BUYERS GUIDE 2018 - Pugliapromozione
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2018 Indice 2 Al BuyPuglia una regione straordinaria da promuovere e raccontare insieme 3 LO SCENARIO COMPETITIVO 10 HOSTED buyers 74 elenco dei buyers 76 elenco dei buyers PER NAZIONE Ruvo di Puglia ph. credit Franco Cappellari
Al BuyPuglia una regione straordinaria da promuovere e raccontare insieme La Puglia cresce come destinazione raddoppio negli arrivi dal 2010 e sono beni immateriali come la musica, lo turistica internazionale. I dati il terzo mercato che cresce di più dopo spettacolo e le tradizioni popolari. dell’Osservatorio regionale del Paesi Bassi e Polonia; o ancora nei Una offerta che piace sempre di più, turismo stimano un andamento nuovi mercati come Brasile, India, specialmente agli stranieri. E anche molto positivo dell’incoming straniero Argentina e la Cina, in particolare, con gli operatori turistici, presentando in Puglia anche nei primi sette mesi cui abbiamo stretto recentemente la loro offerta, possono raccontare del 2018: gli arrivi e le presenze un accordo molto importante con il la Puglia nella sua immagine più internazionali crescono, nei primi CITS, il più prestigioso tour operator di completa e attrattiva, come una sette mesi dell’anno, del +10%, mentre Stato cinese. regione, in pieno stile mediterraneo, il tasso d’internazionalizzazione da sperimentare tutto l’anno. In raggiunge il 25,8%, ben 2,3 punti Le potenzialità per la Puglia sono questa sesta edizione in particolare percentuali in più rispetto allo stesso davvero straordinarie. Per questo vi è una presenza cospicua del profilo periodo dell’anno precedente. E ciò concentriamo il massimo sforzo nel Luxury, anche a seguito della ricaduta che più conforta è che le presenze proporre una Puglia aperta tutto di importanti manifestazioni a cui la aumentano considerevolmente in l’anno, in tutte le sue sfumature e Puglia ha partecipato come ILTM – mesi dell’anno come marzo (+15%) bellezze – paesaggio, natura, arte, International Luxury Travel Market o maggio (+26%), consentendo un cultura, enogastronomia, MICE e a Singapore, Cannes, San Paolo e considerevole allungamento della wedding. Insieme raccontiamo il Cancun, e Pure Life Experiences a stagione turistica, uno degli obiettivi nostro territorio. Pubblico e privato, Marrakech. principali che ci siamo dati con il Piano Regione e operatori insieme sono Strategico Puglia365. vincenti. È questo che oggi emerge Insomma, il BuyPuglia 2018 dalla cospicua partecipazione degli rappresenta una grande occasione da La crescita turistica internazionale operatori alle fiere e ai workshop BtoB cogliere al meglio. della Puglia è straordinaria, ma ha e soprattutto dalla partecipazione al comunque ancora ampi margini BuyPuglia, giunto con successo alla Buon lavoro! di sviluppo. La sfida riguarda la sesta edizione. Perché la grandezza possibilità di conquistare quote della Puglia sta proprio nella varietà sempre più rilevanti di viaggiatori, sia dell’offerta che possiamo proporre: nei mercati europei già consolidati, quella privata fatta di strutture, collegati con voli diretti come antiche e contemporanee, e di Germania, Regno Unito, Francia, masserie e di villaggi turistici, di Spagna, Austria, Paesi Bassi e poi itinerari nella natura, nella storia e nella Loredana Capone Russia e Turchia, sia nei mercati a enogastronomia e quella pubblica grande potenziale di sviluppo, come fatta di un immenso patrimonio Assessore all’Industria Turistica gli Stati Uniti che mostrano un culturale, di borghi, paesaggi, e e Culturale - Regione Puglia 4
LO SCENARIO COMPETITIVO: i trend del turismo in Puglia Cresce ancora il turismo internazionale: +10% gli arrivi e le presenze dall’estero nei primi otto mesi del 2018 È il turismo internazionale a contribuire al consolidamento, al Pernottamenti % per tipologia ricettiva e provenienza miglioramento qualitativo e all’allungamento stagionale del dei clienti (da gennaio ad agosto 2018) turismo in Puglia. La conferma arriva dai dati provvisori riferiti ai primi otto mesi del 2018 che vedono crescere gli arrivi e le presenze dall’estero del +10% a fronte di un calo del turismo nazionale stimato nel -2% . Gli stranieri che hanno viaggiato in Puglia nel 2018 l’hanno fatto soprattutto nei mesi di marzo, aprile e maggio (+25% le presenze rispetto all’anno precedente) con una predilezione per alloggi di fascia medio alta. Fonte: elaborazione dell’Osservatorio di Pugliapromozione su dati Spot Regione Puglia Nei primi otto mesi del 2018 all’interno della top ten dei pernottamenti dall’estero in Puglia, stazionaria rispetto all’anno precedente, troviamo: Germania, Francia, Svizzera, Regno Unito, Paesi Bassi, Belgio, Stati Uniti d’America, Austria, Polonia e Spagna. I Paesi Bassi risultano invece il mercato estero più dinamico, caratterizzato dal maggior incremento di pernottamenti (in valori assoluti) rispetto allo stesso periodo dell’anno precedente (gennaio/agosto). Segue il Regno Unito mentre il terzo posto spetta agli Stati Uniti che si afferma, assieme al Canada, tra i mercati ad alta crescita per la Puglia: +85% le presenze dagli Stati Uniti dal 2010 a oggi e +122% le presenze dal Canada. Mercati sui quali la Puglia consegue ampi consensi per il patrimonio artistico e culturale, per l’offerta enogastronomica; una regione in grado di coniugare mare, entertainment ed eventi sportivi, oltre a itinerari disseminati sul territorio. I dati dell’indagine della Banca d’Italia sulla spesa internazionale in Puglia e riferiti al primo semestre del 2018 certificano un incremento del +3% rispetto allo stesso periodo dell’anno precedente e ulteriori convalide sul buon andamento del turismo dall’estero arrivano dai dati di Aeroporti di Puglia per il quale il traffico internazionale passeggeri sugli scali di Bari e Brindisi è cresciuto fino a settembre del +18,8%. Variazione in valori assoluti dei pernottamenti, i 20 principali mercati del 2018 (gennaio-agosto) Fonte: elaborazione dell’Osservatorio di Pugliapromozione su dati Spot Regione Puglia 5
L’incremento della notorietà internazionale della Puglia si deve anche a eventi come il Buy Puglia che ogni anno riunisce i professionisti del settore stimolando occasioni di business, favorendo contatti tra domanda e offerta, generando azioni di networking finalizzate ad accreditare la destinazione Puglia sul mercato internazionale. Gli incontri b2b e i tour esperienziali contribuiscono a esaltare anche il potenziale del segmento Luxury che in Puglia si sta sviluppando in modo sempre più rapido e marcato (+172% gli arrivi e +139% le presenze negli hotel cinque stelle lusso, con un raddoppio anche dell’offerta, nel periodo dal 2010 a oggi). La Puglia nello scenario nazionale: prime anticipazioni sui dati regionali ISTAT 2017 Sono stati recentemente divulgati dall’Istat i dati regionali sul “Movimento dei clienti negli esercizi ricettivi” riferiti all’anno 2017. La Puglia mantiene il decimo posto nella graduatoria delle regioni italiane per numero di pernottamenti complessivi, con il record di oltre 15milioni di presenze, superando, per il secondo anno consecutivo, Piemonte, Sardegna e Sicilia. Benchmark regioni italiane 2017 la Puglia si conferma nella top ten dei pernottamenti Fonte: elaborazione dell’Osservatorio di Pugliapromozione su dati ISTAT 6
le eccellenZe enogAstronomicHe dellA PugliA: l’oFFertA e l’APPeAl sui mercAti nAZionAli e internAZionAli 21 presidi Slow Food, 22 IG Food e 39 IG Wine. 276 Prodotti Agroalimentari Tradizionali, tra cui figurano prelibatezze note al pubblico quali orecchiette e focacce. Sono i numeri del patrimonio enogastronomico pugliese e derivano dalla ricerca per la valorizzazione del prodotto “Turismo Enogastronomico” che l’Agenzia Pugliapromozione ha commissionato alla prof.ssa Roberta Garibaldi, esperta internazionale di food-tourism, per comprendere le strategie di sviluppo da adottare per mettere a valore il potenziale turistico di questo inestimabile settore. le eccellenze agroalimentari in Puglia il patrimonio vitivinicolo in Puglia 7
La regione Puglia, con 10.723 ristoranti, si posiziona al nono posto a livello nazionale. Considerando l’offerta di eccellenza, sono 22 i ristoranti segnalati sulle principali guide nazionali del settore (Guida Michelin, Guida Gambero Rosso, Guida Espresso). Secondo il portale TripAdvisor, il numero di ristoranti che nel 2018 hanno ottenuto il numero di certificati di eccellenza è 2.069, posizionando la Puglia al nono posto tra le regioni italiane per questo parametro. Presidi Slow Food Quali sono i prodotti che piacciono di più a italiani e stranieri? Secondo l’indagine condotta per conto di Pugliapromozione, orecchiette (indicato dal 93% degli intervistati), taralli (92%), olio extravergine di oliva (86%) e pane di Altamura (83%) sono i prodotti più noti al pubblico nazionale. Il vino è conosciuto ma solo se è associato al luogo di produzione. Nell’immaginario degli stranieri, invece, prevalgono l’olio (indicato dal 56% degli intervistati), le orecchiette (39%) e le focacce (38%). Poco conosciuti i taralli (14%). Un elemento caratterizzante l’offerta pugliese è rappresentato dalle masserie didattiche, strutture che offrono al turista un’esperienza a stretto contatto con la ruralità del territorio. In regione ne sono presenti 188 e si concentrano soprattutto nelle province di Bari (58), Lecce (41) e Foggia (33). Il numero di servizi offerti è ampio e include ristorazione (offerti dal 62% delle strutture presenti), pernottamento (60%) e intrattenimento/sport. Prodotti enogastronomici pugliesi più rinomati 8
I luoghi del gusto 34 sono le Città del Gusto, 31 le Città dell’Olio, 15 quelle legate al vino e 4 alla birra, indice di un’offerta diffusa sull’intero territorio e ricca in termini di quantità e qualità. La Puglia “ospita” 10 musei e luoghi della cultura legati al gusto, in particolare legati al vino e all’olio, eccellenze regionali. Importante e in crescita il numero dei micro-birrifici artigianali e dei brew pub (52), che posizionano la Puglia al settimo posto in Italia. 902 i frantoi presenti, il maggior numero in Italia. Si aggiungono al patrimonio 12 Strade del Vino e dei Sapori riconosciute, numero che posiziona la Puglia al quarto posto a livello nazionale. La domanda nel turismo enogastronomico In Puglia, secondo quanto emerso dallo studio, l’enogastronomia è quasi sempre associata ad altre motivazioni di viaggio, soprattutto di tipo culturale. I turisti esclusivamente enogastronomici pesano per l’1% sul totale degli arrivi in Puglia, un valore ancora molto basso sebbene gli operatori segnalino negli ultimi anni un forte incremento di questa tipologia di visitatori. A parte un 30% circa diviso tra la provincia di Lecce e i Monti Dauni, il 70% delle strutture che ospitano turisti enogastronomici si trova in Valle d’Itria. Questi sono prevalentemente stranieri (60%) provenienti da Regno Unito, Francia, USA e Olanda. Gli italiani vengono soprattutto dalle regioni del Nord. Rispetto ai turisti culturali, a parte le attività core (visita a cantine, produttori locali, ristoranti e degustazioni), i turisti enogastronomici prediligono le sagre locali. Si tratta spesso di viaggi di gruppo: per gli Italiani quella enogastronomica è un’esperienza conviviale adatta al gruppo di amici, mentre gli stranieri si dividono fra coppie e gruppi di amici. E’ una forma di turismo per la primavera e l’autunno, quindi particolarmente rilevante per una destagionalizzazione dei flussi. La permanenza, probabilmente per la modalità itinerante, è più alta della media (tra le 6 e le 10 notti). la SoDDiSfazionE DEgli oSPiti in PUglia nEi PRimi 8 mESi DEl 2018: l’analiSi Di tRaVEl aPPEal Per il secondo anno consecutivo, Pugliapromozione ha chiesto alla società Travel Appeal di raccogliere e monitorare i giudizi dei turisti che hanno visitato la Puglia attraverso l’analisi delle recensioni on line delle OTA e dei social media più utilizzati come TripAdvisor,, Google, Expedia,, Facebook, Airbnb, Homeaway e altri. L’accurata analisi di Travel Appeal ha consentito di misurare il sentiment delle strutture ricettive pugliesi, ovvero il livello di soddisfazione dell’ospite rispetto all’esperienza generale o a singoli servizi fruiti. L’analisi di tipo sia quantitativo che semantico ha preso in esame il numero di recensioni ma anche i testi scritti dagli ospiti sfruttando un motore specializzato in grado di “leggere” ogni singolo contenuto, rilevarne i soggetti citati e comprendere le opinioni associate a quest’ultimi. Principali mercati di provenienza estera e tipologie di viaggiatori in Puglia 9
Nei primi otto mesi del 2018 la soddisfazione complessiva degli ospiti si attesta all’87,6% (+0,1 punti rispetto allo stesso periodo dell’anno precedente); il 72% delle recensioni proviene dall’Italia e nel 47% dei casi si tratta di coppie. L’accoglienza continua a essere il punto di forza della ricettività locale mentre la qualità dei servizi legati a internet non è ancora adeguata all’era dell’iper-digitalizzazione. 10
Anche la ristorazione pugliese, sulla base delle recensioni analizzate, consegue un ottimo consenso con una soddisfazione complessiva che supera l’85%. Tutte le province si posizionano in modo positivo. Gli apprezzamenti più rilevanti in termini di numero di recensioni e sentiment riguardano la qualità del cibo e l’accoglienza a conferma dell’innata propensione all’ospitalità degli operatori pugliesi e delle grandi potenzialità dei sapori di Puglia. Prezzi troppo alti segnalati, invece, nel 2% delle recensioni esaminate. La soddisfazione degli Ospiti dei ristoranti di Puglia 11
HOSTED BUYERS 1 Argentina 2 Australia 3 Austria 4 Azerbaijan 8 5 Belarus 6 Belgium 7 Brazil 8 Canada 36 9 China 10 Cyprus 11 Denmark 12 Egypt 13 France 14 Georgia 15 Germany 16 Hungary 17 India 18 Israel 19 Italy 20 Lebanon 21 Monaco 23 22 NETHERLANDS 23 Peru 7 24 Poland 25 Russian Federation 26 Singapore 27 Slovenia 28 South Africa 29 SOUTH Korea 1 30 Spain 31 Switzerland 32 Turkey 33 Ukraine 34 United Arab Emirates 35 United Kingdom 36 USA 37 VietNam 12
25 35 11 22 5 6 24 15 3 33 13 31 16 21 19 28 14 30 32 4 29 20 9 10 18 12 34 17 37 26 2 28 13
1 GARCIA FERNANDEZ TURISMO Tour Operator / Travel Agency info Travel agency focused on tailor made leisure travel. ARGENTINA Buenos Aires +541152639969 Luxury, Medium Level, Small Groups and Individuals ABOUT PUGLIA contact LOOKING FOR Maria Del Rosario Hotels 5 stars, Hotels 4-3 stars, Historic Hotels, Masserie & Trulli (Traditional rural Vila Melo accommodation), Resort, Spa and wellness hotels Private Travel Advisor PRODUCTS Food & Wine, Events & Entertainment, Active Tourism, Seaside Tourism SPECIFIC INTERESTS Family, Golf, Honeymoons, Shopping, Women Travel, Young & Students 2 SANCHEZ BECCHI MICE Travel Agency / MICE Operator info The company Sanchez Becchi MICE is a professional company. Finest Meetings specializes in ARGENTINA the design and management of meetings, incentives, conferences and business events. Our Rosario creative team embraces each project with passion and puts to work years of experience. www. +5493416759304 Luxury, Large Groups (more than 40), Small Groups and Individuals ABOUT PUGLIA contact LOOKING FOR Diego Martin Hotels 5 stars, Meeting and Event hotels, Historic Hotels, Resort, Spa and wellness hotels Sanchez Becchi Excutive Director PRODUCTS Art & Culture, Business, Food & Wine, Events & Entertainment, Tradition & Spirituality SPECIFIC INTERESTS Golf, LGBT-friendly Tourism, M.I.C.E. Women Travel 14
3 CIT HOLIDAYS Tour Operator info CIT Holidays has been running for over 40 years. A dedicated Italian Specialist selling accommoda- AUSTRalIA tion, tours, excursions and experiences to the Australian and New Zealand market. Puglia is part of North Sydney our portfolio and we are looking to develope further. +612909433 Luxury, Medium Level, Low Budget, Small Groups and Individuals ABOUT PUGLIA contact LOOKING FOR Sarah Newman Hotels 5 stars, Hotels 4-3 stars, Historic Hotels, Masserie & Trulli (Traditional rural accommoda- Hotel Contract Manager tion), Resort, Spa and wellness hotels PRODUCTS Art & Culture, Food & Wine, Active Tourism, Seaside Tourism SPECIFIC INTERESTS Family, Honeymoons, Rural Tourism, Senior Travellers 4 ITALIAN TRAVEL BUREAU Tour Operator / Travel Agency info In the past 25 years, the Italian Travel Bureau have created inspiriting and innovative products and AUSTRALIA presented them to travel agencies and clients.We focus on FIT and Small Groups, working with our Canberra trusted and responsible operators and travel partners. +61262232780 Luxury, Medium Level, Small Groups and Individuals ABOUT PUGLIA contact LOOKING FOR Michael Perrone Hotels 5 stars, Hotels 4-3 stars, Guest houses and apartments, Bed & Breakfast, Historic Hotels, General Manager Resort PRODUCTS Art & Culture, Food & Wine, Events & Entertainment, Active Tourism, Tradition & Spirituality SPECIFIC INTERESTS Accessible Tourism, Bike Tourism, Honeymoons, LGBT-friendly Tourism, Senior Travellers, Women Travel 15
5 KUONI Travel Agency / Wedding Planner info Kuoni Austria is one of the biggest travel Companies in Austria and consists of 33 travel agencies. AUSTRIA Kuoni also is tour operator for golf travels (Kuoni Golfreisen), luxury travels (Windrose Finest Travel) Vienna and for incentives, events und congresses (Kuoni Creative). Our office is spezialized in any kind of +4317157531 tailer made tours, golf travels and honeymoons. We have FITs and small groups. Our customers mainly book high level to luxury tours. We sell Puglia for golf travellers and sightseeing tours. Luxury, Medium Level, Small Groups and Individuals ABOUT PUGLIA contact LOOKING FOR Brigitta Granegger Hotels 5 stars, Hotels 4-3 stars, Historic Hotels, Resort, Spa and wellness hotels, Wedding & PCO Sales Companies PRODUCTS Art & Culture, Food & Wine, Active Tourism, Seaside Tourism, Tradition & Spirituality SPECIFIC INTERESTS Accessible Tourism, Family, Golf, Honeymoons, Rural Tourism, Senior Travellers 6 ZULEYKHA MAGAZINE Wedding Planner info Woman Fashion and Life style Magazine. First and only online woman magazine writing in AZERBAIJAN azerbaijani. Baku +994513447471 Luxury, Medium Level, Large Groups (more than 40) ABOUT PUGLIA contact LOOKING FOR Lala Mirzayeva Hotels 5 stars, Hotels 4-3 stars, Historic Hotels, Resort, Spa and wellness hotels, Wedding & PCO CEO Companies PRODUCTS Art & Culture, Food & Wine, Events & Entertainment, Seaside Tourism, Tradition & Spirituality SPECIFIC INTERESTS Accessible Tourism, Family, Golf, Honeymoons, Shopping, Women Travel 16
7 PARADISE TRAVEL Tour Operator / Travel Agency / MICE Operator info We outgoing and incoming tour operator since 1998 year. Main destinations Europe (Italy, Spain, BELARUS Cyprus, Greece, Montenegro, Bulgaria), Africa and Asia. We creating excurtion tours, summer holi- Minsk days tours, spa tours and etc. for groups and individuals. We sold Puglia region. +375296170057 Luxury, Medium Level, Low Budget, Small Groups and Individuals ABOUT PUGLIA contact LOOKING FOR Oksana Gouliakevitch Farmhouses/Agritourism, Resort, Spa and wellness hotels Founder PRODUCTS Food & Wine, Events & Entertainment, Seaside Tourism SPECIFIC INTERESTS Accessible Tourism, Family, Rurale Tourism 8 HELMSBRISCOE & MIX SPRL MICE Operator info Venue finding Network (HelmsBriscoe) and Incentive Organiser (MIX sprl) BELGIUM Kelmis +3287632095 Luxury, Medium Level, Large Groups (more than 40) ABOUT PUGLIA contact LOOKING FOR Dries De Maré Hotels 5 stars, Hotels 4-3 stars, Meeting and Event hotels, Historic Hotels, Resort Sr Director Global Accts PRODUCTS Business, Events & Entertainment, Active Tourism SPECIFIC INTERESTS Bike Tourism, M.I.C.E. 17
9 ACV AIR EVENTOS E CONSULTORIA LTDA Tour Operator / Travel Agency info We are a Travel Agency based in Rio de Janeiro for the past 30 years (ex Tamoyo Turismo and Co BRAZIL Sport). We have been a Virtuoso member since 1998 but we left it on February 2018(this year). We are Rio De Janeiro 70% FITs and leisure and 30% Corporate. +552136223870 Luxury, Medium Level, Small Groups and Individuals ABOUT PUGLIA contact LOOKING FOR Sandra De Azevedo Barradas Hotels 5 stars, Hotels 4-3 stars, Bed & Breakfast, Historic Hotels,Resort Operations Manager PRODUCTS Art & Culture, Food & Wine, Active Tourism, Seaside Tourism, Tradition & Spirituality SPECIFIC INTERESTS Art & Culture, Food & Wine, Active Tourism, Seaside Tourism, Tradition & Spirituality 10 AGENCIA BRASILIA DE VIAGENS LTDA Tour Operator / Travel Agency info Travel agent - 60 years my agency - travel with luxury laser . Yes I just sell Puglia including this BRAZIL year. Sao Paulo +551127144000 contact Monica Maria Haddad Leal De Godoy 18
11 EUROPEAN TRAVEL Tour Operator info Tour Operator 26 years old company specialized in european and most of all italian BRAZIL destinations. Rio De Janeiro +552124921212 Luxury, Medium Level, Small Groups and Individuals ABOUT PUGLIA contact LOOKING FOR Monica Freire Illa Lopes Hotels 5 stars, Historic Hotels, Masserie & Trulli (Traditional rural accommodation), Spa and Executive Director wellness hotels, Wedding & PCO Companies PRODUCTS Art & Culture, Food & Wine, Active Tourism, Seaside Tourism, Tradition & Spirituality SPECIFIC INTERESTS Bike Tourism, Family, Golf, Honeymoons, Rural Tourism, Senior Travellers 12 GLOBECENTER AG DE VIAGENS E TURISMO Tour Operator / Travel Agency info Travel company specialized in designing experiences and honeymooner. We sell Puglia combined BRAZIL with other destination but not as main destination yet. +551136247261 Luxury, Medium Level, Large Groups (more than 40) ABOUT PUGLIA contact LOOKING FOR Juliana Paolella Do Prado Hotels 5 stars, Spa and wellness hotels Director PRODUCTS Art & Culture, Food & Wine, Seaside Tourism SPECIFIC INTERESTS Family, Honeymoons, Women Travel 19
13 NEW TIME TOUR Tour Operator / Travel Agency info New Time Tour is a travel agency and operator located in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Our typical costumer BRAZIL targets are Italy, France, Israel, Spain, USA and so on. "Luxury, Medium Level, Large Groups (more Rio De Janeiro than 40), Small Groups and Individuals +552134894900 Hotels 5 stars, Hotels 4-3 stars, Bed & Breakfast, Historic Hotels, Resort, Spa and wellness hotels ABOUT PUGLIA contact LOOKING FOR Emmanuel De Oliveira Hotels 5 stars, Hotels 4-3 stars, Bed & Breakfast, Historic Hotels,Resort Executive Director PRODUCTS Art & Culture, Food & Wine, Events & Entertainment, Tradition & Spirituality SPECIFIC INTERESTS Accessible Tourism, Backpackers, Family, Honeymoons, Senior Travellers, Young & Students 14 OCEANOS VIAGENS E TURISMO LTDA Travel Agency info We are a boutique travel agency and we offer personalized services with a Taylor made itineraries BRAZIL in order to deliver extraordinary experiences to our clientes . We are looking for knowledge and Sao Paulo partnership with Puglia, destination of the moment for brazilians. +551132585999 Luxury, Medium Level, Small Groups and Individuals ABOUT PUGLIA contact LOOKING FOR Suely Sarracini Hotels 5 stars, Hotels 4-3 stars, Historic Hotels, Resort, Spa and wellness hotels Director PRODUCTS Art & Culture, Food & Wine, Active Tourism, Seaside Tourism, Tradition & Spirituality SPECIFIC INTERESTS Bike Tourism, Family, Honeymoons, Rural Tourism, Senior Travellers, Women Travel 20
15 TURIS VIP VIAGENS E TURISMO LTDA Travel Agency info Turis Vip is an agency founded in 1990 with extensive experience in corporate and leisure travel, BRAZIL specializing in the last years in luxury tourism for families. Italy is one of our best-selling European Sao Paulo destinations and for this reason we would like to improve ourselves in the region of Puglia, which is +551121488080 much sought after by our customers. Although I do not know the region I have made some salesI hope to participate in this Travel Meeting and become a sales expert. Luxury, Medium Level, Small Groups and Individuals ABOUT PUGLIA contact LOOKING FOR Marcia Eskenazi Hotels 5 stars, Hotels 4-3 stars, Guest houses and apartments, Historic Hotels, Resort, Spa and Director wellness hotels PRODUCTS Art & Culture, Food & Wine, Events & Entertainment, Active Tourism, Seaside Tourism SPECIFIC INTERESTS Bike Tourism, Family, Honeymoons, Senior Travellers, Shopping, Women Travel 16 UPGRADE VIAGENS info Upgrade Viagems is a travel agency with 25 years of experience with incentive travel, small groups, BRAZIL luxury travel, and with clients traveling to Puglia. Belo Horizonte +553123913970 marcos.almeida@grupoupgrade. www.' contact Marcos Oliveira De Almeida br 21
17 YPYTUR Travel Agency info Travel Agent and Travel Designer: my typical target is from euros 3000 to euros 25000. I didn´t sell BRAZIL Puglia yet, but I will love to. Vinhedo +1551932526847 Luxury, Medium Level, Small Groups and Individuals ABOUT PUGLIA contact LOOKING FOR Luciana Do Amaral Gurgel Hotels 4-3 stars, Historic Hotels, Masserie & Trulli (Traditional rural accommodation), Resort, Spa Owner/CEO and wellness hotels, Wedding & PCO Companies PRODUCTS Art & Culture, Business, Food & Wine, Active Tourism, Seaside Tourism SPECIFIC INTERESTS Bike Tourism, Family, Honeymoons, Rural Tourism, Senior Travellers, Women Travel 18 FINISTERRA TRAVEL LTD Tour Operator info Vancouver-based international Tour Operator specialized in custom FIT programs as well as CANADA active and culinary group tours. We offer culinary programs in Puglia as well as trips on an FIT Vancouver basis. +16045052472 www.finisterra.caù Luxury, Medium Level, Small Groups and Individuals ABOUT PUGLIA contact LOOKING FOR Keri Montgomery Farmhouses/Agritourism, Historic Hotels, Masserie & Trulli (Traditional rural accommodation), Spa Owner and wellness hotels PRODUCTS Art & Culture, Food & Wine, Active Tourism, Tradition & Spirituality SPECIFIC INTERESTS Family, Honeymoons, LGBT-friendly Tourism, Rural Tourism, Senior Travellers, Women Travel 22
19 MP TOURS Tour Operator info As a Tour Operator, we provide small group cultural, food and wine tours to Italy, in particular, Pu- CANADA glia, Le Marche and Sicily. Our typical customer is female, aged 40 and older, professional, a travel- Kitchener ler, a foodie. I have already brought one group to Puglia and have plans to return in May 2019 and +15192411106 possibly September 2019. Medium Level, Small Groups and Individuals ABOUT PUGLIA contact LOOKING FOR Paula Stanghetta Hotels 4-3 stars, Guest houses and apartments, Farmhouses/Agritourism, Historic Hotels, Masserie Owner & Trulli (Traditional rural accommodation), Resort PRODUCTS Art & Culture, Food & Wine, Active Tourism, Seaside Tourism SPECIFIC INTERESTS Bike Tourism, Rurale Tourism, Women Travel 20 21 AIWTC Travel Agency / OTA / Wedding Planner info Artificial Intelligence Worldwide Travel Chain providing global destination tourism products with CHINA F2C business model. Chongqing +8618580039003 Luxury, Medium Level, Small Groups and Individuals ABOUT PUGLIA contact LOOKING FOR Junci Li Hotels 5 stars, Historic Hotels, Masserie & Trulli (Traditional rural accommodation), Resort, Spa and CEO wellness hotels, Wedding & PCO Companies Hao Wen PRODUCTS Vice President Art & Culture, Events & Entertainment, Active Tourisml, Seaside Tourism, Tradition & Spirituality SPECIFIC INTERESTS Accessible Tourism, Family, Golf, Honeymoons, Rural Tourism, Senior Travellers 23
22 CHENGDU HARMONY TOUR Tour Operator / Travel Agency info ChengDu Harmony Tour is a whole saler in overseas travel business, specially in European tourist CHINA destinations. We have thousands of clients travel to Italy ever year, they are individual, families, Cheng Du friends and some enterprises. We believe that Italy will always be a fantastic place to go, but we +8618380590322 know little about Puglia, we are willing to know this place. Luxury, Medium Level, Low Budget, Large Groups (more than 40), Small Groups and Individuals ABOUT PUGLIA contact LOOKING FOR Xia Zheng Hotels 5 stars, Hotels 4-3 stars, Bed & Breakfast, Historic Hotels, Resort, Spa and wellness hotels PRODUCTS Art & Culture, Food & Wine, Events & Entertainment, Seaside Tourism, Tradition & Spirituality, Accessible Tourism SPECIFIC INTERESTS Family, Rurale Tourism, Senior Travellers, Shopping, Women Travel 23 PHOENIX TRAVEL WORLDWIDE (SOUTHWEST) Tour Operator info One of the top whole sellers for European travel in China. Mainly focuses on group tour to EU CHINA countries. Chengdu +8613982274063 contact Guangyu Qi 24
24 YOO!ELITE TRAVEL Tour Operator info As China's best alps expert and an luxury travel expert, since the very beginning, YOO!Elite Travel has CHINA been selected as the only Chinese hosted VIP buyer for ISTM and ILTM. As the founder/owner, Oliver Beijing had traveled to Italy and Puglia more than 40 times. We had build up the business cooperation with +8613381225680 Puglia years ago and would like to continue. Luxury, Medium Level, Small Groups and Individuals ABOUT PUGLIA contact LOOKING FOR Xia Ochun Hotels 5 stars, Historic Hotels, Masserie & Trulli (Traditional rural accommodation), Resort, Spa (Oliver Yang) and wellness hotels Founder/CEO PRODUCTS Food & Wine, Active Tourism, Seaside Tourism, Tradition & Spirituality SPECIFIC INTERESTS Backpackers, Bike Tourism, Family, Rural Tourism 25 KOSEZADE TOURISM & TRAVEL AGENCY Tour Operator / Travel Agency / MICE Operator info Tour Operator (Incoming & Outgoing). Outgoing from North Cyprus to all around the world. CYPRUS Incoming from Europe, UK, Turkey and South Asia. Nicosia +905338252508 Luxury, Medium Level, Low Budget, Small Groups and Individuals ABOUT PUGLIA contact LOOKING FOR Mustafa Onur Yuksel Hotels 5 stars, Hotels 4-3 stars, Resort, Spa and wellness hotels Commercial Director PRODUCTS Food & Wine, Events & Entertainment, Seaside Tourism SPECIFIC INTERESTS Family, Honeymoons, M.I.C.E. 25
26 CIAO FERIEBOLIGER Tour Operator info We organize client car vacation for families and individuals. Our program is residences, apartments, DENMARK independent villas, Mobil homes, hotels in Italy, Croatia, France, Austria, Spain, Norway and Aalsgaarde Sweden. We also organize special package trip and roundtrip with possibility for wine taste, cooking +4549755758 lessons and so on. Our program is for summer and winter. Our force is personal knowing and quality and cooperators with whom we united make perfect and unproblematic vacation for our clients. contact Tommy Sörensen 27 TORRES TRAVEL - MARIANNES REJSER Tour Operator info Small travelagency arranging tailormade travel for individuals or small groups 4-10 pax. DENMARK Accomodation and acitivites. Munkebo +4525212604 Medium Level, Small Groups and Individuals ABOUT PUGLIA contact LOOKING FOR Marianne Meyling Lorentsen Hotels 4-3 stars, Guest houses and apartments, Farmhouses/Agritourism, Resort, Spa and wellness Owner hotels PRODUCTS Art & Culture, Food & Wine, Active Tourism SPECIFIC INTERESTS Family, Shopping, Women Travel 26
28 EGYLIERE TRAVEL Travel Agency / MICE Operator / Wedding Planner info Egylière Travel is a leading luxury travel provider in Egypt and MENA. We present gem destination EGYPT and character hotels to pool of celebrities and high end clients. Giza +2001002466666 Luxury, Medium Level, Small Groups and Individuals ABOUT PUGLIA contact LOOKING FOR Mohahmed Ahmed Aref Attia Kaoud Hotels 5 stars, Camping, Meeting and Event hotels, Meeting and Event hotels, Resort, Spa and CEO wellness hotels, Wedding & PCO Companies PRODUCTS Art & Culture, Business, Events & Entertainment, Seaside Tourism, Tradition & Spirituality SPECIFIC INTERESTS Honeymoons, M.I.C.E., Senior Travellers, Shopping, Women Travel, Young & Students 29 A.L.E.R (SAFRAN) Travel Agency / MICE Operator info Airline Company FRANCE Velizy +33608276000 Luxury, Medium Level, Large Groups (more than 40), Small Groups and Individuals ABOUT PUGLIA contact LOOKING FOR Robert Henry Marre Hotels 4-3 stars, Historic Hotels, Masserie & Trulli (Traditional rural accommodation), Resort, Spa and President wellness hotels, Wedding & PCO Companies PRODUCTS Art & Culture, Business, Food & Wine, Active Tourism, Tradition & Spirituality SPECIFIC INTERESTS Accessible Tourism, Bike Tourism, Rural Tourism, Senior Travellers, Shopping, Young & Students 27
30 AG2R PENSION FOUND info FRANCE Levallois Perret Cedex +33141052525 Medium Level, Large Groups (more than 40), Small Groups and Individuals ABOUT PUGLIA contact LOOKING FOR Valerienne Claudide Cassa Atayi Hotels 4-3 stars, Bed & Breakfast, Meeting and Event hotels, Resort, Spa and wellness hotels PRODUCTS Art & Culture, Business, Food & Wine, Events & Entertainment, Seaside Tourism SPECIFIC INTERESTS Accessible Tourism, Bike Tourism,Family, Honeymoons, Shopping, Women Travel 31 ASSOCIATION EVADONS NOUS ENSEMBLE traveller association info FRANCE Saint Gratien +33662513164 Medium Level, Small Groups and Individuals ABOUT PUGLIA contact LOOKING FOR Jean-Paul Berger Hotels 4-3 stars, Bed & Breakfast Président PRODUCTS Art & Culture,Food & Wine, Active Tourism, Seaside Tourism SPECIFIC INTERESTS Senior Travellers 28
32 CASADARNO Tour Operator info Holidays rentals in Italy FRANCE Paris +330144648600 Luxury, Medium Level, Small Groups and Individuals ABOUT PUGLIA contact LOOKING FOR Elisabetta Arnò Guest houses and apartments, Farmhouses/Agritourism, Historic Hotels, Masserie & Trulli (Tradi- tional rural accommodation), Spa and wellness hotels, Wedding & PCO Companies PRODUCTS Art & Culture, Food & Wine, Seaside Tourism SPECIFIC INTERESTS Family, Honeymoons, Rural Tourism, Senior Travellers 33 CNFPT Tour Operator info CNFPT (Administration) FRANCE Paris +3310625936322 Medium Level, Low Budget, Large Groups (more than 40), Small Groups and Individuals ABOUT PUGLIA contact LOOKING FOR Venise Pardan-Ohanian Hotels 4-3 stars, Bed & Breakfast, Spa and wellness hotels Administration PRODUCTS Art & Culture, Food & Wine, Active Tourism, Seaside Tourism SPECIFIC INTERESTS Accessible Tourism, Rural Tourism 29
34 NKT EVENTS Wedding Planner info Destination Wedding Planner FRANCE Lyon +33659381353 Luxury, Large Groups (more than 40) ABOUT PUGLIA contact LOOKING FOR Nyachia Oniece Knight Hotels 5 stars, Meeting and Event hotels, Historic Hotels, Spa and wellness hotels Owner PRODUCTS Food & Wine, Events & Entertainment, Seaside Tourism SPECIFIC INTERESTS Honeymoons 35 RAOULT MOISE VOYAGES Tour Operator/Travel Agency/MICE Operator info We are Tour Operator since 1991, we sell and produce our travels in Europe and other places in the FRANCE world, we organize: stays, tours, theme days, incentives, congress, event.We work with groups, Saint Aubin Le Cauf individuals, company, clubs, associations, weddings. We are looking for suppliers for this event in +330671614686 Italy. Luxury, Medium Level, Low Budget, Large Groups (more than 40), Small Groups and Individuals ABOUT PUGLIA contact LOOKING FOR Manuel Jean Alain Raoult Hotels 5 stars, Hotels 4-3 stars, Guest houses and apartments, Farmhouses/Agritourism, Meeting Director and Event hotels, Resort PRODUCTS Art & Culture, Business, Food & Wine, Events & Entertainment, Seaside Tourism SPECIFIC INTERESTS Family, Honeymoons, M.I.C.E., Rural Tourism, Senior Travellers, Shopping 30
36 SIGNATURE BY ANNE CANDY MICE Operator info Award Winner for Best Concept for International & Inspirational Luxury Event in 2016 (Sydney-Au- FRANCE stralia). Luxury Event Cie. I do orchestrate Very High End Incentive & Events for Global Luxury Brands Paris as well as private events (80% outbound) MICE Customers: Cartier, Chanel, Dior, LVMH, Hermès, +33620749335 Shiseido, Fashion Designers, CEOs of Areva, Insurance Company, Porsche, Mercedes, Lawyers Com- panies, etc /as well as wealthy families, celebrities, etc. Average expenses per day & per customer : $1000,00" Luxury, Large Groups (more than 40), Small Groups and Individuals ABOUT PUGLIA contact LOOKING FOR Anne Marie Odile Candy Hotels 5 stars, Meeting and Event hotels, Historic Hotels, Masserie & Trulli (Traditional rural accom- Luxury Lifestyle Expert modation), Resort, Spa and wellness hotels PRODUCTS Art & Culture, Business, Food & Wine, Events & Entertainment, Tradition & Spirituality SPECIFIC INTERESTS Golf, Honeymoons, M.I.C.E. 37 LLC BTL Travel Agency / MICE Operator info Our company is mostly working on MICE events. We have local big business customers which are GEORGIA making outgoing incentive events/trips for their customers and for employers. Nowadays outgoing Tbilisi business is developing in our country, according that fact that we are one of the leader company in +995579545959 tourism sector in Georgia, for us its most important to Participate in workshops and exhibitions, to improve out contact data base. we already had outgoing events in Netherlands for "Nestle", in Bucharest & etc. Luxury, Medium Level, Large Groups (more than 40) ABOUT PUGLIA contact LOOKING FOR Tatuli Tchurgulia Hotels 5 stars, Bed & Breakfast, Meeting and Event hotels, Historic Hotels, Resort, Spa and wellness Senior Micemanager hotels PRODUCTS Business, Food & Wine, Events & Entertainment SPECIFIC INTERESTS M.I.C.E. 31
38 AXEL SCHUSTER FAMILY OFFICE MICE Operator info 25 years ago I founded a family office for a group of seven families. Ever since then I run the wealth GERMANY and equity management for them. I organize up to five high end meeting/incentive events per year Gnarrenburg with a firm group of 20 - 25 people throughout Europe (outside of Germany). These events last 4-5 +491759175768 days, always including a weekend. Luxury, Small Groups and Individuals ABOUT PUGLIA contact LOOKING FOR Axel Hans Schuster Hotels 5 stars, Historic Hotels, Masserie & Trulli (Traditional rural accommodation) CEO/ Founder PRODUCTS Business, Food & Wine, Events & Entertainment, Seaside Tourism SPECIFIC INTERESTS Golf, M.I.C.E. 39 HOTEI TRAVEL MICE Operator info Incentive Company and Luxury Travel specialist. Working with Scandinavia, Germany and Turkey. GERMANY Clients are primarily International Lawyer companies and Pharma. Within this framework of Munchen corporates, I book the top manangements private travel. +491746409857 christian.selchau@hoteiinternational. com Luxury, Medium Level, Small Groups and Individuals ABOUT PUGLIA contact LOOKING FOR Christian Selchau Hotels 5 stars, Guest houses and apartments, Farmhouses/Agritourism, Historic Hotels, Resort Managing Director PRODUCTS Art & Culture, Business, Food & Wine SPECIFIC INTERESTS Family, Honeymoons, M.I.C.E. 32
40 KAYTRIP Tour Operator info Kaytrip (KaiYuan Information & Business GmbH group) was found in 2002 and is the largest and GERMANY most famous Chinese tour operator in Germany. Kaytrip's core business incoming tours flight ti- Munich ckets, hotel reservation and coach booking, tour planning and operating, and providing tour guides. +393406893429 Among the itineraries in Italy, we are selling one that goes to Alberobello, Ostuni, Bari and Lecce. In the future we would like to increase or offer for Puglia vacation packages. Medium Level, Large Groups (more than 40), Small Groups and Individuals ABOUT PUGLIA contact LOOKING FOR Micaela Russo Hotels 4-3 stars, Masserie & Trulli (Traditional rural accommodation), Wedding & PCO Companies General Representative PRODUCTS Art & Culture, Food & Wine, Active Tourism, Tradition & Spirituality SPECIFIC INTERESTS Bike Tourism, Family, Honeymoons, Shopping, Young & Students 41 OTTIMA REISEN Tour Operator / Travel Agency / MICE Operator info We are a German OTA with 12,000 clients and we are looking for new accomodations GERMANY and new destinations for our families, small groups and incentives. Forstinning +4981217717399 Luxury, Medium Level, Large Groups (more than 40), Small Groups and Individuals ABOUT PUGLIA contact LOOKING FOR Fabio Perna Hotels 5 stars, Hotels 4-3 stars, Historic Hotels, Masserie & Trulli (Traditional rural accommodation), Italy Country Manager Resort, Spa and wellness hotels PRODUCTS Art & Culture, Business, Active Tourism, Seaside Tourism, Tradition & Spirituality SPECIFIC INTERESTS Bike Tourism, Family, Golf, Honeymoons, M.I.C.E., Rurale Tourism 33
42 TRAVEL & DREAM Tour Operator/MICE Operator info We are Travel Designer for most individual travel experience. Our clients are couples and families, GERMANY they are looking for bespoke holidays with best service. Our company Travel & Dream was established Garching in 2013 with its main seat in Garching b. Munich. We have specialised in individual and luxurious trips +4917622367073 setting ourselves the goal to offer our clients unique places in various parts of the world together with the highest level of services. Luxury, Medium Level, Small Groups and Individuals ABOUT PUGLIA contact LOOKING FOR Dominika Hilger Hotels 5 stars, Historic Hotels, Spa and wellness hotels, Wedding & PCO Companies Owner, Managing Director PRODUCTS Art & Culture, Food & Wine, Events & Entertainment, Active Tourism SPECIFIC INTERESTS Golf, Honeymoons, M.I.C.E., Shopping, Women Travel 43 LA GROTTA HOLIDAYS Tour Operator info Our touroperator company was established 20 years ago. Our main destination is Italy, doing HUNGARY individual and group bookings. We are organising seaside holidays and cultural round trips all over Budapest italy, programmes are always combined with gastromonical progrgrammes. (tastings, etc.) Our +363540664 groups are goiing to Italy mainly buy bus. We are operating a weekly coach line from Budapest to North Italy in summer. We have Puglia in our cataloges, but I would like to improove our products to Puglia. Medium Level, Large Groups (more than 40), Small Groups and Individuals ABOUT PUGLIA contact LOOKING FOR Marianna Bányász Hotels 4-3 stars, Farmhouses/Agritourism, Camping, Masserie & Trulli (Traditional rural accommo- Managing Director-Owner dation), Resort PRODUCTS Art & Culture, Food & Wine, Events & Entertainment, Seaside Tourism SPECIFIC INTERESTS Family, Rural Tourism, Senior Travellers 34
44 OTP TRAVEL Tour Operator info OTP Travel Ltd. is a major travel agency in the Hungarian tourism industry. The company was esta- HUNGARY blished in 1982 under the name OTP-Penta Tours, as the first Austrian-Hungarian joint venture travel Budapest agency. In 1995, however, it became 100 per cent Hungarian-owned. The founding owner, the Natio- +36704527146 nal Savings and Commercial Bank plc - one of the most prestigious banks in the country - together with OTP Garancia Insurance plc provide a reliable ownership background for OTP Travel. Luxury, Medium Level, Small Groups and Individuals ABOUT PUGLIA contact LOOKING FOR Gabriella Sutone Takacs Hotels 5 stars, Hotels 4-3 stars, Historic Hotels, Resort, Spa and wellness hotels Product Manager PRODUCTS Art & Culture, Events & Entertainment, Seaside Tourism,Tradition & Spirituality SPECIFIC INTERESTS Family, M.I.C.E., Senior Travellers 45 BLISS TRAVELS Travel Agency / Wedding Planner info Bliss travels is a full fledged travel agency catering to all travel related assistance under one roof. We INDIA are full time into High end luxury MICE, FIT,s & also luxury Weddings...i have sold puglia to my high Mumbai end FIT clients. +918879173284 Luxury, Medium Level, Large Groups (more than 40), Small Groups and Individuals ABOUT PUGLIA contact LOOKING FOR Amisha Sheth Hotels 5 stars, Masserie & Trulli (Traditional rural accommodation), Spa and wellness hotels Owner PRODUCTS Art & Culture, Business Food & Wine, Events & Entertainment, Seaside Tourism SPECIFIC INTERESTS Accessible Tourism, Family, Golf, Honeymoons, M.I.C.E., Shopping 35
46 47 ECO VOYAGER Travel Agency info We at Eco Voyager are Travel Designers specialise in creating an experience of a lifetime by designing INDIA offbeat itineraries,giving local experiences to our clients .Our client base mainly comprises of Mumbai FITs like Honeymooners, Families and Friends. We create travel plans with the latest and newest +918097033333 options available, which are either trendy or contemporary. We have just started selling Puglia, our clients had recently stayed for 3 Nights in Alberobello, but we definitely want to learn more. Luxury, Medium Level, Small Groups and Individuals ABOUT PUGLIA contact LOOKING FOR Kalpesh Madhukant Thakker Hotels 5 stars, Hotels 4-3 stars, Farmhouses/Agritourism, Historic Hotels, Masserie & Trulli Nisha Thakker (Traditional rural accommodation), Resort PRODUCTS Art & Culture, Food & Wine, Active Tourism, Seaside Tourism, Tradition & Spirituality SPECIFIC INTERESTS Family, Honeymoons, Senior Travellers, Shopping, Women Travel, Young & Students 48 JAY TOURS TRAVELS Travel Agency / MICE Operator / Wedding Planner info We are Lifestyle Luxury Services providing the finest travel solutions and luxury products for the INDIA most demanding clientele. We strive to provide our customers, corporate clients, and travel Mumbai partners with unparalleled services and unique travel experiences.Some of the services that we are +919820844484 happy to offer our clients to make holidays as easy as possible include: Exclusive & Elegant Service, events, weddings, Golf tours, Gastronomy tours, Slow food tours, Private Jet and Helicopter, Luxury Hotels Luxury, Medium Level, Large Groups (more than 40), Small Groups and Individuals ABOUT PUGLIA contact LOOKING FOR Jayanti Chheda Hotels 5 stars, Hotels 4-3 stars, Farmhouses/Agritourism, Meeting and Event hotels, Spa and well- ness hotels, Wedding & PCO Companies PRODUCTS Art & Culture, Food & Wine, Events & Entertainment, Active Tourism, Seaside Tourism SPECIFIC INTERESTS Family, Golf, Honeymoons, M.I.C.E., Rural Tourism, Shopping 36
49 PARUL TOURS AND TRAVELS Tour Operator info International & Domestic Air Ticket Reservation, Worldwide Hotel & Cruise Reservation, Package INDIA Tour Operator, Conference & Event Manager Mumbai +919930003678 www.parultoursandtravels. Luxury, Medium Level, Large Groups (more than 40), Small Groups and Individuals ABOUT PUGLIA contact LOOKING FOR Mitesh Dani Hotels 5 stars, Meeting and Event hotels, Historic Hotels, Resort, Spa and wellness hotels, Wedding CEO & PCO Companies PRODUCTS Art & Culture, Food & Wine, Events & Entertainment, Active Tourism, Seaside Tourism SPECIFIC INTERESTS Bike Tourism, Family, Honeymoons, M.I.C.E., Shopping, Young & Students 50 PLAN MY HOLIDAY Travel Agency info INDIA Kolkata +919831017233 Luxury, Medium Level, Small Groups and Individuals ABOUT PUGLIA contact LOOKING FOR Rishi Dakalia Hotels 5 stars Founder & CEO PRODUCTS Art & Culture, Food & Wine, Events & Entertainment, Active Tourism, Seaside Tourism SPECIFIC INTERESTS Family, Honeymoons 37
51 SSR HOLIDAYS Tour Operator / Travel Agency / MICE Operator info We keep building Smiles. Having clear USP of being a popular, diversified, one-stop travel solution INDIA provider offering Quality services on Luxury Travel , Customised Individual Travelers, Air Tickets, Mumbai Cruise Holidays and Honeymoon Packages to its elite clients along with giving them personalized +919004433339 attention through highly motivated employees' involvement. Luxury, Medium Level, Large Groups (more than 40), Small Groups and Individuals ABOUT PUGLIA contact LOOKING FOR Sapneal Rao Hotels 5 stars, Hotels 4-3 stars, Spa and wellness hotels CEO PRODUCTS Art & Culture, Business, Seaside Tourism SPECIFIC INTERESTS Family, Honeymoons, M.I.C.E., Shopping, Women Travel 52 THE TRAVEL PLANNERS Travel Agency info The Travel Planners offers specialized travel services of international standard to our elite clients. INDIA We design ultra-unique travel experiences for most discerning travelers, honeymooners & lifestyle Ahmedabad events worldwide. Our destination specialists travel constantly to discover the latest trends in the +919879512326 industry and build relationship with suppliers. Puglia is an emerging destination for us in Italy, with some Bollywood movies shot in the recent past! Luxury, Small Groups and Individuals ABOUT PUGLIA contact LOOKING FOR Munind Shah Hotels 5 stars, Masserie & Trulli (Traditional rural accommodation), Resort, Spa and wellness hotels PRODUCTS Art & Culture, Food & Wine, Active Tourism, Seaside Tourism SPECIFIC INTERESTS Bike Tourism, Family, Honeymoons, Shopping 38
53 TOUR PASSION Tour Operator / Travel Agency / MICE Operator info Tour Passion is a Tour operator in India specialized in organising tour packages a la carte and for INDIA Leisure and mice groups.Stiamo lavorando Dal 2004 con europa per I gruppi leisure e mice. Sono Delhi anche responsabile dell'associazione ETAA (Enterprising travel agents association) per international +919711195552 Tourism board coordination. Luxury, Medium Level, Large Groups (more than 40), Small Groups and Individuals ABOUT PUGLIA contact LOOKING FOR Naveen Manchanda Hotels 5 stars, Hotels 4-3 stars, Meeting and Event hotels, Historic Hotels, Spa and wellness hotels, Founder & CEO Wedding & PCO Companies PRODUCTS Art & Culture, Business, Food & Wine, Events & Entertainment, Active Tourism SPECIFIC INTERESTS Accessible Tourism, Family, Golf, Honeymoons, LGBT-friendly Tourism, M.I.C.E. 54 TRISTAR HOLIDAYS Tour Operator info Luxury Private Travel Designer INDIA Gurugram +919810060106 Luxury, Small Groups and Individuals ABOUT PUGLIA contact LOOKING FOR Ankur Khanna Hotels 5 stars, Farmhouses/Agritourism, Resort, Spa and wellness hotels Managing Partner PRODUCTS Food & Wine, Seaside Tourism SPECIFIC INTERESTS Family, Golf, Honeymoons, Shopping, Women Travel 39
55 56 THE BETESH GROUP Travel Agency info We are a family office based in Tel Aviv providing clients with a range of private services from legal ISRAEL and property management to luxury travel, concierge services and bespoke tailoring made in Italy. Tel Aviv +393409208875 Luxury, Large Groups (more than 40), Small Groups and Individuals ABOUT PUGLIA contact LOOKING FOR Jonathan Betesh Hotels 5 stars, Masserie & Trulli (Traditional rural accommodation), Resort, Spa and wellness hotels Founder PRODUCTS Elinor Betesh Art & Culture, Business, Food & Wine,Events & Entertainment, Seaside Tourism Director Of Marketing SPECIFIC INTERESTS Family, Honeymoons 57 ARNO TRAVEL SRL Tour Operator / Travel Agency info Tour operator specializzato in incoming su tutta Italia, come fornitori on-site nei prestigiosi network: ITALY Virtuoso, Travel Leaders e XO. Lavoriamo principalmente con clienti USA, Canada, Australia, Regno Firenze Unito, e del Centro-Sud America, di medio e alto livello, offrendo su tutto il territorio italiano +393332562527 servizi privati e tailor-made. La destinazione Puglia è già presente nel nostro catalogo e vorremmo approfondire la conoscenza del territorio per rispondere alla crescente domanda sulla Puglia. Luxury, Medium Level, Small Groups and Individuals ABOUT PUGLIA contact LOOKING FOR Ilaria Di Rigo Hotels 5 stars, Hotels 4-3 stars, Historic Hotels Travel Specialist PRODUCTS Art & Culture, Food & Wine, Events & Entertainment, Active Tourism, Seaside Tourism SPECIFIC INTERESTS Bike Tourism, Family, Honeymoons, Senior Travellers, Shopping, Women Travel 40
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