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VIRTUAL CLINICAL CASE Ø Paziente maschio di 57 anni Ø HBV + da 30 anni (scoperto in seguito a donazione) Ø Impiegato Ø Alcool 50gr/die Ø Padre deceduto per cirrosi epatica. Ø Altezza 1.70m, Peso 66Kg Ø Ipertensione arteriosa
ESAMI DI LABORATORIO 2003 ALT 70 AST 91 GAMMA GT 35 FOSFATASI ALCALINA 92 BILIRUBINA 0.7 PLT 130000 ALBUMINA 4 INR 0.8 HIV neg Anti HCV neg HBsAg + Anti HBsAg - Anti HBcAg + Anti HBeAg + HBV DNA 224628
Ecografia addominale: 28/10/03 fegato di dimensioni normali ( 133 dlm) presenta discreta disomogenità ecostrutturale con echi grossolani a margini lievemente irregolari come nelle condizioni di epatopatia cronica. non lesioni focali. Microlitiasi della colecisti; vena porta e coledoco nella norma. Pancreas regolare con vicino un linfonodo reattivo. milza aumentata di dimensioni ( 126 x 42) microlitiasi renale destra. Cisti displasica sn.
Titolo asse 10 12 14 16 0 2 4 6 8 Lam 2003 2004 2004 2005 Lam-Adv 242473 2006 2007 IRC 2008 Entecavir 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 250 HBV DNA
200 400 600 800 0 1000 1200 1400 1600 2003 2004 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2016 2018 2018 2018 alfafeto
2016 alfafetoproteina 68.9ng/ml etg addome negativo. Dopo 4 mesi alfafetoproteina negativa 1600 1400 2018 (febbraio) alfafetoproteina 213.87ng/ml--- 1200 richiesto e programmato controllo ecografico c/o 1000 specialista dedicato: conferma assenza di lesioni 800 focali epatiche 600 400 2018 (maggio) alfafetoproteina 432,09 ng/ml---etg 200 addome negativo 0 2003 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2018 2018 (novembre) alfafetoproteina 1497 ng/ml---etg addome negativo
ECOGRAFIA DEI TESTICOLI Il didimo di destra e sinistra presentano dimensioni nei limiti inferiori rispetto alla norma (mm 36.7 X 20.5 x 24.9 e mm. 37.3 x 18 x 26.8 nei diametri longitudinale antero- posteriore e trasverso) ed aspetto ecostrutturale; nel contesto non si rilevano definite lesioni a focolaio. A carico dell'epididimo di destra si rileva una cisti di mm. 2.2 di diametro; a carico dell'epididimo di sinistra si rileva altra cisti di mm. 5.4 di diametro. Modesto idrocele destro e sinistro con scrotoliti. Utile consulenza urologica.
TC DEL TORACE, SENZA E CON CONTRASTO L'esame dimostra una formazione espansiva a carico della parete toracica anteriore a sinistra di circa 39 mm di diametro che interessa l'arco anteriore della II costa in prossimità della articolazione con lo sterno determinando erosione parziale dell'estremo costale con reazione sclerosante. Il reperto è da riferire a localizzazione secondaria costale con invasione del tessuti molli adiacenti. Non sono presenti tumefazioni linfonodali significative delle catene mediastiniche. Non versamenti pleurici. Non si riconoscono lesioni polmonari di significato ripetitivo. Esiti cicatriziali in sede apicale bilateralmente. TC ADDOME COMPL. CON E SENZA CONTR. Si riconosce una estesa neoformazione che occupa gran parte del segmenti epatici 8 e 5 di circa 11 x 7 x 7,5 cm rispettivamente nel diametri sagittale; trasverso e cranio-caudale, disomogenea in tutte le fasi dopo mezzo di contrasto con tendenza alla Ipodensità nelle fasi tardive, compatibile con eteroplasia primitiva. Il fegato appare dismorfico con iperplasia del segmenti del lobo sinistro come si osserva nelle epatopatie croniche. Non dilatazione delle vie billari. Calcolosi multipla mista della colecisti. Pervio l'asse spleno-portale. Piccole cisti displasiche renale a sinistra. Non lesioni focali della milza, pancreas, surreni e rene destro. Non tumefazloni linfonodall significative delle catene addominali esplorate. Non lesioni espansive in sede pelvica né versamenti endoaddominali. Non lesioni ripetitive a carico del metameri dorso-lombari né del cingolo pelvico.
MODIFIED BCLC STAGING SYSTEM AND TREATMENT STRATEGY HCC in cirrhotic liver Very early stage (0) Early stage (A) Intermediate stage (B) Advanced stage (C) Terminal stage (D) Single 2.5 years ≥10 months 3 months *Child–Pugh A without ascites. Applies to all treatment options apart from LT; †PS 1; tumour-induced modification of performance capacity; ‡Multiparametric evaluation: compensated Child–Pugh class A liver function with MELD score
REGIONE AUTONOMA DELLA SARDEGNA AZIENDA OSPEDALIERO UNIVERSITARIA DI SASSARI UNITA’ INTEGRATA DI EPATOLOGIA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! UNIEP ! ! Nome: Lorenzo Nicolò Cognome: Fiori Data di Nascita 7/8/1944 Età del paziente: 74 CPT: A 5 Eziologia: HBV Terapia per epatopatia no virale: Nessuna Terapia per epatopatia virale: Baraclude Grado di epatopatia: grado 2 stadio 3 Presenza di ipertensione portale: No Numero lesioni focali: una lesione epatica + LESIONE espansiva a carico della parete toracica anteriore sinistra delle dimensioni di 39mm che interessa l’ arcoanteriore della seconda costa in prossimità dell’ articolazioen con lo sterno con invasione dei tessuti molli adiacenti Sede lesioni: seg 8-5 Dimensioni: 11x7x7.5cm Tecniche diagnostiche effettuate: TC con MDC Stadio BCLC: C DECISIONE TERAPEUTICA MULTIDISCIPLINARE: Sorafenib 800mg/die www.aousassari.it!!!!!!!UNIEP!:!viale!San!Pietro,!Padiglione!Malattie!Infettive,!piano!terra!–!07100!Sassari! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Tel:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!mail:!!!uniep@aousassari.it! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !
Ø 7/1/18 Comparsa di rush cutaneo esteso Riduzione del Nexavar a 400mg/die
Peggioramento del grado di ipertensione arteriosa Classificazione Molto comune Comune Non comune Raro Non Nota per sistemi e organi Emorragia Aneurismi e (incluse dissezioni emorragie arteriose Patologie gastrointestina Crisi Vampate vascolari li*, delle vie ipertensiva* respiratorie* e cerebrali*) Ipertensione Patologie Rinorrea Eventi simil respiratorie, Disfonia malattie toraciche e interstiziali mediastiniche del polmone* (polmonite, polmonite da Aggiunto all’ ibersartan la lercanidipina raggi, sofferenza respiratoria acuta, etc) Patologie Diarrea Stomatite Pancreatite gastrointestinali Nausea (incluse bocca Gastrite Vomito secca e Perforazioni Costipazione glossodinia) gastrointesti- Dispepsia nali* Disfagia Reflusso gastro esofageo Patologie Aumento Epatite da
Febbraio 2019: Ricovero c/o O.C di Alghero per anemia secondaria ad ulcera gastrica prepilorica Forrest 3 SOSPENSIONE NEXAVAR
Febbraio 2019 TC ADDOME SUP con MDC: confrontata con esame del 04/12/2018 non mostra sostanziali modifiche volumetriche e morfologiche nelle varie fasi vascolari, della nota lesione espansiva a carico dei segmenti epatici 8 e 5 del fegato. Sostanzialmente nella norma la milza e pancreas ed i surreni. Cisti displasiche renali a sinistra; nella norma il rene di destra. Il fegato appare dismorfico con iperplasia dei segmenti del lobo sinistro come si osserva nelle epatopatie croniche. Non dilatazioni delle vie biliari: Calcolosi multipla della colecisti. Mal valutabile l’asse vascolare venoso dei i segmenti inferiore del fegato.. Non tumefazioni linfonodali patologiche. Prostata aumentata di volume. Diverticolosi multipla del sigma.
A Febbraio 2019 V T
Febbraio 2019
Ø 19 Marzo 2019 Il paziente viene rivalutato in ambulatorio per la comparsa di intenso dolore agli arti inferiori in assenza di chiare tumefazioni ma impotenza funzionale Ø Targin 5/2.5 1cpx2 Ø Richiesta gastroscopia di controllo Ø Richiesta scintigrafia ossea Ø Valutazione ortopedica Ø TC addome e torace
Maggio 2019
Maggio 2019
Maggio 2019
• Gastroscopia negativa • Introduzione in terapia di Lyrica, Laroxyl, Alghedon e Abstral Localizzazione di malattia anca di sinistra • Diversi ricoveri in Medicina con exitus nell’ agosto 2019
Titolo asse 10 12 14 16 0 2 4 6 8 2003 2004 2004 2005 242473 2006 2007 IRC 2008 Entecavir 2009 2010 2011 2012 250 2013 HBV DNA
HBV DNA 12 Ø HBV DNA apparentemente soppresso fino al 2012 (HBV
The AASLD suggests that persons with persistent low-level viremia (1 log compared to nadir or an HBV-DNA level of 100 IU/mL or higher in persons on NA therapy with a previously undetectable level (
Review Risk of hepatocellular carcinoma in chronic hepatitis B: Assessment and modification with current antiviral therapy George V. Papatheodoridis1,⇑, Henry Lik-Yuen Chan2, Bettina E. Hansen3, Harry L.A. Janssen3,4, Pietro Lampertico5 1 Academic Department of Gastroenterology, Athens University Medical School, Laiko General Hospital, Athens, Greece; 2Department of Medicine and Therapeutics and Institute of Digestive Disease, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region; 3 Department of Gastroenterology & Hepatology, Erasmus MC University Hospital, Rotterdam, The Netherlands; 4Francis Family Liver Clinic, Toronto Western & General Hospital, Division of Gastroenterology, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada; 51st Division of Gastroenterology, Fondazione IRCCS Ca’ Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico, Università degli Studi di Milano, Milan, Italy Summary NAs, HCC risk can be reduced but not eliminated, probably due to risk factors that are not amenable to change by antiviral ther- In the treatment of chronic hepatitis B (CHB), the ultimate goal is apy, or events that may have taken place before treatment ini- preventing hepatitis B virus (HBV)-associated liver disease, tiation. Validated pre- and on-therapy HCC risk calculators that including hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Recently published inform the best practice for HCC surveillance and facilitate studies show that in CHB patients treated with the currently rec- patient counseling would be of great practical value. ommended first-line nucleos(t)ide analogs (NAs) entecavir or ! 2015 European Association for the Study of the Liver. Published tenofovir, annual HCC incidences range from 0.01% to 1.4% in by Elsevier B.V. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license. non-cirrhotic patients, and from 0.9% to 5.4% in those with cirrho- sis. In Asian studies including matched untreated controls, cur- rent NA therapy consistently resulted in a significantly lower Introduction HCC incidence in patients with cirrhosis, amounting to an overall HCC risk reduction of !30%; in non-cirrhotic patients, HCC risk Despite the dramatic improvement in the management of chron- reduction was overall !80%, but this was only observed in some ic hepatitis B (CHB), hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) remains a studies. For patients of Caucasian origin, no appropriate com- major cause of morbidity and mortality, accounting for around parative studies are available to date to evaluate the impact of 350,000 deaths worldwide every year [1,2]. Natural history stud- NA treatment on HCC. Achievement of a virologic response under ies in untreated patients have reported annual HCC incidences of current NA therapy was associated with a lower HCC risk in 0.3–0.6% in non-cirrhotic patients, and 2.2–3.7% in compensated Asian, but not Caucasian studies. Studies comparing entecavir cirrhotic patients, with the highest rates observed in Asia [2]. or tenofovir with older NAs generally found no difference in The mechanism of hepatitis B virus (HBV)-related hepatocar- HCC risk reduction between agents, except for one study which cinogenesis is thought to involve several factors [3–5]. HBV DNA used no rescue therapy in patients developing lamivudine resis- sequences integrate into the host genome, which may down- tance. Overall, these data indicate that with the current, potent regulate tumor suppressor genes. Recent studies have shown that integrated HBV is more frequent in HCCs than in adjacent liver
HCC pazienti trattati vs pazienti non trattati Review Table 1. HCC outcomes in treated vs. untreated patients. Study Treatment N Follow-up, yr, HCC incidence, %* HCC with vs. without NA treatment median (range) 3-yr 5-yr 7-yr All pts Cirrhosis No cirrhosis Hosaka [26] ETV Total: 316 3.3 (2.3–4.3) 1.2 3.7 n.r. 5-year incidence 5-year incidence 5-year incidence (Japan) No cirrhosis: 237 0 2.5 3.7% vs. 13.7% 7.0% vs. 38.9% 2.5% vs. 3.6% NA-naive Cirrhosis: 79 4.3 7 p
HCC in pazienti trattati con risposta virologica vs non responders 960 Review Table 2. HCC outcomes in treated patients with vs. without virologic response. Study Treatment N Follow-up, VR* HCC incidence, %† HCC with vs. without NA treatment yr, median (range) 3-yr 5-yr 7-yr All pts Cirrhosis No cirrhosis Wong [25] ETV Total: 1446 3.0‡ + VR: 77% 8.7 n.r. n.r. 3-year incidence 3-year incidence n.r. (Hong Kong) No cirrhosis: 984 8.7% vs. 10.7% p = 0.02 Tx-naive + Cirrhosis: 482 – VR: n.r. 10.7 n.r. n.r. p = 0.33 -experienced Yang [33] ETV Total: 323 3.0 (1.0–6.0) + VR: 83-98% n.r. n.r. n.r. n.r. HR = 0.08 HR = 0.21 (Taiwan) No cirrhosis: 202 – VR: n.r. n.r. n.r. n.r. p = 0.001 p = 0.001 Tx-naive + Comp cirrhosis: 106 Journal of Hepatology 2015 vol. 62 j 956–967 -experienced Decomp cirr: 15 Kim [34] ETV Cirrhosis: 324 3.0‡ + VR: n.r. n.r. n.r. n.r. n.r. RR = 0.056 n.r. (Korea) Comp cirrhosis: 220 – VR: n.r. n.r. n.r. n.r. p
JOURNAL OF HEPATOLOGY Table 3. HCC outcomes with current NAs vs. older NAs. Study Treatment N Follow-up, yr; HCC incidence, %* HCC with current vs. older NAs median (range) 3-yr 5-yr 7-yr All pts Cirrhosis No cirrhosis Hosaka [26] ETV Total: 316 3.3 (2.3–4.3) 1.2 3.7 n.r. 5-year 5-year 5-year (Japan) (rescue No cirrhosis: 237 0 2.5 incidence incidence incidence Tx-naive therapy: none) Cirrhosis: 79 4.3 7.0 7.0% vs. 7.0% vs. 2.5% vs. Historical, PS- LVD Total: 182 6.8 (5.0–9.9) n.r. n.r. n.r. 22.2% 22.2% 4.9% matched control (rescue No cirrhosis: 97 3.2 4.9 p = 0.043 p = 0.043 p = 0.126 therapy: none) Cirrhosis: 85 12.2 22.2 Kobashi [39] ETV Total: 129 2.9 (0.4–7.5) 7.0 11.8 n.r. 5-year n.r. n.r. (Japan) (rescue No cirrhosis: 101 incidence Tx-naïve therapy:
Review ETV TDF ETV or TDF A No cirrhosis Asian Caucasian* Prior Tx-naive and/or exposure Tx-naive and/or Tx-naive tx-experienced n.r. Tx-naive tx-experienced 2.0 2.0 Annual HCC incidence (%) 1.5 1.4 1.5 1.0 1.0 0.9 1.0 1.0 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 Hosaka Wong Yang Lim Cho Yamada Wong Yang Wu Lampertico Arends Papatheodoridis [24] [50] [31] [38] [33] [62] [23] [31] [27] [42] [43] [35] [36] [51] N = 237 N = 813 N = 202 N = 878 N = 933 N = 402 N = 984 N = 314 N = 18,748 N = 213 N = 243 N = 580 N = 212 N = 780 B With cirrhosis Asian Compensated Caucasian* Prior Tx-naive and/or exposure Tx-naive and/or Tx-naive tx-experienced n.r. Tx-naive tx-experienced 6 5.4 5.4 5.2 5.1 Annual HCC incidence (%) 5 4.5 4.1 4.2 3.9 4 3.3 3.3 2.8 2.8 3 2.6 2.5 2.2 2.0 1.8 2 1.5 1.4 0.9 1 0 Lampertico [42] Lampertico [43] Papatheodoridis [36] N = 155 N = 131 N = 69 Arends [35] N = 164 Papatheodoridis [51] Koklü [40] N = 77 N = 353 Koklü [40] N = 72 Hosaka [24] N = 79 Wong [50] N = 247 Yang [31] N = 121 Chen [44] N = 239 Lim [38] N = 860 Cho [33] N = 445 Su [25] N = 666 Yamada [62] N = 94 Wong [23] N = 482 Kim [32] N = 324 Chen [44] N = 143 Yang [31] N = 152 Wu [27] N = 2847 Fig. 1. Annual HCC incidence rates with entecavir or tenofovir in CHB without cirrhosis (A) and with cirrhosis (B). Annual HCC incidences were calculated from studies with different follow-up duration by assuming constant incidence rates over time. In panel B, the following studies reported rates for compensated cirrhotic patients only (decompensated excluded): Wong [25,53]; Yang, naive/experienced cohort [33]; Lampertico, ETV cohort [44]; Papatheodoridis, ETV/TDF cohort [54]. The following studies
on untreated Asian patients, have been developed to predict the risk of HBV-related HCC based on some of the known HCC risk An important question is whether HCC risk predictors are also factors (Table 4, [31,47–49]). The REACH-B score was based on applicable in patients receiving antiviral therapy, as this general- data from the Taiwanese Risk Evaluation of Viral Load Elevation ly results in HBV DNA suppression and sometimes also regression Table 4. Comparisons of published risk scoring systems for HCC. CU-HCC GAG-HCC REACH-B PAGE-B (Wong et al.) [47] (Yuen et al.) [48] (Yang et al.) [31] (Papatheodoridis et al.) [49] Number of patients 1005 820 3584 1619 Place of development Hong Kong Hong Kong Taiwan Europe Ethnicity Asian Asian Asian Caucasian Age (years) 48.0 40.6 45.7 53 HBeAg-negative (%) Not reported 56.6 84.8 84 Cirrhosis (%) 38.1 15.1 0 30 Follow-up (years) 9.94 5.62 12.0 3.3 Antiviral therapy (%) 15.1 0 0 100 HCC (n, %) 105, 10.4 40, 4.9 131, 3.7 56, 3.5 Scoring system Variable Points Variable Points Variable Points Variable Points Age Age Age Age >50 years 3 Per year 1 (1*) Per 5 years 1
Body mass index1, kg/m2 26.1 (4.4) Patients with normal ALT, n/N (%) 518/1225 PAGE-B predicts the risk of developing hepatocellular carcinoma ALT in cases with abnormal ALT, IU/L 82 (85) in Caucasians with chronic hepatitis B on 5-year antiviral therapy Platelets , x10 /mm 191 (76) 2 3 3 Patients with HBV DNA 12 mesi Ø 1851 Medicine, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, Greece; 5Department of Gastroenterology, University of Ankara Medical 6 School, Ankara, Turkey; Hospital General Universitario Valle Hebron and Ciberehd, Barcelona, Spain; 4th Department 7 1 Αristotle University of Thessaloniki Medical School, Thessaloniki, Greece; 8Hospital U Puerta de Hierro, IDIPHIM CIBERehd, Madrid, Spain; of Internal Medicine, Available in 1055 and 480 patients of the derivation and validation dataset. 2Availabl 9 10 variables: median (IQR) values. Department Table 1. Main characteristics of Caucasianofpatients Gastroenterology & Hepatology, with chronic hepatitis ErasmusMC, B (CHB) who Rotterdam, were treated with entecavir Netherlands; Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, (ETV) or tenofovir (TDF). Fondazione IRCCS Cà Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico, Università degli Studi di Milano, Milano, Italy; Liver(Peg-)IFNa, 11 Clinic,pegylated Toronto interferon-alfa; Western NA(s), & nucleos(t)ide analogue(s); HCC, hepatocell General Hospital, University Health Network, Toronto, ON, Canada Derivation dataset Validation dataset p value (N = 1325, 8 centers) (N = 490, 1 center) Age, years Background & Aims: Risk scores for hepatocellular 52 (21) carcinoma 56in(14) the validation dataset.
CALCOLO Table 3. Construction of the PAGE-B risk score for predictionPAGE B SCORE of hepatocellular patients with evaluable PAGE-B score in the deriva carcinoma in Caucasian chronic hepatitis B(5patients anni pz in terapia under entecavir con or 312 (24.7%), had low (69), 597 (47.2%) intermediate tenofovir. The score ranges from 0 to 25. entecavir/tenofovir) 355 (28.1%) had high (P18) PAGE-B score. The p patients AGE with cirrhosis was 3.9% 10 +(12/309), 18.0% (1 Age (years) Gender Platelets (/mm3) Gender 6+ 16-29: 0 Female: 0 ≥200,000: 0 40.9% PLT (144/352) (191000) 6= score 69, 10– in cases with PAGE-B 30-39: 2 Male: 6 100,000-199,999: 6 (p
SURVEILLANCE IN PATIENTS AT HIGH RISK OF HCC • Surveillance is recommended in specific target populations Recommendations Level of evidence Grade of recommendation • Cirrhotic patients, Child–Pugh stage A and B Low Strong • Cirrhotic patients, Child–Pugh stage C awaiting LT Low Strong • Non-cirrhotic HBV patients at intermediate or high risk of HCC* (according to PAGE- Low Weak B† classes for Caucasian subjects, respectively 10-17 and ≥18 score points) • Non-cirrhotic F3 patients, based on an individual risk assessment Low Weak • Interval should be dictated by rate of tumour growth and tumour incidence in target population • 6-month interval is reasonable and cost-effective • 3 months: no clinical benefit • 12 months: fewer early stage diagnoses and shorter survival *Patients at low HCC risk left untreated for HBV and without regular 6-month surveillance must be reassessed at latest on a yearly basis to verify progression of HCC risk. †PAGE-B score is based on decade of age (16–29 = 0, 30–39 = 2, 40–49 = 4, 50–59 = 6, 60–69 = 8, ≥70=10), gender (M = 6, F = 0) and platelet count (≥200,000/µl = 0, 100,000–199,999µl = 1,
84.8 84 0 30 REACH-B Score for Hepatocellular Carcinoma 12.0 3.3 0 100 (HCC) 131, 3.7 56, 3.5 Variable Points Variable Points Age Age Per 5 years 1 6
Research Article JOURNAL OF HEPATOLOGY Cancer Toronto HCC risk index: A validated scoring system to predict 10-year risk of HCC in patients with cirrhosis Suraj A. Sharma1, Matthew Kowgier1,5, Bettina E. Hansen2, Willem Pieter Brouwer2, Raoel Maan2, David Wong1, Hemant Shah1, Korosh Khalili3, Colina Yim1, E. Jenny Heathcote1, Harry L.A. Janssen1,2, JOURNAL 1 Morris Sherman1, Gideon M. Hirschfield4,y, Jordan J. Feld1,⇑,y OF HEPATOLOG Toronto Centre for Liver Disease, University Health Network, University of Toronto, Canada; 2Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Erasmus MC University Medical Centre, Rotterdam, The Netherlands; 3Department of Medical Imaging, University Health Network, University of Toronto, Canada; 4Centre for Liver Research and NIHR Biomedical Research Unit, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK; Table 3. Components of the Toronto HCC Risk Index.5 Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto, Canada Cumulative HCC incidence by THRI risk category Risk Factor Score 0.4 Age Background & Aims: Current guidelines recommend biannual cirrhosis, and has been validated in an external cohort. This risk surveillance for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in all patients score may help to guide recommendations regarding HCC 240 Etiologynosed Methods: A derivation cohort of patients with cirrhosis diag- with cirrhosis, and has been validated in an external cohort. This Autoimmune by biopsy or non-invasive measures was identified through retrospective chart review. 0 The disease-specific inci- THRI ≤120 0.2incidenza HCC per anno risk score may help to guide recommendations regarding HCC surveillance among patients with cirrhosis. 0,3 dence of HCC was calculated according to etiology of cirrhosis. ! 2017 European Association for the Study of the Liver. Published by HCV SVRFactors associated with HCC were 0 identified through multivari- Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. able Cox regression and used to develop a scoring system to pre- Other dict HCC risk. The scoring system cohort for validation. 36 was evaluated in an external Introduction THRI 120-240 incidenza HCC per anno 1 Steatohepatitis Results: Of 2,079 patients with 54 cirrhosis and ≥6 months follow- Ambulatory management of cirrhosis is 0.1 of increasing up, 226 (10.8%) developed HCC. The 10-year cumulative inci- importance with rising rates of chronic liver disease and the HCV dence of HCC varied by etiologic 97category from 22% in patients associated complications of end-stage cirrhosis. One such HBV with 97 viral hepatitis, to 16% in those with steatohepatitis and 5% in those with autoimmune liver disease (p 240 common malignancy among men globally, and seventh most incidenza HCC per anno complication, hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), is the fifth most 3.2% Gender variable Cox regression, age, sex, etiology and platelets were common malignancy among women, leading to more than 0.0 associated with HCC. Points were assigned in proportion to each 700,000 deaths annually.1–3 In the US, the age-adjusted inci- Femalehazard ratio to create the Toronto 0 HCC Risk Index (THRI). The 0 dence of HCC rose from 1.6 to 4.5 per 100,000 people between 2 1975 and 2005.4 Currently, one-year survival for HCC is still less 4 6 8 10 10-year cumulative HCC incidence was 3%, 10% and 32% in the Male low-risk (240) groups respectively, values that remained consistent surveillance and the availability of better therapies.4–6 Plateletsafter internal validation. External validation was performed on Current guidelines recommend twice-yearly ultrasounds for >200 aviral cohort of patients with primary biliary cirrhosis, hepatitis B 0 Fig. 2. Cumulative HCC incidence by THRI. The THRI stratified patients HCC surveillance in all patients with cirrhosis.6,7 These recom- and hepatitis C viral cirrhosis (n = 1,144), with similar pre- mendations8 result from studies evaluating HCC doubling low-, intermediate- and high-risk groups. Patients with a THRI score be time,9,10 cost-effectiveness,11 and one randomized trial of HCC 140–200dictive ability (Harrell’s c statistic20 0.77) in the validation and derivation cohorts. 120 had an annualized HCC incidence of 0.3% per year. The annual surveillance in patients with chronic hepatitis B (CHB) infection 80–139 Conclusion: HCC incidence varies 70 markedly by etiology of cir- from China.12 AASLD guidelines state that HCC surveillance is rhosis. The THRI, using readily available clinical and laboratory incidence in patients with intermediate risk (120–240 points) was cost-effective at an annualized incidence of 1.5% or above in 240 points) was 3.2%. The curves for However, the risk of HCC in patients with cirrhosis is known Total Keywords: Cirrhosis; Hepatocellular0–366 carcinoma; HCC; Toronto hepatoma risk index to vary with etiology, age, gender and other factors.13–16 Scoring three risk groups were compared using the log-rank test. HCC, hepatocell (THRI); Cumulative incidence. systems have been developed for HCC risk prediction in patients HBV, Hepatitis Received B25 virus; HCV, July 2016; Hepatitis received available online 24 August 2017 in revisedCform virus; 8 JulySVR, 2017;sustained virologic accepted 29 July 2017; response. carcinoma; THRI, Toronto HCC Risk Index. with specific causes of liver disease, such as CHB. However, etiology-independent risk stratification is currently not possi- ⇑ Corresponding author. Address: Toronto Center for Liver Disease, Sandra Rotman Centre for Global Health, University Health Network, University of Toronto, 6B-Fell ble. As a result, HCC surveillance is recommended for all Pavilion Rm 158, 399 Bathurst Street, Toronto, Ontario M5T 2S8, Canada. patients with cirrhosis, regardless of the etiology of liver disease E-mail address: Jordan.feld@uhn.ca (J.J. Feld). or the presence of other risk factors. high-risk group was 3.2% per year, suggesting that th y These authors contributed equally to the supervision of this study. annualized incidence of HCC was lower than the AASLD recom-
gies all’inquadramento utilizing ultrasound and MR replace, the need for liver biopsy and should be seen as diagnostico e, soprattutto, prognostico. LINEE GUIDA uch as Qualità acoustic radiation force a complementary tool in Forza EPATOCARCINOMA the dellamanagement 2018 of chronic dell’evidenza Raccomandazione clinica raccomandazione diffusion-weightedSIGN MRsorveglianza. imaging HBV-infected patients. clinica 1600 Tutti raccomandati Pertanto, il monitoraggio semestrale dell’alfa-fetoproteina non può rientrare fra gli strumenti HEPATOLOGY, April 2018 i pazienti condi cirrosi epatica del e funzione paziente epatica s well. These approaches soddisfacente make(classe dell’ecografia. upTuttavia, sorveglianza A e B questo di Child-Pugh) marcatore dovrebbero a rischio di HCC, salvo che in assenza di disponibilità mantiene la sua importanza come indicatore del rischio di sviluppo B when surveillance esseredisottoposti abegin. sorveglianza semestrale delcon ecografia Positivafocale debole fibrosis are elas- 1400 HCC should e va (134,135) dosato al momento Other sub- riscontro di una lesione epatica su cirrosi per contribuire the liver biopsy by improving dell’addome all’inquadramento fibrosis markers groups with a higher risk of HCC include persons (13-HDV, the superiore per Use la diagnostico 18) or HIV coinfections and those with of diagnosi e, risk calculators precoce soprattutto, di HCC prognostico. these noninva- with HCV, heyfibrosis also("F2), reduce 1200 fatty the evidence di need (55,136-139) to HCC, recommend for liver.L’alfa-fetoproteinaAt liver this ètime, Qualità HCC dell’evidenza un indicatore surveillance ma, per la ridotta sensibilità nei tumoriin di rischio di sviluppo there is insufficient children di piccole Raccomandazione clinica Forza della raccomandazione ve with normal except in dimensioni, U/L men) and 1000 B family children with member with SIGN non HCC. cirrhosis dovrebbe sorveglianza per mettere inTutti Chronic or with essere a first-degree motoi lepazienti HBV utilizzata strategiecon come infection test di remains cirrosi epaticaNegativa di richiamo e funzione an important epatica debole cause of clinica uld be tested for ! risultati positivi soddisfacente (classeal Asuoe usoB di Child-Pugh) dovrebbero urement onths duringusing the TE Guidance (Fibroscan ed iStatements frequenti peggiorano HBsAg-Positive Persons ) B for HCCHCC was development. che conseguono Screening sottoposti in HCC causes poor qualityPositiva il rapporto costo/beneficio della sorveglianza semestrale con ecografia essere a sorveglianza of lifedeboleand inactive CHB.800 semestrale rispetto alla sola dell’addome ecografia (20)superiore per la diagnosi precoce di HCC and BV-DNA is the levelsmost1. All extensively HBsAg-positive patients withshortened evalu- (13-cirrhosis 18) should survival, and is thus regarded as a major health alfafeto nth intervals. If be screened with US examinationL’alfa-fetoproteina with or without è un indicatore di rischio di sviluppo alone can be600 AFP every 6 months. e.ing Following bove the 4. normal vigorous Politica validations di richiamo 2. HBsAg-positive inat highchallenge. e diagnosi adults di HCC, ma, perThe risk for HCC dimensioni, risksensibilità la ridotta of CHB progressing nei tumori non dovrebbe essere utilizzata come test di di piccole to HCC may be DNA should be (including Asian or B black men over 40 years per sorveglianza andmettere in moto le strategie di richiamo Negativa debole shown months). to be La cirrosi è400a reliable Asian women and accurate over 50 years of age), caratterizzata istologicamente da bande reduced persons eddii frequenti by tessuto fibroso with antiviral risultatichepositivi therapy che conseguono delimitano [146], and al suo uso noduli di rigenerazione surveillance with 000 IU/mL a first-degree family but La presenza di piccoli noduli nel fegato member with a peggiorano history of epatocitaria. cirroticoilrappresenta rapporto costo/beneficio pertanto la norma. dellaTuttavia sorveglianza questi sybutof inliverassessing disease noduli, che hanno the HCC, severity or personsofwith • generalmente with US examination Il dosaggio liver HDV should with orematico dimensioni abdominal semestrale comprese without AFP be screened rispetto ultrasonography alla sola dell’alfa-fetoproteina tra 1 e 4 every mm, non ecografia vengono (20) and (AFP) rilevati serum non all’ecografia è alpha-fetoprotein un test efficace not limited convenzionale 200 in6scala months.di grigi, che è la tecnica raccomandata nella sorveglianza. ecent ty, nonalcoholic years, Viene liver disease. many definita3.“lesione There patients focale”, inperAsia- una are insufficient ladata lesione sorveglianza che tests dallo to emerga identify can bepertanto esfondo high-risk used ecograficotononscreen devepiù in modo patients soppiantare for leearly distinto (con HCC treat- l’ecografia 4. HCC Politica normali sonde ecografiche uld be evaluated 0 groups for epatica. per addome) Il testdiHowever, o in children. ad richiamo altra può tecnica essereit is e di rea-diagnosi imaging, richiesto e che, in genere, in aggiunta ha dimensioni tappe.all’ecografia di epatica. E’ beenprecancerose evaluatedcomprendono almeno 5 mm21 by . Il sonableTE, percorso to resulting di screen consigliata la displasia in cancerogenesi HBsAg-positive una epatocellulare ment. epatica Although, children valutazione ed or nel i foci 90% and dei the casi global specialistica displastici avviene (visibili solo al anumber in pazienti Leof microscopio) individuals lesioni con ed i aumento infected dei 2003 2004 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2016 2018 2018 2018 d HBsAg sero- adolescents Lawithcirrosi è advanced caratterizzata fibrosis istologicamente (F3) cirrho- da bande di tessuto fibroso che delimitano noduli di rigenerazione noduli displasticisischeand possono essere evidenziati macroscopicamente enel confegato tecniche di imaging. -DNAexperience. E’ comunqueThe monitor- difficile with performances epatocitaria. those e allonoduli, HCC with stessoUS using a tempo che of La presenza first-degree valori importante hanno examination diwith di family CHB piccoli member alfaetoproteina identificare generalmente with or is la extensive, noduli dimensioni without ed especially cirrotico di unecografia naturacomprese nodulo tra 1rilevato e 4 in rappresenta epatica nel mm, endemic pertanto non la negativa contesto vengono areas norma. rilevati such Tuttavia as questi all’ecografia CC surveillance 20 di un fegato cirrotico AFP every . Esistono convenzionale 6 months. altri tipi di lesioni in scala di grigi,maligne che è lache possono tecnica insorgere nella raccomandata su cirrosi, quali il sorveglianza. ficant or a long fibrosis cirrhosis, a first- colangiocarcinoma (CF2 stage) dura- 4. Fored HBsAg-positive il linfoma and Vieneepatico definitacir- primitivo, “lesioneatma persons Asian-Pacific tali neoplasie focale”, high and sub-Saharan for complessivamente una lesione risk che emerga dallonon African costituiscono sfondo ecografico piùinregions, only(cona le modo più distinto malesdel and2-3% >50di tuttiHCC i nuovi normali whonoduli. Le are living sonde in ecografiche metastasi whereper areas epatiche US daaddome)notAISF isaltri o ad sono tumori 24/07/2019 altra tecnica molto più di imaging, rare nel epaziente che, in genere, ha dimensioni di ood, n infected with cirroticoAUROC withrispetto Dal punto di vista ai of 0.81–0.95 soggetti readily months almeno non available, should istologico, 5 21 cirrotici. precancerose le be and mm screening . Il with comprendono small percorso AFP la number di every displasia 6 of cancerogenesi patients epatocellulare performed. che avvengono durante la cancerogenesi sono accompagnate trasformazioni epatica ed i develop nel foci 90% end-stage dei displastici casi avviene (visibili liver solo al diseases. a tappe. Le lesioni microscopio) ed i noduli displastici che possono essere evidenziati macroscopicamente e con tecniche di imaging. Mostincomponente studies genere dallareport 22 estimated progressiva formazione E’ comunquecutoff difficile Therefore, di vasi arteriosi e allo anomalithe stesso tempo identification (neoangiogenesi portale . Questo sbilanciamento fra le componenti del supporto vascolare fornisce all’HCCimportante tumorale) identificare and la e triage ofunnodulo perdita della natura di un patients who rilevato are nel contesto
HBV infection in the long term [26,27]. To date, there are 2 classes of agents for treatment of and BCP mutations in HBeAg positive patients were correlated chronic hepatitis B: interferon (IFN)-α and nucleoside or with reduced response rates to IFN [33]. nucleotide analogues (NA). Some data suggest that lower HBsAg levels at baseline are 4000 associated with a better treatment response [34]. However, HBsAg levels at baseline depend on the phase of HBV infec- Ø HBsAg quantitativo correla tion and the genotype [11]. For example, HBeAg positive 3500 IFN-α treatment patients, who were non-responders to IFN therapy, showed in modo significativo con la notable differences in their HBsAg kinetics across the different The aim of treatment with IFN is to achieve finite immu- capacità trascrizionale del 3000 nologic control and HBsAg clearance after therapy. Hence, IFN genotypes A to D [35]. This supports the above mentioned therapy is a time-restricted therapy, usually given for 48 weeks [4]. Its purpose is sustained off-treatment response with low notion that HBsAg levels need to be validated for a distinct genotype. cccDNA 2500 virus load and normal ALT without further required treatment. In comparison with the NA-treatment, pegylated IFN (PEG- Current data supports the further use of HBsAg as an on-treatment surrogate marker for sustained treatment re- IFN) produces rates of immunological response of about 30% sponse in HBeAg positive chronic hepatitis B (Table 2). Early Ø Lo studio REVEAL indica 2000 anti-HBe seroconversion [28] after 6 months of treatment, whereas the rate of anti-HBe seroconversion is slightly lower treatment response with HBsAg levels
chimèra s. f. [dal lat. chimaera, gr. χίμαιρα, propr. «capra»]. – 1. a. Nella mitologia greca, mostro con testa e corpo di leone, una seconda testa di capra sulla schiena, e una coda di serpente fornita anch’essa di testa, raffigurata spesso nell’arte antica in atto di vomitare fuoco; era considerata come un’incarnazione di forze fisiche distruttrici (vulcani o tempeste). b. In araldica, figura fantastica derivata dal mito greco ma rappresentata con testa di donna, petto e zampe posteriori d’aquila, zampe anteriori di leone e coda di serpente. 2. fig. Idea senza fondamento, sogno vano, fantasticheria strana, utopia: le sue speranze non sono che chimere; l’unità d’Italia sembrava allora una chimera; inseguire chimere. 3. In zoologia, genere (lat. scient. Chimaera) di pesci cartilaginei: hanno corpo squaliforme, testa compressa e bocca piccola; una specie, la ch. mostruosa (lat. scient. Chimaera monstrosa), vive anche nel Mediterraneo a profondità fra 200 e 1200 m. Si conoscono molti generi fossili, dal giurassico al miocene incluso. 4. In biologia generale, individuo le cui cellule derivano da due diverse uova fecondate unite accidentalmente o sperimentalmente. Spesso i gemelli dizigotici nei mammiferi mostrano di essere chimere per i gruppi sanguigni (scambio di cellule staminali durante la vita fetale). 5. In botanica, l’individuo che risulta costituito da caratteri specifici diversi, derivanti dalla saldatura delle due parti concrescenti nell’innesto. Se al punto di contatto dei tessuti dei due individui innestati si originano rami nei quali, per es., il dermatogeno proviene da cellule di una specie, mentre i tessuti interni da cellule dell’altra specie, si hanno chimere periclinali; quando invece la parte destra di un ramo o di una foglia è identica al ramo o alle foglie di una specie, mentre la parte sinistra ha i caratteri di un’altra specie, oppure vi sono settori alterni fra loro con caratteri delle due specie, allora si hanno chimere settoriali.
2003 2004 2008 2019 Lamivudina Lamivudina+adefovir Entecavir
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