VENICE FILM MARKET 2 - 12.09.2015 The new business platform dedicated to cinema professionals

Pagina creata da Stefano Villa
VENICE FILM MARKET 2 - 12.09.2015 The new business platform dedicated to cinema professionals
2 – 12.09.2015

The new business platform
dedicated to cinema professionals

Exclusive access to:
— Industry Club
— Digital Video Library
— Networking Area
— Industry Business Centre
— Exhibition Area
— Spazio Incontri
— Panels, Seminars, Meetings
— European Gap-Financing Market
   (September 4th and 5th)
— Venice Film Market Platform

                                    In collaborazione con
                                    In collaboration with
2 – 12.09.2015

WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2                                                                                    FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4
                                                                                                          h. 9:30 – 18:30 / Hotel Excelsior / Sala Poveglia
                                                                                                          EUROPEAN GAP-FINANCING MARKET one-to-one meetings

                                                                                                          h. 10:30 – 11:30 / Hotel Excelsior / Spazio Incontri
                                                                                                          FRED AT SCHOOL - Final event of the 1st edition of the audience
                                                                                                          development film literacy project supported by Creative Europe
                                                                                                          Guest speakers: Giorgio Gosetti (Venice Days), Gianluca Guzzo (My
                                                                                                          Movies), Silvia Sandrone (Creative Europe) Nevina Satta (Sardegna
                                                                                                          Film Commission), Sandra Muzzolini (teacher),Isabella Weber, Nicolò
                                                                                                          Comotti, Matt Micucci, Simone Moraldi, Bénédicte Prot, Gonzalo
                                              MARKET SCREENINGS SCHEDULE                                  Suarez (project coordinators)                                               MARKET SCREENINGS SCHEDULE
                                                                                                          Moderator: Federico Spoletti (FRED).
                                              h. 9:00 – 11:00 / Palazzo del Cinema / Sala Pasinetti       Hosted by FRED Film Radio, Co-funded by Creative Europe, Main               h. 10:30 – 11:00 / Palazzo del Cinema / Sala Pasinetti
                                              PRIVATE SCREENING – eOne Features                           Sponsor Sardegna Film Commission                                            TERRA CONTINENS 13’
                                              By invitation only                                                                                                                      by Giovanni Basso
                                                                                                          h. 12:00 – 13:00 / Hotel Excelsior / Spazio Incontri                        Magnet Films
                                                                                                          Regent Street Cinema Presentation                                           Gold and Trade accreditation only
                                                                                                          Guest speakers: Shira MacLeod, Michael Maziere and Lynda Knill
                                                                                                          Hosted by Regent Street Cinema                                              h. 11:00 – 13:00 / Palazzo del Cinema / Sala Pasinetti
                                                                                                                                                                                      PRIVATE SCREENING – Celluloid Dreams
                                                                                                          h. 13:00 – 14:00 / Hotel Excelsior / Terrazza dei Fiori                     By invitation only
                                                                                                          Regent Street Cinema’s Cocktail

THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3                                                                                     By invitation only                                                          h. 13:00 – 15:30 / Palazzo del Cinema / Sala Pasinetti
                                                                                                                                                                                      LA STAFFETTA / THE RELAY 126’
                                                                                                          h. 14:30 – 16:30 / Hotel Excelsior / Spazio Incontri                        by Enzo Ferraro
Opening of the VENICE FILM MARKET                                                                         Making the most of your ‘city’ brand... Film Festivals as a route to        Newpress
                                                                                                          economic and cultural capital                                               Gold and Trade accreditation only
h. 18:30 – 20:00 / Terrazza Biennale                                                                      Guest speakers: Timo Malmo (Artistic Director, Midnight Sun film
European Gap-Financing Market welcome drink                                                               festival), Mirsad Purivatra (Director, Sarajevo film festival), Valentina   h. 15:30 – 16:00 / Palazzo del Cinema / Sala Pasinetti
By invitation only                                                                                        Borsato (Head of Sponsorship, Promotion and Educational,                    L’ORO DELLA PREVENZIONE / THE GOLDEN RULES
                                                                                                          Venice Biennale)                                                            OF PREVENTION 6’
                                                                                                          Moderator: Catharine Des Forges (Independent Cinema Office)                 by Giuseppe Bucci
                                                                                                          Hosted by Independent Cinema Office                                         Fondazione Prosud
                                                                                                                                                                                      Gold and Trade accreditation only
                                                                                                          h. 16:30 – 17:30 / Hotel Excelsior / Terrazza dei Fiori
                                                                                                          Independent Cinema Office’s Cocktail                                        h. 16:00 – 18:00 / Palazzo del Cinema / Sala Pasinetti
                                                                                                          By invitation only                                                          EL DESCONOCIDO / RETRIBUTION 100’
                                                                                                                                                                                      by Dani De la Torr
                                                                                                          h. 17:30 – 18:30 / Hotel Excelsior / Spazio Incontri                        Film Factory Entertainment
                                                                                                          Movieday, una rivoluzione per i cinema italiani                             Gold and Trade accreditation only
                                                                                                          Piattaforma web di proiezioni su richiesta
                                                                                                          Uno strumento tecnologico per la multiprogrammazione delle sale             h. 18:00 – 19:00 / Palazzo del Cinema / Sala Pasinetti
                                                                                                          Guest speaker: Antonello Centomani (Founder and CEO Movieday)               IL MANTELLO DI CARTA / THE PAPER CLOACK 13’
                                                                                                          Hosted by Movieday                                                          by Giulio De Vita, Pasqualino Suppa, Omar Leone
                                                                                                                                                                                      Eufrasia Filmedia
                                                                                                          h. 21:00 – 23:00 / Hotel Excelsior (beach pavilion)                         Gold and Trade accreditation only
                                                                                                          VENICE FILM MARKET PARTY
                                                                                                          Hosted by Roskino, Aeroflot, Timchenko Foundation                           h. 19:45 – 22:15 / Palazzo del Casinò / Sala Casinò
                                                                                                          Gold and Trade accreditation only                                           LOCUST / LOCUST 124’
                                                                                                                                                                                      by Egor Eranov
                                                                                                                                                                                      Sreda Production Company
                                                                                                                                                                                      Gold and Trade accreditation only

                                                                                                      2                                                                                                                                        3
SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5                                                     h. 18:30 – 20:00 / Terrazza Biennale
                                                                          VFM Happy Hour (European Gap-Financing Market closing drink)   SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 6                                                        h. 18:30 – 20:00 / Terrazza Biennale
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Final Cut in Venice welcome drink
                                                                          Hosted by Eurimages and Soc. Agricola Emme srl.                                                                                           By invitation only
h. 9:30 – 18:30 / Hotel Excelsior / Sala Poveglia                         By invitation only                                             h. 10:00 – 12:00 / Hotel Excelsior / Spazio Incontri
EUROPEAN GAP-FINANCING MARKET one-to-one meetings                                                                                        IX Convegno di Studi Cinematografici Microcinema                           h. 19:30 – 22:00 / The St. Regis Venice San Clemente Palace
                                                                          h. 22:00 – 00:00 / Hotel Excelsior (beach pavilion)            L’ORA DI CINEMA, un appuntamento da non perdere                             – Isola di San Clemente 1, Venezia
h. 9:30 – 11:00 / Hotel Excelsior / Spazio Incontri                       BIENNALE COLLEGE CINEMA PARTY                                  by Cesare Fragnelli in collaboration with Elisabetta Pieretto              Turkish Cinema – Reception
CICAE “60 Years Of Art Cinemas”                                           Hosted by La Biennale di Venezia                               Welcome and introductory statment: Roberto Bassano (Microcinema),          By invitation only
Art Houses, National Networks and their Projects                          By invitation only                                             Nicola Borrelli (MiBACT – Direzione Generale per il Cinema), Luigi
Guest speakers: François Aymé (President of Association Française                                                                        Cuciniello (Mostra Internazionale d’Arte Cinematografica di Venezia,
des Cinémas d’Art et d’Essai (A.F.C.A.E.), the French association                                                                        Presidente ANEC), Andrea Occhipinti, Lucky Red, Presidente
of Art House Cinemas), Pedro Barbadillo (President of CINEARTE                                                                           Coordinatore dei Distributori Cinematografici Italiani
Red de Cines Independientes, the Spanish Independent Film                                                                                Guest speakers: Francesca Cima (Indigo Film, Presidente dei
Network Association), Christian Bräuer (President of AG Kino –            MARKET SCREENINGS SCHEDULE                                     Produttori Italiani), Stefano Firpo (MiSE – Direzione generale per la      MARKET SCREENINGS SCHEDULE
Gilde deutscher Filmkunsttheater e.V., the German Association                                                                            politica industriale, la competitività e le PMI), Dario Franceschini
of Art House c Cinemas), Accursio Caracappa (Vice-President of            h. 9:00 – 11:00 / Palazzo del Cinema / Sala Pasinetti          (Ministro dei Beni e delle Attività Culturali e del Turismo), Stefania     h. 9:00 – 11:00 / Palazzo del Cinema / Sala Pasinetti
Federazione Italiana Cinema d’Essai (F.I.C.E.), the Italian Association   EARLY WINTER 99’                                               Giannini (Ministro dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca),      HE QU HE CONG / THE LONER 102’
of Art House Cinemas), Hrvoje Laurenta (President of the Croatian         by Michael Rowe                                                Luigi Lonigro (01 Distribution/Rai Cinema, Vice Presidente dei             by Jing Guan
Network of Independent Cinema)                                            Pyramide International                                         Distributori Cinematografici Italiani), Gabriele Salvatores (regista       Hebei green mountains and rivers Culture Communication Co., Ltd.
Moderator: Peter Bosma                                                    Gold and Trade accreditation only                              e sceneggiatore), Gérôme Bourdezeau (Esercente), Luciana Della             Gold and Trade accreditation only
Bringing Art House Films to the Audience                                                                                                 Fornace (Agiscuola), Alessandro Venier (Videomaker e formatore
Guest speakers: Detlef Rossmann (President of Confédération               h. 11:00 – 13:00 / Palazzo del Cinema / Sala Pasinetti         didattico), Giancarlo Visitilli (Critico Cinematografico – La Repubblica   h. 11:00 – 13:00 / Palazzo del Cinema / Sala Pasinetti
Internationale des Cinémas d’Art et d’Essai (C.I.C.A.E.), the             UN MONSTRUO DE MIL CABEZAS / A MONSTER WITH A                  Bari, Presidente Cooperativa Sociale i Bambini di Truffaut)                PRIVATE SCREENING – The Match Factory
International Confederation of Art House Cinemas), Cristina Loglio        THOUSAND HEADS 75’                                             Moderator: Silvana Molino                                                  By invitation only
(Counsellor of MEP), Silvia Costa, Culture and Education Committee;       by Rodrigo Plá                                                 Hosted by Microcinema
President of Tavolo Tecnico Creative Europe, Italian Ministry of          Memento Films International                                                                                                               h. 13:00 – 15:00 / Palazzo del Cinema / Sala Pasinetti
Culture; DG of Schermi di Qualita’, AGIS, Italy), Ivan Hronec (CEO        Gold and Trade accreditation only                              h. 10:30 – 12:30 / Hotel Excelsior / Sala Poveglia                         VILLA TRISTE / HOME SAD 115’
of Film Europe Media Company, Slovak Republic) Ula Sniegowska                                                                            EPC Debate. Discussion between Sales agents and Producers                  by Fabrizio Favilli
(Artistic Director of the American Film Festival, Poland), Francesco      h. 13:00 – 15:00 / Palazzo del Cinema / Sala Pasinetti         Hosted by EPC                                                              Astrofilm, Giglio Firenze
Clerici [Film director of Il Gesto delle Mani (Hand Gestures)]            PRIVATE SCREENING – Stray Dogs                                                                                                            Gold and Trade accreditation only
Moderator: Martin Blaney (Screen International)                           By invitation only                                             h. 14:30 – 16:30 / Hotel Excelsior / Spazio Incontri
Hosted by CICAE                                                                                                                          Anica Sud Est Asiatico                                       h. 15:15 – 17:00 / Palazzo del Cinema / Sala Pasinetti
                                                                          h. 15:00 – 17:00 / Palazzo del Cinema / Sala Pasinetti         Opportunità per l’audiovisivo italiano nei Paesi dell’Asia sudorientale    PRIVATE SCREENING – The Match Factory
h. 11:00 – 11:30 / Hotel Excelsior / Terrazza dei Fiori                   PRIVATE SCREENING – Noori Pictures                             Welcome and introductory statment: Marco Follini (Presidente Apt),         By invitation only
CICAE’S Cocktail                                                          By invitation only                                             Andrea Occhipinti (Presidente Sezione Distributori ANICA)
By invitation only                                                                                                                       Guest speakers: On.le Silvia Costa (Presidente Commissione per la          h. 17:00 – 19:00 / Palazzo del Cinema / Sala Pasinetti
                                                                          h. 17:00 – 19:00 / Palazzo del Cinema / Sala Pasinetti         Cultura e l’Istruzione del Parlamento Europeo), Sen Goffredo Bettini       PRIVATE SCREENING – The Match Factory
h. 11:30 – 13:00 / Hotel Excelsior / Spazio Incontri                      HELIOPOLIS / THE VIOLIN TEACHER 100’                           (membro Commissione per gli Affari Esteri e della Delegazione per le       By invitation only
“My HeartH” a film project                                                by Sergio Machado                                              relazioni con i Paesi del Sud Est asiatico del Parlamento Europeo),
Guest speakers: Andrea Rusin (Director of Art for the Environment),       Films Boutique                                                 Riccardo Maria Monti (Presidente ITA – ICE Agenzia), Nicola Borrelli
Dean Ronalds (director), Emanuela Galliussi (actress), Silvia Bernardi    Gold and Trade accreditation only                              (Direttore Generale Cinema del MIBACT), Briccio Santos (Presidente
(architect)                                                                                                                              FDCP − Film Development Council of the Philippines)
Moderator: Andrea Rusin                                                   h. 19:45 – 21:45 / Palazzo del Casinò / Sala Casinò            Moderator: Roberto Stabile (Responsabile Relazioni Internazionali ed
Hosted by Art for the Environment by Andrea Rusin                         PRIVATE SCREENING – Serendipity Point Films, IM Global         Eventi ANICA)
                                                                          By invitation only                                             Hosted by ANICA
h. 14:00 – 19:00 / Hotel Excelsior / Spazio Incontri
EUROPEAN FILM FORUM “Cross Culture – A driver for a Creative Europe”                                                                     h. 15:00 – 17:00 / Hotel Excelsior / Sala Poveglia
Welcome and introductory statement: Paolo Baratta (President of La                                                                       RUSSIAN COPRO PITCHING – FILM WITH RUSSIA
Biennale di Venezia), Lucia Recalde Langarica (Head of Unit MEDIA                                                                        Eight projects will be presented to the professionals
Support Programmes, European Commission)                                                                                                 Jury member: Katya Mtsitouridze (CEO of Roskino – Russian Cinema
Key note speech: Juan Antonio Bayona (director)                                                                                          Worldwide), Sarah Calderon (CEO of The Film Agency), Andreas Eisher
Moderator: Peter Cowie (Film historian and author)                                                                                       (Cine Plus Filmproduktion), Raphaël Berdugo (President of Cité Films)
- Short Film as a driver of creativity, talent scouting and business                                                                     Hosted by Roskino, Aeroflot, Timchenko Foundation
   Guest speakers: Mette Damgaard-Sorensen (New Danish Screen),
   Magdalena Kaminska (Producer / winner project of the 2014/15                                                                          h. 17:00 – 19:00 / Hotel Excelsior / Spazio Incontri
   Biennale College – Cinema), Antoine Le Bos (Cross Channel Lab /                                                                       IL CINEMA MIGRANTE IN ITALIA
   Groupe Ouest)                                                                                                                         Premiazione del film vincitore della 7a ed. del Premio Mutti – AMM
- Crossovers from film to societal and economic change                                                                                   Guest speakers: Gian Luca Farinelli (Fondazione Cineteca di Bologna),
   Guest speakers: Joana Vicente (New York Media Center / IFP), Ivan                                                                     Alessandro Triulzi (Archivio delle Memorie Migranti), Dagmawi Yimer
   Fedele (Director of of the Music section of La Biennale di Venezia                                                                    (Archivio delle Memorie Migranti), Laura Traversi (Associazione Amici
   2015), Francesco Patierno (director), Tim Plyming (Executive                                                                          di Giana), Giulia Grassilli (Human Rights Nights)
   producer at BBC)                                                                                                                      Excerpts of the winning films
Conclusions and farewell: Silvia Costa, MEP (Chair Committee on
Culture and Education), Paolo Baratta (President of La Biennale di                                                                       h. 19:00 – 20:00 / Hotel Excelsior / Terrazza dei Fiori
Venezia), Alberto Barbera (Director of the 72nd Venice International                                                                     Premio Mutti – AMM Cocktail
Film Festival)                                                                                                                           By invitation only
Hosted by Fondazione La Biennale Di Venezia and the European

                                                                                                                                   4                                                                                                                                         5
MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 7                                                                                                                    TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8
h. 9:30 – 18:00 / Palazzo del Cinema / Sala Pasinetti                                                                                  h. 9:30 − 18:00 / Palazzo del Cinema / Sala Pasinetti
FINAL CUT IN VENICE. Introduction and greetings of Alberto Barbera                                                                     FINAL CUT IN VENICE − Work in progress screenings
(Director of the 72. Mostra del Cinema)                                                                                                Gold and Trade accreditation only
Gold and Trade accreditation only

FINAL CUT IN VENICE – Work in progress screenings
Gold and Trade accreditation only

h. 09:00 – 13:00 / Hotel Excelsior / Sala Stucchi
“The DSM Strategy and the Audiovisual Industry”
A talk with the EU and the Italian Institutions                           MARKET SCREENINGS SCHEDULE                                                                                           MARKET SCREENINGS SCHEDULE
Welcoming speeches: Paolo Baratta (President of La Biennale di
Venezia) and Alberto Barbera (Director of the Venice Film Festival)       h. 10:00 – 12:30 / Palazzo del Cinema / Sala Pasinetti                                                               h. 09:30 – 11:30 / Palazzo del Cinema / Sala Pasinetti
Introduction: Riccardo Tozzi (President of ANICA)                         (FINAL CUT IN VENICE)                                                                                                (FINAL CUT IN VENICE)
Speech delivered by Günther Oettinger (European Commissioner for          TARIK AL-JENAH / PATH OF PARADISE 74’                                                                                HAVIBON / SEPARATION 70’
Digital Economy and Society)                                              by Atia Al-daradji                                                                                                   by Hakar Abdulqadir
Opening remarks: On. Dario Franceschini (Italian Minister of Culture      +                                                                                                                    +
and Tourism)                                                              Q&A                                                                                                                  Q&A
Round table: In the context of the digital era, what are the new          Gold and Trade accreditation only                                                                                    Gold and Trade accreditation only
challenges faced by the AUDIOVISUAL sector?
Guest Speakers: Eleonora Andreatta (Rai Fiction), Nina Laurio (Film       h. 13:30 – 15:00 / Palazzo del Cinema / Sala Pasinetti                                                               h. 11:30 – 13:00 / Palazzo del Cinema / Sala Pasinetti
producer, Finland, EPC), Yves Marmion (Film producer, France, EPC),       (FINAL CUT IN VENICE)                                                                                                (FINAL CUT IN VENICE)
Paolo Marzano (Comitato consultivo permanente per il dirito d’autore),    ALI MEA’ZA WE IBRAHIM / ALI, THE GOAT, AND IBRAHIM 44’                                                               DEEK BEIRUT / ROOSTER OF BEIRUT 44’
Gina Nieri (Mediaset), Lord David Puttnam (Film producer and              by Sherif Elbendary                                                                                                  by Ziad Kalthoum
Educationalist, UK), Andrea Scrosati (SKY Italia), Riccardo Tozzi (Film   +                                                                                                                    +
producer, Italy, ANICA), Michel Hazanavicius (President of ARP)           Q&A                                                                                                                  Q&A
Moderator: Marco Chimenz (President of EPC, Film producer)                Gold and Trade accreditation only                                                                                    Gold and Trade accreditation only
Q&A, open debate
Speech delivered by Silvia Costa (President of the Committee on           h. 15:00 – 17:00 / Palazzo del Cinema / Sala Pasinetti                                                               h. 14:00 – 16:00 / Palazzo del Cinema / Sala Pasinetti
Culture and Education, European Parliament)                               (FINAL CUT IN VENICE)                                                                                                (FINAL CUT IN VENICE)
Closing remarks: On. Antonello Giacomelli (Italian Under-Society for      TIGMI NIGREN / HOUSE IN THE FIELDS 52’                                                                               ZAINEB TAKRAHOU ETHELJ / ZAINEB HATES THE SNOW 84’
Communications Ministry of Economic Development)                          by Tala Hadid                                                                                                        by Kaouther Ben Hania
Hosted by EPC and ANICA and La Biennale di Venezia                        +                                                                                                                    +
                                                                          Q&A                                                                                                                  Q&A
                                                                          Gold and Trade accreditation only                                                                                    Gold and Trade accreditation only

                                                                          h. 17:00 – 19:00 / Palazzo del Cinema / Sala Pasinetti                                                               h. 17:00 – 19:00 / Palazzo del Cinema / Sala Pasinetti
                                                                          PRIVATE SCREENING – Bananeira Filmes, MPM Film                                                                       PRIVATE SCREENING – Eskimo srl, Rai Com
                                                                          By invitation only                                                                                                   By invitation only

                                                                                                                                   6                                                                                                                    7
WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9                                                                                                                Venice Film Market – European Gap-Financing Market
                                                                                                                                      (September 4 – 5)
h. 15:00 – 17:00, Spazio Incontri, VF M area, Excelsior Hotel
Il futuro del corto d’autore                                                                                                          The Venice Film Market is pleased to present, the 2nd edition of the European Gap-Financing
I Media e il cortometraggio                                                                                                           Market, which will take place on September 4 and 5, 2015. The European Gap-Financing Market
Organized by Paolo Micalizzi (Fedic Cinema)
Guest speakers: Paolo Micalizzi (Responsabile Fedic Cinema),
                                                                                                                                      is a new platform intended to support the European producers to secure the final financing
Roberto Merlino (Presidente Fedic), Jacopo Chessa (Direttore del                                                                      of their projects through one-to-one meetings with potential and appropriate international
Centro Nazionale del Cortometraggio), Franco Montini (Presidente                                                                      professionals. The main criteria to participate in this original event is to have 70% of the
SNCCI. Giornalista di “La Repubblica”), Fabrizio Cavaniglia                                                                           financing in place, and the VFM is offering 15 selected projects the unique opportunity to close
(Redattore della rivista “Tutto Digitale”), Luisa Morandini (Coautore,
curatrice della sezione “I Corti”).                                                                                                   their international financing through selected financiers, producers, distributors, sales agents,
Screenings: “INNO FEDIC” di Laura Biggi e Lorenzo Caravello                                                                           post-production companies and film funds. This year the EGFM has the invaluable support of the
(Cineamatori delle Apuane) – 1° Premio Concorso “Inno Fedic” 2015 – 2’                                                                MEDIA program of the European Union and the 15 selected projects are:
“VUOTO A PERDERE” di Stefano Vannelli (CC. Corte Tripoli
Cinematografica) – 1° Premio Concorso Video Fedic “1’ ” 2014 – 1’
“IL PONTE DEI SOSPIRI” di Roberto Merlino (CC. Corte Tripoli                                                                           • #flora63 by Stéphane ROBELIN (France / Belgium / Germany)
Cinematografica) – 1° Premio Concorso Fedic “Acqua” 2015 – 6’
Hosted by FEDIC                                                                                                                        • Bianco by Daniele VICARI (Italy / France)
                                                                                                                                       • Letters from War by Ivo FERREIRA (Portugal)
                                                                                                                                       • Comic Sans by Nevio MARASOVIC (Croatia / Slovenia)
                                                                                                                                       • Diamond Island by Davy CHOU (France / Cambodia)
                                                                                                                                       • The Eremites by Ronny TROCKER (Germany)
                                                                                                                                       • Freaking by Julia DUCOURNAU (France / Belgium / Switzerland)
                                                                                                                                       • Children of the Night by Andrea DE SICA (Italy)
                                                                                                                                       • The Bank of Broken Hearts by Onur ÜNLÜ (Turkey)
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11                                                                                                                   • The Swallows of Kabul by Zabou BREITMAN & Eléa GOBBE-MEVELLEC (France / Luxembourg)
                                                                                                                                       • The Death of Carturan by Liviu SANDULESCU (Romania)
                                                                                                                                       • Slovenia, Australia and Tomorrow the World by Marko NABERSNIK (Slovenia)
                                                                                                                                       • The Whale by Andrea PALLAORO (Italy/ France / Belgium)
                                                                                                                                       • When my Father Became a Bush by Nicole VAN KILSDONK (The Netherlands)
                                                                                                                                       • Zombillenium by Arthur DE PINS & Alexis DUCORD (France / Belgium)

                                                                                                                                      The Venice Film Market (3rd – 8th September 2015) of the 72nd Venice International Film Festival
                                                                                                                                      will partner and strengthen the Industry Office, which in turn will continue to function as it has in
                                                                         MARKET SCREENINGS SCHEDULE                                   past years throughout the entire Venice Film Festival, offering many services to its guests.
                                                                         h. 11:00 – 13:00 / Palazzo del Cinema / Sala Pasinetti
                                                                         I Love GAI Concorso per giovani autori italiani              The 2014 edition of the VFM clearly showed a very positive increase in the number of
                                                                         Rassegna di 7 film organizzata da Lightbox
                                                                         PIUME by Adriano Giotti
                                                                                                                                      professionals attending the market, with 261 key distributors and 66 key sales agents. In
                                                                         PERSEFONE by Grazia Tricarico                                addition, some 1,500 professionals, including producers, film commissions and institutions,
                                                                         LIEVITO MADRE by Fulvio Risuleo                              exhibitors, film festivals etc, coming from 57 countries, attended the Venice Film Market.
                                                                         ALL THE THINGS by Nicolangelo Gelormini                      The general feedback from the industry is that this Market is the perfect place for networking, and
                                                                         A CIAMBRA by Jonas Carpignano
                                                                         ALL THE PAIN IN THE WORLD by Tommaso Pitta                   fits seamlessly with the programming of the festival, proving that Venice is once again becoming a
                                                                         BLOODHOUND by Tommaso Landucci                               rendezvous to add to the professional agenda.
                                                                         Gold and Trade accreditation only
                                                                                                                                      We are pleased to announce the partnership with Festival Scope, the B2B platform for film
                                                                                                                                      professionals, where the previous work by the directors in selection can be screened online. If you
                                                                                                                                      are already registered for Festival Scope you can directly go to:

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Third edition of the workshop Final Cut in Venice                                                          Biennale College – Cinema
(September 7 – 8)
The Venice International Film Festival, in collaboration with the Festival International du Film           The 72nd Venice Film Festival will screen the three feature films selected, developed and
d’Amiens and the Festival International de Films de Fribourg, is pleased to announce the third             produced at Biennale College – Cinema, a laboratory for advanced training dedicated to the
edition of the workshop FINAL CUT IN VENICE, which will take place on September 7th and 8th                production of low cost films. The laboratory was created by the Biennale di Venezia in 2012 and
2015 as part of the Venice Film Market.                                                                    is open to young filmmakers from all over the world.
We would like to invite you to attend the two day workshop with the possibility for a special               • Baby Bump by Kuba Czekaj (director, Poland), Magdalena Kaminska (producer, Poland),
three-day Industry Gold accreditation ( 150), to attend the work-shop as well as the Venice Film              Agata Szymanska (producer, Poland) (first feature film); with Kacper Olszewski, Agnieszka
Market and the Venice Film Festival.                                                                          Podsiadlik, Caryl Swift, Sebastian Lach, Weronika Wachowska.
                                                                                                            • Blanka by Kohki Hasei (director, Japan), Flaminio Zadra (producer, Italy) (second feature
The films in post-production selected for the third edition of Final Cut in Venice are:                       film); with Cydel Gabutero, Peter Millari, Jomar Bisuyo, Raymond Camacho, Ruby Ruiz.
 • Ali, the Goat and Ibrahim by Sherif ELBENDARY (Egypt)
 • House in the Fields by Tala HADID (Marocco)                                                              • The Fits by Anna Rose Holmer (director, USA), Lisa Kjerulff (producer, USA)
 • Path of Paradise by Atia Al-DARADJI (Iraq)                                                               • (debut and first feature film); with Royalty Hightower, Alexis Nablett, De’Sean Minor, Lauren
 • Roosters of Beirut by Ziad KALTHOUM (Syria)                                                                Gibson, Makyla Burnam, Inayah Rodgers, Antonio A.B. Grant Jr., Q-Kidz Dance Team.
 • Separation by Hakar ABDULQADIR (Iraq)
 • Zaineb Hates the Snow by Kaouther BEN HANIA (Tunisia)                                                   Biennale College – Cinema, organized by the Biennale di Venezia, is supported by the Ministry
                                                                                                           of Cultural Heritage and Activities – Cinema Head Office, and the Veneto Region. Academic
The Venice Film Festival intends to provide concrete support to complete films coming from                 collaboration is provided to Biennale College – Cinema by New York’s IFP, Torino FilmLab and the
African countries and from Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine and Syria. The Final Cut in Venice             Busan International Film Festival. Alberto Barbera is the Director, Savina Neirotti is the Head of
workshop consists in a two-day session during which the work-in-progress copies of the 6 selected          Programme.
films will be presented to producers, buyers, distributors and organizers of international film
festivals, to facilitate their post-production process, promote possible co-production partnerships        July 1 marked the conclusion of the application period for the fourth edition (2015 – 2016) of
and access to the distribution market. There will be opportunities for networking, encounters and          Biennale College – Cinema. Applications were received from over 56 countries. In the upcoming
gatherings in which the directors and producers can meet the participants in the workshop.                 weeks, the selection process will be held to choose the next 12 projects and teams which will be
Final Cut in Venice is held in collaboration with Laser Film, Mactari Mixing Auditorium, CNC,              invited to participate in the first workshop in October, the initial stage of a development process
Knightworks, Titra TVS, Sub-Ti Ltd, Rai Cinema, Festival International du Film d’Amiens, Festival          that will conclude at the 2016 Venice Film Festival with the projection of three new low-cost
International de Films de Fribourg, Institut Français and starting this year SANAD (Development            films. The names of the 12 selected projects will be announced during the Biennale College –
and Post-Production Fund of twofour54 Abu Dhabi) and MAD Solutions.                                        Cinema press conference at the Lido on the 6th of September.

The Prizes
 • Up to 15,000 for the color correction of a feature-length film offered by Laser Film (Rome)
   for up to 50 hours of work (technician included);
 • Up to 15,000 for the sound mixing offered by Mactari Mixing Auditorium (Paris);
 • 10,000 for post-production costs to be carried out in France, offered by CNC –Centre
   National du Cinéma et de l’Image Animée (Paris);
 • Up to 10,000 for visual effects and special effects, offered by Knightworks (Paris);
 • Up to 10,000 for digital color correction, for the production of a DCP master and French or
   English subtitles, offered by Titra TVS (Paris);
 • 10,000 for post-production costs offered by Abu Dhabi’s Film Fund SANAD;
 • Up to 6,000 for the production of a DCP master and the Italian or English subtitles, offered
   by Sub-Ti Ltd. (London);
 • 5,000 for the purchase of two-year broadcasting rights by Rai Cinema;
 • A 35mm print (without subtitles) or the participation in the production costs of a DCP, offered
   by the Festival International du Film d’Amiens;
 • A 35mm print (without subtitles) or the participation in the production costs of a DCP, offered
   by the Festival International de Films de Fribourg;
 • Marketing, publicity and distribution in the Arab World for one Arab project is offered by MAD
   Solutions (except for projects already attached to MAD Solutions).
The prizes will be awarded at the discretion of the Director of the Venice Film Festival, assisted
by the partners in the project, and the executives of the institutions and service companies
underwriting the prizes. All decisions will be final.

                                                                                                      10                                                                                              11
Join the VFMPlatform!

The VFMPlatform ( – for the Industry Gold and Industry Trade
accredited – is the online tool to plan beforehand your agenda in Venice and to consult in real
time all your needs.

Go to and enter your email (the one you used for the Venice Film
Market accreditation) and the code mentioned on the frontside of the accreditation badge.

The platform includes: agenda, news, participant profiles, Digital Video Library Catalogue, venues,
maps and useful information, social wall.
Agenda: every event that is a part of the program of the Venice Film Market is published in the
platform’s agenda. A timeline in the homepage dynamically give an overview of all the scheduled
events. Every event is marked and a tooltip gives a description of it.
News and Special Events: is an area focused on important updates and events. A notification
system is be integrated in this area, so that every registered user can receive short messages
related to the very latest news, according to his/her specific fields of interest and competence,
and according to his/her classification as a buyer or a seller.
Participants: this area contains the profiles of all Accredited and other categories of users (e.g.
Film Commission, Producers). Visit the profiles and get in contact with them by e-mail in order to
share opinions or set up a meetings.
Venues: information on the exclusive locations of the Venice Film Market as well as a map and
instructions on how to get there, is accompanied by a gallery of images in a dedicated area of the
digital platform.
Search engine for the DVL: the platform includes an internal search engine based on keywords
(e.g. title, abstract, actors) for the Digital Video Library database, that allows you to view films
from the official selection of the festival and titles submitted through the Venice Film Market.
Social Wall: share your opinions and comments on meetings, screenings, venues and all the other
aspects of the Venice Film Market.

If you want to use the VFMPlatform as a promotional tool for your film – emails, SMS, advertising
– please get in touch with, mob +39 340 581 3286
The VFMPlatform is presented by La Biennale di Venezia and Expo Venice.

With the participation of

In partnership with

Media Partner

   B E S T


 Industry Office             Expo Venice S.p.a.
 tel. ph. + 39 041 5218848   tel. ph. +39 041 5334850
 +39 041 2726595             fax +39 041 5334760
 fax +39 041 5218800
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