Italian Digital SME Alliance - Sebastiano Toffaletti European DIGITAL SME Alliance
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Italian Digital SME Alliance Sebastiano Toffaletti European DIGITAL SME Alliance Secretary General 16/04/2019 European DIGITAL SME Alliance 123 Rue du Commerce | 1000, Brussels, Belgium |
Tecnologie digitali: nuovi mercati, opportunita e sfide per le PMI Cyber security Internet of Things • 30.6 billion EUR market in 2020 ▪ Value for economy: 739 EUR ▪ Value economy: 7 trillion in 2020; • 60,000 companies (98% SMEs) billion 2020 ▪ The number of IoT connections in active in the EU cybersecurity ▪ # data companies EU is expected to increase from 1.8 market (producers) up 6% over 3 million in 2013 to almost 6 billion in • 60% of SMEs had to shut down years (mostly SMEs 2020 within 6 months; ▪ 10% EU SMEs used big data ▪ No hard evidence exists on take-up source, vs. 25% large by SMEs. enterprises; Blockchain Artificial Intelligence • Market: from 1.1 billion EUR • From 7 billion EUR market in 2018 market in 2018 to 20.5 billion EUR to 80 billion EUR in 2025 in 2023 • The EU is 19% of the worldwide AI • Annual growth 80% market • 60% of SMEs had to shut down • London, Berlin and Paris are the within 6 months; top AI hubs in Europe -> UK, GE, FR • Highly SME driven market account for over 50% of the AI businesses in the EU
"640K ought to be enough for anybody” Bill Gates, Microsoft, 1981 "Television won't be able to hold on to any market it captures after the first six months. People will soon get tired of staring at a plywood box every night.“ Darryl Zanuck, executive at 20th Century Fox, 1946 "I think there is a world market for maybe five computers.” Thomas Watson, president of IBM, 1943
Dieci priorità per la sovranità digitale dell’Europa del futuro 1. Eliminare le disuguaglianze fiscali e la concorrenza sleale: adattare il contesto legislativo all'era digitale. Introdurre la reciprocità nell'accesso ai mercati strategici. 2. Favorire l'innovazione guidata dall'Europa: creare un ambiente di investimento e di ricerca favorevole all'innovazione. 3. Portare l'infrastruttura digitale europea al livello successivo: investire in Internet ad alta velocità e di prossima generazione anche nelle aree rurali. Sviluppare servizi di e-government. 4. Sfruttare il potenziale dell'economia dei dati: sviluppare un quadro normativo che migliori l'accesso ai dati per gli operatori europei in tutti i settori e permetta l’evoluzione di modelli di business basati sui dati. 5. Costruire un'Europa digitale sostenibile: grazie a ulteriori modelli di economia circolare, smart cities e definendo una responsabilità europea per l’ambiente, basata sulle tecnologie digitali. 6. Preparare la strada per l'intelligenza artificiale guidata dall'Europa: creare un quadro legislativo per un’intelligenza artificiale affidabile e basata sullo stato di diritto per rafforzare la leadership europea in materia. 7. Chiudere il divario delle competenze digitali: sviluppare partenariati tra enti di formazione e imprese per le competenze digitali e promuovere una cultura dell'apprendimento permanente abbinata a opportunità di formazione aperte e accessibili. 8. Sfruttare il potenziale degli standard per le PMI: gli standard possono consentire alle PMI di accedere a tecnologie complesse e creare ecosistemi guidati dall'innovazione. 9. Verso la sovranità digitale dell'Europa: promuovere la sicurezza informatica come caratteristica fondamentale della sovranità digitale e della salvaguardia dei dati. 10. Costruire un'Europa digitale inclusiva: muoversi verso una società inclusiva pronta per il secolo digitale, garantendo pari opportunità a tutti.
Italian Digital SME Alliance: gli obiettivi ✓ Favorire la partecipazione delle PMI italiane nei bandi e le iniziative UE per l’innovazione, la digitalizzazione e lo sviluppo delle competenze digitali ✓ Definire e attuare strategie comuni per favorire l’ecosistema digitale italiano, in particolar modo le PMI, nel contesto dell’UE. ✓ Diffondere la conoscenza sulle nuove tecnologie e promuoverne l’uso e lo sviluppo da parte delle PMI ✓ Contribuire allo sviluppo dell’ecosistema digitale italiano, dove le aziende di ogni dimensione trovino possano condividere competenze e risorse per favorire l’innovazione. ✓ Promuovere l’esportazione del digitale “made in Italy” e offrire opportunità di internazionalizzazione alle PMI italiane
ETSI Technology Awareness Roadshow Workshops and demonstration activities for SMEs about standards enabled telecommunication technologies, in particular IoT, 5G and cybersecurity. Pilot country: Italy Timeline: from June 2019 to June 2020 In partnership con:
Italian Digital SME Alliance: membership inclusiva ✓ Associazioni di PMI e professionisti ✓ PMI ✓ Grandi aziende (fornitrici di servizi digitali) ✓ Centri di ricerca e università ✓ Autorità pubbliche
European DIGITAL SME Alliance Constantly expanding: ▪ Belarus became a member in May 2018. ▪ Ireland became a member in March 2019 ▪ Belgium will become member by April 2019.
EU funded initiatives for SMEs Informational session: UNICORN General Assembly of the European DIGITAL SME Alliance 29 of May, 2018 Brussels Informational session: COMPACT Sm all b usin esses wit h a lim it ed n um b er of developer s, which ideally General Assembly of the European sh ould be f ocu sed on cor e pr od uct an d ser vice d evelopm ent , ar e DIGITAL SME Alliance f ou nd con st ant ly in need of t ack ling secur it y, com pliance and code 29 of May, 2018 vulner abilit ies b y d esign in g sof t war e secur it y m ech anism s t o Brussels pr even t d at a br each es and ensur e cu st om er pr ivacy. Informational session: Cyberwatching General Assembly of the European The COM PACT pr oject s aim s at incr easing aw ar eness of t h e lat est t echn ological d iscover ies DIGITAL SME Alliance am ong key st akeholder s in t h e con t ext of social m edia and conver gence. The p r oject • TH EREFO RE, U N I CO RN : 29 of May, 2018 Trans-national partnerships including act ivit ies ar e based on key ar eas t hat im p act t h e con ver gen ce of social m ed ia: scien t if ic, facilit at es t he d esign an d im pr oves developer s’ pr ovides exper im ent at polit ion ical, cu lt u r al, legal, econ om ic an d t echn ical ar eas, t o nam e bu t a f ew. Brussels deploym ent of cloud pr oduct ivit y b y acr oss a var iet y of set t ings applicat ions and ser vices r edu cing clou d wh ich en hances qu alit y of @cyberwatchingeu by develop in g a secu r it y app licat ion design exper ience and con t r ibu t es t o st an dar d izat ionCOM an d PACT also st im ulat es a debat e am on g t h e var ious st akeh old er s (t he pub lic, t h e industry and academia, to implement and elast icit y b y design f r am ewor k in t er oper abilit y r esear ch er s, scien t if ic and ot h er policy m aker s and r egu lat or s) on t he Th e cyber desir able fwat u t urch e in is t he Eur opean obser vat or y of r esear ch and innovat ion in t h e f ield of policies and f r am ewor ks t hat ar e r equ ir ed an d lackin g in t h e st at e of cyb t heer arsecu t conrcer it y nin andg p r ivacy. It pr om ot es t h e up t ake and u nd er st an ding of cut t in g-edge cyber secur it y m edia an d con t ent con ver gen ce. an d pr ivacy ser vices which em er ge f r om Resear ch an d Inn ovat ion in it iat ives acr oss Eu r op e Informational session: SABINA EU relevant actions In add it ion, ext ensive r esear ch on policies and r egulat or y fr am ew or k s in m edia and cont ent is d eveloped, int egr at ing cr u cial t opics such as: t he t yp es of r egu lat ion t h at ar e possib le, sen sible, an d cur r ent ly im p lem ent ed ; cour t case st u dy on t h e ways in wh ich General Assembly of the European DIGITAL SME Alliance 29 of May, 2018 Brussels • CATALOGUE OF d om est ic cour t s r eview int er f er en ce wit h f un dam en t al r ight s in t he puOBSERVATORY M ARKETPLACE SM E END-USER CLUB European innovation and research r su it of pu blic SERVICES int er est s, an d t he im p act of cour t d ecision s on nat ion al laws and p olicies concer n in g social m edia an d con ver gen ce; and f u t u r e t r en ds an d r ecom m en dat ions in t he policies and r egu lat or y f r am ewor ks in m edia and con t ent con ver gence.M on it or s all R& I On lin e cat alo gu e Conn ect s SMEs a gr ant ed access t o t he cyber secur it y SABINA aim s t o develop new t echnology and financial m odels t o con nect , cont r ol an d init iat ives acr oss o f R& I r esu lt s r esear ch r esu lt s and pr ivacy cat alogue act ively m anage gener at ion and st or age asset s t o exp loit syn er gies bet w een elect r ical t he EU – alr ead y CO N T EST an d ser vices wit h dem an d and initiatives for the benefit of SMEs WINTER 2018-2019 SM Es and st ar t -ups w ill be invit ed t o t est elast icit y, secur it y an d Analysis of the research and m ar ket place f lexib ilit y an d t h e t h er m al in er t ia of bu ildin gs p r ivacy f eat ur es of UNICORN. Analysis of150 theidnational ent if iedand ! su pply side agendas and roadmaps regional policies and possibilit y t o get t ailor - within Convergence and Ser vice-o r ien t ed m ade, SME-fr iendly regulatory frameworks, Collect s t he on-as Th e “su pplier s” Social Media with the aim to o f f er s, im p r o vin g pr oduct s SABI N A w i l l : Ext en ding t heir p r od uct u sing UNICORN f r am ewor k or develop in g a pr ot ot yp e, t h ey well as judicial approaches on on goin g t h e lives o f en d - pr ovide • raise awareness about social media and content will be able t o w in 10.000 €! t ool t o m easur e t he Results become publicly available and findings and research trends, act ivit ies in t he u ser s cyb er secu r it y and convergence, and the ‘GDPR t em perat ur e’ - develop n ew d igit al t ools and st andar dise f or an thus helping to integrate and f ield of pr ivacy R& I pot ent ial exposur e t o evaluation of their alignment accur at e est im at ion of t he t her m al in er t ia of withcyber secu r it ones. y& r esu lt s, solut ions, t he GDPR sanct ions promote research findings www. unicor n-pr oject.euwithin EU and beyond. COMPACT the European p r ivacy Op p o r t u n it y f o r t ools an d t r u st ed b uildings t h e R& I Webinar s on legal Follow UNICORN an d wait f or t he n ews: will in it iat ives t o ser vices com pliance wit h GDPR, are distributed through DIGITAL SME Newsletter (Register on the website!) Stakeholder seminars Allows that will t o collect cyber secur it y Information on the pre- incr ease f lexibilit y of t h e Eu r ope’s p ow er syst em @Unicor n_H2020 standardisation initiatives, provide increase tawareness he f eedb about ack inthe sh o w case t h eir Th e “bu yer s” f in d st andar ds, cyber insur ance, et c. b y t ar get in g t h e ch eapest possible sour ce of latest technological r esu lt s as well as the improved t er m s developments of answer s t o t h eir f lexib ilit y: t he exist in g t h er m al iner t ia in bu ildings among policy stakeholders and coordination of the ef f ect iveness & needs! Cyber insur ance for UNICORN h as r eceived f un ding f r om t he Eur opean Un ion ’s Hor izon 2020 r esear ch and researchers, making them aware Help s t o avo id SMEs – 10 t hings you standardisation activities u sab ilit y of inn ovat ion pr ogr am m e u nder gr an t agr eem en t n o. 731846 of the current and future policy want t o know channels (website, social media, events, among the main r esear ch r esult s d isp er sio n o f Th e win -w in and regulatory framework trends. cont r ibut e t o m eet t he EU’s t ar get s f or stakeholders. ef f o r t s an d m echan ism can Tool t o est im at e t he r ed uct ion of gr eenh ouse gas em issions Pr ovides in vest m en t s t ake place bot h at cost of t he cyber insur ance Follow COM PACT!: sabina-pr / @pr ojectcompact / syn er gies & r esear ch syn er gy conver gence f or level and at Par t icipat ion in 10 SME etc) wor kshops SABIN A con sider s st andar disat ion as an int egr al p ar t of it s wor k pr ogr am m e. In p ar t icular , Th is p r oject h as r eceived f u nd in g f r om t h e Eu r opean Union’sf uHor t u rizon e f u 2020 nd in g com m er cial level r esear ch an d in novat ion p r ogr am m e un der gr ant agr eem ent No 762128. oppor t u nit ies st an dar d isat ion in SABINA is seen as a m ech anism f or f ur t her deploym en t in t h e societ y of Net wor king wit h t he r elevant cyber secur it y t h e r esu lt s an d ben ef it s of t he pr oject , as well as t h e validat ion of pr oject r esu lt s b y a w id er act or s com m un it y. • With the involvement of DIGITAL SME Visibilit y (e.g., t hrough a one-pager t hat ever y com pany will have on t he pr oject ’s websit e) The out com es of SABINA ar e t o be exploit ed by com panies adop t in g sm ar t ICT t ech nologies, inn ovat or s in ener gy m an agem en t solut ions an d t ech nology en abler s. DIGITAL SM E r egular ly gat her s t hese act or s on t h e occasion of dedicat ed nat ion al and its national members Cyber wat ch in h as r eceived f un ding f r om t he Eur opean Un ion ’s Hor izon 2020 r esear ch an d in novat ion p r ogr am m e un der gr ant agr eem ent No 740129. wor kshop s f or SM Es. 9t h Novem ber 2017, 23r d M ar ch 2018, 25t h M ay 2018, 2 m or e wor kshop s Hor sen s (DK) Bar celona (ES) Cluj (RO) t o be or gan ised in 2019 and 2020! Follow SABIN A and wait f or t h e n ews: sabina-project .eu Th is p r oject h as r eceived f u nd in g f r om t h e Eu r opean Union’s Hor izon 2020 r esear ch and in n ovat ion p r ogr am m e un der gr ant agr eem ent n°731211
Block.IS: blockchain SME acceleration program Total SME funding available: 2.4 Million € OBJ.1: Sectors: agrifood, logistics and financial Timeline: from May 2019 to May 2022 To connect clusters from the three target sectors between them and with ICT players, in the generation of new value chains and innovative/ competitive solutions. OBJ.2: To deliver strong supporting framework technological and business enabling the demonstration at a Large- Scale OBJ.3: To select and engage 100 innovative concepts with high market and growth potential in a dynamic and challenging acceleration program comprising 3-phases: INNOVATE - EXPERIMENT - COMMERCIALIZE.
Digital skills for SMEs Self-assessments SIGHT: skills development for SMEs in BigData, IoT and CyberSecurity Organisation Frameworks, blueprints Good practices Training (MOOCs) Individual Certification Beta-version on:
Support SMEs in standards development • Tools for SMEs to understand and use standards • Financial support to SMEs that participate in standards development • A network of experts who represent SMEs at ISO, CEN, CENELEC, ETSI • and more…
Definizione UE di PMI
Piani nazionali per l’Industria4.0
Grazie per l’attenzione Twitter: @ITdigitalSME Facebook: Italian Digital SME Alliance LinkedIn: Digital SME Alliance Website: Info:
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