo
                                                                       nel teatro coreografico di Lindsay Kemp:
                                                                       estasi, sogno e cultura camp
PLENARY SESSION                                                        Andrea Zardi: Nuove declinazioni della
EASTAP Associate Scholar for 2022                                      mente coreografica
Richard Schechner – University Professor Emeritus                      Irene Pipicelli: Verso una pratica eccentrica.
at the New York University, U.S.A.                                     L’eco delle teorie femministe e queer nella danza
Postpone the Great Game                                                contemporanea in Italia
Chair: Josette Féral                                                   Chair: Stefania Lodi Rizzini

12PM — 1PM SALA TEATRO GRASSI                                          SALA 4° PIANO
PLENARY SESSION                                                        Experiments in Theatrical Directing
EASTAP Associate Artist for 2022                                       From its Beginnings: Between Language
Constanza Macras – Choreographer, Argentina                            and the Stage
Chair: Claudio Longhi                                                  Chiara Pasanisi: I saggi della Regia Scuola
                                                                       di Recitazione “Eleonora Duse” (1926-1934):
                                                                       esperimenti di regia nel primo Novecento italiano
1PM — 2PM    LUNCH
                                                                       Cecilia Carponi: Michel Saint-Denis regista: Three
                                                                       Sisters di Cechov al Queen’s Theatre di Londra (1938)
GRASSI                                                                 Asta Petrikienė: Emergence of Director’s Theatre
PLENARY SESSION                                                        in Lithuania
Presentation of the European Journal of Theatre                        Francesco Di Marco: Il regista come autore dello
and Performance (EASTAP Journal)                                       spettacolo: un problema di statuto giuridico
Presentation of the Observatoire Critique                              Chair: Paolo Quazzolo
Curator: Erica Magris

3.15 — 4.15PM SALA TEATRO GRASSI                                       6.30PM   HAPPY HOUR BUFFET   OFFERED BY PICCOLO TEATRO
Chiara Guidi – Theatre Director, Actress
and Playwright, Italy
Chair: Gerardo Guccini
                                                       trasversale nelle evoluzioni contemporanee
                                                       del teatro visuale e di figura
                                                       Meriel Kenley: Vidéo et processus de création:
                                                       une incarnation paradoxale de l’Esprit théâtral?

Teatro Grassi                                          Gaia Vimercati: La regia (im)possibile: tensioni
                                                       e ambivalenze del circo contemporaneo
                                                       nei confronti della mente teatrale
8.45AM — 9.15AM   REGISTRATION                         Chair: Aleksandra Jovićević

9.15AM — 10.30AM
PANELS                                                 10.30AM — 11AM   COFFEE BREAK

SALA TEATRO GRASSI                                     11AM — 12PM SALA TEATRO GRASSI
A Life Lived for Theatre:                              PLENARY SESSION
In Memory of Giorgio Strehler                          Stas Zhyrkov – Theatre Director, Ukraine
Paolo Quazzolo: Dal testo alla scena:                  Chair: Matteo Casari
i progetti di regia di Giorgio Strehler
Matteo Paoletti: Giorgio Strehler and Opera            12.15PM — 1.30PM
Staging. A Life-long Clash of Utopia                   PANELS
Antonio Palermo: La poetica della luce strehleriana:
l’apporto decisivo del regista allo sviluppo           SALA TEATRO GRASSI
di una concezione drammaturgica della luce             “Live Digital Arts” Panel
                                                       1. New Perspectives on Live Digital Arts
Chair: Alberto Bentoglio
                                                       Vincenzo Del Gaudio: Chi è l’autore?
                                                       Authorship teatrale e performance digitali
Traces of Theatrical Legacies:                         Desirée Sabatini: Performing Arts Archives.
Giuliano Scabia and Eugenio Barba                      Problematiche di analisi, trasposizione e catalogazione
Laura Budriesi: Giuliano Scabia nel “laboratorio       audiovisuale della memoria teatrale in video
Dams” di Bologna                                       Laura Gemini, Stefano Brilli and Francesca Giuliani:
Arianna Frattali: Mente Teatrale e Mente Collettiva:   Staging Theatre without Theatres: Investigating
analisi di un ‘ultimo spettacolo’ dell’Odin Teatret    Access Barriers to Online Performance Creation
                                                       During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Leonardo Mancini: Forma e trasfigurazione
in Una giornata qualunque del danzatore Gregorio       Anna Maria Monteverdi: Why so Few Female
Samsa di Barba, Varley e Gleijeses                     Designers? Women Scenic Designers
                                                       in Intermediate Theatre
Chair: Laura Peja
                                                       Chair: Antonio Pizzo
Cultural Intersections                                 CHIOSTRO LATO CONFERENZE
in the Open Space of Theatre                           Theatre Directing “Before”
                                                       Theatre Directing
C. S. Biju: Three Mahabharatha Theater Productions:
Being and Space in the Performance Practice            Mariagabriella Cambiaghi: Il desiderio e l’utopia.
                                                       Prospettive teatrali italiane tra Settecento e Ottocento
Gianina Druta: Paul Gusty: The Romanian
Ibsen Director                                         Ilaria Lepore: Il caso del “teatro polemico” di primo
                                                       Settecento. Storicizzare il teatro o teatralizzare
Chair: Ulla Kallenbach
                                                       la storia: questioni metodologiche
                                                       Laurène Haslé: Sur la scène d’Adolphe Lemoine-
Theatrical Mind and the Plurality                      Montigny, directeur du Théâtre du Gymnase
of the Performing Arts                                 de 1844 à 1880
Francesca Di Fazio: Concezione drammaturgica           Chair: Gerardo Guccini
e materialità della scena. La processualità
SALA 4° PIANO                                                 4PM — 4.30PM   COFFEE BREAK
Within the Spectator’s Mind:
Models of Theatrical Participation
                                                              4.30PM — 5.30PM
Carlo Fanelli: Traiettorie della regia nel “teatro vivente”   SALA TEATRO GRASSI
Benedetta Bronzini: Da spettatore ad autore.                  PLENARY SESSION
Un caso di studio tedesco dagli anni ’90 a oggi               Marta Cuscunà – Visual Theatre Author
Armando Rotondi: Defining the “Director                       and Performer, Italy
of Experience” According to Experiential Realms               Chair: Sophie Lucet
and Strategic Modules: Rimini Protokoll’s
Situational Performances                                      5.45PM — 7PM
Avra Sidiropoulou: Great Expectations and Small               PANELS
Grievances: An ‘Informed’ Spectator’s Plea for Meaning
Chair: Francesco Ceraolo                                      SALA TEATRO GRASSI
                                                              “Live Digital Arts” Panel
                                                              2. Performing Media
SALA GAIPA                                                    Alfonso Amendola: Games e Teatro. Sincronia
Theatre Directing and Authorship:
Historical and Theoretical Frameworks                         di linguaggi nel caso italiano Shakespeare Showdown

Sonia Bellavia: L’autore ‘secondo’: I Sei Personaggi          Vincenzo Sansone: The Creative and Design
di Max Reinhardt tra il palco e lo schermo                    Methods of New Media Performance

Marta Marchetti: L’autorialità problematica                   Cinzia Toscano: Tra performer e marionette
dei Frères Karamazov di Jacques Copeau                        meccaniche, il gioco registico del Cinematic
                                                              Theatre Meinhardth & Krauss
Laura Piazza: Sei personaggi da Costa a Strehler
                                                              Alessandro Anglani: Sephirot il doppiogioco – From
Massimo Gallerani: Il regista-autore e la deriva della        Representation to Simulation
scrittura scenica nella messa in scena dei classici
                                                              Chair: Anna Maria Monteverdi
Chair: Anna Barsotti

                                                              CHIOSTRO LATO CONFERENZE
                                                              Playwriting Practices
1.30PM — 2.30PM   LUNCH
                                                              Anna Barsotti: L’immaginazione teatrale di Rosso
2.30PM — 4PM                                                  di San Secondo
SALA TEATRO GRASSI                                            Paolo Sommaiolo: Il teatro totale di Mimmo Borrelli.
PLENARY SESSION                                               «Mente teatrale» della scena italiana all’alba
The Constant Prince – Reconstruction,                         del nuovo millennio
a performance by Jerzy Grotowski from the play
                                                              Rosa Branca Figueiredo and Mário Meleiro: José
by Calderón/Slowacki; project by Ferruccio Marotti
                                                              Saramago’s Theater as a Tribute to Camões
– University Professor Emeritus at the Sapienza
University of Rome, Italy                                     Chair: Piermario Vescovo
Ferruccio Marotti introduces a video of the
performance, followed by a recording (also in video)          SALA 4° PIANO
of a brief dialogue between Marotti himself                   Insights Into Authorship
                                                              in Contemporary Theatre
and Peter Brook.
                                                              Tomaž Toporišič: From Directorial to Collective
                                                              Theatrical Mind: Rethinking and Changing
                                                              Contemporary Theatrical Landscape
Staging Theater: New Modalities                               Agata Tomšič: Ideazione, concezione, creazione e altre
of Fruition and Practice                                      forme di “nuova autorialità” nel teatro contemporaneo
Ludovica Campione: What Do We Talk About When                 Francesco Ceraolo: Dalla “mente scenica”
We Talk About New Theatre                                     alla “mente fluida”. Su alcune esperienze
Silvia Garzarella: Disclosing Ballet Culture Through          contemporanee dell’autorialità teatrale
Digital Technologies                                          Chair: Asta Petrikienė
Dorottya Mátravölgyi: Immersive Theatre Participation
Curators: Stefania Lodi Rizzini and Julia Tonsberg
SALA GAIPA                                               SALA 4° PIANO
Portraits of Actresses                                   Suspended Identities:
From the 19th to the Early 20th Century                  Paths of Community Theatre
Doriana Legge: Emma Gramatica, l’indipendenza            Sanae Amrani Jai: Applied Theatre as a Reflection
creativa di una capocomica attraverso                    of Moroccan Female Prisoners Reality, Socialization
un secolo in divenire                                    and Reintegration
Ulla Kallenbach: Imagination, Illusion and Ideality:     Isabella Corvino: Il teatro in carcere a Nisida:
The “Theatrical Mind” of Actress and Director            un’esperienza di mente teatrale collettiva
Johanne Luise Heiberg (1812-1890)                        Giulia Emma Innocenti Malini: Autoralità collettive
Simona Scattina: Titina De Filippo, ritratto di una      nei processi performativi partecipati del teatro
atipica capocomica                                       di comunità in Italia
Chair: Mariagabriella Cambiaghi                          Chair: Roberta Carpani

                                                         SALA GAIPA
                                                         New Frontiers in Performance
                                                         Christine Wilhelmine Schmutz: Emancipation
                                                         and Self-inquiry – On the Fringes of the Theatrical
                                                         Frithwin Wagner-Lippok: A Paradigm of a Post-
Teatro Grassi                                            human ‘Theatrical Mind’: Wu Tsang’s Performance
                                                         Sudden Rise – A Phenomenological Approach
                                                         Carl von Winckelmann: Building a Becoming –
8.45AM — 9.15AM   REGISTRATION                           Directing and Staging with and within Other-Than-
                                                         Human Agencies, Through the Concept
9.15AM — 10.30AM                                         ‘Mise en Relation’
                                                         Chair: Fabrizio Deriu

The Archaeology of Dance                                 10.30AM — 11AM   COFFEE BREAK
Both as Archive and Manifesto
Elena Cervellati: Coreografie immaginarie.               11AM — 12PM SALA TEATRO GRASSI
Il manifesto come precipitato di progettualità danzate   PLENARY SESSION
Timmy De Laet: The Archival Mind:                        Gianina Cărbunariu – Director and Playwright,
From Choreographic Reenactment to an Enactivist          Romania
Sense of Dance Archivization                             Chair: Erica Magris
Enrico Frisoni: Tra archiviazione e autorialità.
Fare memoria della danza attraverso                      12.15PM — 1.30PM
l’esperienza spettatoriale                               PANELS
Chair: Cristina Grazioli
                                                         SALA TEATRO GRASSI
                                                         Presentation of Issue 4 of EJTP,
CHIOSTRO LATO CONFERENZE                                 the European Journal of Theatre
Memory Strategies in Theatre                             and Performance (also known
Giada Cipollone: L’archivio mente. Il lavoro di          as the EASTAP Journal)
INCOMMON sul teatro sperimentale italiano (1959-79)      ROUND TABLE (LANGUAGE: ENGLISH)
Darko Lukić: Memories as a Theatrical Mind:
                                                         Agata Łuksza and Luk Van den Dries – Editors-in-Chief
Collective and Individual Memories as an Ordering
Principle in the Performance                             Pieter Verstraete – Guest Co-Editor Essays Section
Jessica Perich Carleton: The Re-membering                Stefania Lodi Rizzini – Guest Co-Editor Artist
and Re-visioning of Samuel Beckett’s Come and Go         in Focus Section
Chair: Martynas Petrikas                                 Armando Rotondi – Convener Artist in Focus Section
                                                         Valentina Temussi – Convener Book Reviews Section
                                                         Chair: Timmy De Laet
Declinations of the Great Novel                          Theater and Community:
of Theatre Directing                                     Reflective Surfaces
Grazia D’Arienzo: “The Play is Full of Echoes”.          Séverine Leroy: Ordonner, désordonner: comment
La vocazione registica di Samuel Beckett                 le processus de création réfléchit-il la société?
Dominika Łarionow: Tadeusz Kantor et Teatr Cricot        Sophie Lucet: La communauté comme principe
2 – utopie artistique contre le système totalitaire      ordonnateur du théâtre
Rosaria Ruffini: The Third Mind – Peter Brook            Isabelle Starkier: De la lettre à l’esprit: le parti-pris
e la regia come relazione                                de la mise en scène
Rūta Mažeikienė: “Performance is a Huge Mosaic”:         Chair: Luk Van den Dries
Authorship in Eimuntas Nekrošius’s Theatre
Chair: Patricia Gaborik                                  SALA 4° PIANO
                                                         Morphologies of Collective
                                                         Theatrical Creation
A Permanent State of Invention:                          Roberta Carpani: La creazione scenica nel teatro
Antonin Artaud, Beyond His Time                          di gruppo negli anni Ottanta: l’“ambiente teatrale”
Laurens De Vos: Antonin Artaud as an (Un)Willing         di Laboratorio Teatro Settimo
Participant in Immersive Theatre                         Marcela Moura: Le collectif théâtral ‘Tg STAN’ –
Rosa Lambert: Reading The Theatre and Its Double         complexité d’une signature plurielle
Through Submission Submission: An Exploratory            Gustavo Vicente: Politics of Resistance in Teatro
Analysis of Textuality’s Relation to Ritualist Mimesis   do Vestido: The Creative Process as a Course
Caterina Piccione: La mente teatrale di Antonin          for Performers’ Engagement
Artaud: forma, scrittura e teatro                        Chair: Fabrizio Fiaschini
Chair: Helga Finter
                                                         2.30PM — 4PM SALA GAIPA
SALA GAIPA                                               EMERGING SCHOLARS’ FORUM: 2ND SESSION
A Theatre of Ideas: Reality and Imagination              Reframing Performative Spaces
                                                         of Resistance
Maddalena Mazzocut-Mis: Immaginazione
                                                         Tereza Turzíková: Gender in Czech Theater
teatrale e gesto
                                                         and Performance Art
Luiz Fernando Ramos: A Poetics of the Mind’s Eye:
                                                         Alice Golisano: Bosnia Calls, Avignon Reacts.
Looking for Imaginary Theatricalities
                                                         Civil Unrest in July 1995
Magdalena Figzał-Janikowska: Theatrical
                                                         Geraldine Lamadrid Guerrero: Theatre as the Relief Zone
Imagination of Władysław Hasior
                                                         Curators: Stefania Lodi Rizzini and Julia Tonsberg
Chair: Tomaž Toporišič

                                                         3.45PM — 4.15PM   COFFEE BREAK
1.30PM — 2.30PM   LUNCH
                                                         4.15PM — 5.30PM
2.30PM — 3.45PM

                                                         SALA TEATRO GRASSI
SALA TEATRO GRASSI                                       Theatre and the Historical Avant-garde:
Research Directions and the                              Projecting the Stage of the Future
Metamorphoses of Theatre Today
                                                         Cristina Grazioli: Per un teatro planetario: Paul
Peter M. Boenisch: (Re)Thinking Diversity
                                                         Scheerbart e Bruno Taut visionari della modernità
in Contemporary European Theatre: A Re-Minder
                                                         Aldo Milohnić: Theatre-Mass/Tank Theatre as a
Laura Peja: Theatrical Mind and Transcultural
                                                         Utopian Project of the Slovenian Avant-garde Theatre
Dialogue. Examples From the Contemporary Scene
                                                         Giulia Taddeo: Anton Giulio Bragaglia
Annalisa Sacchi: Per una scena mutaforma: Manuela
                                                         and the Utopia of the Stage as a Living Body
Infante tra neo-materialismo e General Intellect
                                                         Chair: Armando Rotondi
Chair: Stéphane Poliakov
CHIOSTRO LATO CONFERENZE                               Stéphane Poliakov: Immaginazione e composizione:
Theatrical Ecosystems                                  un disegno teatrale nell’estetica dei registi russi
and New Creative Horizons
                                                       Chair: Annalisa Sacchi
Piersandra Di Matteo: Curatela delle arti
performative come “mentalità ambientale”
                                                       CHIOSTRO LATO CONFERENZE
Vincenza Di Vita: La mente teatrale nel processo       Crossroads: Theatre and Political Utopias
civile di AltoFest
                                                       Fabrizio Fiaschini: L’immaginario ludico: infanzia
Tereza Turzíková: Fragmented Subjectivity:             e teatro in Walter Benjamin
Environment as a Performer
                                                       Patricia Gaborik: The GUF Riviste and Fascist
Chair: Luiz Fernando Ramos                             Rhetoric on the Theatre of Tomorrow
                                                       Rui Pina Coelho: Social Plays at the End of the
SALA 4° PIANO                                          World: Considering Some of Simon Stone’s, Frank
Landscapes of the Contemporary                         Castorf’s and Tiago Rodrigues’s Performances
Theatre Scene
                                                       Chair: Aldo Milohnić
Rosa Branca Figueiredo: Pluralistic Setting
of Contemporary Drama: Authorship and Staging
of African Theatre                                     SALA 4° PIANO
                                                       Postmodern Evidence of the Dancing Body
Anika Marschall: Øjne på Jorden: Investigating
Gazes and Oppressive Structures in Danish Theatre      Renate Bräuninger: Replacing Forms of Organisation

Hassane Yousfi: L’“Esprit théâtral” Arabe:             Guillaume Bernardi: From Post-Modern Dance
Conceptualisation et Réalisation de l’événement        Practices to Opera: Trisha Brown’s L’Orfeo
théâtral dans des expériences Arabes contemporaines    Valentina Temussi: Rethinking Movement in Space
Chair: Agata Łuksza                                    as a Tool for Directors:
                                                       Andrés Corchero – Susanne Thomas

5.45PM — 6.45PM                                        Chair: Timmy De Laet
PLENARY SESSION                                        SALA GAIPA
Sotterraneo – Theatre Research Collective, Italy       On the Realities of Commedia dell’Arte
Chair: Laurens De Vos                                  Dorothée Polanz: Il Mascheraio: Looking
                                                       at Collective Creation in Today’s Commedia dell’Arte

                                                       Maria Grazia Turri: The Comic as Organising
                                                       Principle – Laughter and Power in Commedia
                                                       dell’Arte Master-Servant Relationship
                                                       Chair: Livia Cavaglieri

Teatro Grassi                                          10.30AM — 11AM   COFFEE BREAK

8.45AM — 9.15AM   REGISTRATION                         11AM — 12PM SALA TEATRO GRASSI
                                                       PLENARY SESSION
9.15AM — 10.30AM                                       Caroline Guiela Nguyen – Writer and Director
PANELS                                                 for both Stage and Screen, France
                                                       Chair: Enrico Pitozzi
The Aesthetics of Theatre Directing in the
First Half of the 20th Century                         12PM — 3PM   LUNCH
Lorenzo Mango: La mente teatrale di Edward
Gordon Craig                                           The Conference moves to the University of Milan,
Matteo Casari and Samantha Marenzi: Craig              Department of Cultural and Environmental
e Yeats. Visioni e pratiche della scena sullo sfondo   Heritage, via Noto 8; the last session of the
di un carteggio                                        Emerging Scholars’ Forum remains at Teatro Grassi
2.30PM — 4PM SALA GAIPA                                                Omar Elerian – Theatre Director
EMERGING SCHOLARS’ FORUM: 3RD SESSION                                  Alberto Lasso – Theatre Producer
Theatre and Ecology, From Nature
to Embodied Practices                                                  Nalini Vidoolah Mootoosamy – Playwright
Emanuele Regi: Nature and Theatre: Questioning                         Chair: Margherita Laera
About Historical Patterns and Models
Ai-Cheng Ho: The Application of Taiji Quan in Acting                   AULA K11
                                                                       In the Footsteps of the Ancient: Theatrical
Curators: Stefania Lodi Rizzini and Julia Tonsberg                     Mind and Rituals of Greek Tragedy
                                                                       Sotera Fornaro and Raffaella Viccei: Alle origini della
University of Milan,                                                   mente teatrale. Dioniso nelle Baccanti di Euripide
                                                                       Fabrizio Deriu: Una mente teatrale collettiva
Department of Cultural                                                 all’opera. Note sulla composizione di Dionysus
                                                                       in 69 del TPG diretto da Richard Schechner
and Environmental                                                      Monica Cristini: La tragedia greca nelle
Heritage, via Noto 8                                                   performance corali di Andrei Serban ed Elizabeth
                                                                       Swados (1972-1974)
3PM — 4.30PM AULA K11                                                  Chair: Stefano Locatelli
ASSEMBLY                                                               AULA K12
                                                                       The Spectator’s Eye in Theatre
                                                                       From Past to Present
4.30PM — 5PM      WELCOME COFFEE                                       Agata Łuksza: On Theatre Piracy in the Late
                  OFFERED BY CUT (CONSULTA UNIVERSITARIA DEL TEATRO)   Nineteenth Century
                                                                       Arnaud Maïsetti: Le spectateur-dramaturge face
5PM — 7PM AULA K11                                                     aux expériences esthétiques contemporaines
EASTAP GENERAL ASSEMBLY                                                Martina Flores Mendeville: Emancipating
                                                                       the Spectator Through the Lens of Jacques

                                                                       Rancière and Bernard Dort
                                                                       Chair: Séverine Leroy

                                                                       10.30AM— 11AM   COFFEE BREAK
University of Milan,                                                   11AM — 12PM AULA K02
Department of Cultural                                                 PLENARY SESSION
                                                                       Marta Górnicka – Theatre Director, Author and Singer
and Environmental                                                      Chair: Sophie Proust

Heritage, via Noto 8                                                   12.15PM — 1.30PM
8.45AM — 9.15AM     REGISTRATION
                                                                       AULA K02
9.15AM — 10.30AM                                                       The Craft of Directing: Hybrid Trajectories
PANELS                                                                 Livia Cavaglieri: Patrice Chéreau al Piccolo Teatro:
                                                                       un dialogo a distanza con Giorgio Strehler
AULA K02                                                               Carla Maria Bino: L’Officina delle Nuvole. Davide
Performing Italy: Theatre Makers                                       Livermore e la regia 4.0 tra palco e schermi
and Audiences of Migrant Background
in Contemporary Italian Theatre                                        Isabel Bezelga and Ana Tamen: Il n’y a pas
                                                                       de répétions dans la vie: diriger et jouer ‘on-line’
with:                                                                  Chair: Lorenzo Mango
AULA K11                                                 Claudio Longhi – Director of the Piccolo Teatro
Themes of Theatre Historiography                         di Milano – Teatro d’Europa
Roberta Ferraresi: Ripensare il teatro.                  Christopher Balme – Professor of Theatre Studies
La regia e la rifondazione degli studi di spettacolo     at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
Katia Trifirò: Uno sguardo critico alla pratica          Peter M. Boenisch – Professor of Dramaturgy
scenica. Alberto Arbasino e gli altri,                   at Aarhus University
nel teatro italiano degli anni Sessanta
José Maria Vieira Mendes: After the ‘Postdramatic’:      5.45PM — 7PM AULA K02
Theatre with Different Words                             PLENARY SESSION
Chair: Monica Cristini                                   CLOSING SESSION – ROUND TABLE
AULA K12                                                 Josette Féral – EASTAP President
The Universe of Dramaturgy Beyond                        Daniele Vianello – EASTAP Vice-President
the Text: From the Role of the Dramaturg
to Performative Practices                                Alberto Bentoglio – Head of Department of Cultural
Stefano Locatelli: “Dramaturg” e “Dramaturgie”           and Environmental Heritage of the University of Milan
in Italia: Gerardo Guerrieri e il teatro pubblico        and CUT (Consulta Universitaria del Teatro) President
italiano tra anni Quaranta e anni Sessanta               Claudio Longhi – Director of the Piccolo Teatro
Davide Cioffrese: Mente premurosa. Il dramaturg          di Milano – Teatro d’Europa
nei processi di creazione collettiva e di cura           Christopher Balme – Professor of Theatre Studies
Ina Pukelytė: Co-creative Strategies                     at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
in Performance Dramaturgy                                Peter M. Boenisch – Professor of Dramaturgy
Chair: Peter M. Boenisch                                 at Aarhus University

1.30PM — 2.30PM   LUNCH

2.30PM — 3.30PM AULA K02
Marcus Lindeen – Writer and Director for both Film
and Performance, Sweden
Chair: Roberta Ferraresi

3.30 — 4.30PM AULA K02
Presentation of the works by the Observatoire Critique
Curator: Erica Magris


4.45PM — 5.45PM AULA K02
Josette Féral – EASTAP President
Daniele Vianello – EASTAP Vice-President
Gerardo Guccini – Associate Professor
at the Department of the Arts of Alma Mater
Studiorum – University of Bologna
5th EASTAP Conference
                                                         Milan, 23 — 27 May 2022
                                                         Alberto Bentoglio, Claudio Longhi, Daniele Vianello


Largo Greppi 1                                           Christopher Balme (Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich)
                                                         Peter M. Boenisch (Aarhus University)
ARTISTS                                                  Maria João Brilhante (University of Lisbon)
Constanza Macras, The Multi-layered Language             Josette Féral (University of Quebec / Sorbonne Nouvelle
of Dance [EN]                                            University of Paris 3)
23 May, 4.30PM — 6.30PM                                  Clare Finburgh Delijani (Goldsmiths – University of London)

Marta Górnicka, Chorus [EN]                              Helga Finter (Justus Liebig University of Giessen)

24 May, 10AM — 1PM                                       Milena Grass (Pontifical Catholic University of Chile)
                                                         Gerardo Guccini (Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna)
Aglaia Pappas, La voce [IT/EN]
25 May, 12PM — 2PM                                       Sophie Lucet (Rennes 2 University)
                                                         Lorenzo Mango (University of Naples L’Orientale)
Saverio La Ruina, Tra scrittura e interpretazione [IT]
                                                         Aldo Milohnić (University of Ljubljana)
26 May, 10AM — 1PM
                                                         Willmar Sauter (Stockholm University)
Marcus Lindeen, The Staged Conversation [EN]
                                                         Piermario Vescovo (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice)
26 May, 2.30PM — 5.30PM
                                                         And as artists
Thomas Verstraeten, Look Out the Window.                 Antônio Araújo
What You See is Called History [EN]
                                                         Caroline Guiela Nguyen
29 May, 2.30PM — 5.30PM

                                                         Special thanks for the collaboration to Stefania Lodi Rizzini,
                                                         Erica Magris, Marcela Moura, Martina Sottana, Julia Tonsberg
                                                         and Nicholas Vitaliano

                                                         Teatro Grassi, via Rovello 2
                                                         Teatro Strehler, Largo Greppi 1
                                                         University of Milan, via Noto 8

                                                         Safety Measures
                                                         In order to guarantee the safety of its audiences,
                                                         the Piccolo Teatro has adopted anti-COVID-19 protocols.
                                                         For more information visit the website

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