N 9 SETTEMBRE - Mutaforma
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THE MAGAZINE OF INTERI ORS A N D CONTEMPORARY DESIGN N°9 SETTEMBRE SEPTEMBER 2018 M E N S I L E I T A L I À / M O N T H I Y I T A L Y € 10 DlSTRlBUnON 30 AGOSTG/AUGUST'2018 Al € 19,50 BE € 18,50 - CH Chf 19,80 - DE € 23 BK ir 165 - E € 17 - F € 18 - MC, Còte HAzur € 1810 UK £ 19,50 - PT € 17 - SE kr 170 - US S 30 Peste Italiane SpA - Sped. in A.P.D.L. 3 5 3 / 0 3 art.l, commal, DCB Verona GRUPPO MONDADORI mm DESIGN
INBRIEF 1ALKS & AMA RI) S ITALIA E CINA SIIENZIIEN CITTÀ DEL DESIGN Alla Triennale di Milano, si è t e n u t o lo s c o r s o giugno u n s e m i n a r i o o s p i t a t o dal Governo M u n i c i p a l e di S h e n z h e n e o r g a n i z z a t o dal D i p a r t i m e n t o p j b b l i c i t a r i o di S h e n z h e n Città del Design. "Abbiamo scelto Milano p e r c h é è tra le città più i m p o r t a n t i al m o n d o p e r il design, e ;n a s s o l u t o la prima in Italia. Per noi poterci c o n f r o n t a r e c o n l'eccellenza italiana è s e m p r e u n g r a n d e o n o r e . Il design e s p r i m e la p e r s o n a l i t à di u n popolo", ha s p i e g a t o W a n g W e i z h o n g , s i n d a c o di S h e n z h e n . S o n o stati invitati professionisti e r a p p r e s e n t a n t i delle principali associazioni, univers.tà e i n d u s t r i e UN'INSTALLAZIONE DALL'ULTIM A SHENZHEN DESIGN WEEK italiane attive nel s e t t o r e design: S t e f a n o Boeri ( p r e s i d e n t e della F o n d a z i o n e La IN AITO, UN MOMENTO DEL SEMINARIO IN TRIENNALE A MILANO. Triennale di Milano), Cristina Tajani ( a s s e s s o r e alle Politiche del lavoro, Attività produttive, Commerci o e Risorse u m a n e del C o m u n e di Milano), Song X u e f e n g (console g e n e r a l e della Repubblica P o p o l a r e di Cina a Milano), W a n g W e i z h o n g (sindaco di Shenzhen), H a n W a n g x i (direttore di SDPA S h e n e h e n City of Design P r o m o t i o n Office), Roberto Riccio (ceo di Istituto M a r a n g o n i di Milano),, Gilda Bojardi (direttore di Interni). S h e n z h e n è s e d e del Design Society, primo m u s e o cines e p e r il design n a t o dalll'unione di f o r ze tra China M e r c h a n t s Shekou (Cmsk) e Victoria a n d Albert M u s e u m di Londra. Inoltre, S h e n z h e n organizza dallo s c o r s o a n n o la Design Week, festival del d e s i g n di richiamo internazionale: fiore all'occhiello della m a n i f e s t a z i o n e è S h e n z h e n Global Design A w a rd (SDA) D.S triennale.org PREMIARE IL FUTURO GIOVANI IMPRESE CRESCONO Si è c o n c l u s a la q u a r t a e d i z i o n e del p r e m i o Giovani imprese - Believing in the Future, c o m p e t i z i o n e i d e a t a e p r e m o s s a d a Altagarr.ma p e r s o s t e n e r e le giovani i m p r e s e culturali italiane n s i vari s e t t o r i rappresentati dalla F o n d a z i o n e . I vincitori s o n o selezionati a t t r a v e r s o le s e g n a l a z i o n i dei soci A l t a g a m m a e di t r e diversi c o m m i t t e e : u n m e d i a c o m m i t t e e con giornalisti dei vari settori; u n m e m b e r c o m m i t t e e c h e i n c l u d e alcuni soci di A l t a g a m m a ; e u n p a r t n e r c o m m i t t e e c o n le r e a l t à c h e s o s t e n g o n o il DUE DELLE COLLEZIONI FIRMATE p r o g e t t o - A p a r t i r e d a q u e s t e segnalazioni, s o n o q u i n d i individuati t r e DA MUTAFORMA BRAND CHE HA OTTENUTO IL PREMIO Finalisti, f r a i quali infine il b o a r d A l t a g a m m a sceglie i s e t t e vincitori, c h e GIOVANI IMPRESE - BELIEVING p e r l'edizione 2018 s o n o : Sara Battaglia (moda); Mu:aforrr.a (design); Fabio IN THE FUTURE 2018 PER IL SETTORE DESIGN Salini (gioielleria); P a n d e n u s (alimentare); Lanieri (digitai innovation); Nito (motori e velocità); Borgo Egnazia (hotellerie a wellness). Diversi i benefici c h e il riconoscimento c o n f e r i s c e ai premiati, tra cui: la m e m b e r s h i p a d A l t a g a m m a ; u n p r o g r a m m a di m e n t o r s h i p c r e a t o su m i s u r a e c o s t i t u i t o d a u n a s e r ie di i n c o n t ri con le i m p r e s e socie della f o n d a z i o n e ; u n p e r c o r s o di t r a i n i n g o f f e r t o d a Borsa Italiana; la p a r t e c i p a z i o n e a u n c o r s o di f o r m a z i o n e in vari ambiti r i s e r v a t o d a SDA Bocconi, u n p r o g r a m m a f o r m a t i v o in diversi d i p a r t i m e n t i aziendali di M a s e r a t i r i s e r v a t o al v i n c i t o r e della c a t e g o r i a 'motori e velocità'. A.P: altagamma.it 215 s e t t e m b r e 2 0 1 8 I N T E R N I
LookINg AROUNIJ TRANSLATIONS INCOVER spaces, transformed into luminous landscapes with variable tones. The bai- ance between saturation, contrast and finish is the red thread of the research, ART which sets out to respond to the needs of todays multifunctional spaces, P2G. BEPPE GIACOBBE where different forms and functions coexist in the same habitat in a situation IN THE IMAGES OF THE AWARD-WINNING MILANESE of visual complexity of objects lechler.eu ILLUSTRATOR THERE ARE MANY IDEAS THAT REPRESENT VITALITY, MAKE-UP FOR WOOD THE PSYCHE AND THE IMAGINATION. ACKNOWLEDGED AS ONE Wood Coatings Stories was the title of the event held in Aprii during the Fuo- OF THE LEADING TALENTS IN THIS SECTOR, HE HAS DEVELOPED A VERY PERSONAL STYLE riSalone, in which Uva, a leader in the production of wood coatings, presented The art of illustrating. An article, a book, an idea. To offer something that an overview of the infinite material possibilities of its products, in an installa- starting from a concept is capable of taking the reader along new, unexpected tion created by Ferruccio Laviani: new solutions and special effects, devel- paths. Beppe Giacobbe, born in Milan in 1953, trained at the Brera Academy oped with the aim of bringing out the naturai virtues of wood while at the of Fine Arts and an award-winning illustrator, has been doing just that for same time giving it new, originai aesthetic characteristics. The focus on design years. He has received the Premio Immagine for the video "Reborn Again Cre- research and the interaction of the brand with the world of design have !ed to tin" of the group Almamegretta, and an honorable mention by the jury of the the creation of a competition, coordinated in collaboration with Giulio Cap- Torino Film Festival for the animated short Roi du Silence (2006). Since 2002 pellini, involving the students of Istituto Marangoni Milano - The School of he has been among those selected for the Annual of American Illustration of Design: those of the Masters program in Interior Design, Surface a Textile the Society of Illustratore; in 2006 he won the Golden Award of the American Design and Product Design. Management, and the students in the final year review of illustration 3x3 for the best children's book published in the USA. In of the three-year programs in Interior Design, Product Design and Visual De- 2009 he took the Gold Medal in the books section of Communication Arts, in sign. "The con test has revealed interesting reflections, especially in terms of 2014 the Award of the Associazione Illustratori Italiani, and in 2018 an honor- materie characteristics," says Giulio Cappellini "The proposed firishes, able mention for merit in the 3x3 Illustration Annual. Acknowledged as a though with different styles and languages, stand out far a sense of depth master in his field, he has developed a very personal, inimitable styie. Gia- and the three-dimensional effect granted to wooden surfaces, also thanks to cobbe, who plays with color with great imaginative verve, collaborates with the study of originai application techniques." In the second phase of the con- Italian and foreign publications including Corriere della Sera, Courrier Inter- test Uva worked side by side with the students on the industriai development national, and the Wall Street Journal. His works have been published in Italy of four selected projects, displayed during the event: After the Sun by Fadi (Rizzoli, Einaudi, Mondadori, Rusconi, Longanesi), France and the United Nasr, Feel the Rain by Khyati Dubai, Ritual for Uva by Malika Dzhamaidaeva States. Francesca Vercesi and Perfect Imperfection by Maria Camilla Scalfì, winner of the competition. N.L. ilva.it, ivmgroup.com/it INBRIEF TALKS & AWARDS PROJECTS 1 * 3 2 . SHENZHEN CITY OF DESIGN P2J8. ABSTRACT LANDSCAPES At the Milan Triennale in June, a seminar was hosted by the Municipal Gov- ernment of Shenzhen and organized by the Promotion Office of Shenzhen The Tacchini Edizioni projects of Gruppo Tacchini focuses on the production of accessories and furnishing complements based on memories of the past, City of Design. "We chose Milan because it is one of the most important cities reproducing unique, historic and experimental pieces. This year the collec- in the world for design, and absolutely the foremost in Italy. For us, coming tion, which includes ceramics by Alvino Bagni, has expanded for the 90th into contact with Italian excellence is always a great honor. Design expresses birthday of Umberto Riva with a small collection of carpets that reproduce the personality of a people," Wang Weizhong, Mayor of Shenzhen, explained. some of his paintings. One year after the reissue of the E63 lamp, Tacchini Invitations were extended to professionals and representatives of the main Edizioni rediscovers a more private Riva, a painter of abstract subjects in- associations, universities and industriai firms in Italy active in the design spired by everyday landscapes translated into a mixture of lines, spaces and field: Stefano Boeri (president of Fondazione La Triennale di Milano), Cristina color fields. A tribute to his pictorial finesse, embodied by the Rituale and Tajani (councilor for Labor Policy, Productive Activities, Commerce and Hu- Nello Spazio carpets (in the photo to the left), made in Nepal with pure Hima- man Resources of the City of Milan), Song Xuefeng (consul general of the layan wool, entirely tufted and colored by hand. tacchini.it People's Republic of China in. Milan), Wang Weizhong (Mayor of Shenzhen), Han Wangxi (director of SDPA Shenzhen City of Design Promotion Office), TRE ESPLOSIVI! STANI) Roberto Riccio (CEO of Istituto Marangoni in Milan), Gilda Bojardi (editor of Today more than ever before, technology plays a role in our leisure rime, and Interni). Shenzhen is the home of the Design Society, the first Chinese design the boundaries between home and work get thinner by the minute. Work in- museum, based on collaboration between China Merchants Shekou (CMSK) fluences our lives, becoming more nomadic, and the office can be anywhere: and the Victoria and Albert Museum of London. Since last year, Shenzhen in a cafe, at the restaurant, in co-working spaces. Based on these factors, also organizes a Design Week, a festival with international appeal: the high USM, for the stand at the Salone del Mobile (in the photo), decided to explore point of the event is the Shenzhen Global Design Award (SDA) D.S. the increasingly blurry borderlines between home and work, illustrating the triennale.org theme in collaboration with the Futures team of UNStudio (an international architectural design network) in a grand explosion of rooms devoted to dif- GLLOWING YOIJNG COMPANIES ferent activities, creating domestic and professional hybrids in each. Panels in The fourth edition of the prize Giovani Imprese - Believing in the Future, a different materials, tubing and steel joints of the USM Haller system were competition created and organized by Fondazione Altagamma to support used for the installation. "With this project," says the architect and senior young cultural ventures in Italy in the various sectors represented by the partner Ren Yee, "we have explored just how far it is possible to push the foundation, has come to an end. The winners were selected by indication of structural boundaries of the USM modular systems." N.L. usm.com Altagamma members and three different eommittees: a media committee with journalists from various sectors; a members' committee including some of the associates of Altagamma; and a partners' committee, with the partici- SI RI ACI; DESIGN pants who support the project. Starting with these indications, three finalists P 3 0 . TIIE LANGIJAGE OE COLOR were selected for each category, after which the Altagamma board chose the To enhance an object with trendy color while protecting its surface is the goal seven winners for 2018: Sara Battaglia (fashion); Mutaforma (design); Fabio of the Color Design® project by Lechler. The concept connects developments Salini (jewelry); Pandenus (food); Lanieri (digitai innovation), Nito (motore in chemistry with the evolution of the language of color to support companies and speed); Borgo Egnazia (hotels a wellness). The winners enjoy a series of in the harmonious choice of timely hues and effects, specifically deployed for benefits: membership in Altagamma; a mentorship program made to measure products in wood, plastic, glass and metal. Presented in Aprii in an exhibition and composed of a series of encounters with the partner companies of the entitled The Way of Effects, the new interpretation of the project for 2018 foundation; a training program offered by Borsa Italiana; participation in a focuses on originai surface effects and the interactions between them and training course in various areas, provided by SDA Bocconi, an educational light. Artificial or naturai, light influences and modifies the look of objects, program in different departments of Maserati, for the 'motore and speed' cat- becoming an indispensable factor in the design of domestic and contract egory. A.P. altagamma.it
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