Premio Fondazione Cominelli per il gioiello contemporaneo - VI Edizione - Fondazione Raffaele Cominelli AGC Associazione Gioiello Contemporaneo ...

Pagina creata da Enrico Carrara
Premio Fondazione Cominelli per il gioiello contemporaneo - VI Edizione - Fondazione Raffaele Cominelli AGC Associazione Gioiello Contemporaneo ...
Fondazione Raffaele Cominelli
AGC Associazione Gioiello Contemporaneo

per il gioiello
VI Edizione
Premio Fondazione Cominelli per il gioiello contemporaneo - VI Edizione - Fondazione Raffaele Cominelli AGC Associazione Gioiello Contemporaneo ...
Premio Fondazione Cominelli per il gioiello contemporaneo - VI Edizione - Fondazione Raffaele Cominelli AGC Associazione Gioiello Contemporaneo ...
Con il patrocinio

             Città di Salò
             Assessorato alla Cultura     Comune di Gardone Riviera
             ed il Turismo

             Consorzio Alberghi Riviera   ProLoco di Salò
             del Garda Gardone e Salò

                                          LABA Brescia

VI edizione
A cura di Rosanna Padrini Dolcini
Fondazione Cominelli

Maria Rosa Franzin, Rossella Tornquist
AGC Associazione Gioiello Contemporaneo

Palazzo Cominelli,
Cisano di San Felice del Benaco
Brescia, Italia

29 agosto – 4 ottobre 2015
Premio Fondazione Cominelli per il gioiello contemporaneo - VI Edizione - Fondazione Raffaele Cominelli AGC Associazione Gioiello Contemporaneo ...
N  el 2015 il premio internazionale "Fondazione Cominelli",          2  015 is the year of the international "Cominelli
    giunge alla sua sesta edizione con un sempre maggiore                Foundation" prize, which reaches its sixth edition
    respiro internazionale e consolidate tradizioni.                     with an increasingly international allure and welle-
                                                                         stablished traditions.
    Palazzo Cominelli, e il lago di Garda più in generale si
    propongono come prestigiosa vetrina per i quaranta autori,           Palazzo Cominelli, and Lake Garda in general, are
    provenienti da tutto il mondo, selezionati tra un parterre di        indeed a prestigious showcase for the selected artists
    candidati sempre di altissimo livello.                               from all over the world, chosen from an array of
    L’area dedicata alla formazione e alle scuole torna ad               candidates of an extremely high level.
    accogliere, dopo le partnership internazionali il Politecnico        The section dedicated to education and schools, after
    di Milano, il College of Art di Edimburgo, l’Università della        having hosted the Milan Polytechnic, the Edinburgh
    Musica e delle Arti di Tokyo e il Liceo Artistico Pietro Selvatico   College of Arts, the University of Music and Performing
    di Padova, una prestigiosa scuola scozzese, il College of Art        Arts of Tokyo and Pietro Selvatico Art School of Padua,
    di Glasgow.                                                          will welcome the prestigious Glasgow College of Art.

    Agli studenti va un benvenuto sul lago di Garda, con la              A warm welcome to Lake Garda goes to the students,
    certezza che i lavori presentati riscontreranno lo stesso            with the certainty that their works will meet the same
    successo di quello raccolto dai colleghi nelle precedenti            success as their colleagues in the previous editions.
                                                                         In light of the great appreciation and support that
    Alla luce del grande apprezzamento e del sostegno che il             the international award and all related initiatives
    premio internazionale e tutte le iniziative collaterali stanno       are receiving from major institutions of the Lake
    ricevendo da importanti istituzioni gardesane e bresciane,           Garda and Brescia areas, we can say that this event
    possiamo affermare che questo evento contribuisce alla               contributes to the promotion of our beautiful territory
    promozione del nostro splendido territorio in giro per il mondo.     around the world.
    In un momento così complesso per l'economia, crediamo                At such a complex time for the economy, we believe it
    sia fondamentale che anche la cultura e l'arte facciano la           is essential that culture and art do their part in support
    loro parte, a sostegno del nostro sistema economico. A tutti         of our economic system. We trust that all guests will
    i gentili ospiti, auguriamo una buona visione e una serena           enjoy the events and that they may have a pleasant
    permanenza sul nostro splendido lago.                                stay on our beautiful lake.

    Michele Cassarino, Presidente Fondazione Raffaele Cominelli / Chairman Cominelli Foundation

Premio Fondazione Cominelli per il gioiello contemporaneo - VI Edizione - Fondazione Raffaele Cominelli AGC Associazione Gioiello Contemporaneo ...
S an Felice del Benaco, luogo unico ed incantevole,
luogo di cultura, di tradizioni e di splendidi panorami che
si tuffano nel blu del nostro lago, accoglie la VI Edizione
del Premio per il gioiello contemporaneo.

Un pregevole evento che stupisce per la sua unicità
come unico è il meraviglioso Palazzo Cominelli che ospita
le più varie forme d’arte passando dalla musica al teatro,
dalla fotografia alla pittura, dalla scultura e da tutto ciò
che può contribuire ad esaltare la bellezza di tale luogo.

Un contributo importante che attraverso l’arte
promuove l’immagine del nostro territorio in tutte le sue

S  an Felice del Benaco, an unique and enchanting place,
a centre of culture traditions and splendid landscapes
that plunges into the blue of our lake, this is where the
VI Edition of the Contemporary Jewellery Prize is held.

An important event that is amazing not only because it is
unique, but also for the wonderful Cominelli Palace that
offers the most varied forms of art passing from music to
theatre, from photography to painting, from sculpture to all
that can contribute to enhancing the beauty of the place.

This is an important contribution which through art
promotes the image of our territory and its characteristics.

Paolo Rosa, Sindaco/Mayor of San Felice del Benaco
Marzia Manovali, Consigliere alla Cultura/Councillor for Culture
Premio Fondazione Cominelli per il gioiello contemporaneo - VI Edizione - Fondazione Raffaele Cominelli AGC Associazione Gioiello Contemporaneo ...
Premio Fondazione Cominelli per il gioiello contemporaneo - VI Edizione - Fondazione Raffaele Cominelli AGC Associazione Gioiello Contemporaneo ...
I l Premio Cominelli per il Gioiello Contemporaneo giunge         T  he Cominelli Awards for Contemporary Jewellery
quest’anno alla sua sesta edizione. Tutte le opere si             has now reached its sixth edition. All the works
pongono con la volontà di essere un unicum, per la                on display are to be considered as one, insofar as
ricerca del materiale o della tecnica più particolare.            material research and techniques are concerned.
La raccolta si svolge in una molteplice serie di immagini         The selection, carried out through a series of images,
ben definite le une dalle altre ed ogni oggetto cerca di          attempts to encompass the culture of the area of
racchiudere in sé la cultura del territorio di provenienza        origin of the author, prompting the curiosity and
dell’autore sollecitando la curiosità e l’attenzione del          attention of the visitor.
                                                                  The curator Renate Slavik, to whom the selection of
La curatrice Renate Slavik, a cui è stata assegnata               works is attributed, defines the design and creation
la selezione dei lavori, definisce la progettazione e             of the pieces, a mirror that represents the personality
l’ideazione lo specchio che rappresenta la personalità            of the artists and the changing times. The materials
degli artisti ed i tempi che cambiano. I materiali utilizzati     used once again define the will to research, to create
definiscono ancora una volta la volontà di ricerca per            dialogue and composition.
creare il dialogo e la composizione.                              As with each edition, the exhibition dedicated to the
Come per ogni edizione, alla mostra dedicata al Premio            Awards is accompanied by the exhibition of students’
si affianca l’esposizione delle realizzazioni di allievi di una   achievements of an educational institution. This year
istituzione scolastica, quest’anno saranno evidenziati i          the jewellery on show will represent the Glasgow
gioielli del College of Art di Glasgow, guidati dal Prof.         College of Art, led by Professor Michael Pell.
Michael Pell.                                                     Finally, the cooperation with Teacher Dario Bellini
Infine, la collaborazione multimediale del Corso del              of the multimedia course of Graphic Design at the
Professore Dario Bellini del Dipartimento Graphic Design          Academy of Brescia has added more videoportraits
dell’Accademia di Brescia, arricchisce di altri video ritratti    to those already carried out previously, as well as the
il corpus degli autori della Collezione Permanente curata         Permanent Collection curated by gallery owner Rita
dalla gallerista Rita Marcangelo.                                 Marcangelo.

Ringrazio il Presidente Michele Cassarino ed il Consiglio         I would like to thank the Chairman Michele Cassarino
di Amministrazione della Fondazione Cominelli, il Sindaco         and the Board of Directors of the Cominelli Foundation,
di Cisano di S.Felice del Benaco Sig. Paolo Rosa, la              the Mayor of Cisano di San Felice del Benaco Paolo
curatrice Rosanna Padrini Dolcini, la gallerista Renate           Rosa, the curator and cultural consultant Rosanna
Slavik per la cura nella selezione delle opere, i membri          Padrini Dolcini, the gallery owner Renate Slavik for
della giuria, l’artista orafa Helen Britton, il Professore        having selected the works, the members of the jury,
Michael Pell del Dipartimento di Oreficeria del College           the jewellery Artist Helen Britton, Professor Michael
of Art di Glasgow, nonché la collega e socia Rossella             Pell, as well as my colleague and fellow AGC member
Tornquist per la collaborazione.                                  Rossella Tornquist for her cooperation.

Maria Rosa Franzin, Presidente AGC / Chairman AGC

Premio Fondazione Cominelli per il gioiello contemporaneo - VI Edizione - Fondazione Raffaele Cominelli AGC Associazione Gioiello Contemporaneo ...
Premio Fondazione Cominelli per il gioiello contemporaneo - VI Edizione - Fondazione Raffaele Cominelli AGC Associazione Gioiello Contemporaneo ...

C  iò che fino a qualche anno fa sembrava un lontano miraggio, oggi è realtà. Una collezione permanente completamente
dedicata al gioiello contemporaneo, con artisti provenienti da 25 paesi diversi. Opere che utilizzano una commistione
di linguaggi, con materiali e forme che incuriosiscono lo spettatore.

Dopo cinque anni di lavoro, in cui sono stati selezionati e catalogati i gioielli che formano l'attuale Collezione, abbiamo
un primo catalogo che fotografa la situazione ad oggi, documento fondamentale per meglio comprendere ed apprezzare
i tanti lavori presenti nella Collezione. A ciascun artista è stata dedicata una pagina con l'immagine dell'opera presente
ed un breve testo critico in italiano ed inglese.

Una suddivisione delle opere in quattro macro aree, con all'interno ulteriori sotto categorie, rende più facile la lettura
di questi gioielli, anche ad un occhio profano. Così, sia il percorso espositivo che il catalogo, seguono la divisione
in aree di interesse.

La prestigiosa sede che ospita la Collezione a San Felice del Benaco, sulle sponde del Lago di Garda,
è la cornice perfetta per osservare ed ammirare le tante opere presenti.

What until a few years ago seemed to be a distant mirage, is now reality. A permanent collection that is totally
dedicated to contemporary jewellery, with artists from 25 different countries. The works use of an array of different
languages, with materials and forms that stimulate an interest in the viewer.

After five years, in which time the works have been selected and subdivided, a first catalogue representative of the
collection as it stands today, has been produced. A fundamental tool to better understand and appreciate the many
works that are part of the Collection. Each artist is represented with an image of the piece and a brief critical text in
English and Italian.

A subdivision of the works into four main research areas, which are further divided into specific areas of interest. make
it easier for viewers to appreciate and comprehend what they are looking at, even for those who are non expects.
Hence both the works in the exhibition space and in the catalogue, follow the the afore mentioned subdivision.

The prestigious venue that hosts the Collection at San Felice del Benaco, on the beautiul Lake Garda, is the perfect
setting to observe and admire the many works present in the Collection.

Rita Marcangelo Curatrice della Collezione Permanente Fondazione Cominelli / Curator Cominelli Foundation

Premio Fondazione Cominelli per il gioiello contemporaneo - VI Edizione - Fondazione Raffaele Cominelli AGC Associazione Gioiello Contemporaneo ...
Collezione permanente


Michele Cassarino Presidente Fondazione Cominelli
Helen Britton Artista Orafa
Rita Marcangelo Gallerista e Curatrice Collezione Fondazione Cominelli
Cristiana Campanini Giornalista
Nicola Rocchi direttore di AB Atlante Bresciano

     Che io crei gioielli, faccia disegni e oggetti di carta e non gite di piacere, edifici o giardini è una buona cosa, perché
     sto costruendo, in un modo molto personale, un mondo molto privato, che non accetta compromessi. Per avvolgere la
     materia in se stessa, per trasformarla in modi imprevedibili, spunta un tale amore per i materiali, una tale sensazione
     di piacere per la qualità delle cose semplici: il colore, la consistenza, la forma e la loro influenza sui miei sensi.

     Ho sempre avuto l'empatia per gli oggetti e nella mia professione, negli ultimi anni, sono diventata più specificatamente
     interessata a raccogliere quei frammenti sgraziati e a volte brutti, quelle bellezze nascoste, quelle componenti che erano
     intese per la vita e non come gioielli. Cerco di dare loro una nuova opportunità: la possibilità di cantare di nuovo o di
     cantare un’ultima volta.

     Ho una grande collezione tutta “parlante”, che esige attenzione: sono tutti così monelli che li tengo nascosti e inquieti
     nelle proprie scatole, in attesa che arrivi la “loro” giornata, quella in cui brilleranno. È il loro sorriso oleoso, la loro
     gestualità ruvida; il tintinnare del metallo, la risatina della plastica, la strizzatina d'occhio del vetro e tutta quella giungla
     di emozioni chiuse nei materiali, in questi frammenti ai quali sto cercando di dare spazio di espressione.

     That I make jewellery, drawings and paper objects and not fun rides, buildings or gardens is a good thing, because I am
     building in a way a very private world, that accepts no compromises. To enfold matter into itself, to transform it in unpredictable
     ways comes out of a love of materials, out of a sensation of pleasure in simple qualities: colour, texture, form and their affect
     on my senses.

     I always had empathy for objects, and in my practice in recent years, I have become more specifically interested in collecting
     those awkward and sometimes ugly fragments, those hidden beauties, those components that were intended for life as
     jewellery. I try to provide them with a new opportunity, a chance to sing again or to sing at last.

     I have a great clamoring collection, all demanding attention, each one such a handful that I keep them tucked away, restless
     in their boxes, waiting for their day to shine. It is their oily smile, their rugged gesture, the thrust of their metal, the giggle
     of the plastics, the wink of glass, the jungle of material emotions locked in these fragments, that I am looking to give room
     for expression.

Bracciale Argento, Colore – Bracelet Silver, Paint 2013

L'invito a partecipare alla giuria per il Premio Cominelli The invitation to take part in the Jury for the Cominelli
2015 è stato per me una gioia, un onore ed un coscienzioso              Awards 2015 has been a great honour and a commitment
impegno. Come gallerista devo confrontarmi quotidianamente              for me. As a gallery owner, I am faced with selection and
con la selezione e la scelta, costantemente mi viene mostrata           have to make choices every day and constantly see a variety
la varietà del gioiello contemporaneo internazionale. In                of international contemporary jewellery. In twenty five years
venticinque anni di attività in questo campo e attraverso il            of activity in the field and through my relationship with the
rapporto con gli artisti ho collezionato moltissime esperienze,         artists, I have made many experiences that help me in this
che mi aiutano nella selezione. Per questo, in tutti questi anni,       selection process. This is why my enthusiasm and knowledge
sono cresciuti il mio entusiasmo e la mia conoscenza del                of the field, have grown over the years. I feel it is my duty to
mondo del gioiello contemporaneo e vedo come un compito                 keep clients, collectors and visitors of the gallery up to date
quello di avvicinare i nostri clienti, i collezionisti e i visitatori   on contemporary jewellery. In particular, this means being
alla sua conoscenza. In particolare, questo significa riuscire          able to convey the complexity that lies behind a piece of
a trasmettere la complessità che vive dietro ad un gioiello.            jewellery. The artistic and technical qualities of works are
Trovo importante la qualità artistica e tecnica dei lavori.             important to me. I am always impressed by the richness of
Mi impressiona sempre di nuovo la ricchezza delle forme                 expressive forms that are present in small-scale works. The
espressive che si manifesta in opere di piccolo formato. La             personalities of the artists, the changing times, historical
personalità degli artisti, i tempi che cambiano, gli avvenimenti        events: all this contributes to the design and creation of
storici: tutto questo contribuisce alla progettazione e ideazione       these wearable works. There are no limits in this expression
di queste opere indossabili. In questa espressione della                of creativity: it is powerful on a dynamic or intellectual level,
creatività non vengono posti limiti: essa è potente a livello           delicate, enchanted and playful, geometric, clean or colourful
dinamico o intellettuale, delicata, incantata e giocosa,                and exuberant, decorative. This list could go on and draws a
geometrica, pulita o colorata ed esuberante, decorativa: questa         picture of the works presented for the Cominelli Awards. The
lista potrebbe continuare all'infinito e disegna un'immagine dei        choices made for the Cominelli Awards 2015 also present
lavori presentati per il Premio Cominelli. Le nostre scelte per         an array of different materials like paper, plastic, recycled
il Premio Cominelli 2015 rappresentano anche una ricchezza              plastic bottles, but also precious materials. Through the
di materiali diversi come carta, materiali plastici, bottiglie          works, I want to discover the personal and unique language
PET riciclate, ma anche metalli preziosi. Voglio scoprire nei           of each artist. Their sould must be perceptible. The Cominelli
lavori il linguaggio personale e unico degli artisti: l'anima           Awards are a great incentive for artists to create something
deve essere percepibile. Il Premio Cominelli è per gli artisti          new, but also serve to promote the culture of contemporary
un grande stimolo a creare qualcosa di nuovo, ma serve                  jewellery, to which
anche a promuovere la cultura del gioiello contemporaneo,
per diffondere la quale noi tutti siamo impegnati, attraverso
il nostro fare, in campi diversi.

RENATE SLAVIK Galerie Slavik Vienna / Wien

          PRIMO PREMIO 2014 – Collier
Collana, porcellana, argento – Necklace, porcelain, silver 2014

                SECONDO PREMIO 2014
             Spilla, smalto, rame, argento, forma cava
     Brooch, vitreous enamel, copper, silver, hollowform 2012
          TERZO PREMIO 2014 – Ai Apaec Bottle
Collana, porcellana, pelle, rame – Necklace, porcelain, leather, copper 2013


     Spilla, argento, legno, tessuto – Brooch, silver, wood, textile 2014

Mokume Gane Taiwan Pine
Collana, porcellana, argento, lega remanium
 Necklace, porcelain, silver, remanium 2014
                                             Concrete Fragility
     Collana, uova di quaglia indurita, calcestruzzo, argento ossidato, garza, materiale da imbottitura, acciaio
         Collier, quail eggs (hardened), concrete, oxidized silver, gauze, padding material, steel wire 2014
           Scultura in opale di fuoco
   Spilla, argento – Brooch, fire opal sculpture, silver 2015

             Just one more
     Collana, carta – Necklace, paper 2015

                              Flying Object Bumblebee 32
Spilla, argento, rame, smalto, foto, tormalina – Brooch, silver, copper, enamel, photo, tourmaline 2013

              What normally we d’nt see in red
       Spilla, polistirene, pittura acrilica, resina epossica bicomponente
     Brooch, polystyrene, acrylic paint, dual-component epoxy resin 2015
                     Yellow rush
Spilla, oro, golden berilli – Brooch, gold, golden beryl 2014

                                          Woven leaf
     Spilla, pendente argento ossidato annodato – Brooch, pendant silver, oxydised, knotted 2015

Spilla, porcellana, argento, spago – Brooch, porcelain, silver, thread 2015

                                                Urban landscape 7
     Spilla, porcellana, argento925, resina, pigmento – Brooch 925 silver, woodsheet 100%cellulose, resin, pigment 2014

Spilla, rame, smalto, argento – Brooch, copper, enamel, silver 2015

                      Light – emitting body
     Spilla, ottone, pittura uretham – Brass, silver, uretham paint 2015

              Horn & Hollow
Spilla, rete d’acciaio – Brooch, stainless mesh 2014

              Korean winter hazel
     Collana, argento – Necklace, sterling silver 2014

Collana, cotone, seta, diaspro – Necklace, cotton, silk, jasper 2015

                          Dark blue agate
          Bracciale, porcellana, vetro, smalto e sabbia fuse insieme
     Bracelet, porcelain, glass, glaze& chamotte fused together 2012/13
Anello, argento, carta, magnete – Ring silver, paper, magnet 2015

     Scultura per la mano, anello, pietra naturale argento – Ring, sculpture for hand, silver, natural stone 2013

Anello, argento, conchiglia scolpita – Ring, silver, carved shell 2014

                          Future life
     Spilla, ag925, acciaio inox3d stampato mais biodegradabile
           Brooch Ag925, stainless steel, 3d print corn 2015
                      Insects mantis
        Spilla, pelle di rana, argento, argilla polimerica
Brooch bull frog’s skin, leather, sterling silver, polymer clay2014
     Spilla, onice, grafite, resina – Brooch, onyx, graphite, resin, silver aire negro 2014

    Radici dell´anima
Anello, argento – Ring, silver 2014

     Spilla, smalto su rame, argento – Brooch, vitreous enamel on copper and silver 2015

Spilla, argento, carta giapponese, acciaio – Brooch silver Japanese paper, stainless 2013

                Die reste der schalen
     Anello, argento 925 – Ring, silver 925, silver 999 2013

Spilla, smalto, rame, argento, acciaio – Brooch, enamel, copper, silver, steel 2015

         Spilla, PET riciclato (polietilene tereftalato), bottiglia palstica, PVC, cordone, argento ossidato
     Brooch, recycled PET (Polyethylene terephthalate ) plastic bottles, PVC cord oxidized nickelsilver 2015
Spilla, peltro, argento, ardesia – Brooch pewter, silver, slate 2013

                                     The un conscious mind
     Spilla, argento, tessuto (G.Gremouti) pigmento – Brooch, silver, textile (G.Gremouti) pigments 2014

Pendente, argento, granati – Pendent, silver, garnet 2015

     Spilla, acciaio – Brooch, stainless steel 2014

Collana, argento, coralli – Necklace, silver, coral 2013

                        Separated By Greed
        Spilla, acciaio, diamanti Herkimer, resina pressata, lega tombac
     Brooch, steel, Herkimer diamond crystals, pressed resin, tombac 2015
        The Perpetual Motion of the Universe
Spilla, palladio, oro, diamanti – Brooch, palladium, gold, diamonds 2013

                        My circle-front
     Spilla, argento, tela jeans – Brooch, silver, blue jeans 2015

          Ring for travellers
Anello, latta riciclata – Ring, recycled tin 2015

             Collana, tessuto, cartapesta, chiodo antico
     Necklace, textile, papier-mâchée, lacquer, historic nail 2015
 Pendente, argento, argento 925, chiodini di ferro, lacca giapponese
Pendant, german silver, pure silver, iron tacks, japanese lacquer 2014
HELEN BRITTON ha completato un Master di ricerca in Belle Arti
alla Curtin University, Western Australia nel 1999, che comprendeva
il percorso di studi tenuto come studente ospite presso l'Accademia
di Belle Arti di Monaco di Baviera, il Sandberg Institute di Amsterdam,
e la San Diego State University in California. Nel 1999 è tornata a
Monaco per completare lo studio post-laurea presso l'Accademia
di Belle Arti con il professor Otto Künzli. Nel 2002 ha fondato il
suo laboratorio a Monaco di Baviera con David Bielander e Yutaca
Minegishi. I suoi lavori sono conservati alla National Gallery of
Australia, alla Pinakothek der Moderne di Monaco di Baviera;
presso lo Schmuck Museum di Pforzheim, lo Stedelijk Museum di
Amsterdam, il Museo di Belle Arti di Boston e il Metropolitan Museum
di New York. Nel 2005, Helen è stata insignita del Premio Herbert
Hofmann per l'eccellenza nella gioielleria contemporanea e nel 2006
ha ricevuto il Premio di Stato della Baviera per l'artigianato. Nel
marzo del 2011, Helen Drutt ha curato il lancio della pubblicazione
in lingua inglese di un nuovo catalogo sulle opere di Helen Britton.
Nel 2013, su invito della Neue Sammlung, una panoramica di 20
anni di lavoro di Helen Britton è stato mostrato al Neues Museum,
Norimberga. Nel 2013 Helen Britton è stata insignita del Förder
Preis della città di Monaco di Baviera e nel 2015 è stata invitata
da Ingo Maurer a tenere una mostra personale sui gioielli e disegni
della serie "Industrial" nel suo showroom di Monaco di Baviera.

HELEN BRITTON completed a Master of Fine Arts by research
at Curtin University, Western Australia in 1999, which included
guest studies at the Academy of Fine Art in Munich, the Sandberg
Institute in Amsterdam, and San Diego State University in California.
In 1999 she returned to Munich to complete postgraduate study at
the Academy of Fine Arts with Professor Otto Künzli. In 2002 she
established her workshop in Munich with David Bielander and Yutaca
Minegishi. Her work is held in the National gallery of Australia, in the
Pinakothek der Modern, Munich, the Schmuck Museum Pforzheim,
The Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, The Boston Museum of Fine Art
and The Metropolitan Museum, New York, among others. In 2005
Helen was awarded the Herbert Hofmann prize for excellence in
contemporary jewellery and in 2006 the state prize of Bavaria for
craftsmanship. In March of 2011 a new catalogue of Helen Britton’s
work was launched in Munich by Helen Drutt-English. In 2013 at
the invitation of The Neue Sammlung an overview of 20 years of
Helen Britton's work was shown as a solo exhibition in the Neues
Museum, Nürnberg, Germany. In 2013 Britton was awarded the
Förder Preis of the city of Munich. In 2015 Helen Britton was invited
by Ingo Maurer to make a solo exhibtion of her "Indistrial" series of
jewellery and drawings in his showrooms in Munich.
SOLO EXHIBITIONS (SELECTION): 2015 Heller Wahnsinn.           PUBLIC COLLECTIONS: The Art Gallery of South Australia,
Ingo Maurer Showrooms, Munich, Germany. The Mystery of        Adelaide, Australia; Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam;
Beauty. Gallery Heller, Heidelberg, Germany. 2014 Britton     Stichting Françoise van den Bosch, Amstelveen; The
at Bengel. Villa Bengel, Idar-Oberstein, Germany. Pairs of    Netherlands Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam; CODA;
Pieces. Gallery Funaki, Melbourne, Australia. Unheimlich.     Apeldoorn, The Netherlands; Auckland Museum,
Galerie Spektrum, Munich Germany. 2013 Industrial             Auckland, New Zealand; Queensland Art Gallery, Brisbane,
Romantic. Antonella Villanova, Florence Italy. Heterogene.    Australia; National Gallery of Australia, Canberra; Die
Gallery Koudijs, Amsterdam. Just Jewellery. Gallery           Neue Sammlung, Staatliches Museum für angewandte
Orfeo, Luxemberg. The Things I See. Neues Museum,             Kunst, Munich (Dauerleihgabe der Danner – Stiftung); The
Nürnberg, Germany. 2012 Industrial 2. Gallery SO, London.     Art Gallery of Western Australia, Perth; Curtin University
Dekorationswut, Cornucopia. Sienna Gallery, Lenox USA.        of Technology, Perth, Australia; Schmuckmuseum im
2011 Industrial, Gallery Funaki, Melbourne Australia. 2010    Reuchlinhaus, Pforzheim; The Powerhouse Museum,
Wet, Glittering Dark, Shiny, Pointy Sharp. Galerie Louise     Sydney, Australia; National Gallery of Victoria, Australia;
Smit. Amsterdam. 2009 Somewhere Else Completely.              CODA Museum Amsterdam; Museum of fine Art, Boston,
Bavarian Crafts Council, Munich 13. Gallery Pilartz,          USA; The Metropolitan Museum of Art, NY, USA, The
Cologne, Germany. Dekorationswut, Artothek, Munich.           Hermitage, St Petersburg, Russia, Victoria and Albert
2008 Exempla. Internationale Handwerksmesse, Munich.          Museum, London.
Chaos and Clean Shapes. Klimt02 Gallery Barcellona\;
The Things I See. Gallery Funaki. Melbourne. 2007 All         AWARDS / SCHOLARSHIPS: Artist in Residence, Villa
Else Imaginable. Galerie Louise Smit. Amsterdam; Tier aus     Bengel, Idar-Oberstein, Germany (2014); Förderpreis
der Ferne, Townhall, Erfurt. Jewellery Machine, Galerie       from the City of Munich (2013); Professional Development
Beatrice Lang, Bern Switzerland. 2006 Urban Paradise          Grant, Australia Council (2010); Luitpold Stipendium,
Playground. Objectspace, Auckland, New Zealand. 2005          City of Munich (2009); Erfurt City Goldsmith (2007);
Second Nature. Galerie Louise Smit, Amsterdam; Nature         Bavarian State Prize, International Handwerksmesse,
Stories. Galerie Biró, Munich. Home Ground. FORM, Perth,      Munich (2006); Project grant for Fine Art from the
Australia. 2004 Crisscrossing. Galerie Hélène Porée, Paris.   city of Munich (2006); Academy of Fine Art, Munich:
2003 Silk purse from a sow's ear – uus Schyssdrägg            DAAD-Prize for Foreign Students (2005); International
Angge mache. Galerie Biró, Munich and Jewelers' Werk.         Handwerksmesse, Munich: Herbert-Hofmann-Prize (2005);
Galerie, Washington D.C. 2002 Pink World. Galerie Louise      Arts WA, Australia: Development Grant (1999); Australia:
Smit, Amsterdam; Surprising Worlds, Gallery Funaki,           Chancellors Commendation for research, Curtin University
Melbourne. 2001 Two Shining Stars from the Southern           of Technology (1999); The Australia Council: Development
Hemisphere; OONA – Galerie für Schmuck, Berlin                Assistance (1999);
                                                              Photo: Dirk Eisel.

     Pag. 24. EVA TESARIK 1957 Austria. Studies: 1985              Pag. 26. ANJA EICHLER Germany. Studies: 2008-2011
     doctor of Biology University Vienna. 1995 Goldsmithing        Alchimia, Florence. Work experience: (Co-)Curatorial:
     apprenticeship. Work experience: since 1995 founding          Fallmamal Nine Jewelers at the Bowling Alley, Munich
     member of the atelier StossimHimmel, Vienna. Selected         2013; Naturally Jewelry, Shanghai 2013; Distant Relations,
     Exhibitions: Schmuck 1970-2015 Sammlung Bollmann              Shanghai 2014; Bowling for Success, Munich 2015. Asia
     MAK Vienna – 2014 Multiple Exposures Jewellery and            Correspondent for Art Jewelry Forum. Selected Exhibitions:
     Fotography MAD NY – Amber in Contemporary Jewellery           2015 Alchimia – An Anthology, SNAG Boston; Exposition
     LT – 2013 Eligius A – "Made in Vienna" D – 2012 Enjoya        Annuelle, Galerie Noel Guyomarc'h, Montreal. 2014 Distant
     E – Challenging the Chatelaine NY – a lot of exhibitions      Relations, Two Cities Gallery, Shanghai; On the Horizon,
     in StossimHimmel A. Collections: MAK Metallsammlung           Brooklyn Metal Works Gallery, New York; Dare to Wear,
     – Bollmann – Helen Drutt. Publications: Schmuck 1070-         Coda Museum, Appeldorn. 2013 Materiality, Ame Gallery,
     2015 Sammlung Bollmann – Multiple Exposures – Amber in        Hong Kong; Naturally Jewelry, Two Cities Gallery, Shanghai,
     Contemporary Art Jewellery – New Rings (N.Estrada) – 500      China; Pop up Exhibition, Ubi Collection, OCT loft, Shenzen;
     Stones (Lark) – The Compendium Final of Contemporary          2013 Beijing International Jewelry Biennal, Beijing; Natural
     Jewellers – Challenging the Chatelaine NY – 500 Bracelets     Histronics, Kath Libbert Jewellery Gallery, Saltaire, UK; The
     – (Lark) – 500 Brooches (Lark).                               Young Ones, Galery Ra, Amsterdam; Fallmamal, Munich.
     Contact:                                       2012 Contemporary Jewelry Art, Museum of Art and Craft,
     Stoss im Himmel 3/3a,1010 Vienna/A                            Shanghai; Urbanauts, vander A gallery, Brussels. 2011 Nieuw
     Website: facebook, klimt02                                    Talent, Galery Ra, Amsterdam; ‘So Fresh’ Metal Museum,
                                                                   Memphis. 2010 ‚Es perlt’, Gallerie des Handwerks, Munich.
     Pag. 25. PE TER HOOGEBOOM 1961 Netherlands.                   Contact:
     Education: Rietveld Academy, Amsterdam, NL. Work
     experience (selection): Lectures 2008-2014: HDK,              Pag. 27. SERGIO SPIVACH 1965 Italia – STEFANO
     Gothenburg, SE – ENSA, Limoges, FR – Yingge Ceramics          SPIVACH 1959 Italia. Education: 1989 Tagliatori di opali nel
     Museum, TW – Musée Arts Décoratifs, Paris, FR – SUNY,         laboratorio di famiglia; Opal cutters in the family. Workshop;
     New Paltz, US – Brooklyn Metal Works, NY, US. Workshop        2001 Avvio ricerca e sperimentazione sull’opale; Starting
     2014: École Joaillerie Montreal, CA. Guest Professor 2015:    research and experimentation with opal; 2006 Avvio AQA
     RISD, US. Exhibitions (selection): 2012 European Prize        contemporary opals; Starting AQA project. Exhibitions:
     Applied Arts, Mons, BE – 2013 MAD, Wear It or Not, NY, US –   1989/2009 Vicenzaoro; 2007/2012 Inhorgenta design
     Gardiner Museum, Bit of Clay, Toronto, CA – CODA Museum,      pavillon; 2008 Kara Paris 2013 AGC Ring Party Treviso; 2013
     Dare to Wear, Apeldoorn, NL – Beijing International Jewelry   Gioiello in arte Università Nobil Collegio Roma 2013 Venice
     Art Biennial, CN – Gallery RA, solo, Amsterdam, NL – 2014     Jewellery Week; 2013 Joya Barcelona; 2013 Onòff / Ring
     Montreal Museum Fine Arts, Bijoux Contemporains, CA –         Party – Premio Cisotto – Padova; 2014 Gioielli in Fermento
     World Jewellery Museum, New Ceramic Jewellery, Seoul,         Contest; 2014 Joya Barcelona; 2015 Galerie Slavik Vienna
     Korea – Gallery Guyomarc’h, solo, Montreal, CA – Gallery      – Cabinet of Jewellery Marvels; 2015 Gioielli in Fermento
     Loupe, solo, NJ, US – 2015 Collective, NY, US. Collections    Contest; 2015 Dialoghi AGC-JJDA. Awards: 2008 Coup
     (selection): MAD, NY, US – V&A, London, GB – Auckland         de coeur – Kara; 2013 Prima menzione onorevole Premio
     Museum, NZ – Montreal Museum Fine Arts, CA.                   Cisotto Onòff / Ring Party Padova; 2014 Menzione speciale
     Contact:                              AGC – Gioielli in Fermento
     Website:                                Contact:

Pag. 28. LITAL MENDEL 1979 Israel. Studies: Graduate,              Pag. 30. CORRADO DE MEO 1949, Livorno Italy. Studies:
jewelry design dep. Shenkar College of engineering and design      Sociology University, Florence. Work experience, several
MA. Selected Exhibitions: 2010 The 5th temporary jewelry           goldsmiths in Florence. Selected exhibitions, 2011/12. Solo
biennale: Sequences – Identities, Eretz Israel museum, Tel Aviv,   exhibition Gli Attimi Della Forma Numero 50 gallery Livorno
Israel. 2011 Schmuck, Munich; 2012 1st international biennale      I; Special Mention Azur Vilnius Lituania; Special Mention
of the arts, Minas cave house Pyrgos, Santorini, Greece. 2013      Gioiellinfermento Torre Fornello I; Filo Rosso Museum Modern
Suspended in Pink traveling exhibition: The Artium – the school    Art Ugo Carà Trieste I; 2013/14, Materiality Ame gallery Hong
of jewelry, Birmingham; Gabi Green studio, Munich, Heidi Lowe      Kong Cina; Suggestioni in metallo Vittoriano Roma I; Solo
Gallery Delaware USA, CIRCUITS BIJOUX, Paris, France. 2013         exhibition Les sonorités du couleurs Aghata Ruiz de la Prada,
2013 Beijing International Jewelry Art Biennial, Beijing Design    Paris; Formas y Colores Aghata Ruiz de la Prada, Madrid;
Week, Beijing, China. 2013 Itami International Contemporary        Sensitive Matter Meister und Margarita gallery, Frankfurt DE.
Jewelry Exhibition, The Museum of Arts & Crafts ITAMI, Itami,      Selection Exhibition: Suspendedinpink V&V gallery, Wien;
Japan. 2014 8th International Triennial of Paper, Musée de         Materiality JTour gallery Shanghay;2015 Special Mention
Charmey CH; 2014 Shanghai International Metalsmithing &            “Gioiellinfermento Torre Fornello I; OM.ìA Award Florence Public
Jewelry Art Exhibition, Shanghai, China. 2015 The jewelry          Collection, 2008 Museo degli Argenti, Firenze, Italy; Private
biennale, Eretz Israel museum, Tel Aviv, Israel. Publications:     Collection: 2013 Fondazione Cominelli; Pubblications: 2007
2011 Art Aure, Ringe aus Phantasien; 2012 Showcase 500             2015 Let’s Bake Art Art Jewellery Today 2 e 3 Shiffer; Gioiello
Rings, Lark publishing. 2013 Showcase 500 art necklaces, Lark      Contemporaneo Museo degli Argenti Palazzo Pitti 1 e 2 Sillabe;
publishing. 2014 I Love You Design Jewelry and Accessories,        Jewellery Scape Exhibition; Art jewellery Today Europe Shiffer.
DESIGNERBOOKS publishing.                                          Workshop, Giampaolo Babetto, Benjamin Lignel, Manuel Vilheda,
Contact: – Website:           Sharon Kransen.
Pag. 29. ISABELL SCHAUPP 1969 Germany 2003/07 studies              Website:
at the University of Applied Science and Art (HAWK) Hildesheim.
Awards: 2013 Honourable mention, Revolt 22nd International         Pag. 31. CLAUDE SCHMITZ 1972, living and working in
Jewellery Competition Legnica; 2008 Grassi Award Vienna/           Luxembourg. Studies: 1995/99 Koninklijke Academie voor
Leipzig; Innovation Award, Inhorgenta Munich; 2007 3fg award       Schone Kunsten Antwerpen; Metalwork and Jewellery, BA
HAWK Hildesheim. Public collections: Galerie Sztuki The Gallery    Hons, 1999/01 Royal College of Art, London; Goldsmithing,
of Art in Legnica; Fondazione Cominelli; Grassi Museum, Leipzig;   Silversmithing, Metalwork and Jewellery, MA; Solo
Museum August Kestner Hanover. Exhibitions (selection):            Exhibitions: Musée National d’Histoire et d’Art, Luxembourg
2013 Pushing boundaries chasing challenges, International          2001-Galerie Marzee, Nijmegen 2002-Galerie Orfèo,
contemporary Metal Art Exhibition World Art Museum Peking;         Luxembourg 2002/04/07/11/14 – Galeria Reverso, Lisbon
Kontrastreiche Begegnungen Gallery Slavik Vienna Austria           2003/06/08/12/14-Galerie Slavik, Vienna 2006; Klimt02
2012 European Prize for Applied Arts (2015/12/09) Mons             Gallery, Barcelona 2008 – Gallery Deux Poissons, Tokyo
Belgium; Collect Saatchi Gallery London (2012/11/10); 2011         2008 – Galerie Isabella Hund, Munich 2009. Selection of
European Triennale for Contemporary Jewellery Belgium; Danner      group exhibitions: Amsterdam, Antwerp, Barcelona, Brussels,
– Prize Museum Villa Stuck Munich; Silbertiennale Hanau.           Budapest, Chicago, Dubai, Düsseldorf, Leipzig, Lisbon, London,
2010 Sonderschau Schmuck 2010 IHM Munich; 2009 Itami               Luxembourg, Montreal, Munich, Nijmegen, Norwich, New York,
international craft exhibition Museum of Arts and Crafts Itami     Palo Alto, San Francisco, Sofia, The Hague, Tokyo, Vienna.
Japan; Intimacy New Traditional Jewellery CODA Museum              Lectures: Lisbon, Luxembourg, Porto, Tokyo. Collections:
Apeldoorn Netherlands; 2008 Transformation Gallery Funaki          British Museum, London – Ministry of Culture, Luxembourg –
Melbourne Australia.                                               Musée National d’Histoire et d’Art, Luxembourg – Royal College
Contact:                                   of Art, London – Royal Mint (UK). Awards: 2015 Design Awards
Website:                                    Luxembourg, Gold Award.
                                                                   Contact: – Website:         67
Pag. 32. NICOLA HEIDEMANN 1965 Munich, Germany. Study:           Pag. 34. CLAUDIA STEINER 1969 Vienna, Austria. Studies:
     High School Gymnasium Pullach, Dante Gymnasium München,          2013 Summeracademy Salzburg (L.Sarneel), 2009/10
     Adalbert Stifter Gymnasium Passau until 1984. Studies:           Workshopseminars Akademie für Gestaltung Munich (Erico
     since 1985 exclusively selfeducated in own studio. Research      Nagai, H.Britton, S.Marchetti), 2003/04 Goldsmithacademy
     and experiment in different technologies autodidactically.       Vienna. Selected Exhibitions: 2015 Premio Mario Pinton-
     Engagement with painting, drawing, photography. Work as          Padua, Dialogue-Japan and Italy, Alliages Permanent-Lille, Joya-
     a camera assistant in documentaries, certain travels around      Barcelona. 2014 Gioielli in Fermento-Italy and Barcelona, Amber
     the world with that job. Photocomposing camera operator.         conceptual art jewellery-Gallery Putti, Riga. 2013 Schmuckwege-
     Lighting design and technic for cultural music and theater       Galerie BiroJunior, Munich, Portraits&Poses-Galerie V&V, Vienna,
     events. Selection exhibitions: Galerie Unikat, Passau D; 1989    Int. Jewelry Art Biennial–Beijing, China. 2012 Blooming Art-
     Galerie Weidan, Schärding A; 1989 Galerie Am Alten Rathaus,      Sterling Galeria, Budapest. 2010/11 Gegenwärtig/Eligiusaward-
     Regensburg D; 1999 Galerie Artefakt, München D; 1998 Isabella    Traklhaus, Salzburg and Museum for AppliedArts, Vienna.
     Muschalik, München D; 1997 Galerie alpha ,Würzburg D; 1999       Awards: 2015 Premio Mario Pinton II-Mention for Merit. 2014
     Autrum Gallery London GB; 2001 Julia Beusch, Oxford GB; 1997     Premio Gioielli in Fermento-Klimt02/AGC Prize. Publications:
     Inhorgenta D; 2005 Galerie Kurzendörfer, Pilsach D since 2005;   500gems-Lark Books, Contemporary Jewellery Yearbook 2012,
     Galerie Orfeo, Köln D; 2005 Galerie Slavik, Wien A since 2012.   Art Jewellery Europe-Schiffer Books, Exhibition Catalogues/
     Contact:                                 Books-Gioiello in Arte, Portraits & Poses, Int. Jewelry Art Biennial
     Website:                                  Beijing, Amber conceptual art Jewellery.
                                                                      Contact: – atelier_schmuckstelle, A-1040
     Pag. 33. SILKE TREKEL 1969 Rostock, Germany. Studies:            Vienna, Frankenberggasse 11, – Website:
     1991/98 Study of Jewellery with Prof. D.Prühl at Burg
     Giebichenstein University Art Design Halle; 1994/95 LASALLE      Pag. 35. NICOLE BECK 1973 Germany. Education: 1999
     College Arts, Singapore. Work Experience: 2004 Visiting artist   professional qualification as a dental engineer, Munich; 2002
     at the Royal College Art London (Masterclass); 2012 Lecture      professional qualification as a goldsmith, Berufsfachschule
     Legnica SILVER Festival (P). Selected Exhibitions: 2015          Neugablonz/Kaufbeuren, Germany. Studies: 2007 professional
     Émail Surfaces Vitreuses, Galerie Viceversa, Lausanne; 2015      qualification Diploma for jewellery and everyday objects, HFG
     Premio Internazionale Mario Pinton, Padua; Gioiello d'Autore     Pforzheim, Germany; 2014 professional qualification Diploma,
     a Montagnana; 2014 Farbe im Spiel, Galerie Eva Maisch,           Academy of Fine Arts Munich, jewellery class, Prof. Otto Künzli,
     Würzburg; Schmuck 2013, IHM Munich; Play of Form& Color          Germany; 2012 appointed as master student of Prof. Otto Künzli.
     New directions in enamel jewelry Deutsches Goldschmiedehaus      Selected Exhibitions: 2012 slanted for granted, Showroom
     Hanau. Awards: 2010 International working scholarship for        Baumeister, Munich, Germany; 2013 Revolt, Gallery of Art,
     artists, International Studio & Curatorial Program (ISCP) New    Legnica, Poland; 2014 Schmuck 2014, International Trade Fair
     York; 2010 Special mention Premio Fondazione Cominelli, Cisano   Munich; Munich-London-Tokyo, Historische Aula, Academy
     San Felice/Benaco; 2013 Grassi Award of Gallery Slavik Vienna/   of Fine Arts, Munich; Cross Lines, Gallery Hole In The Wall,
     GRASSI Museum für Angewandte Kunst Leipzig; 2014 First           Tokyo, Japan; Danner Preis, Schloss Johannisburg, Germany;
     Prize Premio Fondazione Cominelli, Cisano San Felice/Benaco.     International Graduation Show, Gallery Marzee, Nijmegen,
     Works in public collection: The Olnick Spanu Collection NYC;     Netherlands; 2015 Schmuck 2015, International Trade Fair
     Marzee Collection Nijmegen; Museum of Arts and Design NYC;       Munich; Beloved Straingers, Atelier Sunkler, Munich. Work in
     V&A Museum London.                                               Public Colletions: Marzee Collection, Nijmegen, Netherlands;
     Contact:                                         Alice and Louis Koch Collection. Publications: Schmuck 2014,
     Website:                                     IHM Munich; The Home of Jewellery, Catalog, Munich; Schmuck
     Photo: Christoph Sandig                                          2015, IHM Munich.

Pag. 36. YU HIRAISHI 1948, living & working Tokyo Japan.              Pag. 39. SÉBASTIEN CARRÉ 1989 FRANCE. Studies:
Study: 1966-1970 Musashino Art University: Craft course Metal.        2014-2009: MA & Bachelor in Art at HEAR Strasbourg
Work Experience: Sculptor & Jeweler. Selected Exhibitions:            Major in Jewellery. Work experience: 2015 curator –
2014-15 New Traditional Jewelry, SIERAAD ART FAIR: Museum             TRANSMISSION at Studio 411 Galerie – Awards 2015:
Arnhem Amsterdam-2014 Metalsmithing & JewelryArt Exhibition           Young Creation Awards by Ateliers d'Art de France / Gioielli
Shanghai-2014 The second International Biennial of Contemporary       in Fermento – Torre Fornello Awards. Selected Exhibitions:
Metal Art Metallophone Lithuania-2014/2013 Premio Fondazione          2015-European Price for Applied Art & Omnia Vanitas by
Cominelli Italy-2014 Des Bijoux Contemporains Hors du Commun/         World Craft Council Bf, Mons – JOYA International Art
Remarkable Contemporary Jewelry Lab Design Musee des beaux            Jewelry Fair, Barcelona – Révélations, International Fair for
artsde Montreal Canada-2013 The General Regulation in Beijin          Applied Art, Paris – Noire Comme Basalte, curation Jean-
International Jewelry Biennial China-2013 Shumuck International       Yves Le Mignot, Galerie de la Perle Noire, Agde – Autor 13,
Trade Fair Munich-2013 Legnica Festival Poland-2012 Beauty            International Contemporary Jewelry Fair, Bucharest – Gioielli
in All Things: Japanese Art and Designs MAD Museum N.Y-               in Fermento”, Torre Fornello Vineyard – Talente 2015,
2012 Affordable Art Fair Singapore; 2008 Elegant Armor:               International Handwerksmesse, Munich – Permanent 2015 &
the art of jewelry MAD Museum N.Y-2005-2008 SOFA New                  The Parallel Worlds Alliages galerie, Lille. Solo Exhibition:
York-2006-2008 SOFA Chicago The DAVID Collection. Award:              Perception, 2014 Studio 411 Galerie, Montpellier. Collection:
2013 ENJOIA’TA-FAD Primer Fainalista Professional Prize               Torre Fornello & private collections. Publications: The
Barcelona. Collections: 2005 Museum Arts and Design N.Y-              Contemporary Jewelry Exchange 2014 & 2015 by Olga Raben
2013 Contemporary Jewellery Collection Cominelli Foundation           – 500 New Necklace, promopress by Nicolas Estrada 2016
S.Felice d/B. Publications: 2013 Showcase500ArtNecklaces:             Contact:
LarkJewelry&Beading USA.                                              Website:
                                                                      Pag. 40. MARION DEL ARUE 1986 France. Studies:
Pag. 37. MAKOTO HIEDA 1955 Tokyo Japan. Studies: 1977                 2011 National Superior Fine Art Certificate, Contemporary
Graduated from Musashino Arts Junior College, Majored in              Jewellery department, HEAR, France. Selected Exhibitions:
Industrisl Arts Prof: Yasuhiko Hishida; 1979 Minato Nakamura          2015 Emerge/Evolve, Bellevue Art Museum, USA; 59th
Exhibitions: 1984/88 Fridrich Wilhelm Mular Contest Germany.          Faenza Prize, The International Museum of Ceramics, Italy;
1987: Hanau International Jewelry Exhibition(Germany)                 European Glass Experience, Murano Glass Museum, Italy;
1999/001: The World Competition of Arts&Crafts Kanazawa               2014 A Bit of Clay on the Skin: New Ceramic Jewellery,
Japan; 2003: SOFA Chicago USA; 2004: SOFA New York USA;               World Jewellery Museum, South Korea; European Triennial
2009 The 6th Cheongio International Crafts Competition Korea;         of Contemporary Jewellery, Anciens abattoirs, Belgium;
2010/2013 Premio per il gioiello Comtemporaneo Fondazione             Coburg Prize for Contemporary Glass, European Museum
Cominelli Italy; 2013 SCHMUCK Germany; 2014 Friedrich                 of Modern Glass, Germany; 2013 In the Line of Sight,
Becker Prize; 2014 Fainalist Germany. Awards: 1996/1998 The           scenes of Contemporary Jewelry in France, Museum of
Jewerly Art Competition – Fine works prize Japan; 2000 Craft          Decorative Arts, France; Challenge & Innovation of Ceramics,
Competition in TAKAOKA – Honorable mention Japan; 2010                Futo Museum, China; A bit of Clay on the Skin, Gardiner
Japan Jewerly Art Competition Award for Encouragement Japan;          Museum, Canada. Collection: Museum of Decorative Arts,
2012 Japan Craf t Exhibition – Excellent award Japan; 2013 2nd        France. Publications: New Necklaces, Promopress, Spain;
prize Premio per il gioiello Contemporaneo Fondazione Cominelli       Aesthetica Art Prize Anthology, Aesthetica Publishing, UK;
CisanoS.Felice/B Italy 2015 Dialoghi Exhibition JJDA&AGC              1000 Beads, Lark Crafts, USA.
Istituto Cultura Italiano Tokyo. Collection: Cominelli Fonundation.   Contact:
Contact:                                  Website:

Pag. 38. HEEJIN LEE 1985 Korea. Studies: 2015 Master of        Pag. 42. NOBUKO NISHIWAKI 1954 Tokyo, Japan. Studies:
     Fine Art, Metalwork and Jewelry, Kookmin University, Seoul,    1976 Graduated ShirayuriWomen’sUniversity, Japanese;
     Korea. Selected Exhibition: 2014 Craft Trend Fair – COEX,      literature course. Akasaka jewelry studio. Work experiences:
     Seoul 2014 Graduate Thesis Exhibition – Johyung Gallery,       1994 Instructor at jewelry making class Asahi Culture Center
     Kookmin University, Seoul 2012 Alchemists Exhibition –         Yokohama. 2001/06 Created for memorial pendant of – Honda
     ‘Mythology of Material’ – KCDF, Seoul.                         Prize-by Honda Foundation. Selected Exhibition: 1984 William
     Contact:                                  Muller Contest-Phantastishe figuration-. 85 Pforzheim Jewelry
     Website:                                     Museum-Fur kopt & Haar; 1988 Japan Jewelry Art Competition
                                                                    (2008); 1990 Gold &silver Schmidekunst Trust Contest –
     Pag. 45. YO JAE LEE 1976 Republic of Korea. Studies:           Signaturen; 1992/94 Paris Bijourcha; 2001 British Council
     2015 M.F.A. Graduate School of Kookmin University Seoul,       Contemporary Japanese Jewellery UK.; 2003 Japanese Jewelry
     Korea. Exhibitions: 2012 Alchemists, Mythology of material,    &Hollow wear – Mobilia gallery, USA; 2007 Japan Jewelry
     KCDF Gallery Seoul, Korea; 2014 Craft Trend Fair, C.O.E.X      designer’s Exhibition-(01/12) Tokyo. 2015 Dialoghi Exhibition
     Seoul, Korea; Awards: 2011 International Jewelry Design        JJDA&AGC. Solo Exhibition: 1997/14 Tokyo. Awards: Fine
     Competiton Real Sector, Selected, Seoul, Korea; 2015 Taiwan    Work Awards; 1982 The Mainichi Modern Jewelry Contest;
     International Metal Craft Competition Jewelry Sector, Silver   1987 International Pearl Design Contest;1992 Japan Jewelry Art
     Prize New Taipei City, Taiwan. Collections: 2015 Gold Museum   Competition Design Award; 1987 The Mainichi Modern Jewelry
     of New Taipei city, Taiwan.                                    Contest. Collection: Kestner Museum, Germany; 1996/97 Gold
     Contacts:                                   Trend Book World Gold Council.
     Website:                                      Contact:

     Pag. 41. NAHOKO FUJIMOTO 1959 Osaka Japan. Studies:            Pag. 43. AGNIESZKA KIERSZTAN Polonia. Selezione Mostre:
     Graduated from Kansai Women’s Art College Metal Craft &        2015P-art-Y Spazio Corrosivo Polonia Suprasl Ogrod sztuki;
     Jewellery class; Work Experience: Designer of company          Senato Federale Del Brasile Brasilia; Palazzo Parente Aversa,
     1979/84 1998/2007 Maruzen Hosyoku Co.Ltd. Selected             RETROPAGINA\2; 2014 Fuorisalone Frammenti sul gioiello
     Exhibitions: 1982/86 International Jewellery Art Exhibition    contemporaneo Milano; Affordable Art Fair Milano; 2013
     1997/98/99/01/02/04/05/06/07/08/09 Asahi Craft Exhibition      Evoluta Arte gallery Caserta; Dialoghi incantati: spille in
     – 2000/02/04/10 Japan Jewellery Art Competition – 2008         omaggio a Verona; Le gioie dell’arte e del palato; Sculture da
     Japan Crafts Exhibition – 2013 Cominelli Foundation;           indossare Unusual Art Gallery Caserta; 2012 Gioielloinarte Roma;
     Collective Exhibitions: 1989 World Design Expo in Nagoya       Emozioni preziose Rovereto; Saragozza Jewelry Giès; Gioiello
     – 2005 Contemporary Jewellery From Japan Object Gallery        contemporaneo Yerbook; 2012-2013 Espaijoia Barcellona; Arte
     Sydney – International Paper Jewellery Scottish Gallery        e scienza Belvedere di San Leucio; Microcosmi preziosi gioielli
     Edinburgh; 2009 Collect 2009 London UK – 2010 Japan China      contemporanei Roma; 2011-MACEF Design novità; Seven
     Korea Contemporary Art Exhibition Nara JP – 2012 Metal         accidia, Villa Vannucchi,San Giorgio a Cremano; 18 donne per
     Element of four Countries Seoul Korea. Solo Exhibitions:       tutte le donne-collettiva d’arte, Casagiove; Murales Scrivere il
     2005 Gallery Oukan Kobe JP – 2012 Gallery Sara Aichi JP.       mare Diamante; 2010 Démos – Casertavecchia, Arte popolare,
     Award: 2006 Excellent Prize Japan Jewellery Art Competition    una fonte per il contemporaneo; Seven, Villa Vannucchi, San
     Collection: 2009/2012 The Alice and Louis Koch Collection      Giorgio a Cremano; Mitra, Museo Archeologico Santa Maria
     – 2014 Olnick-Spanu Collection. 2015 National Museum of        Capua Vetere; Domitiafrica-Museo Archeologico Mondragone;
     Scotland.                                                      2009 H1N, Spazio Corrosivo, Marcianise; Terra di lavoro senza
     Contact:                          identità, Spazio corrosivo Marcianise; Tempus stellae, Caserta;
                                                                    Segni di pace, Reggia di Caserta.

Pag. 44. BABETTE VON DOHNANYI 1966, living & working              Pag. 46. ALEJANDRA SOLAR 1975 Mexico. Education:
in Florence/Hamburg. Studies: 1998 Diploma goldsmithing;          2014 MFA University of Applied Sciences Trier/ Idar-Oberstein
Bino Bini, casting stones Florence; 1990/93 Final degree;         DE. 2008 Jewellery Art, Escola Massana Barcelona ES.
Gesellenbrief Silversmith Neugablonz De. Since 1994 Studio.       2003 Jewellery and Metals, University of Oregon USA.
Workshop. Seminar: 1995 Kirchner; 1995 Nagai, 1998                2000 BFA Graphic Design UIC MX. Awards: 2014 New
Babetto; 2002 Seidenath; 2014 R.Peters Face Now; 2015 P.          Traditional Jewellery Award, Amsterdam NL; 2006 Design prize
Sajet Please no Diamonds Today. Selected exhibitions: 2008        Jewellers of Catalunya, Barcelona ES. Work in Collections:
Gallery Bagnai Outsider Florence; 2011Tosco/Veneto Casa           Schmuckmuseum Pforzheim. Exhibitions: 2015 Omnia
Camilla G.Babetto Arquà Petrarca; 2012 Brigitte Berndt Wharton    Vanitas WCC-BF Gallery Mons BE; Collective Design Fair with
Esherick; Museum Competition Wood USA – 2013 Suspended-ed         Ornamentum Gallery, NY USA – Galerie Orfèo Luxembourg; Aire
in pink 2014 Earrings Show Guyomarch,Velvet da Vinci; 2014        Negro, Markus Müller, Munich DE; Debut im Schmuckmuseum
Metalophone AV17. Exhibitions Galleries.Solo Exhibition:          Pforzheim, Germany DE; 2014 Confrontations NTJ, Sieraad Art
Munich; 2012 Messure and Numbers Schlegelschmuck; 2013            Fair, Amsterdam NL; LOOT, MAD, NY USA; Marzee Graduate
Geometria Volatile Saffeels; 2014 Synthesis Saffeels; 2015        Show, Nijmegen NL; Premio Fondazione Cominelli IT; La
Equilibrium Saffeels; Competition: 2011/12/14/15 Gallery          Frontera, Velvet Da Vinci USA; 2013 Think Twice, Estonian
Legnica; Competition Sexy, RituaL,Classic, Bounderies; 2013       Museum of Applied Art, Tallin EE/Bellevue Museum of Arts
Fondazione Cominelli; 2014 Between the Layers Mineralart          Seattle USA; 2012 New Nomads NTJ, Sieraad Art Fair,
Idar Oberstein; 2014 Gioeilli in Fermento; 2014 Fondazione        Amsterdam NL; Schmuck 2011 IHK Handwerkmesse Munich DE
Cominelli Schmuck Fairs, Inhorgenta, Sierraad, Grassi, MK&G       Contact:
Hamburg. Awards: 1997 Fair Florence 1Price 2012/13 Modern         Website:
Jewellery Collection Art Aurea DE; 2014 Fondazione Cominelli
Special Mention. Pressrelease/books: GZ; Larkbooks, Amarillo,     Pag. 48. JESSICA TURRELL 1964 Living and working in Bristol
Thames&Hudson, Darling Publication, Daab, Laurence King           UK. Education: 1988 Jewellery Degree, Central St Martins
Publishing LTD.                                                   London. 2007 MA Multidisciplinary Printmaking UWE Bristol.
                                                                  Work Experience: Since 1988, Jewellery Tutor, Bristol School
Pag. 47. ELISABETH HABIG 1989 Austria. Studies: 2015              of Art. Since 2009 Visiting Enamel Tutor Edinburgh College of
graduate degree theatre film/media/science university Vienna,     Art. 2007-2010 AHRC Research Fellow in Enamel UWE Bristol.
2013 jewellery and design diploma “Herbststraße” Vienna, 2012     Selected Exhibitions: 2015 – Schmuck, Munich. Silence
workshop with Lin Cheung Salzburg; 2008 A-level specialised in    Please Galerie Noel Guyomarch Montreal. 2014 – COLLECT
millinery fashion school of Vienna. Work experience: since 2013   Saatchi Gallery London. Farbe im Spiel Eva Maisch Schmuck
goldsmith at Schmuckatelier Alja 9er. Selected Exhibitions:       Würzburg. 2013 Premio Fondazione Cominelli, Italy. Play of
2015 Autor-contemporary jewellery fair; 2014 New Traditional      Form and Colour New Directions in Enamelled Jewellery The
Jewellery Sieraad Jewellery Art Fair; 2012 nous viola – group     Deutsches Goldschmiedehaus Hanau. Jessica Turrell and
exhibition Gallery V&V Vienna.Solo exhibition at Bretz Austria;   Chrisja Tritschler Schmuckgalerie tal 20 Munich. Beneath the
2011 “again” Group exhibition: Gallery Menotti Baden. Awards:     Skin Galerie Marzee The Netherlands. Enamel – A Renaissance
2014 nomination for the New Traditionel Jewellery competition,    Galerie Handwerk Munich. 2011/12 Surface and Substance
recognition price for the 26. Deutschen Nachwuchswettbewerb       Part 1 Electrum London Part 2 CAA London Ruthin Craft
für Edel – und Schmuckgestaltung Idar-Oberstein 2014; 2010        Centre Wales. 2011 Beneath the Skin Sheffield Institute of
third price fort he competition Juvenarta. Publications: 2013     Arts Gallery Sheffield. 2010 New Traditional Jewellery True
Gemvision 2014-Trend book from Swarovski.                         Colours, SIERAAD.
Contact:                                   Contact:
Website:                                   Website:

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