Pulmonary Hypertension (PH) in Pediatric Age: from bench to bedside September 2019
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Friday 27th | Saturday 28th September 2019 Pulmonary Bambino Gesù Children Hospital Rome, Italy Hypertension (PH) in Pediatric Age: Course Director Francesco Parisi from bench to bedside ECM n. 81-259819
Pulmonary Hypertension (PH) Friday 27th | Saturday 28th in Pediatric Age: September 2019 from bench to bedside Bambino Gesù Children Hospital Rome, Italy ABSTRACT During the last 18 years the interest for Arterial Hypertension in pediatric age: guidelines Pulmonary Hypertension (PH) has been are still missing, making clinical practice very hard gradually increasing, especially in the pediatric for physicians. The purpose of this meeting is that field. Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension has of sharing our experiences, developing knowledge been recently enlisted within rare diseases. The on etiology and diagnosis, and pursuing a fatal outcome of this disease, especially in the homogeneous, but tailor-made treatment, idiopathic form, makes PH the second indication especially in pediatric age. This meeting will bring for lung transplantation worldwide. Only few together the main European experts in PH, with descriptions and studies are available on the the aim of comparing and enlarging the Italian and several and different expressions of Pulmonary European pediatric practice. FACULTY Antonio Amodeo - OPBG, Rome, Italy Lorenzo Galletti - OPBG, Rome, Italy Maurice Beghetti - Genève, Switzerland Stefano Ghio - Pavia, Italy Rolf Berger - Groningen, Netherlands Giorgia Grutter - OPBG, Rome, Italy Damien Bonnet - Paris, France Paolo Guccione - OPBG, Rome, Italy Marcello Chinali - OPBG, Rome, Italy Marina Macchiaiolo - OPBG, Rome, Italy Renato Cutrera - OPBG, Rome, Italy Shahin Moledina - London, Great Britain Michele D’Alto - Napoli, Italy David Montani - Paris, France Olivier Danhaive - Louvain, Belgium Francesco Morini - OPBG, Rome, Italy Maria Jesus del Cerro - Madrid, Spain Nagarajan Muthialu - London, Great Britain Luca Di Chiara - OPBG, Rome, Italy Vivek Muthurangu - London, Great Britain Konstantinos Dimopoulos - London, Great Britain Francesco Parisi - OPBG, Rome, Italy Mariella Enoc - OPBG, Rome, Italy Luciano Pasquini - OPBG, Rome, Italy Roberto Formigari - OPBG, Rome, Italy Massimiliano Raponi - OPBG, Rome, Italy Maria Giulia Gagliardi - OPBG, Rome, Italy Paolo Tomà - OPBG, Rome, Italy Laura Gagliardini - AMIP Associazione Patrizio Vitulo - Palermo, Italy Malati Ipertensione Polmonare, Rome, Italy Carmine Dario Vizza - Rome, Italy
FRIDAY 27th SEPTEMBER 2019 08.30-08.40 Welcome by Authorities 14:00-17:30 SESSION 2 Mariella Enoc Chairmen: Massimiliano Raponi Maria Giulia Gagliardi / Lorenzo Galletti Antonio Amodeo 08.40-08.50 Introduction 14.00-14.30 PAH in adolescents and young Francesco Parisi adults: treatments ad strategies 08.50-09.00 Opening greetings for an acute to chronic disease Laura Gagliardini Konstantinos Dimopoulos 14.30-15.00 PH in children with congenital 09.00-13.00 SESSION 1 heart disease Chairmen: Michele D’Alto Carmine Dario Vizza / Renato Cutrera 15.00-15.30 Pulmonary vasodilators in 09.00-09.30 Epidemiology of PH univentricular physiology in Pediatric Age Maurice Beghetti Rolf Berger 15.30-16.00 Coffee Break 09.30-10.00 Registries and Pediatric Task Force 16.00-16.30 Pott’s shunt in pediatric age Maria Jesus del Cerro Damien Bonnet 10.00-10.30 PH in Diaphragmatic Hernia 16.30-17.00 Pulmonary veno-occlusive disease Francesco Morini David Montani 10.30-11.00 Coffee Break 17.00-17.30 Pulmonary vasodilators in left 11.00-11:30 PH in Pediatric Lung Disease heart disease Patrizio Vitulo Luca Di Chiara 11.30-12.00 Sildenafil use in Neonatology Olivier Danhaive 12.00-12.30 Pharmacologic treatments of pediatric PAH: progressive or aggressive approach? Damien Bonnet 12.30-13.00 Genetics in PH Shahin Moledina 13.00-14.00 Lunch
SATURDAY 28th SEPTEMBER 2019 08.30-10.30 SESSION 3 11.00-13.30 SESSION 4 Chairmen: Chairmen: Stefano Ghio / Luciano Pasquini Giorgia Grutter / Paolo Guccione 08.30-09.00 Echocardiographic tools in 11.00-11.30 Two years single center pediatric arterial hypertension experience with a pediatric Marcello Chinali pulmonary hypertension unit 09.00-09.30 Hemodynamic laboratory: which Francesco Parisi role in risk stratification and 11.30-12.00 Pediatric transplantation in PH prognosis in pediatric PH? Nagarajan Muthialu Roberto Formigari 12.00-12.30 PH in Pediatric age: is it a rare 09.30 -10.00 CT scan in Pediatric Pulmonary disease? Registries, guidelines Hypertension and pratical approach to a Paolo Tomà multifactorial disease 10.00-10.30 Is there a role for CMR Marina Macchiaiolo in Pediatric Pulmonary 12.30-13.15 ROUND TABLE Hypertension? Which is the diagnostic Vivek Muthurangu and therapeutic approach 10.30 -11-00 Coffee Break to pediatric PH in the real world? Question 1: Disomogeneus patient’s pool: opportunity or not for specific expert centers? Question 2: Diagnostic-therapeutic approach: it’s unique for different aetiologias? Progressive or aggressive? Question 3: Regulatory authorities and difficulties to treat patients without approved drugs: Can we change the rules? Carmine Dario Vizza, Rolf Berger, Maurice Beghetti, Damien Bonnet, Nagarajan Muthialu, Michele D’Alto 13.15-13.30 Discussion and closing remarks Francesco Parisi
INFORMAZIONI MINISTERIALI Project & Communication è accreditata presso la Commissione Nazionale come Provider Standard n. 81 a fornire programmi di Formazione ECM per tutte le categorie professionali sanitarie. Project & Communication si assume ogni responsabilità per i contenuti, la qualità e la correttezza etica di questa attività. Accreditamento ............................................................. n. 81-259819 Responsabile Scientifico ....................................... Dott. Francesco Parisi Obiettivo formativo . ................................................. N 18 Contenuti tecnico - professionali (conoscenze e competenze) specifici di ciascuna professione, di ciascuna specializzazione e di ciascuna attività ultraspecialistica. Malattie rare. Professioni/Discipline accreditate ............. MEDICO CHIRURGO con le seguenti specializzazioni: Anestesia e rianimazione Cardiologia Cardiochirurgia Chirurgia generale Ematologia Malattie dell’apparato respiratorio Medicina interna Neonatologia Oncologia Pediatria Radiodiagnostica Reumatologia Durata del corso ............................................................ 11,30 ore Partecipanti . ...................................................................... 80 Crediti Formativi ........................................................... 11 Quota di partecipazione ....................................... gratuito Certificazione ECM online L’acquisizione dei crediti è subordinata alla partecipazione obbligatoria ad almeno il 90% del corso, al superamento della verifica di apprendimento (questionario online) e al completamento online delle procedure ECM (scheda di valutazione della qualità percepita e questionario di rilevazione dei fabbisogni formativi). Al termine del percorso il discente potrà scaricare direttamente il proprio attestato con i crediti formativi.
ISCRIZIONE ONLINE SUL SITO DEL PROVIDER www.project-communication.it Quando richiesto inserire la KEYWORD PHPEDIATRIC2019 CONGRESS VENUE Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù Padiglione Salviati, Aula Salviati (3° piano) Piazza Sant’Onofrio, 4 - Roma CME PROVIDER AND ORGANIZING SECRETARIAT PROJECT& COMMUNICATION SRL Viale Enrico Panzacchi 9 - 40136 Bologna T 051 3511856 - M 370 3641269 Email eventi@projcom.it www.project-communication.it Con il contributo non condizionato di Il Convegno aderisce al progetto
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